基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm7 Unit 7 The Fun They Had Teaching Aims: In this unit studentsarerequired to 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting,skimming,guessing, etc. 2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student's vocabulary; 3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions,role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students'oral communicative abilities; 4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5.Get to know some informationabout AIDS: 6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students'comprehensive skills. 1
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 7 The Fun They Had Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc. 2. Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary; 3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities; 4. Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5. Get to know some information about AIDS; 6. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students’ comprehensive skills
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit7 Unit 7 The Fun They Had-1 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world 5 mins around them Recitation Unit 6 text1 Consolidate the words and Chain work 10 mins practice speaking HW checking On education Show their ideas and GW 25 understandings education and related Comments on Unit 1-4 On exercises in each unit 10 mins the exam Break Reading I Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the Question 10 mins Pre-stage oming topic and answe Gist of text 1 Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Get to know the Individual 30mins differences betwe pas &PB and present on school life Homework Work on the vocab For better comprehending 5 mins by themselves of the text on linguistic level Morning report(5 mins) Recitation of text 1 of Unit 6(10 mins) Presentation on education(25 mins) groups3 ineach,and each group will choose the best one among the 3. The best 2 do presentation before the whole class. Comments on the exam(10 mins)
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 2 Unit 7 The Fun They Had - 1 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world around them 5 mins Recitation Unit 6 text 1 Consolidate the words and practice speaking Chain work 10 mins HW checking On education Show their ideas and understandings on education and related issues GW 25 Comments on the exam Unit 1-4 On exercises in each unit 10 mins Break Reading 1 Pre-stage Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the coming topic Question and answer 10 mins Gist of text 1 Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Get to know the differences between past and present on school life Individual & PB 30mins Homework Work on the vocab by themselves For better comprehending of the text on linguistic level 5 mins Morning report(5 mins) Recitation of text 1 of Unit 6 (10 mins) Presentation on education (25 mins) ⚫ Present in groups of 4, and choose the best one. ⚫ Divide the students in to 2 big groups, 6 selected speakers will present their speech in 2 groups, 3 in each, and each group will choose the best one among the 3. ⚫ The best 2 do presentation before the whole class. Comments on the exam (10 mins)
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm7 Text1 L.Lead-in Discuss in groups of 4 and make comparisons about the ways of school education in the past.at present and in the future from three perspectives. II.Text introduction This narrative story centers around a very old book about school and involves two main characters -Margie and Tommy.The text can be divided into three parts.The first part serves as the The last part tells us III.Scanning the text and make comparison about school life between the past and the present Centuries ago 1n2157 (2)all stories are printed on pape All stories are shown on screen (3)turn pages,words stand still Words moving the way they were supposed to (4)throw the book when finish reading Don't throw away the screen (12)students write in words They write in punch code (12)Handed the HW to teacher Put the HW/test paper in the slot (12)Mark for hours Mark in no time (16)the teacher was a man They had a regular teacher-a mechanical one (21)teach at school Teach at home (25)Tteaches the same thing to the kids of Tadjusts to fit each individual(12) the same age (33)kids can help one another on doing HW Do HW alone for learning the same thing (33)kids from the neighbourhood laugh and In the schoolroom alone shout in the school yard and go home together
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 3 Text 1 I. Lead-in: Discuss in groups of 4 and make comparisons about the ways of school education in the past, at present and in the future from three perspectives. II. Text introduction This narrative story centers around a very old book about school and involves two main characters — Margie and Tommy. The text can be divided into three parts. The first part serves as the background of the story. The second part is the major portion of the story. The last part tells us something about the schoolroom and the mechanical teacher. III. Scanning the text and make comparison about school life between the past and the present Centuries ago (2) all stories are printed on paper (3) turn pages, words stand still (4) throw the book when finish reading (12) students write in words (12) Handed the HW to teacher (12) Mark for hours (16) the teacher was a man (21) teach at school (25) T teaches the same thing to the kids of the same age (33) kids can help one another on doing HW for learning the same thing (33) kids from the neighbourhood laugh and shout in the school yard and go home together In 2157 All stories are shown on screen Words moving the way they were supposed to Don’t throw away the screen They write in punch code Put the HW / test paper in the slot Mark in no time They had a regular teacher – a mechanical one Teach at home T adjusts to fit each individual (12) Do HW alone In the schoolroom alone
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm7 Unit 7 The Fun They Had-2 Time table- 100minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around 5 mins them ead-in Differences Students are supposed to GW 15 mins concerning understand the difference educational issues concerning educational issues in the past,at presents and in the future Culture background mins the topis Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the 5 mins construction of the text Text 1 Differences between the 20 mins school lifes Break Text Comprehension Checking students' individual 25 mins Text I nderstanding of the tex pair work Complaints about Use the newly learnt 10 mins my college life expressions to talk about their own life debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report HW Checking The representatives of each group are supposed to report the differences they found concerning educational issues in the past,at present and in the future. I.Cultural background Science Fiction Science fiction,a genre of fiction,sets in some imaginary time r place.In its original usage in the 1920s science fiction referred to the stories that appeared in cheap,so-called pulp (A publication. book,containing lurid subjec matter.低级杂志,恐怖书刊:载有耸人听闻 motion pictures,staged dramas,television programs,and video games,as well as short stories and book-length works.Science fiction is sometimes abbreviated to SF
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 4 Unit 7 The Fun They Had - 2 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them 5 mins Lead-in Differences concerning educational issues Students are supposed to understand the differences concerning educational issues in the past, at presents and in the future GW 15 mins Culture background To get students emotionally involved in the topis 5 mins Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the construction of the text 5 mins Text 1 Differences between the school lifes GW 20 mins Break Text 1 Text Comprehension Checking students’ understanding of the text individual & pair work 25 mins Complaints about my college life Use the newly learnt expressions to talk about their own life 10 mins debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report HW Checking The representatives of each group are supposed to report the differences they found concerning educational issues in the past, at present and in the future. I. Cultural background Science Fiction Science fiction, a genre of fiction, sets in some imaginary time or place. In its original usage in the 1920s, science fiction referred to the stories that appeared in cheap, so-called pulp (A publication, such as a magazine or book, containing lurid subject matter.低级杂志,恐怖书刊:载有耸人听闻 事件的杂志或书等出版物) magazines, but science fiction now appears in all media, including motion pictures, staged dramas, television programs, and video games, as well as short stories and book-length works. Science fiction is sometimes abbreviated to SF
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni7 Close Encounters of the Third Kind Alien spaceships visit Earth in"Close Encounters of the Third Kind"(1977).a movie directed by Steven Spielberg The film won Academy Awards for its cinematography and sound effects. Isaac asimov fiction is based on facts.In the text The Fun They Had,he considers some of the ways that computers may be used by school children of the future. II.Structural analysis Paragraph 1 This part tells us the exact date on which the story occurs,the leading character and the real book. Paragraphs2-30 This part informs us that Margie always strongly hates school.And through the talk with Tommy. Margie gets to know about the school centuries ago. Paragraphs 31-35 This part tells us mething about the the mechanical teacher and Margie's though about hat great fun the school kids in the schoo had. III Comprehension questions 1 Work on the exercises on P100 part II together. (5mins) 2 Q:Why does Margie hate school?Sean the text and pick out the relavant information A:para 12 and 31 (10 mins) -Teacher givies her frenquent tests. She had to put her HW and test paper in the slot
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 5 Close Encounters of the Third Kind Alien spaceships visit Earth in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977), a movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The film won Academy Awards for its cinematography and sound effects. Isaac Asimov one of America’s busiest writers. In addition to science-fiction works such as I, Robot and Foundation Trilogy(三部曲), he has written many nonfiction works about science. His science fiction is based on facts. In the text The Fun They Had, he considers some of the ways that computers may be used by school children of the future. II. Structural analysis Paragraph 1 This part tells us the exact date on which the story occurs, the leading character and the real book. Paragraphs 2 – 30 This part informs us that Margie always strongly hates school. And through the talk with Tommy, Margie gets to know about the school centuries ago. Paragraphs 31 – 35 This part tells us something about the schoolroom, the mechanical teacher and Margie’s thought about what great fun the school kids in the old school had. III Comprehension questions 1 Work on the exercises on P100 part II together. (5 mins) 2 Q: Why does Margie hate school? Scan the text and pick out the relavant information. A: para 12 and 31 (10 mins) -Teacher givies her frenquent tests. -She had to put her HW and test paper in the slot
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm7 -She has to write them dow in a punch code They made her learn when she was6. -Teacher the mrks in time She had to learn at a regular hoursevery day except Sat and Sun 3 Sean the text and pick out the negetive words and expressions about school life.(10ms) 4 Gee,what a waste What's there to do hate 11 Give sb test after test Doing worse and worse Shake the head sorrowfully忧愁地 12 The part ab hate the most 13 Disappointed 14 Look at ab with very superior eyes Stupid loftily 15 Ab was hurt 19 sb isn't samrt enough 21 be prepared to dispute sb 30 say nonchalantly 33 do sth with asigh IV Follow up activities 1 Students try to make complaint about their college life by applying the previously listed words and phrases.Each students are given 3 minutes to prepare their complaints. Students are osed to make their complaints in the chain form (10 mins) 2 What kind of teacher do you prefer?Mechanical teacher or human teacher?(15 mins) Group debate 1:6 students are in one group,3 to 3.each group will have 5 minutes to prepare together.then debate for another 5 minutes Group debate 2:students switch the roles and do debate with another3studetns for another5 minutes
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 6 -She has to write them dow in a punch code. -They made her learn when she was 6. -Teacher calculates the marks in no time. -She had to learn at a regular hours every day except Sat and Sun. 3 Scan the text and pick out the negetive words and expressions about school life. (10 ms) 4 Gee, what a waste. 10 Scornful What’s there to do hate 11 Give sb test after test Doing worse and worse Shake the head sorrowfully 忧愁地 12 The part ab hate the most 13 Disappointed 14 Look at ab with very superior eyes Stupid loftily 15 Ab was hurt 19 sb isn’t samrt enough 21 be prepared to dispute sb 30 say nonchalantly 33 do sth with a sigh IV Follow up activities 1 Students try to make complaint about their college life by applying the previously listed words and phrases. Each students are given 3 minutes to prepare their complaints. Students are supposed to make their complaints in the chain form. (10 mins) 2 What kind of teacher do you prefer? Mechanical teacher or human teacher? (15 mins) Group debate 1: 6 students are in one group, 3 to 3. each group will have 5 minutes to prepare together, then debate for another 5 minutes. Group debate 2: students switch the roles and do debate with another 3 studetns for another 5 minutes
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit7 Unit 7 The Fun They Had-3 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around Individual mins them repor Discussion Review the knowledge of 15 mins AIDS Role play Understand how the story 30 mins Break Word comparison To get students practice the o&A 15 mins Exercises words and phrases learnt on the topis Gram 15 min Exercises P69-711.11.1I1.V 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report IV Follow up activities 1 Discussion:Is that possible for us to have a mechanical teacher?Group work(15 mins) ·Unemployment Highly machine threatens the humanrace ● No paper book is needed,save the jungle save the world To teach according to the individual differences 2 Role play:My School Life Type Strict Beast like Humorous Calculate punch whistling Sigh scornful Superior scream Loftily Students are supposed to choose one type of mechanical teacher from the list and do role play. you may use as much information as possible from the text
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 7 Unit 7 The Fun They Had - 3 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Discussion Review the knowledge of AIDS 15 mins Role play Understand how the story is constructed 30 mins Break Exercises Word comparison To get students practice the words and phrases learnt on the topis Q & A 15 mins Gram 15 mins Exercises P69-71 I, II, III, V 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report IV Follow up activities 1 Discussion: Is that possible for us to have a mechanical teacher? Group work (15 mins) ⚫ Unemployment ⚫ Highly intellectual machine threatens the human race ⚫ No paper book is needed, save the jungle save the world ⚫ To teach according to the individual differences 2 Role play: My School Life Types of the computer: Gentle Strict Beast like Humorous Calculate punch whistling Sigh scornful Superior scream Loftily Students are supposed to choose one type of mechanical teacher from the list, and do role play, you may use as much information as possible from the text
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm7 IⅢWord comparison Group 1:A.tag B.head C.label D.entitle Tag means to attach a tag to something,or to give someone or something a name or title If a page is headed with aparticular name.title,image,etc.,it has it on the top. Label means to attach a label onto something or write information on something.or to use a word E means to give someone the official right to do or have something.if a book,play,etc.is something.that is its name His teammates have tagged him with a second nickname. The page was headed"Expenses". Group2:A.scornful B.proud C.sorrowful D.afraid Scomful means showing great disrespect for somebody or something Pmeans about something that you have that Sorowful means very sad Afraid means frightened because you think that you may get hurt or that something bad may happen. He was of begging s a profession I'm proud to say that all my children had a good education. He looked like he was in his early forties with thin,wavy gray hair and a sorrowful expression. I am afraid there will be a good deal of suffering among the poor this winter. Group3:A.mechanical B.technical C.sentimental D.logical Mechanical means affectingor involving a machine. Techmical means having or giving special and usually practical knowledge,especially of an industrial or scientific subiect. Someone who is sentimental is easily affected by emotions such as love,sympathy,sadness,etc. often in a way that seems silly to other people. according to the rules of having or showing good clear reasoning The company produces mechanical parts for airplane engines Many books on furniture making are too technical or require artistic skills I suppose we get more sentimental as we growolder. She'sa clear and logical thinker. Group4:A.discipline B.code C.key D.principle Discipline is a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behavior and obey rules. Code means a set of rules,laws,or principles that tell people 8
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 8 III Word comparison Group 1: A. tag B. head C. label D. entitle Tag means to attach a tag to something, or to give someone or something a name or title. If a page is headed with a particular name, title, image, etc., it has it on the top. Label means to attach a label onto something or write information on something, or to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly. Entitle means to give someone the official right to do or have something; if a book, play, etc. is entitled something, that is its name. His teammates have tagged him with a second nickname. The page was headed “Expenses”. Children who are labeled “slow” usually get less attention from teachers. The last song is entitled “Into the Woods”. Group 2: A. scornful B. proud C. sorrowful D. afraid Scornful means showing great disrespect for somebody or something. Proud means feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to. Sorrowful means very sad. Afraid means frightened because you think that you may get hurt or that something bad may happen. He was scornful of begging as a profession. I’m proud to say that all my children had a good education. He looked like he was in his early forties with thin, wavy gray hair and a sorrowful expression. I am afraid there will be a good deal of suffering among the poor this winter. Group 3: A. mechanical B. technical C. sentimental D. logical Mechanical means affecting or involving a machine. Technical means having or giving special and usually practical knowledge, especially of an industrial or scientific subject. Someone who is sentimental is easily affected by emotions such as love, sympathy, sadness, etc., often in a way that seems silly to other people. Logical means according to the rules of logic, or having or showing good clear reasoning. The company produces mechanical parts for airplane engines. Many books on furniture making are too technical or require artistic skills. I suppose we get more sentimental as we grow older. She’s a clear and logical thinker. Group 4: A. discipline B. code C. key D. principle Discipline is a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behavior and obey rules. Code means a set of rules, laws, or principles that tell people
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit7 how to behave. Key means the part of aplan,ete.that will make it possible for itto suceed Principle means a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong that influences how you behave;it also means the basic idea that a plan or system is based on. Many schools are lacking in discipline. Building codes have be Inall types of advice work,listening is the key. The principle governing the world of physics are unchanging Group 5:A.number B.calculate C.figure D.estimate Nmber meanstogive a number tosomething that is part Calculate means to find out how much something will cost,how long something will take.etcby using numbers. Figare means to be an important part of a process.event.or situation or to be included in something:it also means to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situation. Estimate means to try to judge the value,size.speed,of something.without calculating it exactly. Ifyou don't number your answers,how will I know which questions they refer to? I began calculating how long it would take to get to the airport ifI left at 4:00. The operation went fine,and they figure he'll be home next week Analysts estimate the business about 135 millionast year Group6:A.point B.mark C.score D.number Point is one of the marks or numbers that shows your score in a game or sport. Mark (especially British English)is a letter or number given by a teacher to show how good a student's work is means the number of points a student has earned for correct answers in a test Number isa word or sign that represents an amount or a quantity. a lot lower this The scoreboard,and the crowd All the doors on this side of the street have odd numbers Group 7:A.lofty B.stupid C.superior D.advanced means having low level of.tht you have leaming o understanding things. Superior means better,more powerful,more effective,etc.than a similar person or thing. especially one that you are competing against. nd eans studyingo dealing withashoo having
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 9 how to behave. Key means the part of a plan, action, etc. that will make it possible for it to succeed. Principle means a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave; it also means the basic idea that a plan or system is based on. Many schools are lacking in discipline. Building codes have been strengthened following the earthquake. In all types of advice work, listening is the key. The principle governing the world of physics are unchanging. Group 5: A. number B. calculate C. figure D. estimate Number means to give a number to something that is part of an ordered set or list. Calculate means to find out how much something will cost, how long something will take, etc., by using numbers. Figure means to be an important part of a process, event, or situation, or to be included in something; it also means to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situation. Estimate means to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost, etc. of something, without calculating it exactly. If you don’t number your answers, how will I know which questions they refer to? I began calculating how long it would take to get to the airport if I left at 4:00. The operation went fine, and they figure he’ll be home next week Analysts estimate the business earned about $135 million last year. Group 6: A. point B. mark C. score D. number Point is one of the marks or numbers that shows your score in a game or sport. Mark (especially British English) is a letter or number given by a teacher to show how good a student’s work is. Score is the number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competition; it also means the number of points a student has earned for correct answers in a test. Number is a word or sign that represents an amount or a quantity. In darts, you get 50 points for hitting the bullseye Her marks have been a lot lower this term. The final score went up on the scoreboard, and the crowd let out a roar. All the doors on this side of the street have odd numbers Group 7: A. lofty B. stupid C. superior D. advanced Lofty ideas, beliefs, attitudes, etc. show high standards or high moral qualities. Stupid means having a low level of intelligence, so that you have difficulty learning or understanding things. Superior means better, more powerful, more effective, etc. than a similar person or thing, especially one that you are competing against. Advanced means studying or dealing with a school subject at a difficult level; it also means having
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm7 reached a late point in time or development Globalization isno longer a lofty ideal Poor Larry's too stupid to realize when you're making fun of him They claimed that a vegetarian diet was superior to a meat diet. Many of the nations of Southeast Asia will one day be as advanced as Japan or South Korea. Group:A.clever B.smart C.intelligent D.modern Clever (especially British English)means able to learn and understand things quickly,able to use your intelligence to get what you want,especially in a slightly dishonest way. Smart (especially American English)means intelligent or sensible;it also means trying to seem clever inadisrespectful way. An intelligent person ha sa high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and ion,conversation,etc.shows that you have thought about something carefully and understand it well Modern (only before noun)means belonging to the present time or most recent time,it also means made or done using the most recent designs or methods. Gibson meta clever classmate whohad built his own radio Kelly wasn't sure if she was smart enough to go to law school. Anne was surprised to hear such an intelligent question coming from a very small child. Drugs have become the plague of the modern world. scornful:showing great disrespect for somebody or something They are openly scornful of the new plan. Her scornful laugh greatly embarrassed me. words挖苦话 scornful of material things藐视物质方面的享受 Grammar exercises Artices:Articles have generic and specific referenc When we say the reference is generic.we are talking about any member representative of a class of people or things.All the three forms of article (the.a(n).and zero)can be used generically to refer to the member of a class as a whole. erence doesn refer to a class of people or th ings in general but to a particular specimen of the class It falls into two kinds:definite specific reference and indefinite specific reference
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 7 10 reached a late point in time or development. Globalization is no longer a lofty ideal. Poor Larry’s too stupid to realize when you’re making fun of him. They claimed that a vegetarian diet was superior to a meat diet. Many of the nations of Southeast Asia will one day be as advanced as Japan or South Korea. Group 8: A. clever B. smart C. intelligent D. modern Clever (especially British English) means able to learn and understand things quickly, or able to use your intelligence to get what you want, especially in a slightly dishonest way. Smart (especially American English) means intelligent or sensible; it also means trying to seem clever in a disrespectful way. An intelligent person has a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly; an intelligent comment, question, conversation, etc. shows that you have thought about something carefully and understand it well. Modern (only before noun) means belonging to the present time or most recent time; it also means made or done using the most recent designs or methods. Gibson met a clever classmate who had built his own radio transmitter. Kelly wasn’t sure if she was smart enough to go to law school. Anne was surprised to hear such an intelligent question coming from a very small child. Drugs have become the plague of the modern world. scornful adj.: showing great disrespect for somebody or something They are openly scornful of the new plan. Her scornful laugh greatly embarrassed me. a scornful smile 轻蔑的笑 scornful words 挖苦话 scornful of material things 藐视物质方面的享受 Grammar exercises Articles : Articles have generic and specific reference. When we say the reference is generic, we are talking about any member representative of a class of people or things. All the three forms of article (the, a(n), and zero) can be used generically to refer to the member of a class as a whole. Specific reference doesn’t refer to a class of people or things in general but to a particular specimen of the class. It falls into two kinds: definite specific reference and indefinite specific reference