第八章:正说与反说 由于汉英两种语言表达习惯不同而且可以从 正面或反面表达同一概念,翻译时如果用正 面表达译文有困难,欠通顺,则不妨用反面 表达,或将反面表达改用正面表达,这样可 以使译文比较通顺而与原意并无出入。如: 防暴警察riot police,消防队fire brigade,反特 影片spy film,无期徒刑Jlife sentence我们见 到远道而来的的朋友,往往要说“路上辛苦 了”,在这种场合,英语要说,Did you have a good trip?
第八章:正说与反说 由于汉英两种语言表达习惯不同而且可以从 正面或反面表达同一概念,翻译时如果用正 面表达译文有困难,欠通顺,则不妨用反面 表达,或将反面表达改用正面表达,这样可 以使译文比较通顺而与原意并无出入。如: 防暴警察riot police,消防队fire brigade,反特 影片spy film,无期徒刑life sentence 我们见 到远道而来的的朋友,往往要说“路上辛苦 了”,在这种场合,英语要说,Did you have a good trip?
.1反映在对话体中的汉英正反技法切换: ●1你明天不去上课吗?“是的,我明天不去上课。 ●”这句话用英语的习惯表达方式就应是:Are you not going to attend class tomorrow?”“No,I am not. ·2我认为他的回答不对。这句英语的习惯表达方式应是: I don't think his answer is correct. ·3他在这上面费了很多力气。 He took no little pains over it. 。4他比赛失败,我感到很惊讶。 I was not a little surprised that he lost the game. ·5他决不会说这样的话。 He was the last man to say such things. 。6他是无可指摘的。 He is above blame. 。7我真是万分感激。 I couldn't thank you enough
. 反映在对话体中的汉英正反技法切换: ⚫ 1你明天不去上课吗?“是的,我明天不去上课。 ⚫ ”这句话用英语的习惯表达方式就应是:Are you not going to attend class tomorrow?” “No, I am not. ⚫ 2 我认为他的回答不对。这句英语的习惯表达方式应是: I don’t think his answer is correct. ⚫ 3 他在这上面费了很多力气。 He took no little pains over it. ⚫ 4 他比赛失败,我感到很惊讶。 I was not a little surprised that he lost the game. ⚫ 5 他决不会说这样的话。 He was the last man to say such things. ⚫ 6 他是无可指摘的。 He is above blame. ⚫ 7 我真是万分感激。 I couldn’t thank you enough
2 否定词汉译英面面观 ·1)司机开车时,千万不能心不在焉。 .A driver's absence of mind is absolutely forbidden 。2)他不顾全大局使这次实验失败。 He failed to take an overall situation into consideration,which led to the abortion of the experiment. ·3)他去机场接人,可是在人群中未见到他。 He went to the airport tom pick him up,but he missed him in the crowd. ● 4)工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。 ● Slips are scarcely avoidable when you are new to your work. ·5)机不可失,时不再来。 A golden opportunity knocks but once. ● 6)那家伙极不老实。 That fellow is far from being honest. ·7)他兴奋得睡不着觉。 He was too excited to get into sleep ·8)她显然有不同的想法。 Obviously enough,she thinks otherwise ● 9)我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的殷切希望。 We will live up to the earnest expectations of our own people
. 否定词汉译英面面观 ⚫ 1)司机开车时,千万不能心不在焉。 ⚫ A driver’s absence of mind is absolutely forbidden. ⚫ 2) 他不顾全大局使这次实验失败。 ⚫ He failed to take an overall situation into consideration, which led to the abortion of the experiment. ⚫ 3)他去机场接人,可是在人群中未见到他。 ⚫ He went to the airport tom pick him up, but he missed him in the crowd. ⚫ 4)工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。 ⚫ Slips are scarcely avoidable when you are new to your work. ⚫ 5)机不可失,时不再来。 ⚫ A golden opportunity knocks but once. ⚫ 6 )那家伙极不老实。 ⚫ That fellow is far from being honest. ⚫ 7) 他兴奋得睡不着觉。 ⚫ He was too excited to get into sleep. ⚫ 8)她显然有不同的想法。 ⚫ Obviously enough, she thinks otherwise. ⚫ 9)我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的殷切希望。 ⚫ We will live up to the earnest expectations of our own people
3汉语肯定转为英语否定 ·1这些细菌要在温度达到一百摄氏度时才会 死亡。 These bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100C. ●2他们工作时总是互相帮助。 They never work without helping each other. ·3所有机器在运转时都要损失能量。 There is no machine but will lose energy when in motion
汉语肯定转为英语否定 ⚫ 1 这些细菌要在温度达到一百摄氏度时才会 死亡。 ⚫ These bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100℃. ⚫ 2 他们工作时总是互相帮助。 ⚫ They never work without helping each other. ⚫ 3 所有机器在运转时都要损失能量。 ⚫ There is no machine but will lose energy when in motion
4汉语警示语翻译 ●1油漆未干!wet paint! ●2天网恢恢,梳而不漏。Justice has long arms. 。3闲人免进。Staff only. ·4勿踏红线。Stand off red. ●5勿踏草地。Keep off the lawn! ●6通道禁止摆摊。Keep this passage clear. 。7眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight,out of mind
汉语警示语翻译 ⚫ 1油漆未干! wet paint! ⚫ 2天网恢恢,梳而不漏。Justice has long arms. ⚫ 3 闲人免进。Staff only. ⚫ 4 勿踏红线。Stand off red. ⚫ 5 勿踏草地。Keep off the lawn! ⚫ 6 通道禁止摆摊。Keep this passage clear. ⚫ 7 眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight, out of mind
五为了使原来隐含意义更加明确,更便于直接理解。 ·1有些游客出手大方,喜欢花钱买纪念品。 Some tourists are anything but tight-fisted.They like to spend a lot of money on souvenirs or keepsakes ●2在困难面前,他总是勇往直前。 He never flinched from any difficulties. 。3与其他人相比,他是位非凡的教授。 As compared with others,he is no ordinary professor. ●4他这些年来一直得全优。 She has never missed a single excellent score all those years
五 .为了使原来隐含意义更加明确,更便于直接理解。 ⚫ 1 有些游客出手大方,喜欢花钱买纪念品。 ⚫ Some tourists are anything but tight-fisted. They like to spend a lot of money on souvenirs or keepsakes. ⚫ 2在困难面前,他总是勇往直前。 ⚫ He never flinched from any difficulties. ⚫ 3与其他人相比,他是位非凡的教授。 ⚫ As compared with others, he is no ordinary professor. ⚫ 4他这些年来一直得全优。 ⚫ She has never missed a single excellent score all those years
六汉语的否定词在句中无否定意义 ●1这块地里的麦子长得不大离儿。 The wheat on this field is pretty good. ●2天无绝人之路。 Every cloud has a silver lining. ●3谁没有个三灾六难的。 There is a crook in the lot of every one
六 汉语的否定词在句中无否定意义 ⚫ 1 这块地里的麦子长得不大离儿。 ⚫ The wheat on this field is pretty good. ⚫ 2 天无绝人之路。 ⚫ Every cloud has a silver lining. ⚫ 3谁没有个三灾六难的。 ⚫ There is a crook in the lot of every one
山·为州独荷以伏守史守守珍併仪 果 。1.我们在改革开放中,不能忘记这些基本原则。 These principles must be kept in mind in our reform and opening to the outside world. ·2.同行是冤家。 Two of a trade did never agree ·3.有失才有得。 You can't make omelet without breaking eggs. ·4.为了提高工作效率,他非常关注工人们的权利。 On no occasion has he neglected the rights of the workers for higher efficiency
七 .为加强语气以获得更好得修辞效 果 ⚫ 1.我们在改革开放中,不能忘记这些基本原则。 ⚫ These principles must be kept in mind in our reform and opening to the outside world. ⚫ 2. 同行是冤家。 ⚫ Two of a trade did never agree. ⚫ 3.有失才有得。 ⚫ You can’t make omelet without breaking eggs. ⚫ 4.为了提高工作效率,他非常关注工人们的权利。 ⚫ On no occasion has he neglected the rights of the workers for higher efficiency
八.知识深浅看翻译 。标题 新疆冬季旅游开始启动 翻译 ● 记者 杨静王建军时间 10月11 字数 260午间 联播 晚间 评 定 夏秋季节的旅游热潮还未退去,我区冬季旅游的筹备工作又 己紧锣密鼓地展开了。 ● [字幕:资料]乌鲁木齐是新疆冬季冰雪旅游的中心,在南山 和水磨沟区这两个重点地区,都有一些大的冰雪项目正在紧 张的施工和筹备。雪莲山滑雪场准备将规模扩大一倍,同时 容纳4000人在10条雪道健身游玩。南山的天山滑雪场将把 雪道延伸到5公里长,除冰雪旅游外还可以举办国内竞技滑 雪的单项赛事。另外,昌吉州阜康、米泉等县市也雄心勃勃, 准备在今冬冰雪旅游市场上分一杯羹
八.知识深浅看翻译 ⚫ 标题 新疆冬季旅游开始启动 翻译 ⚫ 记者 杨静 王建军 时间 10月11 ⚫ 字数 260 午间 联播 晚间 评 定 ⚫ 夏秋季节的旅游热潮还未退去,我区冬季旅游的筹备工作又 已紧锣密鼓地展开了。 ⚫ [字幕:资料]乌鲁木齐是新疆冬季冰雪旅游的中心,在南山 和水磨沟区这两个重点地区,都有一些大的冰雪项目正在紧 张的施工和筹备。雪莲山滑雪场准备将规模扩大一倍,同时 容纳4000人在10条雪道健身游玩。南山的天山滑雪场将把 雪道延伸到5公里长,除冰雪旅游外还可以举办国内竞技滑 雪的单项赛事。另外,昌吉州阜康、米泉等县市也雄心勃勃, 准备在今冬冰雪旅游市场上分一杯羹
●●● 另据了解,从今年11月16号起到明年3月15号,组团来疆圈内 外游客将享受不高于5折的机票优惠,相信这一措施,将吸引更 多中外游客来新疆赏冰玩雪。新疆台杨静王建军报道。[资料] Winter tourism starts in XJ WANG JIANJUN Reports [A]Though the tourism upsurge in summer and autumn has not receded,the preparation work for winter tourism has started fully in XJ.“旅游热”译成tourism upsurge言过其实,因 为upsurge是“高潮”的意思。另外,“工作”是范畴词,没有实 际内容,此处去掉。“紧锣密鼓”意味用“fuy”表达意味没出 来。 [data]Urumqi is the center for XJ's ice and snow tourism in winter.Some big ice and snow items are busy in construction and preparation in Nanshan Mountain and Shuimogou Section,the two key areas in Urumgi."busy" ice and snow items.后面作表语不合适。因为,在这种情况下,主 语一般是“人”。英语里主谓的搭配有严格的限定,阅读时注 意观察。The ski run in the Snowdrop Mountain will enlarge one times in its scope,thus accepting 4000 people playing in
另据了解,从今年11月16号起到明年3月15号,组团来疆的国内 外游客将享受不高于5折的机票优惠,相信这一措施,将吸引更 多中外游客来新疆赏冰玩雪。新疆台杨静 王建军报道。[资料] ⚫ Winter tourism starts in XJ WANG JIANJUN Reports ⚫ [A] Though the tourism upsurge in summer and autumn has not receded, the preparation work for winter tourism has started fully in XJ. “旅游热”译成tourism upsurge 言过其实,因 为upsurge是 “高潮” 的意思。另外, “工作”是范畴词,没有实 际内容,此处去掉。 “紧锣密鼓”意味用 “fully”表达意味没出 来。 ⚫ [字幕data] Urumqi is the center for XJ’s ice and snow tourism in winter. Some big ice and snow items are busy in construction and preparation in Nanshan Mountain and Shuimogou Section, the two key areas in Urumqi. “busy” 置于 ice and snow items后面作表语不合适。因为,在这种情况下,主 语一般是 “人” 。英语里主谓的搭配有严格的限定,阅读时注 意观察。The ski run in the Snowdrop Mountain will enlarge one times in its scope, thus accepting 4000 people playing in 10-snow path