基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm9 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology Teaching Aims: In this unit studentsarerequired to 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting,skimming,guessing, etc. 2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student's vocabulary; 3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions,role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students'oral communicative abilities; 4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5.Get to know some informationabout computer science; 6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students'comprehensive skills. 1
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc. 2. Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary; 3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities; 4. Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5. Get to know some information about computer science; 6. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students’ comprehensive skills
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni9 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology -1 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objeetives Aetivities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world mins around them Presentation On education Deepen the students' GW 25 mins understanding on education and practice Exercises Unit8 20 mins Break Advantages and Prepare the students on the 10 mins disadvantageso coming topic Text 1 Gist of text 1 Learn to summarize the Skimming 5 mins writen material Comprehension Make students understand scanning 10 mins questions on the text the details Structure analysis Understand the general 25 mins organization better Homework Review and pick out the difficult parts if any Morning report(5 mins) Presentation on proverbs(25 mins) Vocabulary Exercises of unit 8(20 mins) Lead-in Students work in Pairs to share their understandings on the advantages and disadvantadges on the use of internet. Text introduction The text points out lustrates and exaplifies the remarkable advantagedsor benefits of the intere and the WWW.Meanwhile it states clearly their imperfection
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 2 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology -1 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world around them 5 mins Presentation On education Deepen the students’ understanding on education and practice their speaking skills GW 25 mins Exercises Unit 8 Consolidate vocab 20 mins Break Text 1 Advantages and disadvantages on internet Prepare the students on the coming topic 10 mins Gist of text 1 Learn to summarize the writen material Skimming 5 mins Comprehension questions on the text Make students understand the details scanning 10 mins Structure analysis Understand the general organization better 25 mins Homework Review and pick out the difficult parts if any Morning report (5 mins) Presentation on proverbs (25 mins) Vocabulary Exercises of unit 8 (20 mins) Lead-in Students work in Pairs to share their understandings on the advantages and disadvantadges on the use of internet. Text introduction The text points out, illustrates and exaplifies the remarkable advantageds or benefits of the internet and the WWW. Meanwhile it states clearly their imperfection
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni9 Comprehensional Questions 1 what is hot according to the text? The WWW and anything related to that 2 What are the benefits that the WWW offers? It keeps all kinds of books and vaious kinds of other information which are readily avaiable to you 3 Which paras illustrates the benefits of the internet and the web? Para2,3 and 4. 4 What are undesirable things about the net? Lack of bandwidth,evolving standards,low interactivity,the current economical model. growing pains,passwords.ete. 5 What are the writer's opinion about the internet phenomenon? Para 5."Just how nomenon will continue to unfold is open to question.and 6 What is the funstion of the last para? It is the conclusion part,it goes back to the first para,the net functions as a huge library,it room inmy office Structure analysis Paral It epitomizes the advantages or benefits of the WWW:the web site is like one great big library with all the kindsof ormtion avialable toyou. Para 2-8 Illustrate the strong points and the weak aspects of the internet and the web Para 1-4 advantages of internet Para5-7disdvantagesfn The firat sentence of para 5 serves as the transition Para9 The concluding part makes it clear that the writer is anxious to make fuller use of his computer for the sake of his benefit,which usually implies another advantage of the interet and the web HW:Review and pick out the difficult parts ifany
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 3 Comprehensional Questions 1 what is hot according to the text? The WWW and anything related to that. 2 What are the benefits that the WWW offers? It keeps all kinds of books and various kinds of other information which are readily avaiable to you. 3 Which paras illustrates the benefits of the internet and the web? Para 2, 3 and 4. 4 What are undesirable things about the net? Lack of bandwidth, evolving standards, low interactivity, the current economical model, growing pains, passwords, etc. 5 What are the writer’s opinion about the internet phenomenon? Para 5. “Just how the internet phenomenon will continue to unfold is open to question.and some requiring time to be resolved.” 6 What is the funstion of the last para? It is the conclusion part, it goes back to the first para, the net functions as a huge library, it can help us get rid of the all the junc mail, catalogs, magazines etc, which will occupy a large room in my office. Structure analysis Para 1 It epitomizes the advantages or benefits of the WWW: the web site is like one great big library with all the books or all kinds of information avialable to you. Para 2-8 Illustrate the strong points and the weak aspects of the internet and the web. Para 1-4 advantages of internet Para 5-7 disadvantages of internet The firat sentence of para 5 serves as the transition. Para 9 The concluding part makes it clear that the writer is anxious to make fuller use of his computer for the sake of his own benefit, which usually implies another advantage of the internet and the web. HW: Review and pick out the difficult parts if any
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit9 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology -2 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around mins them HW checking Difficulties in Get to understand the text 35 mins reading 1 better Lead-in Text 2 for or against Students are prepared for 10 mins the title the coming topic Break Text 2 explanation Understand the problem of 40 mins the internet Compare the 2 texts 10 mins Homework Students pick out the terms rela ted to computer tech nology from the both texts. Morning report(5 mins) Difficults in reading one(10 mins) Lead-in 1 The title of the text 2 is "Computer technology keeps people worlds apart".Do you agree on the statement or not? 2 Then why the author would say in this way? Text2 Students read the text for one more time and pick out the sentences which are supportive to the title obviouly from the text. Q:in order to make one's viewpoint clear enough,it is not only necessary to repeat one's view,but to offer examples to illustrate one's point.Students are supposed to pick out the examples to present the problems that computer technology bring to the young generation. Explain the difficulties if any
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 4 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology -2 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them 5 mins HW checking Difficulties in reading 1 Get to understand the text better 35 mins Lead-in Text 2 for or against the title Students are prepared for the coming topic 10 mins Break Text 2 explanation Understand the problem of the internet 40 mins Compare the 2 texts 10 mins Homework Students pick out the terms related to computer technology from the both texts. Morning report (5 mins) Difficults in reading one (10 mins) Lead-in 1 The title of the text 2 is “Computer technology keeps people worlds apart”. Do you agree on the statement or not? 2 Then why the author would say in this way? Text 2 Students read the text for one more time and pick out the sentences which are supportive to the title obviouly from the text. Q: in order to make one’s viewpoint clear enough, it is not only necessary to repeat one’s view, but to offer examples to illustrate one’s point. Students are supposed to pick out the examples to present the problems that computer technology bring to the young generation. Explain the difficulties if any
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unim9 Comparison Students compare the 2 pieces of writing and find out the similarities and differences Text 1 covers the both the goodnesses and the pitfalls of the computer technology,but it emphasize more the advantages the technology being to us.The author has a possitive Text 2 focuses only on the problem the technonogy presents us.From the beginning to the end we can see that the author's attitude towards computer technology is rather negative. Both texts use exemples to make their point clear.And in both writings,the authors offer solutions to the currently existing problems when internet is. Technical terms from text 1: accessto the Internet-the opportunity to use the Internet Access meaning "the means or opportunity or right touse see somethingis followed by the preposition to. -In a uiversity library:we have access to large mumbers of academic books. -In our country every child has access to education. 2World Wild Web;computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graph and sound and ation resources through the hypertext transfer protocol 3 Site/web site:a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web 4 Netsearch:note4 Click:depression of a computer mouse 6 Mouse:hand-operated electroni device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad;on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad 7C: 8 Paste:attach with 9 the user to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer 10 Font:a specific size and style of type within a type family 11 Printer:(computer science)an output device that prints the results of data processing 12 Hard drive:computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and 13 Adress:(computer science)the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored 14 Frequently-asked-questions:常见问答 15 Flash:appear briefly/[计算机]Adobe公司的动画技术 5
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 5 Comparison Students compare the 2 pieces of writing and find out the similarities and differences. Text 1 covers the both the goodnesses and the pitfalls of the computer technology, but it emphasize more the advantages the technology being to us. The author has a possitive attitude towards internet. Text 2 focuses only on the problem the technonogy presents us. From the beginning to the end we can see that the author’s attitude towards computer technology is rather negative. Both texts use exemples to make their point clear. And in both writings, the authors offer solutions to the currently existing problems when internet is concerned. Technical terms from text 1: 1 .access to the Internet— the opportunity to use the Internet. Access meaning “the means or opportunity or right to use or see something” is followed by the preposition to. -In a university library, we have access to large numbers of academic books. -In our country every child has access to education. 2 World Wild Web: computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer protocol 3 Site / web site: a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web 4 Netsearch: note 4 5 Click: depression of a button on a computer mouse 6 Mouse: hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad 7 Cut: 8 Paste: attach with 9 Word processor: an application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer 10 Font: a specific size and style of type within a type family 11 Printer: (computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing 12 Hard drive: computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it 13 Adress: (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored 14 Frequently-asked-questions: 常见问答 15 Flash: appear briefly / [计算机]Adobe 公司的动画技术
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit9 16 Web page:a document connected to the world wide web and viewable by anyone conected tothe intemet who has a web browse 17 Internet:a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange l8 Netscape:a commercial browser/美因Netscape公司,以开发Internet测览器闻名 19 Bandwidth:a data transmission rate:the maximum amount of information (bits/second) that can be transmitted along a channel频带宽度(通带宽度) 20 Password:a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group 21 Fiber network: 22 Java:a simple platform-independent object-oriented programming language used for writing applets that are downloaded from the World Wide Web by a client and run on the client's machine 23 acofeandof drdo 6
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 6 16 Web page: a document connected to the World Wide Web and viewable by anyone connected to the internet who has a web browser 17 Internet: a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange 18 Netscape: a commercial browser / 美国 Netscape 公司,以开发 Internet 浏览器闻名 19 Bandwidth: a data transmission rate; the maximum amount of information (bits/second) that can be transmitted along a channel 频带宽度(通带宽度) 20 Password: a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group 21 Fiber network: 22 Java: a simple platform-independent object-oriented programming language used for writing applets that are downloaded from the World Wide Web by a client and run on the client's machine 23 Junk mail: third-class mail consisting of advertising and often addressed to `resident' or `occupant'邮寄宣传品
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni9 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology-3 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around Individual 5 mins them report Supplemetary Get to know sth about 45 mins reading materials Www Break Get to know sth about the 35 reading materials ce of www in our real life Story translation To get students practice the PW 15 mins skill of translation Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report Reading practice Students are supposed to read the chinese version of the supplementary reading material about wwW and its inventor.Then they are given the english one for better understanding. Comprehensional questions on the handou 1.What nationality is Tim Berners-Lee? 2.Is he a university graduate? 3.When did he begin to take an interest in the computer? 4.Did he work ina research institute specializingi omputer science? 5.Was he given th just by accident 6.What was it that made WWW a reality? Answers for referenee. 1.Access to the which gives people information ofall of cou 2.World Wide Web.which began as a little computer program nearly 20 years ago,was the work of Tim Berners-Lee alone. 3.Having designed a kind of "hypartext"notebook which linked various kinds of information on his own computer.Berners-Lee wanted to open it up to everyone who would like to link their stuff to his 4.Bemers-Lee devised HTML URLand HTTP.all of which finally brought the World Wide Web to fruition in 1991. 1
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 7 Unit 9 World Wild Web Technology -3 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Supplemetary reading materials Get to know sth about WWW 45 mins Break Supplemetary reading materials Get to know sth about the significance of WWW in our real life 35 Story translation To get students practice the skill of translation PW 15 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report Reading practice Students are supposed to read the chinese version of the supplementary reading material about WWW and its inventor. Then they are given the English one for better understanding. Comprehensional questions on the handout 1. What nationality is Tim Berners-Lee? 2. Is he a university graduate? 3. When did he begin to take an interest in the computer? 4. Did he work in a research institute specializing in computer science? 5. Was he given the assignment of designing the World Wide Web or did he hit upon the idea just by accident? 6. What was it that made WWW a reality? Answers for reference: 1. Access to the Internet which gives people information of all kinds seems a matter of course. 2. World Wide Web, which began as a little computer program nearly 20 years ago, was the work of Tim Berners-Lee alone. 3. Having designed a kind of “hypertext” notebook which linked various kinds of information on his own computer, Berners-Lee wanted to open it up to everyone who would like to link their stuff to his. 4. Berners-Lee devised HTML, URL and HTTP, all of which finally brought the World Wide Web to fruition in 1991
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit9 5.Brought up as a quintessential child of the computer age,Berners-Lee created a most significant global system 6.In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW.Berners-Lee chose the non-profit road,both for himself and for his creation. Terms in the text system that link both business and privateusers Hit:an instance of successfully locating an item of data in the memory bank ofa computer Mouse:a computer input device Modem:A device that converts data from one form into another,as from one form usable in data processing toanother form usable in telephonic transmission.Also called data set 收告 一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置, 如在电话传输中由 一种 可用形式以信号形式转换成另一种可用形式也作data set Protocol:A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers. 【计算机科学】规程:为管理调整计算机间数据交流的标准程序 Packet switching:Amethod of data transmission in which small blocks of data are rapidly over a channel the the pac cket's transmiss 小包交换:一种资料传送方法,其中小包的资料在一通道内被迅速传递,小包传递 期间有专用的网路连接 Hypertext:Acomputer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide 关的信息 Database:A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval.Also called data hank 数据库:进行快速简便搜查和检索而组织的数据集合也作data bank ● ,超文本接标示语 HTIP:Hypertext Transfer Protocol,.WWW服务程序所用的协议 Browser: ●Thew3 consortium: Supplementary reading material2 Angels on the Internet Ouestions 1.What was the problem that Deng Yongxin had?What e-mail did he send on the Internet? 2.Who was the first person thatr onded to Deng's e-mail and what e-mail did she send out? 3.Who was Dr.Juan did herheShao-Shao? 4.Who was it that made it possible for Yongxin and Han Dan to take Shao-Shao to the United Sates for treatment?What did she do? 5.Who was Dr.Hillel Laks?What did he do to help Shao-Shao?Was he successful in his attempt? 6.Who are the angels on the Internet?Why are they called angels?
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 8 5. Brought up as a quintessential child of the computer age, Berners-Lee created a most significant global system. 6. In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW, Berners-Lee chose the non-profit road, both for himself and for his creation. Terms in the text ◼ The internet: an international computer system that link both business and private users ◼ Hit: an instance of successfully locating an item of data in the memory bank of a computer. ◼ Mouse: a computer input device ◼ Modem: A device that converts data from one form into another, as from one form usable in data processing to another form usable in telephonic transmission. Also called data set 调制解调器:将信号由一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置,如在电话传输中由一种 可用形式以信号形式转换成另一种可用形式也作 data set ⚫ Protocol: A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers. 【计算机科学】 规程:为管理调整计算机间数据交流的标准程序 ⚫ Packet switching: A method of data transmission in which small blocks of data are transmitted rapidly over a channel dedicated to the connection only for the duration of the packet's transmission. 小包交换:一种资料传送方法,其中小包的资料在一通道内被迅速传递,小包传递 期间有专用的网路连接 ⚫ Hypertext: A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text. 超文本:一种计算机的文本查寻系统,此系统能够给使用者提供与某一特定文本相 关的信息 ⚫ Database: A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval. Also called data bank 数据库:进行快速简便搜查和检索而组织的数据集合也作 data bank ⚫ HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, 超文本链接标示语言 ⚫ HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, WWW 服务程序所用的协议 ⚫ Browser: ⚫ The w3 consortium: Supplementary reading material 2 Angels on the Internet .Questions 1. What was the problem that Deng Yongxin had? What e-mail did he send on the Internet? 2. Who was the first person that responded to Deng’s e-mail and what e-mail did she send out? 3. Who was Dr.Juan Alejos? What did he offer to do to help Shao-Shao? 4. Who was it that made it possible for Yongxin and Han Dan to take Shao-Shao to the United Sates for treatment? What did she do? 5. Who was Dr. Hillel Laks? What did he do to help Shao-Shao? Was he successful in his attempt? 6. Who are the angels on the Internet? Why are they called angels?
基础英语A 综合教程Book】Unm9 “英国人改变世界” 一-orld Wide Web发明者Tim John Berners-Lee 作者:韩磊 早上起床,泡上一杯咖啡,坐到电脑前打开浏览器看新向一这是很多人每天的例行公 事。当我们陶醉于在链接之间自如跳转,是否也曾经偶尔好奇过:到底是谁想出了这聪 明的信息发布方式?在我们迅速将这个“无聊”的问题抛诸脑后时,那可敬的发明者却 仍然继续为m的未来努力工作着。不过,他已不是孤身一人,而是领导着整个鸭C。 他,就是Tim John Berners-Lee,World Wide Web的发明者。 T1血1955年6月8日生于英国伦敦。在牛津大学女王学院读书时,他曾用M6800处理 器和旧电视自己撒了一台计算机。1976年单业后,他先后受座于P1ssey Telecommunications Ltd、D.G Nash Ltd两家公司。在D.GNash,Tim曾写过-个多 任务操作系统,但真正开启未来之门的,却是之后在CRN工作的一年半。 CEN(Eropean Particle Physics Laboratory,欧洲量子物理研究所),位于瑞士日 内瓦。在那里,为了工作需要,Tim写了一个从未发布过的工具Enquire-一这个我们 无缘得见的Enquire,.正是World Wide Web的锥形.不过在此之后Tim就到JohnPoole's Image Computer SystemsLtd进行实时控制固件方面的开发工作去了。l984年,当Tin 获得奖学金,重新回到CEN之后研究实时系统,他逐渐发现CERN内部沟通机制存在信 息漏失的弊端。今天我们可以找到的关于m概念的第一份公开文件,是T血于1989 年3月写给CBRN的建议书:Information Management:A Proposal。在这份文件中, Ti血提出利用西pertext(超文本)构造链接信息系统的设想。同样,我们也可以从文 件中看到“Browser(浏览器)”概念的最初提出。 这时Tin已经开始在Enquire的基础上,基于NeXTStep系统开发第一个真正意义上的 Web Server-httpd、第一个客户端浏览器WorldWideWeb,.之后又在1991年建立 并开通第一个WmW网站http:/info.cern.ch/(该网站至今仍然是CERN的官方站点)。 到1993年,Ti再接再厉,制定了L、HTP、L等的第一个规范
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 9 “英国人改变世界” ——World Wide Web 发明者 Tim John Berners-Lee 作者:韩磊 早上起床,泡上一杯咖啡,坐到电脑前打开浏览器看新闻——这是很多人每天的例行公 事。当我们陶醉于在链接之间自如跳转,是否也曾经偶尔好奇过:到底是谁想出了这聪 明的信息发布方式?在我们迅速将这个“无聊”的问题抛诸脑后时,那可敬的发明者却 仍然继续为 WWW 的未来努力工作着。不过,他已不是孤身一人,而是领导着整个 W3C。 他,就是 Tim John Berners-Lee,World Wide Web 的发明者。 Tim 1955 年 6 月 8 日生于英国伦敦。在牛津大学女王学院读书时,他曾用 M6800 处理 器和旧电视自己攒了一台计算机。1976 年毕业后,他先后受雇于 Plessey Telecommunications Ltd、D.G Nash Ltd 两家公司。在 D.G Nash,Tim 曾写过一个多 任务操作系统,但真正开启未来之门的,却是之后在 CERN 工作的一年半。 CERN(European Particle Physics Laboratory,欧洲量子物理研究所),位于瑞士日 内瓦。在那里,为了工作需要,Tim 写了一个从未发布过的工具 Enquire——这个我们 无缘得见的Enquire,正是World Wide Web 的雏形。不过在此之后Tim 就到John Poole's Image Computer Systems Ltd 进行实时控制固件方面的开发工作去了。1984 年,当 Tim 获得奖学金,重新回到 CERN 之后研究实时系统,他逐渐发现 CERN 内部沟通机制存在信 息漏失的弊端。今天我们可以找到的关于 WWW 概念的第一份公开文件,是 Tim 于 1989 年 3 月写给 CERN 的建议书:Information Management: A Proposal。在这份文件中, Tim 提出利用 Hypertext(超文本)构造链接信息系统的设想 。同样,我们也可以从文 件中看到“Browser(浏览器)”概念的最初提出。 这时 Tim 已经开始在 Enquire 的基础上,基于 NeXTStep 系统开发第一个真正意义上的 Web Server——httpd、第一个客户端浏览器——WorldWideWeb,之后又在 1991 年建立 并开通第一个 WWW 网站 http://info.cern.ch/ (该网站至今仍然是CERN 的官方站点)。 到 1993 年,Tim 再接再厉,制定了 URI、HTTP、HTML 等的第一个规范
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit9 1994年,Tim加入位于麻省理工大学的LCS(计算机科学实验室)。为了让World Wide Teb不被少数人所控制,Tn组织成立了World Wide Web Consortium,即通常所说的 T3C,致力于“引导b发挥其最大潜力”。我们所熟知的皿L协议各个版本,都出自 3C会议。可贵的是,3C的TL规范是以“建议”的形式发布,并不强迫任何厂广商或 个人接受。至于徽软利用DL协议的开放性扩展自有标准,打败Netscape,应该是Tim 始料未及的了。 《时代》杂志在评价T的贡献时这样写道一“和其它影响世界的发明不同,这项发 明的确应该归功于一人.Berners-Lee设计了World Wide Web,然后就把它开放给世 界。他比其他任何人都更努力地保特的开放性、非营利性和自由性.很难对 做出适当评价,它几乎可以嬈美古登堡印刷术。Berners-Lee一手把只有精英们掌握的 通讯系统变成了大众媒体。” 这段话实实在在并非溢美之词。Eric Schmidt也曾说过:“如果计算机网络是一门传 统科学,Berners-Lee早该获诺贝尔奖了。”我想,Tin本人不会在意这个。当他把上 个世纪最伟大的传媒界发明完全无偿地奉献给全世界,天堂已准备好一双洁白的翅膀。 Tim Berners-Lee是一位具有极高创造力的程序员,但更是一位品格高尚的盗火者。 在《织网(Weaving the Web)》一书中,Tim提出三个观点: ⊙编辑Wb与浏览Web一样重要,iki是向正确方向踏出的一步。 OInternet的任何表现形式都应该是网状,而非树形结构。域名系统例外。 。计算机科学家在技术层面和道德层面都负有不可推卸的责任 也许我们可以从这些论断中获益良多,也许只当它是无稻之谈。不管如何,T Berners-Lee发明了World Wide Web,并继续在为之做出贡献。这,就已足够
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 9 10 1994 年,Tim 加入位于麻省理工大学的 LCS(计算机科学实验室)。为了让 World Wide Web 不被少数人所控制,Tim 组织成立了 World Wide Web Consortium,即通常所说的 W3C,致力于“引导 Web 发挥其最大潜力”。我们所熟知的 HTML 协议各个版本,都出自 W3C 会议。可贵的是,W3C 的 HTML 规范是以“建议”的形式发布,并不强迫任何厂商或 个人接受。至于微软利用 HTML 协议的开放性扩展自有标准,打败 Netscape,应该是 Tim 始料未及的了。 《时代》杂志在评价 Tim 的贡献时这样写道——“和其它影响世界的发明不同,这项发 明的确应该归功于一人.Berners-Lee 设计了 World Wide Web,然后就把它开放给世 界。他比其他任何人都更努力地保持 WWW 的开放性、非营利性和自由性.很难对 WWW 做出适当评价,它几乎可以媲美古登堡印刷术。Berners-Lee 一手把只有精英们掌握的 通讯系统变成了大众媒体。” 这段话实实在在并非溢美之词。Eric Schmidt 也曾说过:“如果计算机网络是一门传 统科学,Berners-Lee 早该获诺贝尔奖了。”我想,Tim 本人不会在意这个。当他把上 个世纪最伟大的传媒界发明完全无偿地奉献给全世界,天堂已准备好一双洁白的翅膀。 Tim Berners-Lee 是一位具有极高创造力的程序员,但更是一位品格高尚的盗火者。 在《织网(Weaving the Web)》一书中,Tim 提出三个观点: ◎ 编辑 Web 与浏览 Web 一样重要,Wiki 是向正确方向踏出的一步。 ◎ Internet 的任何表现形式都应该呈网状,而非树形结构。域名系统例外。 ◎ 计算机科学家在技术层面和道德层面都负有不可推卸的责任。 也许我们可以从这些论断中获益良多,也许只当它是无稽之谈。不管如何,Tim Berners-Lee 发明了 World Wide Web,并继续在为之做出贡献。这,就已足够