第三章 词的增补 谢旭 http://edu.xju.edu.cn 汉英翻译■精品课程
谢旭升 C opy right © by A RTCOM PT All rights reserv ed. http://edu.xju.edu.cn 汉英翻译 ■ 精品课程
词的增补 的 汉英翻译■精品课程 http://edu.xju.edu.cn. 美国作家,诗人泰勒(Bayard Tayler,1825- 1878)曾有一句名言:"There is no mathematics without plus or minus,which holds good for translation." 增添一些词语可以克服含义不清容易造成误解的缺 点.增补主要在两个方面:一是为了保证译文语法结构 的完整性而进行的增补,包括增补代词,名词,连词,介和 冠词等;二是为了保证译文意思的明确而进行的增补, 包括增补原文中隐含的词语,增加概括性的词语,注释性 的词语等
美国作家,诗人泰勒 (Bayard Tayler, 1825- 1878)曾有一句名言: “There is no mathematics without plus or minus, which holds good for translation.” 增添一些词语可以克服含义不清容易造成误解的缺 点. 增补主要在两个方面: 一是为了保证译文语法结构 的完整性而进行的增补,包括增补代词,名词,连词,介和 冠词等; 二是为了保证译文意思的明确而进行的增补, 包括增补原文中隐含的词语,增加概括性的词语,注释性 的词语等。 http://edu.xju.edu.cn 词的增补 汉英翻译 ■ 精品课程
增补代词 1、活到老,学到老】 -One is never too old to learn. 2、只要中国人民积极奋斗,这个宏伟的战略就能够达到。 If Chinese people work hard,hey can definitely attain this grand strategic objective. 3、把这些故事看完后,用自己的话讲一遍。 -After you have read these stories,tell them in your own words. 汉语多无主句,而英语无主句只能表示祁使语气,使用 范围窄得多,增加泛指意义的代词或符合上下文逻辑意义 的代词不失为一种解决办法
增补代词 1、活到老,学到老! → One is never too old to learn. 2、只要中国人民积极奋斗,这个宏伟的战略就能够达到。 If Chinese people work hard,hey can definitely attain this grand strategic objective. 3、把这些故事看完后,用自己的话讲一遍。 → After you have read these stories, tell them in your own words. 汉语多无主句,而英语无主句只能表示祁使语气,使用 范围窄得多, 增加泛指意义的代词或符合上下文逻辑意义 的代词不失为一种解决办法
增补连词、冠词、介词 汉语是意合法语言,形式机制比较弱.汉语的句法关 系缺乏形态标定手段,主要依靠直接对接,以LR(从左到 右)顺线形占绝对优势,而英语则不然,有许多形式(词语) 或形态(词型变化)手段可供使用,以表明语言内部的句 法关系,呈立体交叉形制。 1、上梁不正下梁歪。 -If the upper beam is not straight,the lower ones will go aslant
• 汉语是意合法语言,形式机制比较弱. 汉语的句法关 系缺乏形态标定手段,主要依靠直接对接,以LR(从左到 右) 顺线形占绝对优势,而英语则不然,有许多形式(词语) 或形态(词型变化)手段可供使用,以表明语言内部的句 法关系,呈立体交叉形制。 增补连词、冠词、介词 1、 上梁不正下梁歪。 → If the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant
增补连词、冠词、介词 2、跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。 -The monk may run away,but never his temple. 3、想要什么吃的,什么玩的,只管告诉我;丫头老婆 们不好了,也只管告诉我。 Just tell me if you have a fancy for anything special to eat or pass the time with. When a housemaid or an old nurse becomes nasty,also let me know. 4、新疆是个好地方,天山南北好风光。 -ith beautiful scenery around Xinjiang
2、跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。 → The monk may run away, but never his temple. 3、想要什么吃的,什么玩的,只管告诉我;丫头老婆 们不好了,也只管告诉我。 → Just tell me if you have a fancy for anything special to eat or pass the time with. When a housemaid or an old nurse becomes nasty, also let me know. 4、新疆是个好地方,天山南北好风光。 → ith beautiful scenery around Xinjiang. 增补连词、冠词、介词
增补原文中隐含的词语 1、现在日子好过了,反而没啥吃的。 -Now that we live a better-off life,instead,we feel that we have nothing special to eat. 2、要提倡顾全大局。 -We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration. 3、这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。 -The workshop processes raw materials on client's demand and processes according to investor's samples as well
1、现在日子好过了,反而没啥吃的。 → Now that we live a better-off life, instead, we feel that we have nothing special to eat. 2、要提倡顾全大局。 → We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration. 3、这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。 → The workshop processes raw materials on client’s demand and processes according to investor’s samples as well 增补原文中隐含的词语
增补原文中隐含的词语 然而,50年的成就虽大,巨大的发展挑战依然存在。世界上还有10亿以 上的人口处于赤贫境地,每天靠着不足一美元,为维持生存而挣扎。这 项挑战与每一个国家息息相关.提高较贫穷国家的生活水平,促进其经 济增长和发展,不仅有利于较贫穷国家,也增加了较富裕国家的贸易,就 业和收入。 And yet,despite the success of the past 50 years,a massive development challenge remains.Over 1 billion people still live in dire poverty,struggling to survive on a dollar a day or less. Every nation has a huge stake in meeting this challenge. Raising the living standards and promoting growth and development in the world's poorer countries not only helps them but also expands trade,jobs and incomes in the richer countries. 内含“连接”两个字,即“迎接这一挑战与每一个国家息息相关”, 译成英语时,不加词,逻辑上说不通
然而,50年的成就虽大,巨大的发展挑战依然存在。世界上还有10亿以 上的人口处于赤贫境地,每天靠着不足一美元,为维持生存而挣扎。 这 项挑战与每一个国家息息相关.提高较贫穷国家的生活水平,促进其经 济增长和发展,不仅有利于较贫穷国家, 也增加了较富裕国家的贸易,就 业和收入。 And yet, despite the success of the past 50 years,a massive development challenge remains. Over 1 billion people still live in dire poverty, struggling to survive on a dollar a day or less. Every nation has a huge stake in meeting this challenge. Raising the living standards and promoting growth and development in the world’s poorer countries not only helps them but also expands trade, jobs and incomes in the richer countries. 内含 “连接” 两个字,即 “迎接这一挑战与每一个国家息息相关”, 译成英语时,不加词,逻辑上说不通。 增补原文中隐含的词语
增补概括性的词语 →黄金白银,坚甲利兵,并非构成大国的要素。 -Gold and silver,a strong army and powerful weapons-these are not the elements that constitute a great nation. 增补注释性词语:汉语中的典故,谚语和在一定政治条件下形成的某些,术 语和简化说法,汉语读者熟悉,一看明白,但是英译读者就不明白这种现象叫文 化缺省.所以翻译时必须增加注释,拓宽输出信道。 →以江泽民为核心的党中央坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针, 从多方面加强精神文明建设。 The Party Central Committee with Jiang Zemin at the core,in adherence to the principle of placing equal emphasis on both material progress and ethnical cultural progress,with neither aspects neglected,has promoted ethical and cultural progress in all fields
→黄金白银,坚甲利兵,并非构成大国的要素。 → Gold and silver, a strong army and powerful weapons—these are not the elements that constitute a great nation. 增补注释性词语: 汉语中的典故,谚语和在一定政治条件下形成的某些,术 语和简化说法,汉语读者熟悉,一看明白,但是英译读者就不明白.这种现象叫文 化缺省. 所以翻译时必须增加注释,拓宽输出信道。 →以江泽民为核心的党中央坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针, 从多方面加强精神文明建设。 → The Party Central Committee with Jiang Zemin at the core, in adherence to the principle of placing equal emphasis on both material progress and ethnical cultural progress, with neither aspects neglected, has promoted ethical and cultural progress in all fields. 增补概括性的词语
增补注释性词语 →我们继续促进两岸人员往来,推进各项交流与合作,争 取早日实现直接“三通”。 We will continue to promote personal contacts and all kinds of exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straights and try to realize direct links for postal,flight and shipping service and trade at early date. →济公劫富济贫,深受穷苦百姓爱戴。 Ji Gong,Robin Hood in China,who robbed the rich and helped the poor,was quite popular among the common people
→ 我们继续促进两岸人员往来,推进各项交流与合作,争 取早日实现直接 “三通”。 → We will continue to promote personal contacts and all kinds of exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straights and try to realize direct links for postal, flight and shipping service and trade at early date. → 济公劫富济贫,深受穷苦百姓爱戴。 → Ji Gong, Robin Hood in China, who robbed the rich and helped the poor, was quite popular among the common people. 增补注释性词语
增补注释性词语 →东施效颦 -Dong Shi,an ugly woman,knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Xi Shi only to make herself uglier-blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish →新疆地形的特点是三山夹两盆。 The topography in Xinjiang is characterized by two basins(the Tarim Basin and the Junggar Basin)hemmed in by three mountains (the Altay Mountains,the Tianshan Mountains and the Kunlun MountainsDynasty)
→东施效颦 → Dong Shi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Xi Shi only to make herself uglier-blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish →新疆地形的特点是三山夹两盆。 → The topography in Xinjiang is characterized by two basins (the Tarim Basin and the Junggar Basin) hemmed in by three mountains (the Altay Mountains, the Tianshan Mountains and the Kunlun MountainsDynasty). 增补注释性词语