Unit 6 words to drill Combine as in to mix to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout combine the sugar and flour in a bowl Synonyms Similar Words mix integrate merge blend amalgamate incorporate add meld fuse intermix composite intermingle Integrate 1)to combine twoor more thingsso that they worktogether;to combine with something else in this way These programswill integrate withyour existing software. 这些程序将与你现有的软件集成 These programs can be integrated with your existing software. 2)to becomeor make somebody become accepted as a member of a social group,especially when they come from a different culture They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community. The policy is to integrate children with special needs into ordinary schools. Merge 1)to combineor make two or more things combine to form a single thing
1 Unit 6 words to drill Combine Integrate 1) to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with something else in this way These programs will integrate with your existing software. 这些程序将与你现有的软件集成 These programs can be integrated with your existing software. 2)to become or make somebody become accepted as a member of a social group, especially when they come from a different culture They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community. The policy is to integrate children with special needs into ordinary schools. Merge 1)to combine or make two or more things combine to form a single thing
The banks are set to merge next year The two groups have merged to form a new party. Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller. 2)merge(intosomething)iftwo things merge,or if one thing merges into another,the differences between them gradually disappear sothat it is impossible to separate them The hills merged into the dark sky behind them. 山匠在他们身后与架暗的天空融为一体 The figures gradually merged into the darkness. Amalgamate if two organizations amalgamate or are amalgamated,theyjoin together to form one large organization synonym merge A number ofcolleges have amalgamated to form the new university. The company has now amalgamated with another Blend to mix two or more substances together Blend the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste. Incorporate to include something so that it forms a part of something The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features. 新车设计采用了所有最新的安全功能。 2)[often passive](business)to createa legally recognized company The company was incorporated in20o8.该公司于2oo8年注册成立
2 The banks are set to merge next year. The two groups have merged to form a new party. Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller. 2)merge (into something) if two things merge, or if one thing merges into another, the differences between them gradually disappear so that it is impossible to separate them The hills merged into the dark sky behind them. 山丘在他们身后与黑暗的天空融为一体 The figures gradually merged into the darkness. Amalgamate if two organizations amalgamate or are amalgamated, they join together to form one large organization synonym merge A number of colleges have amalgamated to form the new university. The company has now amalgamated with another Blend to mix two or more substances together Blend the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste. Incorporate to include something so that it forms a part of something The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features. 新车设计采用了所有最新的安全功能。 2) [often passive] (business) to create a legally recognized company The company was incorporated in 2008. 该公司于 2008 年注册成立
Foundation as in basis an immaterial thing upon which something else rests she had a good enough foundation in math to pursue an economics degree Synonyms Similar Words basis cornerstone bedrock groundwork justification base ground root framework support underpinning core footing premise keystone Intelligent as in smart having or showing quickness of mind proud parents typically insist that their child is intelligent way beyond his or her years his intelligent response to the emergency averted a disaster Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ smart clever quick brilliant fast exceptional bright sharp keen educated skilled wise 3
3 Foundation Intelligent
Presence as in proximity a position within view The will was signed in the presence of two witnesses. Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ proximity sight company immediacy nearness closeness contiguity Strain as in to tighten to draw tight the dog strained its leash trying to get to the cat Synonyms Similar Words tighten tense stretch tauten elongate lengthen extend constrict cinch
4 Presence Strain
Concentrate as in to condense to increase the strength of(a substance in a mixture)by removing other substances prolonged boiling is required to concentrate the sap when making maple syrup Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■n condense reduce extract remove evaporate refine intensify purify enhance clarify purge distill Imagination as in creativity the ability to form mental images of things that either are not physically present or have never been conceived or created by others a cartoonist needs a fertile imagination in order to create interesting cartoons on demand Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ creativity imaginativeness phantasy inventiveness fertility fantasy originality ideation invention resourcefulness ingenuity contrivance fancy inspiration dream
5 Concentrate Imagination
Intuition as in instinct an innate sense of what is true or what will happen Although the child looked fine,the parents'intuition told them something was wrong. Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■m instinct insight feel suspicion foresight anticipation impression foreknowledge discernment perception prescience sixth sense premonition presentiment prognostication Puzzle as in mystery something hard to understand or explain the final fate of the colonists at Roanoke remains a puzzle to this very day Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ mystery enigma riddle conundrum problem why secret puzzlement mystification closed book challenge head-scratcher
6 Intuition Puzzle
Mystery something that is difficult to understand or to explain It is one of the great unsolved mysteries ofthis century It's a complete mystery to me why they chose him Enigma a person,thing or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand synonym mystery,puzzle Even after years he still remains an enigma to me. riddle a question that is difficult to understand,and that has a surprising answer, that you ask somebody as a game Stop talking in riddles(=saying things that are confusing)-say what you mQ几.不要再打哑藏了-说你的意思。 Bilbo solves the riddle that unlocks the door to the mountain. Conundrum 1)a problem that is difficult to deal with Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be a real conundrum for w0 rking parents.对双职工家长米说,学校放假期间如何安排照看孩子是个大雅趣。 2)a question that is a trick,often involving a humorous use of words that have two meanings(常以双关妙语为答案的)谜语
7 Mystery something that is difficult to understand or to explain It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century. It's a complete mystery to me why they chose him. Enigma a person, thing or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand synonym mystery, puzzle Even after years he still remains an enigma to me. riddle a question that is difficult to understand, and that has a surprising answer, that you ask somebody as a game Stop talking in riddles (= saying things that are confusing)—say what you mean. 不要再打哑谜了-说你的意思。 Bilbo solves the riddle that unlocks the door to the mountain. Conundrum 1) a problem that is difficult to deal with Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be a real conundrum for working parents. 对双职工家长来说,学校放假期间如何安排照看孩子是个大难题。 2) a question that is a trick, often involving a humorous use of words that have two meanings(常以双关妙语为答案的)谜语
Mystification the state of feeling very confused because someone or something is impossible to understand迷惑不解 And then,to the audience's mystification,the band suddenly stopped playing. 然后,令观众困惑不解的是,乐队突然停止了演奏。 closed book(informal一无所知的学科,完全不懂的学科) a subject about which you know or understand nothing I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me. 恐怕我对物理永远是一窍不通了。 head-scratchers/head-scratching informal something that is confusing,mysterious,or hard to understand Every year,around the middle of October,the finalists for the National Book Awards are announced to general bafflement.Specifically,it's the fiction shortlist that provokes head-scratching 每年十月中旬左右,美国国家图书奖National Book Awards)的入围名单都会公布,这让人们感到 闲感,尤其是小说人周客单,更是人度目结活
8 Mystification the state of feeling very confused because someone or something is impossible to understand 迷惑不解 And then, to the audience's mystification, the band suddenly stopped playing. 然后,令观众困惑不解的是,乐队突然停止了演奏。 closed book (informal 一无所知的学科,完全不懂的学科) a subject about which you know or understand nothing I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me. 恐怕我对物理永远是一窍不通了。 head-scratchers/ head-scratching informal something that is confusing, mysterious, or hard to understand Every year, around the middle of October, the finalists for the National Book Awards are announced to general bafflement. Specifically, it's the fiction shortlist that provokes head-scratching. 每年十月中旬左右,美国国家图书奖(National Book Awards)的入围名单都会公布,这让人们普遍感到 困惑。尤其是小说入围名单,更是让人瞠目结舌
Talent as in aptitude a special and usually inborn ability Liza's musical talent was already apparent by the time she was five a talent for coming up with really funny answers to stupid questions Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ aptitude knack gift flair genius faculty endowment skill affinity eye bent tendency ear mind inclination Approve as in to ratify to give official acceptance of as satisfactory as soon as the pond project was approved,the bulldozers were at the site Synonyms Similar Words Relevance ratif的 confirm finalize endorse accept authorize sanction acknowledge sign okay formalize warrant OK accredit affirm 9
9 Talent Approve
Fabric as in structure the arrangement of parts that gives something its basic form you can't expect the fabric of society to survive if you do away with all moral imperatives Synonyms Similar Words structure architecture framework infrastructure frame shell skeleton configuration framing shape armature network Impressive as in emotional having the power to affect the feelings or sympathies an impressive play about a loving family attempting to lift themselves out of poverty Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■■ emotional exciting excitable poignant passionate inspirational dramatic moving impactful touching eloquent stirring meaningful affecting expressive 10
10 Fabric Impressive