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2002年美国大学生数学建模竞赛题目 2002 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCm) Problems 问题A风和喷水池(作者 Tjalling Ypma) 在一个楼群环绕的宽阔的露天广场上,装饰喷泉把水啧向高空。刮风的日子,风把水花从喷泉吹向过 路行人。喷泉射岀的水流受到一个与风速计(用于测量风的速度和方向)相连的机械装置控制,前者安裝 在一幢邻近楼房的顶上。这个控制的实际目标,是要为行人在赏心悦目的景象和淋水浸湿之间提供可以接 受的平衡:风刮得越猛,水量和啧射高度就越低,从而较少的水花落在水池范围以外。 你的任务是设计一个算法,随着风力条件的变化,运用风速计给出的数据来调整由喷泉射出的水流。 王强译 Problem a Authors: Tjalling Y pma Title: Wind and Waterspray An ornamental fountain in a large open plaza surrounded by buildings squirts water high into the air. On gusty days, the wind blows spray from the fountain onto passersby. The water-flow from the fountain is controlled by a mechanism linked to an anemometer (which measures wind speed and direction) located on top of an adjacent building. The objective of this control is to provide passersby with an acceptable balance between an attractive spectacle and a soak The harder the wind blows, the lower the water volume and height to which the water is squi hence the less spray falls outside the pool area Your task is to devise an algorithm which uses data provided by the anemometer to adjust the water-flow from the fountain as the wind conditions change. 问题B航空公司超员订票(作者: Bill fox和 Rich West) 你备好行装准备去旅行,访问 New york城的一位挚友。在检票处登记之后,航空公司职员告诉说, 你的航班已经超员订票。乘客们应当马上登记以便确定他们是否还有一个座位 航空公司一向清楚,预订一个特定航班的乘客们只有一定的百分比将实际乘坐那个航班。因而,大多 数航空公司超员订票?也就是,他们办理超过飞机定员的订票手续。而有时,需要乘坐一个航班的乘客是 飞机容纳不下的,导致一位或多位乘客被挤出而不能乘坐他们预订的航班 航空公司安排延误乘客的方式各有不同。有些得不到任何补偿,有些改订到其他航线的稍后航班,而 有些给予某种现金或者机票折扣 根据当前情况,考虑超员订票问题:航空公司安排较少的从A地到B地航班机场及其外围加强安全性 乘客的恐惧航空公司的收入迄今损失达数千万美元。 建立数学模型,用来检验各种超员订票方案对于航空公司收入的影响,以求找到一个最优订票策略, 就是说,航空公司对一个特定的航班订票应当超员的人数,使得公司的收入达到最高。确保你的模型反映 上述问题,而且考虑处理“延误”乘客的其他办法。此外,书写一份简短的备忘录给航空公司的CEO(首 席执行官),概述你的发现和分析 王强译

2002 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛题目 2002 Mathematical Contest in Modeling(MCM)Problems 问题 A 风和喷水池(作者 Tjalling Ypma) 在一个楼群环绕的宽阔的露天广场上,装饰喷泉把水喷向高空。刮风的日子,风把水花从喷泉吹向过 路行人。喷泉射出的水流受到一个与风速计(用于测量风的速度和方向)相连的机械装置控制,前者安装 在一幢邻近楼房的顶上。这个控制的实际目标,是要为行人在赏心悦目的景象和淋水浸湿之间提供可以接 受的平衡:风刮得越猛,水量和喷射高度就越低,从而较少的水花落在水池范围以外。 你的任务是设计一个算法,随着风力条件的变化,运用风速计给出的数据来调整由喷泉射出的水流。 王强译 Problem A Authors:Tjalling Ypma Title: Wind and Waterspray An ornamental fountain in a large open plaza surrounded by buildings squirts water high into the air. On gusty days, the wind blows spray from the fountain onto passersby. The water-flow from the fountain is controlled by a mechanism linked to an anemometer (which measures wind speed and direction) located on top of an adjacent building. The objective of this control is to provide passersby with an acceptable balance between an attractive spectacle and a soaking: The harder the wind blows, the lower the water volume and height to which the water is squirted, hence the less spray falls outside the pool area. Your task is to devise an algorithm which uses data provided by the anemometer to adjust the water-flow from the fountain as the wind conditions change. 问题 B 航空公司超员订票(作者:Bill Fox 和 Rich West) 你备好行装准备去旅行,访问 New York 城的一位挚友。在检票处登记之后,航空公司职员告诉说, 你的航班已经超员订票。乘客们应当马上登记以便确定他们是否还有一个座位。 航空公司一向清楚,预订一个特定航班的乘客们只有一定的百分比将实际乘坐那个航班。因而,大多 数航空公司超员订票?也就是,他们办理超过飞机定员的订票手续。而有时,需要乘坐一个航班的乘客是 飞机容纳不下的,导致一位或多位乘客被挤出而不能乘坐他们预订的航班。 航空公司安排延误乘客的方式各有不同。有些得不到任何补偿,有些改订到其他航线的稍后航班,而 有些给予某种现金或者机票折扣。 根据当前情况,考虑超员订票问题:航空公司安排较少的从 A 地到 B 地航班机场及其外围加强安全性 乘客的恐惧航空公司的收入迄今损失达数千万美元。 建立数学模型,用来检验各种超员订票方案对于航空公司收入的影响,以求找到一个最优订票策略, 就是说,航空公司对一个特定的航班订票应当超员的人数,使得公司的收入达到最高。确保你的模型反映 上述问题,而且考虑处理“延误”乘客的其他办法。此外,书写一份简短的备忘录给航空公司的 CEO(首 席执行官),概述你的发现和分析。 王强译

Problem B Authors: bill fox and rich west Title: Airline Overbooking You're all packed and ready to go on a trip to visit your best friend in New York City. After you check in at the ticket counter, the airline clerk announces that your flight has been overbooked. Passengers need to check in immediately to determine if they still have a seat Historically, airlines know that only a certain percentage of passengers who have made reservations on a particular flight will actually take that flight. Consequently, most airlines overbook-that is, they take more reservations than the capacity of the aircraft. Occasionally, more passengers will want to take a flight than the capacity of the plane leading to one or more passengers being bumped and thus unable to take the flight for which they had reservations. Airlines deal with bumped passengers in various ways. Some are given nothing, some are booked on later flights on other airlines, and some are given some kind of cash or airline ticket incentive Consider the overbooking issue in light of the current situation Less flights by airlines from point a to point B Heightened security at and around airports Loss of billions of dollars in revenue by airlines to date Build a mathematical model that examines the effects that different overbooking schemes have on the revenue eceived by an airline company in order to find an optimal overbooking strategy, i.e., the number of people by which an airline should overbook a particular flight so that the company's revenue is maximized. Insure that your model reflects the issues above, and consider alternatives for handling"bumped"passengers. Additionally, write a short memorandum to the airlines CEO summarizing your findings and analysis

Problem B Authors: Bill Fox and Rich West Title: Airline Overbooking You're all packed and ready to go on a trip to visit your best friend in New York City. After you check in at the ticket counter, the airline clerk announces that your flight has been overbooked. Passengers need to check in immediately to determine if they still have a seat. Historically, airlines know that only a certain percentage of passengers who have made reservations on a particular flight will actually take that flight. Consequently, most airlines overbook-that is, they take more reservations than the capacity of the aircraft. Occasionally, more passengers will want to take a flight than the capacity of the plane leading to one or more passengers being bumped and thus unable to take the flight for which they had reservations. Airlines deal with bumped passengers in various ways. Some are given nothing, some are booked on later flights on other airlines, and some are given some kind of cash or airline ticket incentive. Consider the overbooking issue in light of the current situation: Less flights by airlines from point A to point B Heightened security at and around airports Passengers' fear Loss of billions of dollars in revenue by airlines to date Build a mathematical model that examines the effects that different overbooking schemes have on the revenue received by an airline company in order to find an optimal overbooking strategy, i.e., the number of people by which an airline should overbook a particular flight so that the company's revenue is maximized. Insure that your model reflects the issues above, and consider alternatives for handling "bumped" passengers. Additionally, write a short memorandum to the airline's CEO summarizing your findings and analysis



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