汉语并列句的翻译 ■ 汉语复句有联合复句和偏正复句两种。联合复句又有并列复句,承 接复句,承接复句,递进复句,选择复句,总分复句等几种。其中并列 复句的使用可能最多,并列各分句之间的关系也最复杂。因此,英译 困难最多。 表面看来,汉语有并列句,英语也有并列句,但实际上并非如此简单。 汉语并列句用得多,英语并列句用得少。因此,汉译英时,许多并列 句要根据它的语义关系,译为简单句或复合句。翻译前,译者必须琢 磨汉语并列句各分句之间的关系,然后选择适当的英语句式表达。 汉语并列句大致有三种情况:一.几个分句分别说明一些相关的 事情或一件事情的几个方面,即纯粹并列句;二.叙述相反的事情或 情况,含有对照的意思,即对照并列句;三两个分句间有补充,解释, 比较的作用,即主次并列句
汉语并列句的翻译 ◼ 汉语复句有联合复句和偏正复句两种。联合复句又有并列复句,承 接复句,承接复句,递进复句,选择复句,总分复句等几种。其中并列 复句的使用可能最多,并列各分句之间的关系也最复杂。因此,英译 困难最多。 ◼ 表面看来,汉语有并列句,英语也有并列句,但实际上并非如此简单。 汉语并列句用得多,英语并列句用得少。因此,汉译英时,许多并列 句要根据它的语义关系,译为简单句或复合句。翻译前,译者必须琢 磨汉语并列句各分句之间的关系,然后选择适当的英语句式表达。 ◼ 汉语并列句大致有三种情况: 一.几个分句分别说明一些相关的 事情或一件事情的几个方面,即纯粹并列句;二.叙述相反的事情或 情况,含有对照的意思,即对照并列句;三.两个分句间有补充,解释, 比较的作用,即主次并列句
纯粹并列句 ■ 有的译为英语并列句。汉语并列句之间不用连词,英译时,一般要加上连词 and,如有三个以上分句,则在最后两个句间加上and。 ◆ 1我帮助他,他帮助我。(联合复句) ■I help him and he helps me.(并列句) 21844年恩格斯与马克思相遇,他们成了朋友。 In 1844 Engels met Marx,and they became friends. 3寒冷能保存生命,也能破坏生命。 ■ Cold can preserve life and it can also destroy it.汉语的联合复句中,后一 个分 ■ 句的主语可以承前省略,英语的并列句则不能。因此,汉语的联合复句如有承 前 省略或蒙后省略的现象时,则相当于英语的复合句或简单句。 4我有一个朋友,现在上海工作。(联合复句) I have a friend,who works in Shanghai now.(复合句) 5这里有一本小说,是王尔德写的。(联合复句) Here is a novel,which was written by Wilde.(复合句
纯粹并列句 ◼ 有的译为英语并列句。汉语并列句之间不用连词,英译时,一般要加上连词 and,如有三个以上分句,则在最后两个句间加上and。 ◼ 1 我帮助他,他帮助我。(联合复句) ◼ I help him and he helps me. (并列句) ◼ 2 1844年恩格斯与马克思相遇,他们成了朋友。 ◼ In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became friends. ◼ 3 寒冷能保存生命,也能破坏生命。 ◼ Cold can preserve life and it can also destroy it. 汉语的联合复句中,后一 个分 ◼ 句的主语可以承前省略,英语的并列句则不能。因此,汉语的联合复句如有承 前 ◼ 省略或蒙后省略的现象时,则相当于英语的复合句或简单句。 ◼ 4 我有一个朋友,现在上海工作。(联合复句) ◼ I have a friend, who works in Shanghai now. (复合句) 5 这里有一本小说,是王尔德写的。(联合复句) ◼ Here is a novel, which was written by Wilde. (复合句)
汉语的联合复句中,后一分句的主语是前一分句的宾语时,可以承前省 略。这种承前省略的主语相当于英语的关系代词who,which,that。 因此,汉语的这种联合复句相当于英语的复合句(带有非限制性定语从 句的复合句) ■ 汉语的联合复句中,如果前后两个分句的主语相同,前一分句的主语也 可以蒙后省略。这样的联合复句相当于英语中带有分词短语的简单句。 6走进饭厅,他看见他母亲围着一件干净的白围裙。(联合复句) ■ Entering the dining room,he saw his mother in a white clean overall.(简单句) 7从窗户往外一看,我看见他们在操场打篮球。(联合复句) Looking out of the window,I saw them playing basketball on the playground.(简单句) 8他不仅给我们写了信,而且昨天还亲自来了。(联合复句,递进关系) Not only did he write to us but also he came here yesterday. 列句,并列关系)
◼ 汉语的联合复句中,后一分句的主语是前一分句的宾语时,可以承前省 略。这种承前省略的主语相当于英语的关系代词who, which, that。 因此,汉语的这种联合复句相当于英语的复合句 (带有非限制性定语从 句的复合句) ◼ 汉语的联合复句中,如果前后两个分句的主语相同,前一分句的主语也 可以蒙后省略。这样的联合复句相当于英语中带有分词短语的简单句。 ◼ 6 走进饭厅,他看见他母亲围着一件干净的白围裙。(联合复句) ◼ Entering the dining room, he saw his mother in a white clean overall. (简单句) ◼ 7 从窗户往外一看,我看见他们在操场打篮球。(联合复句) ◼ Looking out of the window, I saw them playing basketball on the playground. (简单句) ◼ 8他不仅给我们写了信,而且昨天还亲自来了。(联合复句,递进关系) ◼ Not only did he write to us but also he came here yesterday.(并 列句,并列关系)
9不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明白。(联合复句,选择关系) Either he did not speak distinctively or I did not hear well. 句,选择关系) ■ 熟练掌握各种英语句型,是实现表达的途径。 ■10约翰不用功,杰克也不用功。 Jack is no more diligent than John. ■ 11这种鸟飞得很快,很远,它们吃的主要是草耔和树上的干果仁。 ■ These birds fly very fast over long distance,mainly eating seeds and berries. 纯粹并列句有一些常用句式,如也,又.又;既又;一边.一边;一面, 一方面.另一方面等。 12能量既不能被创造,也不能被消灭。 Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. 13她又想去,又不想去,拿不定主意。 She couldn't make up her mind whether to go or not. 14他们一边喝茶,一边聊天
◼ 9不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明白。(联合复句,选择关系) ◼ Either he did not speak distinctively or I did not hear well. (并列 句,选择关系) ◼ 熟练掌握各种英语句型,是实现表达的途径。 ◼ 10 约翰不用功,杰克也不用功。 ◼ Jack is no more diligent than John. ◼ 11这种鸟飞得很快,很远,它们吃的主要是草耔和树上的干果仁。 ◼ These birds fly very fast over long distance, mainly eating seeds and berries. ◼ 纯粹并列句有一些常用句式,如也, 又.又;既.又;一边.一边; 一面, 一方面.另一方面等。 ◼ 12 能量既不能被创造,也不能被消灭。 ◼ Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. ◼ 13她又想去,又不想去,拿不定主意。 ◼ She couldn’t make up her mind whether to go or not. ◼ 14他们一边喝茶,一边聊天
川.对照并列句 含对照意义的并列句英语常用while,whereas,not so.as much等来连接. ■15虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one go forward while conceit makes one lag behind. 16水结冰时,体积不是变小,而是变大。 When water freezes,instead of being smaller in volume,it is getting bigger. ■ 17读他的书不是为了信息,而是为了欣赏。 ■ His book is read not so much for information as for its entertainment. ■18半导体是一种不良导体,而不是良绝缘体。 The semiconductor acts as a poor conductor rather than a good insulator
◼ II. 对照并列句 ◼ 含对照意义的并列句英语常用while, whereas, not so.as much等来连接. ◼ 15虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 ◼ Modesty helps one go forward while conceit makes one lag behind. ◼ 16 水结冰时,体积不是变小,而是变大。 ◼ When water freezes, instead of being smaller in volume, it is getting bigger. ◼ 17 读他的书不是为了信息,而是为了欣赏。 ◼ His book is read not so much for information as for its entertainment. ◼ 18 半导体是一种不良导体,而不是良绝缘体。 ◼ The semiconductor acts as a poor conductor rather than a good insulator
川.主次并列句 主次并列句为数最多,主次关系是隐含的,意义也是多种多样的。我们 要深入理解其含义,发掘出这种主次关系,然后选择适当的英语句式表 达。 ■ 19他们患得患失,生怕失掉这些东西。 ■第一或第二分句含有原因意义 ■ Swayed by considerations of loss and gain,they are most anxious not lose these possessions ■ 20这些树根都正在发芽长枝,被挖掉实在可惜 As these stumps are just coming back to life,what a pity that they should be chopped off! ■ 21他们准是瞎了眼,看不见中国的成就。 ■ They must be blind that they don't see China's great achievement. 22许多同志没有到会,我们决定延期开会。 Seeing that many comrades were absent,we decided to put the meeting off
◼ III.主次并列句 ◼ 主次并列句为数最多,主次关系是隐含的,意义也是多种多样的。我们 要深入理解其含义,发掘出这种主次关系,然后选择适当的英语句式表 达。 ◼ 19 他们患得患失,生怕失掉这些东西。 ◼ 第一或第二分句含有原因意义 ◼ Swayed by considerations of loss and gain, they are most anxious not lose these possessions. ◼ 20 这些树根都正在发芽长枝,被挖掉实在可惜. ◼ As these stumps are just coming back to life, what a pity that they should be chopped off! ◼ 21 他们准是瞎了眼,看不见中国的成就。 ◼ They must be blind that they don’t see China’s great achievement. ◼ 22 许多同志没有到会,我们决定延期开会。 ◼ Seeing that many comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off
23莎车是一块待开发的肥沃宝地,矿旷产资源丰富,水电充足,交通通讯 便利。 Shache is a stretch of fertile treasure-land yet to be developed, with rich mineral resources,sufficient hydropower and convenient transportation and telecommunication. 24错误和挫折教训了我们,使我们比较聪明起来了,我们的事情就办得 比较好一些。 Taught by mistakes and setbacks,we have become wiser and handle our affairs better. 第一或第二分句含有方式,手段意义 25这些中外合资企业,充分引进海外投资和利用先进技术成果,为国家 创汇和增加税收作出了积极的贡献。 Making full use of overseas investment and advanced technological development,these Sino-foreign joint ventures have made positive contributions to promoting the amount of foreign currency and tax revenue for our country. ■ 26我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去了。 Shrugging on an overcoat,I mademy way out,closing the door behind me
◼ 23 莎车是一块待开发的肥沃宝地,矿产资源丰富,水电充足,交通通讯 便利。 ◼ Shache is a stretch of fertile treasure-land yet to be developed, with rich mineral resources, sufficient hydropower and convenient transportation and telecommunication. ◼ 24错误和挫折教训了我们,使我们比较聪明起来了,我们的事情就办得 比较好一些。 ◼ Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handle our affairs better. ◼ 第一或第二分句含有方式,手段意义 ◼ 25 这些中外合资企业,充分引进海外投资和利用先进技术成果,为国家 创汇和增加税收作出了积极的贡献。 ◼ Making full use of overseas investment and advanced technological development, these Sino-foreign joint ventures have made positive contributions to promoting the amount of foreign currency and tax revenue for our country. ◼ 26 我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去了。 ◼ Shrugging on an overcoat, I made my way out, closing the door behind me
27博乐市工业依托当地丰富的资源,通过横向协作,招商引资,技术改 造,形成了纺织,轧花,粮油加工,建材,酿酒,制糖,制药,食品塑料制品等 为主的完善的工业体系! ■ By relying on rich local resources,making lateral cooperation and inviting businessmen for investment as well as carrying out technical innovation,Bole City has already completed a sound industrial system integrating textile,cotton ginning, grain and edible oil processing,building material,wine brewing, sugar and medicine making,foodstuff and plastic products etc. ■ 28我们必须以高度的历史感和时代紧迫感,继续集中力量进行经济建 设,进一步发展和壮大自己。 With a high sense of responsibility for the nation and the people and awareness of urgency,we will concentrate on economic construction in the hope of further strengthening and developing the nation. ■ 29中国执行改革开放,争取在50年到70年间发展起来。 ■ By pursuing a policy of reform and opening to the outside world,China is striving to become developed within 50 to 70 years
◼ 27 博乐市工业依托当地丰富的资源,通过横向协作,招商引资,技术改 造,形成了纺织,轧花,粮油加工,建材,酿酒,制糖,制药,食品,塑料制品等 为主的完善的工业体系. ◼ By relying on rich local resources, making lateral cooperation and inviting businessmen for investment as well as carrying out technical innovation, Bole City has already completed a sound industrial system integrating textile, cotton ginning, grain and edible oil processing, building material, wine brewing, sugar and medicine making, foodstuff and plastic products etc. ◼ 28 我们必须以高度的历史感和时代紧迫感,继续集中力量进行经济建 设,进一步发展和壮大自己。 ◼ With a high sense of responsibility for the nation and the people and awareness of urgency, we will concentrate on economic construction in the hope of further strengthening and developing the nation. ◼ 29 中国执行改革开放,争取在50年到70年间发展起来。 ◼ By pursuing a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China is striving to become developed within 50 to 70 years
第二句含有补充说明解释意义 30大多数金属都是良导体,而银是最好的。 ■ Most metals are good conductors with silver in the lead. ■31国际争端应在此基础予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。 ■ International disputes should be settled on this basis,without resorting to the use or threat of force. ■ 32这些都应该向大学生进行思想道德教育,加以纠正,而不是简单地进 行斥责了事。 These mistakes should be corrected by giving moral education to the college students and not by simply dressing them down. 33和田自古以来以产美玉而闻名,其中和田玉最负盛名。 Hotan has been well known for its beautiful jades since ancient times,of which Hotan jade enjoys the best reputation
◼ 第二句含有补充说明解释意义 ◼ 30 大多数金属都是良导体,而银是最好的。 ◼ Most metals are good conductors with silver in the lead. ◼ 31 国际争端应在此基础予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。 ◼ International disputes should be settled on this basis, without resorting to the use or threat of force. ◼ 32 这些都应该向大学生进行思想道德教育,加以纠正,而不是简单地进 行斥责了事。 ◼ These mistakes should be corrected by giving moral education to the college students and not by simply dressing them down. ◼ 33 和田自古以来以产美玉而闻名,其中和田玉最负盛名。 ◼ Hotan has been well known for its beautiful jades since ancient times, of which Hotan jade enjoys the best reputation
第二句含结果意义 34领导班子建设和干部队伍建设取得新进展,大批优秀年 轻走上领导岗位. ■ Progress was made in strengthening leading bodies and the contingent of cadres,with a large number of the fine young cadres taking leading posts. 35最近二三十年来,世界的科学技术发展日新月异,专业化 的分工更细,协作的规模更大。 In the last 20 or 30 years,world science and technology have made new headway day by day, resulting in a more minute division of labor on the basis of specialization and in more extensive cooperation
◼ 第二句含结果意义 ◼ 34 领导班子建设和干部队伍建设取得新进展,大批优秀年 轻走上领导岗位. ◼ Progress was made in strengthening leading bodies and the contingent of cadres, with a large number of the fine young cadres taking leading posts. ◼ 35最近二三十年来,世界的科学技术发展日新月异,专业化 的分工更细,协作的规模更大。 ◼ In the last 20 or 30 years, world science and technology have made new headway day by day, resulting in a more minute division of labor on the basis of specialization and in more extensive cooperation