基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unim6 Unit6“We've Been Hit:” Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting.skimming.guessing. etc. 2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student's vocabulary; 3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions,role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students'oral communicative abilities; 4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation: 5.Get to know some informationabout AIDS; 6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students'comprehensive skills 1
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 1 Unit 6 “We’ve Been Hit!” Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc. 2. Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary; 3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities; 4. Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5. Get to know some information about AIDS; 6. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students’ comprehensive skills
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Uni6 Unit6“We've Been Hit!”.-1 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world 5 mins around them Recitation Consolidate the words and Chain work 10 mins practice speaking HW checking Show their ideas and GW 25 understandings Comments On exercises in each uni 10 mins the exam Break Reading 1 Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the Ouestion 10 mins Pre-stage oming topi nd answer Gist oftext I Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Individual 30mins &PB Homework Work on the vocab For better comprehending 5 mins by themselves of the text on linguisc level Morning report(5 mins) Comments on the exam(10 mins) Text1 I.Lead-in: nany people have come and asked me how Imanage to get so much work done and still keep loc kingso dissipated./Hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country/are wondering how I have time to do all my painting./engineering/writing/and philanthropic work/ when,/according to the rotogravure sections and society notes/I spend all my time riding to hounds/going to fancy-dress balls disguised as Louis XIV/or spelling out GREETINGS TO CALIFORNIA/in formation with three thousand Los Angeles school children/All work and all play,"they say/The secret of my incredible energy and efficieney/in getting work done/isa simple one./I have based it very deliberately on a well-known psychological principle/and have refined it/so that it is now almost too refined./I shall have to begin coarsening it up again/pretty soon./ ychological principle is this/anyone can do any amount of work/provided/it isn'theorkhe tobe don tht moment II.Text introduction The text describes a particular episode in the disaster that occurred on September 11,2001 in New York in praise of the courage and compassion of man
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 2 Unit 6 “We’ve Been Hit!”- 1 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world around them 5 mins Recitation Unit 6 text 1 Consolidate the words and practice speaking Chain work 10 mins HW checking Show their ideas and understandings GW 25 Comments on the exam On exercises in each unit 10 mins Break Reading 1 Pre-stage Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the coming topic Question and answer 10 mins Gist of text 1 Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Individual & PB 30mins Homework Work on the vocab by themselves For better comprehending of the text on linguistic level 5 mins Morning report (5 mins) Comments on the exam (10 mins) Text 1 I. Lead-in: A great many people have come up to me/ and asked me how I manage to get so much work done/ and still keep looking so dissipated./ Hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country/ are wondering how I have time to do all my painting,/ engineering,/ writing/ and philanthropic work/ when,/ according to the rotogravure sections and society notes,/ I spend all my time riding to hounds,/ going to fancy-dress balls disguised as Louis XIV,/ or spelling out GREETINGS TO CALIFORNIA/ in formation with three thousand Los Angeles school children./ “All work and all play,”/ they say./ The secret of my incredible energy and efficiency/ in getting work done/ is a simple one./ I have based it very deliberately on a well-known psychological principle/ and have refined it/ so that it is now almost too refined./ I shall have to begin coarsening it up again/ pretty soon./ The psychological principle is this:/ anyone can do any amount of work,/ provided/ it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing/ at that moment./ II. Text introduction The text describes a particular episode in the disaster that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York in praise of the courage and compassion of man
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unim6 Unit 6"We've Been Hit!"-2 Time table- 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around 5 mins them Lead-in Differences Students are supposed to GW 15 mins concerning understand the differences concerning Culture background To get students 5 mins emotionally involved in the topis Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the 5 mins construction of the text Text 1 GW 20 mins Break Text Comprehension Checking students' individual 25 mins Text 1 understanding of the text &pair work Use the newly learnt 10 mins expressions to talk about ir own life debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report I.Cultural background Seience fiction Some od people are oppressed by the fear of death.In the young there is a justification for thi feeling Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably fee bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows,and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do,the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.The best way to overcome it is to make wider nd more imper by it the walls of the and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universa indiv existenc should be like a river-small at first,narrowly contained within its banks,and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls.Gradually the river grows wider.the banks recede.the water flow more quietly,and in the end,without any visible break,they become merged in the sea and painlessly lose their individual being The man who in old age can see his life in this wav will not suffer from the fear of death, nce the things he cares for will continue.And if,with the decay of vitality,weariness increases,the thought ofrest will not be nwecome 3
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 3 Unit 6 “We’ve Been Hit!”- 2 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them 5 mins Lead-in Differences concerning Students are supposed to understand the differences concerning GW 15 mins Culture background To get students emotionally involved in the topis 5 mins Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the construction of the text 5 mins Text 1 GW 20 mins Break Text 1 Text Comprehension Checking students’ understanding of the text individual & pair work 25 mins Use the newly learnt expressions to talk about their own life 10 mins debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report I. Cultural background Science Fiction Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. The best way to overcome it is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river — small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the water flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Uni6 II.Structural analysis Paragraph1 to tell the common people's perception about the WTC Paragraphs 2-9 to describe the initial reaction of people inside the WTC when the building was hit Paragraphs 10-30 to describe how the three people(Mayblum,Ramos and Hong)endeavored to save a heavyset man with their joint efforts Paragraphs 31-34 to describe the gathering of some of the survivors and the victims'wives III Comprehension questions 1.What did Mayblum think of the WTC before the building was hit? 2.What did the author mean by saying "For some,it was a matter of geography."? 3.What did Harry Ramos do on the 78,5344and 36 floors respectively? 4.H any floors did they m age to help the heavys set ma in the building? What is the mplied meaning of the last sentence of this writing"the picture began to fade on the 36 floor"?
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 4 II. Structural analysis Paragraph 1 to tell the common people’s perception about the WTC Paragraphs 2 – 9 to describe the initial reaction of people inside the WTC when the building was hit Paragraphs 10 – 30 to describe how the three people (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save a heavyset man with their joint efforts Paragraphs 31 – 34 to describe the gathering of some of the survivors and the victims’ wives III Comprehension questions 1. What did Mayblum think of the WTC before the building was hit? 2. What did the author mean by saying “For some, it was a matter of geography.”? 3. What did Harry Ramos do on the 78th, 53rd, 44th and 36th floors respectively? 4. How many floors did they manage to help the heavyset man down in the building? 5. What is the implied meaning of the last sentence of this writing “.the picture began to fade on the 36th floor”?
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Uni6 Unit 6"We've Been Hit!"-3 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around Individual 5 mins ther report Discussion Review the knowledge of 15 mins wIc Role play Understand how the text is 30 mins constructed Break Word comparison To get students practice theQ&A 15 mins Exercises words and phrases learnt on the topis Gram Exercises 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report III Word comparison Group1:A.sway B.swing C.bend D.tremble E.stiffen side toside. Swing means to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other.especially from a fixed point.or to cause something or someone to do this. He walked briskly along the path swinging his rolled-up umbrella. Bend means d up the coins lying on the oad Tremble means to shake slightly.usually because you are cold,frightened,or very emotional When he came out of the water he was trembling with cold. Stiffen means to become firm or more difficult to bend. His body stiffened in fear Group2:A.rumble B.rumor C.noise D.voice Rumble means to make a continuous low sound. Please excuse my stomach rumbling-I haven't eaten all dav. Rmor means an unofficial interesting story or picce of news that might invented,which quickly spreads to perso Rumors are going round (the school)about Mr Mason and his assistant. Noise means (a)sound,especially when it is unwanted,unpleasant or loud
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 5 Unit 6 “We’ve Been Hit!”- 3 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Discussion Review the knowledge of WTC 15 mins Role play Understand how the text is constructed 30 mins Break Exercises Word comparison To get students practice the words and phrases learnt on the topis Q & A 15 mins Gram 15 mins Exercises 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report III Word comparison Group 1: A. sway B. swing C. bend D. tremble E. stiffen Sway means to move slowly from side to side. The trees were swaying in the wind. Swing means to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this. He walked briskly along the path swinging his rolled-up umbrella. Bend means to (cause to) curve. I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road. Tremble means to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional. When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold. Stiffen means to become firm or more difficult to bend. His body stiffened in fear. Group 2: A. rumble B. rumor C. noise D. voice Rumble means to make a continuous low sound. Please excuse my stomach rumbling — I haven’t eaten all day. Rumor means an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, which quickly spreads from person to person. Rumors are going round (the school) about Mr. Mason and his assistant. Noise means (a) sound, especially when it is unwanted, unpleasant or loud
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Uni6 The noise out in the street was deafening ce means the sounds that are made when Group3:A.sign B.symbol C.gesture D.indication E.signal Sign means a movement of the body which gives information or an instruction. She made/gave a sign to her husband to stop talking. sign,shapeorobject which isused to represent something A heart shape is a symbol oflove. Gesture means a movement of the hands,arms or head,ete.to express an idea or feeling The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom. Indication means something that serves to indicate:a sign Helen's face gave no indication of what she was thinking When she gave (them)the signal.they all cheered Group4:A.persuade into B.cheat into C.talk into D.make into E.mislead into Persuade (sb)ino means to win someone over,as by reasons,advice,urgingr persona Nothing can persuade her to change her mind once it is made up. Cheat (sb)into means to deceive by trickery. She was cheated into giving up inheritance by her cousin. Talk (sb)into means to He's against the idea.but I think I can talk him into it Make (sth)into means to change something into something else They've made the spare room into an office. Mislead into means to lead in the wrong direction. Dont let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him Group5: A.gasp B.burst C.hush D.outbreak Gasp means a short convulsive intake or catching of the breath. I came out of the water and gasped for breath. Bs means a sudden outbreak or outburst,an explosion. a burst of laughter meansa sudden calm silence There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement. Oubreak means a sudden beginning of something especially of a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant. an outbreak of choleralfood poisoning/roting/var 1)惊慌失措的奔逃panic flight 2)剧院起火时,现场一片恐慌。When the theater caught fire,there was a panic. 3)惊慌失措be seized with a panic 6
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 6 The noise out in the street was deafening. Voice means the sounds that are made when people speak or sing. Group 3: A. sign B. symbol C. gesture D. indication E. signal Sign means a movement of the body which gives information or an instruction. She made/gave a sign to her husband to stop talking. Symbol means a sign, shape or object which is used to represent something else. A heart shape is a symbol of love. Gesture means a movement of the hands, arms or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling. The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom. Indication means something that serves to indicate; a sign. Helen’s face gave no indication of what she was thinking. Signal means an action, movement or sound which gives information, message, warning or order. When she gave (them) the signal, they all cheered. Group 4: A. persuade into B. cheat into C. talk into D. make into E. mislead into Persuade (sb) into means to win someone over, as by reasons, advice, urging, or personal forcefulness. Nothing can persuade her to change her mind once it is made up. Cheat (sb) into means to deceive by trickery. She was cheated into giving up inheritance by her cousin. Talk (sb) into means to persuade someone to do something. He’s against the idea, but I think I can talk him into it. Make (sth) into means to change something into something else. They’ve made the spare room into an office. Mislead into means to lead in the wrong direction. Don’t let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him. Group 5: A. gasp B. burst C. hush D. outbreak Gasp means a short convulsive intake or catching of the breath. I came out of the water and gasped for breath. Burst means a sudden outbreak or outburst; an explosion. a burst of laughter Hush means a sudden calm silence. There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement. Outbreak means a sudden beginning of something, especially of a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant. an outbreak of cholera/food poisoning/rioting/war 1) 惊慌失措的奔逃 panic flight 2) 剧院起火时,现场一片恐慌。When the theater caught fire, there was a panic. 3) 惊慌失措 be seized with a panic
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Uni6 Grammarexercises The usage of would and used to The usage ofould The usage of used to Comparison:would:used to Comparison used to(do):be ued to(doing The past tense form of the modal be used in either the past timeor the present time contexts Used in the past tense is followed by to in order to indicate a former state,habitual practice,or cus丈om. If is used to talk about things in the past that happened oftenalways,it conveys the same usage of used to
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 7 Grammar exercises The usage of would and used to The usage of would The usage of used to Comparison: would; used to Comparison: used to (do); be used to (doing) The past tense form of the modal auxiliary will — would, may be used in either the past time or the present time contexts. Used in the past tense is followed by to in order to indicate a former state, habitual practice, or custom. If would is used to talk about things in the past that happened often or always, it conveys the same sense as used to. Be used to (doing) means being in the habit of. As to the usage of used to do, please refer to The usage of used to
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Uni6 Unit6“We've Been Hit!!”-4 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around Individual 5 mins them report Text2 Lead-in Prepare the students for the 10 mins topic Comprehension Understand the story better 40 mins questions Break Oral translation To practice translating Q&A 30 mins Exercises skills Writing practice 20 mins Homework Review and preview Morning report Oral translation Oral activities I.Suppose you have experienced an earthquake that occurred in a city,and you were trapped in the ruins for two days with your friend.You tried to comfort him because, suffering from fear and hunger,he felt depressed.First your partner will play the role of Words and expressions for reference: great damage caused by this earthquake a devastating earthquake trapped in the ruins for two days cheer up It's not that bad! rely on ourselves be surely rescued II.Occasionally we read in the newspaper that some people stand watching indifferently a woman drowning in a river and no one makes any effort to save her.Organize yourselves into groups of five or six and discuss what is wrong with such people and what we should do about it. The discussion can be based on the following aspects: 1)List the possible reasons for people's indifference toa drowning woman. 2)Tohelp those wh are in isto. Asample discussion on the second topic: 8
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 8 Unit 6 “We’ve Been Hit!”- 4 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Text 2 Lead-in Prepare the students for the topic 10 mins Comprehension questions Understand the story better 40 mins Break Exercises Oral translation To practice translating skills Q & A 30 mins Writing practice 20 mins Homework Review and preview Morning report Oral translation Oral activities I.Suppose you have experienced an earthquake that occurred in a city, and you were trapped in the ruins for two days with your friend. You tried to comfort him because, suffering from fear and hunger, he felt depressed. First your partner will play the role of your friend. Then you switch roles. Words and expressions for reference: great damage caused by this earthquake a devastating earthquake trapped in the ruins for two days don’t be depressed cheer up It’s not that bad! rely on ourselves be surely rescued II. Occasionally we read in the newspaper that some people stand watching indifferently a woman drowning in a river and no one makes any effort to save her. Organize yourselves into groups of five or six and discuss what is wrong with such people and what we should do about it. The discussion can be based on the following aspects: 1) List the possible reasons for people’s indifference to a drowning woman. 2) To help those who are in trouble, in some sense, is to help ourselves. A sample discussion on the second topic:
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unit6 Nowadays,our society is developing quickly.People become much richer the community,friends,and neighbors because more and more people live in high buildings. Secondly,people keep less and less face-to-face contact with each other because it is more convenient to use the Internet. Therefore,people become increasingly indifferent toone another.What we should give us a hand Writing practice 9
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 6 9 Nowadays, our society is developing quickly. People become much richer materially but much poorer spiritually. They attach great importance to their own interests. There are several reasons which account for the phenomenon. Firstly, people become more isolated from the community, friends, and neighbors because more and more people live in high buildings. Secondly, people keep less and less face-to-face contact with each other because it is more convenient to use the Internet. Therefore, people become increasingly indifferent to one another. What we should do is to make people realize that next time it could be us who fall into the river, and nobody would give us a hand. Writing practice