浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院 博士学位论文 生物黄酮抑制食品中丙烯酰胺形成的机理及其构效关系研究 姓名:章宇 申请学位级别:博士 专业:食品科学 指导教师:张英;任一平 20080501
浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院 博士学位论文 生物黄酮抑制食品中丙烯酰胺形成的机理及其构效关系研究 姓名:章宇 申请学位级别:博士 专业:食品科学 指导教师:张英;任一平 20080501
浙江大学博士学位论文 病要 摘要 近年来,食品中丙烯酰胺的发现、分析检测、形成机理和抑制途径引起了世界 相关领域科学家的广泛关注。研究热加工过程中丙烯酰胺的形成机理和影响因素, 寻找有效的抑制途径,对于食品中丙烯酰胺危害的防护和食品交全性研究具有重要 意义。通过添加植物化学素的方法抑制食品中丙烯酰胺的形成,探讨其对美拉德反 应相关前体物质、中间产物和终产物的影响,是日前研究的热点和难点。本论文系 统地研究了生物黄酮抑制食品中内烯酰胺形成的机理及其构效关系。 论文首先建立了内烯酰胺的气相色谱(GC)和液相色谱串联质谱(LC-MSMS) 检测方法:通过对常规热加丁食品、婴幼儿食品、复杂基质样品的检测,痕量分析 以及食品化学分析测试水平计划(FAPAS)认证,对LC-MSMS方法的可行性进行 评价:以中式传统食品为对象,对两种方法进行比较,确定后者作为本文用于丙烯 酰胺检测的定量分析方法。 其次,以富含生物黄酮的竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)和绿茶提取物.(EGT)为研究 对象,分别采用0.1%和0.01%(ww)的AOB浸渍处理,炸薯片和炸薯条的内烯酰 胺形成抑制率可达74.1%和76.1%:当A0B添加量为0.5%(ww)时,炸鸡翅的丙 烯酰胺形成抑制率可达59.0%:当A0B和EGT的添加量分别为0.1%和0.01%(ww) 时,油条的内烯酰胺形成抑制率可达82.9%和72.5%。结合最大允许使用剂量和感官 评定的结果最终选择了两者在上述食品中的最佳添加剂量水平。 然后,在确认生物黄酮对食品巾丙烯酰胺抑制作用的基础上,以响应面分析 (RSM)和正交实验分析(OM)为试验设计方法,以超高效液相色谱-米联质谱 (UPLC-MSMS)法为检测手段,系统研究了天冬酰胺葡萄糖/果糖/蔗脚模式体系分 别在低湿和微波加热条件下产生内烯酰胺的规律。其中,天冬酰胺葡萄模式体系 产生内烯酰肢的优化条件为:两种前体物质以等摩尔比例在180℃的低湿体系巾加 热15min或在微波体系加热5min。 选择天冬酰胺葡萄糖模式体系,研究AOB和EGT对内烯酰胺形成/消除动力学
浙江大学博士学位论文 摘要 摘 要 近年来,食品中丙烯酰胺的发现、分析检测、形成机理和抑制途径引起了世界 相关领域科学家的广泛关注。研究热加工过程中丙烯酰胺的形成机理和影响因素, 寻找有效的抑制途径,对于食品中丙烯酰胺危害的防护和食品安全性研究具有重要 意义。通过添加植物化学素的方法抑制食品中丙烯酰胺的形成,探讨其对美拉德反 应相关前体物质、中间产物和终产物的影响,是目前研究的热点和难点。本论文系 统地研究了生物黄酮抑制食品中丙烯酰胺形成的机理及其构效关系。 论文首先建立了丙烯酰胺的气相色谱(GC)和液相色谱一串联质谱(LC.MS/MS) 检测方法;通过对常规热加工食品、婴幼儿食品、复杂基质样品的检测,痕量分析 以及食品化学分析测试水平计划(FAPAS)认证,对LC.MS肭S方法的可行性进行 评价;以中式传统食品为对象,对两种方法进行比较,确定后者作为本文用于丙烯 酰胺检测的定量分析方法。 其次,以富含生物黄酮的竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)和绿茶提取物.(EGT)为研究 对象,分别采用0.1%和O.01%(w/w)的AOB浸渍处理,炸薯片和炸薯条的丙烯酰 胺形成抑制率可达74.1%和76.1%;当AOB添加量为O.5%(w/w)时,炸鸡翅的丙 烯酰胺形成抑制率可达59.O%;当AOB和EGT的添加量分别为O.1%和O.01%(w/w) 时,油条的内烯酰胺形成抑制率可达82.9%和72.5%。结合最大允许使用剂量和感官 评定的结果最终选择了两者在上述食品中的最佳添加剂量水平。 然后,在确认生物黄酮对食品巾丙烯酰胺抑制作用的基础上,以响应面分析 (RSM)和正交实验分析(OAM)为试验设计方法,以超高效液相色谱.串联质谱 (UPLC.MS/MS)法为检测手段,系统研究了天冬酰胺.葡萄糖/果糖/蔗糖模式体系分 别在低湿和微波加热条件下产牛丙烯酰胺的规律。其中,天冬酰胺.筒萄糖模式体系 产牛内烯酰胺的优化条件为:两种前体物质以等摩尔比例在180 oC的低湿体系巾加 热15 min或在微波体系。Il力几热5 min。 选择天冬酰胺.葡萄糖模式体系,研究AOB和EGT对丙烯酰胺形成片肖除动力学 i
新江大学博上学位论文 病要 过程的影响。当两者在低湿和微波体系中的添加剂量水平分别为2x10mgg和10 mgmL时,对丙烯酰胺的抑制率达到最大值。分别采用Logistic-指数动力学模型和 形成/消除级动力学模型描述低湿和微波体系中AOB和EGT对丙烯酰肢动力学过 程的影响,结果表明,AOB和EGT对两种体系中丙烯酰胺的形成动力学过程具有显 著的抑制作用,而对消除动力学过程无显著影响。 建立土豆微波模式体系,研究24种生物黄酮试样对丙烯酰胺的抑制作用及其构 效关系。量效关系研究表明,当生物黄酮的添加剂量水平为10moL时,对丙烯酰 胺的抑制率达到最大。DPPH、ABTS和FRAP抗氧化评价体系的测试结果表明,生 物黄酮对丙烯酰肢胺的抑制率与反应体系抗氧化性的变化值(△TEAC)之间存在显著 的相关性。采用定量结构活性关系(QSAR)方法评价生物黄酮抑制丙烯酰胺的构 效关系。结果表明,黄酮芳环羟基的数门和位置对其抑制作用具有重要影响:在芳 环羟基数目相等的情况下,黄酮对内烯酰胺的抑制率明显优于异黄酮:对于具有相 同苷元的黄酮糖苷而言,碳苷对丙烯酰胺的抑制率优于氧苷:此外,生物黄酮的拓 扑结构对其抑制丙烯酰胺的活性也有重要影响。 最后,建立了同步检测天冬酰胺、葡萄糖、果糖和丙烯酰肢的同位素稀释UPLC MSMS检测方法。根据高抑制率和代衣性原则,选取异荭草苷(AOB的特征性碳苷 黄酮)、表没食子酸儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGT的特征性黄烷醇酯)、木犀草素-7-0葡 萄糖苷、木犀草素、染料木素和槲皮素为生物黄酮的典型试样,在其抑制丙烯酰胺 的最适剂量水平(10”moL)上建立土豆微波模式体系的机理动力学模型,绘制天 冬酰胺、葡萄糖、果糖、丙烯酰胺和类黑素的动力学曲线,计算相应动力学参数的 变化,分析其作用位点。结果表明,牛物黄酮可显著地抑制天冬酰胺与果糖反应生 成以Schiff碱为代表的中间产物的过程、葡萄糖通过异构化作用向果糖转化的过程以 及中间产物向内烯酰胺转化的过程,何无法抑制天冬酰胺与葡萄糖反应的过程和丙 烯酰胺生成后的消除和转化过程。此外,生物黄酮对抑制美拉德反应终产物类黑素 的形成有一定的影响,但这种作川并不显著。 关键词:生物黄酮:丙烯酰胺抑制:土豆微波模式体系:抗氧化活性:构效关系: 量效关系;作用位点:抑制动力学
浙江大学博士学位论文 摘要 过程的影响。当两者在低湿和微波体系中的添加剂量水平分别为2×10‘4 mg/g和10。6 mg/mL时,对丙烯酰胺的抑制率达到最大值。分别采用Logistic.指数动力学模型和 形成/消除一级动力学模型描述低湿和微波体系中AOB和EGT对丙烯酰胺动力学过 程的影响,结果表明,AOB和EGT对两种体系中丙烯酰胺的形成动力学过程具有显 著的抑制作用,而对消除动力学过程无显著影响。 建立土豆微波模式体系,研究24种生物黄酮试样对丙烯酰胺的抑制作用及其构 效关系。量效关系研究表明,当生物黄酮的添加剂量水平为10母mol/L时,对丙烯酰 胺的抑制率达到最大。DPPH、ABTS和FRAP抗氧化评价体系的测试结果表明,生 物黄酮对丙烯酰胺的抑制率与反应体系抗氧化性的变化值(△TEAC)之间存在显著 的相关性。采用定量结构.活性关系(QSAR)方法评价生物黄酮抑制丙烯酰胺的构 效关系。结果表明,黄酮芳环羟基的数F1和位置对其抑制作用具有重要影响;在芳 环羟基数目相等的情况下,黄酮对丙烯酰胺的抑制率明显优于异黄酮;对于具有相 同昔元的黄酮糖苷而育,碳苷对丙烯酰胺的抑制率优于氧苷;此外,生物黄酮的拓 扑结构对其抑制丙烯酰胺的活性也有重要影响。 最后,建立了同步检测天冬酰胺、葡萄糖、果糖和丙烯酰胺的同位素稀释UPLC. MS/MS检测方法。根据高抑制率和代表性原则,选取异荭草苷(AOB的特征性碳苷 黄酮)、表没食子酸儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGT的特征性黄烷醇酯)、木犀草素一7.D-葡 萄糖苷、木犀草素、染料木素和槲皮素为牛物黄酮的典型试样,在其抑制丙烯酰胺 的最适剂量水平(10-9 mol/L)上建立土豆微波模式体系的机理动力学模型,绘制天 冬酰胺、葡萄糖、果糖、丙烯酰胺和类黑素的动力学曲线,计算相应动力学参数的 变化,分析其作用位点。结果表明,牛物黄酮可显著地抑制天冬酰胺与果糖反应生 成以Schiff碱为代表的中间产物的过程、葡萄糖通过异构化作用向果糖转化的过程以 及中问产物向内烯酰胺转化的过程,但无法抑制天冬酰胺与葡萄糖反应的过程和丙 烯酰胺生成后的消除和转化过程。此外,生物黄酮对抑制美拉德反应终产物类黑素 的形成有一定的影响,但这种作丌j并不显著。 关键词:牛物黄酮:丙烯酰胺抑制;土豆微波模式体系;抗氧化活性;构效关系; 量效关系;作用位点:抑制动力学
新江大学博士学位论文 Abstract Abstract Recently,the findings,analytical methods,formation mechanism and reduction pathways of acrylamide in foods have attracted wide attention all over the world.The formation mechanism,impact factors and effective reduction methods of acrylamide during heat processing play important roles in the defense of acrylamide hazard and food safety. Studies on the reduction effect of plant-derived components on the formation of acrylamide and its precursors and intermediates through Maillard reaction in foods become a research hotspot.This dissertation systematically studied the mechanism and structure activity relationship of bio-flavonoids in formation in foods. Two analytical methods of gas chromatography (GC)and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)for the quantification of acrylamide were investigated. The LC-MS/MS method was further validated via the analysis in routine heat-treated foods,baby foods and complex food matrixes,trace analysis,and food analysis performance assessment scheme(FAPAS)proficiency test.The above two methods were compared with each other and applied for the analysis of acrylamide in Chinese traditional foods.Finally,the LC-MS/MS method was selected as the standard method for quantitative analysis of acrylamide Two bio-flavonoid rich extracts of antioxidant of bamboo leaves (AOB)and extract of green tea (EGT)were first used to examine the effect on acrylamide reduction.The result showed that 74.1%and 76.1%of acrylamide were reduced in potato crisps and French fries when they were treated by .1%and1%(w/w)of AOB solutions before frying. respectively.Similarly,590%of acrylamide was reduced in fried chicken wings when 0.5%(w/w)of AOB was used.Furthermore,82.9%and 72.5%of acrylamide-were reduced in Chinese fried bread sticks when 0.1%(w/w)ofAOB and 0.01%(w/w)of EGT were added in the flour,respectively.The optimal addition levels of AOB and EGTwere finally obtained after taking the maximum permissible addition levels and sensory quality into consideration
浙江大学博士学位论文 Abstract Abstract Recently,the findings,analytical methods,formation mechanism and reduction pathways of acrylamide in foods have attracted wide attention all over the world.The formation mechanism,impact factors and effective reduction methods of acrylamide during heat processing play important roles in the defense of acrylamide hazard and food safety. Studies on the reduction effect of plant—derived components on the formation of acrylamide and its precursors and intermediates through Maillard reaction in foods become a research hotspot.This dissertation systematically studied the mechanism and structure. activity relationship of bio-flavonoids in reducing acrylamide formation in foods. Two analytical methods of gas chromatography(GC)and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS)for the quantification of acrylamide were investigated. The LC—MS/MS method was further validated via the analysis in routine heat.treated foods,baby foods and complex food matrixes,trace analysis,and food analysis performance assessment scheme(FAPAS)proficiency test.The above two methods were compared with each other and applied for the analysis of acrylamide in Chinese traditional foods.Finally,the LC-MS/MS method was selected as the standard method for quantitative analysis of acrylamide. Two bio—flavonoid rich extracts of antioxidant of bamboo leaves fAOB)and extract of green tea(EGT)were first used to examine the effect on acrylamide reduction.The result showed that 74.1%and 76.1%of acrylamide were reduced in potato crisps and French flies when they were treated by 0.1%and 0.0 1%(w/w)of AOB solutions before frying, respectively.Simi larly,59.0%of acrylam ide was reduced in flied chicken wings when 0.5%(w/w)of AOB was used.Furthermore.82.9%and 72.5%of acrylamide.were reduced in Chinese fried bread Sticks when 0.1%(w/w)of AOB and 0.0 1%(w/w)of EGT were added in the flour’respectively.The optimal addition levels of AOB and EGT were finally obtained after taking the maximum permissible addition levels and sensory quality into consideration.
新江人学博士学位论文 Abstract Based on the confirmation of the reduction effect of bio-flavonoids on acrylamide in foods, the formation of acrylamide was studied in a model system of asparagine-glucose/fructose/ sucrose.The experimental design was performed by the response surface methodology (RSM)and orthogonal array methodology (OAM)while the acrylamide content was analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS).Results showed that acrylamide was optimally generated in model systems when the equimolar asparagine and glucose were heated 15 min in the low-moisture system in the microwave system at 180C. The acrylamide content could be decreased either by inhibiting its formation or promoting its elimination.The effect of AOB and EGTon the formation and elimination kinetics of acrylamide was then investigated in the asparagine-glucose model system.The maximum reduction effect of acrylamide was observed in low-moisture and microwave systems when the addition levels of both extracts were 2x10mg/g and 10mg/mL,respectively. Meanwhile,the effect of both extracts on the kinetics of acrylamide in low-moisture and microwave systems was described via the Logistic-exponential and first-order formation/elimination kinetic models,respectively.Results indicated that addition of AOB and EGT coud significantly reduce the formation kinetics of acrylamide while on kinetics. The reduction effect and structure-activity relationship of totally 24 bio-flavonoid samples on the formation of acrylamide were then studied in a potato model system using the microwave heating method.Results of dose-response study showed a maximumduction effect when the addition levels of bio-flavonoids were1mol/L Results of antioxidant evaluation systems using DPPH,ABTS and FRAP methods revealed a significant positive correlation between the acrylamide reduction effect of bio-flavonoids and the antioxidant levels(ATEAC)in reaction systems.Meanwhile,the structure-activity relationship study on the reduction effect of bio-flavonoids was performed via the quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR)method,and it was demonstrated that the number and position of aromatic hydroxyl functional groups play an important role in the reduction effect of flavonoids.Furthermore,the reduction effect of flavones is more effective than isoflavones with the same number of aromatic hydroxyls.The reduction effect of flavone iv
浙江人学博士学位论文 Abstraet Based on the confirmation of the reduction effect of bio—flavonoids on acrylamide i n foods, the formation ofacrylamide was studied in a model system of asparagine—glucose/fructose/ sucrose.The experimental design was performed by the response surface methodology (RSM)and orthogonal array methodology(OAM)while the acrylamide content was analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS).Results showed that acrylamide was optimally generated in model systems when the equimolar asparagine and glucose were heated 1 5 min in the lOW—moisture system at 1 80 oC or 5 min in the microwave system at 1 80 oC. The acrylamide content could be decreased either by inhibiting its formation or promoting its elimination.The effect of AOB and EGT on the formation and elimination kinetics of acrylamide was then investigated in the asparagine—glucose model system.The maximum reduction effect of acrylamide was observed in low-moisture and microwave systems when the addition levels of both extracts were 2x 1 04 mg/g and 1 0七mg/mL.respectively. Meanwhile,the effect of both extracts on the kinetics of acrylamide in low-moisture and microwave systems was described via the Logistic··exponential and first-order formation/elimination kinetic models.respectively.Results indicated that addition of AOB and EGT could significantly reduce the formation kinetics of acrylamide while nO effect on its el imination kinetics。 The reduction effect and structure··activity relationship of totally 24 bio..flavonoid samples on the formation of acrylamide were then studied in a potato model system using the microwave heating method.Results of dose-response study showed a maximum reduction e虢ct when the addition levels of bio.flavonoids were l 0一mol/L.Results of antioxidant evaluation systems using DPPH,ABTS and FRAP methods revealed a significant positive correlation between the acrylamide reduction effect of bio—flavonoids and the antioxidant levels(ATEAC)in reaction systems.Meanwhile,the structure—activity relationship study on the reduction effect of bio—flavonoids was performed via the quantitative structureactivity relationship(QSAR)method,and it was demonstrated that the number and position of aromatic hydroxyl functional groups play an important role in the reduction effect of flavonoids.Furthermore.the reduction effect of flavones iS more effective than isoflavones with the same number of aromatic hydroxyls.The reduction effect of flavone
浙江大学博士学位论文 Abstract C-glycosides is better than flavone O-glycosides for the flavone glycosides with the same structure of aglycone.The topological structures of bio-favonoids are also related to their reduction effects To simultaneously quantify the contents of asparagine,glucose,fructose and acrylamide in final reaction products,an improved UPLC-MS/MS method was evaluated.Six bio-flavonoids including homoorientin(the characteristic flavone C-glycoside of AOB), (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (the characteristic flavanol ester of EGT),luteolin-7- glucoside,utein,genistein and quercetin were selected for the reduction mechanistic study according to their reduction abilities and universality.The mechanistic kinetic models were established in the potato microwave model system based on the optimal addition levels (10 mol/L)of 6 selected bio-flavonoids.Then,the kinetic profiles of asparagine,glucose,fructose,acrylamide and melanoidins were obtained.The reduction positions of bio-flavonoids were finally analyzed after estimating the change of kinetic parameters.Results indicated that bio-flavonoids can significantly reduce the formation of intermediates such as Schiff base in the reaction between asparagine and fructose,the transform action from glucose to fructose via isomerization,and the formation of acrylamide from intermediates.However,they cannot reduce the reaction between asparagine and glucose and no effect on the elimination of acrylamide.Furthermore. bio-flavonoids have reduction effect on the formation of melanoidins,which is one of the final products of the Maillard reaction.However,such effect seems not significant. Keywords:Bio-flavonoids;Acrylamide reduction;Potato microwave model system; Antioxidant activity:Structure-activity relationship:Dose-response relationship;Action locus;Reduction kinetics
浙江大学博士学位论文 Abstract C-glycosides is better than flavone O-glycosides for the flavone glycosides with the same structure of aglycone.The topological structures of bio—flavonoids are also related to their reduction effects. To simultaneously quantify the contents of asparagine,glucose,fructose and acrylamide in final reaction products,an improved UPLC—MS/MS method was evaluated.Six bio-flavonoids including homoorientin(the characteristic flavone C-glycoside of AOB), 0-epigallocatechin gallate(the characteristic flavanol ester of EGT),iuteolin-7一Oglucoside,luteolin,genistein and quercetin were selected for the reduction mechanistic study according to their reduction abilities and universality.The mechanistic kinetic models were established in the potato microwave model system based on the optimal addition levels(1 0-9 mol/L)of 6 selected bio·flavonoids。Then,the kinetic profiles of asparagine,glucose,fructose,acrylamide and melanoidins were obtained.The reduction positions of bio—flavonoids were finally analyzed after estimating the change of kinetic parameters.Results indicated that bio—flavonoids can significantly reduce the formation of intermediates such as Schiff base in the reaction between asparagine and fructose,the transform action from glucose to fructose via isomerization,and the formation of acrylamide from intermediates.However,they cannot reduce the reaction between asparagine and glucose and no effect on the elimination of acrylamide.Furthermore, bio-flavonoids have reduction effect on the formation of melanoidins,which is one of t.he final products ofthe Maillard reaction.However,such effect seems not significant. Keywords:Bio—flavonoids;Acrylamide reduction;Potato microwave model system; Antioxidant activity; Structure-·activity relationship;Dose··response relationship;Action locus;Reduction kinetics V
浙江大学博士学位论文 缩略词表 缩略词表 缩略词 英文名称 中文名称 2,3-DBPA 2,3-dibromopropionamide 2,3-二溴丙酰胺 2-BPA 2-bromopropenamide 2-溴丙烯酰胺 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethyIbenzothiazoline-.6-sulfonic2,2'-叠氯-双-(3-乙基苯并噻唑 ABTS acid) 啉6硫磺酸) ANOVA analysis of variance 方差分析 AOB antioxidant of bamboo leaves 竹叶抗氧化物 ASE accelerated solvent extraction 快速溶剂萃取 BHT 2,6-ditertbutyl-4-methylphenol 2,6二叔丁基-4甲基苯酚 BMDI benchmark dose lower limit 基准剂量下限 potassium ferricyanide 铁氨化钾 Carrez II zinc sulfate 硫酸锌 DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide 二甲基亚砜 DPPH 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl 二苯代苦味肼自由基 EC (-)-epicatechin 表儿茶素 ECD electron capture detector 电子捕获检测器 ECG (-epicatechin gallate 表儿茶素没食子酸酯 EEig07x eigenvalue 07 from edge adjacency matrix 边度数加权邻接矩阵特征值 weighted by edge degrees 07 EGC (-)-epigallocatechin 表没食子酸儿茶素 EGCG (-)-epigallocatechin gallate 表没食子酸儿茶素没食子酸 EGT extract of green tea 绿茶提取物 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 联合国粮农组织 FAPAS food analysis performance assessment scheme 食品化学分析测试水平计划 FRAP ferric reducing ability power 铁还原能力 FSA British Food Standards Agency 英国食品标准局
浙江大学博士学位论文 缩略词表 缩略词表 Vl
浙江大学博士学位论文 绾略词表 缩略词 英文名称 中文名称 FT-IR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 傅立叶变换红外光谱 GA genetic algorithm 遗传算法 GC gas chromatography 气相色谱 GC-MS gas chromatography mass spectrometry 气相色谱-质谱联用 GGI5 topological charge index of order 5 五级拓扑荷指数 HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱 IARC Intemational Agency for Research on Cancer 国际癌痱研究机构 1C1 information content index(neighbourhood symmetry of 1-order) 一级邻域对称信息量指数 IDDE mean information content on the distance degree equality 距离度等价平均信息量 INFOSAN Interational Food Safety Authorities 国际食品安全权威网站 Network JECFA Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives 食品添加剂联合专家委员会 Jhetp Balaban-type index from polarizability 极化率加权距离矩阵的 weighted distance matri Balaban型指数 LC-MS liquid chromatography mass spectrometry 液相色谱质谱联用 LC-MS/MS liquid chromatography tandem mass 液相色谱串联质谱联用 spectrometry LDso median lethal dose 半数致死剂量 LOD limit of detection 最低检测限 LOQ limit of quantitation 最低定量限 MAXDN maximal electrotopological negative variation 最大电性拓扑负变差 MLOGP2 squared Moriguchi octanol-water partition Moriguchi辛醇-水分配系数 coefficient 平方值 MLR multiple linear regressior 多元线性回归 MOE margin of exposure 暴露界限 MRM multiple reaction monitor 多重反应监测 MSD mean square distance index(Balaban) Balaban均方距离指数 nArOH number of aromatic hydroxyls 芳环羟基数日
浙江大学博士学位论文 缩略词表 缩略词 英文名称 中文名称 F1乙IR GA GC GC.MS GGl5 HPLC lARC lCl lDDE INFOSAN JECFA Jhetp LC.MS LC.MS,MS LD50 LOD LOQ MAXDN MLoGP2 MLR MOE MRM Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy genetic algorithm gas chromatography gas chromatography mass spectrometry topological charge index oforder 5 high—performance liquid chromatography International Agency for Research on Cancer information content index(neighbourhood symmetry of 1一order) mean information content on the distance degree equal ity International Food Safety Authorities Network Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives Balaban-type index from polarizability weighted distance matrix liquid chromatography mass spectrometry liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry · median lethal dose Iimit ofdetection limit ofquantitation maximal electrotopoiogical negative variation squared Mori guch i octanol—water partition : coefficient multiple linear regressipn margin of exposure multiple reaction monitor 傅立叶变换红外光谱 遗传算法 气相色谱 气相色谱一质谱联用 五级拓扑荷指数 高效液相色谱 国际癌症研究机构 一级邻域对称信息量指数 距离度等价平均信息量 国际食品安全权威网站 食品添加剂联合专家委员会 极化率加权距离矩阵的 Balaban型指数 液相色谱.质谱联用 液相色谱.串联质谱联用 半数致死剂量 最低检测限 最低定量限 最大电性拓扑负变差 Moriguchi辛醇-水分配系数 平方值 多元线性回归 暴露界限 多重反应监测 MSD mean square distance index(Balaban) Balaban均方距离指数 nArOH number of aromatic hydroxyls 芳环羟基数日 Vll
浙江大学博士学位论文 缩略词表 缩略词 英文名称 中文名称 number of donor atoms for H-bonds(with N nHDon 与氨和氧相连的氢键形成 and O) 的施主原子数目 NOAEL no observed adverse effect level 未观察到的有害作用剂量 酚羟基/烯醇羟基/发羟基数 0-057 phenol/enol/carboxyl OH OAM orthogonal array methodology 正交实验法 PTR-MS proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry 质子传递反应质谱 Py-GC-MS pyrolysis gas chromatography mass 裂解气相色谱-质谱联用 spectrometry QSAR quantitative structure activity relationship 定量结构活性关系 RSD relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差 RSM response surface methodology 响应面分析法 SFOPH Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 瑞士联邦卫生署 SIM selected ion monitor 选择性离子监测 SNFA Swedish National Food Administration 瑞典国家食品管理局 SPE solid-phase extraction 周相萃取 SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Service 瑞士质量检测服务 TEAC trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity trolox等价抗氧化能力 second Mohar index 第二Mohar指数 TPTZ 24.6-tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine 2,4,6-三(2-吡啶基)s-三嗪 ()-6-hydroxyl-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane- ()6羟基-2,5,7,8四甲基色 trolox -carboxylic acid 烷2-羧酸 UPLC-MS/MS altra-performance liquid chromatography 超高效液相色谱书联质谱 tandem mass spectrometry 联用 US EPA U.S.Environmental Protection Agency 美国环境保护署 US FDA U.S.Food and Drug Administration 类国食品药品管理局 WHO World Health Organization 世界卫牛组织 Vin
浙江大学博士学位论文 缩略词表 VIII‘
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