(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 Unitl Ways of Learning 时间 救室 Obiectives: 1 Conduct relevant listening practice 2 Introduce the theme of the unit 3Express the opinion 4 Learn to skim the passage 5 Master the key language points StepOne Listen to the followingqution from《文汇读书周报》(“自主教有:管还是不管”) take some notes,and then T will invite some Ss to summarize in English how Chen Yuhua's parents handle her education. ·本由中国经济出版社推出的《千万别管孩子一自主教有哈佛启示录》的书近来极为 畅销,问世木一月,在全国销售量已达到20余万册。其所但导的“白主教有的理念在教有 界引发争议。 不少读者反映,这本书最初吸引他们的是出挑的书名 一“千万别管孩子”,难道真的应 当对孩子的教有放任自流?看了书后才明白,该书所强调的,其实并非让家长“别管”孩子, 恰恰是“怎么去管”这个老问题。但它鲜明的提出了“自主教有”的理念,切中了社会热点。 该书的主人公陈字华的父母在讲述教有经验时说,虽然他们常说“从来没管过她。”其实 他们一直在管她,而管的内容,就是反复提醒孩子的自我意识,让她认识到自己才是教有的 一切要靠自己的努力,才会成功,老师家长则仅仅起辅导作用。这正是自主教育的精 髓所在 (Possible summary:They let her learn independently and seek out knowledge actively.They may help during the process,but don't expect to spoon-feed her with knowledge.) Step Two Song Listening: Listen to the song and answer the questions according to it. -Who should teach whom?Is learning a one-way street? (Parents and children should teach each other and learn from each other.Learning is a two-way interaction). Can you guess what the theme of this unit,ways of learning,refers to? (Different people have different learning styles.) Step Three Pronunciation Practice Twrites down some phonetic symbols on the blackboard.according to which Ss find out the proper words from the word list(pl3) accomplish critical enormous exaggerate initial attach
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 1 Unit1 Ways of Learning 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Conduct relevant listening practice 2 Introduce the theme of the unit 3 Express the opinion of education 4 Learn to skim the passage 5 Master the key language points Step One Summarize in English: Listen to the following quotation from 《文汇读书周报》(“自主教育:‘管’还是‘不管’”), take some notes, and then T will invite some Ss to summarize in English how Chen Yuhua’s parents handle her education. 一本由中国经济出版社推出的《千万别管孩子——自主教育哈佛启示录》的书近来极为 畅销,问世才一月,在全国销售量已达到 20 余万册。其所倡导的“自主教育”的理念在教育 界引发争议。 不少读者反映,这本书最初吸引他们的是出挑的书名——“千万别管孩子”,难道真的应 当对孩子的教育放任自流?看了书后才明白,该书所强调的,其实并非让家长“别管”孩子, 恰恰是“怎么去管”这个老问题。但它鲜明的提出了“自主教育”的理念,切中了社会热点。 该书的主人公陈宇华的父母在讲述教育经验时说,虽然他们常说“从来没管过她。”其实 他们一直在管她,而管的内容,就是反复提醒孩子的自我意识,让她认识到自己才是教育的 主体,一切要靠自己的努力,才会成功,老师家长则仅仅起辅导作用。这正是自主教育的精 髓所在. (Possible summary: They let her learn independently and seek out knowledge actively. They may help during the process, but don’t expect to spoon-feed her with knowledge.) Step Two Song Listening: Listen to the song and answer the questions according to it. -Who should teach whom? Is learning a one-way street? (Parents and children should teach each other and learn from each other. Learning is a two-way interaction.) -Can you guess what the theme of this unit, ways of learning, refers to? (Different people have different learning styles.) Step Three Pronunciation Practice: T writes down some phonetic symbols on the blackboard, according to which Ss find out the proper words from the word list.(p13) accomplish critical enormous exaggerate initial attach
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 emerge neglect relevant contrast superior investigate Step Four Skimming 1)Ss skim Paral-5 and be ready to answer the following questions: -Where and when did the incident take place?(Jinling Hotel in Nanjing.spring 987) Who are the main characters in this incident? What is the attitude of the author and his wife toward Benjamin's efforts in inserting the key into the slot? (They let him explore and enjoy himself. -What is the attitude of the hotel staff toward Beniamin's efforts? 2)Tasks some pairs to report to the cass.one asking the above questions and the othe providing the answers. 3)Ttells Ss that there are many ways of introducing a topic.Ss will decide which way is adopted by Howard Gardner: An essay is usually made up of three parts a beginning where the topic is introduced,the body art where the topie sides statingth opie directly,therea many other ways to introduce a theme.In this text,an anecdote or an incident is used.The autho of Text A.unit 6.Book19(What Animals Really Think)introduces his topic by posing a question: "Do animals all have thoughts,what we call consciousness?"Text B,unit3,Bookl(How to Make Sense)begins by quoting newspaper headlines. -New Dr ug Kill Cance Devastation by El Nin -a Warning" Text B of this unit,Children and Money.begins with an imagined argument between a child and his parent over the control of pocket money.Discover other forms of introduction as you read on.However,the more important point is that you should learn to vary your own writing by arioustypes of topic nr Step Five Language Study(Paral-Para5) 1 bustle v.(闹哄哄地)忙绿about,.around eg:She is bustling about in the kitchen. 充满(活动,声音等)w eg:The office is bustling with people and activity 匆匆来去in.out ~in and out ofaplace匆匆出入某处 n.hustle and bustle熙攘,忙绿 a scene ofhustle and bustle.火车站一片熙熙攘 2 But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing 2
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 2 emerge neglect relevant contrast superior investigate Step Four Skimming 1) Ss skim Para1-5 and be ready to answer the following questions: -Where and when did the incident take place? (Jinling Hotel in Nanjing, spring 987) -Who are the main characters in this incident? (author, his wife Ellen, their son Benjamin, hotel staff) -What is the attitude of the author and his wife toward Benjamin’s efforts in inserting the key into the slot? (They let him explore and enjoy himself.) -What is the attitude of the hotel staff toward Benjamin’s efforts? (They held his hand and taught him how to insert the key correctly.) 2) T asks some S pairs to report to the class, one asking the above questions and the other providing the answers. 3) T tells Ss that there are many ways of introducing a topic. Ss will decide which way is adopted by Howard Gardner: An essay is usually made up of three parts: a beginning where the topic is introduced; the body part where the topic is elaborated on, and a conclusion. Besides stating the topic directly, there are many other ways to introduce a theme. In this text, an anecdote or an incident is used. The author of Text A, unit 6, Book19(What Animals Really Think) introduces his topic by posing a question: “Do animals all have thoughts, what we call consciousness?” Text B, unit3, Book1 (How to Make Sense out of Science) begins by quoting newspaper headlines: “New Drugs Kill Cancer Devastation by El Nino-a Warning” Text B of this unit, Children and Money, begins with an imagined argument between a child and his parent over the control of pocket money. Discover other forms of introduction as you read on. However, the more important point is that you should learn to vary your own writing by adopting various types of topic introduction. Step Five Language Study (Para1-Para5) 1 bustle v. (闹哄哄地)忙碌 about, around eg: She is bustling about in the kitchen. 充满(活动,声音等)with eg: The office is bustling with people and activity. 匆匆来去 in, out ~ in and out of a place 匆匆出入某处 n. hustle and bustle 熙攘,忙碌 eg: The railway station was a scene of hustle and bustle. 火车站一片熙熙攘攘 *bustling adj. 2 But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 然而我和埃伦获得的有关中美教有观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在 南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。 3attach:fasten or join (one thing to another) 一h.to sth.把.装,系,贴,附到 ~a label to a package往包上贴个标签 eg:Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the document you asked for. ~oneself to(短期的)参加:依附于 案会上 子黏上了 ,赶都赶不走。 .o认为有(重要性等) attach importance to what sb says重视某人说的 eg:We attached no significance to her statement.我们不认为她的陈述有什么意义。 ◆attached adj钟爱的,依恋的:(感情,婚姻关系上)有所属的 4 not in the least:not at all eg:I am not in the least touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty. Ann didn't seem in the least concerned about her study. 5 He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times ually found i the slo 尔把阴匙成功地塞进相口得到的乐趣一样多, find one's way:reach a destination naturally:arrive at eg:Drunk as he was,Peter still found his way home. Shanghai is not an easy city to find your way around 6initialdj.ofor at the beginning.frst(usd beforen) g:Their initial ow they realized how much work the job involved.当他们意识到这份工作包含的活儿时最初进发的热情就平息了。 *initiate v.创始,发起 eg:The government initiated a large-scale campaign to eliminate illiteracy. 政府发起大规模的扫言运动 、into引入,授予初步技术 g:The lecture initiated us into the problem ofliving abroad The students were initiated into the wonders of science.学生们被引进科学的奥秘。 *initiative n take the 6 somewhat to some degree a little ned about y m result?"“Somewhat.' It isreported that the village have improved somewhat since November 7 on occasion:now and then eg:I was usually the only foreign participant,although on occasion I brought other Americans in *rise to the occasion起而应变,得体的应付突如其米的情况 en prin handedher the prize but she rose to the occ sion with a 、当长向姓报奖时感有十分意外,但地致了群,得体的度付过头了 8 neglect:give too little attention or care to eg:He gave too much attention to his career,working long hours and neglecting his wife. Their investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was accused of neglecting his
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 3 然而我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在 南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。 3 attach: fasten or join (one thing to another) ~sth. to sth. 把.装,系,贴,附到 ~ a label to a package 往包上贴个标签 eg: Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the document you asked for. ~ oneself to (短期的)参加; 依附于 eg: A young man attached himself to her at the party an she couldn’t get rid of him. 聚会上一个小伙子黏上了她,赶都赶不走。 ~ .to 认为有(重要性等) attach importance to what sb says 重视某人说的 eg: We attached no significance to her statement. 我们不认为她的陈述有什么意义。 *attached adj.钟爱的,依恋的;(感情,婚姻关系上)有所属的 attachment n. 4 not in the least: not at all eg: I am not in the least touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty. Ann didn’t seem in the least concerned about her study. 5 He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. 他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口得到的乐趣一样多。 find one’s way: reach a destination naturally; arrive at eg: Drunk as he was, Peter still found his way home. Shanghai is not an easy city to find your way around. 6 initial adj. of or at the beginning, first (used before n.) eg: Their initial burst of enthusiasm died down when they realized how much work the job involved. 当他们意识到这份工作包含的活儿时最初迸发的热情就平息了。 *initiate v. 创始,发起 eg: The government initiated a large-scale campaign to eliminate illiteracy. 政府发起大规模的扫盲运动。 ~ into 引入,授予初步技术 eg: The lecture initiated us into the problem of living abroad. The students were initiated into the wonders of science. 学生们被引进科学的奥秘。 *initiative n. take the ~ 6 somewhat: to some degree, a little eg: “Are you concerned about your exam result?” “Somewhat.” It is reported that conditions in the village have improved somewhat since November. 7 on occasion: now and then eg: I was usually the only foreign participant, although on occasion I brought other Americans in as guests. *rise to the occasion 起而应变,得体的应付突如其来的情况 eg: She was surprised when the principal handed her the prize, but she rose to the occasion with a speech of thanks. 当校长向她授奖时她感到十分意外,但她致了谢辞,得体的应付过去了。 8 neglect: give too little attention or care to eg: He gave too much attention to his career, working long hours and neglecting his wife. Their investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was accused of neglecting his
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 duties ignore v.pay no attention to sb./sth on as if sth.has not happened:disregard eg:She saw him coming,but ignored him The accident happened because he had ignored the safety measures. 事故发生的原因是他无视安全措施。 The accident happened becaus of the safety measures.(didn't know) -of/abou eg:He is not stupid,merely ignorant. ignorance n. 9 throw/shed/cast light on:make sth.clearer Assignments 1 Dictionary work:const the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary 2 Sentence translation:translate the five sentences in the first part of text. 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Know the concepts of comparison and contrast respectively and learn to use them in writing 3 Master the vant language points Step One Comparison and Contrast: 1)Acomparison brings out the similarities between two or more things of the same kind,while a essay, you spend more either comparing or contrasting,depending on your purpose.In the case of this text,the emphasis is on contrast. using comparison and contrast in essay writing p29 2)Ss scan the first sentence of both Para 6and Para 7,and decide what method of comparison and contrast is used here.(on-side-a-time method) 3)Essay writing p29:Tleads Ss to read the model paper,making preparation for their own writing. 4
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 4 duties. *ignore v. pay no attention to sb./sth on purpose, or as if sth. has not happened; disregard, overlook eg: She saw him coming , but ignored him. The accident happened because he had ignored the safety measures. 事故发生的原因是他无视安全措施。 The accident happened because he was ignorant of the safety measures. (didn’t know) *ignorant adj. uninformed ~of/about eg: He is not stupid, merely ignorant. ignorance n. 9 throw/shed/cast light on: make sth. clearer Assignments 1 Dictionary work: consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary. 2 Sentence translation: translate the five sentences in the first part of text. 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Know the concepts of comparison and contrast respectively and learn to use them in writing 2 Understand the organization of material in the text 3 Master the relevant language points Step One Comparison and Contrast: 1) A comparison brings out the similarities between two or more things of the same kind, while a contrast the differences between them. In a comparison and contrast essay, you spend more time either comparing or contrasting, depending on your purpose. In the case of this text, the emphasis is on contrast. -using comparison and contrast in essay writing p29 2) Ss scan the first sentence of both Para 6 and Para 7, and decide what method of comparison and contrast is used here. (one-side-at-a-time method) 3) Essay writing p29: T leads Ss to read the model paper, making preparation for their own writing
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 Step Two agu Study (Para-Para) 1 on one's own:Dwithout anyone's help eg:You needn't give me any help.I am able to manage on my own. There are jobs your child can do on her own. ②alone eg:The child was own for hours as her mom had to deal with the. I'd rather not go to dance on my own.I do wish you'd come with me. 2 in due course:at the proper time;eventually eg:Be patient.You'll get your promotion in due course. Your book will be published in due course. *due to:owing to 3criticl:very importan eg:How well you accomplish this task will be critical to the success of your career. Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city's pollution is its population. (2very serious or dangerous eg:In yesterday's car accident,ten people were killed and five people are still in a critical in which one has to learn to think for oneself,to solve problems on one's own and even to discover new problems for which creative solutions are wanted. 从更广泛的意义上说,他就不太可能一如美国人那样一将人生视为一系列的情境,在这 些情境中一个人必须学会独立思考,学会独立解决问题,进而学会发现要创造性的加以解决 的新问愿。 5 in retrospect:on evaluating the past;upon reflection eg:The young man knew in retrospect that he should have married his first love Emily. In retrospect.I wish that I had chosen biology as my major. 6performance:the standard achieved by a personor group of people in carrying out a particular job or activity eg:After several bad performances,the soccer team found their form again. he new pro onof Hamlet received much praise ch an extent (p18) eg:Americans treat their children as separate individuals,so much so that someone who remains dependent on their parents longer than the norm may be thought to be"immature". 8 apply:(1 be relevant (to sb./sth.)have an effect ~to sb/sth ome of the colege students writea lettero fill ina form in order to ask formally for sth -for sth,-to do sth eg:We went to the sports tht we decided that we might as well apply tojoin. Step Three Sum up the contrast between Chinese and Western ways to learn to fulfill a task:
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 5 Step Two Language Study (Para6-Para10) 1 on one’s own: ①without anyone’s help eg: You needn’t give me any help. I am able to manage on my own. There are jobs your child can do on her own. ②alone eg: The child was left on her own for hours as her mom had to deal with the emergency. I’d rather not go to dance on my own. I do wish you’d come with me. 2 in due course: at the proper time; eventually eg: Be patient. You’ll get your promotion in due course. Your book will be published in due course. *due to: owing to 3 critical: ①very important eg: How well you accomplish this task will be critical to the success of your career. Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city’s pollution is its population. ②very serious or dangerous eg: In yesterday’s car accident, ten people were killed and five people are still in a critical condition. 4 And, more generally, he is less likely to view life-as Americans do-as a series of situations in which one has to learn to think for oneself, to solve problems on one’s own and even to discover new problems for which creative solutions are wanted. 从更广泛的意义上说,他就不太可能——如美国人那样——将人生视为一系列的情境,在这 些情境中一个人必须学会独立思考,学会独立解决问题,进而学会发现要创造性的加以解决 的新问题。 5 in retrospect: on evaluating the past; upon reflection eg: The young man knew in retrospect that he should have married his first love Emily. In retrospect, I wish that I had chosen biology as my major. *retrospective adj. *prospect: in ~ 期望中的;即将出现的 prospective adj. 6 performance: ① the standard achieved by a person or group of people in carrying out a particular job or activity eg: After several bad performances, the soccer team found their form again. ② sth. performed in front of an audience eg: His performance in the new production of Hamlet received much praise. 7 so much so that: to such an extent (p18) eg: Americans treat their children as separate individuals, so much so that someone who remains dependent on their parents longer than the norm may be thought to be “immature”. 8 apply: ① be relevant (to sb./sth.); have an effect ~ to sb/sth eg: The advice given by the professor only applies to some of the college students. ② write a letter or fill in a form in order to ask formally for sth ~ for sth, ~ to do sth. eg: We went to the sports club so often tht we decided that we might as well apply to join. Step Three Sum up the contrast between Chinese and Western ways to learn to fulfill a task:
(全新板)大学英语综合教程2 The Chinese show a child how to do something,or teach by holding his hand;the Westerners teach a child to rely onhimself for solutions to problems Assignments: I Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences 2 Essay writing:How Lear at College At least five new vocabulary onp3 should be included in the writing 时间 教室 Obiectives: 1 Read effectively:scanning 2Master the language points 3 Lean the different waysof o Step One Scanning:Ss scan from Parall to Paral3.then answer the following questions Can you find words like"Chinese"and"Westerner"or"American"or"the West"in each paragraph?es) -What method of comparison and contrast is used here?(point-by-point method) Sten Two: Language Study (Parall-Paral4) priority sth that onemust do before anything eg:Earning enough money to maintain his family is a high priority 2sth.that holds a high place among competing claims eg:The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children. eg:The badly wounded take priority for medical those ony slightly hurt 先治疗重伤员再治疗轻伤员。 *prior adj.to在之前:先于:优于 2 In term of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priorities.possibly evolving to a point equally original. 从对创造力的态度来说,优先次序似乎是颠倒了:西方的年轻人先是大胆创新,然后逐渐深 暗传统:而中国的年轻人则几乎离不开传统, 但是,随若时间的推移,他们同样可能发展到 具有创新的境界。 3 emerge v.come out -from 6
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 6 The Chinese show a child how to do something, or teach by holding his hand; the Westerners teach a child to rely on himself for solutions to problems. Assignments: 1 Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences. 2 Essay writing: How I Learn at College At least five new vocabulary on p13 should be included in the writing. 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Read effectively: scanning 2 Master the language points 3 Learn the different ways of conclusion Step One Scanning: Ss scan from Para11 to Para13, then answer the following questions: -Can you find words like “Chinese” and “Westerner” or “American” or “the West” in each paragraph? (yes) -What method of comparison and contrast is used here? (point-by-point method) Step Two: Language Study (Para11-Para14) 1 priority: ① sth. that one must do before anything else eg: Earning enough money to maintain his family is a high priority. ② sth. that holds a high place among competing claims eg: The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children. ~ over eg: The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt. 先治疗重伤员再治疗轻伤员。 *prior adj. ~to 在.之前;先于;优于 2 In term of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priorities:.possibly evolving to a point equally original. 从对创造力的态度来说,优先次序似乎是颠倒了:西方的年轻人先是大胆创新,然后逐渐深 谙传统;而中国的年轻人则几乎离不开传统,但是,随着时间的推移,他们同样可能发展到 具有创新的境界。 3 emerge v. come out ~from
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 eg:The magician emerged from behind the curtain. New evidence emerged from the investigation.调查后得出新证据 *emergence n. emergency n. 4 pick up:gain,learn eg:He picked up quite a lot of English during his one-year stay in America. 5 assuming that.You use it when you are considering a possible situation or event.so that you can think about eg:Assuming that this painting is really Van Gogh,how much do you think it is worth? 6 superior:better than average or than others of the same type -0 eg:Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits. This wine is far superior to the one we had last week *S periority n 7 But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid,.perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? Step Three een the Chinese and Western attitudes toward creativity and basic The Chinese give priority to developing skills at an early age,believing that creativity can be promoted over time:the Westerners put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking that skills can be picked up later. Step Four Conclusion Without conclusion,an essay lacks a sense of completeness.A conclusion may be a restatement of the main points previously mentioned.a proposed solution.a guotation from some icion of dexelepn for nrthe study,etc.Text B, compa rescarch to mountain process filled with disappointments and reverses,but somehow we keep moving ahead."In this text,the author makes a suggestion in the form of a question. Step Five Learn to use reflexive pronouns Oneself,by oneself.on one's own Assignments: 1 Translation:p20 2 Learn by heart Parall,12 3 Read Text B.remembering the new vocabulary,and pick out five well-organized to translate
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 7 eg: The magician emerged from behind the curtain. New evidence emerged from the investigation. 调查后得出新证据。 *emergence n. emergency n. 4 pick up: gain, learn eg: He picked up quite a lot of English during his one-year stay in America. 5 assuming that.: You use it when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about the consequences. eg: Assuming that this painting is really Van Gogh, how much do you think it is worth? 6 superior: better than average or than others of the same type ~ to eg: Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits. This wine is far superior to the one we had last week. *superiority n. 7 But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, .perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? Step Three Sum up the contrast between the Chinese and Western attitudes toward creativity and basic skills:(p11 Text Organization) The Chinese give priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time; the Westerners put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking that skills can be picked up later. Step Four Conclusion Without conclusion, an essay lacks a sense of completeness. A conclusion may be a restatement of the main points previously mentioned, a proposed solution, a quotation from some book or person, a prediction of future developments, a suggestion for further study, etc. Text B, unit3, Book1 ends by giving a simile, comparing scientific research to mountain climbing, “a process filled with disappointments and reverses, but somehow we keep moving ahead.” In this text, the author makes a suggestion in the form of a question. Step Five Learn to use reflexive pronouns: Oneself; by oneself; on one’s own Assignments: 1 Translation: p20 2 Learn by heart Para11,12 3 Read Text B, remembering the new vocabulary, and pick out five well-organized sentences to translate
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 时间 教室 Objectives: 1Translate the given passage 2 Learn to debate in English 3 Practice listening comprehension Step One Check the translation work.emphasizing the important points Step Two Debate:Should we develop children's creativity first or train them in basic skills first? 1)Ss divide into two groupsone taking the side of creativity firstanother taking the side of basic skills first. 2)In each group.Ss further divide into smaller groups of three to four,brainstorming arguments/examples/statistics/quotes.in support of their viewpoint,as well as those that could be used to refute the other side. 3)Debate begins,withTacting as moderato StepThree Check the home-reading StepFour Listening practic Step Five Review what has been learnt in Unitl Assignments 1 Preview Unit2.collecting stories.news reports.pictures,books of rich people. 2 Create a short story with the given words:discount,treatment,reporter,loyalty,reward,deserve 8
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 8 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Translate the given passage 2 Learn to debate in English 3 Practice listening comprehension Step One Check the translation work, emphasizing the important points. Step Two Debate: Should we develop children’s creativity first or train them in basic skills first? 1) Ss divide into two groups, one taking the side of creativity first, another taking the side of basic skills first. 2) In each group, Ss further divide into smaller groups of three to four, brainstorming arguments/examples/statistics/quotes.in support of their viewpoint, as well as those that could be used to refute the other side. 3) Debate begins, with T acting as moderator. Step Three Check the home-reading Step Four Listening practice Step Five Review what has been learnt in Unit1 Assignments: 1 Preview Unit2, collecting stories, news reports, pictures, books of rich people. 2 Create a short story with the given words: discount, treatment, reporter, loyalty, reward, deserve
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 Unit2 Value 时间 教室 Practic ssage listening 2 Familiarize Ss with the theme of the unit 3 Discuss the relevant topic with the partners 4 Grasp the text structure Step One ssage listening Listen to the recording two or three times and then try to answer the following questions. -What happened to Abraham Lincoln one day? (Working as a shop clerk,he overcharged a customer.Although the sum was insignificant,Lincoln walked a long distance to return the m onev How is the story related to the theme of the (Abraham Lincon regarded honesty as an important value.) Step Two Cloze B(p48) Tleads Ss to finish the exercises,from which Sslearn more about the values of Americar millionaires. Step Three Discussion and presentation:Rich people I know Ss form groups of three to four to share what they have 3)Groups discuss what values these rich people hold dear. 4)T reminds Ss to keep these values in mind when they study Text A,and see whether Sam Walton cherishes them or not. Step Four Text Organization 1)T asks Ss to scan the text to see if there is any natural dividing lines separating it into parts. (The text can be divided into three parts.Between each part,there isa blank line.) 2)T draws Ss'attention to Text Organization Exercise2.guides them through the directions.so that they function. 3)Ss scan the text again to underlineall the names mentioned and tell who these persons are Jamie Beaulieu,waiter at Sam Walton's birthday party Jonnie Baker:night manager at the local Wal-Mart
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 9 Unit2 Value 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Practice passage listening 2 Familiarize Ss with the theme of the unit 3 Discuss the relevant topic with the partners 4 Grasp the text structure Step One Passage listening Listen to the recording two or three times and then try to answer the following questions: -What happened to Abraham Lincoln one day? (Working as a shop clerk, he overcharged a customer. Although the sum was insignificant, Lincoln walked a long distance to return the money.) -How is the story related to the theme of the unit-value? (Abraham Lincoln regarded honesty as an important value.) Step Two Cloze B(p48) T leads Ss to finish the exercises , from which Ss learn more about the values of American millionaires. Step Three Discussion and presentation: Rich people I know 1) Before class, Ss collect material about rich people. 2) In class, Ss form groups of three to four to share what they have collected. 3) Groups discuss what values these rich people hold dear. 4) T reminds Ss to keep these values in mind when they study Text A, and see whether Sam Walton cherishes them or not. Step Four Text Organization 1) T asks Ss to scan the text to see if there is any natural dividing lines separating it into parts. (The text can be divided into three parts. Between each part, there is a blank line.) 2) T draws Ss’ attention to Text Organization Exercise2, guides them through the directions, so that they can grasp the main function of each part. 3) Ss scan the text again to underline all the names mentioned and tell who these persons are. Jamie Beaulieu, waiter at Sam Walton’s birthday party Jonnie Baker, night manager at the local Wal-Mart
(全新版)大学英语综合教程2 Richard Hoback Mayor of Bentomville,Arkansas of the local chuch Jim Von Gremp.corporate affairs director Ferold F.Arend.retired president ofWal-Mart lim Hendren.company lawver 4)Ss will notice that the text transits from Part II to Part III when the first corporate Step Five Vocabulary preparation 1)Pronunciation 2)Exercises p43 Assignments 1 Remember the vocabulary 2 Summarize the text.(200 words) 时间 教室 Obiectives: 1Grasp the language points Understand 3 Learn to use synonyms StepOne Language study Part I(1-4) The waiter was disappointed to find that the richest man inAmerica ledso simple a life 1 discount:n.amount of money which may be taken off the full price cg:Studentsget a discount of40%on plane tickets.学生乘飞机打六折。 at a discount 2 It was nice,but no palace The house was nice.but not luxurious PartII(5-13)
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 2 10 Richard Hoback, Mayor of Bentonville, Arkansas Gordon Garlington, pastor of the local church John Marshall, local barber Jim Von Gremp, corporate affairs director Ferold F. Arend, retired president of Wal-Mart Jim Hendren, company lawyer 4) Ss will notice that the text transits from Part II to Part III when the first corporate job-corporate affairs director-is mentioned. Step Five Vocabulary preparation 1) Pronunciation 2) Exercises p43 Assignments 1 Remember the vocabulary 2 Summarize the text. (200 words) 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Grasp the language points 2 Understand the difficult sentences 3 Learn to use synonyms Step One Language study PartⅠ(1-4) The waiter was disappointed to find that the richest man in America led so simple a life. 1 discount: n. amount of money which may be taken off the full price eg: Students get a discount of 40% on plane tickets. 学生乘飞机打六折。 * at a discount 2 It was nice, but no palace. The house was nice, but not luxurious. PartⅡ(5-13)