《英语(二外)》课程教学大纲 课程名称:第二外语(英语) 课程类别:专业基础课 适用专业:日语 考核方式:考试 总学时、学分:248学时11.5学分 其中实践学时:128学时 一、课程教学目的 本课程属于专业基础课,是外国语学院为日语专业本科生开设的第二外语,是必修课之一。通过本课程的学习,培养学生具 有一定的英语阅读能力,同时具有初步听、说、写、译的能力,能用英语进行简单的信息交流。大学英语作为第二外语教学应注 重打好学生的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。在教学过程中,力求做到:)重视语言教学。学生 通过学习,具备基本的语音、词汇、语法等语言知识,以及运用这些知识理解和构造句子的能力,以利今后英语语言水平的提 高:2)重视培养运用语言进行交际的能力。引导学生运用所学的英语知识和技能进行广泛的阅读和其他的语言交际活动,也应注 重提高学生的语言技能和对交际意向的理解及表达,同时还要重视跨文化交际的培养;3)正确处理阅读与听、说、写、译的关 系;4)创造良好的语言学习环境。教师尽可能用英语组织教学(适当辅以汉语讲解)和利用现代化的多媒体教学手段,以便为学 生创造出良好的英语互动学习环境,此外还要引导学生阅读英语课外读物以及鼓励学生参加各种英语课外活动。 二、课程教学要求 词汇方面:学生要必须掌握4200个单词(其中1000为积极词汇)和300个词组。听力方面:要求学生听懂不同情景的短篇对 话,幽默故事和短文。口语方面:着重训练复述、问答和对话的能力,让学生学会就课文内容进行讨论。要求学生掌握一些基本 的口语句型,力争在第一学期结束时能用口语形式表达日常生活情况。阅读方面:让学生掌握阅读技能。书面表达方面:学会段 落写作,模仿课文学会写作不同类型的段落,如因果关系的段落、比较对照关系的段落等等。翻译方面:汉译英时学会运用课文 的语科即短语、句型等直接套用到翻译中来,快速准确做到活学活用:英译汉能迅速译出与课文难度相当,题材类似的某一段或 某几个段落,尽量做到译文准确,读来顺口,符合原意。 三、先修课程 高中英语 四、课程教学重、难点 本课程教学重点:通过本课程的学习,掌握4200个词汇,能正确熟练掌握300个词组基本句型:使学生发音正确,语调较自 然,读音较通畅:能听懂并能够表达简单的生活用语:能阅读与课文内容相当难度的短文。 本课程教学难点:培养词汇运用和阅读理解能力,能正确掌握和使用所学词汇,特别是同义词、近义词的区分和使用,了解 和掌提一些构词法的知识并掌握基本的语法知识。 五、课程教学方法与教学手段 本课程以教师讲授为主,课堂讨论和指导学生课外翻译实践为辅助。课堂上要重点突出、深入浅出,注重启发式,做到讲授 和练习相结合,坚持采用精讲多练的外语授误方法。课堂教学注意归纳、演绎并用,以归纳为主,演绎为辅。讲课中注重知识的 层层递进,具有连续性,重点突出,调动学生学习积极性和主动性。 六、课程教学内容 Book 1 Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English (8) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.develop an interest in learning a foreign language: 2.understand the characteristics of foreign language learning process; 3.form a good habit of learning a foreign language; 4.improve their reading,listening,writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage:how to develop good study habits 2.New words and phrases. 3.Reading skill---How to read a text It is advisable to read a comprehension passage at least twice:first to obtain a general impression of the text,second to concentrate on the important details.Sometimes a third reading is necessary to check difficult items.(17) 4.Guided Writing Combination:Using Connectives Connectives refer to words that can join parts of a sentence or different sentences.They are necessary for the establishment of logical relations in an essay. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Active Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary Absorb Acquaintance Assign Command Complain Concentrate Constant Diligence Enlarge Environment Frequently Handle Nevertheless Opportunity Process Purchase Reliable Rely Source Strategy Apart from at a time be bound to by no means commit .to memory Feel like for instance in addition to in detail on a.basis over and over Again put into practice seek out watch out for 2. grammar and structure:
《英语(二外)》课程教学大纲 课程名称:第二外语(英语) 课程类别:专业基础课 适用专业:日语 考核方式:考试 总学时、学分: 248学时 11.5学分 其中实践学时: 128 学时 一、课程教学目的 本课程属于专业基础课,是外国语学院为日语专业本科生开设的第二外语,是必修课之一。通过本课程的学习,培养学生具 有一定的英语阅读能力,同时具有初步听、说、写、译的能力,能用英语进行简单的信息交流。大学英语作为第二外语教学应注 重打好学生的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。在教学过程中,力求做到:1)重视语言教学。学生 通过学习,具备基本的语音、词汇、语法等语言知识,以及运用这些知识理解和构造句子的能力,以利今后英语语言水平的提 高;2)重视培养运用语言进行交际的能力。引导学生运用所学的英语知识和技能进行广泛的阅读和其他的语言交际活动,也应注 重提高学生的语言技能和对交际意向的理解及表达,同时还要重视跨文化交际的培养;3)正确处理阅读与听、说、写、译的关 系;4)创造良好的语言学习环境。教师尽可能用英语组织教学(适当辅以汉语讲解)和利用现代化的多媒体教学手段,以便为学 生创造出良好的英语互动学习环境,此外还要引导学生阅读英语课外读物以及鼓励学生参加各种英语课外活动。 二、课程教学要求 词汇方面:学生要必须掌握4200个单词(其中1000为积极词汇)和300个词组。听力方面:要求学生听懂不同情景的短篇对 话,幽默故事和短文。口语方面:着重训练复述、问答和对话的能力,让学生学会就课文内容进行讨论。要求学生掌握一些基本 的口语句型,力争在第一学期结束时能用口语形式表达日常生活情况。阅读方面:让学生掌握阅读技能。书面表达方面:学会段 落写作,模仿课文学会写作不同类型的段落,如因果关系的段落、比较对照关系的段落等等。翻译方面:汉译英时学会运用课文 的语料即短语、句型等直接套用到翻译中来,快速准确做到活学活用;英译汉能迅速译出与课文难度相当,题材类似的某一段或 某几个段落,尽量做到译文准确,读来顺口,符合原意。 三、先修课程 高中英语 四、课程教学重、难点 本课程教学重点:通过本课程的学习,掌握4200个词汇,能正确熟练掌握300个词组基本句型;使学生发音正确,语调较自 然,读音较通畅;能听懂并能够表达简单的生活用语;能阅读与课文内容相当难度的短文。 本课程教学难点:培养词汇运用和阅读理解能力,能正确掌握和使用所学词汇,特别是同义词、近义词的区分和使用,了解 和掌握一些构词法的知识并掌握基本的语法知识。 五、课程教学方法与教学手段 本课程以教师讲授为主,课堂讨论和指导学生课外翻译实践为辅助。课堂上要重点突出、深入浅出,注重启发式,做到讲授 和练习相结合,坚持采用精讲多练的外语授课方法。课堂教学注意归纳、演绎并用,以归纳为主,演绎为辅。讲课中注重知识的 层层递进,具有连续性,重点突出,调动学生学习积极性和主动性。 六、 课程教学内容 Book 1 Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. develop an interest in learning a foreign language; 2. understand the characteristics of foreign language learning process; 3. form a good habit of learning a foreign language; 4. improve their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage: how to develop good study habits 2. New words and phrases. 3. Reading skill--- How to read a text It is advisable to read a comprehension passage at least twice: first to obtain a general impression of the text, second to concentrate on the important details. Sometimes a third reading is necessary to check difficult items. (17) 4. Guided Writing Combination: Using Connectives Connectives refer to words that can join parts of a sentence or different sentences. They are necessary for the establishment of logical relations in an essay. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Active Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary Absorb Acquaintance Assign Command Complain Concentrate Constant Diligence Enlarge Environment Frequently Handle Nevertheless Opportunity Process Purchase Reliable Rely Source Strategy Apart from at a time be bound to by no means commit ….to memory Feel like for instance in addition to in detail on a …basis over and over Again put into practice seek out watch out for 2. grammar and structure:
1)the suffixes -ment and -ion(also -ation,-ition,-sion) 2)the usage:according to 3)the structure:not onlybut also Unit2 Sailing Round the World(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Let the students learn to appreciate the story of Francis Chichester and have the courage to struggle against tremendous odds. 2.Get some knowledge of world geography. 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.Consolidate the usage of subjunctive mood. 4.Conduct a series of speaking activities based on the text 5.About the writing skill,Ss should grasp one skill of sentence developing-contraction. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Text:Listening comprehension:Language study: 2.Reading Skill How to read a text It is advisable to read a comprehension passage at least twice:first to obtain a general impression of the text,second to concentrate on the important details.Sometimes a third reading is necessary to check difficult items.(40) 3.Writing Skills:Contraction:Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words:Oral and Reading Practice. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Language study and practice:Writing skills;Reading and listening skills. 2.Key words and phrases:single-handed,determined,retire,voyage,device,cover,previously,dissuade, contact,following,waken,drag,accomplish,conquer,moreover,set out,give up,be determined to (do sth.), (all)by oneself,in spite of,by far,turn over,can not help 3.grammar and structure: 1)the structure of "numeral-noun"used as the adjective 2)the use of gerund 3)the prefix of adjectives and adverbs Unit3 The Present(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Understanding the main idea (The loneliness of old people and the indifference of the children to their old parents) 2.Mastering Key words and useful expressions 3.Cultural difference between Western countries and China in terms of relationships between children and parents. 4. learn about the traditional birthday celebration in Western countries 5.Get acquainted with some useful figures of speech or rhetorical devices,such as simile,irony,etc. 6.Master some grammatical structures,like inversion. 7.Improve their reading,listening,writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. 1I.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage.Understand the truth of the saying that blood is thicker than water. 2.New words and phrases. 3.learn about the important birthdays in the West 4.Reading Skill Reading in thought groups While making constant efforts to improve your reading comprehension,you should try consciously to increase your reading speed.And to read in thought groups is an easy,yet effective way of picking up speed and fluency. (61) Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Arrange Bunch Decade Disappointment Efficient Endure Extra Medal Minor Occassion Postman Primary Rare Reluctantly Spot Tremble After all at other times be sure of look after pick up Round the corner 4.grammar and structure: the suffix-en can be added to adjectives to form verbs,meaning“make”or“become” the differences between the use of“so…that”and“too…to” the differences between the use of“not.until”and“only after” Unit4 Turning Off T:A Quiet Hour(8学时)
1) the suffixes –ment and –ion(also –ation,-ition,-sion) 2) the usage: according to 3) the structure: not only…but also Unit 2 Sailing Round the World(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Let the students learn to appreciate the story of Francis Chichester and have the courage to struggle against tremendous odds. 2. Get some knowledge of world geography. 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. Consolidate the usage of subjunctive mood. 4. Conduct a series of speaking activities based on the text. 5. About the writing skill, Ss should grasp one skill of sentence developing—contraction. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Text; Listening comprehension; Language study; 2. Reading Skill How to read a text It is advisable to read a comprehension passage at least twice: first to obtain a general impression of the text, second to concentrate on the important details. Sometimes a third reading is necessary to check difficult items. (40) 3. Writing Skills: Contraction: Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words; Oral and Reading Practice. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. 2. Key words and phrases: single-handed, determined, retire, voyage, device, cover, previously, dissuade, contact, following, waken, drag, accomplish, conquer, moreover, set out, give up, be determined to (do sth.), (all) by oneself, in spite of, by far, turn over, can not help 3. grammar and structure: 1) the structure of “numeral-noun” used as the adjective 2) the use of gerund 3) the prefix of adjectives and adverbs Unit 3 The Present(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Understanding the main idea (The loneliness of old people and the indifference of the children to their old parents) 2. Mastering Key words and useful expressions 3. Cultural difference between Western countries and China in terms of relationships between children and parents. 4. learn about the traditional birthday celebration in Western countries 5. Get acquainted with some useful figures of speech or rhetorical devices, such as simile, irony, etc. 6. Master some grammatical structures, like inversion. 7. Improve their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage. Understand the truth of the saying that blood is thicker than water. 2. New words and phrases. 3. learn about the important birthdays in the West 4. Reading Skill Reading in thought groups While making constant efforts to improve your reading comprehension, you should try consciously to increase your reading speed. And to read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective way of picking up speed and fluency. (61) Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Arrange Bunch Decade Disappointment Efficient Endure Extra Medal Minor Occassion Postman Primary Rare Reluctantly Spot Tremble After all at other times be sure of look after pick up Round the corner 4. grammar and structure: the suffix –en can be added to adjectives to form verbs, meaning “make” or “become” the differences between the use of “so…that”and“too…to” the differences between the use of “not…until”and“only after” Unit 4 Turning Off TV: A Quiet Hour(8学时)
I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Make the students know the bad effect of watching too much TV on the daily life so as to teach them to cultivate more interests and educational entertainment. 2.About the text,Ss should grasp the text content,text structure:master key words and useful expressions 3.About the reading,Ss should acquire the reading skill-using context clues for word meanings (Part I, P.85). 4.About the writing,Ss should get to know the writing skill-contraction:avoiding redundancy (P.91). Teaching Focus: II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.The author's viewpoint about TV. 2.Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of TV. 3.Text:Listening comprehension:Writing Skills:Contraction:Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words:Oral and Reading Practice. 4.Language study: 1)use some verbs change some verbs into nouns 2)use“with”and“without”change the adverbial clause of time introduced by“if”into preposition phrase 3)inversion:put the adverbial of time forward 4) expressions with or without the article Teaching Difficulties: 1.Language study and practice:Writing skills:Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases:current worthwhile social propose prohibit reasonable failure communicate entertainment typical involve a quiet hour take to one another in part take a ride come to 2.Reading Skill Context Clues for Word Meanings I You can often figure out meanings for new words or expressions without using a dictionary by looking for context clues,including definition,restatement,general knowledge and other related information. (85-86) 3.Guided Writing Contraction:Avoiding Redundancy Unit5 I Never Wright Right(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Develop optimistic attitude towards life: 2.Talk about dreams. 3.Enlarge vocabulary. 4.improve their reading,listening,writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. 11.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Allow the students to examine the title,go over the text and obtain main ideas of the text 2.Help the students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 3.Set aside some time for a group discussion on the topic of "life dreams" 4.Writing Practice ----combination Contraction Subordination Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Ancient Contract Echo Embarrass Enclose Favorite Genious Graduate Illustrate Laughter Laundry Minus Odds Package Publish Qualification Semester string At random burst into fit in herer and there set one's mind to The latter to sb's astonishment work on 2.grammar and structure: 1)word-formation:prefix self-and suffix -wide 2)-ing /-ed forms of verbs used as attributes 3)the emphatic function of“do” 4)use "to"change verb into noun,so that change the object clause introduced by "that"into a simple sentence 3.Writing Practice ----combination Contraction Subordination 4.Reading Skill Context Clues for Word Meanings II Context Clue 5:Examples Context Clue 6:Comparison Context Clue 7:Contrast Unit6 Sam Adams,Industrial Engineer(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Understanding the main idea and the humorous narration. 2.Instructing Ss to form the ability to observe,analyze and solve the problems. 3.Understanding the structure and writing strategy. 4.Mastering key words and phrases
I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Make the students know the bad effect of watching too much TV on the daily life so as to teach them to cultivate more interests and educational entertainment. 2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure; master key words and useful expressions 3. About the reading, Ss should acquire the reading skill—using context clues for word meanings (Part I, P.85). 4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—contraction: avoiding redundancy (P.91). Teaching Focus: II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. The author’s viewpoint about TV. 2. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of TV. 3. Text; Listening comprehension; Writing Skills: Contraction: Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words; Oral and Reading Practice. 4. Language study; 1) use some verbs change some verbs into nouns 2) use “with”and“without”change the adverbial clause of time introduced by “if” into preposition phrase 3) inversion: put the adverbial of time forward 4) expressions with or without the article Teaching Difficulties: 1. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases: current worthwhile social propose prohibit reasonable failure communicate entertainment typical involve a quiet hour take to one another in part take a ride come to 2. Reading Skill Context Clues for Word Meanings Ⅰ You can often figure out meanings for new words or expressions without using a dictionary by looking for context clues, including definition, restatement, general knowledge and other related information. (85-86) 3. Guided Writing Contraction: Avoiding Redundancy Unit 5 I Never Wright Right(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Develop optimistic attitude towards life; 2. Talk about dreams. 3. Enlarge vocabulary. 4. improve their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Allow the students to examine the title, go over the text and obtain main ideas of the text 2. Help the students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 3. Set aside some time for a group discussion on the topic of “life dreams” 4. Writing Practice ----combination & Contraction & Subordination Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Ancient Contract Echo Embarrass Enclose Favorite Genious Graduate Illustrate Laughter Laundry Minus Odds Package Publish Qualification Semester string At random burst into fit in herer and there set one's mind to The latter to sb's astonishment work on 2. grammar and structure: 1) word-formation: prefix self- and suffix –wide 2) –ing /-ed forms of verbs used as attributes 3) the emphatic function of “do” 4) use “to”change verb into noun, so that change the object clause introduced by “that” into a simple sentence 3. Writing Practice ----combination & Contraction & Subordination 4. Reading Skill Context Clues for Word Meanings Ⅱ Context Clue 5: Examples Context Clue 6: Comparison Context Clue 7: Contrast Unit 6 Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Understanding the main idea and the humorous narration. 2. Instructing Ss to form the ability to observe, analyze and solve the problems. 3. Understanding the structure and writing strategy. 4. Mastering key words and phrases
5.About the reading skill,Ss should acquire the reading skill-reading for the main idea (Part I,P145). 6.About the writing,Ss should get to know the writing skill-combination:subordinating conjunctions. 1I.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage. 2.New words and phrases. 3.Reading skill---reading for the main idea. 4.Ask the students to summarize the text using their own words. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Absent-minded Amaze Assemble Background Boring Carreer Decrease Efficient Expert Findings Foundation Furthermore Inspect Management Observation Relieve Shift Recognize Project suggestion As a result except for find out go on strike hold up Keep up with on a ..basis result in talk over quality control Turn out 2.grammar and structure: 1).the prefixes un-,in-im-,il-,and ir-can be used before adjectives to make them negative in meaning 2).make a change from past tense form into gerund 3).question tags 4.structure I spent about a week making observations.Except for a half hour,there were no breaks Big Jim didn't use to sit before me in math class.Most curious of all,there was no quality control. Unit7 The Sampler(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Grasp the main idea of the text:Good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3.Conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 4.Ask the students to do a character-analyzing assignment in class. 5.Gain a Deeper Insight into the Innermost Feelings of the 0ld People in the West 1I.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage. 2.New words and phrases. 3.Reading skill---skim the text to have a general idea about the content and find out the structure of the text. 4.character-analyzing assignment in class. 5.Learn to Use Ellipsis Teaching Difficulties:Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Advantage Appearance Cheat Dignity Evident Intention Occasionally Positive Privilege Prosperous Sampler Select Sincerely Suspect worn And what's more break off come down count out do sb a favor In a row lay out long for mistake for out of place Pull out take advantage of to sb.'s taste 1)the suffixes -ful and -less can be added to nouns to form adjectives 2)the suffixes -er,-or,and -ar can be added to verbs to form agent nouns--names of persons or things performing an act 3)the structure“asif” 4)the structure "someone else,something else,somewhere else" Writing Practice -Ellipsis B00k2 Unit1 The Dinner Party(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Get Ss to know that the time when women were inferior has gone;now they can do better than men when facing danger and crisis.Make Ss realize the new role of women in the present society. 2.Grasp the text content,text structure,key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.Acquire the reading skill-using word part clues for word meanings (P.17). 4.Get to know the writing skill-combining sentences with coordination conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs (P33). 5.improve their reading,listening,writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. 11.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage.know about Indian culture
5. About the reading skill, Ss should acquire the reading skill—reading for the main idea (Part I, P145). 6. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—combination: subordinating conjunctions. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage. 2. New words and phrases. 3. Reading skill--- reading for the main idea. 4. Ask the students to summarize the text using their own words. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Absent-minded Amaze Assemble Background Boring Carreer Decrease Efficient Expert Findings Foundation Furthermore Inspect Management Observation Relieve Shift Recognize Project suggestion As a result except for find out go on strike hold up Keep up with on a ...basis result in talk over quality control Turn out 2. grammar and structure: 1). the prefixes un-, in- im-, il-, and ir- can be used before adjectives to make them negative in meaning 2). make a change from past tense form into gerund 3). question tags 4. structure I spent about a week making observations. Except for a half hour, there were no breaks. Big Jim didn’t use to sit before me in math class. Most curious of all, there was no quality control. Unit 7 The Sampler(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Grasp the main idea of the text: Good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before. 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 4. Ask the students to do a character-analyzing assignment in class. 5. Gain a Deeper Insight into the Innermost Feelings of the Old People in the West II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage. 2. New words and phrases. 3. Reading skill--- skim the text to have a general idea about the content and find out the structure of the text. 4. character-analyzing assignment in class. 5. Learn to Use Ellipsis Teaching Difficulties:Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Advantage Appearance Cheat Dignity Evident Intention Occasionally Positive Privilege Prosperous Sampler Select Sincerely Suspect worn And what's more break off come down count out do sb a favor In a row lay out long for mistake for out of place Pull out take advantage of to sb.'s taste 1) the suffixes –ful and –less can be added to nouns to form adjectives 2) the suffixes –er,-or, and –ar can be added to verbs to form agent nouns——names of persons or things performing an act 3) the structure “as if” 4) the structure “someone else, something else, somewhere else” Writing Practice — Ellipsis Book 2 Unit 1 The Dinner Party (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Get Ss to know that the time when women were inferior has gone; now they can do better than men when facing danger and crisis. Make Ss realize the new role of women in the present society. 2. Grasp the text content, text structure, key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3. Acquire the reading skill—using word part clues for word meanings (P.17). 4. Get to know the writing skill—combining sentences with coordination conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs (P33). 5. improve their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage. know about Indian culture
2.New words and phrases. 3.Reading skill---read the story and inspire students to find questions to guide their understanding and appreciation. 4.a group discussion abut the art of telling a story. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Heat,unexpectedly,expectation,nature,(un)natural,shortage,colony,colonist,space,spatial,bald,empty, response,argue for/against,dispute,argumentation,width,muscular,likelihood,impulsive,confusion,riot, authoritative,Pakistan,imagine,imagination,imaginative,imaginary,unimaginable,emergency,faint v., creep2.The features of narrative writing and flashbacks 3.Writing:Coordinating Conjunctions Conjunctive Adverbs CC:for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so CA:accordingly,however,consequently,finally,also,besides,furthermore,again,incidentally,moreover,namely, otherwise,then,therefore,thus,etc. Unit2 Lessons from Jefferson(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Get to know Jefferson and learn his ideas.Try to understand the history of the Declaration of Independence. Learn about the other American presidents:Washington and Lincoln. 2.About the text,Ss should grasp the text content,text structure,the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.About the writing,Ss should grasp one skill-developing a paragraph from the topic sentence (P.49). II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Text:Listening comprehension:Language study: 2.a brief comment on Jefferson 3.share the text with the class and stimulate student interest 4.Writing Skills:Guided writing,Developing a paragraph from the topic sentence Teaching Difficulties: 1.The text is mainly an exposition of Jefferson's insightful ideas. 2.Text interpretation and sentence structure of the text When still a young man,he was appointed to a committee Were it left to me to decide,I should not hesitate a moment... 3.Language study and practice;Writing skills:Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases:declaration independence obtain personal investigation appoint canoe Papers on the spot humble origin dissatisfy threaten reject error false judgment prefer the latter the latter conflict unquestioning agreement criticism philosophy effect Resent the present chain perpetual remark evil agriculture archaeology conservation Superior existence influence architecture constantly perform talent device central volume Thrill self-evident equal anniversary leave behind legacy Unit3 y First Job(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Get to know the basic process of job application and job interview,and have a taste of the bi-choice of interview 2.Grasp the main idea and understand the organization of the text. 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.Conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Il.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Main idea This text tells us about a high school graduate's first experience of looking for a job. 2.share the story with the class and encourage the students to expand on their ideas 3.new language items in the text,language-related tasks and vocabulary skills to build up their word power. 4.Reading skill Making inferences while reading is a very important reading skill.It helps you not only to understand better but also to appreciate more fully what you read. 5.Guided writing Combining sentences with subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns Like coordination,proper subordination will also help you to expand your sentence so as to achieve emphasis and variation. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Applied,applicant,appliance,application,applicant,re-pre-over-interview,advertising,global,native, downtown,urban,slender,slight,bony,embarrassing,depressing,bush,perfume,beard,approve of,groan,murmur, rotten tomatoes,addled eggs,rancid butter,sour milk,attachment,evident,composed of,made up of,vary, disqualified,casual,minus,divided by,constitution,etc. 2.Text interpretation and sentence structure of the text
2. New words and phrases. 3. Reading skill--- read the story and inspire students to find questions to guide their understanding and appreciation. 4. a group discussion abut the art of telling a story. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Heat, unexpectedly, expectation, nature, (un) natural, shortage, colony, colonist, space, spatial, bald, empty, response, argue for/against, dispute, argumentation, width, muscular, likelihood, impulsive, confusion, riot, authoritative, Pakistan, imagine, imagination, imaginative, imaginary, unimaginable, emergency, faint v., creep2. The features of narrative writing and flashbacks 3. Writing: Coordinating Conjunctions / Conjunctive Adverbs CC: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so CA: accordingly, however, consequently, finally, also, besides, furthermore, again, incidentally, moreover, namely, otherwise, then, therefore, thus, etc. Unit 2 Lessons from Jefferson (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Get to know Jefferson and learn his ideas. Try to understand the history of the Declaration of Independence. Learn about the other American presidents: Washington and Lincoln. 2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3. About the writing, Ss should grasp one skill—developing a paragraph from the topic sentence (P.49). II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Text; Listening comprehension; Language study; 2. a brief comment on Jefferson 3. share the text with the class and stimulate student interest 4. Writing Skills: Guided writing , Developing a paragraph from the topic sentence Teaching Difficulties: 1. The text is mainly an exposition of Jefferson’s insightful ideas. 2. Text interpretation and sentence structure of the text When still a young man, he was appointed to a committee … Were it left to me to decide…, I should not hesitate a moment… 3. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases: declaration independence obtain personal investigation appoint canoe Papers on the spot humble origin dissatisfy threaten reject error false judgment prefer the latter the latter conflict unquestioning agreement criticism philosophy effect Resent the present chain perpetual remark evil agriculture archaeology conservation Superior existence influence architecture constantly perform talent device central volume Thrill self-evident equal anniversary leave behind legacy Unit 3 My First Job (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Get to know the basic process of job application and job interview, and have a taste of the bi-choice of interview. 2. Grasp the main idea and understand the organization of the text. 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Main idea This text tells us about a high school graduate’s first experience of looking for a job. 2. share the story with the class and encourage the students to expand on their ideas 3. new language items in the text, language-related tasks and vocabulary skills to build up their word power. 4. Reading skill Making inferences while reading is a very important reading skill. It helps you not only to understand better but also to appreciate more fully what you read. 5. Guided writing Combining sentences with subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns Like coordination, proper subordination will also help you to expand your sentence so as to achieve emphasis and variation. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Applied, applicant, appliance, application, applicant, re-pre-over-interview, advertising, global, native, downtown, urban, slender, slight, bony, embarrassing, depressing, bush, perfume, beard, approve of, groan, murmur, rotten tomatoes, addled eggs, rancid butter, sour milk, attachment, evident, composed of, made up of, vary, disqualified, casual, minus, divided by, constitution, etc. 2. Text interpretation and sentence structure of the text
Jane proved (to be)a talented actress. Before I could protest,he got to his feet His study,judging by the crumbs on the carpet,was also his dining-room. 3.Language study and practice;Writing skills:Reading and listening skills. Unit4 The Professor and the Yo-Yo(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Grasp the main idea (It explains the personalities/characteristics of the great scientist Albert Einstein.and the structure of the text. 2.Appreciate the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character:a surprising ending:use of puns). 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 4.Conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Text:Listening comprehension:Writing Skills:Contraction:Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words;Oral and Reading Practice. 2.Language study: Passive structures What the professor said made me feel at ease. I was made to feel at ease. Subjunctive in a that clause I suggested taking the toy apart. I suggested that we take the toy apart. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Language study and practice:Writing skills:Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases:Modesty,arrogant,ill at ease,show,demonstrate,cycle,balanced,impressive, personification,universal,logical,simplify,complicate,functional,intellectual property,frustrating, envious,enterprising,vulnerable,emotional,showy,affected,corresponding,eventually,grin,giggle, chuckle,mustache,divert,avert, inclusive,practitioner,indifferent,observer, observation, observatory,observant,repetitive,soak,induce,deductive,inductive,principal,flawless,work out/come up with,puzzlement,reputation,incapable,civilian,spokesman,politician 3.Reading beyond the lines A good reader is one who can read beyond the lines,seeing ideas implied through the words,and one who can bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested,thus obtaining much more information. 4.Guided writing Logic organization of paragraphs There are many ways to organize a paragraph in a logical order:general-specific,known-unknown, temporal,spatial,concept-example,problem-solution,data-conclusion. Unit5 The Villain in the Atmosphere(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Grasp the main idea (It explains the green house effect.)and the structure of the text.Develop optimistic attitude towards life: 2.Get to know what the atmosphere like.Realize the serious situation of our atmosphere. 3.Learn some terms on environment pollution. 4.Enlarge vocabulary. 5.improve their reading,listening,writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. 1I.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Allow the students to examine the title,go over the text and obtain main ideas of the text 2.Help the students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 3.Set aside some time for a group discussion on the topic of "carbon and dioxide" 4.Writing Practice ----combination Contraction Subordination Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Bad egg,wicked,toxin,inessential,essence,conversion,exchange,substance,release,seeming,self-evident, hidden,latent,possibility,high land,proportion,portion,unsteady,instable,outland,spill,epidemic, fashionable,structural,fall down,stress,gasoline,radiant,ultraviolet,invisible,visibility,extension, distinctive,crawl,calculate,square meter,displace,placement,bushes,consumer,nucleus,exterior,lunar, competent,militant,etc. 2.grammar and structure a.Florida will disappear beneath the waves,as will much of the British Isles,the crowded Nile valley,and the low-lying areas of China,India,and Russia. b.It is estimated that by 2020 the concentration will be nearly twice what it is now. 3.Looking for the thesis statement A thesis statement is a single sentence that states the central idea of an essay and conveys the writer's attitude or purpose.Some writers include a thesis statement in introduction:others prefer to omit this explicit statement and just to give a general sense of the topic or thesis
Jane proved (to be) a talented actress. Before I could protest, he got to his feet. His study, judging by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining-room. 3. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. Unit 4 The Professor and the Yo-Yo (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Grasp the main idea (It explains the personalities/characteristics of the great scientist Albert Einstein.) and the structure of the text. 2. Appreciate the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character; a surprising ending; use of puns). 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Text; Listening comprehension; Writing Skills: Contraction: Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words; Oral and Reading Practice. 2. Language study; Passive structures What the professor said made me feel at ease. I was made to feel at ease. Subjunctive in a that clause I suggested taking the toy apart. I suggested that we take the toy apart. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases: Modesty, arrogant, ill at ease, show, demonstrate, cycle, balanced, impressive, personification, universal, logical, simplify, complicate, functional, intellectual property, frustrating, envious, enterprising, vulnerable, emotional, showy, affected, corresponding, eventually, grin, giggle, chuckle, mustache, divert, avert, inclusive, practitioner, indifferent, observer, observation, observatory, observant, repetitive, soak, induce, deductive, inductive, principal, flawless, work out/come up with, puzzlement, reputation, incapable, civilian, spokesman, politician 3. Reading beyond the lines A good reader is one who can read beyond the lines, seeing ideas implied through the words, and one who can bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested, thus obtaining much more information. 4. Guided writing Logic organization of paragraphs There are many ways to organize a paragraph in a logical order: general-specific, known-unknown, temporal, spatial, concept-example, problem-solution, data-conclusion. Unit 5 The Villain in the Atmosphere (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Grasp the main idea (It explains the green house effect.) and the structure of the text. Develop optimistic attitude towards life; 2. Get to know what the atmosphere like. Realize the serious situation of our atmosphere. 3. Learn some terms on environment pollution. 4. Enlarge vocabulary. 5. improve their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Allow the students to examine the title, go over the text and obtain main ideas of the text 2. Help the students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 3. Set aside some time for a group discussion on the topic of “carbon and dioxide” 4. Writing Practice ----combination & Contraction & Subordination Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Bad egg, wicked, toxin, inessential, essence, conversion, exchange, substance, release, seeming, self-evident, hidden, latent, possibility, high land, proportion, portion, unsteady, instable, outland, spill, epidemic, fashionable, structural, fall down, stress, gasoline, radiant, ultraviolet, invisible, visibility, extension, distinctive, crawl, calculate, square meter, displace, placement, bushes, consumer, nucleus, exterior, lunar, competent, militant, etc. 2. grammar and structure a. Florida will disappear beneath the waves, as will much of the British Isles, the crowded Nile valley, and the low-lying areas of China, India, and Russia. b. It is estimated that by 2020 the concentration will be nearly twice what it is now. 3. Looking for the thesis statement A thesis statement is a single sentence that states the central idea of an essay and conveys the writer’s attitude or purpose. Some writers include a thesis statement in introduction; others prefer to omit this explicit statement and just to give a general sense of the topic or thesis
4.Writing Practice Paragraph Writing A paragraph is a set of sentences,all dealing with the same general idea and linked together in a smooth sequence.The sentences that support and expand the topic may include facts,examples,illustrations,definitions, and explanations.The progression from one sentence to the next is clearer to read if the writer carefully includes transitions. Unit6 The Making of a Surgeon(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Understand the growing process of a surgeon from a beginner to a veteran,from being lack of experience to being full of self-confidence.Get to know the essence of being a real surgeon. 2.Appreciate the argument skills (A combination of both narratives and arguments). 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.Conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.6. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage:A famous surgeon tells about the importance of self-confidence from his own experience. 2.New words and phrases in the text. 3.Reading skill---reading for the main idea. 4.Ask the students to summarize the text using their own words. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Physician,diffident,residential,conclusive,inference,incompetence,emerge,run into,confront,dreadful, fearless,frequency,tension,tense,light-hearted,considerable,consideration,dweller,inhabitant,populate, foresee,foretell,predict,perspiration,sweater,thrust,poke,complex,fraction,unavoidable,erroneous,sole, unshared,irresponsible,response,respond,responsive,arrogant,modesty..1.the prefixes un-,in-im-,il-, and ir-can be used before adjectives to make them negative in meaning 2.a group discussion over the importance of self-confidence. 3.Learn proverbs and stories about confidence. 4.About the writing,Parallelism Parallelism is used for the following effects:to gain emphasis:to create a pleasant rhythm in a prose passage;and to cut down on the number of words needed to express an idea.E.g.I came,I saw,I conquered. Unit7 Not on My Block(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Grasp the main idea of the text:People thought Ethel Armstead was crazy to stand up to the young men dealing drugs outside her house.. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3.Conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 4.Learn to take a right attitude towards illegal activities. 5.practice new vocabulary. 1I.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Comprehension of the passage. 2.New words and phrases. 3.Reading skill---skim the text to have a general idea about the content and find out the structure of the text. 4.character-analyzing assignment in class. 5.Reading Skill Drawing conclusions while reading Careful and thoughtful readers always think about what they are reading:trying to interpret the ideas in a passage.In so doing they are able to draw conclusions based on what the author tells them. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Porch,corridor,peep,glance,vacancy,unoccupied,trader,merchant,brook,addictive,addiction,urine,pass water,piss,fantasy,daydream,occupation,occupant,possession,prevail,fury,distribute,scatter,float, challenging,adopt,cultivate,prayer,confrontation,encounter,proprietor,real estate,sore,pharynx,larynx, sensitive,villain,criminal,launch,promoter,tragically, comedy,precaution,inorganic,scholarship, establishment,extensive,intend,urge,desert,explosive,burst,erupt,influence,impact 2.structure:Verbs followed by an infinitive or a gerund: Armstead had not imagined fighting this battle. She decided to talk to these guys. It is/was the first time that . It was the first time that she had risen to a challenge. 3.Writing Practice A Friendly Letter Format A friendly letter format covers the following five parts,namely,heading,greeting or salutation,body, closing and signature. Unit8 Honesty::Is It Going out of Style?(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements:
4. Writing Practice Paragraph Writing A paragraph is a set of sentences, all dealing with the same general idea and linked together in a smooth sequence. The sentences that support and expand the topic may include facts, examples, illustrations, definitions, and explanations. The progression from one sentence to the next is clearer to read if the writer carefully includes transitions. Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Understand the growing process of a surgeon from a beginner to a veteran, from being lack of experience to being full of self-confidence. Get to know the essence of being a real surgeon. 2. Appreciate the argument skills (A combination of both narratives and arguments). 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.6. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage: A famous surgeon tells about the importance of self-confidence from his own experience. 2. New words and phrases in the text. 3. Reading skill--- reading for the main idea. 4. Ask the students to summarize the text using their own words. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Physician, diffident, residential, conclusive, inference, incompetence, emerge, run into, confront, dreadful, fearless, frequency, tension, tense, light-hearted, considerable, consideration, dweller, inhabitant, populate, foresee, foretell, predict, perspiration, sweater, thrust, poke, complex, fraction, unavoidable, erroneous, sole, unshared, irresponsible, response, respond, responsive, arrogant, modesty…1. the prefixes un-, in- im-, il-, and ir- can be used before adjectives to make them negative in meaning 2. a group discussion over the importance of self-confidence. 3. Learn proverbs and stories about confidence. 4. About the writing, Parallelism Parallelism is used for the following effects: to gain emphasis; to create a pleasant rhythm in a prose passage; and to cut down on the number of words needed to express an idea. E.g. I came, I saw, I conquered. Unit 7 Not on My Block (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Grasp the main idea of the text: People thought Ethel Armstead was crazy to stand up to the young men dealing drugs outside her house.. 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 4. Learn to take a right attitude towards illegal activities. 5. practice new vocabulary. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Comprehension of the passage. 2. New words and phrases. 3. Reading skill--- skim the text to have a general idea about the content and find out the structure of the text. 4. character-analyzing assignment in class. 5. Reading Skill Drawing conclusions while reading Careful and thoughtful readers always think about what they are reading: trying to interpret the ideas in a passage. In so doing they are able to draw conclusions based on what the author tells them. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Porch, corridor, peep, glance, vacancy, unoccupied, trader, merchant, brook, addictive, addiction, urine, pass water, piss, fantasy, daydream, occupation, occupant, possession, prevail, fury, distribute, scatter, float, challenging, adopt, cultivate, prayer, confrontation, encounter, proprietor, real estate, sore, pharynx, larynx, sensitive, villain, criminal, launch, promoter, tragically, comedy, precaution, inorganic, scholarship, establishment, extensive, intend, urge, desert, explosive, burst, erupt, influence, impact 2. structure: Verbs followed by an infinitive or a gerund: Armstead had not imagined fighting this battle. She decided to talk to these guys. It is/was the first time that … It was the first time that she had risen to a challenge. 3. Writing Practice A Friendly Letter Format A friendly letter format covers the following five parts, namely, heading, greeting or salutation, body, closing and signature. Unit 8 Honesty: Is It Going out of Style? (8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements:
1.Revalue the importance of honesty,and cut off the school cheating. 2.About the text,Ss should grasp the text content,text structure,the key words and grammatical structures in the text. 3.About the reading,Ss should learn the reading skill---Identifying the topic sentence (P.205) 4.About the writing,Ss should get to grasp the skill of transition (I,P.212). II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis 1.Grasp the nature of honesty. 2.Find inner reasons for cheating and form a correct attitude to tests. 3.Learn proverbs and stories about honesty. 4.Understand idiomatic expressions. 5.Practice new vocabulary. Teaching Difficulties 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Deceitful,deceptive,liar,stylish,seduce,attract,peep,peer,misbehavior,indicative,diplomacy,diplomatic, certificate,correspondence,equivalence,illegal,unlawful,possession,director,psychologist,wage,champion, champagne,folder,invigilator,dormitory,mug,ringer,custody,intention,mythology,autobiographer, reinforcement,taxation,check-in,numerable,monitor,burglary,connection,economical,economic,institution, mistrust,suspect,doubtful,faithful,infectious,contagion,contagious 2.Sentence structure Have object v-ed: I had my house painted. He had his watch stolen. It is likely that..,sb.is likely to. It is less likely that they will cheat. They are less likely to cheat. 3.Reading Skill Identifying the Topic Sentence More often than not,one sentence in a paragraph tells the reader exactly what the subject of the paragraph is and thus gives the main idea.This main idea sentence is called a topic sentence or topic statement. 4.Guided writing Transition Transition is the movement from one sentence to the next.Smooth and logical transition connects sentences in meaningful ways and makes clear the relationship between ideas.there are four basic ways to achieve good transition:Pronoun,Key word repetition,Synonym and Conjunction. Book 3 Unit1 A Brush with the Law(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Get Ss to know the chief purposes of law are to maintain peace and order,to protect the rights of citizens, but the law in the western country may be unjustly applied or may be unjust in certain situations. 2.Understand the structure:comparison and contrast(对于犯罪的界定的前后强烈对比). 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 4.Conduct a series of speaking activities based on the text. 5.Teach students how to look up new words in an English-English dictionary. 6.About the writing,Ss should get to know the writing skill-coherence (P.23). 1I.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Understand chief purposes of law,the arbitrary nature of the police and the upper class of the society. 2.Understand the importance of the youngsters'behavior in the society. 3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.3.Reading skill---How to use a dictionary When we fail to use any clue to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words,we have to use a dictionary.We must familiarize ourselves with it and learn how to use it before it begins to work well for us. (18) Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Conflict,random,subjective,situation,consequent,sequent,destiny,eternal,transitory,rainfall,download, unemployment,offensive,trifle,doorknob,counterpart,concerned,indifferent,formal,assure,reputation, earthly,legislator,chancellor,barrister,client,release,reward,respected,indistinct,vague,innocent, revolution,splendid,depressed,condemn,assume,presume,resentment,rage 2.Understand the structure:comparison and contrast(对于犯罪的界定的前后强烈对比). 3.Writing:Write a story 5 W'S:when,where,who,what,why 4 phases:introduction,progression (complication),culmination,conclusion Rearrange sentences into a coherent piece Unit2 Fruitful Questions(8学时) Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Get to know the ideas.James describes how his children's ability to see things in fresh ways opened his own eyes to the nature of creative thinking
1. Revalue the importance of honesty, and cut off the school cheating. 2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, the key words and grammatical structures in the text. 3. About the reading, Ss should learn the reading skill---Identifying the topic sentence (P.205) 4. About the writing, Ss should get to grasp the skill of transition (I, P.212). II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis 1. Grasp the nature of honesty. 2. Find inner reasons for cheating and form a correct attitude to tests. 3. Learn proverbs and stories about honesty. 4. Understand idiomatic expressions. 5. Practice new vocabulary. Teaching Difficulties 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Deceitful, deceptive, liar, stylish, seduce, attract, peep, peer, misbehavior, indicative, diplomacy, diplomatic, certificate, correspondence, equivalence, illegal, unlawful, possession, director, psychologist, wage, champion, champagne, folder, invigilator, dormitory, mug, ringer, custody, intention, mythology, autobiographer, reinforcement, taxation, check-in, numerable, monitor, burglary, connection, economical, economic, institution, mistrust, suspect, doubtful, faithful, infectious, contagion, contagious 2. Sentence structure Have + object + v-ed: I had my house painted. He had his watch stolen. It is likely that…, sb. is likely to … It is less likely that they will cheat. They are less likely to cheat. 3. Reading Skill Identifying the Topic Sentence More often than not, one sentence in a paragraph tells the reader exactly what the subject of the paragraph is and thus gives the main idea. This main idea sentence is called a topic sentence or topic statement. 4. Guided writing Transition Transition is the movement from one sentence to the next. Smooth and logical transition connects sentences in meaningful ways and makes clear the relationship between ideas. there are four basic ways to achieve good transition: Pronoun, Key word repetition, Synonym and Conjunction. Book 3 Unit 1 A Brush with the Law( 8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Get Ss to know the chief purposes of law are to maintain peace and order, to protect the rights of citizens, but the law in the western country may be unjustly applied or may be unjust in certain situations. 2. Understand the structure: comparison and contrast (对于犯罪的界定的前后强烈对比). 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 4. Conduct a series of speaking activities based on the text. 5. Teach students how to look up new words in an English-English dictionary. 6. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—coherence (P.23). II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Understand chief purposes of law, the arbitrary nature of the police and the upper class of the society. 2. Understand the importance of the youngsters’ behavior in the society. 3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.3. Reading skill---How to use a dictionary When we fail to use any clue to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, we have to use a dictionary. We must familiarize ourselves with it and learn how to use it before it begins to work well for us. (18) Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Conflict, random, subjective, situation, consequent, sequent, destiny, eternal, transitory, rainfall, download, unemployment, offensive, trifle, doorknob, counterpart, concerned, indifferent, formal, assure, reputation, earthly, legislator, chancellor, barrister, client, release, reward, respected, indistinct, vague, innocent, revolution, splendid, depressed, condemn, assume, presume, resentment, rage 2. Understand the structure: comparison and contrast (对于犯罪的界定的前后强烈对比). 3. Writing: Write a story 5 W’S: when, where, who, what, why 4 phases: introduction, progression (complication), culmination, conclusion Rearrange sentences into a coherent piece Unit 2 Fruitful Questions( 8学时) Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Get to know the ideas. James describes how his children’s ability to see things in fresh ways opened his own eyes to the nature of creative thinking
2.About the text,Ss should grasp the text content,text structure,the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.About the writing,Ss should grasp one skill-Writing Skills:How to write a Letter 二、Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Text:Listening comprehension:Language study; 2.a creative way of thinking 3.sentence structure: …was about to…when…(36)I was about to think up another set of three when my 4-year-old delivered his answer. be meant to…(37) Teaching Difficulties: 1.The main idea of the text:James describes how his children's ability to see things in fresh ways opened his own eyes to the nature of creative thinking. 2.Language study and practice:Writing skills:Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases: Fruitless,pattern,delimit,unlimited,variable,edition,purify,out-,offspring,indefinite,definition, vaccine,request,conquest,infect,severe,slight,framework,handbook,inventory,noticeable,remarkable, impotent,potential,technique,critical,evolutionary,revolution,protest,petition,clamorously,accessible, accessory,ever-green,offline,digit,upload,unload,datum,transitory,smash,unintentionally,discovery 3.Scanning when using a dictionary When we are trying to locate specific information,we usually need not read the whole material carefully.Instead,we try to find in which part that information is likely to be,then read it with more attention.(40) 4.Writing Skills: 1.Rearrange Sentences in Logical Order 2.How to Write a Letter How to write a Letter Unit3 Why I Teach(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Understand the author's unique values on money and power and appreciate his noble ideas as a teacher 作者在金钱和权利问题上与众不同的价值观,并把学生引入教师的内心世界,感受教师的敬业精神,治学态度和对学生倾注的爱心). 2.Get to know the western teaching system and teaching profession. 3.Grasp the text content,text structure.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Understand the author's reasons for choosing teaching as his career. 2.Appreciate and understand what money and power mean in the eyes of the teacher. 3.Learn about puns,metonymy,parallel structure and other figures of speech. 4.new language items in the text,language-related tasks and vocabulary skills to build up their word power. 5.About the reading skill,Ss should know the skill of scanning (2)(P.60). 6.About the writing,Ss should learn to find topic sentences (P.66).4.Conduct a series of reading,listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Administrator,promotion,demotion,sweater,professional,profess,occupation,career,convincing,persuade, reluctant,willing,reflective,reflector,stimulus,stimulation,sophomore,renovation,innovate,loaner,debtor, tribute,attribute,contribute,vigorous,thesis,knowledgeable,inspire,transfer,rural,urbanization, civilization,reason,analyze,magical" 2.Text interpretation and sentence structure of the text I don't teach because teaching is easy. I leave the classroom convinced that I was even more boring than usual. Find oneself pp 3.Reading listening skills.Scanning for info arrangement Scanning is a search for information which is of some special interest.A student has first to know the way information is arranged before he can start his search efficiently.(60) 4.Writing skills Find the Topic Sentence A paragraph is made up of a group of sentences about the same topic.The main idea of the paragraph is usually given in the first sentence or last sentence of the paragraph.This sentence is called the topic sentence. Unit4AFan's Notes(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1.Grasp the main idea (A sportswriter thinks he's met another crank.Instead,he finds a true winner.)and the structure of the text. 2.Appreciate the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character:a surprising ending:use of puns)
2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3. About the writing, Ss should grasp one skill—Writing Skills:How to write a Letter 二、Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Text; Listening comprehension; Language study; 2. a creative way of thinking 3. sentence structure: … was about to … when … (36) I was about to think up another set of three when my 4-year-old delivered his answer. … be meant to … (37) Teaching Difficulties: 1. The main idea of the text: James describes how his children’s ability to see things in fresh ways opened his own eyes to the nature of creative thinking. 2. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases: Fruitless, pattern, delimit, unlimited, variable, edition, purify, out-, offspring, indefinite, definition, vaccine, request, conquest, infect, severe, slight, framework, handbook, inventory, noticeable, remarkable, impotent, potential, technique, critical, evolutionary, revolution, protest, petition, clamorously, accessible, accessory, ever-green, offline, digit, upload, unload, datum, transitory, smash, unintentionally, discovery 3. Scanning when using a dictionary When we are trying to locate specific information, we usually need not read the whole material carefully. Instead, we try to find in which part that information is likely to be, then read it with more attention. (40) 4. Writing Skills: 1. Rearrange Sentences in Logical Order 2. How to Write a Letter How to write a Letter Unit 3 Why I Teach(8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Understand the author’s unique values on money and power and appreciate his noble ideas as a teacher (透彻理解 作者在金钱和权利问题上与众不同的价值观,并把学生引入教师的内心世界,感受教师的敬业精神,治学态度和对学生倾注的爱心). 2. Get to know the western teaching system and teaching profession. 3. Grasp the text content, text structure. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Understand the author’s reasons for choosing teaching as his career. 2. Appreciate and understand what money and power mean in the eyes of the teacher. 3. Learn about puns, metonymy, parallel structure and other figures of speech. 4. new language items in the text, language-related tasks and vocabulary skills to build up their word power. 5. About the reading skill, Ss should know the skill of scanning (2) (P.60). 6. About the writing, Ss should learn to find topic sentences (P.66).4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Administrator, promotion, demotion, sweater, professional, profess, occupation, career, convincing, persuade, reluctant, willing, reflective, reflector, stimulus, stimulation, sophomore, renovation, innovate, loaner, debtor, tribute, attribute, contribute, vigorous, thesis, knowledgeable, inspire, transfer, rural, urbanization, civilization, reason, analyze, magical … 2. Text interpretation and sentence structure of the text I don’t teach because teaching is easy. I leave the classroom convinced that I was even more boring than usual. Find + oneself + pp 3. Reading listening skills. Scanning for info arrangement Scanning is a search for information which is of some special interest. A student has first to know the way information is arranged before he can start his search efficiently. (60) 4. Writing skills Find the Topic Sentence A paragraph is made up of a group of sentences about the same topic. The main idea of the paragraph is usually given in the first sentence or last sentence of the paragraph. This sentence is called the topic sentence. Unit 4 A Fan's Notes ( 8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Grasp the main idea (A sportswriter thinks he’s met another crank. Instead, he finds a true winner.) and the structure of the text. 2. Appreciate the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character; a surprising ending; use of puns)
3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 4.Conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 11.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Text:Listening comprehension;Writing Skills:Contraction:Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words:Oral and Reading Practice. 2.Language study: I spotted something.It looked like a tool shed..cover the team as extensively as any reporter I smile at someone.They ask me for a job Teaching Difficulties: 1.Language study and practice:Writing skills:Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases:Weird,queer,freak,jerk,eccentric,unpleasant,malicious,offensive,moron, shabby,worthless,typewriter,mental,disabled,association,flashy,intensive,minimum,dedicated, document,folder,complicated,coax,fraud,deceive,masculine,feminine,paralysis,influence,referee, overexertion,desolate,barren,scenery,zigzag,curve,pit,detect,shelter,decline,rot,encircle,trash, snatch,clench,dim,gloomy,shatter,interpreter,Cinderella,shrine,chuckle,athletic.. 3.Reading Scanning with accuracy A high speed is essential.Though,accuracy is just as essential.100 percent accuracy,along with the first-rate speed,should be your goal in scanning practice.(86) 4.Guided writing Learn to use connective words Connective words and phrases not only make your writing achieve cohesion and coherence but also convey the links of the thoughts clearly so that the readers can see what you are saying. Unit5 The Day Mother Cried(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: I.Grasp the main idea(学习母亲面对失败不屈不扰的精神,明确坚定的意志对自我发展的意义,体会通向成功的道路上的酸甜苦 辣). 2.Understand how the text is organized. 3.Master key words and useful phrases and learn them by heart. 4. 5.improve their reading,listening,writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Allow the students to examine the title,go over the text and obtain main ideas of the text 2.Help the students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 3.Set aside some time for a group discussion on the topic of "carbon and dioxide" 4.Writing Practice --combination Contraction Subordination Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Bad egg,wicked,toxin,inessential,essence,conversion,exchange,substance,release,seeming,self-evident, hidden,latent,possibility,high land,proportion,portion,unsteady,instable,outland,spill,epidemic, fashionable,structural,fall down,stress,gasoline,radiant,ultraviolet,invisible,visibility,extension, distinctive,crawl,calculate,square meter,displace,placement,bushes,consumer,nucleus,exterior,lunar, competent,militant,etc. 2.structure and grammar 1)Word Power:combining forms:therm(o)-(thermometer) 2)Usage:would rather 3)Structure:before used as conjunction;be of(no)+n 3.1)Cues for a global understanding 2)Basics about narration 4.Writing Practice Writing Skill:write a story based on pictures Unit6ADay's Wait(8学时) I.Teaching Aims and Requirements: l.Understanding the main idea(由于误解,小男孩经历了等待死亡的一天。然而,他努力控制情绪,展示了毫不畏惧的精神。) 2.Understanding the structure and writing strategy:Develop the story according to time sequence. 3.Grasp the text content,text structure.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. II.Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1.Understand the calmness of the nine-year-old child when facing death 2.Analyze the different performance of the father and child. 3.Understand what "hold tight onto oneself"means. 4..would rather (not/that) …before。(…后才…) be of no/little/great/some n. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases:
3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Text; Listening comprehension; Writing Skills: Contraction: Reducing Clauses to Phrases or Words; Oral and Reading Practice. 2. Language study; I spotted something. It looked like a tool shed. …cover the team as extensively as any reporter I smile at someone. They ask me for a job. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Language study and practice; Writing skills; Reading and listening skills. Key words and phrases: Weird, queer, freak, jerk, eccentric, unpleasant, malicious, offensive, moron, shabby, worthless, typewriter, mental, disabled, association, flashy, intensive, minimum, dedicated, document, folder, complicated, coax, fraud, deceive, masculine, feminine, paralysis, influence, referee, overexertion, desolate, barren, scenery, zigzag, curve, pit, detect, shelter, decline, rot, encircle, trash, snatch, clench, dim, gloomy, shatter, interpreter, Cinderella, shrine, chuckle, athletic… 3. Reading Scanning with accuracy A high speed is essential. Though, accuracy is just as essential. 100 percent accuracy, along with the first-rate speed, should be your goal in scanning practice. (86) 4. Guided writing Learn to use connective words Connective words and phrases not only make your writing achieve cohesion and coherence but also convey the links of the thoughts clearly so that the readers can see what you are saying. Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried( 8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Grasp the main idea (学习母亲面对失败不屈不扰的精神,明确坚定的意志对自我发展的意义,体会通向成功的道路上的酸甜苦 辣). 2. Understand how the text is organized. 3. Master key words and useful phrases and learn them by heart. 4. 5. improve their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills as well as their abilities of learning by themselves. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Allow the students to examine the title, go over the text and obtain main ideas of the text 2. Help the students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 3. Set aside some time for a group discussion on the topic of “carbon and dioxide” 4. Writing Practice ----combination & Contraction & Subordination Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: Bad egg, wicked, toxin, inessential, essence, conversion, exchange, substance, release, seeming, self-evident, hidden, latent, possibility, high land, proportion, portion, unsteady, instable, outland, spill, epidemic, fashionable, structural, fall down, stress, gasoline, radiant, ultraviolet, invisible, visibility, extension, distinctive, crawl, calculate, square meter, displace, placement, bushes, consumer, nucleus, exterior, lunar, competent, militant, etc. 2. structure and grammar 1) Word Power: combining forms:therm(o)-(thermometer) 2) Usage: would rather 3) Structure: before used as conjunction;be of(no)+n 3. 1) Cues for a global understanding 2) Basics about narration 4. Writing Practice Writing Skill: write a story based on pictures Unit 6 A Day's Wait( 8学时) I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Understanding the main idea (由于误解,小男孩经历了等待死亡的一天。 然而,他努力控制情绪,展示了毫不畏惧的精神。) 2. Understanding the structure and writing strategy: Develop the story according to time sequence. 3. Grasp the text content, text structure. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. II. Teaching Contents and Requirements: Teaching Emphasis: 1. Understand the calmness of the nine-year-old child when facing death 2. Analyze the different performance of the father and child. 3. Understand what “hold tight onto oneself” means. 4. …would rather (not/that) …before… (…后才…) be of no/little/great/some + n. Teaching Difficulties: 1. Let the students keep in mind and make proper use of following words and phrases: