Study of Microvasculature To supply nutrients through circulatory network system in biological body To regulate the body temperature and organ function through shunting mechanism for blood re-distribution
Study of Microvasculature To supply nutrients through circulatory network system in biological body To regulate the body temperature and organ function through shunting mechanism for blood re-distribution
Anatomy and Description of Microvasculature
Anatomy and Description of Microvasculature
Skeletal Muscle Major branches of arteries in skeletal muscle run parallel to muscles; No paired arteriols and venules at the pre- capillary level Capillaries
Major branches of arteries in skeletal muscle run parallel to muscles; No paired arteriols and venules at the precapillary level Capillaries Skeletal Muscle
Casts of muscle vasculature viewed by SEM.Rat skeletal muscle,X60.BV:blood vessel.CP:capillary plexus
Casts of muscle vasculature viewed by SEM. Rat skeletal muscle, ×60.BV:blood vessel. CP: capillary plexus
Casts of muscle vasculature viewed by SEM.Higher magnification of CP,X330.Arrows:transverse capillary loops
Casts of muscle vasculature viewed by SEM. Higher magnification of CP, ×330. Arrows: transverse capillary loops
Heart Pulmonary Coronary arteries, Vena arery cava accompanied by two or more veins. Circumflex A 160-um vein giving rise to small venules and branching rapidly into parallel LAD capillaries. Coronary veins(blue) Non directional Temporal distribution of capillaries:perfused during diastolic;collapsed during systolic
Coronary arteries, accompanied by two or more veins. A 160-um vein giving rise to small venules and branching rapidly into parallel capillaries. Non directional Temporal distribution of capillaries: perfused during diastolic; collapsed during systolic Heart
Liver Relatively high capillary volume fraction The liver receives the blood both from the hepatic artery and the vein. Most blood comes from the portal vein:inlet temperature higher Organization of liver tissue.Casts of bushlike distributions of sinusoids (s)that drain toward a central vein(CV).Conducting (CPV)and distributing (DPV)branches of a portal vein in a portal area(PA)are shown
Organization of liver tissue. Casts of bushlike distributions of sinusoids (s) that drain toward a central vein (CV). Conducting (CPV) and distributing (DPV) branches of a portal vein in a portal area (PA) are shown. Liver Relatively high capillary volume fraction The liver receives the blood both from the hepatic artery and the vein. Most blood comes from the portal vein: inlet temperature higher
Lung Casts of capillary network surrounding pulmonary alveoli.The casting resin fills the alveoli,×415 Length of the capillaries comparable with their diameters,commonly oval
Casts of capillary network surrounding pulmonary alveoli. The casting resin fills the alveoli, ×415. Length of the capillaries comparable with their diameters, commonly oval Lung
Skin Upper dermis f⑥Endothelium 15μ discontinuous 5# smooth muscle 40-604 Endothelium Smooth muscle single layer 50r 50μ Mid-dermis Thick endothelium Collagen Few layers of loose elastic tissue 00-4004 smooth muscle Endothelium Deep dermis with ill defined elostic Internal elastic lomina Smooth muscle Artery several layers Vein Diagram of most frequent vascular pattern and structure in adult human skin
Diagram of most frequent vascular pattern and structure in adult human skin. Skin
Kidney Organization of the kidney (1)Three nephron units drained by collecting tubules (2)Vasculature supplying the regions of the nephron. The highest perfusion rate of the blood
Organization of the kidney (1) Three nephron units drained by collecting tubules (2) Vasculature supplying the regions of the nephron. The highest perfusion rate of the blood. Kidney