Unit 5 Book 2 NHCE 学院07教改 班 I.Teaching Material SectionA Section B Stop Spoiling Your Children II.Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes KI Grasp the main idea and the organization of the text, (To Know) K2 Comprehend involved sentences or/sentence patterns K3 Master the reading skill of understanding figurative language K4Master the key langu points ad grammatical sructures in the te DI Improve reading by understanding figurative language (To Do) D2 Develop critical thinking by discussing how spoiling children is harmful D4 Learn approaches to communication D5 Form the habit of self-reflecting on and independently analyzing and unomousain inend In terms of learning itself.For example: (To Be) BI Develop Ss'interests in the common problem of spoiling children in china and foreign countries B2 Enable Ss toenjoy their accomplishments in team work them conduct a survey about the problem of spoiling children in the community Or In terms of developing morals,values and ethics depends on the topic concerned. BI Be more concerned with social issues such as the education of children.the relationship between parents and children,and the problems with the younger generation,etc. B2 Enhance Ss'social-consciousness and social responsibility B3 Cultivate students'sense of independence and freedom from their own parents'spoiling. III Time allotment period 2-3 periods 4period periods Detailed study of SectionA Consolidation&development Section B&assessment
Unit 5 Book 2 NHCE _学院 _07_教改 _班 I. Teaching Material Section A Section B Stop Spoiling Your Children II. Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes (To Know) K1 Grasp the main idea and the organization of the text; K2 Comprehend involved sentences or /sentence patterns K3 Master the reading skill of understanding figurative language K4 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text (To Do) D1 Improve reading by understanding figurative language. D2 Develop critical thinking by discussing how spoiling children is harmful. D4 Learn approaches to communication D5 Form the habit of self-reflecting on and independently analyzing and tacking problems in ELL D6 Develop autonomous learning ability via on-line and off-line study (To Be) In terms of learning itself. For example: B1 Develop Ss’ interests in the common problem of spoiling children in china and foreign countries. B2 Enable Ss to enjoy their accomplishments in team work; encourage them to conduct a survey about the problem of spoiling children in the community. Or In terms of developing morals, values and ethics depends on the topic concerned. B1 Be more concerned with social issues such as the education of children, the relationship between parents and children, and the problems with the younger generation, etc. B2 Enhance Ss’social-consciousness and social responsibility B3 Cultivate students’ sense of independence and freedom from their own parents’ spoiling. III Time allotment 1 s1 period 2-3 periods 4 th period 5 th &6th periods Preparation Detailed study of Section A Consolidation & development Section B & assessment
V Teaching Process Step 1 Warming up This step aims at getting Ss ready for the topic of spoiling children. Discussion: Situation 1:In a recent questionnaire from the city of Ha'erbin,experts found among 429 pupils. are spoiling their children.What do you think the reasons why so many parents spoil their children? Path of thinking: Parents want to give their only children the best. With the high divoree rate.many single parents want to do more for their children to or them. Smary:In most of the families,there is the only child.Therefore,parents want to do al they can to satisfy their children.For some parents,they didn't lead a happy and prosperous life when they were young so they believe their children should live better than themselves many parents are busy with their work so that they don't have enough time to be with thei .Maybe yin a go ke up them.They don't knw theyare the high divorce rate in the society,more and more single-parent families appear.Those single parents have great sympathy for their children.On the other hand,many disabled children are spoiled because of the sympathy from their parents,too Situation2:More and more parents pour all their love energy and money to their children However,too much love is converted into spoiling.Spoiling children has become a serious social problem.What are the bad effects of spoiling children? Path of thinking: Make children become selfish and self-centered. ÷Make children unable to d nething. Make children not respect others. Make children not good at communicating with others Make children not popular with others. Situation 3:On one hand,many parer nts are spoiling their children,on the other hand there are many parents believe beatingcan their.Wha are the right attitudes to educating children' Path of thinking: Give emphasis to the morality and personality education.leading children to take part in more social and public welfar Take abalance between praise and punishment Parents should set good examples for children. Step 2 Detailed study of Section B This step aims at improving Ss'reading ability by practicing Skimming ScanningSkipping
V Teaching Process Step 1 Warming up This step aims at getting Ss ready for the topic of spoiling children. Discussion: Situation 1: In a recent questionnaire from the city of Ha’erbin, experts found among 429 pupils, only 13% of them can take a bath by themselves. And 70% of all parents questioned admit they are spoiling their children. What do you think the reasons why so many parents spoil their children? Path of thinking: ❖ Parents want to give their only children the best. ❖ With the high divorce rate, many single parents want to do more for their children to compensate for them. ❖ Summary: In most of the families, there is the only child. Therefore, parents want to do all they can to satisfy their children. For some parents, they didn’t lead a happy and prosperous life when they were young, so they believe their children should live better than themselves. Many parents are busy with their work so that they don’t have enough time to be with their children. Maybe buying toys endlessly is a good way to make up for them. They don’t know they are spoiling their children subconsciously. With the high divorce rate in the society, more and more single-parent families appear. Those single parents have great sympathy for their children. On the other hand, many disabled children are spoiled because of the sympathy from their parents, too. Situation 2: More and more parents pour all their love, energy and money to their children. However, too much love is converted into spoiling. Spoiling children has become a serious social problem. What are the bad effects of spoiling children? Path of thinking: ❖ Make children become selfish and self-centered. ❖ Make children unable to do something. ❖ Make children not respect others. ❖ Make children not good at communicating with others. ❖ Make children not popular with others. ❖ . Situation 3: On one hand, many parents are spoiling their children, on the other hand, there are many parents believe beating can help educate their children to become a somebody. What are the right attitudes to educating children? Path of thinking: ❖ Give emphasis to the morality and personality education, leading children to take part in more social and public welfare activities. ❖ Take a balance between praise and punishment. ❖ Parents should set good examples for children. ❖ . Step 2 Detailed study of Section B This step aims at improving Ss’ reading ability by practicing Skimming, Scanning & Skipping
analyzing text structure and getting to know the major writing device adopted in the passage. PartI(Paras.1-2 Que 1.what is the main idea of this part? Introduce the topic:too many children are spoiled by their parents'generosity 2.What does the writer find while traveling for various speaking appointments? many tovs be packed with clothes be harmfl to children.take their parents'genersity for Sample Answers While traveling for various speaking appointments,I frequently stay overnight in the home of a family and am assigned to one of the children's bedrooms.In it,I often find so many toys that there's almost no room-even for my small lavatory or toilet kit.And the closet is usually families not ony do children com to take ther parentsgenerosity fo ganted,b also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children Language points: 1.spoil. read the and tell the different meanings ofthe word -The little girl is terribly spoiled,her parents give her everything she asks for. (harm the character of (esp.a child)by lack of strictmess or too much generosity attention. -The bad news has spoiled my day.(destroy the value.quality or pleasure of ruin) -The cake will pol if you don't keep it in the fridge. ((offood.etc)become bad or unfit to be used.eaten.etc.) 【搭配】Spare the rod and spoil the child 省了棍子,坏了孩子。(谚)孩子不打不成器。 2.assign y 【搭配】assign sb sth 给某人分配 assign sb to sth 指派某人到 assign sbto d0sh指派某人做assign.as 指定.为 assignment n. Please make sentences with these collocations Examples: They assigned me a small room Thev've assigned their best man to the job. I've been assigned to interview the children Shall we assign Thursday as our weekly meetings? 3.Tendency Meaning:ay a personor thing is likely to be or behave趋向,领 direction for sth.to happen趋势 【搭配】 there is a tendency(for somebody)to do sth某人有做-的倾向 (have)a tendency to/toward sth向.的趋势/倾向
analyzing text structure and getting to know the major writing device adopted in the passage. Part I (Paras.1-2): Questions: 1. what is the main idea of this part? Introduce the topic: too many children are spoiled by their parents’ generosity. 2.What does the writer find while traveling for various speaking appointments? many toys, be packed with clothes, be harmful to children, take their parents’ generosity for granted Sample Answers While traveling for various speaking appointments, I frequently stay overnight in the home of a family and am assigned to one of the children's bedrooms. In it, I often find so many toys that there’s almost no room– even for my small lavatory or toilet kit. And the closet is usually so tightly packed with clothes that I can barely squeeze in my jacket. I think in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents’ generosity for granted, but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children. Language points: 1. spoil. v. Please read the following sentences and tell the different meanings of the word. -The little girl is terribly spoiled; her parents give her everything she asks for. (harm the character of (esp. a child) by lack of strictness or too much generosity, attention, praise, etc) -The bad news has spoiled my day. (destroy the value, quality or pleasure of; ruin) -The cake will spoil if you don’t keep it in the fridge. ( (of food, etc) become bad or unfit to be used, eaten, etc.) 【搭配】Spare the rod and spoil the child. 省了棍子,坏了孩子。(谚)孩子不打不成器。 2. assign v. 【搭配】assign sb sth 给某人分配······ assign sb to sth 指派某人到······ assign sb to do sth 指派某人做······ assign. as 指定······为 assignment n. Please make sentences with these collocations. Examples: They assigned me a small room. They’ve assigned their best man to the job. I’ve been assigned to interview the children. Shall we assign Thursday as our weekly meetings? 3. Tendency Meaning: way a person or thing is likely to be or behave 趋向,倾向 direction for sth. to happen 趋势 【搭配】 there is a tendency (for somebody)to do sth 某人有做······的倾向 (have) a tendency to/ toward sth 向······的趋势/倾向
【例句】 He has a tendency to speak loud 他一向喜欢大声嚷嚷 Prices continue to show an upward tendency 物价呈现继续上升的趋势。 4.take sth for granted Meaning:认为理所当然 Please transate the following sentences He is indifferent to his family members,taking their care for him for granted,(视他们对他的关心 为理所当然). Don't take his help for granted(别把他对你的帮助視为理所当然).He helps you because he regards you as a friend. Part II (Paras3-6) Questions 1.what's the topic sentence ofthis part? Para 3 2.In part the author analyze the easons for parents to spoil their children.They are 1 of a sense of2业 2)they want their children to have everything they had while growing up.along with those things they pined for but didn t get 3)parents are unable to stand up to their children's unreasonable demands Language points: 1.accommodation n. Meaning:)C]convenient arrangement.the settling of a disagreement和解,调解 If labor and management don't reach an accommodation there will be a strike. 如果劳资双方不能达成妥协,就会发生罢工。 2)[pLl oms)and board腾宿 The socicty ons for the meeting. 协会为参加会议的人提供食宿。 2.compensate r Meaning:make up for补偿,暗倍 【搭配】compe sate (sb)for sth Make Her intelligence compensates for her lack of experience 她的聪明才智弥补了经验不足。 3.pine for Meaning:look forward to 4.infer What's the noun form of the word? nference How to express从.推断出? infer sth from sth
【例句】 – He has a tendency to speak loud. 他一向喜欢大声嚷嚷。 – Prices continue to show an upward tendency. 物价呈现继续上升的趋势。 4. take sth for granted Meaning: 认为.理所当然 Please translate the following sentences: He is indifferent to his family members, taking their care for him for granted. (视他们对他的关心 为理所当然). Don’t take his help for granted.(别把他对你的帮助视为理所当然). He helps you because he regards you as a friend. Part II (Paras.3-6): Questions: 1. what’s the topic sentence of this part? Para. 3 2. In part two, the author analyze the reasons for parents to spoil their children. They are: 1) parents spoil their children out of a sense of guilt. 2) they want their children to have everything they had while growing up, along with those things they pined for but didn’t get 3) parents are unable to stand up to their children’s unreasonable demands. Language points: 1. accommodation n. Meaning :1) [C] convenient arrangement; the settling of a disagreement 和解,调解 If labor and management don't reach an accommodation there will be a strike. 如果劳资双方不能达成妥协,就会发生罢工。 2) [pl.] room(s) and board 膳宿 The society provides accommodations for the meeting. 协会为参加会议的人提供食宿。 2. compensate v. Meaning: make up for 补偿,赔偿 【搭配】compensate (sb) for sth Make a sentence with it. Her intelligence compensates for her lack of experience. 她的聪明才智弥补了经验不足。 3. pine for Meaning: look forward to 4. infer v. What’s the noun form of the word? inference How to express 从.推断出? infer sth from sth
Make sentences with it. from your remarks that you think I am a liar 从你的话中我推断出你认为我总是说谎。 5.stand up to Meaning 勇敢地面对 【例句】当你想升职的时候,为什么不敢当面对老板说呢? Why don't you stand up to your boss when you want to get promoted? 2)not be changed or damaged by经受得起 【例句】Will the lorries stand po the journey over rough roads? 货车能经得起这颠赣不平的路途吗? 【练习】他们的推论经不起仔细推敲 Their reasoning won't stand up to detailed criticism. PartⅢ(Paras.7-8): Questions. What's the main idea in Part Three? The writer provides the reasons for protest against spoiling children. Language points: 1.sensitive Meaning 2)affected greatly or easily by sth )敏感 3)easily offended易于被目犯的,情绪容易波动的 Read the following sentences and tell what the word sensitive means 1).She was very sensitive to criticism.() 2).We are. 3)Some people's teeth are highly to cold.2) Give its derivative words ensitivity.敏感,灵敏(度),灵敏性 nsensitive a对.不敏感的,感觉迟钟的 【辨析】sensible and sensitive sensible 有判断力的,明智的: 2es shildren,conversely,will push further,unconscjously hopingt hard,they will force their parents into setting limitations.(135-36) 【释义】.these children,.on the other hand,will urge their parents to buy them more,.hoping without being aware that if they put too much pressure on their parents,they will force them to set limits 【结构】hoping 是现在分词短语作状语,后面that引导其宾语从句,从句又是一个主从复 合句,f引导条件状语从句。 【例句】The little girl thought if she prayed every night,the war would end and her Dad would be hack soon
Make sentences with it. – We could infer a motive from an effect. 我们可以从结果推知动机。 – I inferred from your remarks that you think I am a liar. 从你的话中我推断出你认为我总是说谎。 5. stand up to Meaning: 1)meet or face bravely; be against without fear 勇敢地面对 【例句】当你想升职的时候,为什么不敢当面对老板说呢? Why don't you stand up to your boss when you want to get promoted? 2) not be changed or damaged by 经受得起 【例句】Will the lorries stand up to the journey over rough roads? 货车能经得起这颠簸不平的路途吗? 【练习】他们的推论经不起仔细推敲。 – Their reasoning won’t stand up to detailed criticism. Part III (Paras.7-8): Questions: What’s the main idea in Part Three? The writer provides the reasons for protest against spoiling children. Language points: 1. sensitive Meaning: .1) having or showing sympathy or understanding感觉敏锐的,同情理解的 2) affected greatly or easily by sth (对.) 敏感 3) easily offended 易于被冒犯的,情绪容易波动的 Read the following sentences and tell what the word sensitive means. 1). She was very sensitive to criticism. (3) 2).We are sensitive to the needs and expectations of our customer (1) 3) Some people’s teeth are highly sensitive to cold. (2) Give its derivative words: sensitivity n. 敏感,灵敏(度),灵敏性 insensitive a. 对······不敏感的,感觉迟钝的 【辨析】sensible and sensitive sensible 有判断力的,明智的; sensitive 则表示“敏感的”。 2.these children, conversely, will push further, unconsciously hoping that, if they push too hard, they will force their parents into setting limitations. (L35-36) 【释义】.these children, on the other hand, will urge their parents to buy them more, hoping without being aware that, if they put too much pressure on their parents, they will force them to set limits. 【结构】hoping 是现在分词短语作状语,后面 that 引导其宾语从句,从句又是一个主从复 合句,if 引导条件状语从句。 【例句】The little girl thought if she prayed every night, the war would end and her Dad would be back soon
【译文】这些孩子会反过来提出更高的要求,并下意识地希望:如果他们逼得凶些,他们就 能迫使他们的父母亲建立起教有子女的规范。 Part IV (Paras.9-11):Tips for parents:How to stop spoiling their children Ouestions: 1.What're the writer's suggestions on how to stop spoiling their children? y to determine what makes you submit or feel gu make firm decisions and practice in aprompt and definite manner. What is the key when parents want to have a change in spoiling children? Be satisfied with gradual imprvement.expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change. Language points: 1.submi )givesth to sbso that it may be considered.decided on.ctc呈送,递交 2) ues过建议,主张 31 accept the control:give in屈服于,服从,被控制 Ya efre auy1华多在1月日之前提方申请书 I submit that the plan will not work without some major changes. 我主张这项计制必须做较大改动后才能付之实施。 She decided to submit to the new rules.她决定接受新的规则。 【记忆】Derivative submissive 顶从的。围从的 submission 2投降,屈服:提交,提出 【搭配】submit(oneself)to sb/sth听从服从/屈从于某人某物 submit s功tosh使某人忍受某事 ubmit sth to sh/sth将某物呈递给某人 3.be bound todo Meaning be certain to(happen)一定会(发生) 【扩展】bound tolfor驶往,前往 be bound up with与.相关 Step 3 Consolidation development 1.Reading skills The particular reading skill introduced in this unit is understanding figurative language.To make language clearer.more interesting.and more striking all of us use expressions which are not -language tha compares paintsapicture for can literally.The ability to recognize and interpret (or:explain)figurative language may help us fully understand a writer's point. Look at the following examples taken from Reading Passage There are many different ways of using figurative language.Listed here are just a few of
【译文】这些孩子会反过来提出更高的要求,并下意识地希望:如果他们逼得凶些,他们就 能迫使他们的父母亲建立起教育子女的规范。 Part IV (Paras.9-11): Tips for parents: How to stop spoiling their children. Questions: 1. What’re the writer’s suggestions on how to stop spoiling their children? _ try to determine what makes you submit or feel guilty make firm decisions and practice in a prompt and definite manner. 2. What is the key when parents want to have a change in spoiling children? Be satisfied with gradual improvement, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change. Language points: 1. submit Meaning: 1) give sth to sb so that it may be considered, decided on, etc. 呈送,递交 2) suggest 建议,主张 3) accept the control; give in 屈服于,服从,被······控制 please translate the following sentences: – You must submit your application before January 1st. 你必须在 1 月 1 日之前提交申请书。 – I submit that the plan will not work without some major changes. 我主张这项计划必须做较大改动后才能付之实施。 She decided to submit to the new rules. 她决定接受新的规则。 【记忆】Derivative words submissive a. 顺从的,服从的 submission n. 投降,屈服;提交,提出 【搭配】submit (oneself) to sb/sth 听从/服从/屈从于某人/某物 submit sb to sth 使某人忍受某事 submit sth to sb/sth 将某物呈递给某人 3. be bound to do Meaning: be certain to (happen) 一定会(发生) 【扩展】bound to\for 驶往,前往 be bound up with 与.相关 Step 3 Consolidation & development 1. Reading skills The particular reading skill introduced in this unit is understanding figurative language. To make language clearer, more interesting, and more striking, all of us use expressions which are not literally true. We make comparisons in speaking and writing. Figurative language—language that compares—paints a picture for the reader. Figurative language can be confusing if it is understood literally. The ability to recognize and interpret (or: explain) figurative language may help us fully understand a writer’s point. Look at the following examples taken from Reading Passage. There are many different ways of using figurative language. Listed here are just a few of
them: ssions which directly compareon Passage A: The tobacco industry.coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys,(Para.3.Reading Passage A.Unit 5) In this sentence,.“.smoked like chimneys'”means“.smoked heavily and continuously'”,but the comparison be ween th wo makes b)Metaphors ()in which comparisons are only implied or suggested,without using as, like and the like.Take another example from Reading Passage A: The tobacco industry.completely won over people like my father,who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes.(Para.3.Reading Passage A.Unit 5) In this sente nce.the ide ca of people relyingon smoking is of people bein hooked by cigarettes "Hook"is commony used in relation to fishing and just as fish are hooke and cannot get away.so are cigarette smokers.This implied,parallel image makes the thought more striking and powerful. c)Personification(A).figurative expressions which compare non-human things to humans.For example illnesses had left him low.(Para.5.Reading Passage A.Unit 5) In this sentence,pneumonia a disease often visited upon poor people,is compared to"the poor man's friend"and we can feel the power of language easily. Practice(page 137) 2.Comp ehension of the text(page 137) Keys:ACC C BBB C 3.Translation 1),当你屈服于他无休止的需求的时侯你一定是把这一切看成是理所当然的事情,并且也觉 得难以拒绝这些要求.(submit.to.be bound to,.take for granted,.have difficulty doing) While submitting ursef to his endess demands,you are bound to take all for granted and have ng th demand 2)对于同事们一连串的赞美他一点也不感激,相反,他觉得那些人都在讽刺他.(a shower of, be grateful to.converselv) He doesn't feel grateful to his colleagues for showering him with praises.Conversely,he believes that they are satirizing him. 直以来我都很迷惑为什么我儿子如此迷恋电脑游戏。所幸地是,现在有些学校有教有学 生们把注意力多放在学习上的趋势.(be hooked by,.there is a tendency for s功todo) I'm always confusing by the reason why my son is so hooked by pe games.Fortunately.there is a tendency for some schools to educate students to concentrate more on study. 4).我想知道你明知道自己是对的,为什么不敢当面对你的老板说呢?(stand up to)】 up to your boss whe 他们不要给孩子吃的太多,但是她婆婆仍然是只要孩子 一想吃东西就去喂他, 完全没有感受到她的不满和愤怒.(on demand,insensitive to) The doctor has warned them not to feed the baby too much,but her mother-in-law still feeds the baby on demand,insensitive completely to her dissatisfaction and anger
them: a) Similes (明喻, 直喻). These are figurative expressions which directly compare one thing to another by using the words as or like. Look at the following example taken from Reading Passage A: The tobacco industry, coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys , . (Para. 3, Reading Passage A, Unit 5) In this sentence, “. smoked like chimneys” means “. smoked heavily and continuously”, but the comparison between the two makes the idea clearer and more imaginative. b) Metaphors (暗喻), in which comparisons are only implied or suggested, without using as, like and the like. Take another example from Reading Passage A: The tobacco industry . completely won over people like my father, who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes. (Para. 3, Reading Passage A, Unit 5) In this sentence, the idea of people relying on smoking is expressed as that of people being hooked by cigarettes. “Hook” is commonly used in relation to fishing and just as fish are hooked and cannot get away, so are cigarette smokers. This implied, parallel image makes the thought more striking and powerful. c) Personification (拟人), figurative expressions which compare non-human things to humans. For example: My father died from “the poor man’s friend,” pneumonia, one hard winter when his lung illnesses had left him low. (Para. 5, Reading Passage A, Unit 5) In this sentence, pneumonia, a disease often visited upon poor people, is compared to “the poor man’s friend” and we can feel the power of language easily. Practice (page 137) 2. Comprehension of the text (page 137) Keys : A C C C B B B C 3. Translation 1). 当你屈服于他无休止的需求的时候,你一定是把这一切看成是理所当然的事情,并且也觉 得难以拒绝这些要求. (submit.to, be bound to, take for granted, have difficulty doing) While submitting yourself to his endless demands, you are bound to take all for granted and have difficulty refusing these demands. 2). 对于同事们一连串的赞美他一点也不感激,相反,他觉得那些人都在讽刺他.(a shower of, be grateful to, conversely) He doesn’t feel grateful to his colleagues for showering him with praises. Conversely, he believes that they are satirizing him. 3). 一直以来我都很迷惑为什么我儿子如此迷恋电脑游戏。所幸地是,现在有些学校有教育学 生们把注意力多放在学习上的趋势.(be hooked by, there is a tendency for sb to do) I’m always confusing by the reason why my son is so hooked by pc games. Fortunately, there is a tendency for some schools to educate students to concentrate more on study. 4). 我想知道你明知道自己是对的,为什么不敢当面对你的老板说呢?(stand up to) I wonder why you don’t stand up to your boss when you know you are right? 5). 医生警告过他们不要给孩子吃的太多,但是她婆婆仍然是只要孩子一想吃东西就去喂他, 完全没有感受到她的不满和愤怒.(on demand, insensitive to) The doctor has warned them not to feed the baby too much, but her mother-in-law still feeds the baby on demand, insensitive completely to her dissatisfaction and anger
6).我还没有看过这部电影,所以不要把内容告诉我,以免破坏我的兴致。(spoil.for fear that Ihaven't thefmon'me or fear h tshould spoil my interest 刀.我们对这种改变已抗议了很长时间,但是现在到了放弃的时候了。 We have protested about the changes for a long time,but it'sthe high time that we gave up. 8).因为这个年轻人对公司作出了杰出贡献但是长期未被提升,董事长决定指认他为总经理 以试图补偿.(compensate,assign.as) Because the yo ng man has never got promo after making many company,the chairman of the board attempted to compensate by assigning him as the general manager 9).我女儿更渴望得到橱窗里摆的那个漂亮娃娃而不是去动物园参观.(pine for,.prefer to do.rather than do) My daughter prefers to pine for the doll displayed in the shopwindow rather than pay a visit to the 20 4.Read passage,then do the multiple choice questions and put the underlined sentences into Chinese. In a time of low achievement by children in the United States,many Americans are turning to Japan,a counry of high academic achievement and mc possible answers However,the wers providedb Japanese p ols re not the one s Am expe ed find.In most apanese preschoos surprisingly litte emphasis is put on academ instruction.Ir one investigation,300 Japanese and 210 Americans preschool teachers,child developmen specialists,and parents were asked about various aspects of early childhood education.Only 2 percent of the Japanese respondents(答间卷者)listed"to give children a good start academically” top three easons for a ety to have preschools.In ontrast,over half the chose this as one their prepare chilren fo successful careers in first grade and beyond,Japanese schools do not teach reading,wring,and mathematics,but rather skills such as persistence,concentration,and the ability to function as a member of a group.The vast majority of young Japanese children are taught to read at home by ecent comparis apa anese and American preschool education,91percent of Japanese respondents chose providing children with a group experience as one of their top three reasons fo a society to have preschools.Sixty-two percent of the more individual oriented(强i调个性发展) Americans listed group experience as one of their top three choices.An emphasis on the importance of the group seen in Japanes early childhood education continues into elementary school educa Like in America,there is diversity in Japanese early childhood education.Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims,such as early musical training or potential development.In large cities,some kindergartens are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools. Some Japanese parents believe that if their voung children attend university-based program.it wil ncrease the children's chances of eventually being admitted to top-rated and universities Several more progressive programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens. I.We learn from the first paragraph that many Americans believe A.Japanese parents are more involved in preschool education than American parents B.Japan'seconomic success is a result of its scientific achievement
6). 我还没有看过这部电影,所以不要把内容告诉我,以免破坏我的兴致。(spoil, for fear that) I haven’t seen the film, so don’t tell me what it is about for fear that it should spoil my interest. 7). 我们对这种改变已抗议了很长时间,但是现在到了放弃的时候了。 We have protested about the changes for a long time, but it’s the high time that we gave up. 8). 因为这个年轻人对公司作出了杰出贡献但是长期未被提升, 董事长决定指认他为总经理 以试图补偿. (compensate, assign .as) Because the young man has never got promoted after making so many contributions to the company, the chairman of the board attempted to compensate by assigning him as the general manager. 9). 我女儿更渴望得到橱窗里摆的那个漂亮娃娃而不是去动物园参观. (pine for, prefer to do.rather than do) My daughter prefers to pine for the doll displayed in the shopwindow rather than pay a visit to the zoo. 4. Read passage, then do the multiple choice questions and put the underlined sentences into Chinese. In a time of low achievement by children in the United States, many Americans are turning to Japan, a country of high academic achievement and economic success, for possible answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools are not the ones Americans expected to find. In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly little emphasis is put on academic instruction. In one investigation, 300 Japanese and 210 Americans preschool teachers, child development specialists, and parents were asked about various aspects of early childhood education. Only 2 percent of the Japanese respondents (答问卷者) listed “to give children a good start academically” as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. In contrast, over half the American respondents chose this as one of their top three choices. To prepare children for successful careers in first grade and beyond, Japanese schools do not teach reading, wring, and mathematics, but rather skills such as persistence, concentration, and the ability to function as a member of a group. The vast majority of young Japanese children are taught to read at home by their parents. In the recent comparison of Japanese and American preschool education, 91 percent of Japanese respondents chose providing children with a group experience as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. Sixty-two percent of the more individual oriented (强调个性发展) Americans listed group experience as one of their top three choices. An emphasis on the importance of the group seen in Japanese early childhood education continues into elementary school education. Like in America, there is diversity in Japanese early childhood education. Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential development. In large cities, some kindergartens are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools. Some Japanese parents believe that if their young children attend university-based program, it will increase the children’s chances of eventually being admitted to top-rated schools and universities. Several more progressive programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens. 1. We learn from the first paragraph that many Americans believe_. A. Japanese parents are more involved in preschool education than American parents. B. Japan’s economic success is a result of its scientific achievement
C.Japanese preschool education is superior to theirs. D.Japan's is superior to theirs 2.Most ans surveyed believe that preschools shouldalso attach importance to A.problem solving B.group experience C.parental guidance D.individual-oriented development 3.In Japan's preschool education,the focus is on A.preparing children academically B.developin chilren'artisticinerest C.tapping chi ren's potentia D.shaping children's character 4.Free play has been introduced in some Japanese kindergartens in order to A.broaden children's horizon B.cultivate children'scra D.enrich children's knowledge 5.Why do some Japanese parents send their children to university-based kindergartens? A.they can do better in their future studies. n they grow up D.they can have better chances of getting a first-rate education Keys:CBDCD A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,流芳百世 a fall into a pit a gain in your wit.吃一堑.长一智。 A lightheart lives long.静以修身, An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于是 Cannotsee the woodforthe tree 降目,不见泰山 Eatto live,but notlive toeaL人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭 Fortune favors those who use their judgment.机遇偏爱善断之人. Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同. Great wits have short memories.贵人多忘事 Take thngs as they come,.既来之,则安之. The ordis but ae place,after all,.海内存知己,天涯若比邻 6.Writing A Letter to Parents on How to love Children 1举说明现在家长强罗孩子的现象很誓遍 2.分析原因以及后果 3.给家长一些建议,该如何来爱孩子 Step4 Assessment
C. Japanese preschool education is superior to theirs. D. Japan’s higher education is superior to theirs 2. Most Americans surveyed believe that preschools should also attach importance to _. A. problem solving B. group experience. C. parental guidance D. individual-oriented development 3. In Japan’s preschool education, the focus is on _. A. preparing children academically B. developing children’s artistic interests. C. tapping children’s potential D. shaping children’s character 4. Free play has been introduced in some Japanese kindergartens in order to _. A. broaden children’s horizon. B. cultivate children’s creativity C. lighten children’s study load. D. enrich children’s knowledge. 5. Why do some Japanese parents send their children to university-based kindergartens? A. they can do better in their future studies. B. they can accumulate more group experience there. C. they can be individually oriented when they grow up. D. they can have better chances of getting a first-rate education. Keys: C B D C D 5.Proverbs of education Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩。 A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,流芳百世。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。 A light heart lives long.静以修身。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。 Cannot see the wood for the trees.一叶障目,不见泰山。 Eat to live, but not live to eat.人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。 Fortune favors those who use their judgment.机遇偏爱善断之人。 Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。 Great wits have short memories.贵人多忘事。 Take things as they come.既来之,则安之。 The world is but a little place, after all.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 6. Writing A Letter to Parents on How to Love Children 1. 举例说明现在家长溺爱孩子的现象很普遍 2. 分析原因以及后果 3. 给家长一些建议,该如何来爱孩子. Step 4 Assessment
This step aims at discussing or reflecting on the results of the assessment to improve ET 1)Divide the class in 10 groups and complete the followingtable 组号姓名课前预习 出勤 作业 网上自主学习 课章表现 20)Ask the Ssto discuss the following topics What's the strength (st rong points) 2 What are the drawbacks/weak points?How to improve? (3)What are the unsolved problems? What are the barriers to a possible solution? Is there a possible way out? 2)Comment on the Ss' performance and point out their progress and weak points and encourage the Ss to do a better job next time
This step aims at discussing or reflecting on the results of the assessment to improve ETL 1) Divide the class in 10 groups and complete the following table. 组号 姓 名 课前预习 出勤 作业 网上自主学习 课堂表现 20) Ask the Ss to discuss the following topics. ① What’s the strength (strong points)? ② What are the drawbacks/weak points? How to improve? ③ What are the unsolved problems? ④ What are the barriers to a possible solution? ⑤ Is there a possible way out? 2) Comment on the Ss’ performance and point out their progress and weak points and encourage the Ss to do a better job next time