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西北农林科技大学本科课程模拟试卷3 学年第学期《葡萄酒品尝学》课程 专业年级: 命题教师: 审题教师: 学生姓名: 学号: 考试成绩 一,多项选择题(从下列各题五个备选答案中选出二至五个正确答案,并将其代 号写在题干前面的括号内。答案选错或未选全者,该题不得分,每小题1分,共 10分.) ()1葡萄酒理论品尝训练包括 A葡萄酒中酸味物质的品尝B标准香气的训练C味觉平衡实验D乙 酸乙酯的影响E味觉阅值的测定 ()2.气味之间的相互作用有 A紫加B抵消C融合D协同E掩盖 )3.正常红葡萄酒的颜色可能是 A宝石红B紫红C砖红D瓦红E棕红 ()4.下列是德国葡萄酒质量级别的是。 AQmp B DOC C VDQS D DOCG EQbA ()5.葡萄酒的香气缺陷主要表现为 A氧化味B烧焦味C醋酸味D还原味E动物气味 ()6.葡萄酒的香气质量反映在香气的 方面。 A纯正度B优雅度C复杂性D浓郁度E多样性 ()7.葡萄酒中的甜味物质有 A葡萄糖B蔗糖C果糖D甘油E酒精 ()8.酸度过高可能引起的感官特征有 A瘦弱B生硬C粗重D粗涩E味短 ()9.当判断两个酒样是否有差异时,可以采用一方法进行品尝。 A对比品尝B好恶品尝C三角品尝D二三品尝E分级品尝 )10.优质干白葡萄酒的余味应具有 第1负共6贞

A果香B醇香C单宁丰满D微酸E苦涩 二.名词解释(每小题2分,共10分) 1.味长 2.尾味 3.质量 4.余味 5.知觉闽值 三,单项选择题(从下列各题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其代号写 在题干前面的括号内。答案选错或未选者,该题不得分,每小题1分,共6分。)》 ()1.不同等级的葡萄酒严格控制单产。 A法国B意大利C德国D澳大利亚 ()2.如果某品酒员在不同时间和地点对同一酒样的回答始终一致,说明他 的高。 A敏锐度B精确性C准确性D识别率 ()3.对葡萄酒外观的分析应该从时就开始了。 A开瓶B倒酒C观察液面D执杯 ()4. 一般用于形容失光的葡萄酒。 A暗黄色B琥珀色C铅色D染色 ()5.分级品尝时,一轮可以比较的最多酒样是个。 A10B12C15D18 ()6.构成麝香气味的主要成分是 A醛类B酯类C萜烯类D酮类 四.简答题(回答要点,并简明扼要作解释。每小题4分,共24分) 1,葡萄酒中主要的呈味物质之间有哪些相互作用? 第2实共6

2.请写出白葡萄酒的味感平衡式。 3.为什么含糖量相同的葡萄酒的甜味强度会有很大的差异? 4.在品尝葡萄酒时要想获得正确的感官特性,需要保证哪些方面? 5.简述葡萄酒酒瓶的开启方法及注意事项。 6.组织一次葡萄酒品尝,需要做哪些方面的工作? 五.论述(每小题10分,共20分) 1.详述葡萄酒香气的分析步骤和方法,并说明各个步骤获得的结果在评判香气 质量中的作用。 第3页共6贞

2.论述如何才能成为合格的葡萄酒品尝员? Complete the sentences with suitable words or phrases.(0.5x30=15) 1.What sets the excellent winetaster apart is not an extraordinarily acute set of sensory organs,but a disciplined -and 2.A complete sensory evaluation needs impression with an analysis. 3 refers to the viscosity or mouth-filling property of wines. 4.There are of tannins in red wines.several dozen milligrams per litre in whites. 5.Wine is known to contain six principal organic acids which play a part in the acid taste.Three are formed by alcoholic fermentation and bacterial activity.Their taste is more complex acid has a lightly acid taste; acid has a vinegary taste; acid has an intense taste,bitter and salty at once. which also makes one salivate. 6.At 10 of alcohol there is a strong taste along with 第4共6

8 sensation.In fact,alcohol is unique among sensory stimulants: it is a pure substance that can stimulate three sensory systems-the (a hot sensation). (a sweet taste).and (a penetrating.pungent odor). 7.Hierarchy means】 8.Quality is a notion that is both and: because the food satisfies the body's nceds, because this satisfaction depends on the organism in question and its particular requirements 9.As the ideal tasting room,it should have no ,n0 and no 10.Winetasting is a branch of and is more corrected called sensory evaluation:the use of the senses of and in a disciplined,systematic way to learn about some of the chemical and physical properties of wine.Those chemical and physical attributes of food and wine that affect our senses are called and sensory evaluation is sometimes called t.Judge the sentences truth (T)or false (F),write"T"or"F"in the parenthesis before each sentence.If it is false,correct it.(1x15=15) ()1.Adding alcohol to a wine makes it softer and richer. ()2.Many threshold differences are probably inherited and thresholds increase after training. ()3.In the case of dry wines,alcohol and glycerol are the elements of sweetness which counterbalance the acidity. ()4.The appeal of a wine's smell is fundamental to its quality. ()5.Informing and educating consumers are effective means of improving the 第5页共6贞

quality of wines directly ()6.Qualities are more readily perceptible than defects. ()7.Odor blindness(anosmia)can refer to the loss of a person's ability to smell all odors or just the ability to smell a certain odor. ()8.Blind tastings means tasting wines only use nose and mouth but not eyes. ()9.When you taste a liquid containing the four primary tastes in solution,the different tastes are perceived at the same time ()10 Where fine wines are concerned,chaptalization should be considered more as a means of improving an acid crop than as a means of tempering the character of tannic grapes ()11.Taste underlines smell and smell reinforces taste in wine ()12.Wines that are rich in primary aroma develop the most bouquet ()13.Saltiness is felt by the edges and the central surface of the tongue ()14.You probably won't be surprised to learn that at a gross level we are least sensitive to sweetness. ()15.Sweetness is felt only at the top of the tongue. 第6实共6



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