PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus TEXT ORGANIZATION With subheadings the organization of the text is made very clear: The first three paragraphs serve as an introduction;it is followed by facts grouped under two subheadings;then the last two paragraphs constitute the conclusion.Now put down the main idea of each part. Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part A young husband and father,Albert One Paras.1-3 Einstein had to work hard to support his Part Two in made astonishing achievements Paras.4-12 in physics and thus revolutionized the field. 回回
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task TEXT ORGANIZATION With subheadings the organization of the text is made very clear: The first three paragraphs serve as an introduction; it is followed byfacts groupedunder two subheadings;thenthe lasttwoparagraphs constitute the conclusion. Nowput down themain idea of eachpart. Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras. 1–3 _ _ Part Two Paras. 4–12 _ _ Einstein made astonishing achievements in physics and thus revolutionized the field. A young husband and father, Albert Einstein had to work hard to support his family
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Einstein 's discoveries were Part attributed to his imagination, Three Paras.13-21 questioning,disregard for authority. powers of concentration. and Part ntWasspace alien. Four Paras.22-23 可)
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part Three Paras. 13–21 _ _ _ _ Part Four Paras. 22–23 _ _ Einstein ’s discoveries were attributed to his imagination, questioning, disregard for authority, powers of concentration, and Einstein was not a space alien. interest in science
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus GRASPING THE MAIN IDEA Complete the following paragraph to sum up the main idea of this text.Five to six sentences will be enough. Was Einstein a space alien?The answer was definitely no. The conclusion he had come to would sooner or later be reached by other physicists,but Einstein got there first.Wh?s might probably have something to do with Einstein s character.Ever since his childhood he didn't give a fig for authority.However,far from being a flaw in his character,it proved,beyond any doubt,to be a key ingredient in his scientific discoveries.It was this disregard for authority. combined with his passionate curiosity,his impressive power of imagination and intense concentration that made him a superstar scientist. 因⊙
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task GRASPING THE MAIN IDEA Complete the following paragraph to sum up the main idea of this text. Five to six sentences will be enough. Was Einstein a space alien? The answer was definitely no. The conclusion he had come to would sooner or later be reached by other physicists, but Einstein got there first. Why? This might probably have something to do with Einstein ’s character. Ever since his childhood he didn ’t give a fig for authority. However, far from being a flaw in his character, it proved, beyond any doubt, to be a key ingredient in his scientific discoveries. It was this disregard for authority, combined with his passionate curiosity, his impressive power of imagination and intense concentration that made him a superstar scientist
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus INTERPRETING DIFFICULT SENTENCES Choose the answer that correctly interprets the sentence from the text. 1 Modern pop culture paints Einstein as a bushy-haired superthinker.(Para.8) AModern pop culture describes Einstein as a superthinker with very thick hair. B Einstein appears as a bushy-haired superthinker in present- day paintings
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task INTERPRETING DIFFICULT SENTENCES Choose the answer that correctly interprets the sentence from the text. 1 Modern pop culture paints Einstein as a bushy-haired superthinker. (Para. 8) A Modern pop culture describes Einstein as a superthinker with very thick hair. B Einstein appears as a bushy-haired superthinker in presentday paintings
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 2 Other physicists slike Max Planck, more senior and experienced than Einstein,were closing in on the answer,but Einstein got there first.(Para.12 A Other physicists like Max Planck,more senior and experienced than Einstein,had started to examine the problem much earlier than Einstein did. (BOther physicists like Max Planck,more senior and experienced than Einstein,were getting closer to the answer,but Einstein solved the problem first. 3 The contrast between the popular assessment of my powers. and the reality is simply grotesque.(Para.21) AThe difference between what people think of my powers and my real powers is absurdly huge. B There is a sharp contrast between the popular view of scientific research and the reality
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task 2 3 Other physicists like Max Planck, more senior and experienced than Einstein, were closing in on the answer, but Einstein got there first. (Para. 12) A Other physicists like Max Planck, more senior and experienced than Einstein, had started to examine the problem much earlier than Einstein did. B Other physicists like Max Planck, more senior and experienced than Einstein, were getting closer to the answer, but Einstein solved the problem first. The contrast between the popular assessment of my powers . and the reality is simply grotesque. (Para. 21) A The difference between what people think of my powers and my real powers is absurdly huge. B There is a sharp contrast between the popular view of scientific research and the reality
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 4 Einstein credited his discoveries to imagination and endless questioning more so than orthodox intelligence.(Para.21) A Einstein said traditional intelligence played a more important role than his imagination and endless questioning ○in his discoveries. B Einstein said his discoveries resulted more from his 5 imagination and never-ending questioning than from traditional intelligence. But Einstein's brain looked much like any other,gray, crinkly,and,if anything,a trifle smaller than average.(Para. (2 A But Einstein's brain looked much like any other.If anything was found,it was the gray crinkly material and its smaller size. B But Einstein's brain looked much like any other.It was gray crinklv and if there was anvthina different it was that his
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task 4 5 Einstein credited his discoveries to imagination and endless questioning more so than orthodox intelligence. (Para. 21) A Einstein said traditional intelligence played a more important role than his imagination and endless questioning in his discoveries. B Einstein said his discoveries resulted more from his imagination and never-ending questioning than from traditional intelligence. But Einstein ’s brain looked much like any other, gray, crinkly, and, if anything, a trifle smaller than average. (Para. 23) A But Einstein ’s brain looked much like any other. If anything was found, it was the gray crinkly material and its smaller size. B But Einstein ’s brain looked much like any other. It was gray, crinkly and, if there was anything different, it was that his
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 1 Read aloud Paragraphs 20 and 21 until you have learned them by heart.Then try to complete the passage from memory. He had impressive powers coofceritation Einstein 's sister,Maja,recalled even when there was a lot of noiske he coaldh2) on the sofa,pick up a pen and paper,beearieusly 3) an inkwell ont怕egaekrest amdis)f in a problem so much that the baskigmolneld noise 5) rather than disturbed him." Einstein was clearly intelligent,but not outlandishdyre6) so than his peers.I have no special talents,he claimed,I"am only passianatelys 7) And again: The contrast asetweemt the popular 8) of my powers. ✉D
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task He had impressive powers of 1) _. Einstein ’s sister, Maja, recalled “. even when there was a lot of noise, he could 2) _ _ on the sofa, pick up a pen and paper, precariously 3) _ an inkwell on the backrest and 4) _ _ _ a problem so much that the background noise 5) _ rather than disturbed him.” Einstein was clearly intelligent, but not outlandishly 6) _ _ than his peers. “I have no special talents, ”he claimed, “I am only passionately 7) _. ” And again: “The contrast between the popular 8) _ of my powers . Read aloud Paragraphs 20 and 21 until you have learned them by heart. Then try to complete the passage from memory. 1 so more stimulated engross himself in balance lie down concentration curious assessment
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus and the reality is s simpl /grotesque. Eiestead 9) his discoveries to imagination and endless questioning more so thanllotodox 10) 回▣
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task and the reality is simply grotesque. ” Einstein 9) _ his discoveries to imagination and endless questioning more so than orthodox 10) _. credited intelligence
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 2 Read aloud the following poem written by John Davidson(1857 -1909),an English poet and author. 回 Imagination (Abridged) John Davidson brazier/brer ia/n.火盆 Tene is a aisn to nord the sea, A brazier to contain the sun, A compass for the galaxy, A voice to wake the dead and done! That minister of ministers, Imagination,jasper/d3asp/n碧玉 The undiscovered prverse, Like jewels in a jasper cup. 因四
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Read aloud the following poem written by John Davidson (1857 —1909), an English poet and author. 2 Imagination (Abridged) John Davidson There is a dish to hold the sea, A brazier to contain the sun, A compass for the galaxy, A voice to wake the dead and done! That minister of ministers, Imagination, gathers up The undiscovered Universe, Like jewels in a jasper cup. brazier /ˈbreɪ ɪə/ n. 火盆 jasper /ˈdʒæspə/ n. 碧玉
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus ruddy/rdi/a.十足的,有力的 d south; hts aycent witn the thandei strive; The ruddy sentence of its mouth 上 mart/ma:t/n.集市 fount./aot/n.源泉 The mart of power,the fount of will, The form and mould of every star, The source and bound of good and ill, The key of all the things that are, Imagination,new and strange In every age,can turn the year; Can shift the poles and lightly change The mood of men,the world's career. 回)
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Its flame can mingle north and south; Its accent with the thunder strive; The ruddy sentence of its mouth Can make the ancient dead alive. The mart of power, the fount of will, The form and mould of every star, The source and bound of good and ill, The key of all the things that are, Imagination, new and strange In every age, can turn the year; Can shift the poles and lightly change The mood of men, the world’s career. ruddy /ˈrʌdɪ/ a. 十足的,有力的 mart /mɑːt/ n. 集市 fount /faʊt/ n. 源泉