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《家庭社会学》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16145803 课程名称:家庭社会学 英文名称:Sociology of the Family 课程类别:专业课 学 时:48 学分:3 适用对象:社会工作专业学生 考核方式:考查 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 家庭社会学是社会学的重要分支。它运用社会学的理论方法,借鉴文化人类学 社会心理学等等多种学科的研究成果,研究家庭内部的基本关系,阐述家庭结构、家 庭功能及其演化的客观规律,揭示家庭和社会的相互关系以及家庭在社会中的地位和 作用。本果程根据我国社会转型、体制转轨和家庭变千的现实需要,着重讲授国际上 较为成熟的家庭社会学的基本理论、基本知识和基本方法,并树立正确的社会价值观, 为学生将来的社会参与做准备。 Sociology of the Family is an important part of sociology.It employs sociological theories and methodology to examine the basic relations within a family.It also tries to illustrate the structures and functions of families in attempt to understand how families evolves historically.Thus,the course intends to analyze the interrelations between the family and society,and the roles and functions of the family in society as well.Echoing the social reality of China,the course mainly introduces the well-developed theories knowledge and methods in the research field.It helps to cultivate the values for the students so that they become ready to face the after their graduation. 三、课程性质与教学目的 通过教学,使学生了解家庭社会学的研究对象、基本概念、研究方法,了解家庭 的基本结构、功能、制度、习俗等的变迁与成因:了解作为一个社会成员个人的性别 的确立机制,恋爱、约会、择偶、结婚的历程,家庭内夫妻关系和亲自关系的特点和 沟通模式,家庭的生命周期。由此,学生得以了解当代社会中家庭面临的一系列问题, 并能运用婚烟家庭研究中的基本原理与方法分析实际生活中与家庭有关的各种问题

1 《家庭社会学》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16145803 课程名称:家庭社会学 英文名称:Sociology of the Family 课程类别:专业课 学 时:48 学 分:3 适用对象: 社会工作专业学生 考核方式:考查 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 家庭社会学是社会学的重要分支。它运用社会学的理论方法,借鉴文化人类学、 社会心理学等等多种学科的研究成果,研究家庭内部的基本关系,阐述家庭结构、家 庭功能及其演化的客观规律,揭示家庭和社会的相互关系以及家庭在社会中的地位和 作用。本课程根据我国社会转型、体制转轨和家庭变迁的现实需要,着重讲授国际上 较为成熟的家庭社会学的基本理论、基本知识和基本方法,并树立正确的社会价值观, 为学生将来的社会参与做准备。 Sociology of the Family is an important part of sociology. It employs sociological theories and methodology to examine the basic relations within a family. It also tries to illustrate the structures and functions of families in attempt to understand how families evolves historically. Thus, the course intends to analyze the interrelations between the family and society, and the roles and functions of the family in society as well. Echoing the social reality of China, the course mainly introduces the well-developed theories, knowledge and methods in the research field. It helps to cultivate the values for the students so that they become ready to face the complexities after their graduation. 三、课程性质与教学目的 通过教学,使学生了解家庭社会学的研究对象、基本概念、研究方法,了解家庭 的基本结构、功能、制度、习俗等的变迁与成因;了解作为一个社会成员个人的性别 的确立机制,恋爱、约会、择偶、结婚的历程,家庭内夫妻关系和亲自关系的特点和 沟通模式,家庭的生命周期。由此,学生得以了解当代社会中家庭面临的一系列问题, 并能运用婚姻家庭研究中的基本原理与方法分析实际生活中与家庭有关的各种问题

学以致用。从课程思政的角度,这将有助于帮助学生建立健康的婚烟家庭观念,从而 为他们未来建立和谐的婚姻家庭生活打下思想基础,为建设和谐社会、培养家国情怀 提供思想资源。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章Examining Family Issues and Controversies (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the definition and redefinition of family 2.Discuss the emerging family issues in China and around the world 3.Discuss the diversity of family from the historical perspective (二)教学内容 What is a family? Is the institution of family breaking down? How private should family life be? How should individual rights and family obligation be balance? How are Chinese practicing new forms of families?In what sense these families are“new (三)思考与实践 Have you heard of"twin-cities life"?What are the challenges that the families spread ing across cities are facing'? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第二章Traditional Approaches to the Family (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the traditional approaches to the family 2.Introduce the evolution of frameworks in family studies 3.Illustrate how the changing definitions of the family have given rise to the new analytical frameworks (二)教学内容 Why theories and research are important in our everyday lives Late nineteenth-century sociological perspectives Engels:family,private property and the state The Twentieth-century functional family Companionate marriage 2

2 学以致用。从课程思政的角度,这将有助于帮助学生建立健康的婚姻家庭观念,从而 为他们未来建立和谐的婚姻家庭生活打下思想基础,为建设和谐社会、培养家国情怀 提供思想资源。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章 Examining Family Issues and Controversies (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the definition and redefinition of family 2.Discuss the emerging family issues in China and around the world 3.Discuss the diversity of family from the historical perspective (二)教学内容 What is a family? Is the institution of family breaking down? How private should family life be? How should individual rights and family obligation be balance? How are Chinese practicing new forms of families? In what sense these families are “new”? (三)思考与实践 Have you heard of “twin-cities life”? What are the challenges that the families spreading across cities are facing? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第二章 Traditional Approaches to the Family (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the traditional approaches to the family 2.Introduce the evolution of frameworks in family studies 3.Illustrate how the changing definitions of the family have given rise to the new analytical frameworks (二)教学内容 Why theories and research are important in our everyday lives Late nineteenth-century sociological perspectives Engels: family, private property and the state The Twentieth-century functional family Companionate marriage

Community and kinship studies Gender and families Race.ethnicity.and families Wealth,poverty,and families (三)思考与实践 In Engel's eyes,how family is related to the emergence of the state? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第三章Socialization and Gender Roles (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the concept of gender roles 2.Introduce the relationship between socialization and gender roles 3.Illustrate the ways in which gender roles are leamed (二)教学内容 How women and men are similar and different The nature-nurture debate Why do gender roles differ? How do we leam gender roles? Gender ideologies and traditional gender roles Gender roles in adulthood Gender inequality across cultures (三)思考与实践 Based on your own experiences,how did you learn gender roles? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第四章Love and Loving Relationship (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the concept oflove 2.Introduce the theories about love and loving 3.Illustrate love across cultures (二)教学内容 Liking and Loving What is love? 3

3 Community and kinship studies Gender and families Race, ethnicity, and families Wealth, poverty, and families (三)思考与实践 In Engel’s eyes, how family is related to the emergence of the state? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第三章 Socialization and Gender Roles (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the concept of gender roles 2.Introduce the relationship between socialization and gender roles 3.Illustrate the ways in which gender roles are learned (二)教学内容 How women and men are similar and different The nature-nurture debate Why do gender roles differ? How do we learn gender roles? Gender ideologies and traditional gender roles Gender roles in adulthood Gender inequality across cultures (三)思考与实践 Based on your own experiences, how did you learn gender roles? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第四章 Love and Loving Relationships (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the concept of love 2.Introduce the theories about love and loving 3.Illustrate love across cultures (二)教学内容 Liking and Loving What is love?

Caring,intimacy,and commitment Some theories about love and loving Functions of love and loving Experiencing love Love across cultures and histories (三)思考与实践 How the idea of"love"has been evolving since the opening-up of China in 1979 (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第五章Marriage and Communication in Intimate Relationships (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce what it means to be a marriage and marital roles 2.Introduce how marriage change throughout the life course 3.Introduce the conflicts in marriage and how communication works in dealing with conflicts (二)教学内容 Is marriage disappearing? Why and how we marry Contemporary marriages Marital roles How marriage change throughout the life course Conflicts in contemporary marriages Communication:a key to deal with conflicts in marriages (三)思考与实践 Illustrate the conflicts between your parents and try to use the concept of marital roles to explain these conflicts (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第六章Raising Children:Promises and Pitfalls (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce contemporary parenting roles and parenting over the life course 2.Introduce child development theories

4 Caring, intimacy, and commitment Some theories about love and loving Functions of love and loving Experiencing love Love across cultures and histories (三)思考与实践 How the idea of “love” has been evolving since the opening-up of China in 1979? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第五章 Marriage and Communication in Intimate Relationships (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce what it means to be a marriage and marital roles 2.Introduce how marriage change throughout the life course 3.Introduce the conflicts in marriage and how communication works in dealing with conflicts (二)教学内容 Is marriage disappearing? Why and how we marry Contemporary marriages Marital roles How marriage change throughout the life course Conflicts in contemporary marriages Communication: a key to deal with conflicts in marriages (三)思考与实践 Illustrate the conflicts between your parents and try to use the concept of marital roles to explain these conflicts. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第六章 Raising Children: Promises and Pitfalls (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce contemporary parenting roles and parenting over the life course 2.Introduce child development theories

3.Introduce parenting variations by race,ethnicity,and social class (二)教学内容 Contemporary parenting roles Child development theories Parenting variations by race,ethnicity,and social class Parenting over the life course Child care arrangements Current social issues and children's well-being (三)思考与实践 How parenting differ among social classes in contemporary China? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第七章The Economy and Family Life (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce women's and men's participation in the labor force 2.Introduce how the economy affects families,and the relation betweer families and work policies 3.Introduce marital economic role (二)教学内容 How the economy effects families Women's and men's participation in the labor force Marital economic roles Two-income families Inequality in the workplace Families and work policies (三)思考与实践 How the economy effects your family economy since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第八章Families in Later Life (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the trend of aging society 5

5 3.Introduce parenting variations by race, ethnicity, and social class (二)教学内容 Contemporary parenting roles Child development theories Parenting variations by race, ethnicity, and social class Parenting over the life course Child care arrangements Current social issues and children’s well-being (三)思考与实践 How parenting differ among social classes in contemporary China? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第七章 The Economy and Family Life (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce women’s and men’s participation in the labor force 2.Introduce how the economy affects families, and the relation between families and work policies 3.Introduce marital economic roles (二)教学内容 How the economy effects families Women’s and men’s participation in the labor force Marital economic roles Two-income families Inequality in the workplace Families and work policies (三)思考与实践 How the economy effects your family economy since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic? (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 第八章 Families in Later Life (一)目的与要求 1.Introduce the trend of aging society

2.Introduce effects ofaging society on family lives 3.Introduce the issues that families face in later life (二)教学内容 Our aging society Health and ageism Work and retirement Grandparenting Sibling relationships in later life Dying,death,and bereavement Being widowed in later life Family caregiving in later life Competition for scarce resources (三)思考与实践 Interview an senior member of your family to explore what is his/her key oncems regarding to gettingod. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 五 各教学环节学时分配 教学环 节 学 讨 其他 教学时数 实验 实习 教学 环书 课程内容 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 4 第五章 第六章 第七章 6 6

6 2.Introduce effects of aging society on family lives 3.Introduce the issues that families face in later life (二)教学内容 Our aging society Health and ageism Work and retirement Grandparenting Sibling relationships in later life Dying, death, and bereavement Being widowed in later life Family caregiving in later life Competition for scarce resources (三)思考与实践 Interview an senior member of your family to explore what is his/her key concerns regarding to getting old. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主,随堂讨论为辅 五、各教学环节学时分配 教学环 节 教学时数 课程内容 讲 课 习 题 课 讨 论 课 实验 实习 其他 教学 环节 小 计 第一章 4 2 6 第二章 6 2 8 第三章 4 2 6 第四章 4 2 6 第五章 4 2 6 第六章 4 2 6 第七章 4 2 6

第八章 4 合计 34 1448 六、课程考核 (一)考核方式 本课程的考核方式为闭卷考试。 (二)成绩构成 平时成绩占比:40% 期末考试占比:60% (三)成绩考核标准 1.阅读与家庭相关的马列原著,掌握家庭社会学的基本概念、主要的理论观点、重要 的研究主题,了解这一课程的基本架构和学科关怀: 2.能够在老师的指导下结合个人兴趣和生活体验,选择特定的家庭社会学研究主题, 并运用社会学研究方法就此主题展开实证研究和讨论: 3.认识到家庭对于维持社会和谐的重要性,建立家庭责任心,并懂得将家庭责任感与 社会责任感联系起来理解。通过此课程,学生对未来建立和谐的婚姻家庭生活打下思 相基础,并对家国情怀有更切身的理解」 七、推荐教材和教学参考资源 1.恩格斯.家庭、私有制和国家的起源.北京:人民出版社,2018年 2.摩尔根.古代社会.北京:商务印书馆,1997年 3.Nijole V.Benokraitis.Marriages&Families:Changes,Choices,and Constraints.Boston: Pearson,2015 4.陈其南.家庭与社会一一台湾与中国社会研究的基础理念.台北:联经出版事业公 司,1990年 5.周锡瑞.叶:百年动荡中的一个中国家庭.太原:山西人民出版社,2014年 八、其他说明 无 大纲修订人:严丽君 修订日期:2022年1月 大纲审定人:谢昕琰 审定日期:2022年1月 7

7 第八章 4 4 合计 34 14 48 六、课程考核 (一)考核方式 本课程的考核方式为闭卷考试。 (二)成绩构成 平时成绩占比:40% 期末考试占比:60% (三)成绩考核标准 1.阅读与家庭相关的马列原著,掌握家庭社会学的基本概念、主要的理论观点、重要 的研究主题,了解这一课程的基本架构和学科关怀; 2.能够在老师的指导下结合个人兴趣和生活体验,选择特定的家庭社会学研究主题, 并运用社会学研究方法就此主题展开实证研究和讨论; 3.认识到家庭对于维持社会和谐的重要性,建立家庭责任心,并懂得将家庭责任感与 社会责任感联系起来理解。通过此课程,学生对未来建立和谐的婚姻家庭生活打下思 想基础,并对家国情怀有更切身的理解。 七、推荐教材和教学参考资源 1.恩格斯.家庭、私有制和国家的起源.北京:人民出版社,2018 年 2.摩尔根.古代社会.北京:商务印书馆,1997 年 3.Nijole V. Benokraitis. Marriages & Families: Changes, Choices, and Constraints. Boston: Pearson, 2015 4.陈其南.家庭与社会——台湾与中国社会研究的基础理念.台北:联经出版事业公 司,1990 年 5.周锡瑞.叶:百年动荡中的一个中国家庭.太原:山西人民出版社,2014 年 八、其他说明 无 大纲修订人:严丽君 修订日期:2022 年 1 月 大纲审定人:谢昕琰 审定日期:2022 年 1 月



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