egional anatomy Infracolic Compartments Lina shucai
Infracolic Compartments Ling Shucai Regional anatomy
Jejunum and ileum空肠和回肠
Jejunum and ileum 空肠和回肠
橫结肠 横结肠系膜 中结肠动脉 大网膜 十二指肠下动脉 肠系展上动静脉 空肠(内面观) 右结肠动制 空肠动脉 回结肠动脉 系猥 升结肠 孤立淋巴滤溶 綗尾动脉 集台得巴滤泡 回肠(内面观) 小肠、大肠和肠系膜上动脉
Jejunum and ileum Characteristic Je unum空肠 leum回肠 Position Upper 2 /5 Lower 3 /5 Diameter Greater Less Wall Thicker Thin Circular folds Larger, numerous Fewer, smaller 环状襞 Vascularity Greater Le ess Colour Deeper red Paler pink Lymphatic Solitary Aggregated follicles淋巴滤泡
Jejunum and ileum Characteristic Jejunum 空肠 Ileum 回肠 Position Upper 2/5 Lower 3/5 Diameter Greater Less Wall Thicker Thin Circular folds 环状襞 Larger, numerous Fewer,smaller Vascularity Greater Less Colour Deeper red Paler pink Lymphatic follicles 淋巴滤泡 Solitary Aggregated
Vermiform appendix阑尾 结肠半月鬟 回盲 回盲系猥 回盲下隐窝 尾口 一尾系膜 盲肠和阑尾
Vermiform appendix 阑尾
Mac Burney' point麦氏点 Surface marking of the base is at the so-called McBurney' s point which is at junction of lateral and middle thirds of line joining right anterior 脐 superior iliac spine and 髂 umbilicus 上棘 Lanz点
Mac Burney' point 麦氏点 • Surface marking of the base is at the so-called McBurney’s point which is at junction of lateral and middle thirds of line joining right anterior superior iliac spine and umbilicus • Lanz点
结肠袋 结肠带 肠脂垂 结肠半月襞 回肠后位 回盲瓣 回肠前位 盲肠后位 阑尾口 盆位 盲肠下位 C阑尾
Superior mesenteric a.肠系膜上动脉 Middle colic a Superior 成 Mesenteric v Inf. pancresticodudenal a SUperior mesenteric a Right colic a Jejunal and ileal a ileocolic a Appendicular a
Superior mesenteric a. Inf. pancresticodudenal a. Jejunal and ileal a. Ileocolic a. Appendicular a. Right colic a. Middle colic a. Superior Mesenteric v. Superior mesenteric a. 肠系膜上动脉