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《商务英语中级听力》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:16138302 课程名称:商务英语中级听力 英文名称:Business English Listening 1 课程类别:专业技能课 学 时:30学时 学 分: 2学分 适用对象:商务英语专业一年级 考核方式:考试 先修课程:无 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) 《商务英语中级听力》是英语(商务英语)专业一年级上学期专业技能课。该课 程旨在通过由易至难渐进式的、科学的听力技能训练,提高学生的“听”的能力,尤 其是提高学生商贸英语的听力能力及听力技巧,从而使学生达到基本满足从事商贸工 作所必需的英语听力要求。本课程要求学生在学习和掌握听力技巧和听力策略的同时 掌握信息、学习知识和语言,使听力课的教学真正成为整个外语教学的一部分。 三、课程性质与教学目的(Course Description and Objectives)) 《商务英语中级听力》是一门专业技能必修课,是为商务英语专业开设的一门基 础阶段主干课程。听力课程作为整个外语教学的一部分,是综合英语课程教学的补充 和拓展。本课程教学台在强化训练学生语音、语调的能力,针对不同类型商务背景听 力素材对学生反复进行听力理解训练,从而使学生熟悉不同商务活动题材的英语听力 材料,并运用己掌握的基本听力技巧,掌握相关信息,具备较强的听力理解力、表达 力和适应力。在本课程教学过程中,适时结合社会主义核心价值观的内容,加强学生 对这·不可分测的、三个层面组成的价值观有机整体的认识,上此核心价值体系在商 务英语中级听力课程中发挥指引教学活动和提升教学内容质量的作用,促进学生对本 课程内容的理解与掌握,达到教育部对高校英语专业学生的英语听力技能要求以及专 业四级考试英语听力部分的达标水准。在提高学生听力水平的同时,帮助学生了解国 际形势,聆听领导人在国际、国内重大事件和重要场合下的讲话,培养学生明辨是非 的能力,增强学生民族自豪感和爱国主义精神。 四、教学内容及要求(Teaching Contents and Requirements)

1 《商务英语中级听力》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:16138302 课程名称:商务英语中级听力 英文名称:Business English Listening 1 课程类别:专业技能课 学 时: 30 学时 学 分: 2 学分 适用对象: 商务英语专业一年级 考核方式:考试 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 (Brief Course Introduction) 《商务英语中级听力》是英语(商务英语)专业一年级上学期专业技能课。该课 程旨在通过由易至难渐进式的、科学的听力技能训练,提高学生的“听”的能力,尤 其是提高学生商贸英语的听力能力及听力技巧,从而使学生达到基本满足从事商贸工 作所必需的英语听力要求。本课程要求学生在学习和掌握听力技巧和听力策略的同时 掌握信息、学习知识和语言,使听力课的教学真正成为整个外语教学的一部分。 三、课程性质与教学目的 ( Course Description and Objectives) 《商务英语中级听力》是一门专业技能必修课,是为商务英语专业开设的一门基 础阶段主干课程。听力课程作为整个外语教学的一部分, 是综合英语课程教学的补充 和拓展。本课程教学旨在强化训练学生语音、语调的能力,针对不同类型商务背景听 力素材对学生反复进行听力理解训练,从而使学生熟悉不同商务活动题材的英语听力 材料,并运用已掌握的基本听力技巧,掌握相关信息,具备较强的听力理解力、表达 力和适应力。在本课程教学过程中,适时结合社会主义核心价值观的内容,加强学生 对这一不可分割的、三个层面组成的价值观有机整体的认识,让此核心价值体系在商 务英语中级听力课程中发挥指引教学活动和提升教学内容质量的作用,促进学生对本 课程内容的理解与掌握,达到教育部对高校英语专业学生的英语听力技能要求以及专 业四级考试英语听力部分的达标水准。在提高学生听力水平的同时,帮助学生了解国 际形势,聆听领导人在国际、国内重大事件和重要场合下的讲话,培养学生明辨是非 的能力,增强学生民族自豪感和爱国主义精神。 四、教学内容及要求( Teaching Contents and Requirements)

Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions (一)目的与要求 1.To distinguish words withsimilar sounds 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To draw students'attention to expressions and sentence patterns about greetings and introductions 4.To introduce traditional Chinese ways of greetings and introductions in daily life and business scenarios and compare them with the English ways,highlight the socialist core values of civility,harmony,friendship,respect for the elderly and love of the young,and understand the soft power of the Chinese culture (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises PhoneticsA,B.C:todistinguish pairs/groups of words with similar vowels and consonants Part II Conversations A,B,C,D,E:blank-filling;multiple choices;question-answering; true or false statements Part III PassagesA,B,C,D:multiple choices;true or false statements;blank-filling Part IV Students discussion and comparison of Chinese and English greetings and introductions in daily life and business situations. (三)实我环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B.C Part V The World of Humor Documentaries about traditional Chinese customs and etiquettes English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 2 Asking the Way (一)目的与要求 1.To distinguish homonyms 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To leam expressions and sentence pattems on how to ask the way and give directions 2

2 Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions (一)目的与要求 1. To distinguish words with similar sounds 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To draw students’ attention to expressions and sentence patterns about greetings and introductions 4. To introduce traditional Chinese ways of greetings and introductions in daily life and business scenarios and compare them with the English ways, highlight the socialist core values of civility, harmony, friendship, respect for the elderly and love of the young, and understand the soft power of the Chinese culture (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A, B, C: to distinguish pairs/groups of words with similar vowels and consonants Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling; multiple choices; question-answering; true or false statements Part III Passages A, B, C, D: multiple choices; true or false statements; blank-filling Part IV Students discussion and comparison of Chinese and English greetings and introductions in daily life and business situations. (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentaries about traditional Chinese customs and etiquettes English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 2 Asking the Way (一)目的与要求 1. To distinguish homonyms 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn expressions and sentence patterns on how to ask the way and give directions

4.To understand the virtues of hospitality,philanthropy and friendliness in the Chinese culture and the soft power of Chinese culture (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A.B:to distinguish pairs of words of homonyms Part II ConversationsA,B.C.D,E:blank-filling:multiple choices:mark out places on map Part III Passages A,B,C.D:locations on map;multiple choices;true or false statements; question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part VThe World of Humor Role-play of asking for help English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 3 Eating (一)目的与要求 1.To distinguish rhyming words 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To leam expressions and sentence patters on eating out 4.To introduce Chinese table manners and compare them with Westemn table manners and the different cultures and values reflected in them,e.g.,respect for the elderly,love of the young.family union,friendship,civility.and harmony 5.To know about the changes of Chinese people's living standard in recent years and take pride in the great national economic achievements (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A,B:to distinguish groups of words that rhyme with each other Part II ConversationsA.B.C.D.E:blank-filling:multiple choices:question-answering Part III Passages A,B,C,D:to rearrange sentences in the correct order,blank-filling; 3

3 4. To understand the virtues of hospitality, philanthropy and friendliness in the Chinese culture and the soft power of Chinese culture (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A, B: to distinguish pairs of words of homonyms Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling; multiple choices: mark out places on map Part III Passages A, B, C, D: locations on map; multiple choices; true or false statements; question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Role-play of asking for help English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 3 Eating (一) 目的与要求 1. To distinguish rhyming words 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn expressions and sentence patterns on eating out 4. To introduce Chinese table manners and compare them with Western table manners and the different cultures and values reflected in them, e.g., respect for the elderly, love of the young, family union, friendship, civility, and harmony 5. To know about the changes of Chinese people’s living standard in recent years and take pride in the great national economic achievements (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A, B: to distinguish groups of words that rhyme with each other Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling; multiple choices: question-answering Part III Passages A, B, C, D: to rearrange sentences in the correct order; blank-filling;

fill-out the form;question-answering Part IV Discussion and contrast of Chinese table manners and Westem ones and the different food cultures,traditions and customs,personal and social values reflected. (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part V The World of Humor Understanding the manners and rites ofa formal Chinese dinner Documentary infinite road(《无分之路》) English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 4 Shopping (一)目的与要求 1.To identify English letters 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To familiarize students with expressions and sentence patterns on shopping 4.To compare the traditional ways of shopping and e-shopping 5.To examine the great economic development and achievements in Chinese people's life understanding the ambition of Common Prosperity and the beautiful Chinese Dream (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises English Letters A,B,C:to identify letters emphasized in words or sentences;to write down names of persons Part II Conversations A,B.C.D,E:blank-filling;multiple choices:mark out places on map Part III Passages A,B,C,D:to identify a shopping list;multiple choices;blank-filling; filling-out a form (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road

4 fill-out the form; question-answering Part IV Discussion and contrast of Chinese table manners and Western ones and the different food cultures, traditions and customs, personal and social values reflected. (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Understanding the manners and rites of a formal Chinese dinner Documentary Infinite Road(《无穷之路》) English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 4 Shopping (一)目的与要求 1. To identify English letters 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To familiarize students with expressions and sentence patterns on shopping 4. To compare the traditional ways of shopping and e-shopping 5. To examine the great economic development and achievements in Chinese people’s life, understanding the ambition of Common Prosperity and the beautiful Chinese Dream (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises English Letters A, B, C: to identify letters emphasized in words or sentences; to write down names of persons Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling; multiple choices: mark out places on map Part III Passages A, B, C, D: to identify a shopping list; multiple choices; blank-filling; filling-out a form (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road

Documentaries of infrastructures construction.light rail,One Belt One Road Initiative English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 5 Telephone (一)目的与要求 1.To get familiar with words and phrases of directions and positions 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To leam expressions and sentence pattems in making and answering a phone call 4.To learn about communications projects in the countryside and understand the long-term goal of Common Prosperity and realizing the Chinese Dream (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Direction and Position A,B.C:to identify compass directions;to leam words of flat positions Part II ConversationsA,B,C,D,E:blank-filling:multiple choices:mark out places on map Part III PassagesA,B,C,D:locations on map;multiple choices,true or false statements (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road(episode about Xichang.Sichuan) English broadeasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 6 Post Office (一)目的与要求 1.To get familiar with words and phrases for positions, 2.To follow directions and describing relationships 3.To comprehend conversations and passages

5 Documentaries of infrastructures construction, light rail, One Belt One Road Initiative English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 5 Telephone (一)目的与要求 1. To get familiar with words and phrases of directions and positions 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn expressions and sentence patterns in making and answering a phone call 4. To learn about communications projects in the countryside and understand the long-term goal of Common Prosperity and realizing the Chinese Dream (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Direction and Position A, B, C: to identify compass directions; to learn words of flat positions Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling; multiple choices: mark out places on map Part III Passages A, B, C, D: locations on map; multiple choices; true or false statements (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road ( episode about Xichang, Sichuan) English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 6 Post Office (一) 目的与要求 1. To get familiar with words and phrases for positions; 2. To follow directions and describing relationships 3. To comprehend conversations and passages

4.To know about the great achievements of transportation and communications around the country,and to know more about the One Belt One Road Initiative,arousing students'pride in the great economic achievements and the soft power of Chinese culture (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Position A,B:blank-filling with words and phrases of positions.identify positions on map Part II Conversations A.B.C.D.E:to understand conversations about positions. blank-filling;multiple choices:filling out a form Part III PassagesA,B,C:true or false statements,multiple choices;question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B.C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road,.Movie Postman in the Mountains(那山那人那狗) comparing the traffic and postal service then and the great changes now (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 7 Banking (一)目的与要求 1.To quickly write down English numbers of three to nine digits 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To learn and master expressions and sentence pattems on how to do some simple transactions in a bank such as opening a bank account and cashing a check 4.To introduce the development of Chinese banking and emphasize the values of equality and integrity in banking 5.To know about the development of e-banking and the advantages and benefits,arousing students'pride in the great economic achievements (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Numbers A.B.C,D:to recognize and write downnumbers Part II Conversations A,B,C,D,E:blank-filling;multiple choices:question-answering 6

6 4. To know about the great achievements of transportation and communications around the country, and to know more about the One Belt One Road Initiative, arousing students’ pride in the great economic achievements and the soft power of Chinese culture (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Position A, B: blank-filling with words and phrases of positions; identify positions on map Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: to understand conversations about positions; blank-filling; multiple choices: filling out a form Part III Passages A, B, C: true or false statements; multiple choices; question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road, Movie Postman in the Mountains (那山 那人 那狗), comparing the traffic and postal service then and the great changes now (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 7 Banking (一)目的与要求 1. To quickly write down English numbers of three to nine digits 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn and master expressions and sentence patterns on how to do some simple transactions in a bank such as opening a bank account and cashing a check 4. To introduce the development of Chinese banking and emphasize the values of equality and integrity in banking 5. To know about the development of e-banking and the advantages and benefits, arousing students’pride in the great economic achievements (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Numbers A, B, C, D: to recognize and write down numbers Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling; multiple choices: question-answering

Part III Passages A.B.C.D:true or false statements.blank-filling:multiple choices Part IV Brief history of Chinese banking and the values of credit and integrity in banking by example of Jin Shang(Shan Xi Businessmen)and Piao Hao(exchange shop) (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 8 Monev (一)目的与要求 1.To do rapid aural arithmetic 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To learn and master words,expressions and sentence patterns about different bills and currencies 4.To research into China's great economic achievements and its rising status on the world political stage and its role in the world economy,enhancing students'patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Arithmetics:todoquick aural arithmetic Part II Conversations A,B,C.D,E:blank-filling,multiple choices,filling-out a form answering questions Part III PassagesA,B.C.D:true or false statements,multiple choices,question-answering (三)实践环节或果后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B.C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts 1

7 Part III Passages A, B, C, D: true or false statements, blank-filling; multiple choices Part IV Brief history of Chinese banking and the values of credit and integrity in banking by example of Jin Shang ( Shan Xi Businessmen) and Piao Hao (exchange shop) (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 8 Money (一)目的与要求 1. To do rapid aural arithmetic 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn and master words, expressions and sentence patterns about different bills and currencies 4. To research into China’s great economic achievements and its rising status on the world political stage and its role in the world economy, enhancing students’patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Arithmetics: to do quick aural arithmetic Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling, multiple choices, filling-out a form, answering questions Part III Passages A, B, C, D: true or false statements, multiple choices, question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts

(四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 (一)目的与要求 1.To write downdistances and times 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To leam and master expressions and sentence patterns on how to make and keep an appointment 4.To play one episode from Infinite Road to highlight the Chinese Dream and the socialist core values and patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Distance and Time A.B:writing down distancesand times Part II Conversations A,B,C,D,E:blank-filling,multiple choices,true or false statements, filling-out a form Part III Passages A,B,C,D:blanking-filling about keeping an appointment,multiple choices,true or false statements,question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part VThe World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 10 Invitation (一)目的与要求 1.To identify liaison 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To learn and master expressions and sentence pattems on how to send and refuse an invitation

8 (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 9 Appointment (一)目的与要求 1. To write down distances and times 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn and master expressions and sentence patterns on how to make and keep an appointment 4. To play one episode from Infinite Road to highlight the Chinese Dream and the socialist core values and patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Distance and Time A, B: writing down distances and times Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling, multiple choices, true or false statements, filling-out a form Part III Passages A, B, C, D: blanking-filling about keeping an appointment, multiple choices, true or false statements, question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 10 Invitation (一)目的与要求 1. To identify liaison 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn and master expressions and sentence patterns on how to send and refuse an invitation

4.To play one episode from Infinite Road to highlight the Chinese Dream and the socialist core values and patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A.B:to recognize sound-linking in a sense group and read along Part II ConversationsA,B.C.D,E:blank-filling.multiple choices,answering questions true or false statements.All these materials are about sending invitations. Part III Passages A,B,C,D:blank-filling,true or false statements,multiple choices. question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A.B.C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 11 Holidays (一)目的与要求 1.To identify incomplete plosion 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To leam about western holidays and traditions 4.To compare important traditional Chinese and English holidays and celebrations and inspire students'pride in Chinese traditions and customs and their patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A.B:to identify incomplete plosion Part II ConversationsA,B.C.D,E:blank-filling.multiple choices,question-answering. Part IlI Passages A,B,C,D:blank-filling,multiple choices,true or false statements, question-answering Part IV Discussion of major traditional Chinese and English holidays and different 9

9 4. To play one episode from Infinite Road to highlight the Chinese Dream and the socialist core values and patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A, B: to recognize sound-linking in a sense group and read along Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling, multiple choices, answering questions, true or false statements. All these materials are about sending invitations. Part III Passages A, B, C, D: blank-filling, true or false statements, multiple choices, question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit 11 Holidays (一)目的与要求 1. To identify incomplete plosion 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn about western holidays and traditions 4. To compare important traditional Chinese and English holidays and celebrations and inspire students’pride in Chinese traditions and customs and their patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Phonetics A, B: to identify incomplete plosion Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling, multiple choices, question-answering, Part III Passages A, B, C, D: blank-filling, multiple choices, true or false statements, question-answering Part IV Discussion of major traditional Chinese and English holidays and different

celebrations,including the Spring Festival,the Moon Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,the Double Ninth Festival,Christmas Day,Thanksgiving Day,Halloween,Easter Day. (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit12 Hotel (一)目的与要求 1.To identify abbreviations and acronyms 2.To comprehend conversations and passages 3.To leamn and master expressions and sentence pattems on how to reserve a hotel and check in and out 4.To play one episode from Infinite Road to highlight the Chinese Dream and the socialist core values and patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Abbreviation and Acronym:A.B:to quickly recognize and write down frequent abbreviations and acronyms and read along Part II Conversations A,B,C.D.E:blank-filling,multiple choices;filling out a form, answering questions Part III Passages A,B.C.D:locations on map;multiple choices;true or false statements; question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A,B,C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts 10

10 celebrations, including the Spring Festival, the Moon Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween , Easter Day. (三) 实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts (四)教学方法与手段 教学方法:课堂讲授、课堂朗读和讨论 教学手段:多媒体语音室 Unit12 Hotel (一)目的与要求 1. To identify abbreviations and acronyms 2. To comprehend conversations and passages 3. To learn and master expressions and sentence patterns on how to reserve a hotel and check in and out 4. To play one episode from Infinite Road to highlight the Chinese Dream and the socialist core values and patriotism (二)教学内容 Part I Warming-up Exercises Abbreviation and Acronym: A, B: to quickly recognize and write down frequent abbreviations and acronyms and read along Part II Conversations A, B, C, D, E: blank-filling, multiple choices; filling out a form, answering questions Part III Passages A, B, C, D: locations on map; multiple choices; true or false statements; question-answering (三)实践环节或课后练习 Part IV Supplementary Exercises A, B, C Part V The World of Humor Documentary Infinite Road English broadcasts



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