Success Typified by Translation 第一章 汉英翻泽 English Teaching Learning in a New Perspective 汉英翻译■精品课程
第一章 汉英翻译 Success Typified by Translation English Teaching Learning in a New Perspective 汉英翻译 ■ 精品课程
Preface A.English teaching and learning is motivated by better quality of English language. Better quality stands for fluent communicative power. Communicating equals to translation (Eugene Nida) B.Call put by our times (1)Better cognitive power side by side with poor communicative performance
A. English teaching and learning is motivated by better quality of English language. ▪ Better quality stands for fluent communicative power. ▪ Communicating equals to translation (Eugene Nida) ▪ B. Call put by our times ▪ (1) Better cognitive power side by side with poor communicative performance ▪ (2) Inevitable outcome of stereotyped exam papers Preface
Translation placed in awkward situation a)Smaller percentage in current exam papers Entrance CET CET Entrance Name Exam for Band-4 Band-8 CET CET Exam for Higher for for Band-4 Band-6 Master Education English English Program Majors Majors Perce ntage 0% 0% 20% 10% 0% 15%
▪ a) Smaller percentage in current exam papers Name Entrance Exam for Higher Education CET Band-4 for English Majors CET Band-8 for English Majors CET Band-4 CET Band-6 Entrance Exam for Master Program Perce ntage 0% 0% 20% 10% 0% 15% Translation placed in awkward situation
I.Translation placed in awkward situation b)Limited teaching hours for English majors c)Translation not ranked among academic works in some places d)Translation illiterate cases seen here and there
b) Limited teaching hours for English majors ▪ c) Translation not ranked among academic works in some places ▪ d) Translation illiterate cases seen here and there I. Translation placed in awkward situation
Translation placed in awkward situation 1.Good scores for CET bands 4,6,8 is much less than demand put on qualified translators 2.Translation denigrated as word-for-word process. 3.Pressing for work 4.Incredible pay
1. Good scores for CET bands 4,6, 8 is much less than demand put on qualified translators ▪ 2. Translation denigrated as word-for-word process. 3. Pressing for work 4. Incredible pay Translation placed in awkward situation
II.Paradoxical situation at present time a.More on the one hand,fewer on the other. b.A batch of first-rate translators still shine in China's circle of translation,with their education background dated back to 1950's and 1960's. c.Numerous young and middle-aged translators with easier access to information are inferior to their former generations in this field. 1)Fewer hours spent reading books 2)lack of down-to-earth attitude 3)misguided by catch-phrases 4)result of exam-oriented teaching and learning
a. More on the one hand, fewer on the other. ▪ b. A batch of first-rate translators still shine in China’s circle of translation, with their education background dated back to 1950’s and 1960’s. ▪ c. Numerous young and middle-aged translators with easier access to information are inferior to their former generations in this field. ▪ 1) Fewer hours spent reading books ▪ 2) lack of down-to-earth attitude ▪ 3) misguided by catch-phrases ▪ 4) result of exam-oriented teaching and learning II. Paradoxical situation at present time
Percentage of Translation in entrance exam paper in the previous years Years 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1978 Percen E40%C E36%C E26%C E32% E306C E306C E506C E20%6C1 tage 40% 40% 36% C38% 40% 40% 32% 0% The exam pattern in those years resulted from translation and grammar-oriented teaching method,under which a group of foreign language elites were brought up with solid foundation in both Chinese and English and especially in written translation (E-C)
Years 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1978 Percen tage E40%C 40% E36%C 40% E26%C 36% E32% C38% E30%C 40% E30%C 40% E50%C 32% E20%C1 0% The exam pattern in those years resulted from translation and grammar-oriented teaching method, under which a group of foreign language elites were brought up with solid foundation in both Chinese and English and especially in written translation (E-C). Percentage of Translation in entrance exam paper in the previous years
Ill.Measures taken against such a situation A Increase in C-E translation exercise in College English Textbook (1),(2) B.Translation exercise extended all the way to College English Book (6) C.C-E translation considered to be put into exam papers for CET Band-4,Band-6 and entrance exam for master program for on-the-job candidates in near future
▪ A. Increase in C-E translation exercise in College English Textbook (1),(2) ▪ B. Translation exercise extended all the way to College English Book (6) ▪ C. C-E translation considered to be put into exam papers for CET Band-4, Band-6 and entrance exam for master program for on-the-job candidates in near future III. Measures taken against such a situation
Part Two Rational thinking about translation 1.Translation involves far more than replacement of lexical and grammatical items 新纺棉纱精梳秀一Combed Cotton Yarn-A Famous -Brand Woven Out of Fine Threads 鱼米之乡一land flowing with milk and honey 让新疆走向世界,让世界了解新疆一Better exchanges between Xinjiang and rest of the world 奉献能源,创造和谐二Clean energy supply for better environment
▪ Rational thinking about translation ▪ 1、Translation involves far more than replacement of lexical and grammatical items ▪新纺棉纱精梳秀 -Combed Cotton Yarn-A Famous ▪ Brand Woven Out of Fine Threads ▪鱼米之乡- land flowing with milk and honey ▪让新疆走向世界,让世界了解新疆- Better exchanges between Xinjiang and rest of the world ▪奉献能源,创造和谐- Clean energy supply for better environment . Part Two
Part Two 02. 王佐良言:翻译者的辛勤劳动才使得一国的文化的遗产 能为全世界人所用,还因为译者作的文化比较远比一般人 细致深入,他处理的是个别的词,面对的则是两大文化。 新疆高校一定要做到政治家办校(王乐泉在新疆高校 工作会议上的讲话) Xinjiang institutions of higher education must be run by ideological qualifiers 注政治家不能直译为politician(政客),因为这个词在他们文化中是 贬义词。如果直译,其效果是严重背离本义:而政治家在这个上下文中 意思是指那些符合共产党意识形态的人,看来翻译是翻“意”或翻 “文化”·这一点许多翻译理论家都作了点击
▪ 2. 王佐良言:翻译者的辛勤劳动才使得一国的文化的遗产 能为全世界人所用,还因为译者作的文化比较远比一般人 细致深入,他处理的是个别的词,面对的则是两大文化。 ▪ 新疆高校一定要做到政治家办校 (王乐泉在新疆高校 工作会议上的讲话) ▪ Xinjiang institutions of higher education must be run by ideological qualifiers ▪ 注: 政治家不能直译为politician (政客), 因为这个词在他们文化中是 贬义词。如果直译,其效果是严重背离本义;而政治家在这个上下文中, 意思是指那些符合共产党意识形态的人. 看来翻译是翻 “意”或翻 “文化”. 这一点许多翻译理论家都作了点击。 Part Two