第十章减词法 Economy of Expressions Concision is the Sign of English Maturity 简约是英语成熟的标志
第十章 减词法 Economy of Expressions Concision is the Sign of English Maturity 简约是英语成熟的标志
完备形制,隐现词语 ■ 1由于受许多变量的影响,这种问题很难通过几次 运算就能简化. Affected by a great number of variables,the problem is difficult to be simplified through several operations. ■2蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养尼以春酒,但我要供养你 以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心.(郭沫若《路畔的蔷 薇》) ■ Oh dear roses,though unable to treat you to spring wine,I could offer you limpid spring water and my sincere pure heart.(Tr.Zhang Peiji) ■3要是下三天的雨,难道我就在这儿住三天不成? Am I to stay here for three days it rains that long?
一 完备形制,隐现词语 ◼ 1 由于受许多变量的影响,这种问题很难通过几次 运算就能简化. ◼ Affected by a great number of variables, the problem is difficult to be simplified through several operations. ◼ 2 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养尼以春酒,但我要供养你 以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心. (郭沫若《路畔的蔷 薇》) ◼ Oh dear roses, though unable to treat you to spring wine, I could offer you limpid spring water and my sincere pure heart. (Tr. Zhang Peiji) ◼ 3要是下三天的雨,难道我就在这儿住三天不成? ◼ Am I to stay here for three days it rains that long?
4调动人民积极性的最中心的环节还是发展生产力, 提高人民的生活水平生产力发展了,人民积极性调动 起来了社会主义国家的力量就增强了,社会主义制度 就巩固了.(《邓小平文选》 ■ The chief purpose of mobilizing the people's initiative is to develop the productive forces and raise living standards.This in turn will help increase the strength of our socialist country and consolidate the socialist system. ■ 5我孙子是这个城市的市长,他小时候是个调皮蛋, ■ My grandson,once a naughty boy in his childhood,is now mayor of this city. 6我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放;一个是对外 开放. We have decided on an open policy in two aspects: internally and externally. ■ 7这个办公室里有十位工作人员,而那个办公室里有十 六位工作人员. There are 10 workers in this office,16 in that
◼ 4 调动人民积极性的最中心的环节,还是发展生产力, 提高人民的生活水平.生产力发展了,人民积极性调动 起来了,社会主义国家的力量就增强了,社会主义制度 就巩固了. (《邓小平文选》 ◼ The chief purpose of mobilizing the people’s initiative is to develop the productive forces and raise living standards. This in turn will help increase the strength of our socialist country and consolidate the socialist system. ◼ 5 我孙子是这个城市的市长,他小时候是个调皮蛋. ◼ My grandson, once a naughty boy in his childhood, is now mayor of this city. ◼ 6 我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放;一个是对外 开放. ◼ We have decided on an open policy in two aspects: internally and externally. ◼ 7 这个办公室里有十位工作人员,而那个办公室里有十 六位工作人员. ◼ There are 10 workers in this office, 16 in that
二 汉语中不少名词如:情况情景观点,面貌,发展,质量事业,工 作,问题,态度等有时具有具体意义,有时没有,或具体意义含义不 多.在后者情况下,可以不译泽 ■1她的朋友们听到她家中的困难情况后都主动伸出援助之手 After her friends heard about her family difficulties,they offered a helping hand. ■2师生关系愈好,就愈有利于教学质量的提高: The closer relations between teachers and students,the more chances for improving teaching. ■ 3我鲜明地记得和周总理第一次见面的情景。 I still remember clearly my first meeting with Premier Zhou Enlai. ■ 4迅速改变我国贫穷落后的面貌,是我国各族人民的强烈愿望 It is the burning desire of all the peoples to end our country's poverty and backwardness quickly. ■5我们已经结束了文化大革命时期的社会动乱和纷扰不安的局面. We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval during that period of the Cultural Revolution. ■6无数革命先烈为中国的革命事业献出了生命. ■ Countless martyrs have laid down their lives for the Chinese revolution. ■ 7前怕狼后怕虎的态度造就不出干部. Fearing wolves ahead and tigers behind will not make a cadre
二 汉语中不少名词如:情况,情景,观点,面貌,发展,质量,事业,工 作,问题,态度等有时具有具体意义,有时没有,或具体意义含义不 多.在后者情况下,可以不译. ◼ 1她的朋友们听到她家中的困难情况后都主动伸出援助之手. ◼ After her friends heard about her family difficulties, they offered a helping hand. ◼ 2 师生关系愈好,就愈有利于教学质量的提高. ◼ The closer relations between teachers and students, the more chances for improving teaching. ◼ 3我鲜明地记得和周总理第一次见面的情景. ◼ I still remember clearly my first meeting with Premier Zhou Enlai. ◼ 4 迅速改变我国贫穷落后的面貌,是我国各族人民的强烈愿望. ◼ It is the burning desire of all the peoples to end our country’s poverty and backwardness quickly. ◼ 5 我们已经结束了文化大革命时期的社会动乱和纷扰不安的局面. ◼ We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval during that period of the Cultural Revolution. ◼ 6 无数革命先烈为中国的革命事业献出了生命. ◼ Countless martyrs have laid down their lives for the Chinese revolution. ◼ 7 前怕狼后怕虎的态度造就不出干部. ◼ Fearing wolves ahead and tigers behind will not make a cadre
三汉英罗嗦简明转换 1进一步开展节约能源的宣传,努力提高全社会节能意 识. The idea of saving energy should be promoted to the general public.(有些措词出于考虑行文对称的需要,并 无多大实际意义) ■2市政府正式禁止在公共场所吸烟. ■ Smoking in public is prohibited by the city government ■ (prohibit本身就是“正式禁止”之意)当然,这与汉,英 文字的组合方式有一定的关系.汉语文字是单音节的, “每一个语词只代表一个单纯的观念”,而英语是拼音组 合文字,“往往有同一语词中包含有很多的观念”(方士 铎《中国语言的特点极其对中国文学之影响》,1990), 而我们在翻译时却常常按汉语的思维行事,导致译文文
三 汉英罗嗦简明转换 1 进一步开展节约能源的宣传,努力提高全社会节能意 识. ◼ The idea of saving energy should be promoted to the general public. (有些措词出于考虑行文对称的需要,并 无多大实际意义) ◼ 2 市政府正式禁止在公共场所吸烟. ◼ Smoking in public is prohibited by the city government. ◼ (prohibit本身就是 “正式禁止”之意) 当然,这与汉,英 文字的组合方式有一定的关系. 汉语文字是单音节的, “每一个语词只代表一个单纯的观念” , 而英语是拼音组 合文字, “往往有同一语词中包含有很多的观念” (方士 铎《中国语言的特点极其对中国文学之影响》,1990), 而我们在翻译时却常常按汉语的思维行事,导致译文文 字堆砌
■ 3中国政府将采取更加有力的措施进一步健全耕地保护制度,切 实加强基本农田保护 ■ Chinese government will adopt still more effective measures to improve the land preservation system and strengthen the protection of basic farmland.(前文中“still more'effective” 二加强了金包语气若在后面再逐次译出此类修饰词反会削弱 原文表达语义,是属多此一举) ■ 4城市市政公用的设施的服务功能,服务水平要基本上适应经济 和社会发展的需要,初步建立起较为完善的社会主义综合服务 Urban public utilities and service should satisfy the needs of economic and social development by improving the social service system. 5各级政府都要切实加强对改革的领导,扎扎实实地做好工作, 不断把改革推向前进.The governments at all levels should strengthen their leadership in these reforms and do a soild job of propelling the reform forward. 6医疗卫生机构要深化内部管理体制改革,加强医德医风建设, The medical and public health departments should deepen the reform of their management system and improve their medical ethics.(深化”当然是向内部进展,再译出inside会出现 画蛇添足;“德风”连在一起是汉语习惯,英语ethics.足以表达.)
◼ 3中国政府将采取更加有力的措施,进一步健全耕地保护制度,切 实加强基本农田保护. ◼ Chinese government will adopt still more effective measures to improve the land preservation system and strengthen the protection of basic farmland. (前文中 “still more effective” 已加强了全句语气,若在后面再逐次译出此类修饰词反会削弱 原文表达语义,是属多此一举.) ◼ 4 城市市政公用的设施的服务功能,服务水平要基本上适应经济 和社会发展的需要,初步建立起较为完善的社会主义综合服务 体系. Urban public utilities and service should satisfy the needs of economic and social development by improving the social service system. ◼ 5 各级政府都要切实加强对改革的领导,扎扎实实地做好工作, 不断把改革推向前进.The governments at all levels should strengthen their leadership in these reforms and do a soild job of propelling the reform forward. ◼ 6 医疗卫生机构要深化内部管理体制改革,加强医德医风建设. The medical and public health departments should deepen the reform of their management system and improve their medical ethics. (“深化”当然是向内部进展,再译出inside会出现 画蛇添足; “德风”连在一起是汉语习惯,英语ethics足以表达. )
四删除重复出现的词语 在汉语中,词语重复出现较为普遍,在英译时如全部照译 会显得太累赘.有时可将重复的词语抽取出来合译为一 个英语词汇或词组.这种方法有些类似于数学中的“提 取公因式”提取公因式不仅适用于外形完全相同的词 语,而且也可用于外形上不同但在语义上相同或相近的 词语. ■1发展新兴产业和高新技术产业.把开发新技术新 产品,新产业同开拓市场结合起来,把发展技术密集型产 业和劳动密集型产业结合起来. ■ We should develop rising and high-tech industries.combine the efforts to develop new technologies,products and industries with the efforts to open up markets and integrate the development of technoloav-intensive with labor-intensive industries
四 删除重复出现的词语 ◼ 在汉语中,词语重复出现较为普遍,在英译时如全部照译 会显得太累赘.有时可将重复的词语抽取出来合译为一 个英语词汇或词组.这种方法有些类似于数学中的 “提 取公因式” .提取公因式不仅适用于外形完全相同的词 语,而且也可用于外形上不同但在语义上相同或相近的 词语. ◼ 1 发展新兴产业和高新技术产业.把开发新技术,新 产品,新产业同开拓市场结合起来,把发展技术密集型产 业和劳动密集型产业结合起来. ◼ We should develop rising and high-tech industries.combine the efforts to develop new technologies, products and industries with the efforts to open up markets and integrate the development of technology-intensive with labor-intensive industries
■2我们可利用的矛盾存在着,对我们有利的条件存在着,机 遇存在着,问题是要善于把握。 ■ There are contradictions that we can use,conditions that are favorable to us,opportunities that we can take advantage of-the problem is to seize them at the right moment. ■3这些问题就是他提出的关于美国政治制度的问题, These are his questions on the American political system. ■4大力提倡社会公德,职业道德和家庭道德 ■ We should vigorously advocate social,occupational and family ethics. ■ 5国际上议论纷纷,国内也有各种意见: ■ There are various opinions on this question both at home and abroad. ■ 6我们要培养分析问题,解决问题的能力. We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems
◼ 2 我们可利用的矛盾存在着,对我们有利的条件存在着,机 遇存在着,问题是要善于把握. ◼ There are contradictions that we can use, conditions that are favorable to us, opportunities that we can take advantage of-the problem is to seize them at the right moment. ◼ 3这些问题就是他提出的关于美国政治制度的问题. ◼ These are his questions on the American political system. ◼ 4 大力提倡社会公德,职业道德和家庭道德. ◼ We should vigorously advocate social, occupational and family ethics. ◼ 5 国际上议论纷纷,国内也有各种意见. ◼ There are various opinions on this question both at home and abroad. ◼ 6 我们要培养分析问题,解决问题的能力. ◼ We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems
五文学作品中汉译英的减词 ■ 汉语的文学作品中往往爱用对仗来形容同一事物,以加 强语气.在译成英语时却要减一些词,只译其中之一,这样 既符合英语的习惯用法,又可使译文更为生动传神. ■ 1花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不了的大米白面,穿 不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝.(周而复《上海的 早晨》) ■ The garden was a paradise on earth,with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money and treasures than what they might use up. ■ 2此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换了几件雅淡衣服,遂公孙举目 细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌. By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown,and then Ju looked at her closely.He saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame
五 文学作品中汉译英的减词 ◼ 汉语的文学作品中往往爱用对仗来形容同一事物,以加 强语气.在译成英语时却要减一些词,只译其中之一,这样 既符合英语的习惯用法,又可使译文更为生动传神. ◼ 1花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不了的大米白面,穿 不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝. (周而复《上海的 早晨》) ◼ The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money and treasures than what they might use up. ◼ 2 此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换了几件雅淡衣服,遂公孙举目 细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌. ◼ By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown, and then Ju looked at her closely. He saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame
3反对铺张浪费制止挥霍奢侈之风. ■ We should oppose and put a stop to the unhealthy tendency of being extravagant or wasteful. 4生活在四川的议,藏,羌傈僳等士几个民族各有不同的文化和风俗, 成蜀最舞取之不5用艺竭的创源绿。 The Han,Tibetan,Yi,Qiang,Lisu and other nationalities in Sichuan maintain different cultures and customes,which provides the inexhaustible sources of folk songs and dances. 5不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜. ■ Whoever has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet. 6 自此而下,江面宽阔,水流平缓一叶轻舟,顺流而下,沿江景色,饱览无 遗 Down from here,the river becomes wide and calm.If you take a light skiff down the stream,you will drink in the beauty along the river. 7大峡弯的谷地,山峦交错,峡谷相连,江水汹涌. The valley of the Grand Bend is full of multi-peaked mountains, joined canyons and turbulent waters
◼ 3反对铺张浪费,制止挥霍奢侈之风. ◼ We should oppose and put a stop to the unhealthy tendency of being extravagant or wasteful. ◼ 4 生活在四川的汉,藏,羌,傈僳等十几个民族,各有不同的文化和风俗, 成为巴蜀歌舞取之不尽,用之不竭的创作源泉. ◼ The Han, Tibetan, Yi, Qiang, Lisu and other nationalities in Sichuan maintain different cultures and customes, which provides the inexhaustible sources of folk songs and dances. ◼ 5 不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜. ◼ Whoever has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet. ◼ 6 自此而下,江面宽阔,水流平缓,一叶轻舟,顺流而下,沿江景色,饱览无 遗. ◼ Down from here, the river becomes wide and calm. If you take a light skiff down the stream, you will drink in the beauty along the river. ◼ 7 大峡弯的谷地,山峦交错,峡谷相连,江水汹涌. ◼ The valley of the Grand Bend is full of multi-peaked mountains, joined canyons and turbulent waters