《色彩》课程教学大纲 Course Syllabus of Hue 课程编号:012062 Course No:012062 课程名称(中/英文):色彩Hue Course Name(Chinese/English):色彩Hue 课程类型:平台课 Course type:Platform cou 总学时:64 讲课学时:64 实验学时:0 Total Hours:64 Lecture Hours:64 Experiment Hours:0 学分:4 Credits:4 适用对象:工业设计专业 Object:Industrial Design 先修课程:素描 Prerequisites:Sketch 后续课程: Follow-up courses 开课单位:机械与动力工程学院 Teaching School:School of Mechanical and Power Engineering 一、课程性质和教学目标 I.Course Nature and Learning Outcome 色彩、造型、材料是艺术设计的三要素,其中色彩占据着最直接的地位。对色彩的研究和分析是 提高设计能力和创新能力的必修课程,是艺术设计学科的重要基础。对色彩规律及其运用的研究是每 ·个从事设计学习者必各备的条件。本课程教学的目标是通过学习色彩基础知识、构成原理等,掌握色 彩绘画的基本技法和提高审美水平。 Color,shape and material are the three elements of artistic design,among which color occupies the most direct position.The research and to improve the design ability and innovation ability.and is an important basis of the art design discipline.The study of color law and its application is anessential condition for every design learner.The teaching goal of this course isto master the basic techniques of color painting and improve the aesthetic level by learning the basic knowledge of color and composition principle
《色彩》课程教学大纲 Course Syllabus of Hue 课程编号: 012062 Course No: 012062 课程名称(中/英文): 色彩 Hue Course Name (Chinese/English):色彩 Hue 课程类型: 平台课 Course type: Platform course 总 学 时:64 讲课学时:64 实验学时:0 Total Hours: 64 Lecture Hours: 64 Experiment Hours: 0 学 分:4 Credits: 4 适用对象: 工业设计专业 Object: Industrial Design 先修课程:素描 Prerequisites:Sketch 后续课程: Follow-up courses: 开课单位:机械与动力工程学院 Teaching School: School of Mechanical and Power Engineering 一、课程性质和教学目标 I. Course Nature and Learning Outcome 色彩、造型、材料是艺术设计的三要素,其中色彩占据着最直接的地位。对色彩的研究和分析是 提高设计能力和创新能力的必修课程,是艺术设计学科的重要基础。对色彩规律及其运用的研究是每 一个从事设计学习者必备的条件。本课程教学的目标是通过学习色彩基础知识、构成原理等,掌握色 彩绘画的基本技法和提高审美水平。 Color, shape and material are the three elements of artistic design, among which color occupies the most direct position. The research and analysis of color is a required course to improve the design ability and innovation ability, and is an important basis of the art design discipline. The study of color law and its application is an essential condition for every design learner. The teaching goal of this course is to master the basic techniques of color painting and improve the aesthetic level by learning the basic knowledge of color and composition principle
二、教学基本要求 II.Basic Requirements for Teaching 本课程应该结合色彩理论知识、分阶段、针对性的进行色彩配色练习、色彩写生练习、色彩构 成练习、色彩归纳及色彩设计练习,使学生从理论到实践,逐渐认识、掌握色彩,并逐渐熟练运用 色彩作为绘画和设计工具 Thiscourse should combine the knowledge of color theory,carry out color matching practice,color sketching practice,and co design practice in different stages so that students can gradually understand and master color from theory to practice,and gradually skillfully and design too 三、教学内容及要求 III.Topic and Requirements 教学内容: 第一章:色彩的基础知识 色彩产生的原理、色彩的三要素、色彩的体系 第二章:水粉色彩教学 讲述水粉写生的工具与材料、水粉写生基本技法,掌握配色知识,通过练习熟悉水粉写生的基本 技能技巧等。 教学要求: 通过对色彩的学习掌握水粉绘画的基本技法,并对色彩在设计上的应用有基本了解。 Teaching Content: Chapter one:the basic knowledge of coo The principle of color generation.the three elements of color and the system of color Chapter two:Gouache oor teaching About the gouache sketching tools and materials.gouache sketching basic techniques.master the knowledge.throug practice familiar with the basic skills and skills of gouache sketching. Teaching Requirements Master the basic techniques of gouache painting through the study of color,and have a basic understanding of the application design. 四、课程建设与改革(含教学思想、教学方法、教学手段) IV.Curriculum Construction and Reform(including teaching ideas,teaching methods,and teaching actions) 该课程主要的教学思想是通过色彩的学习提高动手能力和审美水平这两方面的能力,从而在未来 的专业设计学习中能够从容应对。在课程教学的方法上,授课教师应该多展示讲解,并通过课堂示范
二、教学基本要求 II. Basic Requirements for Teaching 本课程应该结合色彩理论知识、分阶段、针对性的进行色彩配色练习、色彩写生练习、色彩构 成练习、色彩归纳及色彩设计练习,使学生从理论到实践,逐渐认识、掌握色彩,并逐渐熟练运用 色彩作为绘画和设计工具。 This course should combine the knowledge of color theory, carry out color matching practice, color sketching practice, color composition practice, color induction and color design practice in different stages, so that students can gradually understand and master color from theory to practice, and gradually skillfully use color as a painting and design tool. 三、教学内容及要求 III. Topic and Requirements 教学内容: 第一章:色彩的基础知识 色彩产生的原理、色彩的三要素、色彩的体系 第二章:水粉色彩教学 讲述水粉写生的工具与材料、水粉写生基本技法,掌握配色知识,通过练习熟悉水粉写生的基本 技能技巧等。 教学要求: 通过对色彩的学习掌握水粉绘画的基本技法,并对色彩在设计上的应用有基本了解。 Teaching Content: Chapter one: the basic knowledge of color The principle of color generation, the three elements of color and the system of color Chapter two: Gouache color teaching About the gouache sketching tools and materials, gouache sketching basic techniques, master the knowledge of color matching, through practice familiar with the basic skills and skills of gouache sketching. Teaching Requirements: Master the basic techniques of gouache painting through the study of color, and have a basic understanding of the application of color in design. 四、课程建设与改革(含教学思想、教学方法、教学手段) IV. Curriculum Construction and Reform (including teaching ideas, teaching methods, and teaching actions) 该课程主要的教学思想是通过色彩的学习提高动手能力和审美水平这两方面的能力,从而在未来 的专业设计学习中能够从容应对。在课程教学的方法上,授课教师应该多展示讲解,并通过课堂示范
教学,使学生更直观的学习写生技法及色彩设计的方法及步骤。从设计思路及设计表达能力两个方面 引导学生,从而真正达到提高学生色彩的绘画能力和色彩的设计能力的目的。 The main teachingide of isto improve the ability of practical ability and aesthetic level through the study of coor,so as to be able to calmly cope with the future professional design study.In terms of cous teaching methods,teachers should show and more.and make studen sketching techniques and methods and steps of color design more intuitively through classroom demonstration teaching To guide the students from two aspects of design ideas and design expression ability,soas to really improve the students ability of color painting and color design. 五、各数学环节学时分配 V.Allocation of Teaching Hours 讲课 讨论课 实验 习题课 其他 Discussio Experime 合计 ecture Exercise Total 色彩的基础知 识 The basics of cor 水粉色彩教学 Gouache color 6 56 teaching 合计 64 Total 六、考核及成绩评定方式 VL Assessment and Grading 考核方式为考察,评定方式是以每次课的习作成绩的平均分为最终评定成绩。 The assessment method is inspection.and the assessment method isthe final assessment result based on the average score of each class's exercises 七、教材和参考书目 VII.Textbooks and Other Materials 教材:无None 参考书:无Nonc
教学,使学生更直观的学习写生技法及色彩设计的方法及步骤。从设计思路及设计表达能力两个方面 引导学生,从而真正达到提高学生色彩的绘画能力和色彩的设计能力的目的。 The main teaching idea of this course is to improve the ability of practical ability and aesthetic level through the study of color, so as to be able to calmly cope with the future professional design study. In terms of course teaching methods, teachers should show and explain more, and make students learn sketching techniques and methods and steps of color design more intuitively through classroom demonstration teaching. To guide the students from two aspects of design ideas and design expression ability, so as to really improve the students' ability of color painting and color design. 五、各教学环节学时分配 V. Allocation of Teaching Hours 讲课 Lecture 习题课 Exercise 讨论课 Discussio n 实验 Experime nt 其他 Other 合计 Total 色彩的基础知 识 The basics of color 8 8 水粉色彩教学 Gouache color teaching 56 56 合计 Total 64 64 六、考核及成绩评定方式 VI. Assessment and Grading 考核方式为考察,评定方式是以每次课的习作成绩的平均分为最终评定成绩。 The assessment method is inspection, and the assessment method is the final assessment result based on the average score of each class's exercises. 七、教材和参考书目 VII. Textbooks and Other Materials 教 材:无None 参考书:无 None
八、说明 VIII.Description 无 None 大纲制订人:张晨 Prepared by:Zhang chen 大纲审定人: Reviewed by 制订日期: Date:
八、说明 VIII. Description 无 None. 大纲制订人:张晨 Prepared by: Zhang chen 大纲审定人: Reviewed by: 制订日期: Date: