Unit 1 BookI NHCE 经济贸易学院07教改B4班&理学院、法学院07教改B1班 I.Teaching Material SectionA Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning II.Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes KI Grasp the main idea of the text:Learning a foreign language is one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences in one's life; To Know K2 Comprehend involved patterns for cause and effect and patterns for comparison and contrast. K3 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. DI Improve reading by making out the meaning of unfamiliar words througl context clues (cf.Section B): To Do D2 Learn to write a paragraph of cause and effect by analyzing text structure (cf.writing task of Section A): D3 Develop autonomous learning ability viaon-line and off-line study Help Ss to find out the best way for on-line English learning. B2 Develop Ss'interests in English through autonomous learning and team To Be co-operation B3 Enable Ss to enioy their accomplishments in English learning B4 Cultivate Ss'awareness of bilingualism and biculturalism. III.Key Points 1.Key words reward frustrate positive intimidate opportunity medium acces participate virtual commitment discipline assignment expand aware barrier reflect critical perspective arise likely reinforce challenge vital effective 2.Phrases be worth sth/doing sth at the top of lose the desire to fiar from get access to keep up with meet the minimum dards feel like doing come across reap the benefits of trade sth for teach sb.the value of give sb.insights into keep one's mind open to reach out to bridge the gap between play a role be/become aware of hinder from in addition reflect on allow for remind sb.of 3.Key patterns 1)patterns fo ause and effect Because of this positive method,I eagerly answered all the questions I could,never
1 Unit 1 Book I NHCE 经济贸易 学院 07 教改 B4 班 & 理学院、法学院 07 教改 B1 班 I. Teaching Material Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning II. Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes To Know K1 Grasp the main idea of the text: Learning a foreign language is one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences in one’s life; K2 Comprehend involved patterns for cause and effect and patterns for comparison and contrast; K3 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. To Do D1 Improve reading by making out the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues (cf.Section B); D2 Learn to write a paragraph of cause and effect by analyzing text structure (cf. writing task of Section A); D3 Develop autonomous learning ability via on-line and off-line study. To Be B1 Help Ss to find out the best way for on-line English learning; B2 Develop Ss’ interests in English through autonomous learning and team co-operation; B3 Enable Ss to enjoy their accomplishments in English learning; B4 Cultivate Ss’ awareness of bilingualism and biculturalism. III. Key Points 1. Key words reward frustrate positive intimidate opportunity medium access participate virtual commitment discipline assignment embarrass insight expand aware barrier reflect critical perspective arise likely reinforce challenge vital effective 2. Phrases be worth sth./doing sth. at the top of lose the desire to far from get access to keep up with meet the minimum standards feel like doing come across reap the benefits of trade sth for teach sb. the value of give sb. insights into keep one’s mind open to reach out to bridge the gap between play a role be/become aware of hinder from in addition reflect on allow for remind sb. of 3. Key patterns 1) patterns for cause and effect Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never
worrying much about making mistakes.(L.6 of section A) Now that I speak a foreign language,instead of staring into space when English is being spoken,Ica participate and make friends (L0 of sectionA) 2)patterns for comparison and contrast While my former teacher had been patient with all the students.my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers.(L.9 of section A) Unlike my techer,my college English teachers were patient and kind and none of them carried ong pointed sticks!(Lof) 3)subjunctive moo In the virtual classroom nearly all communication is written,so it is critical that students feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing.(L14 of section B) 4.Hard points )Ss'acceptan of the n ew teaching mode 2)Development of autonomou arning via 3)Help Ss to find out the best way for on-line English learning. VI.Time Allotment 2nd&periods 4 period Preparation Detailed Study of Section A Consolidation Developmen Section B&Assessment V.Teaching Process Step 1 Preparation This step aims at checking Ss'preview of key words and expressions,and offering basic background information about on earing Dictating: reward frustrate intimidate opportunity communicate medium access technology participate virtual commitment discipline assignment embarrass continual reap benefit favorite activity community expand aware unique addition reflect environment critical perspective instruct arise absolute reinforce requirement essential challenge normally sequence vital effective Translating: 很值得去努力to be well worth the effort(L.3) 在班里名列前茅to be at the top of the elass(L7) 远不尽人意to be far from perfect(L.l9) 水远停滞不前to stay at the same level forever(L.26) 接触到必要的设备to get access to the necessary equipment(L30) 跟上课程进度to keep up with the flow ofthe course(L3) 满足课程最低限度的要求to meet the minimum standards set by the course(L,34) 2
2 worrying much about making mistakes. (L. 6 of section A) Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends. (L.50 of section A) 2) patterns for comparison and contrast While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (L. 9 of section A) Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks! (L.16 of section A) 3) subjunctive mood In the virtual classroom nearly all communication is written, so it is critical that students feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing. (L.14 of section B) 4. Hard points 1) Ss’ acceptance of the new teaching model; 2) Development of Ss’ ability of autonomous learning via internet; 3) Help Ss to find out the best way for on-line English learning. VI. Time Allotment 1 st period 2 nd &3rd periods 4 th period 5 th &6th periods Preparation Detailed Study of Section A Consolidation & Development Section B & Assessment V. Teaching Process Step 1 Preparation This step aims at checking Ss’ preview of key words and expressions, and offering basic background information about online learning. 1) Check the preview by dictating new words and translating phrases and expressions. Dictating: reward frustrate intimidate opportunity communicate medium access technology participate virtual commitment discipline assignment embarrass continual reap benefit favorite activity community expand aware unique barrier addition reflect environment critical perspective instruct arise absolute reinforce requirement essential challenge normally sequence vital effective Translating: 很值得去努力 to be well worth the effort (L. 3) 在班里名列前茅 to be at the top of the class (L. 7) 失去说英语的欲望 to lose my desire / eagerness to say anything in English (L.14) 远不尽人意 to be far from perfect (L. 19) 永远停滞不前 to stay at the same level forever (L. 26) 接触到必要的设备 to get access to the necessary equipment (L. 30) 跟上课程进度 to keep up with the flow of the course (L. 33) 满足课程最低限度的要求 to meet the minimum standards set by the course (L. 34)
因挫折而哭泣to cry with frustration(L3 想放弃to feel like givingup(L37) 尝到刻苦学习的甜头toreap the benefits ofhard work(L42) 拿什么都不换not to trade(exchange/give)sth for anything(L.4) 使我懂得了刻苦努力的价值to teach me the value of hard work(L45) 使我认识了另一种文化to give me insights into another culture(L46) 使我从心里乐于接受新的看待事物的方式to keep my mind open to new ways of seeing things(L6 弥合不同文化之间的鸿沟to bridge the gap between different cutures(L.52) play arole in在 .中起作用 be/become aware of知道,意识到,对.-清楚 hinder from阻碍,打扰 inaddition此外 ,另外,加之 reflect on反省 深知 考虑:反映,体现 allow for考虑到:对: 留有余 remind sb.of使想起;使记起:提醒 2)Answer the following questions. ①What problems do Reference words:be with,pronunciation,grammar rules,cultura background,frustrating 2Do you think the computer can help you in learning English?Why? Reference words:allow access to sth.network.regular classroom study.suitable for me.have freedom to set the pace of study.to my taste.exchange ideas with 3What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning? Reference words:rewarding.to begin with.the value of practice.insights into other cultures.communicate with people.favorite activity Online arning. refers to lea ing and other resources that are available through a networked computer.With the development of the Internet,online learning often takes place on the Internet.In an online lesson,the computer displays material in response to a learner's request.The computer asks the learerfor more information and presents appropriate material based on the learner's input. The can be as si as ditional less and their ests that trans ribed into a computer program Step 2 Detailed Study of Section A This step aims at developing Ss'skills of 3S(skimming scanning&skipping)in reading and pattrns,and learing to write of cause and 1)Text understanding:Answer the following questions related to the text What made the author's English learning in junior middle school very successful? A:The kind and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students often. 2How was the author's experience with English learning in senior middle school
3 因挫折而哭泣 to cry with frustration (L. 37) 想放弃 to feel like giving up (L. 37) 尝到刻苦学习的甜头 to reap the benefits of hard work (L. 42) 拿什么都不换 not to trade (exchange / give) sth for anything (L. 45) 使我懂得了刻苦努力的价值 to teach me the value of hard work (L. 45) 使我认识了另一种文化 to give me insights into another culture (L. 46) 使我从心里乐于接受新的看待事物的方式 to keep my mind open to new ways of seeing things (L. 46) 弥合不同文化之间的鸿沟 to bridge the gap between different cultures (L. 52) play a role in 在······中起作用 be/become aware of 知道, 意识到, 对······清楚 hinder from 阻碍, 打扰 in addition 此外, 另外,加之 reflect on 反省,深思,考虑;反映,体现 allow for 考虑到;对······留有余 remind sb. of 使想起;使记起;提醒 2) Answer the following questions. ① What problems do you have in trying to learn English in your middle school? Reference words: be faced with, pronunciation, grammar rules, cultural background, frustrating ② Do you think the computer can help you in learning English? Why? Reference words: allow access to sth., network, regular classroom study, suitable for me, have freedom to set the pace of study, to my taste, exchange ideas with native speakers ③ What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning? Reference words: rewarding, to begin with, the value of practice, insights into other cultures, communicate with people, favorite activity 3) Listen to a short passage and fill in the missing words. Online learning, a form of distance education, refers to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer displays material in response to a learner’s request. The computer asks the learner for more information and presents appropriate material based on the learner’s input. The material can be as simple as traditional lessons and their tests that are transcribed into a computer program. Step 2 Detailed Study of Section A This step aims at developing Ss’ skills of 3S (skimming, scanning & skipping) in reading, practicing key words, phrases and patterns, and learning to write a paragraph of cause and effect by analyzing text structure. 1) Text understanding: Answer the following questions related to the text. ① What made the author’s English learning in junior middle school very successful? A: The kind and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students often. ② How was the author’s experience with English learning in senior middle school
different from his experience in junior middle school? A:his English teacher was kind and patient.He liked toanwe and senior middle school,his teacher punished those who gave wrong answers.He didn't want to answer questions any more in class.As a result.he did not make much progress in English. In what way is the author'sexperiee with English in junior middle school similar e?In what way are they In colleand uni midde cho.his tchers were both patient and kind but he didn't have as many chances to answer questions in college as he did in junior middle school Judging from the sixth paragraph,what is basic toonline English learning? A:It requires much time. commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the What was the method the author used for online English learning? A:Hard work 6 Why didn't the author feel intimidated when he found some students could speak faster than he could? A:He could take all the time he needed to consider his ideas and write a reply before posting it on the screen Why wouldn't the author trade his experience in learning a foreign language for anything else? A:Learning a foreign language taught him the value of hard work and gave him insights ther culture. According to the last paragraph,what interests the author most about English A:He could communicate with many more people than before. 2)Organization Main idea DMain idea of the text:Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet rewarding experiences of my life ②Main idea of each part Part I.(Para.1):Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet rewarding exneriences of my life Part II.(Paras.2-4):My different experiences with the regular course in junior and senio middle schools and at coleg Part III.(Paras.5-7):Learning English brings mea lot of benefits Part IV.(Para.8):My experiences with the online course helped me reap the benefits of hard work. Writing Devices: ence of Time and Space(时空顺序法) A.My experience with aforeign language began middle school(Para 2) B.When I went to senior middle school.(Para.3) C.However,that state didn't last long.When I went to college.(Para.4) D.That was the situation until a couple of years later,when participated in the
4 different from his experience in junior middle school? A: In junior middle school, his English teacher was kind and patient. He liked to answer questions in class and made much progress in English. But, in his senior middle school, his teacher punished those who gave wrong answers. He didn’t want to answer questions any more in class. As a result, he did not make much progress in English. ③ In what way is the author’s experience with English in junior middle school similar to his experience in college? In what way are they different from each other? A: In college and junior middle school, his English teachers were both patient and kind, but he didn’t have as many chances to answer questions in college as he did in junior middle school. ④ Judging from the sixth paragraph, what is basic to online English learning? A: It requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. ⑤ What was the method the author used for online English learning? A: Hard work. ⑥ Why didn’t the author feel intimidated when he found some students could speak faster than he could? A: He could take all the time he needed to consider his ideas and write a reply before posting it on the screen. ⑦ Why wouldn’t the author trade his experience in learning a foreign language for anything else? A: Learning a foreign language taught him the value of hard work and gave him insights into another culture. ⑧ According to the last paragraph, what interests the author most about English? A: He could communicate with many more people than before. 2) Organization Main idea: ① Main idea of the text: Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet rewarding experiences of my life. ② Main idea of each part: ❖ Part I. (Para. 1): Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet rewarding experiences of my life. ❖ Part II. (Paras. 2-4): My different experiences with the regular course in junior and senior middle schools and at college. ❖ Part III. (Paras. 5-7): Learning English brings me a lot of benefits. ❖ Part IV. (Para. 8): My experiences with the online course helped me reap the benefits of hard work. Writing Devices: ③ Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) A. My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school.(Para. 2) B. When I went to senior middle school. (Para.3) C. However, that state didn’t last long. When I went to college. (Para. 4) D. That was the situation until a couple of years later, when . participated in the
virtual classroom.(Para.5) E.I had finally ④Deduction(演绎法:from“to“)&Induction(归纳法 from“specification"to“generalization General statement (Topic):Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult vet most rewarding experiences of my life.(Para.1) Specific statements: A.My experience in junior middle school (Para 2) B.My experience in senior middle school (Para.3) C.My experience at college (Para 4) D My exnerience with the online course (Paras 5-7) Conelusion:a most trying experience,not trade for anything (Para 8) ⑤Comparison and Contrast(对比法 The comparison and contrast of this text is centered around"the most difficult"and the most rewarding"(Conjunctions:vet.while.unlike.although.but) The group of“the most difficult”: frustrating.punish,shout,lose my eagerness/desire to say anything in English,very arge,far on (my E nglish) )stay at the sam evel,cry with frustration,feel like giving up The group of“the most rewarding”: well worth the effort at the top of my class,eager to study.understand about everything.reap the benefits of all that hard work.teach me the value of hard work give me in another culture,able to bridge the gap between cultures C:The kind and patient teacher often praised the students E:I eagerly answered questions,not worrying about making mistakes.I was at the top of my class.(Para.2) C.The new teacher quckly punished th s to answer questions and my sire to say anything in English (Para 3) C:Large classes made me only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period.Many students spoke much better thanI did. E:I was afraid to speak.My English seemed to stay at the same level.(Para 4) C:Give me the alue of hard work me insights into another culture communicate with more to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs. E:not trade the experience for anything else.(Para.8) Note:Patterns for cause and effect are an important point of this unit.therefore the teacher may emphasize Point6()When analyzing the rganization of thistext if neces naking students confused 3)Language points ①reward A.vt.give sth.in return for good and valuable doings酬劳,奖赏,酬谢,报答
5 virtual classroom. (Para. 5) E. I had finally reaped the benefits of all that hard work. (Para. 7) ④ Deduction (演绎法: from “generalization” to “specification”) & Induction (归纳法: from “specification” to “generalization”) General statement (Topic): Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. (Para. 1) Specific statements: A. My experience in junior middle school (Para. 2) B. My experience in senior middle school (Para. 3) C. My experience at college (Para. 4) D. My experience with the online course (Paras. 5-7) Conclusion: a most trying experience, not trade for anything (Para. 8) ⑤ Comparison and Contrast (对比法) The comparison and contrast of this text is centered around “the most difficult” and “the most rewarding”. (Conjunctions: yet, while, unlike, although, but) The group of “the most difficult”: frustrating, punish, shout, lose my eagerness / desire to say anything in English, very large, far from perfect, feel intimidated, afraid to speak, (my English) stay at the same level, cry with frustration, feel like giving up The group of “the most rewarding”: well worth the effort, at the top of my class, eager to study, understand about everything, reap the benefits of all that hard work, teach me the value of hard work, give me insights into another culture, able to bridge the gap between cultures ⑥ Cause and Effect (因果法) C: The kind and patient teacher often praised the students. E: I eagerly answered questions, not worrying about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class. (Para. 2) C: The new teacher quickly punished those who gave wrong answers. E: I lost my eagerness to answer questions and my desire to say anything in English. (Para. 3) C: Large classes made me only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period. Many students spoke much better than I did. E: I was afraid to speak. My English seemed to stay at the same level. (Para. 4) C: Give me the value of hard work; give me insights into another culture; communicate with more people; reach out to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs. E: not trade the experience for anything else. (Para. 8) Note: Patterns for cause and effect are an important point of this unit, therefore the teacher may emphasize Point 6 (因果法). When analyzing the organization of this text, if necessary, the teacher may not mention other writing devices to avoid making students confused. 3) Language points ① reward A. vt. give sth. in return for good and valuable doings 酬劳,奖赏,酬谢,报答
【例句】His efforts were rewarded by success. 他的努力获得了成功。 B.n.some money given to meon for his good doing.something as a return fo g0 dand报酬,奖金 【例句】He was given areward of S9O0 for catching the criminal, 他因抓获罪犯而得900美元酬金。 【辨析】ard reward 1意为授予,给予”,通常指官方或法院根据相关规定将钱财或物品奖 或判与某人 作动 词时后面可跟双宾语。 The school awarded Merry a prize(for her good work). 学校(因为烛工作好而)奖励了梅丽。 reward意为“酬劳,奖赏,回报”,通常指因做了某事或提供了某种服务而被 给予应得的报答报酬或酬谢:r©ward sb.(以人或人的行为作宾语)或 reward sb.with sth She rewarded the boy with 10 for his help 她因那男孩帮助而酰谢他10美元。 ②frustrate 【的】e使租使灰心 【例句】Thet is that he frustrates m 他的毛病是他很容易泄气。 He was frustrated by his poverty 他因盆穷而灰心丧气。 ause the failure of sth使挫做 【例句】The police frustrated the bandits the bank 警察挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图 【搭配】feel frustrated at对 感到沮 frustrate sb.in挫败某人的。 ③intimidate .frighten by making threats恐吓,威胁 【例句】He said he never be by big names and 他说他决不会被名人、权威所吓倒。 John intimidated his brother into not telling their parents the truth. 约翰威胁他弟弟,不准他把真相告诉父母。 ④opportunity 有利的机会,合适或有利的时机或时间 【例句】With the help of his teacher,he got an opportunity to learn English in Britain.在老师的帮助下,他得到了一次去英国学习英语的机会。 【搭配】get/make an opportunity得到/制造机会 catch/size/take an opportunity抓住/俐用机会 on/at the first一有机会 【辨析】chance occasion opportunity chance表示幸运或偶然的机会,含侥幸的意思。 Chance plays an important part in many card games 6
6 【例句】His efforts were rewarded by success. 他的努力获得了成功。 B. n. some money given to someone for his good doing; something as a return for good and valuable doings 报酬,奖金 【例句】He was given a reward of $900 for catching the criminal. 他因抓获罪犯而得 900 美元酬金。 【辨析】award, reward award 意为“授予,给予”,通常指官方或法院根据相关规定将钱财或物品奖 与或判与某人,作动词时后面可跟双宾语。 The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work). 学校(因为她工作好而)奖励了梅丽。 reward 意为“酬劳,奖赏,回报”,通常指因做了某事或提供了某种服务而被 给予应得的报答报酬或酬谢;reward sb.(以人或人的行为作宾语)或 reward sb. with sth. She rewarded the boy with$10 for his help. 她因那男孩帮助而酬谢他 10 美元。 ② frustrate vt. A. cause sb. to have feelings of disappointment 使沮丧,使灰心 【例句】The trouble is that he frustrates much easily. 他的毛病是他很容易泄气。 He was frustrated by his poverty. 他因贫穷而灰心丧气。 B. cause the failure of sth. 使挫败 【例句】The police frustrated the bandits in their attempt to rob the bank. 警察挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。 【搭配】feel frustrated at 对······感到沮丧 frustrate sb. in 挫败某人的······ ③ intimidate vt. frighten by making threats 恐吓,威胁 【例句】He said he would never be intimidated by big names and authorities. 他说他决不会被名人、权威所吓倒。 John intimidated his brother into not telling their parents the truth. 约翰威胁他弟弟,不准他把真相告诉父母。 ④ opportunity n. a favorable or suitable occasion or time 有利的机会,合适或有利的时机或时间 【例句】With the help of his teacher, he got an opportunity to learn English in Britain. 在老师的帮助下,他得到了一次去英国学习英语的机会。 【搭配】get/make an opportunity 得到/制造机会 catch/seize/take an opportunity 抓住/利用机会 on/at the first opportunity 一有机会 【辨析】chance occasion opportunity chance 表示幸运或偶然的机会,含侥幸的意思。 Chance plays an important part in many card games
在许多纸牌游戏中,运气是很重要的 occason是指特殊或一般的时机、场合:常指能采取行动的良机、场合适宜 的时刻 A birthday is no occasion for tears 生日可不是哭鼻子的时候。 opportnit是常用词,常指有利的机遇,含有能让人施展能力的机会之意。 I take this tunity of thanking you 我趁此机会感谢你们 ⑤access n.means or right of using,reaching进入:means of entering or a way in通道:使 用接近 【例句】The only access to that building was guarded by the soldiers 通向那栋楼房的唯一通道由士兵把守者 He was not allowed access to his young brother who was in prison 他未能获准去监狱探望他弟弟。 【搭配】be easy/hard/difficult of access容易/难接近 give/allow access to接见:准许出入 e/gain/get/obtain access to得接近:得会见 commitment nA.devotion to信奉,献身 【例句】We are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job. 我们在寻找对此工作真正能尽责尽力的人。 mise to beliefsor actions承诺:约定;约束 【例句】He do 0号 他不想结婚,因为他害怕承担任何责任 ⑦insight n.(into)the power of using one's mind to see or understand the true nature of sth 洞察力:深刻的见解 me insightint c lives the people who live there 活情况 【搭配】gain/have an insight into了解,熟悉:看透,识破 8far from not at all rather than一点都不 【例句】Her husband is far from handsome,he is somewhat ugly 地丈夫谈不上英俊 ,有点丑。 【扩展】asfar as就 “:至于 As far as I know,he has gone to town. 就我所知他到镇上去了。 ym最,显然到达极为明显的程度(一般与形容词或副词的比较级 或最高级连用) She is by far the best executive in the company 她目前是公司中最为优秀的决策人。 soar讫今为止:到有限的程度 So far there's been no word from them
7 在许多纸牌游戏中,运气是很重要的。 occasion 是指特殊或一般的时机、场合;常指能采取行动的良机、场合适宜 的时刻。 A birthday is no occasion for tears. 生日可不是哭鼻子的时候。 opportunity 是常用词,常指有利的机遇,含有能让人施展能力的机会之意。 I take this opportunity of thanking you. 我趁此机会感谢你们。 ⑤ access n. means or right of using, reaching 进入;means of entering, or a way in 通道;使 用, 接近 【例句】The only access to that building was guarded by the soldiers. 通向那栋楼房的唯一通道由士兵把守着。 He was not allowed access to his young brother who was in prison. 他未能获准去监狱探望他弟弟。 【搭配】be easy/hard/difficult of access 容易/难接近 give/allow access to 接见;准许出入 have/gain/get/obtain access to 得接近;得会见 ⑥ commitment n. A. devotion to 信奉, 献身 【例句】We are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job. 我们在寻找对此工作真正能尽责尽力的人。 B. a promise to follow certain beliefs or actions 承诺;约定;约束 【例句】He doesn’t want to get married because he is afraid of any commitments. 他不想结婚,因为他害怕承担任何责任。 ⑦ insight n. (into) the power of using one’s mind to see or understand the true nature of sth. 洞察力;深刻的见解 【例句】Visiting the city gave me insight into the lives of the people who live there. 参观这座城市使我了解了那里居民的生活情况。 【搭配】gain/have an insight into 了解,熟悉;看透, 识破 ⑧ far from not.at all; rather than 一点都不 【例句】Her husband is far from handsome; he is somewhat ugly. 她丈夫谈不上英俊,有点丑。 【扩展】as far as 就······;至于······ As far as I know, he has gone to town. 就我所知,他到镇上去了。 by far 最,显然到达极为明显的程度(一般与形容词或副词的比较级 或最高级连用) She is by far the best executive in the company. 她目前是公司中最为优秀的决策人。 so far 迄今为止;到······有限的程度 So far there’s been no word from them
至今没有他们的消息。 ⑨reap the benefits of get sth asa reward获得益处,得到好处 【例句】She reaped large benefits from her unique invention 她从她那奇特的发明中获得了很大的好处。 I have reaped some direct benefits from my English studies 我从英语学习中获得了一些直接的益处 ⑩trade for for用.进行交换 【例句】They tend totrade farm products for manufactured goods. 他们常常用农产品换取工业制成品。 I will trade my ticket for yours 我将把我的票和你换」 【扩展】trade in以(旧)抵购(新 trade on利用 children of celebrities who trade on their family names 利用他们家庭名望的名人后代 Step 3 Consolidation Development This step aims at engaging Ss in after-reading activities of further discussion and transation so that they could have a deeper understanding of the text and learn to use new words and expressions of this unit 1)Further discussion Question forin-cass discussion Discuss with your group members and try to find out a way for online English learning which suits you the best.(The answer is open. Ouestions for after-class discussion: DWhat is your ultimate purpose of learning English or other foreign languages? Sample Ansy er:To be international citiz in the global illag ②Is lea inga foreign anguage important for earninga different cuture? Sample Answer:Language is probably the most significant element in culture.The relation between language and culture is primarily about how language is used and is not about language structure.Actually.language in a specific context may carry some cultural factors.On the other hand.differer nces in culture mean differences in language because people in different cultures haved erent clas of this world Meanwhile,when a culture experiences radical change,its vocabulary also undergoes corresponding alterations.In a sense.ignoring the language.one could not learn the culture well,and vice versa. 3Is it necessary for a college student to be a person of bilingualism and biculturalism in in the awrenes of bingiand bic extremely important for college students.Bilingual competence enables one to freely communicate with foreigners to get desirable information,which is the most valuable matter in modern society.However,bilingual competence does not always mean that 8
8 至今没有他们的消息。 ⑨ reap the benefits of get sth. as a reward 获得益处,得到好处 【例句】She reaped large benefits from her unique invention. 她从她那奇特的发明中获得了很大的好处。 I have reaped some direct benefits from my English studies. 我从英语学习中获得了一些直接的益处。 ⑩ trade for exchange.for 用······进行交换 【例句】They tend to trade farm products for manufactured goods. 他们常常用农产品换取工业制成品。 I will trade my ticket for yours. 我将把我的票和你换。 【扩展】trade in 以(旧)抵购(新) trade on 利用 children of celebrities who trade on their family names 利用他们家庭名望的名人后代 Step 3 Consolidation & Development This step aims at engaging Ss in after-reading activities of further discussion and translation so that they could have a deeper understanding of the text and learn to use new words and expressions of this unit. 1) Further discussion Question for in-class discussion: Discuss with your group members and try to find out a way for online English learning which suits you the best. (The answer is open.) Questions for after-class discussion: ① What is your ultimate purpose of learning English or other foreign languages? Sample Answer: To be an international citizen in the global village. ② Is learning a foreign language important for learning a different culture? Sample Answer: Language is probably the most significant element in culture. The relation between language and culture is primarily about how language is used and is not about language structure. Actually, language in a specific context may carry some cultural factors. On the other hand, differences in culture mean differences in language because people in different cultures have different classifications of this world. Meanwhile, when a culture experiences radical change, its vocabulary also undergoes corresponding alterations. In a sense, ignoring the language, one could not learn the culture well, and vice versa. ③ Is it necessary for a college student to be a person of bilingualism and biculturalism in modern society? Why? Sample Answer: Cultivating the awareness of bilingualism and biculturalism is extremely important for college students. Bilingual competence enables one to freely communicate with foreigners to get desirable information, which is the most valuable matter in modern society. However, bilingual competence does not always mean that
one must have an active competence in both the source and target languages.Virtually. biculturalism is even m ore important than bilingualism. interms of the cutures in which they function. awareness o biculturalism makes people become accustomed to their own ways of doing things and have the ability of conceiving of other people accomplishing the same purposes by quite different actions.In a way.the awareness of biculturalism could contribute to ①生活在北京决不是生活在温柔富贵乡。(rom)(不定式作主语) To live in Beijing is far from a bed of roses. ②能和外国友人面对面交流我很开心。(communicate)(动名词作动词宾语) i enioy communicating with foreigners face to face 我们已经接触到与该项目有关的全部人员,获得了非常重要的资料.(gtasto (分词作后置修饰语) We have got access to all the people involved in this project and got very important data ④他们昨天参观了这座城市,了解了那里居民的生活情况。(give sb.insights into)(关 系从句tha which) They visited the city yesterday,which gave them insights into the lives of the peopl who live there ⑤他抓住了这次机会才获得成功。(opportunity)(hat引导名词性从句作主语) That he seized the opportunity contributes to his success. ©在商场购物时,我偶然遇到一位多年不见的老校友.(come acros)(时间状语从句, 省略主语) When going shopping.I came across a former shoolmate whom I had not seen for ages ⑦老师建议我们积极参加各种课外活动以提高英语水平。(participate in)(虚拟语气表 示建议) The teacher proposes that (should)actively participate in various after-class activities to improve our English ⑧他十分渴望得到那份工作,因为这是他职业生涯中非常关键的一步.(be eager to do) he+adi表示动词煮义) He is very eager to get that job.becauseit isacritica step in his career ⑨他也失败了,和约翰一样的槛尬。 (em (ad原级) and same emba 画为了跟上世界贸易的进程,中国加入了世贸组织。(keep up with)(不定式作状语) China joined WTO to keep up with the flow of world trade Summary (Sample):Tosum a foreign language is notony a very difficult and a frustrating exp alsoa rewardin g and valuable one When language teachers us positive methods,students feel encouraged to answer eagerly,never worrying about making mistakes.Other times.teachers who are not patient enough are likely to cause students to lose their excitement for answering questions and their desire to say anything in English.However very large classes may give students fewer chances to answer and may intimidate them 9
9 one must have an active competence in both the source and target languages. Virtually, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function. The awareness of biculturalism makes people become accustomed to their own ways of doing things and have the ability of conceiving of other people accomplishing the same purposes by quite different actions. In a way, the awareness of biculturalism could contribute to equal communications between different peoples in the world. 2) Translation ① 生活在北京决不是生活在温柔富贵乡。(far from) (不定式作主语) To live in Beijing is far from a bed of roses. ② 能和外国友人面对面交流我很开心。(communicate) (动名词作动词宾语) I enjoy communicating with foreigners face to face. ③ 我们已经接触到与该项目有关的全部人员,获得了非常重要的资料。(get access to) (分词作后置修饰语) We have got access to all the people involved in this project and got very important data. ④ 他们昨天参观了这座城市,了解了那里居民的生活情况。(give sb. insights into) (关 系从句 that/which) They visited the city yesterday, which gave them insights into the lives of the people who live there. ⑤ 他抓住了这次机会才获得成功。(opportunity) (that 引导名词性从句作主语) That he seized the opportunity contributes to his success. ⑥ 在商场购物时,我偶然遇到一位多年不见的老校友。(come across) (时间状语从句, 省略主语) When going shopping, I came across a former shoolmate whom I had not seen for ages. ⑦ 老师建议我们积极参加各种课外活动以提高英语水平。(participate in) (虚拟语气表 示建议) The teacher proposes that we (should) actively participate in various after-class activities to improve our English. ⑧ 他十分渴望得到那份工作,因为这是他职业生涯中非常关键的一步。(be eager to do) (be+adj.表示动词意义) He is very eager to get that job, because it is a critical step in his career. ⑨ 他也失败了,和约翰一样的尴尬。(embarrass) (adj.原级) He also failed, and felt the same embarrassed as John. ⑩ 为了跟上世界贸易的进程,中国加入了世贸组织。(keep up with) (不定式作状语) China joined WTO to keep up with the flow of world trade. Summary (Sample): To sum up, learning a foreign language is not only a very difficult and a frustrating experience but also a rewarding and valuable one. When language teachers use positive methods, students feel encouraged to answer eagerly, never worrying about making mistakes. Other times, teachers who are not patient enough are likely to cause students to lose their excitement for answering questions and their desire to say anything in English. However, very large classes may give students fewer chances to answer and may intimidate them
because of those who speak much better than they.Studying English online is not different before posting it on n brings many benefits such as learning the value of hard work,gaining insights into other cultures,and opening people's minds to new ways of thinking Learning a foreign language by computers makes it possible to communicate with many more people and to bridge the gap between one culture and another.Through learning a foreign language.college students should cultivate their awareness biculturalism.Only inth way,can they become interation citizens in the global village and the real masters of. Step4 Section B This step aims at developing Ssreading skills and improving their learning methods 1)Reading skills:Figure out word ext clues Some sentences set off (mark off)the definition for a difficult word by using punctuation. eg.Monogamy,the practice or condition of having one marriage partner,is now adopted by most countries as one of state policies. Sometimes helping ortant clues eg.Still othe are not avoiding work,strictly speaking.they are merely procrastinating- delaying their work Some sentences tell the opposite of what a new word means.From its opposite,you can figure out the meaning of the word. eg.If we desire to get rid of the slovenliness of our English we can think carefully and clear expr Sometimes you can use your own experiences to figure out the definition of a word eg.Confinement requires jailers,and a death punishment calls for executioners. 5 Sentences before or after a sentence that has a difficult word sometimes explain the meaning of the word this positive method,I eagerly answered all the questions I could,. Some sentences are written just to give the definitions of the difficult words-words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading. eg.that I could communicate with many more people than before.Talking with ⑦Be ause some sentences give examples for a new word,you can build a definition eg.The "vicious cycle"recurs throughout human life.To cure her husband's faults. for example,a wife may find fault with him.His faults get worse,so she finds fault with him even more.Naturally his faults get worse still. Some sentences use a word you do know to help xplainawordyoudonotkaow eg.The medical use of some drugs should be carefully regulated by doctor because they are addictive or habit-forming. Word part clues-stems and affixes also help to find out word meaning. eg With many factors unforeseeable,there is no reason for us to show a sweeping 10
10 because of those who speak much better than they. Studying English online is not different from study in the regular classroom but it gives students freedom to think out their ideas and to write a reply before posting it on the screen. Online learning also brings many benefits such as learning the value of hard work, gaining insights into other cultures, and opening people’s minds to new ways of thinking. Learning a foreign language by computers makes it possible to communicate with many more people and to bridge the gap between one culture and another. Through learning a foreign language, college students should cultivate their awareness of bilingualism and biculturalism. Only in this way, can they become international citizens in the global village and the real masters of the 21st century. Step 4 Section B This step aims at developing Ss’ reading skills and improving their learning methods. 1) Reading skills: Figure out word meanings through context clues. ① Some sentences set off (mark off) the definition for a difficult word by using punctuation. eg. Monogamy, the practice or condition of having one marriage partner, is now adopted by most countries as one of state policies. ② Sometimes helping words, along with punctuation, provide important clues. eg. Still other people are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are merely procrastinating—delaying their work. ③ Some sentences tell the opposite of what a new word means. From its opposite, you can figure out the meaning of the word. eg. If we desire to get rid of the slovenliness of our English we can think carefully and clearly before expressing ourselves in it. ④ Sometimes you can use your own experiences to figure out the definition of a word. eg. Confinement requires jailers, and a death punishment calls for executioners. ⑤ Sentences before or after a sentence that has a difficult word sometimes explain the meaning of the word. eg. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, . ⑥ Some sentences are written just to give the definitions of the difficult words—words that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading. eg. .that I could communicate with many more people than before. Talking with people is one of my favorite activities. ⑦ Because some sentences give examples for a new word, you can build a definition. eg. The “vicious cycle” recurs throughout human life. To cure her husband’s faults, for example, a wife may find fault with him. His faults get worse, so she finds fault with him even more. Naturally his faults get worse still. ⑧ Some sentences use a word you do know to help explain a word you do not know. eg. The medical use of some drugs should be carefully regulated by doctors because they are addictive or habit-forming. ⑨ Word part clues—stems and affixes also help to find out word meaning. eg. With many factors unforeseeable, there is no reason for us to show a sweeping