(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 Unitl Changes in the Way We Live 时间 教室 Ohiectives 1Arouse studentsinterest in English as well as their concentration smuch as p 3Learn to skim the passage and the main ide 4 Master the key language points Step One oup Discussion tree arge each group smaller sub-groups my form.Each large group is assigned one of the following discussion topics: -Why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? -Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs,even in the countryside? -Why are tou s of Zhou Zhuang.Lijiang or any other old towns so popular?Why are tourists willing to pay tospend a day nfarm's house? 2After the discussion,speakers of some sub-groups report to class. 3 Comments:People change their places of living because they look for things that their previous life is unable to provide.However.once life has been changed.they miss the good old days StepTwo Skimming 1 Ss skim Paral-3 and be ready to answer the following questions: -What are the two things that the writer has always wanted to do?(write and live on a farm) -Why does the writer think that his life in the country isof the type and satisfying? (topic sentences in para 2 and 3) 2 T asks some S pairs to report to the class,one asking the above questions and the other providing the answers. 3 T provides the idea of the logical writing pattern of"one topic sentence+several detail 4 Ss are invited to conclude the main idea for the first three para.s StepThree Cloze B Ss do the exercises to learn about American's ideal of a country life Step Four I.Language Study (Paral-Para3)
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 1 Unit1 Changes in the Way We Live 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Arouse students’ interest in English as well as their concentration 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Learn to skim the passage and conclude the main idea 4 Master the key language points Step One Group Discussion 1 Ss divide into three large groups, under each group smaller sub-groups may form. Each large group is assigned one of the following discussion topics: -Why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? -Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside? -Why are tours of Zhou Zhuang, Lijiang or any other old towns so popular? Why are tourists willing to pay to spend a day in a farm’s house? 2 After the discussion, speakers of some sub-groups report to class. 3 Comments: People change their places of living because they look for things that their previous life is unable to provide. However, once life has been changed, they miss the good old days. Step Two Skimming 1 Ss skim Para1-3 and be ready to answer the following questions: -What are the two things that the writer has always wanted to do? (write and live on a farm) -Why does the writer think that his life in the country is of the self-reliant type and satisfying? (topic sentences in para. 2 and 3) 2 T asks some S pairs to report to the class, one asking the above questions and the other providing the answers. 3 T provides the idea of the logical writing pattern of “one topic sentence + several detail sentences”, taking para 2 and 3 for example and have the Ss bear this in mind while they carry on with the following paragraphs. 4 Ss are invited to conclude the main idea for the first three para.s. Step Three Cloze B Ss do the exercises to learn about American’s ideal of a country life. Step Four I. Language Study (Para1-Para3)
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 1.get by:be good enough but not very good,manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way tcompues the momen,but we ned a coiple more when th 2. make it:be successful,fulfill the purpose e.g.Through his efforts.he finally made it as an actor II.Language Study (Para 4-Para7) 1.haul:1)transport,as with a truck,cart.et 2)pull or drag sth.with effort or force e.g.Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the crashed train. 2.improvement:the act or an instance of improving or being improved e.g.The improvement in the job market in the past few years has been remarkable 3. supplement(followed by) e.g.The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins Eand A 4.indoor:situated or used inside a building e.g.Tobacco smoke is considered as an indoor pollutant. 5.spray:force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with) e with water. e.g.a spray of water;spray paint 6.pursue:follow e.g.After graduation Martin chose to pursue the same career as his father as a minister to pursue further/ighereducation stack:make into a e.g.Once the last few people had left the hall,the caretakers began stacking the chairs *used also as a n. e.g.a haystack 8.wicked:evil or bad e.g.He has played some wicked tricks to attain such a fortune Assignments 1 Dictionary work:consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary. 2 Sentence translation:translate some sentences with the new words in. 3 know about ivy league It refersto eightong established colleges and niversities in the US with and social reputations.Members of the Ivy League are Brown University in Providence.Rhod Island:Columbia University in New York City:Cornell University in Ithaca.New York Dartmouth College in Hanover,New Hampshire;Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts:University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia Princeton University in Princeton. New Jersey:and Yale University in New Haven,Connecticut.The members of the Ivy Leagu compete. 2
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 2 1. get by: be good enough but not very good, manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way e.g. We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we’ll need a couple more when the new staff members arrive. 2. make it: be successful, fulfill the purpose e.g. Through his efforts, he finally made it as an actor. II. Language Study (Para 4-Para7) 1. haul: 1) transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. e.g. The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the flooded villages. 2) pull or drag sth. with effort or force e.g. Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the crashed train. 2. improvement: the act or an instance of improving or being improved e.g. The improvement in the job market in the past few years has been remarkable. 3. supplement: add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with) e.g. The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A. 4. indoor: situated or used inside a building e.g. Tobacco smoke is considered as an indoor pollutant. 5. spray: force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with) e.g. A car went past and sprayed me with water. *used also as a n. e.g. a spray of water; spray paint 6. pursue: follow e.g. After graduation Martin chose to pursue the same career as his father as a minister. to pursue further/higher education 7. stack: make into a pile e.g. Once the last few people had left the hall, the caretakers began stacking the chairs. *used also as a n. e.g. a haystack 8. wicked: evil or bad e.g. He has played some wicked tricks to attain such a fortune. Assignments 1 Dictionary work: consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary. 2 Sentence translation: translate some sentences with the new words in. 3 Know about Ivy League: It refers to eight long-established colleges and universities in the US with prestigious academic and social reputations. Members of the Ivy League are Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York City; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The members of the Ivy League compete in intercollegiate athletics
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 时间 斯常 1 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 2 Learn to scan the passage and conclude the main idea 3 Understand the organizational skills adopted in the text 4 Master the relevant language points Step One Possibly continue with the language points explanation for Part II and a brief review. StepTwo Ss re-read Part Il and make a summary for each paragraph init I writes down their summaries on the blackboard Then based on the summaries,Ss will come up with a summary of Part II. StepThree Step Four Language Study (Para 8-11) 1.get through:come successfully to the end eg.She got through the entrance mintion and was accepted by/admitted tothe colle 2.at that point:at that very moment,right then e.g.The kid was almost hit by a car lost of control.At that point.Mike threw himself forward and saved the frightened child. 3.on balance:with all things considered ,Idon'thnkIreayounfrly 4 illustrate:provide with visual features,clarify by use of e.g.Let me use another example to illustrated this difficult point. 5.generate:bring into existence,produce e.g.People commonly use heat energy or waterpower to generate electricity surance:a guarantee that you will receive money if smthing,or have for,paymens you make to them. e.g.They have bought insurance against fire for their house 7.pick up:be ready to pay e.g.If he lost the case,Nick will have to pick up the bill for the legal costs. 8.minor:lesser or smaller in amount or importance.etc.(-maior) eg.They problems space fligh 9.premium:a sum of money that you pay regularly toan insurance company for an insurance policy e.g.Some people are complaining that car insurance premiums have increased too much this 3
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 3 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 2 Learn to scan the passage and conclude the main idea 3 Understand the organizational skills adopted in the text 4 Master the relevant language points Step One Possibly continue with the language points explanation for Part II and a brief review. Step Two Ss re-read Part II and make a summary for each paragraph in it. T writes down their summaries on the blackboard Then based on the summaries, Ss will come up with a summary of Part II. Step Three Ss scan the first sentences of para.s 8-11 and sum up the main idea of this part. Step Four Language Study (Para 8-11) 1. get through: come successfully to the end e.g. She got through the entrance examination and was accepted by/admitted to the college. 2. at that point: at that very moment, right then e.g. The kid was almost hit by a car lost of control. At that point, Mike threw himself forward and saved the frightened child. 3. on balance: with all things considered e.g. On balance, I don’t think I treated you unfairly. 4. illustrate: provide with visual features; clarify by use of examples, etc. e.g. Let me use another example to illustrated this difficult point. 5. generate: bring into existence, produce e.g. People commonly use heat energy or waterpower to generate electricity. 6. insurance: a guarantee that you will receive money if something is lost or damaged, or have repairs paid for, by a financial company in return for regular payments you make to them. e.g. They have bought insurance against fire for their house. 7. pick up: be ready to pay e.g. If he lost the case, Nick will have to pick up the bill for the legal costs. 8. minor: lesser or smaller in amount or importance, etc. (-major) e.g. They only encountered minor problems in their first space flight. 9. premium: a sum of money that you pay regularly toan insurance company for an insurance policy e.g. Some people are complaining that car insurance premiums have increased too much this
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 vear 10.aside from:except for,inddition to(more usl inAmerican English.sme asapart from) e.g.This es 11.cut back:reduce in size or amount(used in the patterns cu back onsth.) e.g.The government has cut back on textile tax this vear 12.lower:make or become smaller in amount,degree,ete. e.g.The department store lowered the price on garments to attract more consumers. 13.dine out:eat an eal away from home(su Ina restaurant e.g.Would you like to dine out with me on Saturday nigh 14.patronize:go to as acustomer e.g.The students often patronize the little restaurant near their school. 1 Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences 2 Sentence making with the new vocabularies. 教室 Objectives: 1 Master the language points 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Learn to use the topic sentence strategy in Ss'writing Step One Language Study (Para 12-15) 1.suspect:believe to be true,likely or probable,feel doubt about(used in the patterns:suspecr sb./sth.of sth.;suspect that) e.g.China banned cosmetics suspected of containing substances that cause mad cow disease. 2.budget:any plan that a perso government has that shows how they will rais money and how theywill pend the moey they have e.g.The government should be very careful of its financial budget since it has much to do with the social benefits. 3.requirement:sth.needed or asked for Patience is definitely 4.scale arelative levelor degree (in the phrase) e.g.We tested our new teaching methods on a small scale,with only three classes involved 5.resist:keep from giving in to or enjoying(used in the patterns:siststhsist doingsth.) 4
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 4 year. 10. aside from: except for, in addition to (more usual in American English, same as apart from) e.g. This essay is good aside from a couple of spelling mistakes. 11. cut back: reduce in size or amount (used in the patterns: cut back sth.; cut back on sth.) e.g. The government has cut back on textile tax this year. 12. lower: make or become smaller in amount, degree, etc. e.g. The department store lowered the price on garments to attract more consumers. 13. dine out: eat a meal away from home(usu. In a restaurant) e.g. Would you like to dine out with me on Saturday night? 14. patronize: go to as a customer e.g. The students often patronize the little restaurant near their school. Assignments: 1 Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences. 2 Sentence making with the new vocabularies. 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Master the language points 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Learn to use the topic sentence strategy in Ss’ writing Step One Language Study (Para 12-15) 1. suspect: believe to be true, likely or probable; feel doubt about (used in the patterns: suspect sb./sth. of sth.; suspect that) e.g. China banned cosmetics suspected of containing substances that cause mad cow disease. 2. budget: any plan that a person, organization or government has that shows how they will raise money and how they will spend the money they have e.g. The government should be very careful of its financial budget since it has much to do with the social benefits. 3. requirement: sth. needed or asked for e.g. Patience is definitely a requirement for a career in teaching. 4. scale: a relative level or degree (usu. Used in the phrase on a .scale) e.g. We tested our new teaching methods on a small scale, with only three classes involved. 5. resist: keep from giving in to or enjoying (used in the patterns: resist sth.; resist doing sth.)
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 e.g.We couldn't resist laughing at him in those funny clothes 6. the thing you want to have e.g.The kids couldn't resist the temptation of McDonald's. 7.device:a piece ofequipment designed to serve a special purpose e.g.The rescuers used a special device for finding people trapped in the coalmine 8. e.g.He makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies 9.invest:commit(money or capital)in order togai a financial return(used in the patternsimes monev.invest money in sth.:invest in sth. e.g.My parents intend to invest in stocks and bonds. 10.primarily:mainly e.g.We are primarily concerned with improving our working conditions Step Two: Ss find out the two special qualities that make a country life possible (main idea for the last part). Step Four Tgive a conclusion to the writing strategy of using topic sentence not only at the very beginning of a passage but also for each paragraph and encourage the Ss to adopt it in their own writings. Step Five Deal with some of the after-text exercises Assignments: I The rest of the after-text exercises 2 Review the vocabularies and text. 3 Read Text B.remembering the new vocabulary,and pose problems if there isany
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 5 e.g. We couldn’t resist laughing at him in those funny clothes. 6. temptation: the feeling of being tempted to do sth. that you know might be wrong or harmful; the thing you want to have e.g. The kids couldn’t resist the temptation of McDonald’s. 7. device: a piece of equipment designed to serve a special purpose e.g. The rescuers used a special device for finding people trapped in the coalmine. 8. profit: an advantageous gain or return e.g. He makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies. 9. invest: commit (money or capital) in order to gai a financial return (used in the patterns: invest money; invest money in sth.; invest in sth.) e.g. My parents intend to invest in stocks and bonds. 10. primarily: mainly e.g. We are primarily concerned with improving our working conditions. Step Two: Ss find out the two special qualities that make a country life possible (main idea for the last part). Step Four T give a conclusion to the writing strategy of using topic sentence not only at the very beginning of a passage but also for each paragraph and encourage the Ss to adopt it in their own writings. Step Five Deal with some of the after-text exercises. Assignments: 1 The rest of the after-text exercises 2 Review the vocabularies and text. 3 Read Text B, remembering the new vocabulary, and pose problems if there is any
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Remember the new vocabularies and the way to use them 2 Relevant practice in English 3 Prepare for the new unit Step One Dictation on the first unit including words and sentences making Step Two Relevant activities to foster the Ss'interest and make them practice their English,mainly orally Assignments: 1Preview Unit 2. 2 Collecting stories,news reports,pictures,books of personal heroes or prepare a brief report on one's own understanding of civil rights
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 6 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Remember the new vocabularies and the way to use them 2 Relevant practice in English 3 Prepare for the new unit Step One Dictation on the first unit including words and sentences making Step Two Relevant activities to foster the Ss’ interest and make them practice their English, mainly orally Assignments: 1 Preview Unit 2. 2 Collecting stories, news reports, pictures, books of personal heroes or prepare a brief report on one’s own understanding of civil rights
(全新版大学英语综合教程3 Unit2 Civil Rights Heroes 时间 教室 Objeetives: Arouse in English as well as their 2Encourage students to speak English as much a possible 3 Understand the structure of the passage 4 Master the key language points Step One roduce the theme of the unit by presentationsor reports from theSs and a brief from the T Step Two 1Tdraw Ss'attention to the Text Organization Page 47 to know the rough division of the paragraphs and Ssscan the parts of th a deeper understanding of the structure. 2 Ss scan Paras1-5 and be ready to answer the relevant first four questions in Content Questions exercise on Page 46 3 T asks some s pairs to report to the class,one asking the above questions and the other 4 Ss are invited to conclude the main idea for the first three para.s. Step Three I.Language Study(Paral-Para5) 3.snder:(of people)slim not very wide but comparatively ongor high e.g.She has longand slender hands,pianist 4.settlement:a place where people have come to settle e.g.These tools were found in an early Iron Age settlement. 9.confident:feeling or showing trust in oneself or one's ability (usu.followed by abou/oha clause) e.g.He was confident (of himself)that he would be enrolled by Harvard University 10.give up:abandon an attempt to do sth. e.g.He's given up smoking since his illness. 11.racial:relating to a person's race,or to different races of people e.g.Racial issue is a big problem for the Us. 12.stand up (for sb./sth.):speak.work.etc.in favor of sb./sth e.g.You have to be prepared to stand up for the things you believe in. 13.historic:famous or important in history e.g.More money is needed for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 7 Unit2 Civil Rights Heroes 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Arouse students’ interest in English as well as their concentration 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Understand the structure of the passage 4 Master the key language points Step One Introduce the theme of the unit by presentations or reports from the Ss and a brief conclusion from the T Step Two 1 T draw Ss’ attention to the Text Organization exercise on Page 47 to know the rough division of the paragraphs and Ss scan the text to see the natural division between parts of the text to achieve a deeper understanding of the structure. 2 Ss scan Para.s1-5 and be ready to answer the relevant first four questions in Content Questions exercise on Page 46 3 T asks some S pairs to report to the class, one asking the above questions and the other providing the answers. 4 Ss are invited to conclude the main idea for the first three para.s. Step Three I. Language Study (Para1-Para5) 3. slender: (of people) slim; not very wide but comparatively long or high e.g. She has long and slender hands, like a concert pianist. 4. settlement: a place where people have come to settle e.g. These tools were found in an early Iron Age settlement. 9. confident: feeling or showing trust in oneself or one’s ability (usu. followed by about/of/that clause) e.g. He was confident (of himself) that he would be enrolled by Harvard University. 10. give up: abandon an attempt to do sth. e.g. He’s given up smoking since his illness. 11. racial: relating to a person’s race, or to different races of people e.g. Racial issue is a big problem for the US. 12. stand up (for sb./sth.): speak, work, etc. in favor of sb./sth. e.g. You have to be prepared to stand up for the things you believe in. 13. historic: famous or important in history e.g. More money is needed for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 *historical:Ofor relating to the character of history historical play 14.site:place where a building.town,et.was,isor will be situate e.g.The local government hasn't yet chosen the site for the new skyscraper 15.mission:particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a group e.g.The five young people have been on a secret mission. 16.forge:create by means of much hard work 17.underground:inor into secrecy or hiding e.g.For years he has been working for an underground organization. 18.web:network of fine threads spun by a spider or some other spinning creature,complex series or network 19.authorize:give approval or permission for (sth.)give authority to e.g.The central government authorized 200 million dollars to construct new dams to generate cheap hydro-electric power. 20.exploit:brave or adventurous deed or action ime exploits nt on doing sth. e.g.Working day and night,he was intent on solving the problem Assignments 1 Dictionary work:consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary 2 Se ntence tra translate some sentences with the new words in 教室 1 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 2 Learn to scan the passage and conclude the main idea 3 Understand the organizational skills adopted in the text 4 Master the relevant language points Step One Possibly continue with the language points explanation for Part I and a brief review
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 8 *historical: Of or relating to the character of history e.g. a historical play 14. site: place where a building, town, etc. was, is or will be situated e.g. The local government hasn’t yet chosen the site for the new skyscraper. 15. mission: particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a group e.g. The five young people have been on a secret mission. 16. forge: create by means of much hard work e.g. She forged a new career for herself as a singer. 17. underground: in or into secrecy or hiding e.g. For years he has been working for an underground organization. 18. web: network of fine threads spun by a spider or some other spinning creature; complex series or network e.g. Every day thousands of web surfers visit this popular site. 19. authorize: give approval or permission for (sth.); give authority to e.g. The central government authorized 200 million dollars to construct new dams to generate cheap hydro-electric power. 20. exploit: brave or adventurous deed or action e.g. My grandfather entertained us with stories of wartime exploits. 21. be intent on doing sth. : be eager and determined to do sth. e.g. Working day and night, he was intent on solving the problem. Assignments 1 Dictionary work: consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary. 2 Sentence translation: translate some sentences with the new words in. 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 2 Learn to scan the passage and conclude the main idea 3 Understand the organizational skills adopted in the text 4 Master the relevant language points Step One Possibly continue with the language points explanation for Part I and a brief review
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 Step Two Ssscan Part I and identify the sentence which connects Part I with the following parts 2 T explains the organizational structure of the passage. StepThree Language Study (Para 6-10) 15.decade:period oftenyears eg.Education budgets have been inereased over the last decade in China 16.on the side:as an additional job or source of income,secretly e.g.Some teachers have to find ways of making some money on the side. 17.capture:To take captive,as by force or craft:seize e.Rebel forces captured the city after a week-long battle. used e.g.They took part in the capture of the three thieves. 18.close in (on/around):some near to,esp.in order toattack from several directions,surround e.g.Hitler committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin. Step Five Language Study (Para 11-15) 1. gpan,hurting Theold ph oto brouht back painful memories of his chilhood 2.religious:of religion e.g.The local government wants to increase the amount of religious education in schools. 3.conviction:firm opinion or belief nviction that there would be a better life after death. 4 consisting of a keyboard and ascreen,that connects the user with a computer system e.g.All staff have terminals attached to the company's main computer. e.g."The Terminal"by Steven Spielberg,2004 5.impose:1)place a(penalty,tax,etc.)officially on sb./sth. e.g.The go seafurther wines and spirits 2)try to make(an) e.g.I wouldn't want to impose my religious convictions on anyone 6.as for:with regard to e.g.As for your request for a free sample.we will send it to you in about ten davs 7.transport:take sth./sb.fromone place to another ina vehicle e.Pipelinesareused mainly over on distance 8.disguise:give sb /sth.a false appearance (used in the pattern) e.g.She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield. Step Six
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 9 Step Two 1 Ss scan Part I and identify the sentence which connects Part I with the following parts. 2 T explains the organizational structure of the passage. Step Three Language Study (Para 6-10) 15. decade: period of ten years e.g. Education budgets have been increased over the last decade in China. 16. on the side: as an additional job or source of income; secretly e.g. Some teachers have to find ways of making some money on the side. 17. capture: To take captive, as by force or craft; seize e.g. Rebel forces captured the city after a week-long battle. *used also as a n. e.g. They took part in the capture of the three thieves. 18. close in (on/around): some near to, esp. in order to attack from several directions; surround e.g. Hitler committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin. Step Four Ss sum up the main idea of this part. Step Five Language Study (Para 11-15) 1. painful: causing pain; hurting e.g. The old photo brought back painful memories of his childhood. 2. religious: of religion e.g. The local government wants to increase the amount of religious education in schools. 3. conviction: firm opinion or belief e.g. The old woman had a firm conviction that there would be a better life after death. 4. terminal: (building at the) end of a railway line, bus route, etc.; a piece of equipment, usu. consisting of a keyboard and a screen, that connects the user with a computer system e.g. All staff have terminals attached to the company’s main computer. e.g. “The Terminal” by Steven Spielberg, 2004 5. impose: 1) place a (penalty, tax, etc.) officially on sb./sth. e.g. The government has made a decision to impose a further tax on wines and spirits. 2) try to make sb. accept (an opinion or a belief) e.g. I wouldn’t want to impose my religious convictions on anyone. 6. as for: with regard to e.g. As for your request for a free sample, we will send it to you in about ten days. 7. transport: take sth./sb. from one place to another in a vehicle e.g. Pipelines are used mainly to transport liquids or gases over long distances. 8. disguise: give sb./sth. a false appearance (used in the pattern disguise sb./sth. as) e.g. She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield. Step Six
(全新版)大学英语综合教程3 Ss sum up the main idea of this part. Assignments: Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences. 2 Sentence making with the new vocabularies. 时间 教室 1 Master the language points 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Learn to use the writing strategy suggested in the book Step One A brief review of the last class Step Two Language Study (Para 16-23) 11.abolish:end the existence of(alaw,custom,system,ctc.) e.g.Slavery was not finally abolished in the British Empire until 1833. 12.make the best of:accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as vou can .g.The living conditions in the village were very poor,but we had to make the best of it 13.compel:make (sb.)do sth force e.g.It is not good to compel children to study as much as they would burst 14.at risk:threatened by the possibility ofloss,failure,etc.in danger e.g.It is reported that some areas in the west are at high risk of desertification. 15.starve:(cause a personor an animal to)suffer severely or die from hunger eg.Some people starved to death during th ongdrought 16.in the eyes of:in the opinionof e.g.In the eyes of may parent,I am still a kid although I am already over twenty. 17.pass for:appear like.be accepted or looked upon as(same as pass as) e.g.He speaks American English well enough to pass for an American. Step Three I Ss sum up the main idea for the last part. 2 Ss form groups to discuss the following questions:
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 3 10 Ss sum up the main idea of this part. Assignments: 1 Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences. 2 Sentence making with the new vocabularies. 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Master the language points 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Learn to use the writing strategy suggested in the book Step One A brief review of the last class Step Two Language Study (Para 16-23) 11. abolish: end the existence of (a law, custom, system, etc.) e.g. Slavery was not finally abolished in the British Empire until 1833. 12. make the best of: accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you can e.g. The living conditions in the village were very poor, but we had to make the best of it. 13. compel: make (sb.) do sth.; force e.g. It is not good to compel children to study as much as they would burst. 14. at risk: threatened by the possibility of loss, failure, etc.; in danger e.g. It is reported that some areas in the west are at high risk of desertification. 15. starve: (cause a person or an animal to) suffer severely or die from hunger e.g. Some people starved to death during the long drought. 16. in the eyes of: in the opinion of e.g. In the eyes of may parent, I am still a kid although I am already over twenty. 17. pass for: appear like; be accepted or looked upon as (same as pass as) e.g. He speaks American English well enough to pass for an American. Step Three: 1 Ss sum up the main idea for the last part. 2 Ss form groups to discuss the following questions: