广告英译大观园 Before we touch on the specific techniques involved in Ads translation out of Chinese,we are required to know something about characteristics and writing style of that genre so that we might not go blindly in our practice.As a matter of fact,there does exist gap in thinking grid,which is responsible for different representations in this field.Remark by Sunny Xie. Significance of Advertisement: A.The Ads finds its way into every corner of our modern society. B.As we step into a worldwide market,English Ads will become more and more important. C.Most of Ads are versions translated out of Chinese in China What is English in Ads? It is a unique kind of writing form,mainly made up of two parts: colloquialism and written sub-forms
广告英译大观园 Before we touch on the specific techniques involved in Ads translation out of Chinese, we are required to know something about characteristics and writing style of that genre so that we might not go blindly in our practice. As a matter of fact, there does exist gap in thinking grid, which is responsible for different representations in this field. Remark by Sunny Xie. ◼ Significance of Advertisement: ◼ A. The Ads finds its way into every corner of our modern society. ◼ B. As we step into a worldwide market, English Ads will become more and more important. ◼ C. Most of Ads are versions translated out of Chinese in China ◼ What is English in Ads? ◼ It is a unique kind of writing form, mainly made up of two parts: colloquialism and written sub-forms
I'm More satisfied.我更加满意。此句一语双关,More 既是香烟的商标,又作副词,修饰后面的过去分词,这 是一个巧妙利用产品以达到一语双关效果的成功范例。 2)Where elegance is a tradition. Four characteristics are shown in English Ads. 1)Function:information,persuasion,maintenance of demand,creating mass market,quality In order to fulfill the tasks mentioned above,the language intended for Ads has to appeal to consumers by fanning up the sparkle of purchasing desire.That is why colloquialism is represented in written Ads
◼ I’m More satisfied. 我更加满意。此句一语双关,More 既是香烟的商标,又作副词,修饰后面的过去分词,这 是一个巧妙利用产品以达到一语双关效果的成功范例。 ◼ 2)Where elegance is a tradition. ◼ Four characteristics are shown in English Ads. ◼ 1) Function: information, persuasion, maintenance of demand, creating mass market, quality ◼ In order to fulfill the tasks mentioned above, the language intended for Ads has to appeal to consumers by fanning up the sparkle of purchasing desire. That is why colloquialism is represented in written Ads
Course of development:100 years ago,English appeared in factual form while present-day English Ads is full of exaggerated phrases and statements.Apart from personal pronoun "you?,the frequent-used words are adjective and adverbs (especially in superlative degree)followed by verbs in various forms and descriptive adjective and noun-function adjective (e.g the fair;the real as well as adjective-function nouns (a luxury sports car中的luxury及Sports) e.g Sensuously smooth.Mysteriously mellow.Glorious golden.Who can resist the magic of Camus XO Cognac? 诱发美感的温和,神秘的醇芳,荣耀的金色。有谁能拒 绝Camus XO Cognacl的魔力? As a rule,the sentences in English Ads are brief and concise,with taboo on entangled long and complex sentences.e.g Extra taste.Not Extra Calories
Course of development: 100 years ago, English ◼ appeared in factual form while present-day English Ads ◼ is full of exaggerated phrases and statements. Apart ◼ from personal pronoun “you” ,the frequent-used words ◼ are adjective and adverbs (especially in superlative ◼ degree) followed by verbs in various forms and ◼ descriptive adjective and noun-function adjective (e.g ◼ the fair; the real ) as well as adjective-function nouns ◼ ( a luxury sports car中的luxury 及 Sports). ◼ e.g Sensuously smooth. Mysteriously mellow. Glorious ◼ golden. Who can resist the magic of Camus XO Cognac? ◼ 诱发美感的温和,神秘的醇芳,荣耀的金色。有谁能拒 ◼ 绝Camus XO Cognac的魔力? ◼ As a rule, the sentences in English Ads are brief and ◼ concise, with taboo on entangled long and complex ◼ sentences. e.g Extra taste. Not Extra Calories
Sentences with some parts omitted or even one-word sentences are preferable. Common rhetoric devices of English in Ads: Rhetoric is stressed in Ads English,centering around three focuses of brand,company and price. Play with words Adjectives and adverbs piled up in superlative degree. Finest food,most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition To be the best rather than the largest. Hyperbole When your anger becomes a volcano. ■ We take the world's greatest pictures. Alliteration and end-rhyme Spend a dime,save you time. Flash,Dash.Classic splash闪光,炫耀,经典的飞溅
◼ Sentences with some parts omitted or even one-word sentences are preferable. ◼ Common rhetoric devices of English in Ads: ◼ Rhetoric is stressed in Ads English, centering around three focuses of brand, company and price. ◼ Play with words ◼ Adjectives and adverbs piled up in superlative degree. ◼ Finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition ◼ To be the best rather than the largest. ◼ Hyperbole ◼ When your anger becomes a volcano. ◼ We take the world’s greatest pictures. ◼ Alliteration and end -rhyme ◼ Spend a dime, save you time. ◼ Flash, Dash. Classic splash 闪光,炫耀,经典的飞溅
In addition,simile,metaphor and pun as rhetoric devices stand out to draw the readers'attention. (1)She is like a grandmother to all of us. A book that is shut is but a block. ■ We must all hang together,or we shall hang separately. 4)Of late years,mixed-up words as new members appear in our rhetoric devices. (1)In Miami,it's no neweth.(new+novelty) TWOGETHER-The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.两人在一起度过一个丰富多彩,阳 光灿烂的宝贵假目。Two-gether这个怪词自然可以 吸引想来度假的男女伴倡。 The sentence of warning makes one reflect on the commodity in the Ads. If you think getting only one cavity a year is OK,By 1990,you'll have 10 holes in that theory
◼ In addition, simile, metaphor and pun as rhetoric devices stand out to draw the readers’ attention. ◼ (1) She is like a grandmother to all of us. ◼ A book that is shut is but a block. ◼ We must all hang together, or we shall hang separately. ◼ 4) Of late years, mixed-up words as new members appear in our rhetoric devices. ◼ (1) In Miami, it’s no neweth. (new+ novelty) ◼ TWOGETHER -The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.两人在一起度过一个丰富多彩,阳 光灿烂的宝贵假日。Two-gether这个怪词自然可以 吸引想来度假的男女伴侣。 ◼ The sentence of warning makes one reflect on the commodity in the Ads. ◼ If you think getting only one cavity a year is OK, By 1990, you’ll have 10 holes in that theory
Taken from famous saying or proverb: To smoke or not to smoke,that is a question. Character of English Ads in China: The English Ads in China are mostly translated out of Chinese four-Chinese-character phrase.Therefore,how to render them into English version is quite essential by applying some skills. I literal translation: Based on Chinese four-Chinese-character phrase,corresponding words and phrases in English are adopted or specific patterns in English. 典雅大方(联合结构,形十形) Elegant and graceful 2天然药材纯正蜂蜜(联合结构,形十名) Natural herb.Pure honey. 3香浓可口(联合结构,偏正+偏正) Romantic character and agreeable taste 4大补元气(动宾结构) Reinfor re vital ener
◼ Taken from famous saying or proverb: ◼ To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. ◼ Character of English Ads in China: ◼ The English Ads in China are mostly translated out of Chinese four-Chinese –character phrase. Therefore, how to render them into English version is quite essential by applying some skills. ◼ I literal translation: ◼ Based on Chinese four-Chinese-character phrase, corresponding words and phrases in English are adopted or specific patterns in English. ◼ 典雅大方(联合结构,形+形) ◼ Elegant and graceful ◼ 2 天然药材 纯正蜂蜜(联合结构,形+名) ◼ Natural herb. Pure honey. ◼ 3香浓可口(联合结构,偏正+偏正) ◼ Romantic character and agreeable taste ◼ 4大补元气 (动宾结构) ◼ Reinforce vital energy
5身临其境(动宾结构) Get the feeling 6花色繁多(主谓结构) A wide selection of colors and designs 7质量第一,服务至上.Quality first and service foremost 8美好时光,美味共享.(偏正+主谓) Good time,Great taste
◼ 5身临其境 (动宾结构) ◼ Get the feeling ◼ 6花色繁多 (主谓结构) ◼ A wide selection of colors and designs ◼ 7 质量第一,服务至上. Quality first and service foremost ◼ 8 美好时光,美味共享. (偏正+主谓) ◼ Good time, Great taste
II Free translation As English intrinsic character hardly meets the structure of four- 0 Chinese-character expressions,English set-phrase or idioms are used to carry message.In free translation,"association"as a psychological phenomenon is adopted and four Chinese characters are condensed with some words left out. u1轻柔松软soft and light 2甜而不腻agreeable sweetness o3是朋友,暍一口.The sign of real friendship oA结石恒久远,一颗到永远.A diamond is forever. 5滴滴香浓,意犹未尽.Good to the last drop. n6不求最大,但求最好.To be best rather than the largest "7饮用可口可乐,必定万事吉祥.Things go better with Coca-Cola
II Free translation ◼ As English intrinsic character hardly meets the structure of four – ◼ Chinese –character expressions, English set-phrase or idioms are ◼ used to carry message. In free translation, “association” as a ◼ psychological phenomenon is adopted and four Chinese characters ◼ are condensed with some words left out. ◼ 1 轻柔松软 soft and light ◼ 2 甜而不腻 agreeable sweetness ◼ 3 是朋友,喝一口. The sign of real friendship ◼ 4钻石恒久远,一颗到永远.A diamond is forever. ◼ 5 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽. Good to the last drop. ◼ 6 不求最大,但求最好. To be best rather than the largest ◼ 7 饮用可口可乐,必定万事吉祥. Things go better with Coca-Cola
III.修辞法 修辞译法的含义在翻译中运用修辞手段使译文语言生动活泼 更加形象化,所谓运用修辞手段就是说译者依据题旨和情景, 运用各种语言材料,各种表现手法,清楚地,形象地,又令人信 地表现所要表达的内容,在这里译者要打破原文中四字词组 结构自不待言,更重要的是译者还要有创造精神-他必须要 依据交际内容,语言环境等因素,恰当地选择语言手段和表 方式.在遣词造句上标新立异,力求使译文语言达到注意价 值和记忆价值的目的,从而诱导消费者进入奇妙世界,激发 们的购买欲
III. 修辞法 修辞译法的含义在翻译中运用修辞手段使译文语言生动活泼, 更加形象化.所谓运用修辞手段就是说译者依据题旨和情景, 运用各种语言材料,各种表现手法,清楚地,形象地,又令人信 地表现所要表达的内容.在这里译者要打破原文中四字词组 结构自不待言,更重要的是译者还要有创造精神-他必须要 依据交际内容,语言环境等因素,恰当地选择语言手段和表 方式.在遣词造句上标新立异,力求使译文语言达到注意价 值和记忆价值的目的,从而诱导消费者进入奇妙世界,激发 们的购买欲
I明喻simile 比喻(figure of speech)是英语中最常见的修辞格,是以此 喻彼的手段.它具备四个要素:(1)本体(the signified):所 要表述,描绘的对象,是被喻者,2)喻体the signifier): 即 用来表述,描述本体的比喻者.(3)相似点(similarity):即把本 体与喻体联系起来的依据,(④)相异点(dissimilarity):即把本 体和喻体之间在整体上的极不相同之处.明喻是比喻的 种,是以两种具有共同特征的食物或现象进行对比表明本 体写喻体的相类关系.两者都在对比中出现常用的此喻词 like,not unlike,it was a bit like,can be likened to,as, as if,as though,as it were,be comparable to,may be compared to,similar to,be analogous to,be something of等等,例如
I 明喻 simile 比喻(figure of speech) 是英语中最常见的修辞格,是以此 喻彼的手段.它具备四个要素: (1)本体 (the signified): 所 要表述,描绘的对象,是被喻者. (2) 喻体(the signifier): 即 用来表述,描述本体的比喻者.(3)相似点(similarity):即把本 体与喻体联系起来的依据.(4) 相异点(dissimilarity):即把本 体和喻体之间在整体上的极不相同之处.明喻是比喻的一 种,是以两种具有共同特征的食物或现象进行对比,表明本 体与喻体的相类关系.两者都在对比中出现.常用的比喻词 有: like, not unlike, it was a bit like, can be likened to, as, as if, as though, as it were, be comparable to, may be compared to, similar to, be analogous to, be something of 等等,例如: