Time-order signal words and expressions List of Time Order Words
Time-order signal words and expressions List of Time Order Words
List of Time Order Words ·Before: Earlier,previously,previous to,formerly,in the past,prior to.,preceding that,yesterday,last time,until that time,in advance,not long ago,once ·First: to begin with,starting with,initially,originally,at the onset,at the beginning,before all else,in the first place,to start with,at first,from this point,in the first place,before, commence,embark
List of Time Order Words • Before: Earlier, previously, previous to, formerly, in the past, prior to., preceding that, yesterday, last time, until that time, in advance, not long ago, once • First: to begin with, starting with, initially, originally, at the onset, at the beginning, before all else, in the first place, to start with, at first, from this point, in the first place, before, commence, embark
List of Time Order Words Next: after,after a few days/a while,after that,as soon as, consequently,following,in time,in turn,second/third., soon after,then,henceforth,subsequently,not long after., right after,shortly,since,momentarily ·Sometimes: at times,from time to time,gradually,occasionally, periodically,rarely,seldomly,some of the time,every so often,on occasion,every now and then,intermittently
List of Time Order Words • Next: after, after a few days/a while, after that, as soon as, consequently, following, in time, in turn, second/third., soon after, then, henceforth, subsequently, not long after., right after, shortly, since, momentarily • Sometimes: at times, from time to time, gradually, occasionally, periodically, rarely, seldomly, some of the time, every so often, on occasion, every now and then, intermittently
List of Time Order Words ·Last: Finally,in conclusion,to conclude,in the end,ultimately,to finish,at the end, lastly,in the long run,at long last,after a long time,afterward,at the end,at last, eventually,hereafter,last of all,later on,thereafter,in summary,in a nutshell ·Suddenly: abruptly,all at once,at this moment,immediately,in an instant,instantly, instantaneously,just then,right away ·Always: all of the time,all the while,as long as,continually,every time.Frequently, generally,often,repeatedly,usually
List of Time Order Words • Last: • Finally, in conclusion, to conclude, in the end, ultimately, to finish, at the end, lastly, in the long run, at long last, after a long time, afterward, at the end, at last, eventually, hereafter, last of all, later on, thereafter, in summary, in a nutshell • Suddenly: abruptly, all at once, at this moment, immediately, in an instant, instantly, instantaneously, just then, right away • Always: all of the time, all the while, as long as, continually, every time. Frequently, generally, often, repeatedly, usually
List of Time Order Words ·NowW: at the present time,by now,currently,directly,during, meanwhile,of late,promptly,recently,sooner or later, straightaway,this instant,today,until now,while, nowadays,without delay Never: At no time,nevermore,not at all,not in any way,not under any condition
List of Time Order Words • Now: at the present time, by now, currently, directly, during, meanwhile, of late, promptly, recently, sooner or later, straightaway, this instant, today, until now, while, nowadays, without delay • Never: At no time, nevermore, not at all, not in any way, not under any condition
Sample Sequence Sentences Ultimately,life is what we make of it. .Now we are free,at last. .At the onset,my horse was trotting along happily. .Periodically,he'd stop to pick a berry off a tree. .At long last,we arrived at the castle. .Every now and then,I find myself dreaming about those soft,golden fields
Sample Sequence Sentences •Ultimately, life is what we make of it. •Now we are free, at last. •At the onset, my horse was trotting along happily. •Periodically, he'd stop to pick a berry off a tree. •At long last, we arrived at the castle. •Every now and then, I find myself dreaming about those soft, golden fields
Sample Sequence Sentences .Earlier,I thought I saw you sitting in the courtyard. .Consequently,I ran down the stairs to find you. .In the end,it wasn't meant to be. .She was writing a book but,preceding that,she was practicing law. -She was very happy,at the beginning,until she wasn't. .I find that,every so often,we could be happy if we practiced gratitude
Sample Sequence Sentences •Earlier, I thought I saw you sitting in the courtyard. •Consequently, I ran down the stairs to find you. •In the end, it wasn't meant to be. •She was writing a book but, preceding that, she was practicing law. •She was very happy, at the beginning, until she wasn't. •I find that, every so often, we could be happy if we practiced gratitude