Chapter 7: Transmission Line 87-1 Transmission Line: Some history 37-2 Chain Network and Transmission Line(conceptions) ( Principles of Circuit Analysis) 37-3 Uniform Lossless Transmission Line(key points) Chapter uniform lossless transmission line natural impedance, trar The natural parameter of (Chain Network and Transmission Line) incident wave, reflected wave, tanee Lecture 2 he wave properties of terminal: open, short, matchi transmission line 2009.12.03 7- step response of transmission line "Microave Engineering", Thin Edition David M. Pozar C1-1: Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysise Cl-1: Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysis Analysis of nie signals: Circuit Analysis, Electromagnetic Field Theory Analysis of electronic signals Cireuit Analysis, Electromagnetic Field Theory when l&L~λ,andLl&1-1 e wanI 1o Law frequency long wavelength) Distributed constant circuit Condition It dL <<A E.2)8HL2 Chain cireuit - Transmission Line -Uniform transmission tian Chain cireuit Transmission Line -Uniform transmission line dL<<2 I(z)RAZ LAZ I(z+△z) Laplace Transform:ja→S v(z) KVLI V(z-V(z+AZ)=(RAZ+JOLAZI(z) KcL:I(z)-I(z+△z)=(G△z+ joCAz)V(z+△z) v(z)-v(z+△z) (R+joL)I(z) v(z) G△cAV(x+Ax I(z)-I(z+△z) △→0 (G+jaC)V(z+Az) Let RG. LC to be the parameters of unit length
北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 第 ?讲: 复习 北京大学 北京大学 《Principles of Circuit Analysis》 Chapter 7: Uniform Lossless Transmission Line (Chain Network and Transmission Line) Lecture 2 2009.12.03 Interest Focus Persistence Originality 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 §7-1 Transmission Line: Some history §7-2 Chain Network and Transmission Line (conceptions) §7-3 Uniform Lossless Transmission Line (key points) natural impedance, transmission constant incident wave, reflected wave, reflectance terminal: open, short, matching §7-4 step response of transmission line The natural parameter of transmission line The wave properties of transmission line Reference: “Microwave Engineering”,Third Edition David M.Pozar (chapter 2 and 3) Reference: “Microwave Engineering”,Third Edition David M.Pozar (chapter 2 and 3) Chapter 7: Transmission Line 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 E(t, z)&H(t, z) A B C C’ Analysis of electronic signals: when L λ & L ~ λ , and L λ & L ~ λ , We want to use the circuit analysis ? conditions ? Condition 1:dL << λ C1-1:Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysis Analysis of electronic signals: Circuit Analysis, Electromagnetic Field Theory 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 Z ΔZ Z Z+ΔZ dL << dL << λλ *** RΔz LΔz GΔz CΔz + V(z+Δz) - + V(z) - I(z) I(z+Δz) Chain circuit → Transmission Line →Uniform transmission line Let R,G,L,C to be the parameters of unit length When R,G,L,C are constants (independent on Z): Uniform transmission line When R=0,G=0: lossless transmission line Ppt2810.tmp 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 北京大学 KVL: KCL: V(z) - V(z + Δz) = (RΔz + jωLΔz)I(z) I(z) - I(z + Δz) = (GΔz + jωCΔz)V(z + Δz) RΔz LΔz GΔz CΔz + V(z+Δz) - + V(z) - I(z) I(z+Δz) (R j L)I(z) z V(z) - V(z z) = + ω Δ + Δ (G j C)V(z z) z I(z) - I(z z) = + + Δ Δ + Δ ω Complex method Δ Æ0 Laplace Transform: jωÆS Chain circuit → Transmission Line →Uniform transmission line
Chain cireuit→ Transmission Line→ Uniform transmission轴 neident wave V(z=V e I(z)=I'et +kz +⊥e k2v(z)=0 Definition I: transfer constant j cos(t)→elot GB 2 k2I(z)=0 ne wave (R\joL)(G+joc) vtei(at阝z) v-e*hz I(z)Ie" +I X② V'ej(t-p2exot42) of wave motion At>0→Az>0 Reflected wave Decision of incident wave and reflected wave ilok V(z)=V*ef-kz+v-e* v(z)=Ve" +V I (z)=I 6-k+I I(z) *I'e*kz cos(ot)→e a component represents the wave which transmits to anti-z y-ej(ot+p 2) e-k component represents the wave which transmits to Z direction V(x)=Ve"tVe Atv-ej(ot+B 2)ei(eat+p Az) I(x=Ie/+I'e At>0→△z<0 代艺 Decision of incident wave and reflected wave lk Definition 1: transfer constant =a+jB V(z)=Ve+v (z=Ie"+I"e reflected wave zLabsorptirehected wave Uniform lossless transmission line: R-G=0. St k=jB=jo√Lc ncident way Transmissive reflected wa v(t)① which transmits to anti-Z direction reflected wavel eli component represents the wave Longitudin transmission characteristic of - which transmits to Z direction (it is only relate to dielectrie material and structure)
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1: transfer constant chain circuit Transmission Line -uniform transmission line (R+joL)(G+joc) I(2)-I'e*+I-e The unit length of wave length -- 2 Uniform lossless transmission line: R=G=0. So k=jB=jo√Lc Longitudinal direction-transmission characteristic of ectromagnetie waves: transfer constant so=-=A finition of wavelength: A=2r In Uniform lossless transmission line (z+NA)=(2)I(2+N)=(2) is transmits on the transmissi Assuming there is only unidirectionally transmitted wave Chain cireuit transmission Line -Uniform transmission lin x2=(a+a)xa)V(z)=ve故 I(z) (G+jeC)V(z)I(z)=I'e Transverse- blocking characteristic of electromagnetie Definition 2: natural impedan (z)=Ve R+joL material and structure Z x1°ze*tcVG+joC uce the transmission line is reciprocal V(z=Ve Original parameter I(z)=了 IfR, G, L, C are the parameters of Unit length E(Determined by the medium materials and structure) Chain cireuit Transmission Line -Uniform transmission line Chain cireuit→ Transmission Line→ Uniform transmission最 kl k, Ze v(z)=ves+ v-e(ki )= I v,=V(O)=V'+V- V2=V(I)=Ve*+V-e** chkl -Zcshkl(V I1=I(0) I2=I()=y。“V Zc ski chkl八工 v=-(1+zI1) In which: shkl=(e-e")/2 V=-(V,-ZI chkl=(e+e")/2
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Chain cireuit→ Transmission line→ Uniform transmission轴 Tea break/ 1-2) chkx ZcshkxV 7-1,2.5,17 I1八( zc shkx chkx人r2 The derivation is the n which Homework 7-2 chkx=(ex+e-k)/2 Uniform lossless transmission line k=jp*e Uniform lossless transmission line v2= zL工2 shOX Zc V,Z.chkx+Zcshkx +jzctgBx M/2 Change periodically on the transmission line 220=2=2 Uniform lossless transmission line k= jB Uniform lossless transmission line 2图 v(x)=? VO= z-shkx chkx [(z1+z)ev2+(z1-ze-v2/2z I2-(2-z)e-r2]/ =V2/ZL Change periodically on the transmission line se period is
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Uniform lossless transmission line Uniform lossless transmission line: reflection on the line k Zc incident wav Transmissive vg)=2yx)中2=V2 Transmissive reflected way r(x)=2 V2/ZL v(t) cident aave Decision of incident wave and reflected wave Unifor lossless transmission line: reflectance= reflection/incidence niform lossless transmission line: reflectance reflectien/incidence Definition: voltage reflection coefficient pLOX Current reflection coefficient: v,-[(Z,+z,),+(z-z)e-v,1/2z. I1=[(z1+z)eI-(Z1-z)e-"r2]/2z P (x)===-P,(X reflected wave voltage reflection ( Z p(0)=22po)e p(x)=2-2en-p、(o)e Uniform lossless transmission line: reflectance =reflectionfincidence t-o Uniform lossless transmission line: reflectance=reflection/incidence V1 k, Ze V=[(Z1+z)ev2+(Z-z2)ev2l/2 v=[(21+2ev2+(z-zev/22 I1=[(Z1+2z)eI2-(21-z2)e-"r2l/2z 工=[(z1+2)e-r2-(z-z)e-r2]/2z F[1+p,(x)]v,: [1+p√(o)ev2e I=2*4-[1-P, (xJlelox=2+4-[1-p,()e jleien
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Chain cireuit Transmission Line -Uniform trans Definition of warelength: A v(z)=ve*+v-e*kat lp(x)=3-2sg am=(Ole+e(O)e 8aa HI(z)=V. The velocity of wave =V(R+joL)(G+joc) =[1+p(x)em [1+P(O)e2p]velox in transmission line: Definition 2: natural imped R+JOL 工1=2+21-p(x)em=221-p(o)e1em B=2 G+joC Uniform lossless transmission line: reflection on the ling um Uniform lossless transmission line jB lected wave z absorption cident way V=Z I2 (t) incident gave in z shox eflected wave reflected wave r( z-shkx chkx人x2 Voltage/current reflection coefficient Zshkx +Z chkx jz,tgB P, (x)=relected wave=-P, (x incident wave Zin changes along the transmission line by half wavelength. V and I change along the transmission line by one w
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