Unit3 A Valentine Story Language focus 1.Make one's way to go to a place with difficulty a)to gotowards something,especially when this is difficult or takes a long time make your way to/through/towards etc -The team slowly made their way back to base make your own way (home/to sth etc) (=go somewhere without the help or company of other people) .Don't worry.I can make my own way to the beach. 别担心我可以自己去海滩 b)to gradually become successfulin a particular job,activity,professionetc -young people who are making their way in industry 在工业界大显身手的年轻 Other related phrases: all the way to (as far as someone or something at a high level in a process or structure) I'll take my complaint all the way to the managing director if I have to. 如果有必要,我会一直向总经理投诉。 along the way (during the time that something is happening or that you are doing something)
1 Unit 3 A Valentine Story Language focus 1. Make one’s way to go to a place with difficulty a) to go towards something, especially when this is difficult or takes a long time make your way to/through/towards etc The team slowly made their way back to base. make your own way (home/to sth etc) (=go somewhere without the help or company of other people) Don't worry. I can make my own way to the beach. 别担心 我可以自己去海滩 b) to gradually become successful in a particular job, activity, profession etc young people who are making their way in industry 在工业界大显身手的年轻 Other related phrases: all the way to (as far as someone or something at a high level in a process or structure) I'll take my complaint all the way to the managing director if I have to. 如果有必要,我会一直向总经理投诉。 along the way (during the time that something is happening or that you are doing something)
I've been in this job for thirty years,and I've picked up a good deal of expertise along the way. 我从事这份工作已经三十年了,一路走来,我学到了很多专业知识 one way or another(in some way that is not known yet) We'll get out of this mess one way or another. 无论如何,我们都会摆脱困境的 feel your way *tojudge where you are going bytouching with your hands instead oflooking: The room was so dark,I had to feel my way along the wall to the door. 房间里太暗了,我不得不沿着墙壁摸索到门边 to act slowly and carefully because you are not certain how to do something: It's my first month in thejob so I'm still feeling my way. 这是我工作的第一个月,所以我还在摸索阶段 lose your way(to becomelost) pave the way (If something paves the way for/to something else,it makes the other thing possible) Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars. 科学家们希望,探测器的数据将为更详细地探索火星铺平道路。 stand in the way ofsth/sb(ALSO stand in sb's way)(totryto stopor prevent) You know Iwon't stand in your way if you want to apply for a job abroad. 2
2 I've been in this job for thirty years, and I've picked up a good deal of expertise along the way. 我从事这份工作已经三十年了,一路走来,我学到了很多专业知识 one way or another (in some way that is not known yet) We'll get out of this mess one way or another. 无论如何,我们都会摆脱困境的 feel your way * to judge where you are going by touching with your hands instead of looking: The room was so dark, I had to feel my way along the wall to the door. 房间里太暗了,我不得不沿着墙壁摸索到门边 * to act slowly and carefully because you are not certain how to do something: It's my first month in the job so I'm still feeling my way. 这是我工作的第一个月,所以我还在摸索阶段 lose your way (to become lost) pave the way (If something paves the way for/to something else, it makes the other thing possible) Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars. 科学家们希望,探测器的数据将为更详细地探索火星铺平道路。 stand in the way of sth/sb (ALSO stand in sb's way) (to try to stop or prevent) You know I won't stand in your way if you want to apply for a job abroad
2.absorb verb [T] If someone's work,or a book,film,etc.absorbsthem,or they are absorbed in it,their attention is given completely to it: be absorbed in 【NTEREST】 to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention toother things .The movement and noise of the machines absorbed him completely. -Simon was so absorbed in his book,he didn't even notice me come in. be absorbed in sth Judith lay on the settee,absorbed in her book. 【BECOME PARTOF SOMETHING】 to become part of something larger -California absorbs many ofthe legal immigrants to the US. 加州吸收了许多合法移民到美国。 be absorbed into sth .We were soon absorbed into local village life. 1)to take something in,especially gradually: In cold climates,houses need to have walls that will absorb heat. 在杰冷的气候条件下,房屋需要有能够吸收热量的墙壁。 The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream 2)to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them: It's hard to absorb s0 much information.要吸收如此多的信总是很困难的
3 2. absorb verb [T] If someone's work, or a book, film, etc. absorbs them, or they are absorbed in it, their attention is given completely to it: be absorbed in 【INTEREST】 to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things The movement and noise of the machines absorbed him completely. Simon was so absorbed in his book, he didn't even notice me come in. be absorbed in sth Judith lay on the settee, absorbed in her book. 【BECOME PART OF SOMETHING】 to become part of something larger California absorbs many of the legal immigrants to the US. 加州吸收了许多合法移民到美国。 be absorbed into sth We were soon absorbed into local village life. 1) to take something in, especially gradually: In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat. 在寒冷的气候条件下,房屋需要有能够吸收热量的墙壁。 The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. 2) to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them: It's hard to absorb so much information. 要吸收如此多的信息是很困难的
3.margin 1)the empty space at the side of a written or printed page the left-hand/right-hand margin a narrow/wide margin notes scribbled in the margin页边空白处潦草的注释 2)the amount of time,or number of votes,etc.by which somebody wins something He won by a narrow margin.他以微每优势花避 She beat the other runners by a margin often seconds. 她以10砂之差击败了其他选手。 Profit margin利润率 to increase/reduce the profit margin a profit margin of 20% Margin oferror误差范围 The survey has a margin oferror of 2.5 per cent. Edge、border、margin、rim、verge、brim与fringe这些名词均有“边缘” 之意。 Edge:指较窄的边沿。 He put pink icing around the edge of the cake,他用粉色的糖霜沿蛋糕边裱花。 They built the church on the edge of the village.他们把教堂建在了村边
4 3. margin 1) the empty space at the side of a written or printed page the left-hand/right-hand margin a narrow/wide margin notes scribbled in the margin 页边空白处潦草的注释 2) the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which somebody wins something He won by a narrow margin. 他以微弱优势获胜 She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds. 她以 10 秒之差击败了其他选手。 Profit margin 利润率 to increase/reduce the profit margin a profit margin of 20% Margin of error 误差范围 The survey has a margin of error of 2.5 per cent. Edge、border、margin、rim、verge、brim 与 fringe 这些名词均有“边缘” 之意。 Edge : 指较窄的边沿。 He put pink icing around the edge of the cake. 他用粉色的糖霜沿蛋糕边裱花。 They built the church on the edge of the village. 他们把教堂建在了村边
I caught my leg on the edge of the table as I walked past. 我经过那张桌子的时候,腿磕在桌边上了。 Border:侧重刚好在界线内的一部分表面上,指较宽的边缘,也可指边缘本 身。 The dress was white with a delicate lace border.这条裙子是白色的,饰有精美的花边。 a picture with a decorative/plain border带有/没有装饰边的画 Margin:指物体的空白边,一般较宽。 The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins ofwoodland areas. 这种植物往往生长在植被较稀疏的林地边缘。 Rim:指圆形或有曲线的物体的边缘。 The rim of the cup was chipped and broken.杯口上碰出了裂纹,碎了。 My reading glasses have wire rims.我的阅读放大镜镶着金属丝边。 Vrge:指明显地标志一个表在或一广阔空间的边界,或终端线,也指极狭窄 的空间。常用作比喻。 They set up camp on the verge of the desert.他们在沙漠边缘扎下了菩地。 Brim:指深容器的内边或河、湖等水域的最高线。 She poured the cream untilit reached the brim.她将奶油倒满。 He filled the glass to the brim.她把玻璃杯倒满
5 I caught my leg on the edge of the table as I walked past. 我经过那张桌子的时候,腿磕在桌边上了。 Border : 侧重刚好在界线内的一部分表面上,指较宽的边缘,也可指边缘本 身。 The dress was white with a delicate lace border. 这条裙子是白色的,饰有精美的花边。 a picture with a decorative/plain border 带有/没有装饰边的画 Margin : 指物体的空白边,一般较宽。 The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas. 这种植物往往生长在植被较稀疏的林地边缘。 Rim : 指圆形或有曲线的物体的边缘。 The rim of the cup was chipped and broken. 杯口上碰出了裂纹,碎了。 My reading glasses have wire rims. 我的阅读放大镜镶着金属丝边。 Verge : 指明显地标志一个表在或一广阔空间的边界,或终端线,也指极狭窄 的空间。常用作比喻。 They set up camp on the verge of the desert. 他们在沙漠边缘扎下了营地。 Brim : 指深容器的内边或河、湖等水域的最高线。 She poured the cream until it reached the brim. 她将奶油倒满。 He filled the glass to the brim. 她把玻璃杯倒满
She passed him the mug,filled/full to the brim with hot black coffee. 她递给他杯子,里面装满热腾腾的黑咖啡。 Fringe:指地毯的须边、围巾的花边、烫发的卷边或人群的边缘。 a fringe of woodland一条林带 a fringe around the edge of a tablecloth桌布边缘的流苏 Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd.尼娜仍然在人群的边上。 4.Reflect v [BE A SIGN OF SOMETHING][T not usually in progressive] to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling .The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy. be reflected in sth .The increasing racial diversity ofthe US is reflected in the latest census statistics. reflect who/what/how etc .How much you're paid reflects how important you are to the company you work for. o【IMAGE】[Tusually passive] if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror,glass,or water,you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror,glass,or water
6 She passed him the mug, filled/full to the brim with hot black coffee. 她递给他杯子,里面装满热腾腾的黑咖啡。 Fringe : 指地毯的须边、围巾的花边、烫发的卷边或人群的边缘。 a fringe of woodland 一条林带 a fringe around the edge of a tablecloth 桌布边缘的流苏 Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd. 尼娜仍然在人群的边上。 4. Reflect v 【BE A SIGN OF SOMETHING】 [T not usually in progressive] to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy. be reflected in sth The increasing racial diversity of the US is reflected in the latest census statistics. reflect who/what/how etc How much you're paid reflects how important you are to the company you work for. 【IMAGE】 [T usually passive] if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water
be reflected in sth .She could see her face reflected in the car's windshield. a【LIGHT/HEAT/SOUND】 a)[T]if a surface reflects light,heat,or sound,it sends back the light etc that reaches it -Wear something white-it reflects the heat. b)[I always adverb/preposition] if light,heat,or sound reflects off something it reaches,it comes back from it o【THINKABOUTSOMETHING】[I and T] to think carefully about something,or to say something that you have been thinking about reflect on He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. 他有时间反思自己的成功和失败 reflect that .Moe reflected that he had never seen Sherry so happy. reflect on/upon [reflect on/upon sb/sth]phrv to influence people's opinion of someone or something,especially in a bad way .If my children are rude,that reflects on me as a parent
7 be reflected in sth She could see her face reflected in the car's windshield. 【LIGHT/HEAT/SOUND】 a) [T] if a surface reflects light, heat, or sound, it sends back the light etc that reaches it Wear something white -it reflects the heat. b) [I always + adverb/preposition] if light, heat, or sound reflects off something it reaches, it comes back from it 【THINK ABOUT SOMETHING】 [I and T] to think carefully about something, or to say something that you have been thinking about reflect on He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. 他有时间反思自己的成功和失败 reflect that Moe reflected that he had never seen Sherry so happy. reflect on/upon / [reflect on/upon sb/sth] phr v to influence people's opinion of someone or something, especially in a bad way If my children are rude, that reflects on me as a parent
5.thoughtful and insightful Thoughtful 1)(approving)showing that you think about and care for other people synonym considerate,kind The hotel manager wasvery kind and thoughtful. It was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers. 2)quiet,becauseyou are thinking He looked thought圻l.他看起来若有所思。 They sat in thoughtful silence. Insightful (approving)showing a clear understanding ofa person or situation synonym perceptive an insightful historian富有洞察力的历史学家 She provides a clear and insightful account of the events 她对事件进行了清骑而有见地的述。 6.locatev [T]to find the exact position of something .We couldn't locate the source of the radio signal be located in/near etc sth 8
8 5. thoughtful and insightful Thoughtful 1) (approving) showing that you think about and care for other people synonym considerate, kind The hotel manager was very kind and thoughtful. It was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers. 2) quiet, because you are thinking He looked thoughtful. 他看起来若有所思。 They sat in thoughtful silence. Insightful (approving) showing a clear understanding of a person or situation synonym perceptive an insightful historian 富有洞察力的历史学家 She provides a clear and insightful account of the events. 她对事件进行了清晰而有见地的描述。 6. locate v [T] to find the exact position of something We couldn't locate the source of the radio signal. be located in/near etc sth
to be in a particular position or place be situated .The business is located right in the center of town. [T]to put or build something in a particular place "Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density. [I always +adverb/preposition]AmE to come to a place and start a business,companyetc there locate in/at etc .We are offering incentives for companies to locate in our city. 我们正在为企业落户本市提供藏励措猫 .There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas. 对位于农付地区的企业实行税收减免。 7.fertile adj a fertile imagination/mind/brain an imagination,mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual ideas the product ofa fertile imagination想象力丰富的产物 the product ofa fertile brain/mind fertile land or soil is able to produce good crops
9 to be in a particular position or place = be situated The business is located right in the center of town. [T] to put or build something in a particular place Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density. [I always + adverb/preposition] AmE to come to a place and start a business, company etc there locate in/at etc We are offering incentives for companies to locate in our city. 我们正在为企业落户本市提供激励措施 There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas. 对位于农村地区的企业实行税收减免。 7. fertile adj a fertile imagination/mind/brain an imagination, mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual ideas the product of a fertile imagination 想象力丰富的产物 the product of a fertile brain/mind fertile land or soil is able to produce good crops
-800 acres of fertile cropland able to produce babies,young animals,or new plants infertile .Most men remainfertile into old age. a fertile situation is one in which something can easily develop and succeed afertile partnership The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements(= there were the necessary conditions for them to develop easily). a fertile source ofargument/dispute 8.haunt v[T not in progressive] 1)REPEATEDLY TROUBLE to cause repeated suffering or anxiety: Fighting in Vietnam was an experience that would haunt him for the rest of his lif龙.在越南作战是一段终生困忧他的经历。 Thirty years after the fire he is still haunted by images of death and destruction.火灾发生0年后,他仍然被死亡和段灭的画面所困拢。 2)SPIRIT(of a ghost)to appear in a place repeatedly: A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children. 10
10 800 acres of fertile cropland able to produce babies, young animals, or new plants ≠ infertile Most men remain fertile into old age. a fertile situation is one in which something can easily develop and succeed a fertile partnership The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements (= there were the necessary conditions for them to develop easily). a fertile source of argument/dispute 8. haunt v [T not in progressive] 1) REPEATEDLY TROUBLE to cause repeated suffering or anxiety: Fighting in Vietnam was an experience that would haunt him for the rest of his life. 在越南作战是一段终生困扰他的经历。 Thirty years after the fire he is still haunted by images of death and destruction. 火灾发生 30 年后,他仍然被死亡和毁灭的画面所困扰。 2) SPIRIT (of a ghost) to appear in a place repeatedly: A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children