《商务口译》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16156202 课程名称:商务口译 英文名称:Business Interpreting 课程类别:学科基础课 学时:32 学分:2 适用对象:商务英语专业 考核方式:考查 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 商务口译是一门专业要求很高的职业,要成为一名优秀的译员,就必须有 扎实的两种语言的功底,语言功底包括对原语和译语的熟练掌握,即对双语既 能被动 醒又能主动 达既掌握双语的基本知识, 具有灵活运用双语的能 力:既了解双语背后的商务文化,又具有跨文化沟通的斡旋能力。本课程教学 内容共涉及Introducing Interpreting,Protocol Routine,Banquet Remarks,,Escort Visit,Enterprise Introduction,Products Promotion,Policy Presentation,Business Meeting,Business Negotiation Profile Interview,Joint Venture,Trade Organization,Economic Forum等专题 Business inteptng is a highly demanding profession.To be a good interpreter. we must have a solid foundation in at least two lan uages.A good lar includes the mastery of source lan ge and target lar in terms of both language comprehension and language production.We also need to have a good knowledge of the two languages,the ability to use them flexibly,a good understanding of the business culture and the ability to mediate intercultural communication.The course contents include Introducing Interpreting,Protocol Routine,Banquet Remarks,Escort Visit, Enterprise Introduction,Products Promotion,Policy Presentation,Business Meeting. Business Negotiation,Profile Interview,Joint Venture,Trade Organization,Economic orum 三、课程性质与教学目的 商务口译教学应主动融入学校课程思政教学体系,增加学生在社会、文化 等多领域的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。本课程教学内容 (Introducing Interpreting,Protocol Routine,Banquet Remarks,Escort Visit, Products Promotion,Policy Presentation, Busines MeetimBusine Negotiation Profle eiew ere
《商务口译》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16156202 课程名称:商务口译 英文名称: Business Interpreting 课程类别:学科基础课 学 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象:商务英语专业 考核方式:考查 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 商务口译是一门专业要求很高的职业,要成为一名优秀的译员,就必须有 扎实的两种语言的功底,语言功底包括对原语和译语的熟练掌握,即对双语既 能被动理解又能主动表达;既掌握双语的基本知识,又具有灵活运用双语的能 力;既了解双语背后的商务文化,又具有跨文化沟通的斡旋能力。本课程教学 内容共涉及 Introducing Interpreting,Protocol Routine,Banquet Remarks,Escort Visit,Enterprise Introduction,Products Promotion,Policy Presentation,Business Meeting , Business Negotiation , Profile Interview , Joint Venture , Trade Organization,Economic Forum 等专题。 Business interpreting is a highly demanding profession. To be a good interpreter, we must have a solid foundation in at least two languages. A good language foundation includes the mastery of source language and target language in terms of both language comprehension and language production. We also need to have a good knowledge of the two languages, the ability to use them flexibly, a good understanding of the business culture and the ability to mediate intercultural communication. The course contents include Introducing Interpreting, Protocol Routine, Banquet Remarks, Escort Visit, Enterprise Introduction, Products Promotion, Policy Presentation, Business Meeting, Business Negotiation, Profile Interview, Joint Venture, Trade Organization, Economic Forum. 三、课程性质与教学目的 商务口译教学应主动融入学校课程思政教学体系,增加学生在社会、文化 等多领域的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。本课程教学内容 (Introducing Interpreting,Protocol Routine,Banquet Remarks,Escort Visit, Enterprise Introduction , Products Promotion , Policy Presentation , Business Meeting , Business Negotiation , Profile Interview , Joint Venture , Trade
Organization,Economic Forum,Review Final Test),Business Negotiation Economic Forum专题各需4学(课)时,其余专题各需2学(课)时。 《商务口译》课程在课堂上进行简明的技巧与理论讲解和以口头输出为主 翻译商题材的冬种实践,使学牛诵过课堂训练,增加主动性商条表达,明 显提高口语交际流利程度,掌握口译记忆 口译笼记 口头陈术应变外理 基本技能,形成通用商务题材的基本传译能力,并对 英的文化差异和因之形 成的语言差异有所认识,提高自主学习和商务交际的得体性和效率。 使学生在口译综合能力上全面发展,在政治与政策水平,外交能力方面同 步发展,成为既有业务能力,又有文化底蕴,既有工作能力、政策水平,适应 国际交流和现代化建设需要的涉外型、应用型的口译人才。 四、教学内容及要求 Topic 1 Introducing Interpreting (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements) 1.Know the professionalism of interpreting 2.Know the coping tactics of interpreting 3.Know the role of interpreting (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents) Part 1 Introduction of the professionalism of interpreting Part 2 Introduction of the coping tactics of interpreting Part3 Introduction of the role of interpreting (三)思考与实(Theory and Practice) 课后复习所学内容 增加学生在社会、文化等多领域的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素 养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 多媒体语音室 Topic 2 Protocol Routine (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements) 1 know the r er ways to receive foreign 2.Establish the glossary bank for protocol routine 3.Master the basic sentence patterns about protocol routine 4.Improve the interpreting skills for protocol routine (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents)
Organization,Economic Forum ,Review Final Test)中,Business Negotiation 和 Economic Forum 专题各需 4 学(课)时,其余专题各需 2 学(课)时。 《商务口译》课程在课堂上进行简明的技巧与理论讲解和以口头输出为主 、翻译商务题材的各种实践,使学生通过课堂训练,增加主动性商务表达,明 显提高口语交际流利程度,掌握口译记忆、口译笔记、口头陈述、应变处理等 基本技能,形成通用商务题材的基本传译能力,并对汉英的文化差异和因之形 成的语言差异有所认识,提高自主学习和商务交际的得体性和效率。 使学生在口译综合能力上全面发展,在政治与政策水平,外交能力方面同 步发展,成为既有业务能力,又有文化底蕴,既有工作能力、政策水平,适应 国际交流和现代化建设需要的涉外型、应用型的口译人才。 四、教学内容及要求 Topic 1 Introducing Interpreting (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1.Know the professionalism of interpreting 2.Know the coping tactics of interpreting 3.Know the role of interpreting (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Introduction of the professionalism of interpreting Part 2 Introduction of the coping tactics of interpreting Part 3 Introduction of the role of interpreting (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 课后复习所学内容。 增加学生在社会、文化等多领域的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素 养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 多媒体语音室 Topic 2 Protocol Routine (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the proper ways to receive foreign guests 2. Establish the glossary bank for protocol routine 3.Master the basic sentence patterns about protocol routine 4.Improve the interpreting skills for protocol routine (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents)
Part 1 Glossary bank for protocol routine: time difference/jet lag heartfelt thanks sched ule/iti distinguished guests name card great honor come all the way reception dinner souvenir accommodations delegation hospitality parking lot welcoming address duty-freeshop farewell speech Part2 Introduction of the proper ways to receive foreign guests Part 3 Daniel Moore,Executive Director Export Company of the Market ting Departm of GE I mport and to mee ng,Genera anager ol Fusheng Ira A M ster the bas t proto tine an improve he i nterpreting skills for protocol routine Part 4 Carl Smith,Sales representative from Willa Company,has just concluded his business visit to Shenzhen Zhong'an Technology Company.Zhu Hua,the representative from Zhong'an,goes to the airport to see him off.Smith and Zhu are talking about the visit. Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about protocol routine and improve the interpreting skills for protocol routine. Part 5 An American delegation,headed by Daniel Moor is going to conclude their busin Mr Wa ng Company an ve for t of stop,Shenzher ng a ia his the the pres utine and mprove Ior pro routine (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 背诵相关词汇。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频
Part 1 Glossary bank for protocol routine: time difference/jet lag schedule/itinerary distinguished guests name card great honor come all the way souvenir delegation parking lot duty-free shop heartfelt thanks warmest regards on behalf of pay tribute to pleasant flight reception dinner accommodations hospitality welcoming address farewell speech Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to receive foreign guests Part 3 Daniel Moore, Executive Director of the Marketing Department of GE Import and Export Company, goes to the airport to meet Mr. Wang, General Manager of Shanghai Fusheng Trading Company. Mr. Moore and Mr. Wang are talking about the flight, accommodation and itinerary. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about protocol routine and improve the interpreting skills for protocol routine. Part 4 Carl Smith, Sales representative from Willa Company, has just concluded his business visit to Shenzhen Zhong'an Technology Company. Zhu Hua, the representative from Zhong'an, goes to the airport to see him off. Smith and Zhu are talking about the visit. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about protocol routine and improve the interpreting skills for protocol routine. Part 5 An American delegation, headed by Daniel Moore, is going to conclude their business visit to Shanghai Fusheng Trading Company and leave for their next stop, Shenzhen. Mr. Wang, General Manager of the company, is making a farewell speech to express his thanks. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about protocol routine and improve the interpreting skills for protocol routine. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 背诵相关词汇。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频
Topic 3 Banquet Remarks (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements roper table manners in different countries 3 Master marks 4.Impro (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for banquet remark nners junk food ion-free maior cuisines continental breakfast rmet buffet ticks taboo knife and fork hot pot dry red wine French fries cold dishes toast sashimi yogurt lobster delicacies Part2 Introduction of the proper table manners in different countries Part3 David Smith is the arketing mana Q Company fora 空anager o重CP1。、c)之一on。ws Gao,pres mpany is h nquet elivering a speech express his Stuc the skills for Part 4 Mr.Gao,president pfQ&Q Company,is visiting Company Avon on New Year's Day David Smith,marketing manager of Avon,is holding a welcoming banquet and New Year party in honor of Mr.Gao.Mr.Gao is making a speech at the party.Students work as the interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about banquet remarks and improve the interpreting skills for banquet remarks. Part 5 chief executive office he is ng a dinne to entertain Mr.Hampton fro m Le ena C Huang and Mr Hampton are ing a co rsation at the table Stu as th eaI lanbueq Jof ss suapn (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 课后复习所学内容
Topic 3 Banquet Remarks (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the proper table manners in different countries 2. Establish the glossary bank for banquet remarks 3. Master the basic sentence patterns of banquet remarks 4. Improve the interpreting skills for banquet remarks (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for banquet remark: table manners soft drink major cuisines continental breakfast buffet taboo hot pot French fries toast yogurt delicacies junk food preservation-free gourmet chopsticks knife and fork dry red wine cold dishes sashimi lobster Part 2 Introduction of the proper table manners in different countries Part 3 David Smith is the marketing manager of Company Avon and he is in the Chinese Q & Q Company for a 5-day meeting. Mr. Gao, president of Q & Q Company is holding a welcoming banquet and David is delivering a speech to express his thanks. Students work as the interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about banquet remarks and improve the interpreting skills for banquet remarks. Part 4 Mr. Gao, president pf Q&Q Company, is visiting Company Avon on New Year's Day. David Smith, marketing manager of Avon, is holding a welcoming banquet and New Year party in honor of Mr. Gao. Mr. Gao is making a speech at the party. Students work as the interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about banquet remarks and improve the interpreting skills for banquet remarks. Part 5 Mr. Huang is the chief executive officer of Huada Company. On behalf of the company, he is holding a dinner to entertain Mr. Hampton from Legend Company Mr. Huang and Mr. Hampton are having a conversation at the table. Students work as the interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about banquet remarks and improve the interpreting skills for banquet remarks. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 课后复习所学内容
增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 4 Escort Visit (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements) 1.Know how to arrange a business trip 2.Establish the glossary bank for escort visit 3.Master the basic sentence pattems of escort visit 4.Improve the interpreting skills for escort visit (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for escort visit: peak season terminal building travel agency departure time nation desk cate ag cred it card ticket office application form tourism resource Part2 Introduction of how to arrange a business trip Part 3 Miss Li a p of visitors fron ASeptinnist fom Gutag Sd ngzhou Trade fair is their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patters about escort visit and improve the interpreting skills for escort visit. Part 4 Mr.Nelson,a bus nessman from Orleans,is paying a business visit to Eversuccess Trade Co.,Ltd.M Zhang,assistant general manager of Eversuccess,is talking with Mr.Nelson about his 3-day itinerary.Students work as their interpreters Irain student sentence patterns about escort visit and improve the interpreting Smith,assistant a New Year's party. company i hinese v
增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 4 Escort Visit (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know how to arrange a business trip 2. Establish the glossary bank for escort visit 3. Master the basic sentence patterns of escort visit 4. Improve the interpreting skills for escort visit (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for escort visit: peak season travel agency destination formalities group booking health certificate package tour scenic spot ticket office tourism resource terminal building departure time information desk VIP room visa passport the Customs luggage credit card application form Part 2 Introduction of how to arrange a business trip Part 3 Miss Li, a receptionist from Guangzhou Trade Fair is meeting a group of visitors from Australia. She is making a brief introduction to the Fair in Chinese. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about escort visit and improve the interpreting skills for escort visit. Part 4 Mr. Nelson, a businessman from Orleans, is paying a business visit to Eversuccess Trade Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhang, assistant general manager of Eversuccess, is talking with Mr. Nelson about his 3-day itinerary. Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about escort visit and improve the interpreting skills for escort visit. Part 5 Kart Smith, assistant general manager of Eversuccess Trade Co., Ltd. Is addressing at a New Year's party, held by the company in honor of a group of Chinese visitors
Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about escort visit and improve the interpreting skills for escort visit. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice 复习所学内容,预习下节课词汇。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 5 Enterprise Introduction (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements 1.Know the proper ways to organize a company 2.Establish the glossary bank for enterprise introduction 3.Master the basic sentence pattems of enterprise introduction 4.Improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents)) Part 1 Glossary bank for enterprise introduction trademark ioint venture subsid iary multinational corporation export-oriented registered capital labor-intensive marketing strategy industrial complex development objective profit-making enterprise company image conglomerate top priority Zone ket pot tial assembly line state-owned enterprise Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to organize a company Part 3 Mr.Zhang,CEO of the Haier Gro up.is at a trade fair,introducing Haie to a numbe of businessmen from Australia io Liu works as their interreter Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence pattems about enterprise introduction and improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction. Part 4 Eason Smith,manager of the PR Department of Pepsi-Cola China,is introducing the Students work as throo rinterpreters.Train studen sto master the bas about for enterprise ntroduction
Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about escort visit and improve the interpreting skills for escort visit. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 复习所学内容,预习下节课词汇。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 5 Enterprise Introduction (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the proper ways to organize a company 2. Establish the glossary bank for enterprise introduction 3. Master the basic sentence patterns of enterprise introduction 4. Improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for enterprise introduction: trademark subsidiary export-oriented labor-intensive industrial complex profit-making enterprise conglomerate top priority headquarter assembly line joint venture multinational corporation registered capital marketing strategy development objective company image patented technology Special Economic Zone market potential state-owned enterprise Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to organize a company Part 3 Mr. Zhang, CEO of the Haier Group, is at a trade fair, introducing Haier to a number of businessmen from Australia. Xiao Liu works as their interpreter. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about enterprise introduction and improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction. Part 4 Eason Smith, manager of the PR Department of Pepsi-Cola China, is introducing the history, products and objective of the company to a group of Chinese businessmen. Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about enterprise introduction and improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction
Part5 Miss Li is a secretary of a garment company,headquartered in Shenzhen.She is accompanying Mr.Smith,one of the company's clients from USA,to visit the factory. Li is introducing the factory and products to Smith.Students work as their interpreters Train students to master t e basic sentence patterns about enterprise introduction and improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 结合理论知识进行相关专题的口译练习 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 6 Products Promotion (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements) 1.Know the proper ways to make products promotion 2.Establish the glossary bank for products promotion Imove the mterp o pom (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for products promotion: elegant and graceful easy to handle rich and magnificent quality brand customers first ma eman line qua sales service lover the world 10%disc unt dependable performance young and durable Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to make products promotion Part 3 A speech made by Bill Gates,the founder of Microsoft,at Windows Vista London Launching Ceremony.Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about products promotion and improve the interpreting skills for products promotion Part 4
Part 5 Miss Li is a secretary of a garment company, headquartered in Shenzhen. She is accompanying Mr. Smith, one of the company's clients from USA, to visit the factory. Li is introducing the factory and products to Smith. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about enterprise introduction and improve the interpreting skills for enterprise introduction. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 结合理论知识进行相关专题的口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 6 Products Promotion (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the proper ways to make products promotion 2. Establish the glossary bank for products promotion 3. Master the basic sentence patterns about products promotion 4. Improve the interpreting skills for products promotion (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for products promotion: elegant and graceful rich and magnificent customers first line quality after-sales service listed company salable goods premium brands 10% discount dependable performance easy to handle quality brands market demand good and cheap sell well all over the world bright in colors skillful design numerous in variety suitable for the old and young attractive and durable Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to make products promotion Part 3 A speech made by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, at Windows Vista London Launching Ceremony. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about products promotion and improve the interpreting skills for products promotion. Part 4
Mr.Hall,who is interested in a kind of leather bag exhibited by a company from Guangdong.comes to the export company and asks for more details about the product. Mr.Yang.sales manager ofthe company meets him.Students work as their interpreters Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about products promotion and improve the interpreting skills for products promotion. Huang,general ma nager ofa garment compa and ho omes )ae stude udent to mas pa s about products (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 相关专题口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 7 Policy Presentation (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements nes in China 3 Master the skills for polic y presen 6 Part 1 Glossary bank for business policy presentation: multilateral agreement reform and opening-up free trade zone I Economic Zones ant aliza renti et do syst ment MFN tre diat econ structur onomic arbitration roval systen tariff autonomy market mechanism Part2 Introduction of the policies of Special Economic Zones in China Part3 A Chinese government officer is addressing at opening ceremony of "2Ist Century Forum".In his speech.he introduced some economic policies of China in the 21st
Mr. Hall, who is interested in a kind of leather bag exhibited by a company from Guangdong, comes to the export company and asks for more details about the product. Mr. Yang, sales manager of the company meets him. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about products promotion and improve the interpreting skills for products promotion. Part 5 Mr. Huang, general manager of a garment company, is introducing silk and homespun cloth to a group of foreigners, who are visiting his company. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about products promotion and improve the interpreting skills for products promotion. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 相关专题口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 7 Policy Presentation (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the policies of Special Economic Zones in China 2. Establish the glossary bank for business policy presentation 3. Master the basic sentence patterns about policy presentation 4. Improve the interpreting skills for policy presentation (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for business policy presentation: multilateral agreement free trade zone anti-dumping globalization Customs Union market dominance MFN treatment import quota economic arbitration tariff autonomy reform and opening-up Special Economic Zones tariff barrier preferential treatment taxation system investment environment intermediate service economic structure approval system market mechanism Part 2 Introduction of the policies of Special Economic Zones in China Part 3 A Chinese government officer is addressing at opening ceremony of "2lst Century Forum". In his speech, he introduced some economic policies of China in the 21st
century.Students work as their interpreters Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business policy presentation and improve the interpreting skills for business policy presentation. Part 4 conomic Zone ds a topic with him.St Company,receive ents work as t rain stude the about busi ss policy presenta tio kill sentence patte business policy presentat Dart 5 A US government officer is addressing at the Federal Reserve's semi-annual meeting In his speech he introduced the economic and monetary policy of federal reserve Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business policy presentation and improve the interpreting skills for business policy presentation (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 准备课前讨论和口译:结合理论知识进行相关专题的口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 果登进授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 8 Business Meeting (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements》 1.Know the proper ways to chair a business meeting 2.Establish the glossary bank for business meeting 3.Master the basic sentence pattems about business meeting 4.Improve the interpreting skills for business meeting (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents) Glossary bank for business meeting seminar to preside over the meeting consensus to deliver a speech annual meeting to raise an objection host city to exchange views organizing committee to reach common ground 9aRceuemov to enhance Triendship an ordinary meeting adjoum summit meeting economic forun
century. Students work as their interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business policy presentation and improve the interpreting skills for business policy presentation. Part 4 Carl Smith, an Australian businessman, who is now attending an exhibition in Shenzhen, wants to know something about China's policy of Special Economic Zone. Mr. Deng, general manager of Eversuccess International Logistics Company, receives Mr. Smith and has a conversation about the topic with him. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business policy presentation and improve the interpreting skills for business policy presentation. Part 5 A US government officer is addressing at the Federal Reserve's semi-annual meeting. In his speech, he introduced the economic and monetary policy of Federal Reserve. Students work as their interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business policy presentation and improve the interpreting skills for business policy presentation. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 准备课前讨论和口译;结合理论知识进行相关专题的口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 8 Business Meeting (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the proper ways to chair a business meeting 2. Establish the glossary bank for business meeting 3. Master the basic sentence patterns about business meeting 4. Improve the interpreting skills for business meeting (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Part 1 Glossary bank for business meeting: seminar consensus annual meeting host city organizing committee opening ceremony abstain theme high-level talks adjourn to preside over the meeting to deliver a speech to raise an objection to exchange views to reach common ground to enhance friendship an ordinary meeting agenda summit meeting economic forum
Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to chair a business meeting Part3 erence held in Shenzhe Students work as interpreters the ba ic sentence patters about business meeting or business meeting Part 4 Mark Smith.Jack Peterson.Tom Robbins.and Mr.Xu are at a meeting talking about how to improve sales in the rural areas smith is the chairr on is the sales president of southwest areas,Robbins is Mark's assistant and Xu is the sales manager of northeast areas.Students work as interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business meeting and improve the interpreting skills for business meeting Part5 A speech made by Timothy F.Geithner,U.S.Treasury Secretary at Peking University Students work as int (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 相关专题口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods&Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 9 Business Negotiation (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives&Requirements》 k for bu 3.Master th (二)教学内容(Teaching Contents) Section One(2学时) Part 1 Glossary inquiry offer totalprice le price contract price time of validity favorable price cost price selling price retail price
Part 2 Introduction of the proper ways to chair a business meeting Part 3 A speech delivered by a business conference held in Shenzhen. Students work as interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business meeting and improve the interpreting skills for business meeting. Part 4 Mark Smith, Jack Peterson, Tom Robbins, and Mr. Xu are at a meeting talking about how to improve sales in the rural areas. Smith is the chairperson, Peterson is the sales president of southwest areas, Robbins is Mark's assistant and Xu is the sales manager of northeast areas. Students work as interpreters.Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business meeting and improve the interpreting skills for business meeting. Part 5 A speech made by Timothy F. Geithner, U. S. Treasury Secretary at Peking University. Students work as interpreters. Train students to master the basic sentence patterns about business meeting and improve the interpreting skills for business meeting. (三)思考与实践(Theory and Practice) 相关专题口译练习。 增加学生与本专题相关的知识储备,拓宽国际视野,提升综合文化素养。 (四)教学方法与手段(Teaching Methods & Approaches) 课堂讲授、模拟练习、讨论、学生成果展示、教学视频 Topic 9 Business Negotiation (一)目的与要求(Course Objectives & Requirements) 1. Know the basic strategies for business negotiation 2. Establish the glossary bank for business negotiation 3.Master the basic sentence patterns about business negotiation 4. Improve the interpreting skills for business negotiation (二)教学内容 (Teaching Contents) Section One (2 学时) Part 1 Glossary bank for business negotiation: inquiry offer counter offer firm offer order contract price favorable price selling price total price wholesale price unit price original sample time of validity cost price retail price