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上海交通大学:《现代医药学导论》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)AIDS Prevention and Treatment for AIDS 爱滋病预防与治疗


沪今年发现艾滋感染者77人逾七成为高学历者 2007-11-210730来源:新闻晨报 器官捐赠者好心办坏事4名被捐者感染艾滋和肝炎 我国拟修改法规取消对艾滋病毒感染者入境限制 我国每月新增艾滋感染者3千人累计超22万 超级病菌比乙肝艾滋更猛中国尚未发现变种 晨报讯记者昨天从上海市公共卫生临床中心获悉,今年以来该中心 接受抗病毒治疗的艾滋病感染者有77名。与往年艾滋病感染者年龄偏高、 学历偏低有所不同,今年的感染者年龄在20一40岁之间,高学历者占了 70%以上,其中上世纪80年代后出生的有14人。 市公共卫生临床中心艾滋病科主任医师孙洪清分析认为,这些高学 历艾滋病感染者没受到过系统的性卫生知识和预防艾滋病知识的教育, 只知道一些基本常识,如使用安全套等。但他们的年龄又处在性活跃 期,在激情燃烧的时候,绝大多数人早就把基本常识忘得一干二净, 有的还存在着侥幸心理,才酿成苦果

沪今年发现艾滋感染者77人 逾七成为高学历者 2007-11-21 07:30 来源:新闻晨报 器官捐赠者好心办坏事 4名被捐者感染艾滋和肝炎 我国拟修改法规 取消对艾滋病毒感染者入境限制 我国每月新增艾滋感染者3千人 累计超22万 超级病菌比乙肝艾滋更猛 中国尚未发现变种 晨报讯 记者昨天从上海市公共卫生临床中心获悉,今年以来该中心 接受抗病毒治疗的艾滋病感染者有77名。与往年艾滋病感染者年龄偏高、 学历偏低有所不同,今年的感染者年龄在20-40岁之间,高学历者占了 70%以上,其中上世纪80年代后出生的有14人。 市公共卫生临床中心艾滋病科主任医师孙洪清分析认为,这些高学 历艾滋病感染者没受到过系统的性卫生知识和预防艾滋病知识的教育, 只知道一些基本常识,如使用安全套等。但他们的年龄又处在性活跃 期,在激情燃烧的时候,绝大多数人早就把基本常识忘得一干二净, 有的还存在着侥幸心理,才酿成苦果

记者昨天在市公共卫生临床中心病房见到了部分艾滋病感染者。 今年才上大四的杰杰(化名)由于经不起街头小美容院的诱惑,与洗 发女发生了性关系。他说,自己从书本上也看到过不用安全套可能会 感染艾滋病这一知识,但他认为没有那么巧合,于是他坚持不用安全 套,结果感染上艾滋病。 26岁的丽丽(化名)大学毕业后找了一份推销酒的工作,因工作 关系她要经常出现在酒吧和高级饭店里。一次偶然的机会,她与国外 一位年龄相仿的小伙子相遇了,于是他们经常在一起喝酒聊天,小伙 子也承诺要把她带到国外去成婚,认识2个月后他们同居了。没几天, 她身体就感到不适。 另外几名住院接受抗病毒治疗的年轻高学历艾滋病感染者告诉记 者,目前还不能适应生活上的巨大转变,平时情绪低落,担心遭到周 围人的歧视和排斥,几乎中断了正常的社会交往

记者昨天在市公共卫生临床中心病房见到了部分艾滋病感染者。 今年才上大四的杰杰(化名)由于经不起街头小美容院的诱惑,与洗 发女发生了性关系。他说,自己从书本上也看到过不用安全套可能会 感染艾滋病这一知识,但他认为没有那么巧合,于是他坚持不用安全 套,结果感染上艾滋病。 26岁的丽丽(化名)大学毕业后找了一份推销酒的工作,因工作 关系她要经常出现在酒吧和高级饭店里。一次偶然的机会,她与国外 一位年龄相仿的小伙子相遇了,于是他们经常在一起喝酒聊天,小伙 子也承诺要把她带到国外去成婚,认识2个月后他们同居了。没几天, 她身体就感到不适。 另外几名住院接受抗病毒治疗的年轻高学历艾滋病感染者告诉记 者,目前还不能适应生活上的巨大转变,平时情绪低落,担心遭到周 围人的歧视和排斥,几乎中断了正常的社会交往

大学毕业生和相熟女子发生一夜情后感染艾滋 查看 新闻中心http://nwS.163.CoM 新闻 部落 2004-12-0810:21:29来源:东北新 闻网

大学毕业生和相熟女子发生一夜情后感染艾滋 新闻中心 http://news.163.com 查看 新闻 部落 2004-12-08 10:21:29 来源: 东北新 闻网

李银河:这是一部感人至深的日记。我是一口气而且 是逐字逐句地把它看完的,这在我的读书史上绝对是一个例外 特 朱力亚 中国首份艾滋病女大学生完全日记 ◇北京古在社曲版华围 北京出质杜 2贻扩

Prevention and Treatment for AIDS 爱兹病预防与治疗 Dr.PENG School of Pharmacy Shanghai Jiaotong University 2008.03

Prevention and Treatment for AIDS 爱滋病预防与治疗 Dr. PENG School of Pharmacy Shanghai Jiaotong University 2008.03

Prevention and Treatment for AIDS History of AIDS Definition Epidemiology Transmission of Infection Symptoms Test Prevention Treatment General Care World Aids Day

History of AIDS Definition Epidemiology Transmission of Infection Symptoms Test Prevention Treatment General Care World Aids Day Prevention and Treatment for AIDS

History of AIDS 1981:The Beginning The first cases of AIDS were identified among gay men in the U.S.,acquiring the designation()GRID (Gay- Related Immune Deficiency) Scientists later found evidence that the disease existed in the world for some years prior,i.e.,subsequent analysis of a blood sample of a Bantu man,who died of an unidentified illness in the Belgian Congo in 1959,made him the first confirmed case of an HIV infection

1981: The Beginning History of AIDS The first cases of AIDS were identified among gay men in the U. S., acquiring the designation(名称) GRID (Gay- Related Immune Deficiency) Scientists later found evidence that the disease existed in the world for some years prior, i.e., subsequent analysis of a blood sample of a Bantu man, who died of an unidentified illness in the Belgian Congo in 1959, made him the first confirmed case of an HIV infection

History of AIDS "Simon Wain-Hobson of the Pasteur巴斯德Institute in Nature (Volume 391,5 February 1998,pp.532-533): Immunodeficiency viruses Where did HIV [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] come from?Both of the AIDS viruses,HIV-1 and HIV-2, originated in Africa...As is often the case with microbes,a jump from one species to another is probably to blame... Chimpanzees黑猩猩(for HIV-1)and sooty mangabeys黑色 的白眉猴(for HIV-2)..When did the AIDS epidemic begin?...seems to have occurred around,or just after,the Second World War.Emerging microbial infections often result from adaption to changing ecological niches and habitats小环境“Cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP,a lung infection)and Kaposi's sarcoma(a rare skin cancer)

“ Simon Wain-Hobson of the Pasteur巴斯德 Institute in Nature (Volume 391, 5 February 1998, pp. 532-533): Immunodeficiency viruses Where did HIV [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] come from? Both of the AIDS viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2, originated in Africa... As is often the case with microbes, a jump from one species to another is probably to blame... Chimpanzees黑猩猩 (for HIV-1) and sooty mangabeys黑色 的白眉猴 (for HIV-2)... When did the AIDS epidemic begin?... seems to have occurred around, or just after, the Second World War. Emerging microbial infections often result from adaption to changing ecological niches and habitats小环境“ Cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP, a lung infection) and Kaposi‘s sarcoma肉瘤(a rare skin cancer) History of AIDS

History of AIDS June 5,1981,CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report awareness of AIDS began with the publishing of a little noticed for a strange outbreak of killer pneumonia was spreading among gay men Then the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) began tracking a growing population of young men,women, and babies,whose immune systems were nearly destroyed. Late in 1982,the condition began to be referred to as AlDS Source:American Red Cross

June 5, 1981, CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report : awareness of AIDS began with the publishing of a little noticed for a strange outbreak of killer pneumonia was spreading among gay men Then the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began tracking a growing population of young men, women, and babies, whose immune systems were nearly destroyed. Late in 1982, the condition began to be referred to as AIDS. Source: American Red Cross History of AIDS

History of AIDS 1982-1985:The Faces of AIDS --Cases of AIDS in 1982 began to be reported by fourteen nations --As early as 1982,CDC received its first report of"AIDS in a person with hemophilia血友病(from a blood transfusion), and in infants born to mothers with AIDS." --March 1985 FDA first licensed a test to detect HIV antibodies in donated blood

1982-1985: The Faces of AIDS --Cases of AIDS in 1982 began to be reported by fourteen nations --As early as 1982, CDC received its first report of “AIDS in a person with hemophilia 血友病(from a blood transfusion) , and in infants born to mothers with AIDS." --March 1985 FDA first licensed a test to detect HIV antibodies in donated blood History of AIDS

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