PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus The following are key words and phrases selected from Text A. They are frequently used in daily communication.You need to study them carefully.There are a number of exercises to help you learn how to use them. Words and Phrases to Drill advertise assume aware career challenge crucial current diversify emulate enhance intangible involve priority professional responsibility social specific stray survey undergraduat volunteer along the way at(the very) e end up give it a shot least be involved in doing out of one's in the first place look up to other than control sit back take action take charge take control of
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task The following are key words and phrases selected from Text A. They are frequently used in daily communication. You need to study them carefully. There are a number of exercises to help you learn how to use them. Words and Phrases to Drill career diversify involve social undergraduat e be involved in look up to take action advertise challenge emulate priority specific volunteer end up doing other than take charge assume crucial enhance professional stray along the way give it a shot out of one’s control take control of aware current intangible responsibility survey at (the very) least in the first place sit back
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus VOCABULARY I Basic Practice 1 Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.Change the form where necessary. advertise assume aware career challenge diversify emulate intangible involve professional secial specific stray undergraduat volunteer look up to out of one's controlsit back ake control of 1 The current president of our university will step down on 14th December and Prof.Wilcox will take her place 2 If you want to stand out at a(rspcial gathering, you'd better show your sense of humor,and be polite and friendly. ☒D
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task VOCABULARY I Basic Practice Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. Change the form where necessary. 1 advertise current professional volunteer assume diversify social look up to aware emulate specific outof one’s control career intangible stray sit back involve undergraduat e challenge take control of The _ president of our university will step down on 14th December and Prof. Wilcox will take her place. If you want to stand out at a(n) _ gathering, you ’d better show your sense of humor, and be polite and friendly. current social current social 1 2
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus advertise assume aware career challenge current diversify emulate intangible involve professional secial specific stray undergraduat volunteer look up to out of one-s-controlsit back ke control of 3 I always looked up to my father,who showered love and attention on us and kept a roof over our heads even during the most difficult times. 4 I froze at the sight of the car speeding towards me,and my feet seemed completelyt of my control 5 Are you aware of the danger of smoking?Don 't let me catch you again
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task advertise current professional volunteer assume diversify social look up to aware emulate specific outof one’s control career intangible stray sit back involve undergraduat e challenge take control of I always _ my father, who showered love and attention on us and kept a roof over our heads even during the most difficult times. I froze at the sight of the car speeding towards me, and my feet seemed completely _. Are you _ of the danger of smoking? Don ’t let me catch you again. looked up to out of my control look up to outof one’s control 3 4 5 aware aware
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus advertise assume aware career challenge uffe升t diversify emulate intangible involve professional secial specific stray undergraduat volunteer look up to eut of one-s-contreisit back ke control of 6 This youth groupvolunteered to make over 250 lunches to give to the homeless living on the streets of Orange 7 County.advertised She never her wealth.Instead she kept to a 8 simple life. In these communities,children are often part emadult conversations and activities,as they are expected to learn from and their elders. ☒四
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task advertise current professional volunteer assume diversify social look up to aware emulate specific outof one’s control career intangible stray sit back involve undergraduat e challenge take control of This youth group _ to make over 250 lunches to give to the homeless living on the streets of Orange County. She never _ her wealth. Instead she kept to a simple life. In these communities, children are often part of adult conversations and activities, as they are expected to learn from and _ their elders. 6 7 8 volunteered advertised volunteer advertise emulate emulate
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus advertise assume aware career challenge current diversify emulate intangible involve professional secial specifie stray undergraduat volunteer look up to out of one-s-contrelsit back ke control of 9 The more specific you can make your topic,the easier it will be for you to write your paper. 10 Ms.Sullivan was invited to assume the role of mentor to four new employees. 11 In September 2009,UNESCO added the Dragon Boat Festivaltto thele Cultural Heritage(非物质文化遗 list,the first Chinese festival to receive the honor. 可)
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task advertise current professional volunteer assume diversify social look up to aware emulate specific outof one’s control career intangible stray sit back involve undergraduat e challenge take control of The more _ you can make your topic, the easier it will be for you to write your paper. Ms. Sullivan was invited to _ the role of mentor to four new employees. In September 2009, UNESCO added the Dragon Boat Festival to the _ Cultural Heritage (非物质文化遗 产) list, the first Chinese festival to receive the honor. 9 10 11 specific assume specific assume Intangible intangible
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus advertise assume aware eareer challenge eurrent versi时 emulate intangible involve prefessional secial specifie stray undergraduate volunteer look up to out of one-s-contreisit back ake control of 12 It takes years dprofessional training to become a 13 doctor. Thereertias been a growing pressure for small-scale 14 farmers to undergraduate their income with non-farm work. 15 I will soon complete my career studies in computer science and plan to find a job in this field. How can one build a(n) that isn't going to be stolen by robots?
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task advertise current professional volunteer assume diversify social look up to aware emulate specific outof one’s control career intangible stray sit back involve undergraduat e challenge take control of It takes years of _ training to become a doctor. There has been a growing pressure for small-scale farmers to _ their income with non-farm work. I will soon complete my _ studies in computer science and plan to find a job in this field. How can one build a(n) _ that isn ’t going to be stolen by robots? 12 13 14 15 professional diversify professional diversify undergraduate undergraduate career career
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 2 Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning.The first part has been written for you. 1 Surprise,surprise!Our neighbor John,that nice-looking man,is a member of the local gang(黑帮)!(be involved in) was shockedo learn that our neighbor John,that nice- looking man,had been involved in the local gang 2 Now that I 'm retired,I can afford to do nothing but enjoy life.(sit back) Retirement gives me the time to sit back and enjoy life 回▣
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you. 2 Surprise, surprise! Our neighbor John, that nice-looking man, is a member of the local gang (黑帮)! (be involved in) I was shocked _ _. Now that I ’m retired, I can afford to do nothing but enjoy life. (sit back) Retirement gives me the time _. to learn that our neighbor John, that nicelooking man, had been involved in the local gang to sit back and enjoy life 1 2
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 3 The driver couldn't focus on the road.He kept looking at the green fields on both sides.(stray) The driver's eyes strayed from the road ahead to the green fields on both sides 4 The mother criticized writers for always writing children 's stories about princes and princesses.She asked whether they could create anything else.(challenge) The mother was critical of the writers and challenged them to create children's stories that were not about princes and princesses ☒四
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task The driver couldn ’t focus on the road. He kept looking at the green fields on both sides. (stray) The driver ’s eyes _ _. The mother criticized writers for always writing children ’s stories about princes and princesses. She asked whether they could create anything else. (challenge) The mother was critical of the writers and _ _ _ . strayed from the road ahead to the green fields on both sides challenged them to create children’s stories that were not about princes and princesses 3 4
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 5 Rebecca liked tea with the Professor so much that when the monthly event was cancelled for lack of money,she took it upon herself to bring it back.(take charge) Having been cancelled for lack of money,the monthly tea with the Professoras brought back thanks to Rebecca, who took charge and fought for it 6 Setting up goals is the top priority if you want to make the most of your college life.(in the first place) To make the most of your college life, in the first place you should set up goals 可回
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Rebecca liked tea with the Professor so much that when the monthly event was cancelled for lack of money, she took it upon herself to bring it back. (take charge) Having been cancelled for lack of money, the monthly tea with the Professor _ _. Setting up goals is the top priority if you want to make the most of your college life. (in the first place) To make the most of your college life, _ _ . was brought back thanks to Rebecca, who took charge and fought for it in the first place you should set up goals 5 6
PART II Reading Task Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus 7 Pick up that phone and call the help line.It's much better than just panicking.(at the very least) Don't just panic.At the very least you should pick up that phone and call the help line 8 It's good luck that has given us ten straight clear days to harvest the crops.(along the way) All crops have been harvested in the past ten straight clear days.We reallgve had some good luck along the way ☒回
Text A Comprehension Language Sense Enhancement Language Focus PART II Reading Task Pick up that phone and call the help line. It ’s much better than just panicking. (at the very least) Don ’t just panic. _ _. It ’s good luck that has given us ten straight clear days to harvest the crops. (along the way) All crops have been harvested in the past ten straight clear days. We really _ _. At the very least you should pick up that phone and call the help line have had some good luck along the way 7 8