基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unm8 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting,skimming,guessing.etc. 2.Grasp some new words and expressionsto enrich student's vocabulary: 3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions,role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students'oral communicative abilities; 4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation: 5.Get to know some informationabout AIDS; 6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students'comprehensiveskills
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 1 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc. 2. Grasp some new words and expressionsto enrich student’s vocabulary; 3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities; 4. Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5. Get to know some information about AIDS; 6. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students’ comprehensive skills
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unit8 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps-1 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report ews report Get to know the world 5 mins around them Recitation Unit 8 text 1 Consolidate the words and Chain work 10 mins practice speaking HW checking Show their ideas and GW 25 understandings Comments on On exercises in each unit 10 mins the exam Break Reading I Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the Question 10 mins Pre-stage coming topic and answer Gist oftext 1 Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Individual 30mins &PR Homework Work on the vocab For better comprehending 5 mins by themselves of the text on linguistic level Morning report(5 mins) Comments on the exam(10 mins) Text1 I.Lead-in: There is no place you can go/to hide from the thoughts that you keep contemplating over and over inside your mind.There is no place you can venture/where your true emotions will be concealed and the secrets of your heart will not show There is no place in this whole wide world you can travel to eyour spirit oesnotdirectorguide you towards Life is the e xperience of b youo oe ca ever be somoe other th who they reSimpyou re who your whatever time you have to be,/you must not try to shadow yourself,but rather,express yourself.The beauty found in each and every person is the essence of life. II.Text introduction The text 540 ut the thor'ssentiment of the three liveshe has.Purpose and warm heart cn create lives and he will love the life and the people around him much more
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 2 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps- 1 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world around them 5 mins Recitation Unit 8 text 1 Consolidate the words and practice speaking Chain work 10 mins HW checking Show their ideas and understandings GW 25 Comments on the exam On exercises in each unit 10 mins Break Reading 1 Pre-stage Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the coming topic Question and answer 10 mins Gist of text 1 Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Individual & PB 30mins Homework Work on the vocab by themselves For better comprehending of the text on linguistic level 5 mins Morning report(5 mins) Comments on the exam (10 mins) Text 1 I. Lead-in: There is no place you can go/ to hide from the thoughts that you keep contemplating over and over inside your mind ./ There is no place you can venture/ where your true emotions will be concealed and the secrets of your heart will not show ./ There is no place in this whole wide world you can travel to/ where your spirit does not direct or guide you towards your destiny ./ Life is the experience of being you;/ no one can ever be someone other than who they are ./ Simply. you are who you are/ and for whatever time you have to be,/ you must not try to shadow yourself, but, rather, express yourself ./ The beauty found in each and every person is the essence of life . II. Text introduction The text is about the author’s sentiment of the three lives he has. Purpose and warm heart can create lives and he will love the life and the people around him much more
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unm8 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps-2 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Activities Time Morning report Get to the world around 5 mins them Lead-in Differences Students are supposed to GW 15 mins concerning understand the differences oncerning Culture background get student 5 mins emotionally involved in the topis Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the 5 mins Text I GW 20 mins Break Text Comprehension Checking students' individual 25 mins ext l understanding of the text &pair work Use the newly learnt 10 mins expressions to talk about their own life debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report I.Cultural background American's Underlying Kindness Some of the journalists see in the stiffness of the Americans the ties to their religious roots and an unwavering commitment to honesty and civil service.Underlying these traits is also a genuine,heartfelt kindness that is frequently complimented by all the travelers Combe observes:"We have found the servants and landlords in the inns of New Engand cold and reserved in their manners"However,he goes on to attest to their intrinsic amicability and overall kindness and sees their serious manner as remnant of their Puritan origins.In the same way,Alexander Farkas sees the removal of artificiality and the political responsibility that is part of being a citizen in a democratic nation as the main reasons for the Americans'stiffness "They are unschooled in the nuances of etiquette,their bodies are stiff,unbending.they do not know how to express joyorsorowin their facil exp sion.But in spite of coldnessor awkwardness there i something in their eyes and demeanor which hints at a simple inner dignity.The kindness one senses is the kind of genuine sentiment that cannot be acquired by artifice. Juxtaposed to this personal austerity is a pervasive social informality.The travelers recognized the lack of decorum as the direct result of a pragmatic,democratic society.However,they never saw its confict with the stern personalities of the Americans.Alexander Farkas is astonished and pleased with what he 3
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 3 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps- 2 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them 5 mins Lead-in Differences concerning Students are supposed to understand the differences concerning GW 15 mins Culture background To get students emotionally involved in the topis 5 mins Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the construction of the text 5 mins Text 1 GW 20 mins Break Text 1 Text Comprehension Checking students’ understanding of the text individual & pair work 25 mins Use the newly learnt expressions to talk about their own life 10 mins debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report I. Cultural background American’s Underlying Kindness Some of the journalists see in the stiffness of the Americans the ties to their religious roots and an unwavering commitment to honesty and civil service. Underlying these traits is also a genuine, heartfelt kindness that is frequently complimented by all the travelers. Combe observes: “We have found the servants and landlords in the inns of New England cold and reserved in their manners”. However, he goes on to attest to their intrinsic amicability and overall kindness and sees their serious manner as a remnant of their Puritan origins. In the same way, Alexander Farkas sees the removal of artificiality and the political responsibility that is part of being a citizen in a democratic nation as the main reasons for the Americans’ stiffness. “They are unschooled in the nuances of etiquette, their bodies are stiff, unbending; they do not know how to express joy or sorrow in their facial expression. But in spite of coldness or awkwardness there is something in their eyes and demeanor which hints at a simple inner dignity. The kindness one senses is the kind of genuine sentiment that cannot be acquired by artifice.” Juxtaposed to this personal austerity is a pervasive social informality. The travelers recognized the lack of decorum as the direct result of a pragmatic, democratic society. However, they never saw its conflict with the stern personalities of the Americans. Alexander Farkas is astonished and pleased with what he
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unit8 regards as a lack of"surface veneer".When he pays a visit to President Jackson he is overwhelmed with the absence of decorum."His simple manners and friendly behavior made us forget we were talking to the chief executive of thirteen million people." II.Structural analysis Paragraphs 1-2 the first life the author has,which is about struggling to make a life and the pleasant dream Paragraphs 3-5 the s ond life the author has,which is about his disease and the effectof the 14 steps to him Paragraphs6-8 the third life the author has.which is about the help he received from a blind man and his daughter when his car didn't work III Comprehension questions 1.When was the period of time theauthorconsidered happiest in his life? 2 What was the uthor most afraid of after he was afflicted with a disease? How did the auth view the 14 steps? 4.How did the author feel when the man and the little girl were working in the storm to change the flat tire? 5.Why was the author overwhelmed with shame and horror when the repair work was done? 6.What did the author learn from theauto-repairincident?
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 4 regards as a lack of “surface veneer”. When he pays a visit to President Jackson he is overwhelmed with the absence of decorum. “His simple manners and friendly behavior made us forget we were talking to the chief executive of thirteen million people.” II. Structural analysis Paragraphs 1 – 2 the first life the author has, which is about struggling to make a life and the pleasant dream Paragraphs 3 – 5 the second life the author has, which is about his disease and the effect of the 14 steps to him Paragraphs 6 – 8 the third life the author has, which is about the help he received from a blind man and his daughter when his car didn’t work Paragraphs 9 – 10 the author’s reflection on the incident and his life philosophy III Comprehension questions 1. When was the period of time the author considered happiest in his life? 2. What was the author most afraid of after he was afflicted with a disease? 3. How did the author view the 14 steps? 4. How did the author feel when the man and the little girl were working in the storm to change the flat tire? 5. Why was the author overwhelmed with shame and horror when the repair work was done? 6. What did the author learn from the auto-repair incident?
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unm8 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps-3 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report ews report Get to the world around Individual 5 mins them report Discussion Review the knowledge of 15 mins Role play Understand how the text is 30 mins constructed Break Word comparison To get students practice the Q&A 15 mins xercises words and phrases learnt on the topis Gram 15 mins Exercises 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report III Word comparison Group 1:A.steer B.control C.start D.carry E.hold Sreer means tomake ()goina particular direction I'dlike to steer our discussion backtoour original topic. Contro/means to order.limit.instruct.or rule(something or someone's actions or behavior). Youare going to have to leam to control that temper of yours! Start means to (cause to)go into a state of(movement operation,or activity) All our machinery was lost in thefire.so we had to start from scratch. Cany means to act as the means by which (aperson or thing)is moved from one place to another The railway system carries over 25%of the country's goods traffic. Hold means to stay in or keep something in a particular place.position,or state. She held the lid down while I locked the suitcase. Group 2:A.swerve B.bump C.hit D.turn E.stop means to change direction, The bus driver swerved toavoid hiing the cyclists Bump means to hit or knock against (something.esp.something solid and heavy)with force or violence. The driver bumped the kerb while reversing. Hit means to strike somebody or something with a blow.missile.etc He's been hit in the leg by a smipers buller means to (caus to)change hich you are If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. Stop means to(cause to)finish moving or doing (something),or to(cause to)end They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the bull charging towards them. Group3:A.jerk B.take C.pull D.grab E.catch Jerk means to (cause someone or something to)make a short sudden movemen
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 5 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps - 3 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Discussion Review the knowledge of 15 mins Role play Understand how the text is constructed 30 mins Break Exercises Word comparison To get students practice the words and phrases learnt on the topis Q & A 15 mins Gram 15 mins Exercises 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report III Word comparison Group 1: A. steer B. control C. start D. carry E. hold Steer means to make (someone or something) go in a particular direction. I’d like to steer our discussion back to our original topic. Control means to order, limit, instruct, or rule (something or someone’s actions or behavior). You are going to have to learn to control that temper of yours! Start means to (cause to) go into a state of (movement operation, or activity). All our machinery was lost in the fire, so we had to start from scratch. Carry means to act as the means by which (a person or thing) is moved from one place to another. The railway system carries over 25% of the country’s goods traffic. Hold means to stay in or keep something in a particular place, position, or state. She held the lid down while I locked the suitcase. Group 2: A. swerve B. bump C. hit D. turn E. stop Swerve means to change direction, esp., suddenly. The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the cyclists. Bump means to hit or knock against (something, esp. something solid and heavy) with force or violence. The driver bumped the kerb while reversing. Hit means to strike somebody or something with a blow, missile, etc. He’s been hit in the leg by a sniper’s bullet. Turn means to (cause to) change the direction in which you are facing or moving. If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. Stop means to (cause to) finish moving or doing (something), or to (cause to) end They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the bull charging towards them. Group 3: A. jerk B. take C. pull D. grab E. catch Jerk means to (cause someone or something to) make a short sudden movement
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unit8 The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt. Take means to move(something)away,esp.without permission,or to remove(esp.clothes). Hew is your pen i took it by mistake Plmeans to move(something)towards yourself,sometimes with great physical effort. He pulled the chair y from the desk Grabmeans to take hold of (somethingorsomeone)suddenly and roughly,to take or have quickly He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off. Catch means to take hold of something I managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground. Group4:A.slacken B.tighten C.untie D.fasten E.loosen Slacken means to make or become slack (not pulled tight) The train slackened speed as we approached the station. Tighten means to become tight(closely fastened.held knotted etc.) She's lost her iob so she had to tighten her belt. Untie means to unfasten(a knot or something tight) Could someone help Joe tie his shoelace.please Fasten means to make or become firmly fixed together or in position,or closed The tabloid newspapers have fastened on popular psychologv: Loosen means to make or become less firm,fixed,tight,etc. Group5:A.install B.check C.set D.repair E.disassemble Install means to put (a large piece of equipment)ina place.esp.to put (a machine)in a place and connect it to the electricity/gas/water/etc.supply,so that it is ready for use. The company will design.supply and install your new kitchen. Check means to make certain that(something or someone)is correct,safe or suitable by examining it or them quickly Ihave checked her rferences and she seems very sutable for thejob Set means to prepare or arrange something for use Repair means to put (something damaged.broken.or not working correctly)back into good condition or make it work again:to mend Can the damage done to international relations be rpaired? mea to take apart disassemble a watch Grammar exercises Articles:Articles have generic and specific reference The usage of but However,contrary toexpectation,yet The usage of ordinal number A number indicating position in a series or order.The ordina numbers are first (Ist).second (2nd).third (3rd).and so on. Comparative degree and superlative degree The comparative and superative and adverbs,which are used to show an increase in quality, quantity,or in degree,are formed in three ways. 6
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 6 The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt. Take means to move (something) away, esp. without permission, or to remove (esp. clothes). Here is your pen; I took it by mistake. Pull means to move (something) towards yourself, sometimes with great physical effort. He pulled the chair away from the desk. Grab means to take hold of (something or someone) suddenly and roughly; to take or have quickly. He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off. Catch means to take hold of something. I managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground. Group 4: A. slacken B. tighten C. untie D. fasten E. loosen Slacken means to make or become slack (not pulled tight). The train slackened speed as we approached the station. Tighten means to become tight (closely fastened, held knotted etc.). She’s lost her job so she had to tighten her belt. Untie means to unfasten (a knot or something tight). Could someone help Joe untie his shoelace, please? Fasten means to make or become firmly fixed together or in position, or closed. The tabloid newspapers have fastened on popular psychology. Loosen means to make or become less firm, fixed, tight, etc. You should loosen up your muscles before playing any sport. Group 5: A. install B. check C. set D. repair E. disassemble Install means to put (a large piece of equipment) in a place, esp. to put (a machine) in a place and connect it to the electricity/gas/water/etc. supply, so that it is ready for use. The company will design, supply and install your new kitchen. Check means to make certain that (something or someone) is correct, safe or suitable by examining it or them quickly. I have checked her references and she seems very suitable for the job. Set means to prepare or arrange something for use. Repair means to put (something damaged, broken, or not working correctly) back into good condition or make it work again; to mend. Can the damage done to international relations be repaired? Disassemble means to take apart. disassemble a watch Grammar exercises Articles : Articles have generic and specific reference. The usage of but However; contrary to expectation; yet The usage of ordinal number A number indicating position in a series or order. The ordinal numbers are first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), and so on. Comparative degree and superlative degree The comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, which are used to show an increase in quality, quantity, or in degree, are formed in three ways
基础英语B 综合教程Book2Unit8 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps-4 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report report Get to the world around Individual 5mins them report Text 2 Lead-in Prepare the students for the 10 mins tonic Comprehension Understand the text better 40 mins questions Break Oral translation To practice translating Q&A 30 mins Exercises Writing practice 20 mins Homework Review and preview Morning report Oral activities L Why was the author so much affected by the ineident?How did it change his attitude towards life? I Why do you think some handicapped people have negative attitudes towards life and how should we help them change all this? 1)The handicapped sometimes have negative attitudes towards life,affected by the healthy people's attitude towards them 2)Respect the handicapped people. 3)Goall out to help them in daily life. 4)Communicate with them sample discussion on the second topi To everybody,disabilities are severe blows,and many disabled people take passive attitudes towards life. This happens for several reasons as follows: First,the disabilities really bring them many inconveniences in their daily life.Second,they are sometimes looked down upon and laughed at by people with sound constitutions.And the most important one is that the feelings of emptiness and inferiority break their dreams and make them think their meaning and they are just the burdensof ther In order to rescue them from the shadow of disabilities.we should do the following things.First,the government should prepare more public facilities,such as washrooms,seats,and so on,for the disabled. Second.we should treat them equally and with considerations,be willing to communicate and cooperate with them,and never should we think we are superior to them.Above all we ought to tryour best to Roosevelt,Helen Keller,and so on.Besides,contests or activities organized by some influential socia departments,like the International Special Olympic Games,are also quite necessary. Writing practice
基础英语 B 综合教程 Book 2 Unit 8 7 Unit 8 Fourteen Steps- 4 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Text 2 Lead-in Prepare the students for the topic 10 mins Comprehension questions Understand the text better 40 mins Break Exercises Oral translation To practice translating skills Q & A 30 mins Writing practice 20 mins Homework Review and preview Morning report Oral activities I. Why was the author so much affected by the incident? How did it change his attitude towards life? II. Why do you think some handicapped people have negative attitudes towards life and how should we help them change all this? 1) The handicapped sometimes have negative attitudes towards life, affected by the healthy people’s attitude towards them. 2) Respect the handicapped people. 3) Go all out to help them in daily life. 4) Communicate with them. A sample discussion on the second topic To everybody, disabilities are severe blows, and many disabled people take passive attitudes towards life. This happens for several reasons as follows: First, the disabilities really bring them many inconveniences in their daily life. Second, they are sometimes looked down upon and laughed at by people with sound constitutions. And the most important one is that the feelings of emptiness and inferiority break their dreams and make them think their lives are meaningless and they are just the burdens of their families and society. In order to rescue them from the shadow of disabilities, we should do the following things. First, the government should prepare more public facilities, such as washrooms, seats, and so on, for the disabled. Second, we should treat them equally and with considerations, be willing to communicate and cooperate with them, and never should we think we are superior to them. Above all, we ought to try our best to give them hopes of life. To achieve these, we could tell some inspiring stories such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Helen Keller, and so on. Besides, contests or activities organized by some influential social departments, like the International Special Olympic Games, are also quite necessary. Writing practice