互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) Unit 6 学院07教改 ,班 I.Teaching Material SectionA As His Name Is,So Is He! Section B Judge by Appearances II.Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes KI Get to know some kinds of prejudice that occur because of our names and (To Know) our appearance 2 Comprehend involved sentences patterns. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; DI Improve reading by reading for the main ideas in paragraphs (cf Section B) (ToDo) Improve(c of) D3 Developteam orkd-opiropi(团B队合作能力列 D4 Develop autonomous learning ability via on-line and off-line study 在线与离线学习培养自学能) In terms of learning itself.For example: co-operation via on-line and off-line learning. Or In terms of developing morals,values and ethies depends on the topic concerned. (To Be) B2 Develop Ss'interests/confidence in names through autonomous learning and -eration via-ineandneaing 3 Be aware of the through name,appearance,shoes and so B4 Ifyour name doesn't suit you,you should change it as soon as possible. B5 Don'tjudge a person by his or her appearance. III.Time allotment period 2-3 periods 4 period periods Warming Up Detailed study of SectionA Consolidation Section B&assessment V.Teaching Process SectionA As His Name Is,So Is He! Step 1 Warming Up This step aims at getting Ss ready for the topic of names. Related information What's in a name?
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 1 Unit 6 学院 _07_教改 班 I. Teaching Material Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! Section B Judge by Appearances II. Objectives Objectives Statements of Intended Learning Outcomes (To Know) K1 Get to know some kinds of prejudice that occur because of our names and our appearance . K2 Comprehend involved sentences or sentence patterns; K3 Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; (To Do) D1 Improve reading by reading for the main ideas in paragraphs (cf.Section B) D2 Improve writing skills by comparison (cf. writing task of Section A) D3 Develop team work and co-operation via group activities.(团队合作能力) D4 Develop autonomous learning ability via on-line and off-line study (通过 在线与离线学习培养自学能力) (To Be) In terms of learning itself. For example: B1 Develop Ss’ interests in research work through autonomous learning and co-operation via on-line and off-line learning. Or In terms of developing morals, values and ethics depends on the topic concerned. B2 Develop Ss’ interests/ confidence in names through autonomous learning and co-operation via on-line and off-line learning B3 Be aware of the communication through name, appearance, shoes and so on. B4 If your name doesn’t suit you, you should change it as soon as possible. B5 Don’t judge a person by his or her appearance. III. Time allotment 1 s1 period 2-3 periods 4 th period 5 th &6th periods Warming Up Detailed study of Section A Consolidation Section B & assessment V. Teaching Process Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! Step 1 Warming Up This step aims at getting Ss ready for the topic of names. Related information What's in a name?
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) William Shakespeare asked in his love tragedy"Romeo and Juliet". Success,luck and attractiveness,a survey by an English psychology professor suggests more than 400 years ater. People called James or Elizabeth are perceived as likely to be the most successful,while Ryan and Sophi are seen as the most attractive,according to a poll by psychologist Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire Jack and Lucy are seen as the luckiest,according to a poll based on asking more than 6,000 people for their At the ther end of the scale,Lisa and Brian were sen as the least successful,Helen and ohns the east lucky,and Ann and George as the most unattractive "Past research has shown that such perceptions can become self-fulfilling prophecies.with teachers giving higher marks to children with attractive names and employers being more likely to promote those who sound successful"said the authors of the poll. Attractive female nmes tended to be sof nding anc d end with the 'ee sound,whereas the sexiest male names are short and much harder sounding."Wiseman said What about his own name?He said he was pleased that Richard rated high among given names,while with the surname wiseman "I think I was destined to be an academic Let's talk ahout namesi 1:How to address your family members close friends and other Tips:I call them:grandpa.grandma.mom.dad Aunt Alice.Uncle Sam:they call me Rita For those that you are not familiar with.we usually use the format:title+last name.For example.Mr.Li.Mrs.Chen.Pro. Li.doc.Smith. 2.Why does a person need a name?Why doesn't he use just a number as his name? Tips es identify people.Names describe people.Names cary their parentshopes and dreams 3.What's in Your Name Explain your name to the class and tell them whether you are satisfied with your name or not.and whv. Step 2 Detailed study of Section A This step aims at improving Ss'reading ability by practicing Skimming,Scanning&Skipping,analyzing text str cture and getting to know the major riting device adopted in the passag Part I(Paras.1-3) Questions 1.According to the woman,what helps her get the publishing job? Substitute her middle name Lynne for her first name Debbie. 2.What did she do before she got the job? 3.Why can the name change make the difference? Add self-confidence to talents Language Points 1 suit (L1 This candidate does not suit our qualifications. 量指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。 这些鞋很合适我穿 These shoes fit me
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 2 William Shakespeare asked in his love tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”. Success, luck and attractiveness, a survey by an English psychology professor suggests more than 400 years later. People called James or Elizabeth are perceived as likely to be the most successful, while Ryan and Sophie are seen as the most attractive, according to a poll by psychologist Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire. Jack and Lucy are seen as the luckiest, according to a poll based on asking more than 6,000 people for their perceptions of different names. At the other end of the scale, Lisa and Brian were seen as the least successful, Helen and John as the least lucky, and Ann and George as the most unattractive. "Past research has shown that such perceptions can become self-fulfilling prophecies, with teachers giving higher marks to children with attractive names and employers being more likely to promote those who sound successful," said the authors of the poll. "Attractive female names tended to be soft-sounding and end with the 'ee' sound, whereas the sexiest male names are short and much harder sounding," Wiseman said. What about his own name? He said he was pleased that Richard rated high among given names, while with the surname Wiseman "I think I was destined to be an academic." Let’s talk about names! 1: How to address your family members, close friends and other people? Tips: I call them: grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, Aunt Alice, Uncle Sam; they call me Rita. For those that you are not familiar with, we usually use the format: title+ last name. For example, Mr. Li, Mrs. Chen, Pro. Li, doc. Smith. 2. Why does a person need a name? Why doesn’t he use just a number as his name? Tips: Names identify people. Names describe people. Names carry their parents’ hopes and dreams. 3. What’s in Your Name? Explain your name to the class and tell them whether you are satisfied with your name or not, and why. Step 2 Detailed study of Section A This step aims at improving Ss’ reading ability by practicing Skimming, Scanning & Skipping, analyzing text structure and getting to know the major writing device adopted in the passage. Part I (Paras. 1-3) Questions 1. According to the woman, what helps her get the publishing job? Substitute her middle name Lynne for her first name Debbie. 2. What did she do before she got the job? waitress 3. Why can the name change make the difference? Add self-confidence to talents. Language Points 1. suit (L 1) suit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称。 这个候选人不符合我们的条件. This candidate does not suit our qualifications. fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。 这些鞋很合适我穿. These shoes fit me
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 当表示“使适合”的意思时,ft常与fo连用:uit常与to连用。 Hisexperience fits him for the job. 2.I just don't feel like a Debbie(L3) feel like:have a wish for,want 我现在不想去度假 I don't feel like taking a holiday now 3.substituted for(L5) ning put(s/sth)in place ofanother 他们正以暴力取代对话 They were substituting violence for dialogue Co时name· replace A with B.substitute B for A 4.characteristic(L) Meaning:1)a.representative;representing a person's or thing's usual character 六月的特点是雨天多 rainy days are characteristic of june 2)n.a special and easily recognized quality of sb or sth 美国人和加拿大人的性格有什么不同? What characteristics separate Americans from Canadians? 5.approval (L18) eg.Sam always tried hard to win his father'sapproval. 萨姆总是想尽办法去获得父亲的同意。 Please translate the following into Chinese a word or words expressing some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a personra thing,often expressing approval or disapproval. 表达某种特点的一个或几个字,这种特点被认为反映了某人或某事的本质,或描述了某人某事, 常表示嘉许或不赞成的意思。 make(ideas,.feclings,.ctc.)known to another person表达(思想、感情):转达 请向你母亲转达我的良好祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother PartⅡ(Paras.47) ouestions 1.I this part,the author citessom examples in orer toshow names can cause prejudices both in people's characters and in class-work evaluation. 2.According to the writer,why did one prominent magazine consistently refuse to print Joe in his by-line? The writer thought that to other people his name joe made him more qualified to be a baseball plaver than an art critic.He also suspected that if he were a more refined arthur or Adrian.the name would have What's the personality of Juian?What about Rory? Julian:active Rory:quiet and thoughtful Language Points 1 Names become attached to pecific c images,as anyone who's been called "a plain Jane"or"just an average Joe”can show. (L24)
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 3 当表示“使.适合”的意思时,fit 常与 for 连用;suit 常与 to 连用。 His experience fits him for the job. He suited his speech to his audience. 2. I just don’t feel like a Debbie (L3) feel like: have a wish for, want 我现在不想去度假. I don’t feel like taking a holiday now. 3. substituted for (L5) Meaning: put (sb/sth) in place of another 他们正以暴力取代对话. They were substituting violence for dialogue. Compare: replace A with B, substitute B for A 4. characteristic (L16) Meaning: 1) a. representative; representing a person’s or thing’s usual character 六月的特点是雨天多. Rainy days are characteristic of June. 2) n. a special and easily recognized quality of sb or sth 美国人和加拿大人的性格有什么不同? What characteristics separate Americans from Canadians? 5. approval (L18) eg. Sam always tried hard to win his father’s approval. 萨姆总是想尽办法去获得父亲的同意。 Please translate the following into Chinese: . a word or words expressing some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a person or a thing, often expressing approval or disapproval. 表达某种特点的一个或几个字,这种特点被认为反映了某人或某事的本质,或描述了某人某事, 常表示嘉许或不赞成的意思。 6. convey to (L23) Meaning: make (ideas, feelings, etc.) known to another person 表达(思想、感情);转达 请向你母亲转达我的良好祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother. Part II (Paras. 4-7) Questions 1. In this part, the author cites some examples in order to show names can cause prejudices both in people’s characters and in class-work evaluation. 2. According to the writer, why did one prominent magazine consistently refuse to print Joe in his by-line? The writer thought that, to other people, his name, Joe, made him more qualified to be a baseball player than an art critic. He also suspected that if he were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete. 3. What’s the personality of Julian? What about Rory? Julian: active Rory: quiet and thoughtful Language Points 1. Names become attached to specific images, as anyone who’s been called “a plain Jane” or “just an average Joe” can show. (L24)
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) s引导一个非限定性定语从句,先行词为前面的整个分句。 As is known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer. 2.attach to (L24) toeach of the luggage 请在每件行李上都贴上标签。 Ayoung man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him. 聚会上有个小青年总缠若我,用也用不开, Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的重要吗? We've grown very attached to this house and would hate to move 我们十分留恋这所房子,真舍不得搬家, 3.I suspect that ifI were a more refined Arthur or Adrian,the name would have appeared complete.(L29) Can you figure out the meaning of refined in this sentence? 4.acquaintance(L32) He has some little acquaintance with Japanese. 他懂一点日语. He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交际甚广, 5-press for demand with force(for sth from sb)(35) 我不知道是否要接受这份新工作,公司正催促我做决定. I don't know whether to accept this new job.and the firm is pressing (me)for a decision 6 free from(38) free from harm/preiudice 免受伤害,无偏见 a holiday free from all responsibilities 摆脱一切责任的假期 7.project on(L41) Meaning:imagine (one's own esp.bad feelings or thoughts)as being attached to others 他们觉得我们与他们有同样的梦想,真是荒谬 It is not reasonable that they project their dreams on us 8.I had their personalities confused because of their names.(144) 【结构】句中confused是过去分词做宾补。 【例句】The manager promised to keep me informed of how our business was going on. 9.appeal to(L53) aled to th crowd not to panic Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously. 他被她的幽默深深吸引 Part III (Para.8) doe'mtoiyou? With some determination,you can change your name. Language Points 1.you aren't stuck with the label.(L57) be stuck with:be unable to get ridof
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 4 as 引导一个非限定性定语从句,先行词为前面的整个分句。 As is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer. 2. attach to (L24) Please attach a label to each of the luggage. 请在每件行李上都贴上标签. A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn’t get rid of him. 聚会上有个小青年总缠着我,甩也甩不开. Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的重要吗? We’ve grown very attached to this house and would hate to move. 我们十分留恋这所房子,真舍不得搬家. 3. I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete. (L29) Can you figure out the meaning of refined in this sentence? the clue to refined : plain, average 4. acquaintance (L32) He has some little acquaintance with Japanese. 他懂一点日语. He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交际甚广. 5 .press for : demand with force (for sth from sb)(35) 我不知道是否要接受这份新工作,公司正催促我做决定. I don’t know whether to accept this new job, and the firm is pressing (me) for a decision. 6. free from(38) free from harm/prejudice 免受伤害,无偏见 a holiday free from all responsibilities 摆脱一切责任的假期 7. project on(L41) Meaning: imagine (one’s own esp. bad feelings or thoughts) as being attached to others 他们觉得我们与他们有同样的梦想,真是荒谬. It is not reasonable that they project their dreams on us. 8. I had their personalities confused because of their names. (L44) 【结构】句中 confused 是过去分词做宾补。 【例句】The manager promised to keep me informed of how our business was going on. 9. appeal to(L53) The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌. Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously. 他被她的幽默深深吸引. Part III (Para. 8) Question According to the writer, what can you do if your name doesn’t seem to fit you? With some determination, you can change your name. Language Points 1. . you aren’t stuck with the label. (L57) be stuck with: be unable to get rid of
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 我们不得不接待不期而至的亲戚们, We were stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly 2.with determination(L58) we carry out the plan with determination 我们坚定地实施这个计划: be determined to 我决心要取得成功 I'm determined to cceed Step 3 Consolidation 1.Doing the matching admit des trus confess agrecment confidence give characteristic colleague associate deciding appro specific famous award fate determination quality ill out an application form 有助于结识新朋友 take sb.seriously 认真 时待某人 identify people 识别人 more qualified to be a player 填写申请表 encourage new acquaintances更适合做运动员 2.Create a dialogue with your partner on what names convey to us? 3 listen to the story and do the exercise What was the mother's name? A:It was Laughing. B:It was Smiling.C:It was joking. Key:B father's name:Laughing mother'sname:Smiling sister's name:Kidding the boy's name:Joking 4.Translation ①当汤姆接替玛丽担任总经理时,他对接下来要做的事充满信心。(substitute for,confident)(不定 式,介词后前带wh词) was d for Mary as the general manager,he was confident of what to do next ②当他的求职被拒后,他承认当时很困室。(application,confess,i训at ease)(动名词,前面带to) His application for the job turned down,he confessed to beingill at ease at that time. ③随若环境污染被人们日益重视,大家坚特认为一些小化工厂对污染应付责任。(attach to.stick with 分词带wih表伴随) With great impora nce attached toenvir nment pol lution,most people stick with the idea that some smal chem onsible for the pollution ④一接到紧急求数信号,总部立刻派遣大量警察到事发地点,开始救援工作,使所有乘客免于危险。 (press for,.free from)(关系从句as/which) On hearing the signal of pressing for help.the headquarters immediately ent a large number of policemen to the pot which made all the pasengers fre e from danger 5
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 5 我们不得不接待不期而至的亲戚们. We were stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly. 2. with determination (L58) we carry out the plan with determination. 我们坚定地实施这个计划. be determined to 我决心要取得成功. I’m determined to succeed. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Doing the matching game! 2. Create a dialogue with your partner on what names convey to us? 3. Listen to the story and do the exercise. What was the mother’s name? A: It was Laughing. B: It was Smiling. C: It was joking. Key: B father’s name: Laughing mother’s name: Smiling sister’s name: Kidding the boy’s name: Joking 4. Translation ①当汤姆接替玛丽担任总经理时,他对接下来要做的事充满信心。(substitute for, confident)(不定 式,介词后/前带 wh 词) When Tom was substituted for Mary as the general manager, he was confident of what to do next. ②当他的求职被拒后,他承认当时很困窘。(application ,confess, ill at ease)(动名词,前面带 to) His application for the job turned down, he confessed to being ill at ease at that time. ③随着环境污染被人们日益重视,大家坚持认为一些小化工厂对污染应付责任。(attach to, stick with) (分词带 with 表伴随) With great importance attached to environment pollution, most people stick with the idea that some small chemical factories should be responsible for the pollution. ④一接到紧急求救信号,总部立刻派遣大量警察到事发地点,开始救援工作,使所有乘客免于危险。 (press for, free from )(关系从句 as/which) On hearing the signal of pressing for help, the headquarters immediately sent a large number of policemen to the spot, which made all the passengers free from danger. prominent destiny confess confidence characteristic associate approval specific award determination admit trust agreement give colleague deciding certain, particular famous fate quality fill out an application form take sb. seriously identify people more qualified to be a player encourage new acquaintances 有助于结识新朋友 认真对待某人 识别人 填写申请表 更适合做运动员
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) ⑤他说他想继续深造,但事实是他对待学习并不认真。(feel like,take seriously)(名词性从句作表语) He savs he feels like making a further study but the fact is that he doesn't take study very seriously ⑥如果当初你没有督促我努力学习,我就不会取得如此大的进步。(ush)(虚拟语气,省略0 Had ⑦诚实是他的特点而且他能胜任这项工作。(be qualified for)(be+adj.表示动词意义) Honesty is characteristic ofhim and he is well qualified for the job. ⑧研究表明:女孩受同龄人欢迎的程度与她们的名字受欢迎的程度有关系。虽然对男孩来说这种关 系不太明显。(relatedto)(比较级) Astudy showed with their peers as related to the popuarity of their names.athoug the connection was less clear for boys 5.Read passage.then do the multiple choice questions.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. According to a survey.which was based on the responses of over 188 000 students.today's traditional age college freshmen are"more and(利他主义的than at any time in the7 years of the poll. Not surprising in these hard times,the student's major objective "is to be financially well off:Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life."It follows then that today the most popula course is not literatureorhistory but accounting. Interest in teaching.social service and the"low.On the other hand enrollment in busines ss programs,engineering and computer science is way up That's no surprise either.A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemic al company)was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job-even before she completed her two year associate degree. While it's true that we all need a car r.it is qually true that our civilization has accumulated an of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that at we are be tter for ou understanding of these other contributions-be they scientific or artistic.It is equally true that,in studying the diverse wisdom of others,we learn how to think.More important perhaps.education teaches us to see the connections between things,as well as to see beyond our immediate needs. Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages,only to drive their employer out of ompany:nojob.How shortsighted in the ongrun But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the ac cumulated wisdom of the ages,we improve our moral sense.I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table.one of them is talking on the intercom(): "Miss Baxter he says."could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?" From the long term point of view,that's what education really ought to be about. 1.Ac A)have never been so materialistic as today B)have never been so interested in the arts C)have never been so financially well off as today D)have never attached so much importance to moral sense 2.electing majors today have much )the infu es of th B)the fin ancial goals they seek in life C)their own terpretations of the courses D)their unde 3.By saying "While it's true that.be they scientific or artistic"(Lines 1-3.Para.5).the author means that A)business management should be included in educational programs B)human wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speed 6
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 6 ⑤他说他想继续深造,但事实是他对待学习并不认真。(feel like, take seriously)(名词性从句作表语) He says he feels like making a further study, but the fact is that he doesn’t take study very seriously. ⑥如果当初你没有督促我努力学习,我就不会取得如此大的进步。(push)(虚拟语气,省略 if) Had you not pushed me to work harder, I would not have made such a great progress. ⑦诚实是他的特点而且他能胜任这项工作。(be qualified for ) (be+adj.表示动词意义) Honesty is characteristic of him and he is well qualified for the job. ⑧研究表明:女孩受同龄人欢迎的程度与她们的名字受欢迎的程度有关系。虽然对男孩来说这种关 系不太明显。(related to) (比较级) A study showed girl’s popularity with their peers was related to the popularity of their names, although the connection was less clear for boys. 5. Read passage, then do the multiple choice questions. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today's traditional age college freshmen are "more materialistic and less altruistic(利他主义的)" than at any time in the 17 years of the poll. Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life." It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching, social service and the "altruistic" fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. That's no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemic al company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first yea r on the job-even before she completed her two year associate degree. While it's true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions- be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs. Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company: no job. How shortsighted in the long run! But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the ac cumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom(对讲机): "Miss Baxter ," he says, "could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?" From the long term point of view, that's what education really ought to be about. 1. According to the author's observation, college students _ . A) have never been so materialistic as today B) have never been so interested in the arts C) have never been so financially well off as today D) have never attached so much importance to moral sense 2. The students' criteria for electing majors today have much to do with _ . A) the influences of their instructors B) the financial goals they seek in life C) their own interpretations of the courses D) their understanding of the contributions of others 3. By saying "While it's true that. be they scientific or artistic" (Lines 1-3, Para. 5),the author means that _. A) business management should be included in educational programs B) human wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speed
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) C)human intellectual development has reached new heights d)the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked 4.Studying the diverse wisdom ofotherscan A)create varying artistic interests B)help people see things in their right perspective C)help improve connections among people D)regulate the behavior of modern people 5.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A)Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow minded. B)find it hard to tell right fromro C)Peopleengaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life D)Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only. Keys:A BDB D Section B Judge by Appearances Step 1 Reading Skills Learn the reading skills for reading for the main ideas in paragraphs on Page 161.Then finish Exercise XIV on Pages 161-162. Step 2 Detailed Study of Section B Read Section B and do Exercise XVon Pages 169 Language Points 1.go to great lengths (LI) Meaning:make a great deal of effort(to do sth) They went to great lengths to keep the affair secret 他们裙尽全力为这事保密 2.tak es for /against(L) 他从未公开支持或反对他的上司 He has never taken sides openly for or against his boss 3.validate(L3) The xperiments are designed to validate his theory 设计这些实验是用来证实他的理论的 valid a. Her excuse was not valid. 她的辩解是站不住脚的 The marriage was held to be valid.这桩婚烟被认为是有效的 【搭配】 valid marriae 合法婚 be valid for three months 右效期二个月 a valid excus 站得住脚的托词 find no valid evidence 找不到确凿的证 4.account (L4) Phrase:account for解释,说明:占,构成 Please put the sentence into Chinese She w quired toaccount for her actions 她被要求解释她的行为 GirI students a unts for 49%of the class 女孩占这班人数的49%, 5 conceal (L11) 当她说地只有22岁时,我尽力掩饰自己的惊讶」 I tried my surprise when she was ony22
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 7 C) human intellectual development has reached new heights D) the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked 4. Studying the diverse wisdom of others can _ . A) create varying artistic interests B) help people see things in their right perspective C) help improve connections among people D) regulate the behavior of modern people 5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A) Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow minded. B) Managers often find it hard to tell right from wrong. C) People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life. D) Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only. Keys: A B D B D Section B Judge by Appearances Step 1 Reading Skills Learn the reading skills for reading for the main ideas in paragraphs on Page 161. Then finish Exercise XIV on Pages 161-162. Step 2 Detailed Study of Section B Questions Read Section B and do Exercise XV on Pages 169. Language Points 1. go to great lengths (L1) Meaning: make a great deal of effort (to do sth ) They went to great lengths to keep the affair secret. 他们竭尽全力为这事保密. 2. take sides for /against (L2) 他从未公开支持或反对他的上司. He has never taken sides openly for or against his boss. 3. validate (L 3) The experiments are designed to validate his theory. 设计这些实验是用来证实他的理论的. valid a. Her excuse was not valid. 她的辩解是站不住脚的. The marriage was held to be valid. 这桩婚姻被认为是有效的. 【搭配】 a valid marriage 合法婚姻 be valid for three months 有效期三个月 a valid excuse 站得住脚的托词 find no valid evidence 找不到确凿的证据 4. account (L4) Phrase:account for 解释,说明;占,构成 Please put the sentence into Chinese: She was required to account for her actions. 她被要求解释她的行为。 Girl students accounts for 49% of the class. 女孩占这班人数的 49%. 5. conceal (L11) 当她说她只有 22 岁时,我尽力掩饰自己的惊讶。 I tried to conceal my surprise when she said she was only 22
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 【搭配】 conceal sth行omsh向其人隐瞒其事 conceal the fact that掩盖.事实 6.act out (15) Please put the sentence into Chinese: Children's strong feelings often get acted out in bad behavior. 该子们的强列情感通常通过不良行为表现出来。 7.speak of (L16) e into English 他的眼晴流露出他所受的苦难。 His eyes speak of suffering. 8.turn out (I17刀 Please put the sentence into english 她原来是我姐姐的朋友。 It tured out that she was my sister's friend 【扩展】 turndown拒绝:关小,调低 turn in 交还,上交: turn over 仔细考虑 turn to 变成:求助于 turn up 出现,到来:开大,调高 9.tune out(L17) Please put the sentence into English 孩子们不理会母亲的吩附。 The children tuned out their 10.upto(22) Please put the sentence into English 我今天身体不舒服,不能去上班。 I don't feel up to going to work today 11.exclusive(23) 这间房间专供客人使用, This room is for the exclusive use of guests 12.scale (25) 薪金级别介于8,000至20.000美元之间。 The pay seale goes. 13.apart from(L32) Please put the s tence into English 除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。 Apart from a few words.I do not know any French at all. 14 imitate (36) 一些年轻男子试图模仿他们心中的音乐偶像 Some of the young men try to imitate their musical heroes 15.accompany (39) 部长由他的秘书陪同到医院去。 The minister was accompanied by his secretary to the hospital 【搭配】 8
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 8 【搭配】 conceal sth from sb 向某人隐瞒某事 conceal the fact that 掩盖······事实 6. act out (15) Please put the sentence into Chinese: Children’s strong feelings often get acted out in bad behavior. 孩子们的强烈情感通常通过不良行为表现出来。 7. speak of (L16) Please put the sentence into English: 他的眼睛流露出他所受的苦难。 His eyes speak of suffering. 8. turn out (L17) Please put the sentence into English: 她原来是我姐姐的朋友。 It turned out that she was my sister’s friend. 【扩展】 turn down 拒绝;关小,调低 turn in 交还,上交; turn over 仔细考虑 turn to 变成;求助于 turn up 出现,到来;开大,调高 9. tune out(L17) Please put the sentence into English: 孩子们不理会母亲的吩咐。 The children tuned out their mother’s commands. 10. up to (22) Please put the sentence into English: 我今天身体不舒服,不能去上班。 I don’t feel up to going to work today. 11. exclusive (23) 这间房间专供客人使用。 This room is for the exclusive use of guests. 12. scale (25) 薪金级别介于 8,000 至 20,000 美元之间。 The pay scale goes from $8,000 to $20,000. 13. apart from (L32) Please put the sentence into English: 除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。 Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. 14. imitate (36) 一些年轻男子试图模仿他们心中的音乐偶像。 Some of the young men try to imitate their musical heroes. 15. accompany (39) 部长由他的秘书陪同到医院去。 The minister was accompanied by his secretary to the hospital. 【搭配】
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) be accompanied by sb伴随,暗同 be accompanied with(a thing)附带,兼有 16.bound (48) 明天天气一定会好起来 The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. 我们所有的留易活动都在法律允许的范围之内 All our trading activities are within the bounds of the law 【搭配】 within/beyond the bounds of sth 范围 know no bounds无止境,极其 -Paul's love for her knew no bounds be bound to succeed肯定会成功 be bound to obey the law有义务道守法律 17.prevail(50 kl)exist or happen generally盛行,流行 The use of horses still prevails among the poorer farmers. 贫穷的农民仍然普遍用马代步和运输。 2)fight successfully(against sb/sthh)获胜,战胜,胜(过) nse will prevail in the end 我相信最终理性将占上风 【记忆 prevailing a.流行的,占优势的 prevalence n.普遍,流行,普及 valent a流行的,普遍的 【搭配】 prevail in/among sb 在. .中盛行 prevail over/against(同相比)占上风,获胜 prevail on/upon sb to do sth.说服某人做某事 Step3 Consolidation ate the follo ing sentences into English 1.如果你在公共场所有不寻常行为,你二定会引起人们的注意。(act out,be bound to) If you act out some unusual behaviors in public place.you are bound to draw people's attention. 2.尽管运动装很流行,但在正式场合上不能穿运动服。(prevail,inappropriate for) Although sports clothes quite prevail they are inappropriate for formal occasions 3.这个间课竭尽全边不晏墨自己的身份,但我认为他还不到那个水平。(go to great lengths,blow one? over,be up to The spy went to great lengths not to blow his cover,but I didn't think he was up to it 4.除了拥挤的交通,阻止我去露营的就是这场雨。(apart from,discourage) Apart from the heavy traffic.what discourages me from going camping is the rain! Step4 Writing On 提纲:(1)有些人认为名字对人的一生影响重大 (2)有些人认为名字只是一个代号 (3)你的看法
互动式新视野大学英语自主教师手册(第二册) 9 be accompanied by sb 伴随,陪同 be accompanied with (a thing) 附带,兼有 16. bound (48) 明天天气一定会好起来。 The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. 我们所有的贸易活动都在法律允许的范围之内。 All our trading activities are within the bounds of the law. 【搭配】 within/beyond the bounds of sth 在······范围 know no bounds 无止境,极其 -Paul’s love for her knew no bounds. be bound to succeed 肯定会成功 be bound to obey the law 有义务遵守法律 17. prevail (50) v. 1)exist or happen generally 盛行,流行 The use of horses still prevails among the poorer farmers. 贫穷的农民仍然普遍用马代步和运输。 2) fight successfully (against sb/sth) 获胜,战胜,胜(过) I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end. 我相信最终理性将占上风。 【记忆】 prevailing a. 流行的,占优势的 prevalence n. 普遍,流行,普及 prevalent a. 流行的,普遍的 【搭配】 prevail in/among sb 在······中盛行 prevail over/ against(同······相比)占上风,获胜 prevail on/upon sb to do sth. 说服某人做某事 Step 3 Consolidation Please translate the following sentences into English. 1. 如果你在公共场所有不寻常行为,你一定会引起人们的注意。(act out, be bound to) If you act out some unusual behaviors in public place, you are bound to draw people’s attention. 2.尽管运动装很流行,但在正式场合上不能穿运动服。(prevail ,inappropriate for) Although sports clothes quite prevail, they are inappropriate for formal occasions. 3.这个间谍竭尽全力不暴露自己的身份,但我认为他还不到那个水平。(go to great lengths, blow one’s cover, be up to) The spy went to great lengths not to blow his cover, but I didn’t think he was up to it. 4. 除了拥挤的交通,阻止我去露营的就是这场雨。(apart from, discourage) Apart from the heavy traffic, what discourages me from going camping is the rain! Step 4 Writing On Names 提纲:(1)有些人认为名字对人的一生影响重大 (2)有些人认为名字只是一个代号 (3)你的看法