基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni12 Unit 12 She's Leaving Home Teaching Aims: In this unit studentsarerequired to 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting,skimming,guessing, etc. 2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student's vocabulary; 3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions,role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students'oral communicative abilities; 4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5.Get to know some informationabout Leaving Home; 6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students'comprehensive skills
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 1 Unit 12 She’s Leaving Home Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc. 2. Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary; 3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities; 4. Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the retelling of Text I and practice it along with translation; 5. Get to know some information about Leaving Home; 6. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and reading to improve students’ comprehensive skills
基础英语A 综合教程Book I Unit12 Unit 12 She's Leaving Home-1 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world 5 mins around them Recitation Unit 11 text Consolidate the words and Chain work 10 mins practice speaking HW checking On education Show their ideas and GW 25 understandings Comments Unit 5-10 On exercises in each uni 10 mins the exam Break Reading 1 Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the Ouestion 10 mins Pre-stage oming topi nd answe Gist oftext I Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Get to know the parents Individual 30mins and kids &PB Homework Work on the vocab For better comprehending 5 mins by themselves level Morning report(5 mins) Recitation of text 1 of Unit 11(10 mins) Comments on the exam(10 mins) Text structures(25mins) Text1 I Lead-in: The text is a piece of narration of twenty paragraphs,which are concerned with the present ih the chamges i the d and actions of the th who is leaving ho me her daughter,showing clearly how intimate the mother-daughter relationship was,which presents a contrast to the superficially tense relationship between the writer and her daughter before the latter leaves home for university. 2
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 2 Unit 12 She’s Leaving Home - 1 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to know the world around them 5 mins Recitation Unit 11 text 1 Consolidate the words and practice speaking Chain work 10 mins HW checking On education Show their ideas and understandings. GW 25 Comments on the exam Unit 5-10 On exercises in each unit 10 mins Break Reading 1 Pre-stage Lead-in discussion Prepare the students for the coming topic Question and answer 10 mins Gist of text 1 Summarize the main idea 5 mins While-stage Scanning the text Get to know the parents and kids Individual & PB 30mins Homework Work on the vocab by themselves For better comprehending of the text on linguistic level 5 mins Morning report (5 mins) Recitation of text 1 of Unit 11 (10 mins) Comments on the exam (10 mins) Text structures (25mins) Text 1 I. Lead-in: The text is a piece of narration of twenty paragraphs,which are concerned with the present events, especially with the changes in the mood and actions of the main character—the writer’s daughter, who is leaving home for university. The writer also recalls what she did to her daughter, showing clearly how intimate the mother-daughter relationship was, which presents a contrast to the superficially tense relationship between the writer and her daughter before the latter leaves home for university
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni12 II.Text introduction Paragraphs1-8 Allie's preparations for university and her abnomal attitude towards her mother because of her reluctance to leave home Paragraphs9-12 the of how intimate the mother-aughter relationship was Paragraphs 13-16 the daughter's cold attitude angering her mother Paragraphs 17-20 the touching moment that Allie is back to her mother,reading to her mother a pamphlet from her university 3
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 3 II. Text introduction Paragraphs 1-8 Allie’s preparations for university and her abnormal attitude towards her mother because of her reluctance to leave home Paragraphs 9-12 the writer’s recalling of how intimate the mother-daughter relationship was Paragraphs 13-16 the daughter’s cold attitude angering her mother Paragraphs 17-20 the touching moment that Allie is back to her mother, reading to her mother a pamphlet from her university
基础英语A 综合教程Book1UniI2 Unit 12 She's Leaving Home-2 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objeetives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around 5 mins them Lead-in Differences Students are supposed to GW 15 mins concerning understand the differences educational issues concerning educational issues in the past,at presents and in the future Culture background To get students 5 mins emotionally involved in the topis Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the 5 mins construction of the text Text 1 About story GW 20 mins Break Text Comprehension Checking students' individual 25 mins Text 1 understanding of the tex pair work Complaints about Use the newly learnt 10 mins my college life expressions to talk about their own life Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading m Morning report I.Cultural background l.the Canton dessert plates:查英文词典我们可能会取“the former name of Guangzhou”这 释义,然后把这一部分译成“产自广州的甜点盘子”。但The Dolphin Reader(HunL199O) 收录的On( ing Home中对canton”的注释为ine Chines.据此注释,“"canton 在这里应是指这些盘子的质地,而不是产地.。另外,《英汉辞海》(王同亿,1987)里有“Canton chia”词条,译文第一条为“广东瓷:广东瓷器,尤指青花瓷”:韦伯斯特电子词典(2000 Merriam-Webster,.Incorporated.Version2.5.)有“Canton ware'"词条,释义照录于下:“ceramic ware exported from China especially during by way of Canton and blu-and-white d porcelain and ,(从中国 出口的陶瓷器,特别是18、19世纪期间经由广州出口的,包括青花上釉瓷器和各种有装饰 的粗陶器)。综合以上信息,最后把这个地方译成“粤式细瓷点心盘”。 2.and about property,particularly about property,land,price per acre and C-2 zoning and 4
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 4 Unit 12 She’s Leaving Home - 2 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them 5 mins Lead-in Differences concerning educational issues Students are supposed to understand the differences concerning educational issues in the past, at presents and in the future GW 15 mins Culture background To get students emotionally involved in the topis 5 mins Post-reading Structure analysis Understand the construction of the text 5 mins Text 1 About story GW 20 mins Break Text 1 Text Comprehension Checking students’ understanding of the text individual & pair work 25 mins Complaints about my college life Use the newly learnt expressions to talk about their own life 10 mins debate Practice their thinking GW 15 mins Homework Suplemetary reading materials Morning report \I. Cultural background 1.the Canton dessert plates: 查英文词典我们可能会取“the former name of Guangzhou”这一 释义,然后把这一部分译成“产自广州的甜点盘子”。但 The Dolphin Reader (Hunt, 1990) 收录的 On Going Home 中对“canton”的注释为“Fine Chinese porcelain”。据此注释,“canton” 在这里应是指这些盘子的质地,而不是产地。另外,《英汉辞海》(王同亿,1987)里有“Canton china”词条,译文第一条为“广东瓷;广东瓷器,尤指青花瓷”;韦伯斯特电子词典(2000 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Version 2.5.)有“Canton ware”词条,释义照录于下:“ceramic ware exported from China especially during the 18th and 19th centuries by way of Canton and including blue-and-white and enameled porcelain and various ornamented stonewares”(从中国 出口的陶瓷器,特别是 18、19 世纪期间经由广州出口的,包括青花上釉瓷器和各种有装饰 的粗陶器)。综合以上信息,最后把这个地方译成“粤式细瓷点心盘”。 2..and about property, particularly about property, land, price per acre and C-2 zoning and
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm12 assessments and freeway access:这里有两个问题,一是其中两个“property”指涉是不是一样: ”。我们知道地产或房地产交易在作者当时的家乡司空见惯,成 ,经常谈论这些事情是理所当然的事。从语法上说 “particularly about property”可以是起加强语气作用的插入语,下面的“land,price per acre andC-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access”是列举他们谈论有关“property”的具体 内容。因此,这两个“property”指涉应该是一样的。“C-2 zoning”的翻译比较棘手。根据 《21世纪城市规划管理》一书中的解释,这里“℃”指“公共设施用地,主要指居住区及居 住区以上的行政、 (任致远, 经济文化、教有、卫生,体育、商贸及科研设计等机构和设流的用地。 174)另外, 《城市规划概论 (陈友华 赵民, 上面专门有一节 介绍“用地区划” (Zoning),在244-245页上还附有纽约市用地区划表,其中“C2”的 对应汉语是“地区服务区”。综合上面这些知识,最后把这个地方译为“特别是地产,土 地和地价,C-2区制规划及评估,还有高速公路的出入口,等等”。 为X中里认原文无达断o一o还 般是不做 的 在汉语里正好相反 如果笼统地译成“ 弟” 觉得很别扭。迪迪翁的文章自传性很强,其中讲的都是真人真事,这里“broth©r”是“弟弟 还是“哥哥”应确切所指。迪迪翁在另一篇文章John Wayne:A Love Song(《约翰·韦恩: 一首爱之歌》(1965)中有这样一段描述:“In the summer of1943 I was eight,and my father and mother and small brother and I were at Peterson Field in Colorado Springs.() (下划线为笔者所加)据此, “my brother”应译为“弟弟” 4.And yet some nameless anxiety colored the emotional charges between me and the place that came from:如何译“colored the emotional charges”是传达意境的关键。有人把这句话译成可 是一种莫名的焦渴笼罩着我和我的出生地之间的情感蕴藉”,还有人译为“可是一种莫名的 焦虑扭曲了我和我的家乡之间的情感交流”,都译得不太好,原文的诗意全无。查了韦伯斯 特由子词典(同上)对 的解释,其中有如下释义: force" 并随后附有用法举例r"the deeply emotional charge of the drama" 经过 ,我们可 把这句话译为“但一丝莫名的忧虑,浸染了我和生我养我的家之间的情感纠葛”。 5.The question of whether or not you could go home again was a very real part of the sentimental and largely literary baggage with which we left home in the fifties:这里如何处理“the tal and largely lite ”感到很棘手。我们来看一看作者的生活道路。迪迪翁 1956年毕业于加州大 英文 限高的文学修养.这句话中说的we left home in the fifties'" 很可能就是指她的同学们一起(她那一代人)大学毕业后离开家到各地寻求前程,开始独氵 生活。这难免让人伤感,而她们刚出校园,又难免满脑子不切实际的书生气。“baggage 的英文释义中有一条是“superfluous ideas"”(过多的想法)这一意思,我们可把这句话译 成“五十年代我们离家时,背负若一个装若伤感、多半是书籍的行囊。还能回家吗?”翻 怪过程是一个句含 一系列选择和决策的过程。译者的选择不是随意的,而是受到语境的制约, 有时译者要依据整部作品或大语境(macro context)作出取舍。语言在一定语境中才有意义 英语中有句老话,叫做Words do not have meanings,people have meanings for words(词无本 义,义随人生)。故而,译者不仅要有良好的双语能力,还应掌握相关的语境资料,从而准 确地理解原文涉及的社会文化信息,贴切地再现原文。 5
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 5 assessments and freeway access: 这里有两个问题,一是其中两个“property”指涉是不是一样; 二是如何翻译“C-2 zoning”。我们知道地产或房地产交易在作者当时的家乡司空见惯,成 为人们生活中一个不可或缺的部分,经常谈论这些事情是理所当然的事。从语法上说, “particularly about property”可以是起加强语气作用的插入语,下面的“land, price per acre and C-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access”是列举他们谈论有关“property”的具体 内容。因此,这两个“property”指涉应该是一样的。“C-2 zoning”的翻译比较棘手。根据 《21 世纪城市规划管理》一书中的解释,这里“C”指“公共设施用地,主要指居住区及居 住区以上的行政、经济文化、教育、卫生、体育、商贸及科研设计等机构和设施的用地。” (任致远,2000;174)另外,《城市规划概论》(陈友华、赵民,2000)上面专门有一节 介绍“用地区划”(Zoning),在 244-245 页上还附有纽约市用地区划表,其中“C2”的 对应汉语是“地区服务区”。 综合上面这些知识,最后把这个地方译为“特别是地产,土 地和地价,C-2 区制规划及评估,还有高速公路的出入口,等等”。 3. my brother: 这里从原文无法判断“brother”是“elder brother”还是“younger brother”, 因为在英语中这两者一般是不做区分的,而在汉语里正好相反。如果笼统地译成“兄弟”, 觉得很别扭。迪迪翁的文章自传性很强,其中讲的都是真人真事,这里“brother”是“弟弟” 还是“哥哥”应确切所指。迪迪翁在另一篇文章 John Wayne: A Love Song(《约翰·韦恩: 一首爱之歌》(1965)中有这样一段描述:“In the summer of 1943 I was eight ,and my father and mother and small brother and I were at Peterson Field in Colorado Springs.(Slouching, p. 29) (下划线为笔者所加)据此,“my brother”应译为“弟弟”。 4. And yet some nameless anxiety colored the emotional charges between me and the place that I came from: 如何译“colored the emotional charges”是传达意境的关键。有人把这句话译成“可 是一种莫名的焦渴笼罩着我和我的出生地之间的情感蕴藉”,还有人译为 “可是一种莫名的 焦虑扭曲了我和我的家乡之间的情感交流”,都译得不太好,原文的诗意全无。查了韦伯斯 特电子词典(同上)对“charge”的解释,其中有如下释义:“a store or accumulation of impelling force”,并随后附有用法举例“the deeply emotional charge of the drama”。经过斟酌,我们可以 把这句话译为“但一丝莫名的忧虑,浸染了我和生我养我的家之间的情感纠葛”。 5.The question of whether or not you could go home again was a very real part of the sentimental and largely literary baggage with which we left home in the fifties: 这里如何处理“the sentimental and largely literary baggage”感到很棘手。我们来看一看作者的生活道路。迪迪翁 1956 年毕业于加州大学英文系,有很高的文学修养。这句话中说的“we left home in the fifties” 很可能就是指她的同学们一起(她那一代人)大学毕业后离开家到各地寻求前程,开始独立 生活。这难免让人伤感,而她们刚出校园,又难免满脑子不切实际的书生气。“baggage” 的英文释义中有一条是 “superfluous ideas”(过多的想法)这一意思,我们可把这句话译 成 “五十年代我们离家时,背负着一个装着伤感、多半是书籍的行囊。还能回家吗?” 翻 译过程是一个包含一系列选择和决策的过程。译者的选择不是随意的,而是受到语境的制约, 有时译者要依据整部作品或大语境(macro context)作出取舍。语言在一定语境中才有意义。 英语中有句老话,叫做 Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words(词无本 义,义随人生)。故而,译者不仅要有良好的双语能力,还应掌握相关的语境资料,从而准 确地理解原文涉及的社会文化信息,贴切地再现原文
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit12 Unit 12 She's Leaving Home-3 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around Individual mins them report Discussion Review 15 mins Role play Understand how the story 30 mins is constructed Break Word comparisor To get students practice the Q&A 15 mins Exercises words and phrases learnt on the topis Gram 15 mins Exercises P69-71L,L,Ⅲ,V 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report IV Follow up activities III Word comparison Group 1:A.advertisement B.leaflet C.poster Advertisement means a picture,set of words,or a short film,which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use a service.or gives information about a job that is available,an event that is eSundy rs are full of advertisments for ars Leaflet means a small book or piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a particular subject Students were handing out election leaflets at the station Poster means a large printed notice.picture.or photograph used to advertise something or asa dceoralion A team of volunteers were putting up posters Group 2:A.reliable B.honest C.trusting D.trustworthy reliable:someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on Miller wasaquiet and reliable who is honest always tells the truth and does not cheator steal He was a hard-working.honest man tsting:willing to believe that other people are good and honest
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 6 Unit 12 She’s Leaving Home - 3 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Discussion Review 15 mins Role play Understand how the story is constructed 30 mins Break Exercises Word comparison To get students practice the words and phrases learnt on the topis Q &A 15 mins Gram 15 mins Exercises P69-71 I, II, III, V 20 mins Homework reading extensively on the net about the topic Morning report IV Follow up activities III Word comparison Group 1: A. advertisement B. leaflet C. poster Advertisement means a picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use a service, or gives information about a job that is available, an event that is going to happen, etc. The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars. Leaflet means a small book or piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a particular subject. Students were handing out election leaflets at the station Poster means a large printed notice, picture, or photograph used to advertise something or as a decoration. A team of volunteers were putting up posters Group 2: A. reliable B. honest C. trusting D. trustworthy reliable: someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on Miller was a quiet and reliable man. honest: someone who is honest always tells the truth and does not cheat or steal He was a hard-working, honest man trusting: willing to believe that other people are good and honest
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unm12 She was a shy and trusting child someone who is trust orthy can be trusted and dependedo Group 3:A.cry B.shout C.scream D.roar Cry means to produce tears from your eyes,with or without sounds,usually because you are unhappy or hurt. Don'tery,Laura It'll be OK Shout means to say something very loudly There's no need to shout!I can hear you! Scream means to make a loud,sharp noise or cry with your voice because you are hurt frightened, excited.etc. After the first few shots.r aming rmeans to make a deep.very loud nois We heard a lion roar. Group4:A.remote B.faraway C distant emoefar from townsor other plac where people live faraway (literary)a long distance away She dreamed of flving away to exotic faraway places. distant:far away in space or time Her honeymoon seemed adistant memory Group 5:A.spot B.location C.scene D.point Spot means a particular place or area.especially a pleasant place where you spend time We find a nice quiet spot on the beach means a particular place,especially in relation to other areas,buildings,ete His apartment is in really good loca ation Scene is the place where an accident, The police soon arrived at the scene of the crime. Point is aparticular place or position. No cars are allowed bevond this point Group6:A.decrease B.cut C.lower D.reduce Decrease means to become less or go down to a lower level,or to make something do this Average house prices decreased by 13%last vear. Cut means to reduce the amount of something. They're introducing CCTV cameras in an attempt to cut street crime in the area Lower means toreduce something in mount,degree.strength.etc.or to become less Do you think we should ower the price? Reduce means to make something smaller or less in size,amount,or price. The helmet law should reduce injuries in motorcycle accidents. Small businesses will need to reduce costs in order to survive
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 7 She was a shy and trusting child trustworthy: someone who is trustworthy can be trusted and depended on Most of our employees are pretty trustworthy, I think. Group 3: A. cry B. shout C. scream D. roar Cry means to produce tears from your eyes, with or without sounds, usually because you are unhappy or hurt. Don’t cry, Laura. It’ll be OK. Shout means to say something very loudly. There’s no need to shout! I can hear you! Scream means to make a loud, sharp noise or cry with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited, etc. After the first few shots, people started screaming. Roar means to make a deep, very loud noise. We heard a lion roar. Group 4: A. remote B. faraway C. distant remote : far from towns or other places where people live We lived in a remote border town. faraway : (literary) a long distance away She dreamed of flying away to exotic faraway places. distant: far away in space or time Her honeymoon seemed a distant memory Group 5: A. spot B. location C. scene D. point Spot means a particular place or area, especially a pleasant place where you spend time. We find a nice quiet spot on the beach Location means a particular place, especially in relation to other areas, buildings, etc. His apartment is in a really good location. Scene is the place where an accident, crime, etc. happened The police soon arrived at the scene of the crime. Point is a particular place or position. No cars are allowed beyond this point. Group 6: A. decrease B. cut C. lower D. reduce Decrease means to become less or go down to a lower level, or to make something do this. Average house prices decreased by 13% last year. Cut means to reduce the amount of something. They’re introducing CCTV cameras in an attempt to cut street crime in the area. Lower means to reduce something in amount, degree, strength, etc. or to become less. Do you think we should lower the price? Reduce means to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price. The helmet law should reduce injuries in motorcycle accidents. Small businesses will need to reduce costs in order to survive
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit12 Group7:A.receive B.allow Receive means to accept,get or take something offered,sent,ete She received an honorary degree from Harvard Allow means to let someone do or have something.or let something happen. Women are not allowed to enter the mosque Admit means to allow someone to join organization,club,etc Drake was admitted into the clubin1997 Group 8:A.extend B.expand C.stretch D.widen Extend means to continue for aparticular distance or over a particular area The River Nile extends as far south as Lake Victoria. Expand means to become larger in size,number,or amount,or to make something become larger. Water expands as it freezes Stretch means to make something bigger or looser by pulling it.or to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled. A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening ewider,or to make something wide Grammar exercises The future forms:The sive form of theverb used as future tens e most commo form of the future +verb,but it is just on of a number of ways of expressing the future.Some of the most commonly used forms are listed below [1]will shall +verb These three forms are most commonly used ones.Actually,the simple present tense.the future continuous tense,the future perfect tense and the future perfect continuous tense can all express future actions Will+verb"is used to express what will happen in the future For unpr ewil(no pared actions,we must mally ontrac d to )However if the future action is int he speaker's plan,we'd The present continuous can also be used to express actions in the future.Pay attention that you'd better mention the time,otherwise there may be confusion between the present continuous tense and the future tense. 1)The presnt continuous can ex ss a definite arrang ent in the near future 2)With verbs showing movement from one place to another,e.ggo.co .drive,fly.travel arrive,leave,start,and verbs indicating position,e.g stay,remain,and the verbs do and have (food or drink).the present continuous can also be used to express future. 3)When using this method to express the future we cannot use verbs which are not normally used in the continuous tenses
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 8 Group 7: A. receive B. allow C. admit Receive means to accept, get or take something offered, sent, etc She received an honorary degree from Harvard Allow means to let someone do or have something, or let something happen. Women are not allowed to enter the mosque Admit means to allow someone to join an organization, club, etc. Drake was admitted into the club in 1997. Group 8: A. extend B. expand C. stretch D. widen Extend means to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area The River Nile extends as far south as Lake Victoria. Expand means to become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larger. Water expands as it freezes Stretch means to make something bigger or looser by pulling it, or to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled. A spider’s web can stretch considerably without weakening. Widen means to become wider, or to make something wider. They’re widening the road Grammar exercises Articles : The future forms and the present progressive form of the verb used as future tense The future forms: The most common form of the future tense is will / shall +verb, but it is just one of a number of ways of expressing the future. Some of the most commonly used forms are listed below: [1] will / shall + verb [2] the present continuous tense [3] be going to + verb These three forms are most commonly used ones. Actually, the simple present tense, the future continuous tense, the future perfect tense and the future perfect continuous tense can all express future actions. “Will + verb” is used to express what will happen in the future. For unprepared actions, we must use will (normally contracted to ’ll). However, if the future action is in the speaker’s plan, we’d better use “ be going to + verb” . The present continuous can also be used to express actions in the future. Pay attention that you’d better mention the time, otherwise there may be confusion between the present continuous tense and the future tense. 1) The present continuous can express a definite arrangement in the near future. 2) With verbs showing movement from one place to another, e.g. go, come, drive, fly, travel, arrive, leave, start, and verbs indicating position, e.g. stay, remain, and the verbs do and have (food or drink), the present continuous can also be used to express future. 3) When using this method to express the future, we cannot use verbs which are not normally used in the continuous tenses
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Uni12 He will graduate from the college next year. (tm ae elere) Bob and Bill are meeting tonight.(It implies that Bob and Bill have already arranged for this meeting. I'm leaving tonight. What are you doing next Saturday?(This is the usual way of asking people about their plans.) The be going to form expresses the speaker's intention to perform a certain future action.This intention is premeditated and there is the implication that some preparations for the action have already been made.In addition,actions expressed by the be going to form are usually very likely to be performed. He is going tolend me his bicycle. The be going to form can express the speaker's prediction.The time is usually not mentioned,but the action is expected to happen in the near or immediate future because the signs of these actions can already he seen Look at the ouds Itis goingtorain. Ithink she is going to faint because her face turs white
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 9 He will graduate from the college next year. Spring will come again. I’m taking an exam in October. (It implies that I have entered for it.) Bob and Bill are meeting tonight. (It implies that Bob and Bill have already arranged for this meeting.) I’m leaving tonight. What are you doing next Saturday? (This is the usual way of asking people about their plans.) The be going to form can be used for intention and for prediction. The be going to form expresses the speaker’s intention to perform a certain future action. This intention is premeditated and there is the implication that some preparations for the action have already been made. In addition, actions expressed by the be going to form are usually very likely to be performed. He is going to be a dentist when he grows up. He is going to lend me his bicycle. The be going to form can express the speaker’s prediction. The time is usually not mentioned, but the action is expected to happen in the near or immediate future because the signs of these actions can already be seen. Look at the clouds! It is going to rain. I think she is going to faint because her face turns white
基础英语A 综合教程Book1Unit12 Unit 12 She's Leaving Home-4 Time table-100 minutes Stages Contents Obiectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around Individual 5 mins them report Text2 Lead-in Prepare the students for the 10 mins topic Comprehension Understand the story better 40 mins questions Break Oral translation To practice translating Q&A 30 mins Exercises skills Writing practice 20 mins Homework Review and preview Morning report Oral translation Oral activities The discussion can be based on the following aspects: 1)relaxation after entrance exam 2)excitement for new life 3)college campus 4)pressure from future study 5)a period of personal independence Early high school I longed to.Now I am really by good university after long time of hard study for the College Entrance Exam.Iam fully relax and enchanted by the thrilling happiness of passing this most decisive exam of my life.On the other hand,I am also excited imaging the new picture of my coming college life. Everything will be fresh to me when I enter the college.The campus must be larger than my high school and there may be many buildings serving different educational functions I may feel very with me in provinci dialects and tell me stories of their hometowns As to me,college life is ideal if I have abundant books to read,some bosom friends to keep me company,a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me,and an easy access to the Internet. Studying hard would still be my major task of college life despite my present dream of a colorful campus life which may allow me time of movie-watching.Interet-surfing and even dating with my love. My college life will be entirely different from the life in high school.I will live at the dormitory. not at home,as I did in high school.The great difference,I feel,is that at college I should study all 0
基础英语 A 综合教程 Book 1 Unit 12 10 Unit 12 She’s Leaving Home - 4 Time table - 100 minutes Stages Contents Objectives Activities Time Morning report News report Get to the world around them Individual report 5 mins Text 2 Lead-in Prepare the students for the topic 10 mins Comprehension questions Understand the story better 40 mins Break Exercises Oral translation To practice translating skills Q & A 30 mins Writing practice 20 mins Homework Review and preview Morning report Oral translation Oral activities The discussion can be based on the following aspects: 1) relaxation after entrance exam 2) excitement for new life 3) college campus 4) pressure from future study 5) a period of personal independence Early in senior high school, I longed to be enrolled in a university. Now I am really enrolled by a good university after long time of hard study for the College Entrance Exam. I am fully relaxed and enchanted by the thrilling happiness of passing this most decisive exam of my life. On the other hand, I am also excited imaging the new picture of my coming college life. Everything will be fresh to me when I enter the college. The campus must be larger than my high school and there may be many buildings serving different educational functions. I may feel very excited making friends with classmates coming from different parts of the country, who might talk with me in provincial dialects and tell me stories of their hometowns. As to me, college life is ideal if I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Internet. Studying hard would still be my major task of college life, despite my present dream of a colorful campus life which may allow me time of movie-watching, Internet-surfing and even dating with my love. My college life will be entirely different from the life in high school. I will live at the dormitory, not at home, as I did in high school. The great difference, I feel, is that at college I should study all