Unit1 words and phrases to drill Advertise announce publish proclaim declare publicize post promote disclose promulgate broadcast run with herald release enunciate give out blare reveal disseminate sound annunciate flash beat the drum(for spread blaze or about) placard introduce trumpet Announce totellpe ople,especially about a,etc. He officially announced his intention to resign at today's press conference Publish 1)publish something to produce a book,magazine,CD-ROM,etc.and sell it to the public to publish a book/novel/magazine/paper 2)to print a letter,an article,etc.in a newspaper or magazine Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. Proclaim to publicly and officiallytell people about something important et proimedastateofemern declare to say something officially or publicly She declared her intention of running for the presidency
1 Unit 1 words and phrases to drill Advertise Announce to tell people something officially, especially about a decision, plans, etc. He officially announced his intention to resign at today's press conference. Publish 1) publish something to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the public to publish a book/novel/magazine/paper 2) to print a letter, an article, etc. in a newspaper or magazine Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. Proclaim to publicly and officially tell people about something important synonym declare The president proclaimed a state of emergency. declare to say something officially or publicly She declared her intention of running for the presidency
Challenge a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent there were no serious challenges to the legislative bill,so it passed easily Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ objection exception question complaint protest difficulty criticism fuss demur demurrer remonstrance stink suspicion doubt demurral dispute expostulation kick dissent skepticism uncertainty Emulate as in to imitate to use(someone or something)as the model for one's speech, mannerisms,or behavior a pro athlete who has often said that children should emulote their parents-not him Synonyms Similar Words imitate copy mimic mock repeat ape mime perform echo parody play copycat 2
2 Challenge Emulate
Imitate 2)to copy the way a person speaksor behaves,in ordertomake peoplelaugh synonym mimic She knew that the girls used to imitate her and laugh at her behind her back. Copy to make something that is exactly like something else He taught himself by copying paintings in the Louvre. to write something exactly as it is written somewhere else The monks spent their days copying manuscripts. Mimic to copy the way somebody speaks,moves,behaves,etc.,especially in order to make other people laugh She's always mimicking the teachers. He mimicked her southern accent. mock (somebody/something) 1)not real but appearing or pretendingto be exactly like something mock cream人造奶油 mock leather人造革 2)to laugh at somebody/something in an unkind way,especially by copving what they say or do synonym make fun of He'sal ays mocking my ench accent. The other children mocked her,laughing behind their hands. Ape to copy something or someone badly and unsuccessfully(拙劣地)模仿 He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classica traditions 他称这座新楼的风格章无新意,并说它只不网过是对古典传统建筑的州劣模仿。 Mime toact ortell astoryinmime 以哑剧的形式表演 The whole of the banquet scene is mimed. 整个宴会的场景是以亚啊的形式表演的
3 Imitate 1) copy somebody/something Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists. 2) to copy the way a person speaks or behaves, in order to make people laugh synonym mimic She knew that the girls used to imitate her and laugh at her behind her back. Copy to make something that is exactly like something else He taught himself by copying paintings in the Louvre. to write something exactly as it is written somewhere else The monks spent their days copying manuscripts. Mimic to copy the way somebody speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people laugh She's always mimicking the teachers. He mimicked her southern accent. mock (somebody/something) 1) not real but appearing or pretending to be exactly like something mock cream 人造奶油 mock leather 人造革 2) to laugh at somebody/something in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do synonym make fun of He's always mocking my French accent. The other children mocked her, laughing behind their hands. Ape to copy something or someone badly and unsuccessfully(拙劣地)模仿 He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions. 他称这座新楼的风格毫无新意,并说它只不过是对古典传统建筑的拙劣模仿。 Mime 1) to act or tell a story in mime 以哑剧的形式表演 The whole of the banquet scene is mimed. 整个宴会的场景是以哑剧的形式表演的
2)to pretend to sing,play,or say something without making any sound Parody to copy the style of somebody/something in an exaggerated way,especially in order to make people laugh synonym lampoon Her work parodies genres such as the thriller and the spy novel. Copycat (disapproving)someone who isinfluenced by someoneelseand does or says exactlythe same as them(指缺乏主见的)模仿/抄袭者 You're just a copycat!.你只会学别人/ Whether it is the original attacker or a copycat,he must be caught soon. Priority as in precedence the right to one's attention before other things considered less important the committee has decided to give your request priority,so you'll have a meeting early tomorrow morning Synonyms Similar Words Relevance precedence right-of-way urgency preference primacy order ascendency preeminence succession ascendancy transcendence supremacy sequence progression transcendency Precedence the being dealt with before othe er things or of being considered more importan than other things(时间、顺序 重要程度的 Precedence must be given to the injured in the evacuation plans. 在疏散计划中应优先考虑伤者。 4
4 2) to pretend to sing, play, or say something without making any sound 假唱 Most of the bands that appear on the show just mime to a recording of their songs. 演出中大多数乐队只是伴随他们已经录好的歌曲假唱。 Parody to copy the style of somebody/something in an exaggerated way, especially in order to make people laugh synonym lampoon Her work parodies genres such as the thriller and the spy novel. Copycat (disapproving) someone who is influenced by someone else and does or says exactly the same as them(指缺乏主见的)模仿/抄袭者 You're just a copycat! 你只会学别人! Whether it is the original attacker or a copycat, he must be caught soon. Priority Precedence the condition of being dealt with before other things or of being considered more important than other things(时间、顺序、重要程度等的)居前,领先 Precedence must be given to the injured in the evacuation plans. 在疏散计划中应优先考虑伤者
Preference the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person偏爱;爱好;喜爱 Her preference isfor comfortable rather than stylish clothes. 她更注重衣厦的舒适性,而非时笔的款式。 Primacy [uncountable]the fact of being the most important personor thing This approach gives primacy to facts. 总的来说,“priority”更侧重于事物之间的相对重要性和紧迫性,而“primacy”更侧重于事物 的核心地位和重要性。 Specific as in characteristic something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kind the two submissions differ only in certain specifics Synonyms Similar Words characteristic feature quality attribute trait attribution criterion property hallmark
5 Preference the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person 偏爱;爱好;喜爱 Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes. 她更注重衣服的舒适性,而非时髦的款式。 Primacy [uncountable] the fact of being the most important person or thing This college emphasizes the primacy of teaching over research. This approach gives primacy to facts. 总的来说,“priority”更侧重于事物之间的相对重要性和紧迫性,而“primacy”更侧重于事物 的核心地位和重要性。 Specific
as in special of a particular or exact sort we need a specific type of pen to sign the diplomas Synonyms Similar Words Relevance special precise distinct sole concrete express specialized peculiar set single only individual distinctive especial unique Assume as in to accept to take to or upon oneself we promised to assume responsibility for any damage to the flower beds caused by the volleyball game in the backyard Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■n accept shoulder bear undertake embrace take over adopt agree advocate take up endorse indorse uphold stand by acquiesce espouse support consent 6
6 Assume
Assume something(formal) totake or begin to have power or responsibility Rebelforces have assumed contro of the The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare Accept to admit that vouare r onsible or to blame for something or what happened.军已经控制了首都。 You have to accept the consequences of your actions. Shoulder accept responsibility e.g.toshoulder the onsibility/blame forsomethi women who shoulder the double burden of childcare and full-time work bear (formal)to take responsibility for something e.g.She bore the responsibility for most of the changes. Do parents have to bear the whole cost oftuition fees? (used especially with can/could in negative sentences and questions) to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant synonym stand e.g.The pain was almost more than he could bear. Ican't bear having cats in the house She couldn't bear the thought of losing him undertake undertakesomethingto makeyourselfresponsible for somethingand start doing it,especially something that will take along time or be difficult e.g.to undertake a task/project University professors both teach and undertake research. The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident
7 Assume something (formal) to take or begin to have power or responsibility Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital. The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare. Accept to admit that you are responsible or to blame for something He accepts full responsibility for what happened. 叛军已经控制了首都。 You have to accept the consequences of your actions. Shoulder accept responsibility e.g. to shoulder the responsibility/blame for something women who shoulder the double burden of childcare and full-time work bear (formal) to take responsibility for something e.g. She bore the responsibility for most of the changes. Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees? (used especially with can/could in negative sentences and questions) to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant synonym stand e.g. The pain was almost more than he could bear. I can't bear having cats in the house. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him. undertake undertake something to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult e.g. to undertake a task/project University professors both teach and undertake research. The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident
Crucial of the greatest possible importance water is crucial to our survival Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ key critical vital pivotal essential fundamental necessary basic decisive elementary life-or-death instrumental life-and-death urgent requisite indispensable pressing weighty Enhance as in to improve to make better some shrubbery would really enhance the curb appeal of that house Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■n improve enrich better refine help ameliorate perfect amend upgrade remedy remediate reinforce strengthen meliorate intensify 8
8 Crucial Enhance
as in to intensify to make markedly greater in measure or degree the right makeup would enhance the beauty of her eyes Synonyms Similar Words intensify deepen heighten strengthen consolidate reinforce boost broaden amplify accentuate expand sharpen Professional as in technical having or showing trained ability in a particular field of knowledge Many of the applicants lacked the professional experience the job required. She had always dreamed of becoming a professional boxer. Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ technical specialized skilled pro expert skillful experienced technicalized educated specialist proficient specialistic qualified veteran practiced
9 Professional
Stray adj. as in random lacking a definite plan,purpose,or pattern stray sightings of UFO's,none of which have been rigorously analyzed by scientists Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■■ random scattered arbitrary erratic accidental lucky sporadic aimless haphazard desultory contingent chance odd casual slapdash Aware as in conscious having specified facts or feelings actively impressed on the mind as she was being wheeled out of surgery,she became dimly aware that her parents were in the room Synonyms Similar Words Relevance■ conscious cognizant mindful wary apprehensive regardful sentient ware careful sensible alive attentive observant cautious vigilant watchful alert witting wide-awake heedful safe 10
10 Stray adj. Aware