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上海交通大学:《生物化学 Biochemistry(B类)》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Chapter 01 Biochemistry:An Evolving Science

1. Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2. DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3. Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 教材: 编者: ●JEREMY M.BERG -Ph.D.in chemistry from Harvard Biochemistry -Professor of Johns Hopkins University,School of Medicine -Director of the Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry ●JOHN L.TYMOCZKO -Towsley Professor of Biology at Jeremy M.Berg Carleton College John L.Tymoczko Lubert Stryer (第六版) ●LUBERT STRYER -Winzer Professor of Cell Biology, School of Medicine And Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford University

教材: 编者: • JEREMY M. BERG -Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard -Professor of Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine -Director of the Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry • JOHN L. TYMOCZKO -Towsley Professor of Biology at Carleton College • LUBERT STRYER -Winzer Professor of Cell Biology, School of Medicine And Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford University (第六版)

上降充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Chapter 1: Biochemistry:An Evolving Science Berg·Tymoczko·Stryer Biochemistry Sixth Edition

Berg • Tymoczko • Stryer Biochemistry Sixth Edition Chapter 1: Biochemistry: An Evolving Science

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Biochemistry Biochemistry:the study of the chemistry of life processes. Disease and the genome the malfunctioning q31.2 gene for cystic fibrosis. chromosome Human chromosome 7

Disease and the genome the malfunctioning gene for cystic fibrosis. chromosome Human chromosome 7 Biochemistry: the study of the chemistry of life processes. Biochemistry

上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 1828,the discovery that biological molecules such as urea (could be synthesized from nonliving components, scientists have explored the chemistry of life. Many of the most fundamental mysteries of how living things function have now been solved.However,much remains to be investigated.(很多未知) the application of our tremendous knowledge of biochemistry to problems in medicine,agriculture, environmental sciences...(已知与应用的联系) One of the most startling discoveries of the past century:the great unity of all living things at the biochemical level所有生物在生化水平上的统一性

1828, the discovery that biological molecules such as urea (尿素)could be synthesized from nonliving components, scientists have explored the chemistry of life. Many of the most fundamental mysteries of how living things function have now been solved. However, much remains to be investigated. (很多未知) the application of our tremendous knowledge of biochemistry to problems in medicine, agriculture, environmental sciences…….(已知与应用的联系) One of the most startling discoveries of the past century: the great unity of all living things at the biochemical level 所有生物在生化水平上的统一性

上降充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY OUTLINES 1.Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2.DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3.Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine

1. Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2. DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3. Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine OUTLINES

上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY OUTLINES 1.Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2.DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3.Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine

1. Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2. DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3. Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine OUTLINES

上游充通大学 Biological diversity and similarity SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Geological and biochemical findings Oxygen atmosphere sunesou! ↓ ↓ ↓ forming ↓ ↓ 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Billions of years Key metabolic processes: glucose and oxygen carbon dioxide and water E.Coli human beings Sulfolobus acidicaldarius Arabidopsis thaliana Homo sapiens

Biological diversity and similarity Key metabolic processes: glucose and oxygen carbon dioxide and water E. Coli & human beings Geological and biochemical findings

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY BACTERIA EUKARYA ARCHAEA Carl Woese's discovery in1977. Figure 1.3 The tree of life. Evolutionary paths from a common ancestor to modern organisms can be deduced on the basis of biochemical information

Figure 1.3 The tree of life. Carl Woese‘s discovery in 1977. Evolutionary paths from a common ancestor to modern organisms can be deduced on the basis of biochemical information

上游充通大粤 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Comparing and contrasting details of particular biochemical pathways in different organisms how biological challenges are solved at the biochemical level. In most cases,these challenges are addressed by the adaptation of existing macromolecules 物大分子适应性to new roles rather than by the evolution of entirely new ones. Structure Function

Comparing and contrasting details of particular biochemical pathways in different organisms • how biological challenges are solved at the biochemical level. • In most cases, these challenges are addressed by the adaptation of existing macromolecules 生 物大分子适应性 to new roles rather than by the evolution of entirely new ones. Structure & Function

上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY OUTLINES 1.Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2.DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3.Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine

1. Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity 2. DNA Illustrates the Interplay between Form and Function 3. Concepts from Chemistry Explain the Properties of Biological Molecules 4.The Genomic Revolution Is Transforming Biochemistry and Medicine OUTLINES

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