互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) Unit 1 学院教改一班 I.Teaching Material Section A Longing Fora New Welfare System II.Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes KI Get to know something about the Amercian welfare system and the (To Know) welfare client Comprehend involved sentences or sentence patterns; K3 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. DI Improve reading by reading for the main ideas in paragraphs. D2 Cultivate research skills by exploring the unknown related to America welfare system (ToDo) D3 Develop critical thinking by discussing the right attitude towar self-worth. D4 Learn approaches to communication D5 Developteam work and co-operation via group activities D6 earning ability and offine study In terms of learning itself.For example: BI Develop Ss'interests in research work through autonomous learning and co-operation via on-line and off-line learning. Or In terms of developing morals.values and ethics depends on the topi (To Be) oncerned. Be more concerned with the social issues B3 Develop awareness of the American welfare system. B4 Learn to cuitivate their self-worth B5 Form the habit of evaluating communicative successes and failures and co-coordinating problemsinterms of social welfare. III.Key points 1.Key words raw pension rent entitle practically donation receip alert appliance champion thrive convict liberal 2.Phrases under the table get/be involved in make a fool of sb break down look into account for go through lend oneself to something convict sb of 3.Hard points 2)Development of Ss'communicative skills 1
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 1 Unit 1 学院 _教改 班 I. Teaching Material Section A Longing For a New Welfare System II. Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes (To Know) K1 Get to know something about the Amercian welfare system and the welfare clients K2 Comprehend involved sentences or sentence patterns; K3 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; (To Do) D1 Improve reading by reading for the main ideas in paragraphs. D2 Cultivate research skills by exploring the unknown related to American welfare system. D3 Develop critical thinking by discussing the right attitude toward self-worth. D4 Learn approaches to communication. D5 Develop team work and co-operation via group activities. D6 Develop autonomous learning ability via on-line and off-line study. (To Be) In terms of learning itself. For example: B1 Develop Ss’ interests in research work through autonomous learning and co-operation via on-line and off-line learning. Or In terms of developing morals, values and ethics depends on the topic concerned. B2 Be more concerned with the social issues . B3 Develop awareness of the American welfare system. B4 Learn to cuitivate their self-worth B5 Form the habit of evaluating communicative successes and failures and co-coordinating social problems in terms of social welfare. III. Key points 1. Key words raw pension rent entitle practically donation receipt alert appliance champion thrive convict opt liberal 2. Phrases under the table get/be involved in make a fool of sb break down look into account for go through lend oneself to something convict sb of 3. Hard points 1) Interpretation of involved sentences; 2) Development of Ss’ communicative skills;
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 3)Organization of and Ss'involvement in learning activities VI.Time allotment 1"period 2-3 periods 4 period periods Preparation Detailed study of SectionA Consolidationdevelopment Section B&assessment V.Teaching Process Section A Longing for a New Welfare System Step 1 Warming Up This step aims at getting Ss ready for the topic of the disabled in the American welfare system. Let's talk about self-worth! Watch the viedo and then discuss the topicsas follows What's your definition of selfwor How to develop proper self-worth? Question 1:What's your definition of selfworth? What is your insight into the viedo? At first, the dung weeps biter tears he has idea about what he come in for in the world.As he says,"I don't know why the Gods created me When he realizes he can mel himself into the dandelion in order to make her into a flower as beautiful as the stars in the sky,however,he sheds tears of self-worth in the end.From the video,we can conclude that once one is aware of what worth he can prove to society and meanwhile appreciates his whole value,he has seized of sefworth. What is your comment on the issue of sel-worth? Sad to say,we usually feel down on ourselves.The problem in such self-downing is not the person,but the improper yardstick for measuring For example,say you fail at something. Does that make you a total failure?not.But many peope.Each of us has many successes and failures,so to rate your total self-worth bas edononceincident is a gross overgeneralization.The effective way out of the dilemma is to accept what you are first and then change yourself for the better.This is difficult,but it isa choice of beliefs. Question 2:How to develop proper self-worth? QuestionI Are there any causes for self-downing? The causes for people's self-downing can boil down to two:First,they tend to compare themselves with those who are more successful.Such comparison deepens their feeling that they are unworthy.Second,they are too self-conscious about the judgment of other people.as if they e living on the hope of gaining esteem of others.Look around and you can find many ypeople bu urning their andles at both ends for the sole purpos of impressing others with what they have achieved or what material possessions they have
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 2 3) Organization of and Ss’ involvement in learning activities. VI. Time allotment 1 s1 period 2-3 periods 4 th period 5 th &6th periods Preparation Detailed study of Section A Consolidation & development Section B & assessment V. Teaching Process Section A Longing for a New Welfare System Step 1 Warming Up This step aims at getting Ss ready for the topic of the disabled in the American welfare system. Let’s talk about self-worth! Watch the viedo and then discuss the topics as follows: What’s your definition of selfworth? How to develop proper self-worth? Question 1: What’s your definition of selfworth? ❖ What is your insight into the viedo? At first, the dung weeps bitter tears because he has no idea about what he comes in for in the world. As he says, “I don’t know why the Gods created me. ”When he realizes he can melt himself into the dandelion in order to make her into a flower as beautiful as the stars in the sky, however, he sheds tears of self-worth in the end. From the video, we can conclude that once one is aware of what worth he can prove to society and meanwhile appreciates his whole value, he has seized the essence of self-worth. ❖ What is your comment on the issue of sel-worth? Sad to say, we usually feel down on ourselves. The problem in such self-downing is not the person, but the improper yardstick for measuring. For example, say you fail at something. Does that make you a total failure? Of course not. But many people tend to feel so. Each of us has many successes and failures, so to rate your total self-worth based on once incident is a gross overgeneralization. The effective way out of the dilemma is to accept what you are first and then change yourself for the better. This is difficult, but it is a choice of beliefs. Question 2: How to develop proper self-worth? Question 1 Are there any causes for self-downing? ❖ The causes for people’s self-downing can boil down to two: First, they tend to compare themselves with those who are more successful. Such comparison deepens their feeling that they are unworthy. Second, they are too self-conscious about the judgment of other people, as if they are living on the hope of gaining esteem of others. Look around and you can find many people burning their candles at both ends for the sole purpose of impressing others with what they have achieved or what material possessions they have
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) obtained. Questions2 Are there any ways to develop proper self-worth? So there is much need to develop proper self-worth.To begin with,it is vital to realize that each of us has potential worth Our lifelong mission is especially designed to find it in us and then extend it.In addition,it is wise of us to choose a small goal and achieve it. After that,wewill develop a better opinion.It isaso sary to clins nts are composed of small ones And most of all,it is great relief to accept the fruits of our efforts as well as our urge to build up self-worth with more efforts. Step2 Detailed study of Section A ility by pacticing Skimming Scanning&Skipping, analyzing text stru ture and priacticing on the key language points Part I(Para.1-3) Questions 1.Question:What does the author mean by saying"A welfare client is supposed to cheat Everybody expects it He means that a welfare client is believed to lie to get a litle extra welfare money and those caseworkers know it well. 2.Question:How has the author chosen to live asa welfare client? He has chosen to live an honest life by drumming up some business outside and drawing cartoons for magazines. 3.Question:What do caseworkers really expect welfare clients to do? They know clearly that they are being made fools of by some of their clients,and they feel they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation. Language Points 1.raw (L2) 。a.not processed,.treated,or(of food)cooked未经加工或处理的,生的,未经烹饪 的 【例句】 prefer to eat v tables ra,not cooked 我喜欢生吃蔬菜,不要煮 She was wearing a jacket made of r silk. 她穿一件生丝做的外套。 2.pension(L4) n.a sum of money paid regularly by the govermment or a private company to a perso who does not work any more because they are too old or because they have become ill 老金,抚恤金 【例句】 3
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 3 obtained. Questions 2 Are there any ways to develop proper self-worth? ❖ So there is much need to develop proper self-worth. To begin with, it is vital to realize that each of us has potential worth. Our lifelong mission is especially designed to find it in us and then extend it. In addition, it is wise of us to choose a small goal and achieve it. After that, we will develop a better opinion of our self- worth. It is also necessary to cling to the belief that large achievements are composed of small ones. And most of all, it is a great relief to accept the fruits of our efforts as well as our urge to build up self-worth with more efforts. Step 2 Detailed study of Section A This step aims at improving Ss’ reading ability by practicing Skimming, Scanning & Skipping, analyzing text structure and priacticing on the key language points. Part I (Para. 1-3) Questions 1. Question: What does the author mean by saying “ A welfare client is supposed to cheat. Everybody expects it”? ❖ He means that a welfare client is believed to lie to get a little extra welfare money and those caseworkers know it well. 2. Question: How has the author chosen to live as a welfare client? ❖ He has chosen to live an honest life by drumming up some business outside and drawing cartoons for magazines. 3. Question: What do caseworkers really expect welfare clients to do? ❖ They know clearly that they are being made fools of by some of their clients, and they feel they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation. Language Points 1. raw (L.2) a. not processed, treated, or (of food) cooked 未经加工或处理的,生的,未经烹饪 的 【例句】 – I prefer to eat vegetables raw, not cooked. 我喜欢生吃蔬菜,不要煮。 – She was wearing a jacket made of raw silk. 她穿一件生丝做的外套。 2. pension(L.4) n. a sum of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or because they have become ill 养 老金,抚恤金 【例句】
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) He won'tbe able to receive his pension until he's65. 他在65岁以前不可能拿到养老金 3.rent(L5) n.a fixed amount of money sb.pays regularly for the use of a room,house,car, television,.etc.that is owned by sb.else租金,租费 【例句】 We let the spare roomat 我们把空房间以每月100美元的价格出租。 pay or receive a fixed amount of money for the use of a room,car,television,etc. 租借,租用,出租,出借 4.entitle(L.3) )(usu.passive)give(sb.)the right todoor have sth给权利 。【例句】 -Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. ■ 每个人都有权利发表自己的意见」 2)(usu.passive)give a title to(a book,film,ete.) 给(书、电影等)定名,题 【例句】 She read a poem entitled "The Apple Tree" e 她读了一首名为《苹果树》的诗。 ad()almost,nearly几乎,差不多 【例句】 With that crack in it.the vase is worth practically nothing. E 因为有那道裂纹,这花瓶实际上不值多少钱。 。(2)in a practical manner讲究实际地,从实用角度来说/看 【例句】 about the matter 咱们从实际出发来谈谈这个问题吧。 6.under the table(L.3) 重ina secret way背地里,私下 【例句】 The focus of punishment should mad abou business under the table 惩治的焦点应集中在热衷于私下交易的贪官身上。 【练习】他们被指控私下拿钱。 erecharged with taking money uder the table 7.get/be involved in(L be part of,included in,mixed up,or deeply concerned with((sth.or doing sth)卷入,介 入,参与 【例句】 Once she gets imvolved in aresearch,nothing can distract her mind from it. 4
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 4 – He won’t be able to receive his pension until he’s 65. 他在 65 岁以前不可能拿到养老金。 3.rent(L.5) n. a fixed amount of money sb. pays regularly for the use of a room, house, car, television, etc. that is owned by sb. else 租金,租费 【例句】 – We let the spare room at a monthly rent of $100. 我们把空房间以每月 100 美元的价格出租。 v. pay or receive a fixed amount of money for the use of a room, car, television, etc. 租借,租用,出租,出借 4.entitle(L.3) vt. 1) (usu. passive) give (sb.) the right to do or have sth. 给.权利 【例句】 – Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. 每个人都有权利发表自己的意见。 2)(usu. passive) give a title to (a book, film, etc.) 给(书、电影等)定名,题 名 【例句】 – She read a poem entitled “The Apple Tree”. 她读了一首名为《苹果树》的诗。 5.practically(L.5) ad. (1) almost; nearly 几乎,差不多 【例句】 – With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing. 因为有那道裂纹,这花瓶实际上不值多少钱。 (2)in a practical manner 讲究实际地,从实用角度来说/看 【例句】 – Let’s talk practically about the matter. 咱们从实际出发来谈谈这个问题吧。 6.under the table(L.3) in a secret way 背地里,私下 【例句】 – The focus of punishment should be on the corrupt officials who are mad about business under the table. 惩治的焦点应集中在热衷于私下交易的贪官身上。 【练习】他们被指控私下拿钱。 – They were charged with taking money under the table. 7. get/be involved in(L.4) be part of , included in, mixed up, or deeply concerned with (sth. or doing sth.) 卷入,介 入,参与 【例句】 – Once she gets involved in a research, nothing can distract her mind from it
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 她一旦潜心钻研某一课题,任何事情都无法使她分心。 ■【练习】我不想卷入你的家庭争论。 twant to in your family arguments 8.make a fool of sb.(L) trick sb.or make him or her appear stupid in some way愚弄某人 【例句】 《g5区esl8mioo如 愚弄他 愚弄自己 【练习】他喝酒时,出尽了洋相 He was drinking and making a fool ofhimself Part II (Paras 4-14) .Question: client and a caseworker They are hostile towards each other. 2.OQuestion: How could the author possibly get his wheelchair repaired at last? He had to call a cas orker he called Suz supposed to notify ther She frst Aer giving a Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bic Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office.They considered the matter for days before calling back and approving the repair,if he was lucky 3.Question How did the author feel about Suanne's visit every fortnight instead of twomonths? He thought it was embarrassing and ridiculous for every penny Language Points 1.donation(L1) n.agift of money or goods,the act of making a gift of money,clothes,food,ete.fora se,ep.toacharity捐赠的钱或物:捐赠 【例句】 She gave/made adonation of $200 to the Children's Hospital. E 她捐赠200关元给儿童医院。 2.receipt-1(L) n.)a written or printed statement that goods have been paid for收据,收条 【例句】 Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy E 一定要确保你买的每样东西都有一张收据。 2)the act of receiving of sth.收到 【例句】 The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form. 收到定单即发货。 2.receipt-2(L.1)
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 5 她一旦潜心钻研某一课题,任何事情都无法使她分心。 【练习】我不想卷入你的家庭争论。 – I don’t want to get involved in your family arguments. 8. make a fool of sb.(L.2) trick sb. or make him or her appear stupid in some way 愚弄某人 【例句】 – Making fools of others is just the same as laying oneself open to ridicule. 愚弄他人就等于愚弄自己。 【练习】他喝酒时,出尽了洋相。 – He was drinking and making a fool of himself. Part II (Paras. 4-14) 1. Question: From paragraphs 4-8, What can you tell about the relationship between a welfare client and a caseworker ? ❖ They are hostile towards each other . 2. Question: How could the author possibly get his wheelchair repaired at last? ❖ He had to call a caseworker he called Suzanne first. After giving a little lecture, Suzanne was supposed to notify the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid. Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office. They considered the matter for days before calling back and approving the repair, if he was lucky. 3. Question: How did the author feel about Suzanne’s visit every fortnight instead of two months ? ❖ He thought it was embarrassing and ridiculous to account for every penny. Language Points 1. donation(L.1) n. a gift of money or goods; the act of making a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. for a good cause, esp. to a charity 捐赠的钱或物;捐赠 【例句】 – She gave/made a donation of $200 to the Children’s Hospital. 她捐赠 200 美元给儿童医院。 2.receipt-1(L.1) n. 1) a written or printed statement that goods have been paid for 收据,收条 【例句】 – Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy. 一定要确保你买的每样东西都有一张收据。 2) the act of receiving of sth. 收到 【例句】 – The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form。 收到定单即发货。 2.receipt-2(L.1)
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 【记忆】 eeip作收入,进款时常用复数形式,形近词rep食谱,处方 【搭配】 be in receipt of. 收到. on the receipt of. 一旦收到 sign a receipt 在收据上签名: 3.alert-1(L.3) :warn sb.that there may be danger,trouble ahead,etc.and that they should be ready to act,make sb.aware of sth.使警觉,使警惕,告知 【例句】 An anonymous letter alered police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the 封匿名信使警方对恐怖分子袭击机场的可能性有了警觉。 。a.quick to see,.understand and act in a particular situation警觉的,灵话的 【例句】 -You must be alert to possible dangers. 你必须警惕潜在的危险 3.alert-2(L.3) 【搭配】 on thealert for.密切注意,对.处于戒备状态,alert sb.tosh告戒某 人注意某事 【析】ae an意为警惕的,警觉的,指思想高度集中地注视着可 能发生的事件,尤 其是危险的、恐怖的事件,后可接 介词to引出警惕的对象。 cael意为仔细的、细心的”,指做事细心,连细节也不疏忽。 cautious意为“小心的,谨慎的”,多表示所有方面都慎重考虑周全后才开始行动,也可 表示行为中带有迟疑、尝试,后可接介词o引出慎重对待的对象。 4.appliance(L.3) .a device.machine or piece of equipment,esp.an electrical one that is used in the home器具,用具,(尤指)家用电器,装置 。【例句】 The shop sells alarge range of surgical appliances 题 这家商店出售多种多样的外科器械。 ■【搭配】 electric/domestic/home/houschold appliances家用电器 5.break down-1(L1) fail to work:stop working发生故障 【例句】 The telepho system has broken down 电话线路出故障了 。【练习】我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。 Our car broke down on the freeway 5.break down-1(L2)
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 6 【记忆】 receipt 作“收入,进款”时常用复数形式 receipts; 形近词recipe n.食谱,处方 【搭配】 be in receipt of. 收到.; on the receipt of. 一旦收到.; sign a receipt 在收据上签名; receipts and expenditure 支出和收入 3. alert-1(L.3) v. warn sb. that there may be danger, trouble ahead, etc. and that they should be ready to act; make sb. aware of sth. 使警觉,使警惕,告知 【例句】 – An anonymous letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport. 一封匿名信使警方对恐怖分子袭击机场的可能性有了警觉。 a. quick to see, understand and act in a particular situation 警觉的,灵活的 【例句】 – You must be alert to possible dangers. 你必须警惕潜在的危险 3.alert-2(L.3) 【搭配】 on the alert for. 密切注意.,对.处于戒备状态; alert sb. to sth. 告戒某 人注意某事 【辨析】alert, careful, cautious alert意为“警惕的,警觉的”,指思想高度集中地注视着可 能发生的事件,尤 其是危险的、恐怖的事件,后可接 介词 to 引出警惕的对象。 careful 意为“仔细的、细心的”,指做事细心,连细节也不疏忽。 cautious 意为“小心的,谨慎的”,多表示所有方面都慎重考虑周全后才开始行动,也可 表示行为中带有迟疑、尝试,后可接介词 of 引出慎重对待的对象。 4. appliance(L.3) n. a device, machine or piece of equipment, esp. an electrical one that is used in the home 器具,用具,(尤指)家用电器, 装置 【例句】 – The shop sells a large range of surgical appliances. 这家商店出售多种多样的外科器械。 【搭配】 electric/domestic/home/household appliances 家用电器 5. break down-1(L.1) fail to work; stop working 发生故障 【例句】 – The telephone system has broken down. 电话线路出故障了。 【练习】我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。 – Our car broke down on the freeway. 5. break down-1(L2)
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 【扩展】形近短语: break into 强行入: break out发 break thr 0ugh突破 突围 break up拆散,打碎 break off 中断(工作),断绝关系: break in on sth插嘴,突然打断 6.look into-1(L.2) discover and examine the facts about a problemor situation调查,仔细检查 。【例句】 A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 己经成立了一个工作组负责调查此事。 【练习】好像电路出毛病了,我得找个人检查一下。 There seems to be an electrical problem.I'll get someone to look into it. 6.look into-2(L2) 【扩展】形近短语 look after照顾,注意: look back回顾,回头看: look for 寻找: 1 ook to照看,负责: look in 顺便访问: look on 观看,旁观: look out留神,注意: 1 ook over杳看 look up look up to 尊敬: 7.account for(L5) be or give areason for(sth.or doing sth.)解释,说明(原因等) 【例句】 I find it very difficult to accoun for the fact that two of our best students failed 我觉得很难解释为什么两名最好的学生考试不及格 。【练习】我们得把出差花费的每一分钱都说明清楚。 We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips. 8.go through(L4) expe endure or suffer(sth.) 经历,遭受 蒙受 【例句】 He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to gothough D 考虑到他所经历的一切,他的乐观是令人惊讶的。 ■【练习】为了国家他赴汤蹈火也再所不惜。 He would gofire and water for his counry Part III (Para.15-17) 1.Question:What does the author think of the current welfare system? The system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients. .Qestion:What kind of new welfare system does the author dream of? He dreams of ew ystm that ill eno the and help them to develop their talents,rather than seek to convict them of cheating. Language Points
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 7 【扩展】形近短语: break into 强行闯入; break out 爆发; break through 突破,突围; break up 拆散,打碎; break off 中断(工作),断绝关系; break in on sth.插嘴,突然打断 6. look into-1(L.2) discover and examine the facts about a problem or situation 调查,仔细检查 【例句】 – A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已经成立了一个工作组负责调查此事。 【练习】好像电路出毛病了,我得找个人检查一下。 – There seems to be an electrical problem. I’ll get someone to look into it. 6. look into-2(L.2) 【扩展】形近短语: look after 照顾,注意; look back回顾,回头看; look for 寻找; look to 照看,负责; look in 顺便访问; look on 观看,旁观; look out 留神,注意; look over 查看; look up 查阅; look up to 尊敬; 7. account for(L.5) be or give a reason for (sth. or doing sth.) 解释,说明(原因等) 【例句】 – I find it very difficult to account for the fact that two of our best students failed the exam. 我觉得很难解释为什么两名最好的学生考试不及格。 【练习】我们得把出差花费的每一分钱都说明清楚。 – We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips. 8. go through(L.4) experience, endure or suffer (sth.) 经历,遭受,蒙受 【例句】 – He’s amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through. 考虑到他所经历的一切,他的乐观是令人惊讶的。 【练习】为了国家他赴汤蹈火也再所不惜。 – He would go through fire and water for his country. Part III (Para. 15-17) 1.Question: What does the author think of the current welfare system? ❖ The system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients. 2.Question: What kind of new welfare system does the author dream of? ❖ He dreams of a new system that will encourage the clients and help them to develop their talents, rather than seek to convict them of cheating. Language Points
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 1.champion(L 1) n.1)a perso who nthusiastically supports defendsor fights for a persn belief,righ 斗士,拥护者 【例句】 She has long been a champion of free speech. E 她很长时间以来一直是言论自由的拥护者。 ■21 sowho has beatenor defeated all others ingames,. She is the world champion for the third year in succession. 她是连续三年的世界冠军。 I【记忆】championship n.锦标赛,冠军称号 2.thrive(L.1) live,continue,grow or develop well and vigorously兴旺发达,茁壮成长 【例句】 Flowers will not thrive without sunshine. E 花没有阳光不会茂盛。 New businesses thrive in this area 这地方新开张的生意都很兴隆 【搭配】athriving industry/eity 个欣欣向荣的企业/城市 3.convict(L3) 。以.prove or declare sb.guilty(经审讯)证明.有罪,宣判.有罪 ■【例句】 onvicted of theft 她被判犯了盗窃罪。 There wasn't enough evidence to comict him 没有足够证据证明他有罪。 4.lend oneself/sth.To(L2) be easily used for a particular activity or result 适宜于(某事),有助于(某事),会 造成(某结果) 【例句】 Her voice doesn't really lend itself well to this song 她的噪音不太适合唱这首歌曲。 。【练习】有些小说很适合改编成剧本,有些却不合适。 vels quite readily lend as plays,othersdonot 5.convict sb.of sth.(L declare(sb.)guilty of (a crime):persuade (sb.)to believe the truth of(sth.he or she has done wrong)判决.有罪,使深感有罪,使服罪 。【例句】 We have no right toorder him to eave is enouh evidence to ng in the exan 我们无权勒令他退学,除非有足够的证据证明他考试作弊 。【练习】陪审团宣判被告犯有偷窃罪。 The jury comvicted the accused man oftheft
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 8 1.champion(L.1) n. 1) a person who enthusiastically supports, defends or fights for a person, belief, right or principle 斗士,拥护者 【例句】 – She has long been a champion of free speech. 她很长时间以来一直是言论自由的拥护者。 2) a person who has beaten or defeated all others in games, competitions, etc. 冠军 【例句】 – She is the world champion for the third year in succession. 她是连续三年的世界冠军。 【记忆】championship n.锦标赛,冠军称号 2.thrive(L.1) v. live, continue, grow or develop well and vigorously 兴旺发达,茁壮成长 【例句】 – Flowers will not thrive without sunshine. 花没有阳光不会茂盛。 – New businesses thrive in this area. 这地方新开张的生意都很兴隆。 【搭配】a thriving industry/city 一个欣欣向荣的企业/城市 3.convict(L.3) vt. prove or declare sb. guilty (经审讯)证明.有罪,宣判.有罪 【例句】 – She was convicted of theft. 她被判犯了盗窃罪。 – There wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. 没有足够证据证明他有罪。 4. lend oneself/sth. To(L.2) be easily used for a particular activity or result 适宜于(某事),有助于(某事),会 造成(某结果) 【例句】 – Her voice doesn’t really lend itself well to this song. 她的嗓音不太适合唱这首歌曲。 【练习】有些小说很适合改编成剧本,有些却不合适。 – Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation as plays; others do not. 5. convict sb. of sth.(L.2) declare (sb.) guilty of (a crime); persuade (sb.) to believe the truth of (sth. he or she has done wrong) 判决······有罪,使深感有罪,使服罪 【例句】 – We have no right to order him to leave school unless there is enough evidence to convict him of cheating in the exam. 我们无权勒令他退学,除非有足够的证据证明他考试作弊。 【练习】陪审团宣判被告犯有偷窃罪。 – The jury convicted the accused man of theft
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) Step 3 Consolidation 1.Doing the e matching game raw ·give the right to face with do sth ·difficult opt drum up not cooked 。trick sb entitle talk back 。a gift of money or goods sticky make a choice make a fool of donation mee sth bad or deep down cv the fact crawl fail to work certify ·give areason for sth under the table one's true feeling break down down officia look into statement account for ■develop sth gradually build up .Experience or endure sth go through ·in a secret way move on hands s and knee 引人瞩目的 thrive 赔偿金 ·get involved in 脊柱 profile 拥护者 nvict of mist lend oneself/sth 卷入 to 药剂师 ·compensation 有助于 ·champion spine 2.Create a dialogue with your partner on the welfare know inyour communty 3.Discuss with your classn ed while listening to thisson "I Believe I can fly' theson tells peope that they will reali if they believe in themselves as miracles start first inside. I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but an awful s ong But now I know the meaning of true love I'm leaning on the everlasting arms IfI can see it,then I can do it IfIjust believe it,there's nothing to it 9
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 9 Step 3 Consolidation 1. Doing the matching game! 2. Create a dialogue with your partner on the welfare client you know in your community. 3. Discuss with your classmates on how you are inspired while listening to this song “I Believe I can fly”——the song tells people that they will realize their dream if they believe in themselves as miracles start first inside. I used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but an awful song But now I know the meaning of true love I'm leaning on the everlasting arms If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believe it, there's nothing to it deep down crawl certify under the table break down look into account for build up go through ▪ discover the fact ▪ fail to work ▪ give a reason for sth ▪ in one’s true feeling ▪ put down a official statement ▪ develop sth gradually ▪ Experience or endure sth ▪ in a secret way ▪ move on hands and knees 引人瞩目的 赔偿金 脊柱 拥护者 兴旺发达 判决有罪 卷入 药剂师 有助于 ▪ thrive ▪ get involved in ▪ profile ▪ convict of ▪ chemist ▪ lend oneself/sth to ▪ compensation ▪ champion ▪ spine raw face with opt drum up entitle talk back sticky make a fool of donation ▪ give the right to do sth ▪ difficult ▪ not cooked ▪ trick sb ▪ a gift of money or goods ▪ make a choice ▪ meet sth bad or difficult ▪ reply rudely ▪ encourage the development of sth
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) I'll sleep in your clover Ibelieve Ican fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar Iseme running through that open door Ibelieve I believe I can fly I believe I can fly See I was on the verge of breaking down Sometimes silence can seemsoloud But first I know it starts inside of me,oh IfI can see it,then I can be it IfI just believe it,there's nothing to it I believe I can fly Ibelieve Ica n touch the sky Ithink about itery night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe i can soar I see me running through that open door I believe Ican fly Ibelieve Ican fly Hey cuz i believe in me oh I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can Isee me running through that open doo I believe I can fly I believe Ican fly I believe I can fly Hey,ifl just spread my wings I can fly I can fly I can fly.hey IfI just spread my wings I can fly
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第四册) 10 I’ll sleep in your clover. I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly See I was on the verge of breaking down Sometimes silence can seem so loud There are miracles in life I must achieve But first I know it starts inside of me, oh If I can see it, then I can be it If I just believe it, there's nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believe it, there's nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly Hey, if I just spread my wings I can fly I can fly I can fly, hey If I just spread my wings I can fly