重庆医科大学脑床半院载未满 重庆医科大学临床学院教案及讲稿 课程名称内科学 年级2004级医学 授课专业 消化内科 教师陶小红 职称教授 授课方式 大课学时3 愿目章节Cirrhosis of Liver 教材名称CECIL TEXTBOOK OF MEDICINE 作者 出版社Wb Saunders Company 版次 4th Edition 教学目 1、掌握肝硬化的临床表现、诊断要点及并发症与治疗原则。 2、熟墨两种病的发病原理,病理特点与鉴别诊断。 要求 教学难点 1、肝硬化并发症。 2、临床表现及鉴别要点。 1、肝硬化并发症。 2、临床表现及鉴别要点。 外语 要求 教学 多媒体课件 手段 1.CECIL TEXTBOOK OF MEDICINE 2、 GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASE 6TH EDITION W.B.SAUNDERS 3、医药院校教材内科学第六版。 教研 室意 教学组长: 刘纯伦 制表时间:2004年8月 1
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2004 年 8 月 1 重庆医科大学临床学院教案及讲稿 课程名称 内科学 年级 2004 级医学 授课专业 消化内科 教 师 陶小红 职称 教授 授课方式 大课 学时 3 题目章节 Cirrhosis of Liver 教材名称 CECIL TEXTBOOK OF MEDICINE 作者 JAMES B. WYNGAARDEN 主编 出 版 社 Wb Saunders Company 版次 4th Edition 教 学 目 的 要 求 1、 掌握肝硬化的临床表现、诊断要点及并发症与治疗原则。 2、 熟悉两种病的发病原理,病理特点与鉴别诊断。 教 学 难 点 1、 肝硬化并发症。 2、 临床表现及鉴别要点。 教 学 重 点 1、肝硬化并发症。 2、临床表现及鉴别要点。 外语 要求 是 教学 方法 手段 多媒体课件 参考 资料 1、CECIL TEXTBOOK OF MEDICINE 2、GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASE 6TH EDITION W.B.SAUNDERS 3、医药院校教材内科学第六版。 教研 室意 见 教学组长: 刘纯伦 教研室主任:陈建斌 2007 年 7 月 25 日
重庆医科大半床半院载未讲满 教学内容 辅助手段 时间分配 结核性腹膜炎 [概述]:t's the end result of hepatocellular injury esulted from different causes.Th istologic feature is deg neration. odular)and fibrosis.According to the quence: DEGENERATION EAUANO NIG CIRCULATION ECHYMA OF 满因和发精 encephalopathy :v(V.HCV) 3.Bile duct obstruction Bnbarwghegannabodeaantace(uchsocouriahc urbances ency tary accum .Malnutrition 3.AutoimleoChro 10.Unknown(Cryptogenic) [病理] MORPHOLOGIC: Mixe [临床表现] About one third of cirrhosis ny clinical symptoms and are acciden or an tal hy pdomrnhead8ropoiom hat evons m causivercddistrlvereby rring loss of functioning liver cells 1.General:Fatigue,Weakness,Weight loss,Fever, 2.Gastroenterology:Poor appetite,Nausea,Abdominal fullness,gaseous,diarrha from varices of but poor nse to it B.Cessation of menstrual periods and dee eased fertility(in women) ation(in men)Skin 制表时间:2004年8月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2004 年 8 月 2 教学内容 辅助手段 时间分配 结核性腹膜炎 [概述]:It’s the end result of hepatocellular injury resulted from different causes• The histologic feature is degeneration, regeneration(nodular) and fibrosis. According to the following sequence: INJURY DEGENERATION FIBROSIS FORMATION OF FIBRO-VASCULAR MEMBRANES PARENCHYMAL DISSECTION INTO NODULES REARRANGEMENT OF BLOOD CIRCULATION CIRRHOSISREARRANGEMENT OF BLOOD CIRCULATION CIRRHOSIS The clinical feature of cirrhosis result from hepatic cell dysfunction, portasystemic shunting or portal hypertension. The complication often appear in late phase, such as hemmorrage, hepatic encephalopathy [病因和发病机理] 1.Hepatitis virus (HBV,HCV) 2.Alcohol abuse 3. Bile duct obstruction 4. Persistent obstruction to outflow of blood from the liver (such as occurs in the Budd-Chiari syndrome) Heart and blood vessel disturbances 5.Exposure to certain chemicals Use of certain drugs 6.Hereditary disease, High blood tyrosine levels at birth (congenital tyrosinosis) Glycogen storage disease , Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency Hereditary accumulation of too much copper (Wilson's disease) 7. Malnutrition 8.Autoimmune diseases (including autoimmune chronic hepatitis) Malnutrition 9. Iron overload (hemochromatosis) 10. Unknown (Cryptogenic) [病理] MORPHOLOGIC: Macronodular Micronodular Mixe HISTOLOGIC: Portal, Post-necrotic, Post Hepatitic, Biliary, Congestive ETIOLOGIC AGENTS: Genetic, Toxic, Infectious, Biliary, Vascular, Cryptogenic [临床表现] About one third of cirrhosis are compensated and, do not produce any clinical symptoms and are accidentally discovered during a medical examination or an operation or at autopsy. The rest are decompensated and produce complications mainly due to liver failure and portal hypertension. The two major problems that eventually cause symptoms are loss of functioning liver cells and distortion of the liver caused by scarring. decompensated 一、loss of functioning liver cells 1. General:Fatigue,Weakness, Weight loss, , Fever, 2.Gastroenterology: Poor appetite、Nausea、Abdominal fullness, gaseous,diarrha Jaundice 3.Hematology: A tendency to bleed (coagulopathy),animia,nose bleeding, Nosebleed, bleeding gums , Decreased number of red blood cells (anemia) ,Gastrointestinal bleeding from varices 4. Hormones: A. High levels of insulin but poor response to it B. Cessation of menstrual periods and decreased fertility (in women) C. Impotence and feminization (in men)Skin Spiderlike blood vessels
重庆医科大学脑床半院藏来讲满 Red palms (palmar erythema 2ohnad Blood Decreased numberof red blood cel(anemia) Pcr4dunmbcTpblisdroh0ewopos A tendency to bleed (coagulopathy) eof the mo mon e nypert ough the portal vein slows.blood from the intestines eoeanabe d because this The enlarged blood vessels.called varices.have thin wails and carry high Beeshgoeemsarheoepeeybonbctrhseogbg medical attention. 3.Ascitis三.并发症Complications nv-remiporthyp (increased blood pressure in the portal vein ed by liv er disease.Increased vomiting of blood and ta shock will develop.vomitingvomiting bloodblack,tarry stoolsdecreased urine 3.Abdominal fluid retention (ascites)and infection of the fluid (bacterial peritonitis) Thetopehbesasegarcnoma Kidney failure(hepatorenal syndrome) a de rease in kidney function in a Absent or low urine production.less than 400 concentration retention in the men or extremitie 6.Dilutional hyp natre niaLab TestDecreased number of red blood cells(anemia) becreaegnumberot 9 tendency to bleed (coaqulopathy)liver test Test What Is Measured What the Test May Indicate Alkaline phosphatase Alanino transaminaso Liver cell injury(as in Bilirubin aaoneakoama9e8a Gamma-glut kidn e2anoab2ae.e98 Lactic eto the ver,heart, 制表时间:2004年8月 3
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2004 年 8 月 3 Red palms (palmar erythema ) Florid complexion Itching Other Urine output, decreased Swelling, overall Blood Decreased number of red blood cells (anemia) Decreased number of white blood cells (leukopenia) Decreased number of platelets (thrombocytopenia) A tendency to bleed (coagulopathy) Portal Hypertension1.脾大 splenomegaly One of the most common findings with portal hypertension is splenomegaly, as seen here. The spleen is enlarged from the normal 300 grams or less to between 500 and 1000 gm. Varices. When blood flow through the portal vein slows, blood from the intestines and spleen backs up into blood vessels in the stomach and esophagus. These blood vessels may become enlarged because they are not meant to carry this much blood. The enlarged blood vessels, called varices, have thin walls and carry high pressure, and thus are more likely to burst. If they do burst, the result is a serious bleeding problem in the upper stomach or esophagus that requires immediate medical attention. 3. Ascitis 三.并发症 Complications 1. Bleeding esophageal varices(Variceal bleeding) Bleeding varices are a life-threatening complication of portal hypertension (increased blood pressure in the portal vein caused by liver disease. Increased pressure causes the veins to balloon outward). The vessels may rupture, causing vomiting of blood and tarry black stools. If a large volume of blood is lost, signs of shock will develop. vomitingvomiting bloodblack, tarry stoolsdecreased urine outputsymptoms of cirrhosis palenesslightheadednessHepatic encephalopathy This topic will be discussed later 3. Abdominal fluid retention (ascites) and infection of the fluid (bacterial peritonitis) 4. Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) This topic will be discussed later 5. Kidney failure (hepatorenal syndrome) Hepatorenal syndrome occurs when there is a decrease in kidney function in a person with a liver disorder. This is often exhibited by: Absent or low urine production, less than 400 cc/dayVery low urine sodium concentration Low serum sodium Fluid retention in the abdomen or extremities Increased BUN and creatinine levels 6.Dilutional hyponatremiaLab TestDecreased number of red blood cells (anemia) Decreased number of white blood cells (leukopenia) Decreased number of platelets (thrombocytopenia) A tendency to bleed (coagulopathy)liver function test Test What Is Measured What the Test May Indicate Alkaline phosphatase An enzyme produced in the liver, bone, and placenta that is released into the blood during injury Bile duct obstruction, liver injury, and some cancers Alanine transaminase (ALT) An enzyme produced in the liver that is released into the blood during injury Liver cell injury (as in hepatitis) Aspartate transaminase(AST) An enzyme released into the blood when the liver, heart, muscle, or brain is injured Injury to liver, heart, muscles, or brain Bilirubin A component of the digestive juice (bile) produced by the liver Obstruction, liver damage, excessive breakdown of red blood cells Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase produced by the liver, pancreas, and kidneys and released into the blood when these organs are injured Organ damage, drug toxicity, alcohol abuse, disease of the pancreas Lactic An enzyme released into the blood Damage to the liver, heart
重庆医科大学脑床半院载未讲满 dehydrogenase when certain organs are injured lung.or brain and oxcessive Albumin Liver damage Alpha-fetoprotein rotein produced by the fetal er and nent of Prothrombin time in core Acites 六、ANAGEMENTGeneral A.Cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse is treated by abstaining fromalcohol. B.Treatment for hepatitis-related cimhosis involves medications used to treat the 6 acoh8lnyeadbecorentbeog0edsal Dietary changes that may be helpful:People with liver cirrhosis may be nabetoteraeooma amounts of strongly pertension.a dangerous blood in th circ may be able to reverse tissue changes that cause cirrhosis.In a placebo-controlled trial,Czech researchers found that PC supplementation improved liver function in people with cirrhosis.Management of Ascites B. Ahealthy diet and avoiding alcohol C. removed trgeanaeeiaaroceaeosdf8mhe86oRiea6c6n9ahud so albumin may be administered intravenously. E.Trans jugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt,TIPSManagement of Coplication 4.Liver Transplantation 制表时间:2004年8月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2004 年 8 月 4 dehydrogenase when certain organs are injured lung, or brain and excessive breakdown of RBC Albumin produced by the liver and normally released into the blood; one of it's functions is to hold fluid inside the blood vessels Liver damage Alpha-fetoprotein A protein produced by the fetal liver and testes Severe hepatitis or cancer of the liver or testes Mitochondrial antibodies Circulating antibodies against mitochondria, an inner component of cells Primary biliary cirrhosis and certain autoimmune diseases Prothrombin time Time needed for blood to clot (clotting requires vitamin K and substances made by the liver) Liver damage or poor absorption of vitamin K caused by a lack of bile Special testChild Pugh Classification 六、MANAGEMENTGeneral A.Cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse is treated by abstaining from alcohol. B.Treatment for hepatitis-related cirrhosis involves medications used to treat the different types of hepatitis, such as interferon for viral hepatitis C.corticosteroids for autoimmune hepatitis. D.In all cases, regardless of the cause, following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol are essential because the body needs all the nutrients it can get, and alcohol will only lead to more liver damage Dietary changes that may be helpful: people with liver cirrhosis may be unable to tolerate normal amounts of dietary protein because the cirrhotic liver is less able to detoxify ammonia, a major product of protein digestion. Lifestyle changes that may be helpful: Avoidance of alcohol is strongly recommended for people with liver cirrhosis. Alcohol is directly toxic to the liver. In people with alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis, even moderate alcohol consumption increases the risk of portal hypertension, a dangerous blood pressure abnormality in the liver’s circulation. Supplements that may be helpful: Phosphatidylcholine (PC) breaks down scar tissue in the liver and may be able to reverse tissue changes that cause cirrhosis. In a placebo-controlled trial, Czech researchers found that PC supplementation improved liver function in people with cirrhosis. Management of Ascites A. A healthy diet and avoiding alcohol B. Usually combined with drugs called diuretics, which make the kidneys excrete more fluid in the urine. C. If the ascites makes breathing or eating difficult, the fluid may be removed through a needle-a procedure called therapeutic paracentesis. Often, large amounts of albumin are lost from the blood into the abdominal fluid, so albumin may be administered intravenously. E. Trans jugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt,TIPSManagement of Coplication 4. Liver Transplantation
君庆医科大学脑床半院表来讲测 肝硬化是由多种病因引起的以门脉高压表现为主的疾病, 小结 的治疗,以及并发症的特殊处理】 肝硬化及其并发症的诊断及治疗原则 门脉高压的表现 酱 制表时间:2004年8月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2004 年 8 月 5 小结 肝硬化是由多种病因引起的以门脉高压表现为主的疾病,病理上主要为假小叶形成。晚 期可出现多种并发症。治疗原则为,消除病因,注意休息,调整饮食结构等一般治疗,腹水 的治疗,以及并发症的特殊处理。 思考 题及 预习 1、 肝硬化及其并发症的诊断及治疗原则 2、 门脉高压的表现
重庆医科大半临床半院载案讲满 教案讲稿质量评价表 B D 权重 评估内容 权重 好 较好 若 1.0-0.90.89- 0.79. 0.59-0 编写认真、教学态度端正 教学目的明确、概念清楚、内容准确 20 3.教学注意系统性及先进性 15 4.重点突出、难点清楚 15 100 5. 教学方法、手段适当 10 6. 运用专业外语适当、准确 10 1. 理论联系实际、举例恰当 10 8.知识容量密度适宜、时间分配合理 平价得分 (A级=100-90分:B级=89-80分:C级=7960分:D级=59-0分 意见 评价者: 评价时间: 制表时间:2004年8月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2004 年 8 月 6 教案讲稿质量评价表 权重 评 估 内 容 权重 A 好 1.0-0.9 B 较好 0.89- C 一般 0.79- D 差 0.59-0 100 1. 编写认真、教学态度端正 10 2. 教学目的明确、概念清楚、内容准确 20 3. 教学注意系统性及先进性 15 4. 重点突出、难点清楚 15 5. 教学方法、手段适当 10 6. 运用专业外语适当、准确 10 7. 理论联系实际、举例恰当 10 8. 知识容量密度适宜、时间分配合理 10 意见 评价得分= (A 级=100-90 分;B 级=89-80 分;C 级=79-60 分;D 级=59-0 分) 评价者: 评价时间: