(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 Unitl Fighting with the Force of Nature 时间 Obiectives: 1 Grasp the main idea and structure of the text 2 Do a compa son and contrast between Napoleon's invasion of Russia and Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Uni 3 Conduct a series of reading.listening.speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Step one Listen to the tape,and Tasks Ssthe following Question on the recording -Where and when did the storm occur?(Lake Superior,November 1975) -Why did the crew fear the worst would happen to them?(They all knew the dangers of November storms.) StepTwo Discussion What's the relationship between man and nature? 1)Ss are divided into several groups.listing instances where man conquers nature.and the cases where the forces ofnature are too powerful to be resisted. 2)their groups report their 3)Tsolicits opinion from other Ss:man or nature,which do you think is more powerful? Comments: T moves on to Text A by saying:Man changes nature in order to live.However.man must StepThree Background Information 1.Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821):emperor of the French,who consolidated and yreforms of the French Revolution One of the e greatest military commanders of all time,heconquered the larger part of Europe. 2.the Battler of Waterloo:final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars,that effectively ended French domination of the European continent and brought about drastic changes in the political boundaries and the power balance of Europe.Fought on June 18 1815,near in what is now Belgium,the batte ranks asa great tuing 3. Adof Hitler(1889-1945):German politica and military leader andne of thecentury' most powerful dictators.Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939.He made anti-Semitism a keystone of his propaganda and 1
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 1 Unit1 Fighting with the Force of Nature 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2 Do a comparison and contrast between Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union; 3 Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Step One Passage Listening Listen to the tape, and T asks Ss the following Question on the recording: - Where and when did the storm occur? (Lake Superior, November 1975) - Why did the crew fear the worst would happen to them? (They all knew the dangers of November storms.) Step Two Discussion What’s the relationship between man and nature? 1) Ss are divided into several groups, listing instances where man conquers nature, and the cases where the forces of nature are too powerful to be resisted. 2) Several Ss from their groups report their respective lists to class. 3) T solicits opinion from other Ss: man or nature, which do you think is more powerful? Comments: T moves on to Text A by saying: Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the laws of nature. When Napoleon and Hitler finally realized their arrogance, it was already too late. Step Three Background Information 1. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821): emperor of the French, who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of the French Revolution. One of the greatest military commanders of all time, he conquered the larger part of Europe. 2. the Battler of Waterloo: final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars, that effectively ended French domination of the European continent and brought about drastic changes in the political boundaries and the power balance of Europe. Fought on June 18, 1815, near Waterloo, in what is now Belgium, the battle ranks as a great turning point in modern history. 3. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945): German political and military leader and one of the 20th century’s most powerful dictators. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. He made anti-Semitism a keystone of his propaganda and
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 policies and built the nazi party into a mass movement.He hoped to conguer the entire world. and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among the German people and slaughtered millions of Jews,Sinti and Roma,Slavic peoples,and many others,all of whom he considered inferior. Step Four Pronunciation Practice Thelps Ss to read the new words and phrases in the word list,and explains some word family to enlarge Ss'vocabulary.(p7) Step Five Skimming 1)Tdraws Ss'attention to the subtitles in the text,and then leads them through Text Organization Exercise 1.In this way Ss will have a better understanding of the text structure. 2)Tasks some Ss to work in groups,trying to analyze the similarities and differences between the two invasions.T may suggest that they make a comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two io inthe for m ofa ble in term invading then toreporttothe by writing their non the blackboard Assignments 1 Dictionary work:consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary. 2Sentence transation:translate the five sentences in the first part of text 教室 Objectives .Master the key language pointsand grammatical structure in the text: 2.Retel what has been read inngish Step One Language Study (Part 1) 1.in the case of as far as eg:The rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms. Formal training will take at least 3years in the case of interior decoration
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 2 policies and built the Nazi Party into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He instituted sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among the German people and slaughtered millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma, Slavic peoples, and many others, all of whom he considered inferior. Step Four Pronunciation Practice: T helps Ss to read the new words and phrases in the word list, and explains some word family to enlarge Ss’ vocabulary. (p7) Step Five Skimming 1) T draws Ss’ attention to the subtitles in the text, and then leads them through Text Organization Exercise 1. In this way Ss will have a better understanding of the text structure. 2) T asks some Ss to work in groups, trying to analyze the similarities and differences between the two invasions. T may suggest that they make a comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions in the form of a table in terms of countries, time, major battles, turning point, fate of the invading force and so on, then to report to the class by writing their conclusion on the blackboard. Assignments 1 Dictionary work: consult the dictionary and master the newly-learned vocabulary. 2 Sentence translation: translate the five sentences in the first part of text. 时间 教室 Objectives 1.Master the key language points and grammatical structure in the text; 2. Retell what has been read in English Step One Language Study (Part 1) 1. in the case of: as far as . is concerned eg: The rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms. Formal training will take at least 3years in the case of interior decoration
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 2 stand get be in the way:prevent from doing sth. eg:Many teachers complain that they can't make any improvement in teaching methods as the existing exam systems in the way I don't think kids have as much fun as we used to.Fierce competition keeps getting in the way of their development. 3.raw:cold and wet not cookd refned,processed,organized ranalyzed This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat Industrial plants processed the raw material into finished products for export and for domestic consumption. 4. launch:(sth)onitscou eg:Beginning in the early humans launched probes to explore other planets On October 4.1957,Soviet scientists launched the world's first artificial satellites 5.campaign:a series of military operations or planned activities with a particular aim ade him to avoid the risk of a winter campaign in the Soviet Union and wait until spring Some people complained that too much money had been spent on political campaigns. (Part 2) 1.efficient:able to work well or producing a satisfactory result without wasting time o eg:Remote terminals in the home,connected to data banks,make the home the most efficien place to work in many cases. To cut back on fossil fuels(矿物燃料),we should build more efficient cars. ring,defeat eg:The year 19 had witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany. Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of the USSR would be simple. 3.decisive:producing a definite result or conclusion;having or showing the ability to decide eg:Most of the dec sive land campaigns of World War I occurred on the continent of Europe Lincoln took decisive measures to end slavery. The adoption of the euro is widely viewed as a decisive step toward a single European government. 4.retrea:move back or withdraw when faced with danger or difficulty eg:Aftera fierce batte,the troops retreated southward. We adopted the following strategies:when the enemy advances,we retreat;when they retreat, we pursue. 3
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 3 2 stand / get / be in the way: prevent from doing sth. eg: Many teachers complain that they can’t make any improvement in teaching methods as the existing exam systems in the way. I don’t think kids have as much fun as we used to. Fierce competition keeps getting in the way of their development. 3. raw: cold and wet; not cooked, refined, processed, organized or analyzed eg: The events took place on a raw February morning. This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat. Industrial plants processed the raw material into finished products for export and for domestic consumption. 4. launch: start; send (sth.) on its course eg: Beginning in the early 1960s, humans launched probes to explore other planets. On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the world’s first artificial satellites. 5. campaign: a series of military operations or planned activities with a particular aim eg: Hitler’s advisers tried to persuade him to avoid the risk of a winter campaign in the Soviet Union and wait until spring. Some people complained that too much money had been spent on political campaigns. (Part 2) 1. efficient: able to work well or producing a satisfactory result without wasting time or resources eg: Remote terminals in the home, connected to data banks, make the home the most efficient place to work in many cases. To cut back on fossil fuels(矿物燃料), we should build more efficient cars. 2.conquest: conquering, defeat eg: The year 1939 had witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany. Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of the USSR would be simple. 3. decisive: producing a definite result or conclusion; having or showing the ability to decide quickly eg: Most of the decisive land campaigns of World War I occurred on the continent of Europe. Lincoln took decisive measures to end slavery. The adoption of the euro is widely viewed as a decisive step toward a single European government. 4. retreat: move back or withdraw when faced with danger or difficulty eg: After a fierce battle, the troops retreated southward. We adopted the following strategies: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when they retreat, we pursue
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 5.beget bogged down:be unable to make progress eg:Most of the tanks were bogged down because of mechanical defects and inexperienced The local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the emission(发散,发 emit v.of hazardous chemicals by industrial facilities. 6.engage:begin fighting with sb.:(cause to)take part in or to do:occupy or attract sb.'s interest eg:The commander ordered to engage the enemy immediately I have no time to engage in gossip. We failed to engage any active support for our project. *engage (sb.)in sth.:(cause to)take part in sth. eg:They are engaed in lengthy trade negotiation The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation 7.be faced with:have to deal with eg:The librarians were faced with the huge task of listing all the books. I am faced with the awful job of breaking the news to the boy's family 8.crucial:very important(followed by to) eg:Amazingly,our soccer team won the victory in the crucial final game. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to economic recovery. Themcungte pricoft proluct d I think she's taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks. 10.press on/ahead:continue doing sth.In determined way (used in the pattern:presson/ahead ehh.) Organizers of the strike are determined to press on. 11.occupation:the seizure and control of a country or area:(one's)trade,profession,or business eg:During the Japanese occupation of China,millions of innocent Chinese people were killed by soldi oasarenedneatecaeaoaroqacmasoorahoherha occupation. 12.bide one's time:wait patiently for a chance He bided his 13.minus:below zero;made less by,slightly lower than the mark stated eg:Tomorrow's temperature will be as low as minus ten degree centigrade 20 minus 10 is 10
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 4 5. be / get bogged down: be unable to make progress eg: Most of the tanks were bogged down because of mechanical defects and inexperienced crews. The local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the emission(发散,发 射 emit v.) of hazardous chemicals by industrial facilities. 6. engage: begin fighting with sb.; (cause to) take part in or to do; occupy or attract sb.’s interest, etc. eg: The commander ordered the soldiers to engage the enemy immediately. I have no time to engage in gossip. We failed to engage any active support for our project. *engage (sb.) in sth.: (cause to) take part in sth. eg: They are currently engaged in lengthy trade negotiation. The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation. 7. be faced with: have to deal with eg: The librarians were faced with the huge task of listing all the books. I am faced with the awful job of breaking the news to the boy’s family. 8. crucial: very important (followed by to) eg: Amazingly, our soccer team won the victory in the crucial final game. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to economic recovery. 9. take a gamble: take a risk eg: The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off. I think she’s taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks. 10. press on / ahead: continue doing sth. In determined way (used in the pattern: press on / ahead with sth. ) eg: Our school authorities are keen to press on with educational reform. Organizers of the strike are determined to press on. 11. occupation: the seizure and control of a country or area; (one’s) trade, profession, or business eg: During the Japanese occupation of China, millions of innocent Chinese people were killed by Japanese soldiers. Many schools have struggled to meet the educational requirements of new technology-based occupation. 12. bide one’s time: wait patiently for a chance eg: His political rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies. He bided his time until Harvard University offered him a professorship. 13. minus: below zero; made less by; slightly lower than the mark stated eg: Tomorrow’s temperature will be as low as minus ten degree centigrade. 20 minus 10 is 10
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 The gross profit of an automobile manufacturer equals the value of its car sales minus the cost of making cars 14.dragon:move slowly and with effort:continue endlessly and tediously eg:These compensation cases have already dragged on for one year. How much longer is the meeting going to drag on? 15.stroke:any of a series of repeated movements,single successful or effective actiono occurrence,below eg:I saw a chance of solving all my problems at a stroke. He drove in anail with one stroke of the hammer. eost of with the loss of eg:The local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment 17.limp:walk with difficulty,esp.when one foot or leg is hurt eg:The dog must be hurt-it's limping. Iinjured my ankle and had tolimp 18.weaken:(cause to)become weak or weaker eg:The Asian financial crisis severely weakened some countries. Pneumonia often proves fatal to people with a weakened immune system 19.alliance:a union or an association formed for mutual benefit esp.between countrieso organizations联盟 eg:NATO is considered as the most powerful military alliance in modern history. Japan and Germany made their formal alliance in 1940. 20.abdicate:resign from being mperor,ete eg:When King George abdicated,his brother succeeded him on the throne He abdicated all responsibility for the care of the child. Step Two Sum up the main idea of the first two parts,then retell the story Assignments 1.Choose five words,using them in the creative story-writing 2.Preview the third part,making comparison and contrast between the two campaigns
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 5 The gross profit of an automobile manufacturer equals the value of its car sales minus the cost of making cars. 14. drag on: move slowly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously eg: These compensation cases have already dragged on for one year. How much longer is the meeting going to drag on? 15. stroke: any of a series of repeated movements; single successful or effective action or occurrence; below eg: I saw a chance of solving all my problems at a stroke. He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer. 16 . at the cost of: with the loss of eg: The local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment. 17. limp: walk with difficulty, esp. when one foot or leg is hurt eg: The dog must be hurt- it’s limping. I injured my ankle and had to limp. 18. weaken: (cause to) become weak or weaker eg: The Asian financial crisis severely weakened some countries. Pneumonia often proves fatal to people with a weakened immune system. 19. alliance: a union or an association formed for mutual benefit, esp. between countries or organizations 联盟 eg: NATO is considered as the most powerful military alliance in modern history. Japan and Germany made their formal alliance in 1940. 20. abdicate: resign from being king, emperor, etc eg: When King George abdicated, his brother succeeded him on the throne. He abdicated all responsibility for the care of the child. Step Two Sum up the main idea of the first two parts, then retell the story. Assignments 1. Choose five words, using them in the creative story-writing 2. Preview the third part, making comparison and contrast between the two campaigns
《全新版)大学英语综合教程4 时间 斯常 Objectives: 1 Knowthe concepts of comparison and contrast respectively and learn to use them in writing 2 Understand the organization of material in the text 3 master the releva ant language points StepOne Comparison and Contrast: Acomparison brings out the similarities between two or more things of the same kind,while a contrast the differences bet er comp them In a comparison and cont is on contrast. Step Two Language study attacking military force On Hitler'sorder,the invasion of Poland began on September 1,1939 2.declaration:formally announcing:a formal announcement(followed byo The pn phundd moreiedehfp tacked the U.S.naval base at Pearl Harbor,Hawaii,n December 7.19 without a declaration of war 3.catch sb.off guard:take sb.by surprise eg:The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard. The manager didn'know what tosy.It was clar that my question had caught him off guard 4.instruct:give orders or directions to(sb.)(used in the pattern:instruct sb.to dosth instruc sb.that:instruct sb.with quote).teach (sb.)(used in the pattern:instruct sb.in/on sth.) eg:The family has instructed solicitorsto sue Thomson for compensation. 5.render:cause (sb./sth.)to be in a specified condition(same as make) eg:Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. The drug will render the tiger harmless for up to two hours 6.casualty:a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident eg:The precise number of casualties in yesterday's bomb explosion is not known. First reports of the traffic accident tell of more than 50 casualties
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 6 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Know the concepts of comparison and contrast respectively and learn to use them in writing 2 Understand the organization of material in the text 3 Master the relevant language points Step One Comparison and Contrast: A comparison brings out the similarities between two or more things of the same kind, while a contrast the differences between them. In a comparison and contrast essay, you spend more time either comparing or contrasting, depending on your purpose. In the case of this text, the emphasis is on contrast. Step Two Language Study 1. invasion: an entering or being entered by an attacking military force eg: The country remained free from invasion for 60 years. On Hitler’s order, the invasion of Poland began on September 1, 1939. 2. declaration: formally announcing; a formal announcement (followed by of) eg: The opening speeches sounded more like declaration of war than offerings of peace. The Japanese attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941 without a declaration of war. 3. catch sb. off guard; take sb. by surprise eg: The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard. The manager didn’t know what to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard. 4. instruct: give orders or directions to (sb.) (used in the pattern: instruct sb. to do sth.; instruct sb. that; instruct sb. with quote ); teach (sb.) (used in the pattern: instruct sb. in / on sth.) eg: The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation. The professor instructed us that we had one month to conduct the project. He instructed family members in nursing techniques. 5. render: cause (sb. / sth.) to be in a specified condition ( same as make) eg: Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. The drug will render the tiger harmless for up to two hours. 6. casualty: a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident eg: The precise number of casualties in yesterday’s bomb explosion is not known. First reports of the traffic accident tell of more than 50 casualties
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 7.die from/of have as the cause of death egSomeanimalsdiedofsarvationinthesmow All the plants were dying from lack of rain. 8.siege:a military operation in which an army tries to eapture a town,etc by surrounding it and stopping the supply of food,et.to the people inside. e to lift the siege They are hopef lof bringing the siege to a peaceful conclusion The city was under siege for six months. 9.bring to a halt:stop completely g:Air traffic in Poland had been ght toa halt by air Our jourey was brought toa halt by a storm. 10.offensive:aggressive action,attack eg:The Red Army brought its winter offensive to a successful conclusion. InJanuary 1944 the Soviet offensive raised the long siege of Leningrad 11.turn the tide(against):change what looks like defeat into victory (over) eg:The appearance of Joan of Arc turned the tide of war. Soviet victory in Stalingrad turned the tide of the war in Europe. 12.thanks to:because of eg:Thanks to her financial support,the two children in the remote village coud go to schoo Thanks to their tireless efforts,the performance was a great success 13.heroie:having the characteristics of a hero,very brave eg:The lder saved the girl at the os of his own life.His heroic deeds were appreciated by all the peoplein thecommunity. He was famed for hisheroic deeds during the war. 14 region area eg:When examining a large geographic unit,geographers often divided it into smaller regions. In recent years increasing nu ers visited Antaretica the region's majestic scenery and wildlife 15 reckon:count:consider:think eg:The existence of the U.S.isreckoned from the Declaration of Independence. Many people himtobea great basketball playe Looking upat the sun,I reckoned that it must beabout *be reckoned with:be taken into consideration eg:All these problems had to be reckoned with as they arose. She is a woman to be reckoned with
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 7 7. die from / of: have as the cause of death eg: Some animals died of starvation in the snow. All the plants were dying from lack of rain. 8. siege: a military operation in which an army tries to capture a town, etc. by surrounding it and stopping the supply of food, etc. to the people inside. eg: We must do everything possible to lift the siege. They are hopeful of bringing the siege to a peaceful conclusion. The city was under siege for six months. 9. bring to a halt: stop completely eg: Air traffic in Poland had been brought to a halt by air traffic controllers’strike. Our journey was brought to a halt by a storm. 10. offensive: aggressive action, attack eg: The Red Army brought its winter offensive to a successful conclusion. In January 1944 the Soviet offensive raised the long siege of Leningrad. 11. turn the tide (against): change what looks like defeat into victory (over) eg: The appearance of Joan of Arc turned the tide of war. Soviet victory in Stalingrad turned the tide of the war in Europe. 12. thanks to: because of eg: Thanks to her financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school. Thanks to their tireless efforts, the performance was a great success. 13. heroic: having the characteristics of a hero; very brave eg: The soldier saved the girl at the cost of his own life. His heroic deeds were appreciated by all the people in the community. He was famed for his heroic deeds during the war. 14. region: area eg: When examining a large geographic unit, geographers often divided it into smaller regions. In recent years increasing numbers of tourists have visited Antarctica to appreciate the region’s majestic scenery and wildlife. 15. reckon: count; consider; think eg: The existence of the U.S. is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence. Many people reckon him to be a great basketball player. Looking up at the sun, I reckoned that it must be about three o’clock. *be reckoned with: be taken into consideration eg: All these problems had to be reckoned with as they arose. She is a woman to be reckoned with
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 1.toll:the number rinjured money paid for the use of a bridge or road eg:The toll of road deaths and injuries is on the rise. The local government was allowed to change tolls for the use of the roads. *take its/a toll:cause damage,injuries or deaths (often followed by of/on) The famine tooka toll f00.0lives His hard work has taken its toll on his stomach High wages have taken their toll on the Swedish economy StepThree A Comparison-and-Contrast Analysis of the Two Invasions Invading country France Germany Country invaded Russia Soviet Union Starter of war Napoleon Hitler Starting time of invasion Spring 1812 6/22/1941 Strength of invading force 600.000 The largest land campaign in history Prediction Quick victory,conquest of Blitzkrieg ("lightening war") Russia in 5 weeks lasting no longer than 3 months Initial resistance strategy Refusing to stand and fight scorch the earth",fierce fight retreating eastwards,burning to defend major cities crops and homes Capture of the Russian capital ves no Major battles Smolensk,Borodino, the Leningrad,Stalingrad 3 zina River Truce offer By Napoleon,rejected by the no Czar Biggest enemy for the invading Snow,freezing temperature Heavy rain,"general mud", force temperature Turning point 1812 whe 1943,when the Soviet troop Napoleon ordered a retreat pushed the German forces back Fate of the invading force Only 100 000 survived Heavy loss War-starter's fate Napoleon abdicated and Hitler committed suicide,his went into exile,his empire at empire collapsing an end Assignments: 1Review the vocabulary and thedifficu 2 Home reading:Text B 3 Do the after-text exercises
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 8 16. toll: the number of people or animals killed or injured in particular circumstances; money paid for the use of a bridge or road eg: The toll of road deaths and injuries is on the rise. The local government was allowed to change tolls for the use of the roads. *take its / a toll: cause damage, injuries or deaths (often followed by of / on) eg: The famine took a toll of 3,000,000 lives. His hard work has taken its toll on his stomach. High wages have taken their toll on the Swedish economy. Step Three A Comparison-and-Contrast Analysis of the Two Invasions: Invading country France Germany Country invaded Russia Soviet Union Starter of war Napoleon Hitler Starting time of invasion Spring, 1812 6/22/1941 Strength of invading force 600,000 The largest land campaign in history Prediction Quick victory, conquest of Russia in 5 weeks Blitzkrieg (“lightening war”), lasting no longer than 3 months Initial resistance strategy Refusing to stand and fight; retreating eastwards, burning crops and homes “scorch the earth”, fierce fight to defend major cities Capture of the Russian capital yes no Major battles Smolensk, Borodino, the Berezina River Leningrad, Stalingrad Truce offer By Napoleon, rejected by the Czar no Biggest enemy for the invading force Snow, freezing temperature Heavy rain, “general mud”, Snow, freezing temperature Turning point October 1812, when Napoleon ordered a retreat 1943,when the Soviet troops pushed the German forces back Fate of the invading force Only 100,000 survived Heavy loss War-starter’s fate Napoleon abdicated and went into exile, his empire at an end Hitler committed suicide, his empire collapsing Assignments: 1 Review the vocabulary and the difficult sentences. 2 Home reading: Text B 3 Do the after-text exercises
(全新版)大学英语综合教程4 时间 教室 Objectives: 1Translate the given passage 2 Learn to debate in English 3 Practice listening comprehension Step One 1)Check the translation work,emphasizing the important points. 2)Check the after-text exercises. Step Two Debate Man.which is more 1)Ss divide into two groups,one taking the side of creativity first,another taking the side of basic skills first 2)In each group,Ss further divide into smaller groups of three to four,brainstorming arguments/examples/statistics/quotes.in support of their viewpoint,as well as those that torefute theother side. 3)Debate begins,withTacting as moderator. StepThree Check the home-reading Step Four Listening practice Step Five Review what has been learnt in Unitl Assignments: Tasks Ss to prepare for the next unit: 1.do the pre-reading task 2.preview Text A
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 9 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Translate the given passage 2 Learn to debate in English 3 Practice listening comprehension Step One 1) Check the translation work, emphasizing the important points. 2) Check the after-text exercises. Step Two Debate: Man or nature, which is more powerful? 1) Ss divide into two groups, one taking the side of creativity first, another taking the side of basic skills first. 2) In each group, Ss further divide into smaller groups of three to four, brainstorming arguments/examples/statistics/quotes.in support of their viewpoint, as well as those that could be used to refute the other side. 3) Debate begins, with T acting as moderator. Step Three Check the home-reading Step Four Listening practice Step Five Review what has been learnt in Unit1 Assignments: T asks Ss to prepare for the next unit: 1. do the pre-reading task 2. preview Text A
《全新版)大学英语综合教程4 Unit2 Smart Cars 时间 教室 Arous n English as well as 2Encourage students to speak English as much a possible 3 Understand the structure of the passage 4 Master the key language points 5 Get a general idea for expository writing skills Step One Song listening -According to the song,will the world be a better or a worse place in a hundred years'time? (a worse place) According tothe song.what are some of the effects of moder and technology n mar in the future?Do youagree?(thoughts and feelings will be shaped by rugs bodies will wast away,family life will be gone,babies will be born artificially;man may no longer exist) Introduce the theme of the unit by presentations or reports from the Ss and a brief conclusion from the T StepTwo Free writing 1 Ss are given ten minutes to free write,beginning with the sentence:"Even ifI could afford a car, I may not actually want to drive one because." 2 Ss exchange their p as to why they wo erheast thee fellow s noting dow re given by the others 3 T asks several Ss to report to class the reasons for not driving a car given both by him/herself and by others Comments:Some scientists and engineers have come up with the idea of a"smart car".Let's read to find out what this"smart car"can do. Step Three 1 T draw Ss'attention to the Text Organization exercise on Page 43 to know the division of the paragraphs and Ss will fill in the main ideas as the instruction carries on. 2 Ss scan Paras1-3 and be ready to answer the relevant questions in Content Questions exercise mSsmirs to report to the c one kin the above uesionsd providing the answers. 4 Ss are invited to conclude the main idea for the first three paras
(全新版)大学英语综合教程 4 10 Unit2 Smart Cars 时间 教室 Objectives: 1 Arouse students’ interest in English as well as their concentration 2 Encourage students to speak English as much as possible 3 Understand the structure of the passage 4 Master the key language points 5 Get a general idea for expository writing skills. Step One Song listening -According to the song, will the world be a better or a worse place in a hundred years’ time? (a worse place) -According to the song, what are some of the effects of modern science and technology on man in the future? Do you agree? (thoughts and feelings will be shaped by drugs; bodies will waste away; family life will be gone, babies will be born artificially; man may no longer exist) Introduce the theme of the unit by presentations or reports from the Ss and a brief conclusion from the T Step Two Free writing 1 Ss are given ten minutes to free write, beginning with the sentence: “Even if I could afford a car, I may not actually want to drive one because.” 2 Ss exchange their papers with at least three fellow Ss, noting down reasons given by the others as to why they wouldn’t drive a car. 3 T asks several Ss to report to class the reasons for not driving a car given both by him/herself and by others. Comments: Some scientists and engineers have come up with the idea of a “smart car”. Let’s read to find out what this “smart car” can do. Step Three 1 T draw Ss’ attention to the Text Organization exercise on Page 43 to know the division of the paragraphs and Ss will fill in the main ideas as the instruction carries on. 2 Ss scan Para.s1-3 and be ready to answer the relevant questions in Content Questions exercise on Page 42 3 T asks some Ss pairs to report to the class, one asking the above questions and the other providing the answers. 4 Ss are invited to conclude the main idea for the first three para.s