Unit 2 friendship Absolutely as in totally in a complete or unlimited way She's absolutely certain she remembered to lock the door before leaving. Synonyms Similar Words Relevance totally completely entirely utterly positively wholly fully quite thoroughly certainly downright perfectly Awful as in terribly to a great degree that's awful sweet of you Synonyms Similar Words terribly extremely incredibly very damned damn badly too 50 highly really severely desperately seriously jolly that super greatly intensely far most
1 Unit 2 friendship Absolutely Awful
Estimate as in to assess to make an approximate or tentative judgment regarding experts estimated the value of the painting at a million dollars Synonyms Similar Words Relevance assess value rate evaluate appraise guesstimate analyze set valuate determine ascertain learn deem discover price 单词estimate、assess和evaluate都有“评估、估计”相关的含义。这几个词在书面英 语,特别是学术英语中出现频率非常高。 Estimate可以做及物动词,意思是“估计、估算”,指“推测、猜测一个大概的数值”,比 如成本、数量等等。 Examples Could you estimate how long it will take to complete this project? 你可以估测一下完成这个项目需要花多长时间吗? The value of this painting has been estimated at E40 million. 这幅画的价值被估为4000万英镑。 It has been estimated that the museum brings in thousands oftourists every day. 据估计,这座博物馆每天吸引数干名的游客前来参观。 Estimate的侧重点主要有两个,一是它的后面接具体的数值,二是表示“大约”,而非准 确的数字。除了做动词之外,cstimate还可以做可数名词,意思是“估算、估计”。 Example The cost is a far cry from my initial estimate.这个成本和我最初的估算比起来相去甚 远。 2
2 Estimate 单词 estimate、assess 和 evaluate 都有“评估、估计”相关的含义。这几个词在书面英 语,特别是学术英语中出现频率非常高。 Estimate 可以做及物动词,意思是“估计、估算”,指“推测、猜测一个大概的数值”,比 如成本、数量等等。 Examples Could you estimate how long it will take to complete this project? 你可以估测一下完成这个项目需要花多长时间吗? The value of this painting has been estimated at £40 million. 这幅画的价值被估为 4000 万英镑。 It has been estimated that the museum brings in thousands of tourists every day. 据估计,这座博物馆每天吸引数千名的游客前来参观。 Estimate 的侧重点主要有两个,一是它的后面接具体的数值,二是表示“大约”,而非准 确的数字。除了做动词之外,estimate 还可以做可数名词,意思是“估算、估计”。 Example The cost is a far cry from my initial estimate. 这个成本和我最初的估算比起来相去甚 远
a far cry from something(a very different experience from something synonym remote) Assess和evaluate这两个词没有estimate所表示的“猜测”的这层含义。 Assess和evaluate指“对事物的数量、价值以及重要性等作出评价、评定”。在大多数 情况下,assess和evaluate非常相似,可以互换使用。 Evaluate更侧重于评价事物的重要性和价值。 Examples The study assesses the medical needs ofpeople living on government aid. 该研究评定靠政府援助生活的人们的医疗需要。 Food manfacturers have to go through a process where the health department assesses the quality of their products before they reach the shops. 食品制造商所生产的商品在上架出售之前,卫生部门需要先评定其产品的质量。 Group workshops are designed to evaluate the students'research and writing skills. 小组讨论是为了评估学生的研究及写作技巧而设计的。 The team will assess the risks of the strategy in order to decide whether to adopt it or not. 这个团队将对这一策略的风险做出评定,以决定是否采用它。 The insurance company will assess the damage to the car. 保险公司会来评定这辆车的受损程度。 这两个词都可以用来指“评定某人的能力”、“评定某一决策的风险”、“评定损失”等等。唯 需要注意的是,当我们谈及和“税款、税务”有关的话题时,通常会用单词assess,而不是 evaluate。 Example A new algorithm has been developed to help the revene service assess income taxes more accurately and efficiently. 新算法的开发是为了帮助税务机构更准确而高效地评估个人所得税。 虽然前面提到,动词assess和evaluate在多数情况下可以被当作同义词使用,但它们的名 词形式assessment和evaluation则不然。比如,“tax assessment税收评定”,以及 3
3 a far cry from something (a very different experience from something synonym remote) Assess 和 evaluate 这两个词没有 estimate 所表示的“猜测”的这层含义。 Assess 和 evaluate 指“对事物的数量、价值以及重要性等作出评价、评定”。在大多数 情况下,assess 和 evaluate 非常相似,可以互换使用。 Evaluate 更侧重于评价事物的重要性和价值。 Examples The study assesses the medical needs of people living on government aid. 该研究评定靠政府援助生活的人们的医疗需要。 Food manufacturers have to go through a process where the health department assesses the quality of their products before they reach the shops. 食品制造商所生产的商品在上架出售之前,卫生部门需要先评定其产品的质量。 Group workshops are designed to evaluate the students’ research and writing skills. 小组讨论是为了评估学生的研究及写作技巧而设计的。 The team will assess the risks of the strategy in order to decide whether to adopt it or not. 这个团队将对这一策略的风险做出评定,以决定是否采用它。 The insurance company will assess the damage to the car. 保险公司会来评定这辆车的受损程度。 这两个词都可以用来指“评定某人的能力”、“评定某一决策的风险”、“评定损失”等等。唯一 需要注意的是,当我们谈及和“税款、税务”有关的话题时,通常会用单词 assess,而不是 evaluate。 Example A new algorithm has been developed to help the revenue service assess income taxes more accurately and efficiently. 新算法的开发是为了帮助税务机构更准确而高效地评估个人所得税。 虽然前面提到,动词 assess 和 evaluate 在多数情况下可以被当作同义词使用,但它们的名 词形式 assessment 和 evaluation 则不然。比如,“tax assessment 税收评定”,以及
“risk assessment风险评估”等,都不能用evaluation来代替。 Summary: 1.estimate指的是“对事物的数值进行预估、估算”,既可以做动词也可以做名词; 2.assess和evaluate是同义词,并可以互换使用,表示“评价、评定” 3.“评估税收”这个意思的时候只能用assess。同时,assess的名词形式assessment通常 和“risk”、“tax”等词语组成相应的固定搭配。 Rate to have or think that somebody/something has a particular level of quality,value,etc. The university is highly rated for its research.该大学在研究方面亨有很高的声誉。 How did you rate her speech?您如何评价她的演讲? Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities. 选民继续将教育列为优先事项中的重中之重 What did you think of the movie?Ididn't rate it myself. Postpone as in to defer to assign to a later time we'll have to postpone a decision until we have all the information Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ defer delay wait suspend shelve hesitate put over put off remit lay over hold over hold off(on) pause stay prolong slow hold up extend 4
4 “risk assessment 风险评估”等,都不能用 evaluation 来代替。 Summary: 1. estimate 指的是“对事物的数值进行预估、估算”,既可以做动词也可以做名词; 2. assess 和 evaluate 是同义词,并可以互换使用,表示“评价、评定” 3. “评估税收”这个意思的时候只能用 assess。同时,assess 的名词形式 assessment 通常 和“risk”、“tax”等词语组成相应的固定搭配。 Rate to have or think that somebody/something has a particular level of quality, value, etc. The university is highly rated for its research. 该大学在研究方面享有很高的声誉。 How did you rate her speech? 您如何评价她的演讲? Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities. 选民继续将教育列为优先事项中的重中之重 What did you think of the movie? I didn't rate it myself. Postpone
Defer (Defer also is to move a planned event to a later date in purpose,but it carries more negative connotation消极的.) defer(doing)something to delay something until a later time synonym put off The department deferred the decisionfor six months. She had applied for deferred admission to college. Delay delay somebody/something to make somebody/somethinglate or force them to do something more slowly My flight was delayed. Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour. Suspend(Suspend is to temporarilystop an activity/event that is currently happening.临时停下 suspend something to officially stop something for a time;to prevent something from being active,used,etc.for a time Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out. The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse. Shelve shelve something to decide not to continue with a plan,either for a short time or permanently synonym put on ice搁置 The government has shelved the idea until at least next year Plans to expand the company have been quietly shelved
5 Defer (Defer also is to move a planned event to a later date in purpose, but it carries more negative connotation 消极的.) defer (doing) something to delay something until a later time synonym put off The department deferred the decision for six months. She had applied for deferred admission to college. Delay delay somebody/something to make somebody/something late or force them to do something more slowly My flight was delayed. Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour. Suspend (Suspend is to temporarily stop an activity/event that is currently happening. 临时停下 来) suspend something to officially stop something for a time; to prevent something from being active, used, etc. for a time Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out. The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse. Shelve shelve something to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently synonym put on ice 搁置 The government has shelved the idea until at least next year. Plans to expand the company have been quietly shelved
Put something on ice (of a plan,etc.)not being dealt with now;waiting tobe dealt with at a later time We've had to put our plans on ice for the time being. He/she who hesitates is lost是个谚语,意为“优柔寡断者必错失良机,犹 豫者必错失良机。 Call that girland ask her out.Call her right now.He who hesitates is lost. Put over(mainly US;Brit equivalent:put off) 1)to postpone;defer the match was put over a week 2)(informal)to communicate(facts,information,etc)comprehensibly we put our ideas over very badly Delay,postpone and put off都有“延迟、延期”的意思。作为动词时,它们都可 以用来表示“将什么事情推迟到原计划之后的某一个时间进行”。 Examples We have decided to delay our holiday until next month. Delay:有不可控因素,被动推迟 We have decided to postpone our holiday until next month Postpone是一个正式用语,主动提出延期的要求或做出推迟的决定 We have decided to put offour holiday untilnext month. 6
6 Put something on ice (of a plan, etc.) not being dealt with now; waiting to be dealt with at a later time We've had to put our plans on ice for the time being. He/she who hesitates is lost 是个谚语,意为“优柔寡断者必错失良机,犹 豫者必错失良机。 Call that girl and ask her out. Call her right now. He who hesitates is lost. Put over (mainly US; Brit equivalent: put off) 1) to postpone; defer the match was put over a week 2) (informal)to communicate (facts, information, etc) comprehensibly we put our ideas over very badly Delay, postpone and put off 都有“延迟、延期”的意思。作为动词时,它们都可 以用来表示“将什么事情推迟到原计划之后的某一个时间进行”。 Examples We have decided to delay our holiday until next month. Delay: 有不可控因素,被动推迟 We have decided to postpone our holiday until next month. Postpone 是一个正式用语,主动提出延期的要求或做出推迟的决定 We have decided to put off our holiday until next month
“put off”和“postpone'”的意思和用法更加相似,有“延迟、推迟”的意思。区 别在于它是一个口语表达,经常出现在日常生活对话中。 Examples The match wasdelayed for halfan hour due to heavy rain. 因下大雨,比赛延迟了半个小时。这里用“delay”是因为下雨是不可控因素。 The meeting hasbeen postponed until next Tuesday. 会议时间推迟到下周二。会议被提前取消,然后延期到下一个预定时间。 My daughter kept putting offher homework untilshe got a warning from school. 我女儿一直拖拉不肯做作业,直到她收到学校发的警告。这里选用“putting off 是因为这是更口语化的表达,在日常生活中常用。 put off的另一个含义:在以人做宾语时,put somebody off something表示 “使某人对什么事情或人产生反感”或者“打消某人的念头或想法”。 Examples Don't be put off by the smell of this stinky tofu;it's actually a real delicacy in China. 不要因为臭豆腐的气味而产生反感,它其实是中国真正的美食。 Once Sarah has her mind made up about something,nothing will put her off. 一旦莎拉决定去做一件事情,没什么能打消她的念头
7 “put off” 和 “postpone”的意思和用法更加相似,有“延迟、推迟”的意思。区 别在于它是一个口语表达,经常出现在日常生活对话中。 Examples The match was delayed for half an hour due to heavy rain. 因下大雨,比赛延迟了半个小时。 这里用 “delay”是因为下雨是不可控因素。 The meeting has been postponed until next Tuesday. 会议时间推迟到下周二。会议被提前取消,然后延期到下一个预定时间。 My daughter kept putting off her homework until she got a warning from school. 我女儿一直拖拉不肯做作业,直到她收到学校发的警告。这里选用“putting off” 是因为这是更口语化的表达,在日常生活中常用。 put off 的另一个含义:在以人做宾语时,put somebody off something 表示 “使某人对什么事情或人产生反感”或者“打消某人的念头或想法”。 Examples Don’t be put off by the smell of this stinky tofu; it’s actually a real delicacy in China. 不要因为臭豆腐的气味而产生反感,它其实是中国真正的美食。 Once Sarah has her mind made up about something, nothing will put her off. 一旦莎拉决定去做一件事情,没什么能打消她的念头
skip as in to hop to move with a light springing step children skipping along the woodland path Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ hop bounce bound leap jump trip lope lollop romp frisk gambol caper skitter skim vault Come up to come near or nearer the girl came up to the counter and asked if she could have her order prepared to go Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■■ come draw on close approach close in near arrive reach turn up show up nigh belly up hit attain sneak up 8
8 skip Come up
Available as in useful capable of or suitable for being used for a particular purpose my car is available should you need a way to get to the mall Synonyms Similar Words useful operable practicable usable functional useable relevant serviceable feasible fit applicable employable exploitable viable workable reusable doable Correspondence as in mail communications or parcels sent or carried through the postal system piles of unanswered correspondence littered the office of the reclusive author Synonyms Similar Words mail letter message matter post parcel post card package snail mail shipment airmail registered mail certified mail postcard special handling
9 Available Correspondence
Parcel post包裹 a service that is used to send packages and thick envelopes I sent the boxes(by)parcel post. Snail mail [uncountable](informal,humorous)used to describe the system of sending letters by ordinary mail,contrasted with the speed of sending email Registered/Certified mail挂号信 Special handling(British English also carriage) (formal)theact or cost of transporting goods from one place to another The cost is $11 plus $5for shipping and handling. 费用为11美元,外加5美元的运费和手续费。 10
10 Parcel post 包裹 a service that is used to send packages and thick envelopes I sent the boxes (by) parcel post. Snail mail [uncountable] (informal, humorous) used to describe the system of sending letters by ordinary mail, contrasted with the speed of sending email Registered /Certified mail 挂号信 Special handling (British English also carriage) (formal) the act or cost of transporting goods from one place to another The cost is $11 plus $5 for shipping and handling. 费用为 11 美元,外加 5 美元的运费和手续费