科技英语中的分隔结构及其翻译 分隔:英语句子中两个有密切语法联系的句子成分被其他成分分隔的现象。 类别:主谓分隔、定心分隔、动宾分隔、系表分隔、复合谓语本身分隔、固定搭配分 隔 1.主谓分隔 e.g. (1) Observation plays an important part in physics, but, experiment, which consists in modifying circumstances or events with a view to making more valuable observations plays a more important part Version 观察在物理学中起着重要的作用,但实验起的作用更为重要,因为实验可以不断地 改变各种环境条件或过程以便作出更有价值的观察 (2) The x axis is coincident with the neutral axis of the section, and the xz plane which contains the neutral axes of all cross sections, is called the neutral plane Version Ⅹ轴与截面中性重合,而包含所有横截面的XZ平面则称为中性面。 2.定心分隔 e.g. (1) Evaporation from the soil and transpiration from vegetation are responsible for the
1 一. 科技英语中的分隔结构及其翻译 分隔:英语句子中两个有密切语法联系的句子成分被其他成分分隔的现象。 类别:主谓分隔、定心分隔、动宾分隔、系表分隔、复合谓语本身分隔、固定搭配分 隔。 1. 主谓分隔 e.g. (1) Observation plays an important part in physics, but, experiment, which consists in modifying circumstances or events with a view to making more valuable observations, plays a more important part. Version: 观察在物理学中起着重要的作用,但实验起的作用更为重要,因为实验可以不断地 改变各种环境条件或过程以便作出更有价值的观察。 (2)The x axis is coincident with the neutral axis of the section, and the xz plane, which contains the neutral axes of all cross sections, is called the neutral plane. Version: X 轴与截面中性重合,而包含所有横截面的 XZ 平面则称为中性面。 2. 定心分隔 e.g. (1) Evaporation from the soil and transpiration from vegetation are responsible for the
direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water which falls on the land Version 土壤和植物的蒸发作用,是落到地面上的雨水有一半以上直接返回到大气中的主要 原因。 (2)If the carbon content of steel is below 0.2 percent the product is mild steel, which is quite ductile Version 含碳量低于0.2%的钢就叫软钢,软钢的延展性十分好 3.动宾分隔 e. g (1)Man has achieved remarkable success in the field of astonautics the ultimate goal and purpose of which is to gain for man himself access to space and to other worlds Version 人们在宇航方面已经取得了惊人的成就,宇航的最终目标和意图就是使人类能亲自 进入空间并达到其他星球 (2)We can not get much further without considering in more detail the properties of the atmosphere on which we depend for flight Version 如果不更详细地研究赖以飞行的大气的特性,我们就不能飞得更远
2 direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water which falls on the land. Version: 土壤和植物的蒸发作用,是落到地面上的雨水有一半以上直接返回到大气中的主要 原因。 (2) If the carbon content of steel is below 0.2 percent, the product is mild steel, which is quite ductile. Version: 含碳量低于 0.2%的钢就叫软钢,软钢的延展性十分好。 3. 动宾分隔 e.g. (1) Man has achieved remarkable success in the field of astonautics the ultimate goal and purpose of which is to gain for man himself access to space and to other worlds. Version: 人们在宇航方面已经取得了惊人的成就,宇航的最终目标和意图就是使人类能亲自 进入空间并达到其他星球。 (2) We can not get much further without considering in more detail the properties of the atmosphere on which we depend for flight. Version: 如果不更详细地研究赖以飞行的大气的特性,我们就不能飞得更远
4.系表分隔 e.g. (1)It is, as it were, an arbitrary zero of reckoning, and the choice of it is in our power Version 它仿佛是一个任意的计算零点,我们可以自由选择。 5.复合谓语本身分隔 e.g. (1) According to the equivalence principle the effect produced by gravity can in no way be distinguished from the effect produced by an acceleration Version: 根据等效原理,无法把万有引力所产生的效果与加速度所产生的效果区分开来。 6.固定搭配的分隔 (1)One of the problems of modern industry is the transportation of energy from the lace at which it is available to the place at which it can be used most effectively Version 现代工业的问题之一,就是如何将能量从开发地输送到可以最有效地利用能源的 地方。 (2)There will be atomic jet-plane we will be able to fly right up through the atmosphere, through the atmosphere and away out into space to the moon and the venus and the other planets
3 4. 系表分隔 e.g. (1) It is, as it were, an arbitrary zero of reckoning, and the choice of it is in our power. Version: 它仿佛是一个任意的计算零点,我们可以自由选择。 5. 复合谓语本身分隔 e.g. (1) According to the equivalence principle, the effect produced by gravity can in no way be distinguished from the effect produced by an acceleration. Version: 根据等效原理,无法把万有引力所产生的效果与加速度所产生的效果区分开来。 6. 固定搭配的分隔 (1)One of the problems of modern industry is the transportation of energy from the place at which it is available to the place at which it can be used most effectively. Version: 现代工业的问题之一,就是如何将能量从开发地输送到可以最有效地利用能源的 地方。 (2)There will be atomic jet-plane, we will be able to fly right up through the atmosphere, through the atmosphere, and away out into space, to the Moon, and the Venus and the other planets
Version 将来会出现原子喷气飞机,我们能够径直穿过大气层、同温层,飞入外空,飞 向月球、金星和其他星球
4 Version: 将来会出现原子喷气飞机,我们能够径直穿过大气层、同温层,飞入外空,飞 向月球、金星和其他星球
科技翻译中的长句处理 要点:抓住全句中心内容、理清各部分之间的语法关系及逻辑关系、分清上下层次 及前后联系,然后,根据汉语特点、习惯和表达方式,正确译出原文的意思。 1.顺译法:按照英语的语序,把英语长句拆分为汉语中的短句。 e.g The physical metallurgist, who has been relied upon by the industrialist to solve immediate problems even though it may have been at the expenses of his fundamental work on the understanding of the overall behavior of metals and alloys, is now tempted to desert to the ranks of the metal physicists although his training equips him ill for the new occupation Version 工业家长期以来总是依靠物理冶金家去解决一些迫切的问题(即使这可能需要物 理冶金家另起炉灶去掌握金属和合金的基本特性),而现在物理冶金家却想改行 加入到金属物理学家的行列,尽管他所受过的训练不利于他从事新的职业。 2.逆译法 e.g. (1) The purpose of this book is to place at the disposal of the design engineer who is facing these challenges, a survey of the experience gained from the many and diverse applications of aerostatic bearings which have already been successfully accomplished. Version
5 二. 科技翻译中的长句处理 要点:抓住全句中心内容、理清各部分之间的语法关系及逻辑关系、分清上下层次 及前后联系,然后,根据汉语特点、习惯和表达方式,正确译出原文的意思。 1. 顺译法:按照英语的语序,把英语长句拆分为汉语中的短句。 e.g. The physical metallurgist, who has been relied upon by the industrialist to solve immediate problems even though it may have been at the expenses of his fundamental work on the understanding of the overall behavior of metals and alloys, is now tempted to desert to the ranks of the metal physicists, although his training equips him ill for the new occupation. Version: 工业家长期以来总是依靠物理冶金家去解决一些迫切的问题(即使这可能需要物 理冶金家另起炉灶去掌握金属和合金的基本特性),而现在物理冶金家却想改行 加入到金属物理学家的行列,尽管他所受过的训练不利于他从事新的职业。 2. 逆译法 e.g. (1) The purpose of this book is to place at the disposal of the design engineer who is facing these challenges, a survey of the experience gained from the many and diverse applications of aerostatic bearings which have already been successfully accomplished. Version:
空气静压轴承已经研制成功,在各个方面的应用中也都取得了很多经验,因此, 向承担这些任务的设计工程师介绍便是本书的目的 3.分译法:打乱原文结构,按汉语习惯重新排列 e. g. (1)Pure science has been subdivided into the physical science, which deals with the facts and relations of the physical world, and biological sciences, which investigat the history and workings of life on this planet Version 理论科学分为自然科学和生物科学。前者研究自然界的各种事物和相互关系, 而后者则探讨地球上生物的发展历史和活动。 (2)With the present rate of growth of ideas and plans of both physicists and engineers, it is no longer possible to allow the development of the full potentialities of the new metals to evolve over a period of about fifty years, as was the case with aluminum in the period between 1890 and 1949 Version 铝的潜力全部开发出来耗费了从1890年到1949年大约60年时间,而以目前 物理学家和工程师们思维和观念更新的速度,要把新金属的潜力充分挖掘出 来再也不需要50年那么漫长的时间了。 (3 The technical possibility could well exist, therefore of nationalwide integrated transmission network of high capacity, controlled by computers, inter-connected
6 空气静压轴承已经研制成功,在各个方面的应用中也都取得了很多经验,因此, 向承担这些任务的设计工程师介绍便是本书的目的。 3. 分译法:打乱原文结构,按汉语习惯重新排列。 e.g. (1)Pure science has been subdivided into the physical science, which deals with the facts and relations of the physical world, and biological sciences, which investigate the history and workings of life on this planet. Version: 理论科学分为自然科学和生物科学。前者研究自然界的各种事物和相互关系, 而后者则探讨地球上生物的发展历史和活动。 (2)With the present rate of growth of ideas and plans of both physicists and engineers, it is no longer possible to allow the development of the full potentialities of the new metals to evolve over a period of about fifty years, as was the case with aluminum in the period between 1890 and 1949. Version: 铝的潜力全部开发出来耗费了从 1890 年到 1949 年大约 60 年时间,而以目前 物理学家和工程师们思维和观念更新的速度,要把新金属的潜力充分挖掘出 来再也不需要 50 年那么漫长的时间了。 (3)The technical possibility could well exist, therefore, of nationalwide integrated transmission network of high capacity, controlled by computers, inter-connected
globally by satellite and submarine cable, providing speedy and reliable communications throughout the world Version 建立全国统一的大容量的通讯网络,由计算机进行控制,通过卫星和海底电 缆在全球范围内提供快速可靠的通讯服务,从技术上来讲是完全可能的。 4)The advent of jet and rocket propulsion, and of nuclear reactors has shown that the materials which previously served for constructional purposes are no longer wholly satisfactory for the manufacture of equipment on which the efficient functioning of these new sources of power depends Version 喷气式飞机、火箭助推器以及核反应堆的出现表明,用过去的建材来建造那 些有效使用新能源的设备已不可能再取得令人完全满意的效果 (5 It is in emergency also, that the station master may be called on to make decisions of considerable importance in regard to the working of the trains past his station, though in general operation control systems are now so extensive more particularly on main lines, that he can obtain without any great delay a decision by telephone from the control office of the area in which his station is situated as to any altered methods of working that it may be necessary to put in force Version 尽管一般来说,运行控制系统目前已经广泛应用(特别是在主干线上),站长
7 globally by satellite and submarine cable, providing speedy and reliable communications throughoutthe world. Version: 建立全国统一的大容量的通讯网络,由计算机进行控制,通过卫星和海底电 缆在全球范围内提供快速可靠的通讯服务,从技术上来讲是完全可能的。 (4)The advent of jet and rocket propulsion, and of nuclear reactors, has shown that the materials which previously served for constructional purposes are no longer wholly satisfactory for the manufacture of equipment on which the efficient functioning of these new sources of power depends. Version: 喷气式飞机、火箭助推器以及核反应堆的出现表明,用过去的建材来建造那 些有效使用新能源的设备已不可能再取得令人完全满意的效果。 (5)It is in emergency, also, that the station master may be called on to make decisions of considerable importance in regard to the working of the trains past his station, though in general operation control systems are now so extensive, more particularly on main lines, that he can obtain without any great delay a decision by telephone from the control office of the area in which his station is situated as to any altered methods of working that it may be necessary to put in force. Version: 尽管一般来说,运行控制系统目前已经广泛应用(特别是在主干线上),站长
可以通过电话从其车站所在地区的调度室迅速获得必须实施的有关改变行车 方式的决定,但在紧急情况下,可能还要求站长对过站列车的运行作出重要 的决策
8 可以通过电话从其车站所在地区的调度室迅速获得必须实施的有关改变行车 方式的决定,但在紧急情况下,可能还要求站长对过站列车的运行作出重要 的决策
.科技英语汉译中的常见逻辑错误 翻译既是语言形式的转换,又是思维方式的转换。逻辑作为硏究思维的规律、 形式和方法的科学,指导并规约着翻译的全过程 1.概念不准确 概念作为反映事物及其特有属性的思维形式,是与词语分不开的。 (1)概念转移:偷换概念 e.g. f the flexible leads〔绕性引线) of a portable electric appliance fray and break and the wires then happen to touch the metal parts of the appliance these parts can give a severe electric shock to anyone who touches them Version 假如便携式电器的绕性引线磨损而断裂,并且这些线碰巧与电器的零部件相接 触,那么谁碰到这些零件,谁就会触电。 改译:…引线磨损而裸露在外,并且这些引线的裸露部分碰巧 (2)概念跃迁: 有些概念在原文里本是种、属关系,但翻译过来后,概念上的所属关系变成了 并列关系,使原来的种概念变成了属概念(升级),或使原来的属概念变为种 概念(降级) g
9 三. 科技英语汉译中的常见逻辑错误 翻译既是语言形式的转换,又是思维方式的转换。逻辑作为研究思维的规律、 形式和方法的科学,指导并规约着翻译的全过程。 1. 概念不准确 概念作为反映事物及其特有属性的思维形式,是与词语分不开的。 (1)概念转移:偷换概念 e.g. If the flexible leads(绕性引线) of a portable electric appliance fray and break and the wiresthen happen to touch the metal parts of the appliance, these parts can give a severe electric shock to anyone who touches them. Version: 假如便携式电器的绕性引线磨损而断裂,并且这些线碰巧与电器的零部件相接 触,那么谁碰到这些零件,谁就会触电。 改译:......引线磨损而裸露在外,并且这些引线的裸露部分碰巧...... (2)概念跃迁: 有些概念在原文里本是种、属关系,但翻译过来后,概念上的所属关系变成了 并列关系,使原来的种概念变成了属概念(升级),或使原来的属概念变为种 概念(降级)。 e.g
Therefore, concrete and reinforced concrete become one of the most important building materials Verion: 因而,混泥土和钢筋混泥土是最重要的建筑材料之 改译:因而,普通混泥土和钢筋混泥土是最重要的建筑材料之 (3)概念外延(内涵)扩大或缩小 翻译时,应尽量使译文所表达的概念与原文所表达的概念具有相同的内涵与 外延,任意扩大或缩小概念外延的结果是使其内涵减少(增加),反之亦然 g n the digital computer input and output quantities(输入与输出量) are counted while in the analogue computer(模拟计算机) numbers are respresented by some physical quantities such as length, angular rotation(角位移) and voltage 数字计算机的输入与输出量是可数的;而模拟计算机的数字是用某些物理 量,如长度、角频率和电压等来表示的 改译:数字计算机的输入与输出量是可数的;而模拟计算机的数字是用某些物 理量,如长度、角位移和电压等来表示的 2.判断不恰当
10 Therefore, concrete and reinforced concrete become one of the most important building materials. Verion: 因而,混泥土和钢筋混泥土是最重要的建筑材料之一。 改译:因而,普通混泥土和钢筋混泥土是最重要的建筑材料之一。 (3)概念外延(内涵)扩大或缩小 翻译时,应尽量使译文所表达的概念与原文所表达的概念具有相同的内涵与 外延,任意扩大或缩小概念外延的结果是使其内涵减少(增加),反之亦然。 e.g. In the digital computer input and output quantities(输入与输出量) are counted, while in the analogue computer(模拟计算机) numbers are respresented by some physical quantities such as length, angular rotation(角位移) and voltage. Version: 数字计算机的输入与输出量是可数的;而模拟计算机的数字是用某些物理 量,如长度、角频率和电压等来表示的。 改译:数字计算机的输入与输出量是可数的;而模拟计算机的数字是用某些物 理量,如长度、角位移和电压等来表示的。 2. 判断不恰当