基础英语第一册 Unit 6 Unit6 Towards a Gender Free Society I leadn:Ask Ss the following lists to open the topic of gender differences.Pro&Con. 1.Gls tend to pick up auditory informaion while boys do better visaly.Boysouperformed girls in areas of mathematics involving abstract concepts of space.relationships and theory. 2.Men are taller and heavier than women.In sports,men tend to outperform women in strength and speed.Women seem to have greater endurance. 3.Men,it is said,are generally more aggressive,physically and verbally,and enjoy taking risks. They play fighting games and enjoy dares'More men than women are convicted for crimes 4.The big issue is the difference in the spatial abilities between men and women.It seems that men find it much easier to visualize and deal with spaces,the position of objects,relative heights and dimensions.That's why men have a better sense of direction. 5.Females have more verbal ability than males.The little girls tend to learn to speak earlier. 6.Women can ab sorts the same time,making them more adept at multi-tasking.When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone,cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at he same time,it's women who come out on top every time. 7.Men and women make different career choices.Most of the architects are men,while speech therapists are women. II.Text introduction In this piece of argumentation,the writer clearly presents and fully supports his theme:the single sex school does not realize the aim of education.while coeducation is the best way to educate young people III.Structural analysis Paragraphs 1-2-In this part,the writer states the existing gender stereotypes before he regrets the social sex norms n this part,the writer argues against the shool by pointing ou its defects and supports coeducation. Paragraph 5-In this part,the writer repeats his idea of coeducation and suggests what a gender free society should be like. V.Key words 1.masculine and feminine Feminine and ma me are used often of people,to describe qualities which are supposed to be typical of one or the other sex. He has delicate feminine hands -1-
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 1 - Unit 6 Towards a Gender Free Society I lead –in: Ask Ss the following lists to open the topic of gender differences. Pro&Con. 1. Girls tend to pick up auditory information while boys do better visually. Boys outperformed girls in areas of mathematics involving abstract concepts of space, relationships and theory. 2. Men are taller and heavier than women. In sports, men tend to outperform women in strength and speed. Women seem to have greater endurance. 3. Men, it is said, are generally more aggressive, physically and verbally, and enjoy taking risks. They play fighting games and enjoy 'dares.' More men than women are convicted for crimes, especially crimes of violence. 4. The big issue is the difference in the spatial abilities between men and women. It seems that men find it much easier to visualize and deal with spaces, the position of objects, relative heights and dimensions. That’s why men have a better sense of direction. 5. Females have more verbal ability than males. The little girls tend to learn to speak earlier. 6. Women can absorb all sorts of information from different sources at the same time, making them more adept at multi-tasking. When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at he same time, it’s women who come out on top every time. 7. Men and women make different career choices. Most of the architects are men, while speech therapists are women. II. Text introduction In this piece of argumentation, the writer clearly presents and fully supports his theme: the single sex school does not realize the aim of education, while coeducation is the best way to educate young people. III. Structural analysis Paragraphs 1 – 2-In this part, the writer states the existing gender stereotypes before he regrets the social sex norms. Paragraphs 3 – 4-In this part, the writer argues against the single sex school by pointing out its defects and supports coeducation. Paragraph 5- In this part, the writer repeats his idea of coeducation and suggests what a gender free society should be like. IV. True/False and A&Q Ss’ book Page 83-84 V. Key words 1. masculine and feminine Feminine and masculine are used often of people, to describe qualities which are supposed to be typical of one or the other sex. He has delicate feminine hands
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 He is a very masculine sort of person. 2.Males are the producers of cool reasoning. Males are capable of thinking carefully and calmly in order to make a judgment especially in a 男性是冷静的推理 3.Such uncertainty denotes a reiection of such concepts as "gender appropriate"and "stereotyped sex roles"which are only social norms invented by man.imposed on man.but rest their logic nowhere. Such uncertainty means a rejection of such concepts asthe lear classification of people into two sexes"and "the fixed social roles of the sexes."People invent social norms and find themselves forced to accept them.But such social norms are not based on reasonable thinking. 这些不确信意味着对“性别归类”、“固定的性别角色等观念的否定。这些观念只是人类创造并 强加于人类自身的社会准则,它们本身在逻辑上是站不住脚的。 4.coeducation共校数直 The prefix co-means together.Coeducation refers to instruction of students of both sexes in the same institution. 5.masculine adj. having qualities considered to be typical of menor of what men do They're nice curtains,but I'd prefer something a little more masculine The opera singer has a deep,booming.and masculine voice. Derivation:masculinely ady masculinity n masculinize v 6.feminine having qualities that are considered to be typical of women,especially by being gentle,delicate.and pretty Dianne loved pretty feminine things. Lindsay wears very feminine clothe Derivation:femininely 7.unwavering adi. an unwavering attitude,belief,expression,etc.does not change ,unswerving decisive:someone who is decisive is good at making decisions quickly and with confidence firm:not likely to change unswerving:an unswerving belief or attitude is one that is very strong and never changes 8.stereotype 1)abeiefor idea of what aparticular type of personor thing is like She doesn t fit the stereotype of the good mother 2)to decide unfairly that a type of person has particular qualities or abilities because they -2-
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 2 - He is a very masculine sort of person. 2. Males are the producers of cool reasoning . Males are capable of thinking carefully and calmly in order to make a judgment, especially in a difficult situation . 男性是冷静的推理者 3. Such uncertainty denotes a rejection of such concepts as “gender appropriate” and “stereotyped sex roles” which are only social norms invented by man, imposed on man, but rest their logic nowhere. Such uncertainty means a rejection of such concepts as “the clear classification of people into two sexes” and “the fixed social roles of the sexes.” People invent social norms and find themselves forced to accept them. But such social norms are not based on reasonable thinking. 这些不确信意味着对“性别归类”、“固定的性别角色”等观念的否定。这些观念只是人类创造并 强加于人类自身的社会准则,它们本身在逻辑上是站不住脚的。 4. coeducation 共校教育 The prefix co- means together. Coeducation refers to instruction of students of both sexes in the same institution. 5. masculine adj. having qualities considered to be typical of men or of what men do They’re nice curtains, but I’d prefer something a little more masculine. The opera singer has a deep, booming, and masculine voice. Derivation: masculinely adv. masculinity n. masculinize v 6. feminine adj. having qualities that are considered to be typical of women, especially by being gentle, delicate, and pretty Dianne loved pretty feminine things. Lindsay wears very feminine clothes. Derivation: femininely adv. feminineness n. femininity n. feminism n. feminize v.feminist n. 7. unwavering adj. an unwavering attitude, belief, expression, etc. does not change He is unwavering in his support of the governor. decisive, firm, unswerving decisive: someone who is decisive is good at making decisions quickly and with confidence firm: not likely to change unswerving: an unswerving belief or attitude is one that is very strong and never changes 8. stereotype n. & v. 1) n. a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like She doesn’t fit the stereotype of the good mother. 2) v. to decide unfairly that a type of person has particular qualities or abilities because they
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 belong toa particular race,sex,or social class Homeless people are stereotyped as alcoholics or addicts. Derivation:stereotyping n.stereotyped adi.stereotypical adi. Aeonrenioal,formulhic,andorc inion,or image 陈规: "Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding.Westerners are trendy, Midwesterners are dull,Northeasterners are brainy,and Southerners are lazy"(Brad Edmondson) “地区性旧习自从美国确立起就成为它的一部分.西部人时,中西部人木讷,东北部人机 智,南方人徽情”(布拉德·埃德蒙森) 9.nortray v in apainting film,artistic ork Their music portrays a life that no longer exists. depict,describe,characterize depict:to describe something or someone in writing or speech,or to show them in a painting.picture. eto describe:to say what is like by giving details about them characterize:to describe the qualities of someone or something in a particular way 10.boisterous adi. making a lot of noise and having a lot of energ A large. Deto the hai sigirg and showirg notsib 11.disruptive adi causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way Derivatio:disruption disruptv.disruptor n 12.conform 1)to be similar to what people expect or think is usual Joseph does not conform to the stereotype ofa policemar Istandards of behavio Derivation:conformist n.conformation n.conformable adj.conformer n. Translate the following sentences into English: )他不愿遵守当地的风俗习惯。 He isunwilling toconform to the oca customs 2) 这座建筑物不符合安全条例 The building does not conform with safety regulations .3
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 3 - belong to a particular race, sex, or social class Homeless people are stereotyped as alcoholics or addicts. Derivation: stereotyping n. stereotyped adj. stereotypical adj. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image: 陈规:一种传统的、公式化的、过分简化的理解、观点、或形象: “Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding. . . . Westerners are trendy, Midwesterners are dull, Northeasterners are brainy, and Southerners are lazy”(Brad Edmondson) “地区性旧习自从美国确立起就成为它的一部分.西部人时髦,中西部人木讷,东北部人机 智,南方人懒惰”(布拉德·埃德蒙森) 9. portray v. to describe or show someone or something in a painting, film, book or other artistic work Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful. Their music portrays a life that no longer exists. depict, describe, characterize depict: to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture, etc. describe: to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them characterize: to describe the qualities of someone or something in a particular way 10. boisterous adj. making a lot of noise and having a lot of energy A large, boisterous crowd poured into the bar, singing and shouting noisily. Derivation: boisterously adv. boisterousness n. 11. disruptive adj. causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way Mike’s parents thought I was a disruptive influence. Derivation: disruption n. disrupt v. disruptor n. 12. conform v. 1) to be similar to what people expect or think is usual Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman. 2) to behave in the way that most other people in one’s group or society behave Children are told to conform to traditional standards of behavior. Derivation: conformist n. conformation n. conformable adj. conformer n. Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 他不愿遵守当地的风俗习惯。 He is unwilling to conform to the local customs. 2) 这座建筑物不符合安全条例。 The building does not conform with safety regulations
基础英语第一册】 Unit 6 13.docile adj. quiet and easily controlled This pony is not as docile as it looks. Derivation:docilely adv docilityn 14.permanent a continuing to exist for a long timeor for all the time in the future The blindness that the disease causes will be permanent. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance. Transla English )祖父母为他所做的一切在他脑海中留下了永久的印象。 What his grandparents did for him leaves permanent traces on his mind 2)罗先生己经申请了美国永久居留权。 Mr.Luo has applied for permanent residence in the US. 15.attribute 1)the quality looked upon as naturally or necessarily belonging to somebody or something Mercy is an attribute of God. 2)material obiect recognized as a symbol of a person or his position 16.distinction n. 1)a clear difference or separation between two similar things There is aclear distinction beteen the dialects spoken in the 2)the quality ng e No one today doubts Elot'sdistinction as apoet Derivation:distinct adj.distinctive adi.distinctly ad Fill in the blanks with proper words: )t 2)He distinctly remembered the 17.excellence the quality of being excellent The university enioys a high reputation for excellence Derivation:excel v 18.denote to represent or be a sign of something Crosses on the map denote villages. Arows denote the positions of the close migrating bands tative adj. denotation Translate the fo ollowing sentences into Chinese 1)The word"lion"denotes a certain kind of wild animal 4
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 4 - 13. docile adj. quiet and easily controlled This pony is not as docile as it looks. Derivation: docilely adv. docility n. 14. permanent adj. continuing to exist for a long time or for all the time in the future The blindness that the disease causes will be permanent. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance. Antonym: temporary Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 祖父母为他所做的一切在他脑海中留下了永久的印象。 What his grandparents did for him leaves permanent traces on his mind. 2) 罗先生已经申请了美国永久居留权。 Mr. Luo has applied for permanent residence in the US. 15. attribute n. 1) the quality looked upon as naturally or necessarily belonging to somebody or something Mercy is an attribute of God. 2) material object recognized as a symbol of a person or his position The crown is an attribute of kingship. Derivation: attribution n. attributable adj. 16. distinction n. 1) a clear difference or separation between two similar things There is a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions. 2) the quality of being excellent and important No one today doubts Eliot’s distinction as a poet. Derivation: distinct adj. distinctive adj. distinctly adv. Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) The learning needs of the two groups are quite distinct from each other. 2) He distinctly remembered the day his father left. 17. excellence n. the quality of being excellent The university enjoys a high reputation for excellence. Derivation: excel v. excellent adj. 18. denote v. to represent or be a sign of something Crosses on the map denote villages. Arrows denote the positions of the close migrating bands. Derivation: denotative adj. denotation n. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1) The word “lion” denotes a certain kind of wild animal
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 “狮子”这个词是一种野兽的名称。 19.norm generally accepted standards of social behavior Traditonal sexual norms have been called into question. standard.criterion standard:the level that is considered to be acceptable,or the level that someone or something has achieved criteriona standard that you use tojudge something or make adecision about something 20.impose 1)to force someone to accept something.especially a belief or way of living The missionary imposed his own religious beliefs on the local people. 2)toofficially,punishment,etc.to be obeyed or received The govemment imposed a ban on the sale fvon Derivation:imposingd.(large,impressive,and appearing important) Make sentences by using the following phrases: 1)impose something on somebody 2)impose on/upon 21.impulse n. a sudden strong desire to do something without thinking about whether it is a sensible thing to do Marge's first impulse was to run. Gerry couldn 't resist the impulse to tell her the truth Collocation:on impulse,impulse buying Make sentences with on impulse 1)The door was open and on impulse she went inside 2)He tends to act on impulse 22.uniform a.& 1)a being the same inall its parts or among all its members The postal system operates a uiform price structure,so costs the same to send a letter 2)n.a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police.the army He was still wearing his school uniform uniform,nified uniform:being the same in all its partsor amongall its members unified:created from more than one part,group,ete Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1)The temperature must be uniform(uniform.unified)in every area of the reactor. 2)Suppose the y is not one large,unified (uniform,unified)entity but is instead divided into 23.preseribe 5
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 5 - “狮子”这个词是一种野兽的名称。 19. norm n. generally accepted standards of social behavior People hate terrorists violating the norms of civilized society. Traditional sexual norms have been called into question. standard, criterion standard: the level that is considered to be acceptable, or the level that someone or something has achieved criterion: a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something 20. impose v. 1) to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living The missionary imposed his own religious beliefs on the local people. 2) to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory. Derivation: imposing adj. (large, impressive, and appearing important) Make sentences by using the following phrases: 1) impose something on somebody 2) impose on/upon 21. impulse n. a sudden strong desire to do something without thinking about whether it is a sensible thing to do Marge’s first impulse was to run. Gerry couldn’t resist the impulse to tell her the truth. Collocation: on impulse, impulse buying Make sentences with on impulse: 1) The door was open and on impulse she went inside. 2) He tends to act on impulse. 22. uniform adj. & n. 1) adj. being the same in all its parts or among all its members The postal system operates a uniform price structure, so it always costs the same to send a letter. 2) n. a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army He was still wearing his school uniform. uniform, unified uniform: being the same in all its parts or among all its members unified: created from more than one part, group, etc. Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) The temperature must be uniform (uniform, unified) in every area of the reactor. 2) Suppose the economy is not one large, unified (uniform, unified) entity but is instead divided into a large number of islands. 23. prescribe v
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 1)to state officially what should be done in aparticular situation Four years is the minimum jail sentence that federal law prescribes 2)to say what medicine or treatment asick person should have Ifthese dont work I may have to prescribe you something stronger Collocation: prescribe somebody something prescribe something for something Translate the following sentences into English: 1)依据法律,这种罪移判什么刑? What punishment does the law scribe for this crime? What can you prescribe for the pain in my back,doctor? 24.curriculum the subjects that are taught by a school,college,etc,or the things that are studied in a particular subject IT is now on the curriculum in most schools. course.syllabus course:a series of lessons on a subiect.often with an examination at the end syllabus:a plan that states xactly what should be taught to students who are studying a subject Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1)The summer term was very short and the teacher didn't manage to cover the whole syllabus (svllabus.course.curriculum). 2)Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum (syllabus,course,curriculum)for computer courses(syllabus,course.curriculum)this year. 25.accessible adj. 11 2)easy to reach or get into The island is only accessible by boat. Antonym:inaccessible accessible.available accessible:asy toobta nor use.or easy to reach or get into available:able to be used,boughtor found Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1)Tickets are available (available,accessible)free of charge from the school. 2)The remote desert area is accessible (available accessible)only by helicopter 26.segment n. a part of something that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way -6-
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 6 - 1) to state officially what should be done in a particular situation Four years is the minimum jail sentence that federal law prescribes. 2) to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have If these don’t work I may have to prescribe you something stronger. Collocation: prescribe somebody something prescribe something for something Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 依据法律,这种罪该判什么刑? What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime? 2) 医生,你能给我的背痛开些什么药? What can you prescribe for the pain in my back, doctor? 24. curriculum n. the subjects that are taught by a school, college, etc., or the things that are studied in a particular subject The curriculum includes art and music classes. IT is now on the curriculum in most schools. course, syllabus course: a series of lessons on a subject, often with an examination at the end syllabus: a plan that states exactly what should be taught to students who are studying a subject, especially a list of what they may be tested on in their examinations Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) The summer term was very short and the teacher didn’t manage to cover the whole syllabus (syllabus, course, curriculum). 2) Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum (syllabus, course, curriculum) for religious reasons. 3) The college is offering three basic computer courses (syllabus, course, curriculum) this year. 25. accessible adj. 1) easy to obtain or use Healthcare should be made accessible to everyone. 2) easy to reach or get into The island is only accessible by boat. Antonym: inaccessible accessible, available accessible: easy to obtain or use, or easy to reach or get into available: able to be used, bought or found Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) Tickets are available (available, accessible) free of charge from the school. 2) The remote desert area is accessible (available, accessible) only by helicopter. 26. segment n. a part of something that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 She cleaned a small segment of the painting. Each sales team targets its efforts at a particular segment of the general population. piece.component,ingredient,section pieceone of several different parts that must be joined together to make something component: one of the separate parts of a machine or a system,that is necessary to make the machine or system work ingredient:one of the types of food that are used to make a dish or a meal section:a part of something that is clearly different and separate from the other parts Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1)All the components (piece.component ingredient,section)should be tested before they are sembled 2)The main ingredients (piece.component,ingredient,section)can be prepared and frozen in advance. 3)The disease spread through the poorer sections (piece.component.ingredient,section)of the city 4)The equipment had to be taken apart and transported in pieces (piece,component,ingredient. section) 27.interfere w to deliberately get involved in asituation where you are not wanted or needed I didn 't mean to interfere.but ididn 't want glenda to he unset It's not the inpolitics Derivation:interference n interfering adj. interferon n Write out other words or expressions with similar meaning to interfere 1)intrude 2)meddle 3)poke/stick one'snose int 4)put/sho ove/stick one's oar in 28.entail to involve something as a necessary part or result I didn'twant to take onajob thatwould of Some foreign s in the job. Collocation:entail doing something Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1)The job entails a lot of hard work. 这是一份十分艰苦的工作。 irls lea what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby 29.autonomy freedom that aplace or an organization has to govern or control itself ssary for the Derivation:autonomous 30.bar g&n 7
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 7 - She cleaned a small segment of the painting. Each sales team targets its efforts at a particular segment of the general population. piece, component, ingredient, section piece: one of several different parts that must be joined together to make something component: one of the separate parts of a machine or a system, that is necessary to make the machine or system work ingredient: one of the types of food that are used to make a dish or a meal section: a part of something that is clearly different and separate from the other parts Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) All the components (piece, component, ingredient, section) should be tested before they are assembled. 2) The main ingredients (piece, component, ingredient, section) can be prepared and frozen in advance. 3) The disease spread through the poorer sections (piece, component, ingredient, section) of the city. 4) The equipment had to be taken apart and transported in pieces (piece, component, ingredient, section). 27. interfere v. to deliberately get involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed I didn’t mean to interfere, but I didn’t want Glenda to be upset. It's not the church’s job to interfere in politics. Derivation: interference n. interfering adj. interferon n. Write out other words or expressions with similar meaning to interfere: 1) intrude 2) meddle 3) poke/stick one’s nose into 4) put/shove/stick one’s oar in 28. entail v. to involve something as a necessary part or result I didn’t want to take on a job that would entail a lot of overwork. Some foreign travel is entailed in the job. Collocation: entail doing something Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1) The job entails a lot of hard work. 这是一份十分艰苦的工作。 2) The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby. 姑娘们在学怎样照看新生儿 29. autonomy n. freedom that a place or an organization has to govern or control itself It is quite necessary for the central government to grant autonomy to a national minority. Derivation: autonomous adj. autonomously adv. 30. bar v. & n
基础英语第一册】 Unit 6 1)to officially prevent someone from enteringa place or from doing something They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country. 2)n.a place where alcoholic drinks are served The hotel has a licensed bar Collocation: coor bar:a set of lawsor social customs that prevents black people from going to the same placesor taking part in the same activities as white people behind bars:in prison Write out some synonyms for bar as a verb when something is different,especially ina bad way,from what is considered normal On the other hand.the gallery of types of male deviance is far more richly furnished. Derivation:deviant adj.deviate v deviation n. Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1)The plane had to deviate from itsormal fight path 2)There must be no deviation from procedur 31.stature n. 1)someone's height or size Bemand was short in state.with alarge head. 2)the degree to which or regarded as importan Armstrong was a musician of world stature Collocation: grow in stature:to become more admired or popular 32.lead to 1)to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something These events led to the start of the First World War 2)used to say where a path,wire,ete.goes or what place is on the other side ofa door The path led down to a small lake. lead somebody by the nose:to influence someonesomuch that you can completely conro everything that they do lead the eye:if a picture view,etc.leads the eye in a particular direction,it makes you look in that direction lead off.to start a mee eting.discussion,etc.by sayingor doing something Fill in the blanks with proper word 1)Blaming often leads to (off,to)complete breakdown in family communications 2)I'd like to lead off(off,to)by thanking Rick for coming. 33.fragmentation n the process of shattering or breaking up into part The fragmenation of the coury into small independent states has graly infuenced the world politics. -8-
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 8 - 1) v. to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country. 2) n. a place where alcoholic drinks are served The hotel has a licensed bar. Collocation: color bar: a set of laws or social customs that prevents black people from going to the same places or taking part in the same activities as white people behind bars: in prison Write out some synonyms for bar as a verb: prevent, stop, forbid, ban, suspend deviance n. when something is different, especially in a bad way, from what is considered normal On the other hand, the gallery of types of male deviance is far more richly furnished. Derivation: deviant adj. deviate v. deviation n. Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) The plane had to deviate from its normal flight path. 2) There must be no deviation from the normal procedure. 31. stature n. 1) someone’s height or size Bernard was short in stature, with a large head. 2) the degree to which someone is admired or regarded as important Armstrong was a musician of world stature. Collocation: grow in stature: to become more admired or popular 32. lead to 1) to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something These events led to the start of the First World War. 2) used to say where a path, wire, etc. goes or what place is on the other side of a door The path led down to a small lake. Collocation: lead somebody by the nose: to influence someone so much that you can completely control everything that they do lead the eye: if a picture, view, etc. leads the eye in a particular direction, it makes you look in that direction lead off: to start a meeting, discussion, etc. by saying or doing something Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) Blaming often leads to (off, to) complete breakdown in family communications. 2) I’d like to lead off (off, to) by thanking Rick for coming. 33. fragmentation n. the process of shattering or breaking up into parts The fragmentation of the country into small independent states has greatly influenced the world politics
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 Derivation:fragmentary adj.fragment v.&n Fill in the blanks with proper words 1)A separately organized night-nursing service tends to fragment (fragmentary,fragment)patient care 2)I have only a fragmentary (fragmentary,fragment)recollection of the house where I grew up 34.sentimentality n. the quality of being sentimental The film is flawed by moments of violence and sentimentality He talked about his homeland with all the se Derivation:sentimentalad sentimentalize sentimentn sentimentalistn Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1)Jack was careful not to sentimentalize the country life. 2)The ring wasn't worth very much but it had great sentimental 35.polarization the condition of being divided into clerly separate groups with opposite beliefs,ideasr opinions or to make people do this The polarization of society into rich and poor deserves greater attention. Derivation:polarize r 36.spectrum a complete range of opinions,people,situations,etc.going from one extreme to its opposite The bill drew support from across the political spectrum. Collocation: broad/wide/full spectrum ofpolitical opinions VI.Grammar exercises 1 The passive yoice 2.Few,a few,litt,alittle Verbs have two voices,active and passive.A verb is in the active voice when the subject is the doer.a verb is in the passive voice when the subject is receiving the action.The passive voice is formed by putting the verb be into the same tense as the verb in the active voice and adding the past participle of the verb.Normally the doer of the action is omitted in the passive construction. Only transitive verbs into transitive ones by the addition of a preposition.These verbs can be used in the passive voice The preposition remains immediately after the verb 2.Few and a few are used before plural countable nouns whereas little and a little are used before uncountable nouns Fdenotes lack of something and has amost the force of a negative.number,or what the speaker considers a Little denotes lack of something and has almost the force of a negative A linle is a small amount,or what the speaker considers a small amount .9
基础英语第一册 Unit 6 - 9 - Derivation: fragmentary adj. fragment v. & n. Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) A separately organized night-nursing service tends to fragment (fragmentary, fragment) patient care. 2) I have only a fragmentary (fragmentary, fragment) recollection of the house where I grew up. 34. sentimentality n. the quality of being sentimental The film is flawed by moments of violence and sentimentality. He talked about his homeland with all the sentimentality of a migrant. Derivation: sentimental adj. sentimentalize v. sentiment n. sentimentalist n. Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1) Jack was careful not to sentimentalize the country life. 2) The ring wasn’t worth very much but it had great sentimental value. 35. polarization n. the condition of being divided into clearly separate groups with opposite beliefs, ideas, or opinions, or to make people do this The polarization of society into rich and poor deserves greater attention. Derivation: polarize v. 36. spectrum n. a complete range of opinions, people, situations, etc., going from one extreme to its opposite The bill drew support from across the political spectrum. Collocation: broad/wide/full spectrum political spectrum: range of political opinions VI. Grammar exercises 1. The passive voice 2. Few, a few, little, a little The passive voice Verbs have two voices, active and passive. A verb is in the active voice when the subject is the doer; a verb is in the passive voice when the subject is receiving the action. The passive voice is formed by putting the verb be into the same tense as the verb in the active voice and adding the past participle of the verb. Normally the doer of the action is omitted in the passive construction. Only transitive verbs may be used in the passive voice. But certain intransitive verbs can be made into transitive ones by the addition of a preposition. These verbs can be used in the passive voice. The preposition remains immediately after the verb. 2. Few and a few are used before plural countable nouns whereas little and a little are used before uncountable nouns. Few denotes lack of something and has almost the force of a negative. A few is a small number, or what the speaker considers a small number. Little denotes lack of something and has almost the force of a negative. A little is a small amount, or what the speaker considers a small amount