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《商务英语视听说》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:18060302 课程名称:商务英语视听说 英文名称:Business English:Viewing.Listening and Speaking 课程类别:专业选修课 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象:全日制本科二年级国际贸易、国际商务专业 考核方式:考查 先修课程:大学英语、基础商务英语 二、课程简介 《商务英语视听说》是为以商务和贸易为专业的本科院校学生开设的一门综 合语言技能课。课程内容主要包括日常商务活动和国际贸易进出口两大部分,目 的是提高学生运用英语进行商务交际的能力。本课程在教学过程中设计了各种以 商务交往、贸易往来为目的的商务环节,并通过模拟训练,让学生能够在体验中 学习英语,了解在实际工作中应如何与国际商务人士沟通交流 This course is designed to meet the needs of business and trade oriented undergraduate students.The purpose is to improve students'comprehensive business English skills,and thus impr ve the ability to use English for co munications in global business and intemational trade.The main contentsof this course common business activities and interational import and export.During the teaching process the students have to doa lot of simulated training and practice so as to learn business English with full experience and understand how to communicate with foreigners successfully in business environment 三、课程性质与教学目的 本课程属于专业选修课,是为国际贸易和国际商务本科专业学生开设的一门 综合语言技能课。该课程的教学目的是在学生已学习大学英语和基础商务英语的 前提下,进一步巩固和提高学生商务英语的综合运用能力。本课程突出自主、互 动的学习过程,使学生学以致用:注重国际商务与贸易实践能力的锻炼,使学生 不仅熟悉了国际贸易流程,又学习了相关英语的应用。 对外贸易是拉动国民经济发展的 贸易的发展需要大量从 事商务与外贸工作的专业人才,涉外工作人员频繁与外国人交流并进行商贸活 动,难免受到国外各种世界观和价值观的影响,这就需要从业人员具有更高的思 想政治素养。本课程的另一个教学目的就是将商务活动知识点与思政教育知识 点相结合,潜移默化地让学生在专业学习的过程中,树立正确的世界观、人生 观和价值观, 拥有良好的职业道德和职业精神,从而为社会输送更多高素质高 技能的对外经贸类商务人才

《商务英语视听说》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:18060302 课程名称:商务英语视听说 英文名称:Business English: Viewing, Listening and Speaking 课程类别:专业选修课 学 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象: 全日制本科二年级国际贸易、国际商务专业 考核方式:考查 先修课程:大学英语、基础商务英语 二、课程简介 《商务英语视听说》是为以商务和贸易为专业的本科院校学生开设的一门综 合语言技能课。课程内容主要包括日常商务活动和国际贸易进出口两大部分,目 的是提高学生运用英语进行商务交际的能力。本课程在教学过程中设计了各种以 商务交往、贸易往来为目的的商务环节,并通过模拟训练,让学生能够在体验中 学习英语,了解在实际工作中应如何与国际商务人士沟通交流。 This course is designed to meet the needs of business and trade oriented undergraduate students. The purpose is to improve students’comprehensive business English skills, and thus improve the ability to use English for communications in global business and international trade. The main contents of this course include common business activities and international import and export. During the teaching process the students have to do a lot of simulated training and practice so as to learn business English with full experience and understand how to communicate with foreigners successfully in business environment. 三、课程性质与教学目的 本课程属于专业选修课,是为国际贸易和国际商务本科专业学生开设的一门 综合语言技能课。该课程的教学目的是在学生已学习大学英语和基础商务英语的 前提下,进一步巩固和提高学生商务英语的综合运用能力。本课程突出自主、互 动的学习过程,使学生学以致用;注重国际商务与贸易实践能力的锻炼,使学生 不仅熟悉了国际贸易流程,又学习了相关英语的应用。 对外贸易是拉动国民经济发展的“三驾马车”之一,贸易的发展需要大量从 事商务与外贸工作的专业人才,涉外工作人员频繁与外国人交流并进行商贸活 动,难免受到国外各种世界观和价值观的影响,这就需要从业人员具有更高的思 想政治素养。本课程的另一个教学目的就是将商务活动知识点与思政教育知识 点相结合,潜移默化地让学生在专业学习的过程中,树立正确的世界观、人生 观和价值观,拥有良好的职业道德和职业精神,从而为社会输送更多高素质高 技能的对外经贸类商务人才

四、教学内容及要求 第一单元:工作面试 (一)目的与要求 1.了解找工作过程中如何准备面试,以及如何在面试中较好地表现自我, 展现自我: 2.掌握怎么样回答关于个人具体情况的问题,如教育背景、工作经历等。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up 1 Ask ss to note down other reasons they can think of Divide groups.ideas. agreeing Ask a few Ss to report their findings (e.g.the agreed Best job and most common reason(s),the most unique/strange choice or reason,etc.) Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 FAQs in job interviews Task 2 Inappropriate questions in job interviews Part III Language Focus 1.Ask Ss to note down the key points of the interview. 2.Divide the class into pairs.Get Ss toallocate the roles. 3 Ask Ss to role-play the job interview according to the noted points and with the help of the expr ssions in Language Focus If time allows,ask Ss to swap roles and role-play the interview agair 5.Invite a pair to act out the interview in class 6.Give comments and suggestions for improvement Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video1 Applying for the position of fin ancial consultant Video2 Applying for the position of Sales Manage Part V Case Analysis Ask Ss to take detailed notes while listening. 2.Ask Ss to exchange ideas in pairs.Remind them to give examples to support their points 3 Give Ssa second chance to listen to the interview if they failed to note down the key information Allow Ss a few minutes to prepare an improved version of the interview. Choose a few pairs o role-play the revised interview in class. 6.Invite other Ss to give comments and suggestions for improvement 如何表现和展示自我?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、在面试过程中要注意礼貌,礼貌是对面试官的尊重,同时也是面试官对 面试者的认识的第一印象。 2、面试着装的干净整洁很重要,不要自以为是的去突出个性,对于应届生 来说,企业会 允许他们还保留学生气的打扮,应届生穿休闲类套装很合适,这样也 可以为面试着装节省开支。 3、面试时要委婉说明自己与同事或团体的合作能力,如果善于与人沟通

四、教学内容及要求 第一单元:工作面试 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解找工作过程中如何准备面试,以及如何在面试中较好地表现自我, 展现自我; 2. 掌握怎么样回答关于个人具体情况的问题,如教育背景、工作经历等。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up 1. Ask Ss to note down other reasons they can think of. 2. Divide the class into small groups. Give Ss a few minutes to exchange ideas. 3. Encourage Ss to use different expressions of agreeing and disagreeing. 4. Ask a few Ss to report their findings (e.g. the agreed Best job and most common reason(s), the most unique/strange choice or reason, etc.). Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 FAQs in job interviews Task 2 Inappropriate questions in job interviews Part III Language Focus 1. Ask Ss to note down the key points of the interview. 2. Divide the class into pairs. Get Ss to allocate the roles. 3. Ask Ss to role-play the job interview according to the noted points and with the help of the expressions in Language Focus. 4. If time allows, ask Ss to swap roles and role-play the interview again. 5. Invite a pair to act out the interview in class. 6. Give comments and suggestions for improvement. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Applying for the position of financial consultant Video 2 Applying for the position of Sales Manager Part V Case Analysis 1. Ask Ss to take detailed notes while listening. 2. Ask Ss to exchange ideas in pairs. Remind them to give examples to support their points. 3. Give Ss a second chance to listen to the interview if they failed to note down the key information. 4. Allow Ss a few minutes to prepare an improved version of the interview. 5. Choose a few pairs o role-play the revised interview in class. 6. Invite other Ss to give comments and suggestions for improvement. (三)思考与实践 如何表现和展示自我?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、在面试过程中要注意礼貌,礼貌是对面试官的尊重,同时也是面试官对 面试者的认识的第一印象。 2、面试着装的干净整洁很重要,不要自以为是的去突出个性,对于应届生 来说,企业会允许他们还保留学生气的打扮,应届生穿休闲类套装很合适,这样也 可以为面试着装节省开支。 3、面试时要委婉说明自己与同事或团体的合作能力,如果善于与人沟通

这样就有被录取的希望。若有工作经验可以尽量提起,争取得到面试官的认可。如 果和招聘者约定好面试时间一定要提前到达,千万不要迟到。 4、面试时忌好高骛远,不切实际。找一份理想的职业是每个求职者的愿望 无可厚非。 但美好的愿望应根植于自身素质和客观现实 审时度势,准确定位 是求职成功的关键所在。眼高手低,这山望着那山高是求职之大忌。 5、面试时的仪表风度很重要,选择面试着装时,要根据你应聘职业的特性 来决定,如银行、政府部门等会是比较正统的着装,公关和时尚杂质则需要你的面 试着装有一定的流行因素。 (四)教学方法与手段 教学案例分析(找工作面试),任务型教学(熟悉面试程序),课堂小组学 习(如何在面试中较好地表现自我) 第二单元:工作和责任 (一)目的与要求 1 了解公司的部门和职位设置 掌握描述工作和职责的英语表达方式和对工作的喜恶表达方法。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up What kinds of in a company Production Marketing 市场 Sales 销售 Import 进口 Export 出▣ Finance 财务 Personnel 人电 Research &Development 研发 Accounts 会计 Auditing 审计 Purchasing 平版 Public Relations 公关 Maintenance 维修 After-Sale service 售后服务 Ouality assurance 质量检查 Transport 廷侧 Security 保安 Geperal affairs 总名 Logistics 后勤 Discipline Inspection 纪检 Trade Union 工会 Organizational Department 组织部 League Committee 用 Women's Federation 妇联 Part 2 Listening and Speaking lask I 1.Give Ss one minute to think over the job they wish to take.Tell Ss to refer to the job titles and positions listed in Warm-up. Divide the class int pairs and get Ss to take tums to talk about their dream job Ask Ss todescribe the job in detail and tell the reasons why they choose the job. 4.Have tow or three Ss describe their dream job in class and get the other Ss to guess the title of the job. Task 2 Describing jobs in the following chart: Name Position Responsibilities

这样就有被录取的希望。若有工作经验可以尽量提起,争取得到面试官的认可。如 果和招聘者约定好面试时间一定要提前到达,千万不要迟到。 4、面试时忌好高骛远,不切实际。找一份理想的职业是每个求职者的愿望, 无可厚非。但美好的愿望应根植于自身素质和客观现实之上。审时度势,准确定位 是求职成功的关键所在。眼高手低,这山望着那山高是求职之大忌。 5、面试时的仪表风度很重要,选择面试着装时,要根据你应聘职业的特性 来决定,如银行、政府部门等会是比较正统的着装,公关和时尚杂质则需要你的面 试着装有一定的流行因素。 (四)教学方法与手段 教学案例分析(找工作面试),任务型教学(熟悉面试程序),课堂小组学 习(如何在面试中较好地表现自我) 第二单元:工作和责任 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解公司的部门和职位设置; 2. 掌握描述工作和职责的英语表达方式和对工作的喜恶表达方法。 (二)教学内容 Part 1 Warm-up What kinds of positions are there in a company: Production 生产 Marketing 市场 Sales 销售 Import 进口 Export 出口 Finance 财务 Personnel 人事 Research &Development 研发 Accounts 会计 Auditing 审计 Purchasing 采购 Public Relations 公关 Maintenance 维修 After-Sale service 售后服务 Quality Assurance 质量检查 Transport 运输 Security 保安 General Affairs 总务 Logistics 后勤 Discipline Inspection 纪检 Trade Union 工会 Organizational Department 组织部 League Committee 团委 Women’s Federation 妇联 Part 2 Listening and Speaking Task 1 1. Give Ss one minute to think over the job they wish to take. Tell Ss to refer to the job titles and positions listed in Warm-up. 2. Divide the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to talk about their dream job. 3. Ask Ss to describe the job in detail and tell the reasons why they choose the job. 4. Have tow or three Ss describe their dream job in class and get the other Ss to guess the title of the job. Task 2 Describing jobs in the following chart: Name Position Responsibilities

Jack Manager of the Managing all ofthe product development Research& process,including resource Development requirements and 1)personnel management:analyzing Department the needs of the 2)developing markets and directing the work accordingly;creating and managing the R&D teams and being responsible for the overall 3)planning 4)execution,and success of the projects Janet Sales Developing sales strategies,achieving 5)sales targets. Manager recruiting and training sales staff:supervising and motivating 6)team performance:expanding the 7) er base and ensuring high levels of 8)custome satisfactio Stanle Manager of the 9)selecting.developing and managing a highly Production competent and motivated staff of emplovees.ensuring Departmen that production is 10)cost-effective and the products are produced 11)on time and 12)of good quality orking out the 3)human and material resou esneede identifying the 14)training needs of the staff and cultivating a culture of 15)continuous improvement in all aspects of manufacturing art 3 Language Focus Ask Ss to brainstorm some jobs or positions and write them down Divide the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to describe the jobs they've written down Ask ss to use different expressions to describe the iobs referring to the Ifthe studer nguage 4. who is responsible for guessing the titles cannot get the correct answer,ask the describer to mention some famous people in that line of work as example. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video Do you like your job? Part V Case alysi (三)思考与实践 了解工作与责任的重要性。个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、态度诚恳 做到认认真真、诚恳老实, 实事求是 直接为党中央服务,要始终讲真话、讲真话、办实事、求实效。这是中央的 要求,也是职责。 3、注重时效 对时间敏感,做到雷厉风行、紧抓快办 强调 质量 要以质量为中心,严谨细致,精益求精。 责任指个体分内应做的事,来自对他人的承诺,职业要求,道德规范和法律

Jack Manager of the Research& Development Department Managing all aspects of the product development process, including resource allocation, budget requirements and 1) personnel management; analyzing the needs of the 2) developing markets and directing the work accordingly; creating and managing the R&D teams and being responsible for the overall 3) planning, 4) execution, and success of the projects Janet Sales Manager Developing sales strategies; achieving 5) sales targets; recruiting and training sales staff; supervising and motivating 6) team performance ; expanding the 7) customer base and ensuring high levels of 8) customer satisfaction Stanle y Manager of the Production Department 9) selecting, developing and managing a highly competent and motivated staff of employees; ensuring that production is 10)cost-effective and the products are produced 11) on time and 12) of good quality; working out the 13) human and material resourcesneeded; identifying the 14) training needs of the staff and cultivating a culture of 15) continuous improvement in all aspects of manufacturing Part 3 Language Focus 1. Ask Ss to brainstorm some jobs or positions and write them down. 2. Divide the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to describe the jobs they’ve written down. 3. Ask Ss to use different expressions to describe the jobs, referring to the expressions in Language Focus. 4. If the student who is responsible for guessing the titles cannot get the correct answer, ask the describer to mention some famous people in that line of work as example. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video Do you like your job? Part V Case Analysis (三)思考与实践 了解工作与责任的重要性。个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、态度诚恳 做到认认真真、诚恳老实。 2、实事求是 直接为党中央服务,要始终讲真话、讲真话、办实事、求实效。这是中央的 要求,也是职责。 3、注重时效 对时间敏感,做到雷厉风行、紧抓快办。 4、强调质量 要以质量为中心,严谨细致,精益求精。 责任指个体分内应做的事,来自对他人的承诺,职业要求,道德规范和法律

法规等:指没有做好自己工作,而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务。 (四)教学方法与手段 教学案分析(对待工作情感态度),任务型教学(公司部门积位设置, 作职责范围表达),课堂小组学习(描述工作和职责的英语表达方式和对工作的 克恶) 第三单元:电话技巧 (一)目的与要求 1.了解接听电话的商务英语语言: 2.掌握帮人转接电话以及请求转接电话的交流用语,电话交流中留下信息的表 达方式 打电话中解决问题的表达法 (二)教学内容 Part i Warm-up Stuy the big 3 1.Be prepared.Avoid starting the process when you're rushed.Relax!Make sure you have a big pad of paper,a pen.aglass of water,and a reasonable amount of Don't give up.You have the right to get information and respectful service.Be persistent and patient.Realize that sometimes it will take ten calls to find out what you want no one person or organization has all the answers Try not to put people on the spot.It makes them defensive.Rather try to enlist their suppor mber,you u sually catch vith honey than with vinegar Part II Listening and Speaking 1.Divide the class into pairs.Ask Ss to allocate the roles and roles-play the telephone dialog 2 who take the roe of Louise can either approve or disapprove of the change should be 3.Invite one or two pairs to cat out the dialogs in class to check if Ss can develop the phone call naturally. Part III Language Focus Divide the class into pairs get Ss to decide which role to take.Have Ssrole-play according to the information provided,referring to the expressions in Language 2. Walk around the classroom and check whether Ss can use the expressions properly. 3.Ask a pair to role-play the telephone dialog in class.encourage the rest of the class omment on their performance Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 2 You are hard to get hold of Video 1 Leaving a message Part v Case analysis Divide the class into small roups Ask Ss to discuss in n gro upsand list busines phone calls in diverse situations.Ask Ss to research the skills and techniques of

法规等;指没有做好自己工作,而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务。 (四)教学方法与手段 教学案例分析(对待工作情感态度),任务型教学(公司部门职位设置,工 作职责范围表达),课堂小组学习(描述工作和职责的英语表达方式和对工作的 喜恶) 第三单元:电话技巧 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解接听电话的商务英语语言; 2. 掌握帮人转接电话以及请求转接电话的交流用语,电话交流中留下信息的表 达方式,打电话中解决问题的表达法。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up: Stuy the big 3 1. Be prepared. Avoid starting the process when you’re rushed. Relax! Make sure you have a big pad of paper, a pen, a glass of water, and a reasonable amount of time. 2. Don’t give up. You have the right to get information and respectful service. Be persistent and patient. Realize that sometimes it will take ten calls to find out what you want. No one person or organization has all the answers. 3. Try not to put people on the spot. It makes them defensive. Rather try to enlist their support. Remember, you usually catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Part II Listening and Speaking 1. Divide the class into pairs. Ask Ss to allocate the roles and roles-play the telephone dialog. 2. Ss who take the role of Louise can either approve or disapprove of the change. Polite expressions should be suggested. 3. Invite one or two pairs to cat out the dialogs in class to check if Ss can develop the phone call naturally. Part III Language Focus 1. Divide the class into pairs get Ss to decide which role to take. Have Ss role-play according to the information provided, referring to the expressions in Language Focus. 2. Walk around the classroom and check whether Ss can use the expressions properly. 3. Ask a pair to role-play the telephone dialog in class.encourage the rest of the class to comment on their performance. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 2 You are hard to get hold of! Video 1 Leaving a message Part V Case Analysis 1. Divide the class into small groups, Ask Ss to discuss in groups and list business phone calls in diverse situations.Ask Ss to research the skills and techniques of

handling calls in different situations 2. Ask Ssto find some cases of making business calls in different situations and have Ss analyze the cases,figuring out their strengths and weaknesses. 3.Ask each group to put together a report on the skills and techniques to deal with different business calls and their case analyses 4.Have each group make a presentation in class PPTor handouts are preferred for the presenta (三)思考与实践 如何与人电话交流?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 打电话技巧和话术 1讯速、判媳地接听由话 接电话首先应做到迅速接听,力争在铃响三次之前就拿起话筒,这是避免让 打电话的人产生不良印象的一种礼貌行为。电话铃响过三遍后才作出反应,会使对 方焦急不安或不偷快。正如日本知名社会心理学家铃木健二所说:“打电话本身就 是一种业务。这种业务的大特点是无时无刻不在体现每个人的特性。”“在现代化 大生产的公司里,职员的使命之一,是一听到电话铃声就立即去接。”接电话时, 也应首先自报单位、 姓名,然后确认对方 2.仔细聆 听并积极反馈 作为受话人,通话过程中,要仔细聆听对方的讲话,并及时作答,给对方以 积极的反馈。通话时听不清楚或意思不明白时,要马上告诉对方。在电话中接到对 方邀请或会说通知时,应热情致谢。 3.规范地代转电话 如果对方请你代转电话,应弄明白对方是谁,要找什么人,以便与接电话 联系。此时,请告知对方“稍等片刻”,并迅速找人。如果不放下话筒喊距离较远 的人,可用手轻捂话筒或按保留按钮,然后再呼减接话人。如果你因别的原因决定 将电话转到别的部门,应客气地告之对方,你将电话转到处理此事的部门或适当的 职员。 4.认真做好电话记录 如果要接电话的人不在,应为其做好电话记录,记录完毕,比较好向对方复 述一遍,以免遗漏或记错。可利用电话记录卡片做好电话记录。 (四)教学方法与手段 教学案例分析 (电话情境中解决问题) 任务型教学(接听电话的商务英语 语言,课堂小组学习(打电话中解决问愿的表达法) 第四单元:公司会议 (一)目的与要求 1.了解会议举行有关词汇,计划筹备会议召开,主持会议,意见的表达 的基本方面】 掌握主持会议,提出建议,请求别人给予意见 同意及否定别人意见的英语表达方式。 (二)敦学内容 Part I Warm-up Ask Ss to recall some meetings they've attended Get Ss to brainstorm the relevant information

handling calls in different situations. 2. Ask Ss to find some cases of making business calls in different situations and have Ss analyze the cases, figuring out their strengths and weaknesses. 3. Ask each group to put together a report on the skills and techniques to deal with different business calls and their case analyses. 4. Have each group make a presentation in class PPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation. (三)思考与实践 如何与人电话交流?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 打电话技巧和话术 1.迅速、礼貌地接听电话 接电话首先应做到迅速接听,力争在铃响三次之前就拿起话筒,这是避免让 打电话的人产生不良印象的一种礼貌行为。电话铃响过三遍后才作出反应,会使对 方焦急不安或不愉快。正如日本知名社会心 理学家铃木健二所说:“打电话本身就 是一种业务。这种业务的大特点是无时无刻不在体现每个人的特性。”“在现代化 大生产的公司里,职员的使命之一,是一听到电话铃声就立即去接。”接电话时 , 也应首先自报单位、姓名,然后确认对方。 2.仔细聆听并积极反馈 作为受话人,通话过程中,要仔细聆听对方的讲话,并及时作答,给对方以 积极的反馈。通话时听不清楚或意思不明白时,要马上告诉对方。在电话中接到对 方邀请或会说通知时,应热情致谢。 3.规范地代转电话 如果对方请你代转电话,应弄明白对方是谁,要找什么人,以便与接电话人 联系。此时,请告知对方“稍等片刻”,并迅速找人。如果不放下话筒喊距离较远 的人,可用手轻捂话筒或按保留按钮, 然后再呼喊接话人。如果你因别的原因决定 将电话转到别的部门,应客气地告之对方,你将电话转到处理此事的部门或适当的 职员。 4.认真做好电话记录 如果要接电话的人不在,应为其做好电话记录,记录完毕,比较好向对方复 述一遍,以免遗漏或记错。可利用电话记录卡片做好电话记录。 (四)教学方法与手段 教学案例分析(电话情境中解决问题),任务型教学(接听电话的商务英语 语言),课堂小组学习(打电话中解决问题的表达法) 第四单元:公司会议 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解会议举行有关词汇,计划筹备会议召开,主持会议,意见的表达。 2. 掌握会议计划的基本方面,掌握主持会议,提出建议,请求别人给予意见, 同意及否定别人意见的英语表达方式。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up 1. Ask Ss to recall some meetings they’ve attended 2. Get Ss to brainstorm the relevant information

3.Have a few Ss report what they've come up with in class 4 List the infomr on on the board istening and peaking Task 1 Formal and informal meetings Task 2 How to take meeting minutes Part III Language Focus divide the class int with one chairpe son in each group 2 Get Ss to role-play the meeting according to the situation,referring to the outlin Ask a group to role-play the meeting in class. 4.Have other Ss comment on their performance and give suggestions for improvement Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Wh are we here Video2 Wh t can we do Part V Case Analysis 1.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to attend a different meeting, take minutes,and analyze it.Each student should have a share in the group work 2. Ask Ss to refe to the oned in the Task 2 of Part 2 to ensur Remind Ss to take into consideration the facts listed in Pre-viewing of Task 2, Part 4 when deciding whether the meeting is productive or not. 4.Ask each group to put together a report. 5 Have each gre make a a presentation in class.PPT or handouts are preferred for the presentatior (三)思考与实我 公司会议上你应该如何表现?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、记好记录: 加会议的时候要准备好会议记录本和笔,认真记录会议的内容,不能什么都 不带就土 加会议了,这是对工作不负责的表现 2、找准位置: 按照要求进入会议场,找准自己的位置,或单位所在的位置,不要随意的就坐 下,司了会议座位安排。 认真听会 议期间要认真听,不能打瞌睡,或者看报纸,杂志,做与会议无关的事情 更不能随意的走动,出入会议场,这是对人的尊重,也是尊重自己。 4、不玩手机: 会议期间,要把自己的手机关机,不能玩手机,更不能接打手机,干扰会议的 纪律,也容易引起其它参加人员的注意力,打乱开会人员的思略,都是不尊重 人的表现 5、请勿吸烟 会议期间,男士不要吸烟,一是人太多了,聚居在一起,空气本身就不好,还 不容易流通,吸烟的话会让会议室烟雾缭绕的,根本不成样子了,还影响他人 健康

3. Have a few Ss report what they’ve come up with in class. 4. List the information on the board. Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 Formal and informal meetings Task 2 How to take meeting minutes Part III Language Focus 1. Divide the class into groups, with one chairperson in each group. 2. Get Ss to role-play the meeting according to the situation, referring to the outline. 3. Ask a group to role-play the meeting in class. 4. Have other Ss comment on their performance and give suggestions for improvement. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Why are we here? Video 2 What can we do? Part V Case Analysis 1. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to attend a different meeting, take minutes, and analyze it. Each student should have a share in the group work. 2. Ask Ss to refer to the tips mentioned in the Task 2 of Part 2 to ensure effectiveness when taking meeting minutes. 3. Remind Ss to take into consideration the facts listed in Pre-viewing of Task 2, Part 4 when deciding whether the meeting is productive or not. 4. Ask each group to put together a report. 5. Have each group make a a presentation in class. PPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation. (三)思考与实践 公司会议上你应该如何表现?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、记好记录: 参加会议的时候要准备好会议记录本和笔,认真记录会议的内容,不能什么都 不带就去参加会议了,这是对工作不负责的表现。 2、找准位置: 按照要求进入会议场,找准自己的位置,或单位所在的位置,不要随意的就坐 下,乱了会议座位安排。 3、认真听会: 会议期间要认真听,不能打瞌睡,或者看报纸,杂志,做与会议无关的事情, 更不能随意的走动,出入会议场,这是对人的尊重,也是尊重自己。 4、不玩手机: 会议期间,要把自己的手机关机,不能玩手机,更不能接打手机,干扰会议的 纪律,也容易引起其它参加人员的注意力,打乱开会人员的思路,都是不尊重 人的表现。 5、请勿吸烟: 会议期间,男士不要吸烟,一是人太多了,聚居在一起,空气本身就不好,还 不容易流通,吸烟的话会让会议室烟雾缭绕的,根本不成样子了,还影响他人 健康

6、禁止聊天: 议期间,不要进行窃窃私语,聊天,不要把开会看出了热人同事聚会,好》 一起就说个不停,会议开始了,还在私下小声说话,显得自己太没有 修养了。 (四)教学方法和手段 教学案例分析(主持会议),任务型教学(会议举行有关词汇),课堂小组学习(会议 计的其木方面) 第五单元:旅行和访问 (一)目的与要求 理解机场的登机 报关和安全检查知识,理解接待商务访客包括的程序 3. 掌握询问航班交通和旅店服务,预订房间接待商务旅客,在机场接待客户的 沟通能力 (二)教学内容 List what Ss come up with on the board. Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 hotels for business travelers Task 2 reviewing Receiving visitors Part III Language Focus Divide the class into pairs and have Ss choose the roles Ask Ss to role-play according to the given situation. 3.Have a few pairs perform the role-play in class. 4.Invt ther comments and for improvement Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video I Going through customs Video 2 Meeting a business partner at the airport Part y Case Analysis research and presentation (三)思考与实践 出差旅行应考虑什么?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、了解整个行程 提前了解整个出差行程,时间,人员安排,此次出差的目的,需要携带的相 关办公用品,资料。 2 准备好出差用品 含工作上的资料。出差天数多的,带好自己的生活用品(充电宝、牙刷等) 换洗衣物,学习用品。 3、准时到集合点出发 约定在那里出发,你要提前到,不能让领导等你,一定要记好出发时间,提 前到达 4、态度以及其他细节 任劳任怨,司秘要得力(如安排好行程、事先联络必要人员、相关材料准备齐

6、禁止聊天: 会议期间,不要进行窃窃私语,聊天,不要把开会看出了熟人同事聚会,好久 不见聚到一起就说个不停,会议开始了,还在私下小声说话,显得自己太没有 修养了。 (四)教学方法和手段 教学案例分析(主持会议),任务型教学(会议举行有关词汇),课堂小组学习(会议 计划的基本方面) 第五单元:旅行和访问 (一)目的与要求 1. 学习旅游商务英语的相关知识; 2. 理解机场的登机,报关和安全检查知识,理解接待商务访客包括的程序; 3. 掌握询问航班交通和旅店服务,预订房间接待商务旅客,在机场接待客户的 沟通能力 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up: Introduce the concept of “small talk”. 1. Invite a few Ss to share their ideas with the class. 2. List what Ss come up with on the board. Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 hotels for business travelers Task 2 reviewing Receiving visitors Part III Language Focus 1. Divide the class into pairs and have Ss choose the roles. 2. Ask Ss to role-play according to the given situation. 3. Have a few pairs perform the role-play in class. 4. Invite other Ss to give comments and suggestions for improvement. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Going through customs Video 2 Meeting a business partner at the airport Part V Case Analysis Research and Presentation. (三)思考与实践 出差旅行应考虑什么?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、了解整个行程 提前了解整个出差行程,时间,人员安排,此次出差的目的,需要携带的相 关办公用品,资料。 2、准备好出差用品 包含工作上的资料。出差天数多的,带好自己的生活用品(充电宝、牙刷等) 换洗衣物,学习用品。 3、准时到集合点出发 约定在那里出发,你要提前到,不能让领导等你,一定要记好出发时间,提 前到达。 4、态度以及其他细节 任劳任怨,司秘要得力(如安排好行程、事先联络必要人员、相关材料准备齐

全、可能的资讯要先行掌握、准备超长时间工作的心理等) (四)教学方法和手段 教学案例分析(接待商务访客),任务型教学 (关于旅游,天气和住宿,订 机票,询问航班交通和旅店服务),课堂小组学习(机场的登机,报关和安全检 查知识) 第六单元:公司介绍 (一)目的与要求 1.了解公司演讲的结构: 2.掌握公司描述、回答公司情况的一般问题、做简明自我介绍以及能对公司做 出相关介绍的演说等表达技巧 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up Encourage Ss to use different expressions of giving advice Why don't you... You should perhaps You'd better It might help ifyou. Idon'tthink you should Part II Listening and Speaking 1.Divide the class in pairs.Ask Ss to exchange ideas about what they know about Oracle 2. Get Ss to work out an introductory presentation on Oracle individually,referring to the finished Co Profile 3 Ask Sstopresent the introduction to their partner 4. Ask two Ss to give the presentation to the whole class. 5 Invite other Ss to give comments ad suggestions for improvement. Part III Language Focus Ask Ss tochoose either of the two cards 2. Get Ssto give an introductory presentation,referring to the expressions in Language Focus. Ask two students to give the presentation n class. 4.Give comments and suggestions for improvement Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Makir ng a start Video 2 What is the point? Part V Case Analysis 1.Ask Ss to take detailed notes while listening. 2.Divide the class into groups of four.Tell Ss to put themselves in an investor's shoes before they star the discussio 3. Make sure group members share floor time,and encourage the silent ones to

全、可能的资讯要先行掌握、准备超长时间工作的心理等) (四)教学方法和手段 教学案例分析(接待商务访客),任务型教学(关于旅游,天气和住宿,订 机票,询问航班交通和旅店服务),课堂小组学习(机场的登机,报关和安全检 查知识) 第六单元:公司介绍 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解公司演讲的结构; 2. 掌握公司描述、回答公司情况的一般问题﹑做简明自我介绍以及能对公司做 出相关介绍的演说等表达技巧。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up Encourage Ss to use different expressions of giving advice. If I were you/if I were in your position/if I were in your shoes, I would… How about/What about/Have you thought about…? Why don’t you…? You should perhaps… You’d better… It might help if you… I don’t think you should… Part II Listening and Speaking 1. Divide the class in pairs. Ask Ss to exchange ideas about what they know about Oracle. 2. Get Ss to work out an introductory presentation on Oracle individually, referring to the finished Company Profile. 3. Ask Ss to present the introduction to their partner. 4. Ask two Ss to give the presentation to the whole class. 5. Invite other Ss to give comments ad suggestions for improvement. Part III Language Focus 1. Ask Ss to choose either of the two cards. 2. Get Ss to give an introductory presentation, referring to the expressions in Language Focus. 3. Ask two students to give the presentation n class. 4. Give comments and suggestions for improvement. Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Making a start Video 2 What is the point? Part V Case Analysis 1. Ask Ss to take detailed notes while listening. 2. Divide the class into groups of four. Tell Ss to put themselves in an investor’s shoes before they start the discussion. 3. Make sure group members share floor time, and encourage the silent ones to

Choosetwo or three Ss togive a report on theirgrou 4. Make comments and a summary. 6.For homework,ask Ss to prepare their own presentation of a few business idea. (三)思若与实践 你了解自己的公司吗?员工忠诚度个人品质、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1.免费网站宜传2.资料DM单宜传3.客户口碑宜传4.服务质量宜传 (四)教学方法和手段 教学案例分析(公司情况表达),任务型教学(了解公司演讲的结构),课 堂小组学习(简明自我介绍以及能对公司做出相关介绍的演说) 第七单元:产品介绍 (一)目的与要求 1.了解产品演讲的结构 2.掌握描述产品 ,比较产品特征、询问产品信息及做产品简短介绍演说的交 流技巧 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up Part ii lister and Speaking Task 1 An introduction to HondaASIMO robot Task 2A videophone Part III Language Focus Describing specifications and features of products Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Which one is better? Video2It does more than you expect Part V Case Analysis Research and Presentation (三)思考与实践 你了解公司的产品吗?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、记住详细的参数。公司的产品都有属于自己的市场定位,面向的目标人 群是哪些。对于这些要有所了解,同时对质量、外观、配置、性能、操作等方面有 所了解。 2、产品的其他信息。公司产品是如何研发的,研发的目的是什么,相对于 同类新的产 拥有哪些优势,市场需求量是怎样的。这些都是详细的了解,能够说 出相关的信息 3、了解公司生产领域。每个公司对产品的研发、生产、销售都是有目的, 来接公司产品就要了解公司文化,主营项目,市场规模,竞争实力等。充分了解公 司的业务才能对产品有所了解。 4、积极请教询问。可以向同事、自己的领导询问一些关于公司产品的问题 关于工作内容的问题。通过与同事、 上级的交谈,对公司产品有 个大概的了解。 5、对市场环境进行研究。了解公司产品就要了解所涉及的市场环境、用户 体验度、消费者对该产品的评价。充分来接产品在市场的各项表现,对齐作用、功 能、市场发展前景才能有了解

jump in more often. 4. Choose two or three Ss to give a report on their group discussion. 5. Make comments and a summary. 6. For homework, ask Ss to prepare their own presentation of a few business idea. (三)思考与实践 你了解自己的公司吗?员工忠诚度 个人品质、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1.免费网站宣传 2.资料\DM 单宣传 3.客户口碑宣传 4.服务质量宣传 (四)教学方法和手段 教学案例分析(公司情况表达),任务型教学(了解公司演讲的结构),课 堂小组学习(简明自我介绍以及能对公司做出相关介绍的演说) 第七单元:产品介绍 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解产品演讲的结构; 2. 掌握描述产品﹑比较产品特征﹑询问产品信息及做产品简短介绍演说的交 流技巧。 (二)教学内容 Part I Warm-up Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 An introduction to HondaASIMO robot Task 2 A videophone Part III Language Focus Describing specifications and features of products Part IV Viewing and Speaking Video 1 Which one is better? Video 2 It does more than you expect! Part V Case Analysis Research and Presentation (三)思考与实践 你了解公司的产品吗?个人品质教育、诚信教育、团队精神教育 1、记住详细的参数。公司的产品都有属于自己的市场定位,面向的目标人 群是哪些。对于这些要有所了解,同时对质量、外观、配置、性能、操作等方面有 所了解。 2、产品的其他信息。公司产品是如何研发的,研发的目的是什么,相对于 同类新的产品拥有哪些优势,市场需求量是怎样的。这些都是详细的了解,能够说 出相关的信息。 3、了解公司生产领域。每个公司对产品的研发、生产、销售都是有目的, 来接公司产品就要了解公司文化,主营项目,市场规模,竞争实力等。充分了解公 司的业务才能对产品有所了解。 4、积极请教询问。可以向同事、自己的领导询问一些关于公司产品的问题、 关于工作内容的问题。通过与同事、上级的交谈,对公司产品有一个大概的了解。 5、对市场环境进行研究。了解公司产品就要了解所涉及的市场环境、用户 体验度、消费者对该产品的评价。充分来接产品在市场的各项表现,对齐作用、功 能、市场发展前景才能有了解



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