浙医一院 CNS Tumor
CNS Tumor
浙医一院 ntracranial tumors can be classified in different ways 1. primary versus secondary 2. pediatric versus adult 3. cell of origin. 4. location in the nervous system
Intracranial tumors can be classified in different ways: 1. primary versus secondary, 2. pediatric versus adult, 3. cell of origin, 4. location in the nervous system
浙医一院 the incidence of primary brain tumors 14.8 per 100,000 person-years
the incidence of primary brain tumors 14.8 per 100,000 person-years
浙医一院 Clinical Presentation The clinical manifestations of various brain tumors can best be divided into those due to focal compression and irritation by the tumor itself and those attributed to the secondary consequences, namely increased ICP, peritumoral edema, and hydrocephalus. Most commonly, symptoms are caused by a combination of these factors
Clinical Presentation The clinical manifestations of various brain tumors can best be divided into those due to focal compression and irritation by the tumor itself and those attributed to the secondary consequences, namely increased ICP, peritumoral edema, and hydrocephalus. Most commonly, symptoms are caused by a combination of these factors
浙医一院 The clinical presentation does not differ much by tumor histology but rather by rate of growth and location of the tumor
The clinical presentation does not differ much by tumor histology but rather by rate of growth and location of the tumor
Headache occurs in 50% to 60% of primary brain 浙医-院 tumors and in35%to50% of metastatic tumors The headache is associated with nausea and vomiting in 40% of patients and may be temporarily relieved by vomiting, as a result of hyperventilation Seizures may be the first symptom of a brain tumor Patients older than 20 years presenting with a new-onset seizure are aggressively investigated for a brain tumor
Headache occurs in 50% to 60% of primary brain tumors and in 35% to 50% of metastatic tumors. The headache is associated with nausea and vomiting in 40% of patients and may be temporarily relieved by vomiting, as a result of hyperventilation. Seizures may be the first symptom of a brain tumor. Patients older than 20 years presenting with a new-onset seizure are aggressively investigated for a brain tumor
浙医一院 Location of tumor Infratentorial lesions Supratentorial lesions Frontal lobe lesions Temporal lobe lesions Parietal lobe lesions Occipital lobe lesions
Location of tumor Infratentorial lesions Supratentorial lesions Frontal lobe lesions Temporal lobe lesions Parietal lobe lesions Occipital lobe lesions
Tronrallobe tumo 浙医一院 Central groo Central groove
Frontal lobe tumor Central groove Central groove
Temporal lobe tumor 浙医 glioma
glioma Temporal lobe tumor
E—R Parietal lobe tumor Glioma Parietallobe meningoma Metastatic tumor peed Aav SY wang bin y D FOV 22.0em Adult Head p14!:
Glioma meningoma Metastatic tumor Parietal lobe tumor Parietal lobe