Moral applies topersonal character and behavior,especialy sexual conduct,mcasured against Moral 一词与个人品质及行为有关,特指性行为,依照普遍正确的水准来测量: "The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures,but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot"(Mark Twain). “人能分辨是非这一事实证明了他的智慧较其它动物高一等:但是他会做错事的事实也 证明了的他的道德较其它不能做错事的动物低一等” (马克·吐温) Ethical stresses conformity with idealistic standards of right and those applicable to the practices of lawyers and doctors: Ethical强调与理想中的是非标准保持一致,如律师和医生们遵循的适当准则: The world has achieved brilliance without conscience.Ours is a world of nuclear giants and cthical infants"(Omar N.Bradley). “这个世界取得了灿烂的一页,但却失去了良心。我们的世界是一个有核巨人和道德婴儿的 世界”(奥马尔·恩·布雷德利)。 suggests a historical division of time including the present and what has gone before can becomtively ongorshorpriod Contemparary may be used to refer to a historical division that includes the present,but it usually suggests a much narrower slice of time than modern. an even narrower slice of time than contemparary.but is mos simply as classification rather than in implying a positive or negetive judgement about value. Current emphasizes only those recent things that are still viable (continuing effectiveness 效果的)at this moment modern contemporary意思都含“现代的”,“当代的”。 modern指“现代的”、“近代的”,如: modern history近代史。 contemporary指“当代的”、“同时代的”、“属于同一时期的”,如: contemporary with Thackeray.狄更斯与萨克菜属于同一时代。 Current/Present-recent-contemporary-modern
Moral applies to personal character and behavior,especially sexual conduct,measured against prevailing standards of rectitude: Moral 一词与个人品质及行为有关,特指性行为,依照普遍正确的水准来测量: “The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot” (Mark Twain). “人能分辨是非这一事实证明了他的智慧 较其它动物高一等; 但是他会做 错事的事实也 证明了的他的 道德 较其它 不能做错事的动物低一等” (马克·吐温)。 Ethical stresses conformity with idealistic standards of right and wrong,as those applicable to the practices of lawyers and doctors: Ethical 强调与理想中的是非标准保持一致,如律师和医生们遵循的适当准则: “The world has achieved brilliance without conscience.Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants” (Omar N. Bradley). “这个世界取得了灿烂的一页,但却失去了良心。我们的世界是一个有核巨人和道德婴儿的 世界” (奥马尔·恩·布雷德利)。 Modern suggests a historical division of time including the present and what has gone immediately before it. It can be comparatively long or short period. Contemparary may be used to refer to a historical division that includes the present, but it usually suggests a much narrower slice of time than modern. Present suggests an even narrower slice of time than contemparary, but is most often used simply as classification rather than in implying a positive or negetive judgement about value. Current emphasizes only those recent things that are still viable (continuing effectiveness 有持续 效果的 ) at this moment. modern contemporary 意思都含“现代的”,“当代的”。 modern 指“现代的”、“近代的”, 如: modern history 近代史。 contemporary 指“当代的”、“同时代的”、“属于同一时期的”, 如: Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray.狄更斯与萨克莱属于同一时代。 Current / Present - recent - contemporary - modern