Unit Two BookⅢNHCE 学院06教改」 班 I.Teaching Material SectionA Iron and the Effectsof Exercise Section B Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? II.Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes Learn more about iron and the benefits brought by exercise K2 Grasp the main idea and the organization of the text and Develop related To Know vocabulary. K3 Write an article in the cause-and-effect pattern. Improve reading by distinguishing facts and opinions D2 Improve writing skills by writing device of cause-and-effect D3 Develop critical thinking by sharing influence of exercises D4 learn approaches to communication D5 Form the habit of self-reflecting on and independently analyzing an ToDo tacking problemsin ELL D6 Develop team work and co-operation via group activities. In terms of learning itself.For example: BI Develop Ss'interests/confidence in English study through autonomou ToBe B2 Enable Ss to enjoy their accomplishments in their study activities Or In terms of developing morals,values and ethics depends on the topic concerned Bl Be more concerned with social issues such as love and caring betwee parents and children teachers and students or among poor children the disabled,the Laid-offs,. B2 Enhance Ss'social-consciousness and social responsibility B3 Cherish"a good heart to depend on for support and encouragement"in work.study and life. III Key points 1.Key words moderate,consume,supplement,bounce,liable,allowance,vessel,digest,calculate,indicate. advisable,modify,derive,interfere
Unit Two Book Ⅲ NHCE _学院 _06_教改 _班 I. Teaching Material Section A Iron and the Effects of Exercise Section B Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? II. Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes To Know K1 Learn more about iron and the benefits brought by exercise. K2 Grasp the main idea and the organization of the text and Develop related vocabulary. K3 Write an article in the cause-and-effect pattern. To Do D1 Improve reading by distinguishing facts and opinions D2 Improve writing skills by writing device of cause-and-effect D3 Develop critical thinking by sharing influence of exercises D4 Learn approaches to communication. D5 Form the habit of self-reflecting on and independently analyzing and tacking problems in ELL D6 Develop team work and co-operation via group activities. To Be In terms of learning itself. For example: B1 Develop Ss’ interests/ confidence in English study through autonomous learning and co-operation via on-line and off-line learning B2 Enable Ss to enjoy their accomplishments in their study activities Or In terms of developing morals, values and ethics depends on the topic concerned. B1 Be more concerned with social issues such as love and caring between parents and children, teachers and students or among poor children, the disabled, the Laid –offs,. B2 Enhance Ss’social-consciousness and social responsibility B3 Cherish “ a good heart to depend on for support and encouragement” in work, study and life. III Key points 1. Key words moderate, consume, supplement, bounce, liable, allowance, vessel, digest, calculate, indicate, advisable, modify, derive, interfere;
2.Phrases lead to bounce back todo tipher ver with. produce a feeling of wanting to throw up derivefrom 3.Key patterns Typical patterns for theme comprehension: Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.(L2) Typical patterns for showing the ' 1)We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence ofiron loss.(L.2) 2)For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency.(L27) 4.Hard points 1)Interpretation of involved sentences: 2)Development of Ss'communicative skills, 3)Organization of and Ss'involvement in learning activities VI Timeallotment 1 period 2-3 periods 4period 5&6 periods Preparation Detailed study of Section A Consolidation&development Section B&assessment Part V;Teaching Process Step1 1)Warm-up questions Listen to a little story and answer; Women and especially female athletes often have a deficiency of iron in their bodies.This is often because they eat too restricted a diet New research suggests that even moderate levels of exercise can actually cause lower levels of iron in females.This can cause them to feel tired weak and breathless.women often have such a deficiency because they do not eat enough of the correct types of food toget iron:meat,chicken,is that they avoid these foods to control their weight.Iron supplements are only of limited value and sometimes can be poisonous.The research results indicate that active women should not forget the importance of iron in their diet. 1.Why do women often not have enough iron in their bodies? (Key:This is often because most of them go on a restricted diet so as to keep themselves slim be particular about:fat-reducing exercise rejecting iron-ich food,greater loss ofiron deficiency monthly bleeding)
2. Phrases lead to; bounce back; up to; be liable to do; tip her over the edge into; be associated with; produce a feeling of wanting to throw up; derive.from 3. Key patterns Typical patterns for theme comprehension; Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. (L. 2) Typical patterns for showing the results of sb’s observation / scientific research 1) We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss. (L. 2) 2) For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. (L. 27) 4. Hard points 1) Interpretation of involved sentences; 2) Development of Ss’ communicative skills, 3) Organization of and Ss’ involvement in learning activities , VI Time allotment 1 s1 period 2-3 periods 4 th period 5 th &6th periods Preparation Detailed study of Section A Consolidation & development Section B & assessment Part V ; Teaching Process Step 1 1) Warm-up questions Listen to a little story and answer; Women and especially female athletes often have a deficiency of iron in their bodies. This is often because they eat too restricted a diet. New research suggests that even moderate levels of exercise can actually cause lower levels of iron in females. This can cause them to feel tired, weak and breathless. Women often have such a deficiency because they do not eat enough of the correct types of food to get iron: meat, chicken, fish, etc. One reason is that they choose to avoid these foods to control their weight. Iron supplements are only of limited value and sometimes can be poisonous. The research results indicate that active women should not forget the importance of iron in their diet. 1. Why do women often not have enough iron in their bodies? (Key: This is often because most of them go on a restricted diet so as to keep themselves slim. be particular about; fat-reducing exercise; rejecting iron-rich food; greater loss of iron; deficiency; monthly bleeding)
2.If iron levels are low,what problems can women experience? (Key:to suffer from,iron deficiency,iron reserves,the molecules of blood protein,the working muscles,fatigue,poor performance,to go to zero.to feel out of breath to be in trouble) Watcha short video and answer the following question/main idea). 1.What do you think the effects of exercise are? 2.What advice can you give on physical exercise? Reference words:stimulate,better,the flow of blood,brain reaction;balance of mind. prompt,sudden impulse,injure,the morethe more: Step 2 Detailed study of Section A This step aims at practicing Skimming.Scanning&Skipping and practicing the key words /phases/patterns etc Part I(Para.1-3) CaewWorsitetmningotteewutyagouporeackstomRhdieuanaay The new study suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women 2.If a woman suffers from iron deficiency.what can she do to bounce back? She may consume additionl meat or take iron supplements Language Points 1.moderate中等的,适中的,适度的,中庸的,温和的 【辨析】 指在量与程度上的限制 temperate 指偶尔的,有节制的 excessive 指过量的 如:a moderate drinker酒量适度的人 a temperate drinker能控制(自己)酒量的人 an excessive drinker过量饮酒的人 2 consume vt)eatordrink吃,喝 【例句】 He was starving and consumed all the sandwiches.他饿极了,吃光了所有的三明治。 2)use,csp.in large amounts消耗,花费(尤指大量的) 【例句】 Arguing about details consumed many hours of the committe'svaluable time.争i论细节间题 消耗了委员会数小时的宝贵时间。 【记忆】 consumable a可消耗的,可消费的 consumer n.消费者
2, If iron levels are low, what problems can women experience? ( Key: to suffer from, iron deficiency, iron reserves, the molecules of blood protein, the working muscles, fatigue, poor performance, to go to zero, to feel out of breath, to be in trouble) 2) Watch a short video and answer the following questions/tell the main idea). 1. What do you think the effects of exercise are? 2. What advice can you give on physical exercise? Reference words: stimulate, better, the flow of blood, brain reaction; balance of mind; prompt; sudden impulse; injure; the more.the more; Step 2 Detailed study of Section A This step aims at practicing Skimming, Scanning & Skipping and practicing the key words /phases/patterns, etc. Part I (Para. 1-3) Questions: 1. What’s the finding of the new study by a group of researchers from Purdue University? The new study suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. 2. If a woman suffers from iron deficiency, what can she do to bounce back? She may consume additional meat or take iron supplements. Language Points 1. moderate 中等的, 适中的, 适度的; 中庸的, 温和的 【辨析】 moderate 指在量与程度上的限制 temperate 指偶尔的,有节制的 excessive 指过量的 如: a moderate drinker 酒量适度的人 a temperate drinker 能控制(自己)酒量的人 an excessive drinker 过量饮酒的人 2. consume vt. 1) eat or drink 吃,喝 【例句】 He was starving and consumed all the sandwiches. 他饿极了,吃光了所有的三明治。 2) use, esp. in large amounts 消耗,花费(尤指大量的) 【例句】 Arguing about details consumed many hours of the committee’s valuable time. 争论细节问题 消耗了委员会数小时的宝贵时间。 【记忆】 consumable a. 可消耗的,可消费的 consumer n. 消费者
consumption n.[U消费 注意一组动词、名词的变化: consume-consumption resume-resumption 恢复 assume-assumption 假定,假设 注意以下一组复合形容词: time-consuming 费时的 money-consuming 费钱的 effort-consuming 耗费精力的 all-consuming 耗费一切的 3.supplement n增补(物),补充(物);(杂志或报纸的)副刊,增刊 份金融月刊的特别增刊 vt. 【例句】 She supplements her regular income by doing a bit of teaching in the evenings她晚上教课以补 充收入。 【搭配】supplement to sth.对.的增补、补遗 【记忆】supplem 增补的:补充的:附加的 4.lead to:have(sth)as the result导致(L3) 【例句】 The discussion led to unanimous approval of the plan. 经过讨论,大家一致通过了这项计划。 【练习】新规定应有助于我们淡水供应的改善 The new regulations should lead to an improvement inour fresh water supply. 5.bounce back:start feeling bettr stronger after experiencing problems unhappiness 复正常,恢复过来) 【例句】Our football team bounced back from a series of defeats 我们足球队遭受一连串的失败后又东山再起了 【练习】他的建议被拒绝后,感到很绝望,但是他很快又恢复过来。 He felt depressed when his proposal was refused,but it didn't take long for him to bounce back. Part IⅡParas.4-6) Questions 1.Why are women more likely to suffer from iron deficiency? Because they have a monthly bleeding 2 How does exercise cause iron deficiency? Through a variety of mechanisms.For example,some iron is lost in sweat,and intense associated w h the bleeding of the digestives em 3.Paragraphs5 to6are made of two parts:effect and cause.Can you find out how the autho offers more specific causes for women's iron deficiency.You may use paragraph 4 as the reference. Effect:Iron deficiency is very common among women in general
consumption n. [U] 消费 注意一组动词、名词的变化: consume—consumption 消费 resume—resumption 恢复 assume—assumption 假定,假设 注意以下一组复合形容词: time-consuming 费时的 money-consuming 费钱的 effort-consuming 耗费精力的 all-consuming 耗费一切的 3. supplement n. 增补(物), 补充(物); (杂志或报纸的)副刊, 增刊 e.g. a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine 一份金融月刊的特别增刊 vt. add to or complete sth. with sth. else 增补,补充 【例句】 She supplements her regular income by doing a bit of teaching in the evenings.她晚上教课以补 充收入。 【搭配】supplement to sth. 对······的增补、补遗 【记忆】supplementary a. 增补的;补充的;附加的 4. lead to: have (sth.) as the result 导致 (L. 3) 【例句】 The discussion led to unanimous approval of the plan. 经过讨论, 大家一致通过了这项计划。 【练习】新规定应有助于我们淡水供应的改善。 The new regulations should lead to an improvement in our fresh water supply. 5. bounce back : start feeling better or stronger after experiencing problems or unhappiness 恢 复正常,恢复过来 (L. 11) 【例句】Our football team bounced back from a series of defeats. 我们足球队遭受一连串的失败后又东山再起了。 【练习】他的建议被拒绝后,感到很绝望,但是他很快又恢复过来。 He felt depressed when his proposal was refused, but it didn’t take long for him to bounce back. Part II (Paras. 4-6) Questions 1. Why are women more likely to suffer from iron deficiency? Because they have a monthly bleeding. 2. How does exercise cause iron deficiency? Through a variety of mechanisms. For example, some iron is lost in sweat, and intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with the bleeding of the digestive system. 3. Paragraphs 5 to 6 are made of two parts: effect and cause. Can you find out how the author offers more specific causes for women’s iron deficiency. You may use paragraph 4 as the reference. Effect: Iron deficiency is very common among women in general
Specific Cause 1:The average woman takes in only 2/of the recommended daily allowance for iron which would ron deficieney if they take some exereises Specific Cause 2:Some iron is lost in sweat,and intens e endurance exercises may cause iron deficiency through bleeding of the digestive system and bleeding of the blood vessels in the feet. Language Points 1.liable(L) )a)likely to do sth.易于 .的,有.倾向的 【例句】 She will not grow into a woman particular小yliable to depression她不会变成一个容易泪沮丧的女 人。 2)responsible by law 有法律责任的,有义务的 i liable for her husband'sdebts妻子对丈夫的债务负法律责任么? 【搭配 be liable for sth. 对.负有责任 be liable to do sth.有做.的顿向 【辨析】 liable 指常出现在一般或习惯的场合时,通常用于不好或没趣的事情 likely 可用于 一般或习惯的情况:既可用于好事情,也可用于不好的事情 2.allowance(L25) n限额,定量;津贴,补助,零用钱 【例句】Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of20 kg per passenger 我们大多数航班容许每位旅客免费带20公斤行李。 Ididn'treeive any allowa ance from my father.我没有收到父亲给的零用钱 【搭配】make allowance(s)for考虑到:体谅 You should make allowance for(allow for)his youth.你应该体谅,他还年轻。 3.vessel (L33) 血管,脉管:容器。器皿:船,舰 【例句】 Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 一瓶不响,半瓶晃荡。 【记忆】vessel的同义词、近义词: 表示船舶:ship,boat,craft 表示容器:utensil container.receptacle 表示血管blood y sel,vein(静脉),a ery动脉),capillary(毛细血管) 4.up to as a maximum number or amount至多,多达,直到(L15) 【例句】 It could be up to five years before the program is complete. 这个计划完成得用5年。 【练习】 这位影星受到她的国家里每个人的喜欢,上至总统,下到扫地的男孩 This film star finds favor with everyone in her country,up to the President and down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 【扩展】 be up to sb.是(某人)的责任,由(某人)决定
Specific Cause 1: The average woman takes in only 2/3 of the recommended daily allowance for iron, which would easily cause iron deficiency if they take some exercises. Specific Cause 2: Some iron is lost in sweat, and intense endurance exercises may cause iron deficiency through bleeding of the digestive system and bleeding of the blood vessels in the feet. Language Points 1. liable (L. 24) 1) a. 1) likely to do sth. 易于······的,有······倾向的 【例句】 She will not grow into a woman particularly liable to depression.她不会变成一个容易沮丧的女 人。 2)responsible by law 有法律责任的,有义务的 Is a wife liable for her husband’s debts? 妻子对丈夫的债务负法律责任么? 【搭配】 be liable for sth. 对······负有责任 be liable to do sth. 有做······的倾向 【辨析】 liable 指常出现在一般或习惯的场合时,通常用于不好或没趣的事情。 likely 可用于一般或习惯的情况;既可用于好事情,也可用于不好的事情。 2. allowance (L25) n. 限额,定量 ; 津贴,补助,零用钱 【例句】 Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 20kg per passenger. 我们大多数航班容许每位旅客免费带 20 公斤行李。 I didn’t receive any allowance from my father. 我没有收到父亲给的零用钱。 【搭配】make allowance(s) for 考虑到;体谅 You should make allowance for (allow for) his youth.你应该体谅,他还年轻。 3. vessel (L 33) n: 血管,脉管; 容器,器皿; 船,舰 【例句】 Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 一瓶不响,半瓶晃荡。 【记忆】vessel 的同义词、近义词: 表示船舶:ship, boat, craft 表示容器:utensil, container, receptacle 表示血管:blood vessel, vein(静脉), artery 动脉), capillary(毛细血管) 4. up to: as a maximum number or amount 至多,多达,直到 (L. 15) 【例句】 It could be up to five years before the program is complete. 这个计划完成得用 5 年。 【练习】 这位影星受到她的国家里每个人的喜欢,上至总统,下到扫地的男孩。 This film star finds favor with everyone in her country, up to the President and down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 【扩展】 be up to sb.是(某人)的责任,由(某人)决定
be upto(口语)计谋(坏事) 5 take ins absorb into the body by breathing or swallowing吸入,吞入(L.l7) 【例句】 She took ina deep breath.她深深吸一口气。 【扩展】 take in的其它意思: 1)充分理解: She listened attentively takin 她聚精 会神地听讲 2的字架吗omte 2)把(衣服) 听 题。 This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。 3)欺瞒,欺骗: Don’t be taken in by his promises.不要被他的许诺所蒙偏 4)包含,包括: This is the cost of the holida ay.taking everything in 这是度假的全部费用, 一切都包括在内。 有关take的其它词组: take after (面貌、性格等)像 take aside 把(某人)带到旁边 take aw 把(某物)拿走 take back 取回 take off 起飞,脱掉 take down 拿下 take on 承担 take out 拿出 take to 喜欢,去. Part III (Para.7-9) Question 1.How many stages does iron deficiency go through? Three 2.What does it mean when you are in the third stage of iron deficiency? You are in trouble.Your iro erves go to zer and you may feel weak tired and out of breath 3.Why it is important toctive people? The author makes clear both the effects of iron deficiency on people's health and the importance of checking iron reserves to active people. Language Points I caleulate (L.44) t计算,估算认为,相信,推测 【例句】 You should calculate the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. 你应该在做出决定前估量事情的利弊。 2)与0n连用) depe nd on (sth happening)指望 【例句】 Don't calculate on him agreeing with you.不要指望他会同意你的看法。 【记忆】 calculable a.可计算的,可推断的
be up to(口语)计谋(坏事) 5. take in: absorb into the body by breathing or swallowing 吸入,吞入 (L.17) 【例句】 She took in a deep breath. 她深深吸一口气。 【扩展】 take in 的其它意思: 1)充分理解: She listened attentively, taking in every word he said and asking questions from time to time. 她聚精会神地听讲,听懂了他说的每个字并不时地问问题。 2)把(衣服)改窄: This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. 这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。 3)欺瞒,欺骗: Don’t be taken in by his promises.不要被他的许诺所蒙骗。 4)包含,包括: This is the total cost of the holiday, taking everything in. 这是度假的全部费用,一切都包括在内。 有关 take 的其它词组: take after (面貌、性格等)像 take aside 把(某人)带到旁边 take away 把(某物)拿走 take back 取回 take off 起飞,脱掉 take down 拿下 take on 承担 take out 拿出 take to 喜欢,去······ Part III (Para. 7-9) Question 1. How many stages does iron deficiency go through? Three 2. What does it mean when you are in the third stage of iron deficiency? You are in trouble. Your iron reserves go to zero and you may feel weak, tired and out of breath. 3. Why it is important to check iron reserves to active people? The author makes clear both the effects of iron deficiency on people’s health and the importance of checking iron reserves to active people. Language Points 1. calculate (L. 44) vt:计算,估算; 认为,相信,推测 【例句】 You should calculate the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. 你应该在做出决定前估量事情的利弊。 2) (与 on 连用) depend on (sth. happening) 指望 【例句】 Don’t calculate on him agreeing with you. 不要指望他会同意你的看法。 【记忆】 calculable a. 可计算的,可推断的
calculating a.计算的,精打细算的 calculation n. 心,计算,考虑 calculator n. [计算者,计算器 2.indicate(L46) 【记忆】 indication n. [CU指示,表示,指标 indicative a 表示的,指示的 [C指标,指示者,指示物 3.advisable(L50) a.worth recommending as a course of action,sensible可取的,适当的,明智 【例句】 It's advisable that she should see the doctor她最好去看医生 (注意:在It isadvisable that .句型中,从句中应用虚拟语气,即should+-动词原形。) 【记忆】 advise vt. 建议,劝告 advice n 劝告 advisabilityn.[U合理,可取之处 adviser/advisor[C顾问,参谋 advisorya 忠告的,劝告的 4.out of breath:breathing very quickly(e.g.after running)呼吸急促,气喘吁吁(L.38) 【例句】 There she was,out of breath from running.她来了,跑得上气不接下气. 【练习】获胜者跑到终点时,已经上气不接下气了 eend of the race the winner was out of breatl 【扩展】 catch one's breath 喘息:屏息一下 hold one's breath 屏息 take one's breath away 使惊美不已 under one' 压者嗓子 Part IV(Paras.10-12): Ouestion 1.What is the main idea of this part? The author give s his advice on how to remedy iron deficienc Language Points 1.modify (L53) Vt.更改,改善:(尤指形容词、测词)修饰(另一词) 【辨析】 区分modify alter和vary: modif的y强调在一定限度内、范围内、部分地区改变。 多指观点、方法、制度 组织、计划等的改变。 atr所表示的“改变”,只是细节的,或外表的变化,并不表示本质的改变。如把一件 衣服改小一些或只把衣袖稍放肥一些,但衣服的式样仍然不变
calculating a. 计算的,精打细算的 calculation n. [U, C]计算,考虑 calculator n. [C] 计算者,计算器 2.indicate (L. 46) 【记忆】 indication n. [C,U] 指示,表示,指标 indicative a. 表示的,指示的 indicator n. [C] 指标,指示者,指示物 3. advisable (L.50) a. worth recommending as a course of action; sensible 可取的,适当的,明智 【例句】 It’s advisable that she should see the doctor. 她最好去看医生。 (注意:在 It is advisable that .句型中,从句中应 用虚拟语气,即 should+动词原形。) 【记忆】 advise vt. 建议,劝告 advice n. 劝告 advisability n. [U] 合理,可取之处 adviser/advisor n. [C] 顾问,参谋 advisory a. 忠告的,劝告的 4. out of breath: breathing very quickly (e.g. after running) 呼吸急 促,气喘吁吁 (L. 38) 【例句】 There she was, out of breath from running. 她来了,跑得上气不接下气。 【练习】获胜者跑到终点时,已经上气不接下气了。 At the end of the race the winner was out of breath. 【扩展】 catch one’s breath 喘息;屏息一下 hold one’s breath 屏息 take one’s breath away 使惊羡不已 under one’s breath 压着嗓子 Part IV(Paras.10-12): Question 1. What is the main idea of this part? The author gives his advice on how to remedy iron deficiency. Language Points 1. modify (L 53) Vt. 更改,改善; (尤指形容词、副词)修饰(另一词) 【辨析】 区分 modify,alter 和 vary: modify 强调在一定限度内、范围内、部分地区改变。 多指观点、方法、制度、 组织、计划等的改变。 alter 所表示的“改变”,只是细节的,或外表的变化, 并不表示本质的改变。如把一件 衣服改小一些或只把衣袖稍放肥一些,但衣服的式样仍然不变
vary一般表示转换、变异、增生所致的“变化”或“不同”。 2 derive (L63) Vt得到,获取:起源于 【例句】 He derives much pleasure from books.他从书中获得了很多乐趣。 These are defensive behavior patterns which derive from our subconscious fears.这些防范的 行为横式源自于我们潜煮识里的恐惧。 【辨析】 不要混淆derive与deprive deprive v.剥夺(与of连用:deprive sb.of.) 【搭配】 derive.from.起源于,来源于 3.interfere(L67) 妨碍,干扰干涉,干预 【记忆】 interference n.干扰,干涉 interfering a干扰的,干涉的 【搭配】 interfere in干涉 interfere with sth./sb. 干扰,打扰 4.throw up:be sick;vomit(sh.such as food)恶心,呕吐(L5) 【例句】 The child has thrown up her dinner again!这孩子又把她吃的晚饭吐了。 【练习】简来不了啦:她吐了一个上午 throw away扔掉:浪费 throw in 外加,额外奉送 throw off 摆脱掉:轻易做出 throw out 扔掉,撵走 throw back 把 .丢回,把(身体等)向后仰 throw over 把.抛回 5.goup:become higher in price,.level,etc.;rise(价格、水平等)升高,上升(L.65) 【例句】Everything went up except salaries.百货涨价,薪水照旧。 grow inh eight while being built正在建设中 New buildings are going up in Shanghai.在上海一座座高楼拔地而起 【练习】当人们做的运动越多,对铁的需求量越大。 The demand for iron goes up as people do more physical exercises. 【扩展】 go about 来同走动 go after 追赶(某人) go against 反抗 go beyond 超越 go down 下降
vary 一般表示转换、变异、增生所致的“变化” 或“不同”。 2. derive (L63) Vt: 得到,获取; 起源于 【例句】 He derives much pleasure from books. 他从书中获得了很多乐趣。 These are defensive behavior patterns which derive from our subconscious fears. 这些防范的 行为模式源自于我们潜意识里的恐惧。 【辨析】 不要混淆 derive 与 deprive: deprive v. 剥夺(与 of 连用: deprive sb. of .) 【搭配】 derive . from . 起源于······,来源于······ 3. interfere (L 67) Vt: 妨碍,干扰; 干涉,干预 【记忆】 interference n. 干扰,干涉 interfering a. 干扰的,干涉的 【搭配】 interfere in 干涉 interfere with sth./sb. 干扰,打扰 4. throw up: be sick; vomit (sth. such as food ) 恶心,呕吐 (L. 55) 【例句】 The child has thrown up her dinner again! 这孩子又把她吃的晚饭吐了。 【练习】简来不了啦;她吐了一个上午。 Jane can’t come; she’s been throwing up all morning. 【扩展】 throw away 扔掉;浪费 throw in 外加,额外奉送 throw off 摆脱掉;轻易做出 throw out 扔掉,撵走 throw back 把······丢回,把(身体等)向后仰 throw over 把······抛回 5. go up: become higher in price, level, etc.; rise (价格、水平等)升高,上升 (L. 65) 【例句】Everything went up except salaries. 百货涨价,薪水照旧。 grow in height while being built 正在建设中 New buildings are going up in Shanghai. 在上海一座座高楼拔地而起。 【练习】当人们做的运动越多,对铁的需求量越大。 The demand for iron goes up as people do more physical exercises. 【扩展】 go about 来回走动 go after 追赶(某人) go against 反抗 go beyond 超越 go down 下降
go for 去拿,适用于 go over 越过,(仔细地)调查 go through 通 go together 去:相配 go under 沉没,失败 6.smp:(L.78) I)summ 概括,总结 【例句】 So,to sum up,the environmental protection should call for more of our concer.因此,概括地 讲,环境保护应受到更多的关注。 2)consider and form ajudgment of判断,估量 【例句】 练m中血coa8e她看了一鼠。筑对形势微了断 在课程结束时,老师用三句话总结了课文的重点。 At the end of the class the teacher summed up the main points of the lesson in three sentences 【扩展】 um用做名词时的几个词组 in sum 总而言之 sum total 总计 a large(smal)sum of巨(小)额的 Consolidation 1.Translating the following from Chinese into English 1.耐力运动员 an endurance athlete 2缺铁 iron deficieney/iron loss 3.含铁丰富/加铁的食品iron-rich food iro added fo food with fortified iron 4铁离子储量 iron reserve 5物质 substance 2.Translating the following from Chir seinto English. asports medicine expert 运动医学专家 iron supplements 铁离子补充剂 3. women of child-bearing age 育龄女性 4 digestive system 消化系统 blood vessel 血管 6. molecules of blood protein 血蛋白分子 3.Create a dialogue with your partner giving advice on physical exercise
go for 去拿,适用于 go over 越过,(仔细地)调查 go through 通过 go together 一起去;相配 go under 沉没,失败 6. sum up: (L. 78) 1) summarize briefly 概括,总结 【例句】 So, to sum up, the environmental protection should call for more of our concern. 因此,概括地 讲,环境保护应受到更多的关注。 2) consider and form a judgment of 判断,估量 【例句】 She summed up the situation at a glance. 她看了一眼,就对形势做了判断。 【练习】 在课程结束时,老师用三句话总结了课文的重点。 At the end of the class the teacher summed up the main points of the lesson in three sentences. 【扩展】 sum 用做名词时的几个词组: in sum 总而言之 sum total 总计 a large (small) sum of 巨(小)额的 Consolidation 1.Translating the following from Chinese into English. 1.耐力运动员 an endurance athlete 2.缺铁 iron deficiency/iron loss 3.含铁丰富/加铁的食品 iron-rich food; iron-added food; food with fortified iron 4.铁离子储量 iron reserve 5.物质 substance 2.Translating the following from Chinese into English. 1. a sports medicine expert 运动医学专家 2. iron supplements 铁离子补充剂 3. women of child-bearing age 育龄女性 4. digestive system 消化系统 5. blood vessel 血管 6. molecules of blood protein 血蛋白分子 3. Create a dialogue with your partner giving advice on physical exercise
4 Translation ①经历了一连串的失败后东山再起是今年俱乐部的主要目标。(bounce)(不定式作主语) 文府做T大量的工作来补今冬雪灾造成的损失,心m)过去分词酒 ounc m a series of d s is the major ncerning A great deal has been done by the government to remedy the loss caused by the snow storm this winter ③我们认为解决这一问颗的最好办法或是把被成染的实人和其他居民愿离开来。(d。 过去分词相造作定翠c食t insisd i nhabitants ④这个地区上个月遭受了严重的地震,造成极大的损失。(subj©ct)(定语从句) This area was subiected to serious earthquake last month.which has caused great loss ⑤她几句话就概括了他讲了几个小时的内容。(umup)(what引导主语从句 What was summed up ⑥在地震中遗到破坏,城市里的高楼都得重建。(时间状语从句中省略主语) Having been damaged by the earthquake,all the tall buildings in the city had to be rebuilt. ⑦他建议图书馆借的书要在到期之前归还。(expire©)(虚拟语气) He suggests that books borr d from the libra ⑧以精彩的演说而著名的演进家受到世界 插入语) The speaker,known for his splendid speeches,was warmly received by the audience from all over the world ⑨他们观察发现,那些不太适应环境的动物会出现退化的迹象。(degeneration)(比较级, 定语从句) They have observed that those who are less suited to their environment show evidence of degeneration. @你是我们最好的朋友,我们认为理所当然你一定会来。(take it for granted that) You are our best friend and we take it for granted that you would be coming 5.Read passage.then do the multiple choice questions You're in trouble if you have to buy your own brand-name prescription drugs.Over the past decade,prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate.Treatments for chronic conditions can easily top $2.000 a month-no wonder that one if four Americans can't afford to fill their prescriptions.The solution?A hearty chorus of"O Canada"North of the border,where price conrsrehbrand-name The Canadian option is fast becoming a political wake-up call."If our neighbors can buy drugs at reasonable prices,why can't we?"Even to whisper that thought provokes anger. "Un-American!"And-the propagandists'trump card ()-"Wreck our brilliant health-care systemSupersize drug prices they claim,fund the research that sparks the next of wonder drugs.No sky- nigh drug pric today no cure for ancer tom .Soshut up and pay up Common sense tells you that's a false alternative.The reward for finding.say,a cancer cure is so huge that no one's going to hang it up.Nevertheless,if Canada-level pricing came to the United States,the industry's profit margins would drop and the pace of new-drug development would slow.Here lies the American dilemma.Who is all this splendid medicine for?Should our
4. Translation ① 经历了一连串的失败后东山再起是今年俱乐部的主要目标。(bounce)(不定式作主语) To bounce back from a series of defeats is the major concerning ② 政府做了大量的工作来弥补今冬雪灾造成的损失。(remedy) (过去分词短语作定语) A great deal has been done by the government to remedy the loss caused by the snow storm this winter. ③ 我们认为解决这一问题的最好办法就是把被感染的病人和其他居民隔离开来。(undo, infect, isolate)(过去分词短语作定语) We think the best way to undo the problem is to isolate the infected patients from other inhabitants. ④ 这个地区上个月遭受了严重的地震,造成极大的损失。(subject) (定语从句) This area was subjected to serious earthquake last month, which has caused great loss. ⑤ 她几句话就概括了他讲了几个小时的内容。(sum up) (what 引导主语从句) What he said in hours was summed up by her in a couple of sentences. ⑥ 在地震中遭到破坏,城市里的高楼都得重建。(时间状语从句中省略主语) Having been damaged by the earthquake, all the tall buildings in the city had to be rebuilt. ⑦ 他建议图书馆借的书要在到期之前归还。(expire) (虚拟语气) He suggests that books borrowed from the library (should) be returned before they expire. ⑧ 以精彩的演说而著名的演讲家受到世界各地观众的热烈欢迎。(splendid)(形容词短语作 插入语) The speaker, known for his splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience from all over the world. ⑨ 他们观察发现,那些不太适应环境的动物会出现退化的迹象。(degeneration) (比较级, 定语从句) They have observed that those who are less suited to their environment show evidence of degeneration. ⑩ 你是我们最好的朋友,我们认为理所当然你一定会来。(take it for granted that ) You are our best friend and we take it for granted that you would be coming. 5. Read passage, then do the multiple choice questions. You’re in trouble if you have to buy your own brand-name prescription drugs. Over the past decade, prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate. Treatments for chronic conditions can easily top $2,000 a month—no wonder that one if four Americans can’t afford to fill their prescriptions. The solution? A hearty chorus of “O Canada .” North of the border, where price controls reign those same brand-name drugs cost 50% to 80% less. The Canadian option is fast becoming a political wake-up call. “If our neighbors can buy drugs at reasonable prices, why can’t we?” Even to whisper that thought provokes anger. “Un-American!” And – the propagandists’ trump card (王牌)- “Wreck our brilliant health—care system.” Supersize drug prices, they claim, fund the research that sparks the next generation of wonder drugs. No sky-high drug price today, no cure for cancer tomorrow. So shut up and pay up. Common sense tells you that’s a false alternative. The reward for finding, say , a cancer cure is so huge that no one’s going to hang it up. Nevertheless, if Canada-level pricing came to the United States, the industry’s profit margins would drop and the pace of new-drug development would slow. Here lies the American dilemma. Who is all this splendid medicine for? Should our