置庆医科大学床学院未讲满 重庆医科大学临床学院教案及讲稿 (教案) 课程名称内科学 年级2004级 授课专业循环系统 教师秦俭职称副教授 授课方式大课 学时5 题目章节心律失常 教材名称内科学(全国高等学校教材) 作者主编:叶任高陆再英 出版社 人民卫生出版社 版次 第6版 掌握常见心律失常的心电图诊断: 熟悉常见心律失的临床意义及其治疗。 快速性心律失常的发生机制: 难 各种心律失常的心电图诊断及治疗原则: 点 心律失常的非药物治疗。 过早搏动的分米和监床意义,以及其治疗原则: 阵发性室上性心动过速的机制(折返机制),诊断要点(心电图及临床表现),及治疗方法的选 择(药物治疗射频消融术根治): 室性心动过速与室上性心动过速的鉴别诊断和处理原则。 心房纤颜的临床意义及治疗: 房室传导阻滞的心电图诊断、药物治疗和起搏治疗。 外语 要求 双语教学(英语与汉语) 教学 多媒体讲课与小班心电图示教。 1、全国医药院校七年制教材。, 参考 2、Mayo Clinic 资料 3、心脏病学 4、Arrhythmias. 同一通过 教学组长:秦俭 教研室主任:陶小红 2007年3月18日 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 1 重庆医科大学临床学院教案及讲稿 (教 案) 课程名称 内科学 年级 2004 级 授课专业 循环系统 教 师 秦 俭 职称 副教授 授课方式 大课 学时 5 题目章节 心律失常 教材名称 内科学(全国高等学校教材) 作者 主编:叶任高 陆再英 出 版 社 人民卫生出版社 版次 第 6 版 教 学 目 的 要 求 掌握常见心律失常的心电图诊断; 熟悉常见心律失的临床意义及其治疗。 教 学 难 点 快速性心律失常的发生机制; 各种心律失常的心电图诊断及治疗原则; 心律失常的非药物治疗。 教 学 重 点 过早搏动的分类和临床意义,以及其治疗原则; 阵发性室上性心动过速的机制(折返机制),诊断要点(心电图及临床表现),及治疗方法的选 择(药物治疗/射频消融术根治); 室性心动过速与室上性心动过速的鉴别诊断和处理原则。 心房纤颤的临床意义及治疗; 房室传导阻滞的心电图诊断、药物治疗和起搏治疗。 外语 要求 双语教学(英语与汉语) 教学 方法 手段 多媒体讲课与小班心电图示教。 参考 资料 1、全国医药院校七年制教材。, 2、Mayo Clinic 3、心脏病学 4、Arrhythmias. 教研 室意 见 同一通过 教学组长: 秦俭 教研室主任:陶小红 2007 年 3 月 18 日
露庆医科大学临床半蕊藏素讲满 (讲稿) 教学内容 铺助手段 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 2 (讲 稿) 教学内容 辅助手段 时间分配
重庆医科大半临床半院载未讲满 Arrhythmias(心律失常) QIN Jian(秦俭) Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖): nus n normal pacemaker,hig t automacity rac sinus to A pacem ak node His bundle bundleb urkinje fibers rrhythmias frequency、rhythm source or speed of conduction cardiac pulses。 C1 assification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) According to mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis,they are classified as arrhythmias caused by abnormal source of pulse formation and abnormalities of pulse conduction Abnormal source of pulse formation ●Sinus arrhythmias: OSinus tachycardia O Sinus bradycardia OSinus irregularity OSinus cardiac arrest. ●Ectopic rhythms(异位心律): OPassive ectopic rhythms(被动性异位心律): Escape beats atrial, junctional、ventricular)逸搏(房性、结性、 室性): @Escape rhythms(atrial,junctional、ventricular)逸搏心律(房、结、室 性) Active ectopic rhythms(主动性异位心律): Prem (atrial ,ventricular) 胡前收缩或 Paraxysmal tachycardias (atrial,junctional atrioventricular reentrant,ventricular)阵发性心动过速(房性、结性、房室折返性、室性); 回Flutter、.fibrillation(扑动、颤动)。 ☆Abnormalities of pulse conduction(冲动传导异常) ●(生理性) OInterference and atrioventricular dissociation (干扰和房室分离)。 ●Pathophysiological(病理性): ○Sino-atrial block(窦房传导阻带) ○Intra-atrial block(房内传导阻带) ○Atrial-.ventricular block(房室传导阻带) Branch block(束支或分支阻滞)或Intraventricular block(室内阻滞) Abnormal AV connection-preexcitation syndrome (房室间传导异常一预激综合征)。 ★According to heart rate(根据心律快慢)☆Fast speed arrhythmias(快速性 心律失常): ☆Slow speed arrhythmias(缓慢性心律失常). Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis(心律失常发生机制) 折快速性失常中常 的发生机都, ★Automaticity(自律性增高) Triggere activity(触发活动) Diagnosis of arrhythmias(心律失常的诊断 ★Medical history(病史)。 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 3 Arrhythmias(心律失常) QIN Jian (秦 俭) Anatomy of cardiac conduction system(心脏传导系统解剖): Sinus node — normal pacemaker,highest automacity Internodal tracts — connect sinus to AV node Atrioventricular node — second pacemaker His bundle The left and right bundle branches Terminal Purkinje fibers Definition of arrhythmias (心律失常定义)The abnormalities in frequency、rhythm、source or speed of conduction of cardiac pulses。 Classification of arrhythmias(心律失常分类) ★ According to mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis ,they are classified as arrhythmias caused by abnormal source of pulse formation and abnormalities of pulse conduction ☆ Abnormal source of pulse formation ● Sinus arrhythmias: ○ Sinus tachycardia; ○ Sinus bradycardia; ○ Sinus irregularity; ○ Sinus cardiac arrest。 ● Ectopic rhythms(异位心律) : ○ Passive ectopic rhythms(被动性异位心律): ◎ Escape beats( atrial, junctional 、ventricular) 逸搏(房性、结性、 室性); ◎Escape rhythms(atrial,junctional、ventricular)逸搏心律(房、结、室 性); ○ Active ectopic rhythms(主动性异位心律): ◎ Premature systole(atrial, junctional , ventricular) 期前收缩或过早搏动(房、结、室性); ◎ Paraxysmal tachycardias ( atrial,junctional 、atrioventricular reentrant,ventricular)阵发性心动过速(房性、结性、房室折返性、室性); ◎ Flutter、fibrillation(扑动、颤动)。 ☆ Abnormalities of pulse conduction (冲动传导异常) ● Physiological(生理性) : ○Interference and atrioventricular dissociation (干扰和房室分离)。 ● Pathophysiological(病理性): ○ Sino-atrial block(窦房传导阻滞); ○ Intra-atrial block(房内传导阻滞); ○ Atrial-ventricular block(房室传导阻滞); ○ Branch block (束支或分支阻滞 ) 或 Intraventricular block(室内阻滞 )。 ●Abnormal AV connection -preexcitation syndrome (房室间传导异常—预激综合征)。 ★ According to heart rate(根据心律快慢) ☆ Fast speed arrhythmias(快速性 心律失常); ☆ Slow speed arrhythmias (缓慢性心律失常)。 Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis(心律失常发生机制) ★ Reentry— Most common mechanism of fast speed arrhythmias (折返—快速性心率失常中最常见的发生机制); ★ Automaticity(自律性增高); ★ Triggered activity(触发活动)。 Diagnosis of arrhythmias(心律失常的诊断) ★ Medical history(病史)
重庆医科大学临床半院载案讲满 Physical examination The four basic skills of physical examinations Electrocardiography, especially taken at the onset -most important non nvasive 0ach(心电图检查一最重要的无创检查技术)。 CG monitoring(长时间心电图记录): ●Holter ECG monitoring(动态心电图记录): ONon-invasive、.portable、convenient(无创、便携式和方便); O Determine the relationship of palpitation or syncope to arrhythmias (明确心悸或晕厥与心律失常的关系): O Determine the relationshin of ischemia to daily activity (明确心肌缺血与日常活动的关系): Assess antiarrhythmic drug effica cemaker function (评价抗心律失常药生 情况.) ☆Esophageal electrocardiography(食道心电图) ●Initiation and termination oftachycardias(诱发和终止心动过速); Helpful to define the mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardias (有助于判断室上性心动过速发生机制) Helpful to diagnose sick sinus syndrome (有助于确定病态窦房结综合征的诊断) 女Invasive eletrophysiological study(临床电生理检查) ●Aims(目的): ODiagnostically to understand the source of arrhythmia and its eletro physiological mechanism)诊断方面:了解心律失常的起源部位和发生机制); OTherapeutically to terminate tachycardia and ablate myocardium involved in the tachycardia治疗方面:终止心动过速,消融参与心动过速形成 的心肌,以达到治惠心动过速的目的; OPrognostically to evaluate the risk of patients for sudden cardiac death预后方面:预测患者有无发生心脏性猝死的危险。 ●Indication(适应症): 8 O To s node(测定奥房结功能) nduction or ntraventricula conduction block(确定房室与室内传导阻滞部位): OTo diagnosis and ablate tachycardia (诊断与消融心动过速)。 C1 assification of ant iarrhythmic drugs(抗心律失常药物分类) *According to their lectrophysiologic offects, ADrugs with class i action subclassified into class IA.I B.I C (to block fast inward sodium channels)(l类阻断快速钠通道)eg Propafenone(心 律平): Drugs with olass ll act ion-beta-adrenergio antagonism Drugs with olass lll act iom o prolong the duration of the cardiac action potential(延长心肌动作电位),Amiodarone(胺碘丽): 女Drug8 with ol 维数 ol antagonism,og Norma Sinus rhyth(i正常 性心律) ●Originate in the sinus node(起源于窦房结); ●Rate between60and100 beats/min(频率60-1oo次/分); 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 4 ★ Physical examination :The four basic skills of physical examinations especially auscultation— very helpful to its diagnosis (体格检查:心脏四诊尤其心脏听诊-很有助于诊断)。 ★ Electrocardiography, especially taken at the onset — most important noninvasive approach (心电图检查—最重要的无创检查技术)。 ☆ Prolonged ECG monitoring(长时间心电图记录): ● Holter ECG monitoring(动态心电图记录): ○ Non-invasive、 portable 、convenient(无创、便携式和方便); ○ Determine the relationship of palpitation or syncope to arrhythmias (明确心悸或晕厥与心律失常的关系); ○ Determine the relationship of ischemia to daily activity (明确心肌缺血与日常活动的关系); ○ Assess antiarrhythmic drug efficacy and pacemaker function (评价抗心律失常药物疗效、起搏器工作情况。) ☆Esophageal electrocardiography(食道心电图) ● Initiation and termination of tachycardias (诱发和终止心动过速); ● Helpful to define the mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardias (有助于判断室上性心动过速发生机制) ● Helpful to diagnose sick sinus syndrome (有助于确定病态窦房结综合征的诊断)。 ☆ Invasive eletrophysiological study(临床电生理检查) ●Aims(目的): ○Diagnostically to understand the source of arrhythmia and its eletrophysiological mechanism)诊断方面:了解心律失常的起源部位和发生机制); ○Therapeutically to terminate tachycardia and ablate myocardium involved in the tachycardia 治疗方面:终止心动过速,消融参与心动过速形成 的心肌,以达到治愈心动过速的目的; ○Prognostically to evaluate the risk of patients for sudden cardiac death 预后方面:预测患者有无发生心脏性猝死的危险。 ●Indication(适应症): ○ To evaluate the function of sinus node(测定窦房结功能); ○ To determine the site of AV conduction or intraventricular conduction block(确定房室与室内传导阻滞部位); ○ To diagnosis and ablate tachycardia (诊断与消融心动过速)。 Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs(抗心律失常药物分类) ★ According to their electrophysiologic effects, ☆Drugs with class Ⅰ action -subclassified into class ⅠA, ⅠB, Ⅰ C (to block fast inward sodium channels)(Ⅰ类—阻断快速钠通道) eg Propafenone(心 律平); ☆Drugs with class Ⅱ action-beta-adrenergic antagonism ☆Drugs with class Ⅲ action-to prolong the duration of the cardiac action potential (延长心肌动作电位) , Amiodarone(胺碘酮); ☆ Drugs with class Ⅳ action-calcium channel antagonism, eg Verapamil(维拉帕米),diltiazem(硫氮卓酮) Normal Sinus rhythm(正常窦性心律): ● Originate in the sinus node(起源于窦房结); ● Rate between 60 and 100 beats/min(频率 60 — 100 次/分);
重庆医科大半床半院载未讲满 ●Electrocardiography(心电图):OUpright Pwave in leads I、Ⅱ、aVF, and negative Pwave in lead aVR(p波在I、l、aF导联向上,avR倒置); OP-R interval0.12-0.20s(p-R间期0.12 020) 8a nus tachycardia(心动过速): ●Normal P wave contour(P波符合窦性心律的特征): O Sinus rate exceeding 100 beats/min in adults,mostly within 100-150 beats/min(成人窦性心律频率超过100次/分,大多在100-150次/分)。 ●Clinical significance(临床意义): on to a van such as physical labor and sentimenta excitement(生理情况:健康人对诸如体力活动和情绪激动等因素的正常反应) OCommonly seen in patients with fever,anemia hyperthyrodsm shoc and heart failure(病理情况:常见于发热、贫血、甲状腺机能亢进症休克、心 力衰竭);OAdministering nicotine、alcohol、caffeine、adrenaline and atropine(药物:应用尼古丁、酒精、咖啡因、肾上腺素、阿托品等), ●Management(治7):OFocus on the underlying cause,eliminate the predisposing cause(应针对其病因,祛除诱因);OMay use B-blockers to slov is rate when (必要时B受体阻滞剂可用于减慢心率)。 Sinus bradycar d/a(性心动过缓), iography(心电图): ONormal P wave contour(P波符合窦性心律的特征); ○Sinus rate less than60 beats/min in adults(成人窦性心律频率慢于60次/分) OOften coexists with sinus arrhythmia-difference between P-P interval> 012s(常同时伴有宽性律不齐一即不同P-P间期差异>0.12s)。 ●Clinical significance(临床音) Commonly seen in sive vagal or decreased sympathetic tone such as healthy young adults、athletes and a person in sleeping status(常见于迷走神 经张力过高、交感神经张力过低,如健康青年人、运动员、睡眠状态); ○Commonly seen in intracranial diseases、severe hypoxia、hypothermia、 hypothyroidism(见于颅内疾患、严重缺氧、低温、甲状腺功能减退等)。 OAdministration of antiarrhythmatic drugs(药物:应用抗心律失常药物). OSick sinus syndrome,acute inferior myocardial infarction (病态窦房结综合征、急性下壁心肌梗塞)。 y to treat asymptomatic sinus adycar ia(无症状奥缓通常无需治疗);OEffeeti e to use Atropine and oprenaline to rais rate which is associated ith syn toms for shor ime,no certain effect for long-term use,preferable to implant artificial aCmakr(与症状有关的奥缓,可以短期阿托品、异丙基肾上腺素药物,但长期应 用效果不肯定, inus arrest(e性停 ●A pause in the sinus rhythm(窦性节律暂停)。 ●Electrocardiography(心电图): Long P-P interval delimiting the pause does not equal a multiple of the basic P-P interval(长的P-P间期与基本的窦性P-p间期无倍数关系)。 Sick sinus syndrome(病态宽房结综合征) ●Definition(概念): Asyndrome with a variety of arrhythmia caused by sinus nodal 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 5 ● Electrocardiography(心电图): ○Upright P wave in leads Ⅰ、Ⅱ、aVF, and negative P wave in lead aVR(P 波在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、aVF 导联向上,aVR 倒置); ○P-R interval 0.12 — 0.20s(P-R 间期 0.12 — 0.20s)。 Sinus tachycardia(窦性心动过速): ● Electrocardiography(心电图): ○ Normal P wave contour (P 波符合窦性心律的特征); ○ Sinus rate exceeding 100 beats/min in adults, mostly within 100-150 beats/min (成人窦性心律频率超过 100 次/分,大多在 100-150 次/分)。 ●Clinical significance(临床意义): ○Normal reaction to a variety of factors such as physical labor and sentimental excitement(生理情况:健康人对诸如体力活动和情绪激动等因素的正常反应); ○Commonly seen in patients with fever、anemia 、 hyperthyroidism、 shock and heart failure (病理情况:常见于发热、贫血、甲状腺机能亢进症休克、心 力衰竭);○Administering nicotine、alcohol、caffeine、adrenaline and atropine(药物:应用尼古丁、酒精、 咖啡因、肾上腺素、阿托品等)。 ●Management(治疗):○Focus on the underlying cause, eliminate the predisposing cause (应针对其病因,祛除诱因);○May use β-blockers to slow the sinus rate when necessary(必要时β受体阻滞剂可用于减慢心率 )。 Sinus bradycardia(窦性心动过缓): ●Electrocardiography(心电图): ○Normal P wave contour(P 波符合窦性心律的特征); ○Sinus rate less than 60 beats/min in adults(成人窦性心律频率慢于 60 次/分); ○Often coexists with sinus arrhythmia — difference between P-P interval > 0.12s (常同时伴有窦性心律不齐 — 即不同 P-P 间期差异> 0.12s )。 ●Clinical significance(临床意义): ○Commonly seen in excessive vagal or decreased sympathetic tone such as healthy young adults、athletes and a person in sleeping status (常见于迷走 神 经张力过高、交感神经张力过低,如健康青年人、运动员、睡眠状态); ○Commonly seen in intracranial diseases、severe hypoxia、hypothermia、 hypothyroidism(见于颅内疾患、严重缺氧、低温、甲状腺功能减退等)。 ○Administration of antiarrhythmatic drugs(药物:应用抗心律失常药物)。 ○Sick sinus syndrome、acute inferior myocardial infarction (病态窦房结综合征、急性下壁心肌梗塞)。 ●Management(治疗): ○Not necessary to treat asymptomatic sinus bradycardia(无症状窦缓通常无需治疗);○Effective to use Atropine and Isoprenaline to raise heart rate which is associated with symptoms for short time,no certain effect for long-term use, preferable to implant artificial pacemaker(与症状有关的窦缓,可以短期阿托品、异丙基肾上腺素药物,但长期应 用效果不肯定,应起搏治疗)。 Sinus arrest(窦性停搏) ●A pause in the sinus rhythm(窦性节律暂停)。 ●Electrocardiography(心电图): Long P-P interval delimiting the pause does not equal a multiple of the basic P-P interval(长的 P-P 间期与基本的窦性 P-P 间期无倍数关系)。 Sick sinus syndrome(病态窦房结综合征) ●Definition(概念): A syndrome with a variety of arrhythmia caused by sinus nodal
重庆医科大学临床半鹿藏来讲满 dysfunction due to sinus nodal abnormalities(由室房结病变导致功能减退.产生多 种心律失常的综合表现。可同时合并快速房性失常) ●Etiology(病因): blood-suppb ly of sinus node(窦房结供血减少); OPathological change of sinus node(窦房结病变)。 ●Clinical features(临床表现):Symptoms,.such as dizziness、amaurosis and syncope,associated with insufficient blood-supply of heart and brain due to bradycardia(与心动过缓有关的心、脑等脏器供血不足的症状,如头昏、黑蒙、晕 歌等)。 ●Electrocardiography(心电图): O Persistent and notable sinus bradycardia not caused by drugs (HR<50 beats/min)非药物引起的持续显著的窦性心动过缓(50次/分以下): O Sinus arrest and sinoatrial exit block(窦性停搏与窦房传导阻滞) L yndrome Altemation of periods of bradycardiaand paxoxysmal rapid atria tachyarrhythm y者包括心房扑动、 与房性快速性 心房颤云 ● OWhen symptoms are manifested,treatment generally involves permanent pacemaker implantation(有症状的病窦患者,应接受起搏器治疗; OPacing for the bradycardia combined with drug therapy to treat the tachycardia is required in patients with bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome Premature beats(过早铺动) ●Site of premature impulse(早搏起源部位): Atrial. junction and ventricular premature(房、结、室性早搏,结早少见) ●Coupling in val(配对间期):F。 not fully pause(代偿完全、代偿 完全 ●Monofocal、 Atr ia premature beats(房性过早搏动) ●Electrocardiography(心电图检查)OPremature P'wave different from sinus 卫wav提前出现与室性p波不同P波): OP-R intrval exceeding 0.12s (P-R 间期≥012S:○Su uo2不2Os通常为室上准 ●Clinical significance(临床意义) ○Dccurs in60%of healthy adults(正常成人60%可发生房性早搏): OOccurs in every kind of organic heart diseases;presage the occurrence of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias(各种器质性心脏病均可发生房性早搏,可能 为快速性房性心律失常的先兆)。 ●Management(治疗)OAtn premature beats generally do not require 性 无需治疗 tomat patients, B-blocker,a calciu (症状明显或触发快速性房性心律失常时,可 ntricular premature beats(宣性过早搏动》 ●Electrocardiography(心电图): OA premature QRS complex which is bizarre in shape and has a duration exceeding0.l2s,with a large and opposite T wave(提前出现宽大畸形的QRS 制表时间2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 6 dysfunction due to sinus nodal abnormalities(由窦房结病变导致功能减退,产生多 种心律失常的综合表现。可同时合并快速房性失常) . ● Etiology(病因): ○Insufficient blood-supply of sinus node(窦房结供血减少) ; ○Pathological change of sinus node(窦房结病变)。 ● Clinical features(临床表现):Symptoms, such as dizziness、 amaurosis and syncope , associated with insufficient blood-supply of heart and brain due to bradycardia (与心动过缓有关的心、脑等脏器供血不足的症状,如头昏、黑蒙、晕 厥等 ) 。 ● Electrocardiography(心电图): ○ Persistent and notable sinus bradycardia not caused by drugs(HR<50 beats/min)非药物引起的持续显著的窦性心动过缓(50 次/分以下); ○ Sinus arrest and sinoatrial exit block (窦性停搏与窦房传导阻滞) ○Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome : Alternation of periods of bradycardia and paxoxysmal rapid atrial tachyarrhythmias encompassing atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation or atrial tachycardia (心动过缓-心动过速综合征: 心动过缓与房性快速性心律失常交替 发作,后者包括心房扑动、心房颤动或房性心动过速)。 ● Management(治疗): ○When symptoms are manifested, treatment generally involves permanent pacemaker implantation(有症状的病窦患者,应接受起搏器治疗) ; ○Pacing for the bradycardia combined with drug therapy to treat the tachycardia is required in patients with bradycardia- tachycardia syndrome Premature beats(过早搏动) ● Site of premature impulse(早搏起源部位): Atrial,junction and ventricular premature (房、结、室性早搏,结早少见)。 ● Coupling interval(配对间期):Fully compensatory 、not fully compensatory pause(代偿完全、代偿不完全)。 ● Monofocal、multifocal(单源和多源)。 Atria premature beats(房性过早搏动) ● Electrocardiography(心电图检查) ○Premature P’ wave different from sinus P wave(提前出现与窦性 P 波不同 P’波); ○P-R intrval exceeding 0.12s (P-R 间期≥0.12s); ○Supraventricular QRS complex (QRS 通常为室上性); ○Not fully compensatory pause(代偿间隙不完全)。 ● Clinical significance(临床意义) ○Occurs in 60% of healthy adults(正常成人 60% 可发生房性早搏) ; ○Occurs in every kind of organic heart diseases; presage the occurrence of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (各种器质性心脏病均可发生房性早搏,可能 为快速性房性心律失常的先兆) 。 ● Management(治疗):○Atrial premature beats generally do not require treatment(房性早搏通常无需治疗); ○In symptomatic patients, treatment with a β-blocker, a calcium antagonist or digitalis can be tried (症状明显或触发快速性房性心律失常时,可 试用β受体阻滞剂,钙阻滞剂或洋地黄治疗)。 Ventricular premature beats(室性过早搏动) ● Electrocardiography(心电图): ○A premature QRS complex which is bizarre in shape and has a duration exceeding 0.12s, with a large and opposite T wave (提前出现宽大畸形的 QRS
重庆医科大半床半院载未讲满 波,QRS波时限>0.12s,T波倒置 ONo premature P wave preceding QRS complex(QRS波前面无提前的P波). OFully compensatory pause(代偿完全). Clinical significance (临床意义) ○Most common arrhythmia(最常见的心律失常): OMay occur in healthy persons and patients with every kind of heart disease (正常人和各种心脏病均可出现室性早搏): ODigitalis intoxication、hypokalemia(洋地黄中毒、低血钾)。 ●Management(治疗) Ofor patients with no organic heart disease no need to receive dug therapy 天器质性心时病者, 予解释,无需药物治疗): OFor patients with acu rdial infarctio not advisable to usedr n,but B blocker is advisable(急性心肌梗 防用药,可B受体阻海剂: OChronic heart diseases:amiodarone, B blocker (慢性心脏病变:胺碘酮,B受体? 滞剂 Junctional premature beats(结性过早搏动) ●Electrocardiography(心电图): OPremature QRS complex which is supraventricular (提前出现QRS波,形态为室上性) ONegative P'wave Preceding QRS complex-P'-R<0.11s, amid ORS ORS :可出现在 QRS中,也可在QRS后, ory pause(代偿完全)。 ●Management(治疗): See atrial premature beats(见房性早搏)。 Paroxysma/supraventricular tachycardia(阵发性室上性心动过速) ●Etiology(病因): OUsually no structural heart disease(通常无器质性心脏病)为 OMainly cause by preexcitation syndrome and AV nodal reentry tachycardia(最常见由预激综合征和房室结双径路引起)。 ●Clinical features(临床表现): OSudden onset and termination(突发、突止); OPalpitation,chest distress,occasional syncope or shock (心悸、胸闷,偶有晕厥、休克 OAbsolutely regular rhythm and regular intensity of the first heart sound (心音绝对整齐,心音强弱一致)。 raphy(心电图) wave ,(P波不易辨认): 160-250 beats/min(QRs为室上性、节律整齐,频率160-250次/分)。 ●Management(治疗) OTerminating the attack(终止发作): ◆Vagal maneuvers(兴奋迷走神经): ◇Stimulating throat(刺激咽喉部):◇Valsalva maneuvers(Valsalva氏 作1. ◇Carotid sinus massage(颈动脉窦按摩):◇Pressing eyeball(压迫眼球) 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 7 波,QRS 波时限> 0.12 s,T波倒置); ○No premature P wave preceding QRS complex(QRS 波前面无提前的P波)。 ○Fully compensatory pause (代偿完全)。 ● Clinical significance(临床意义): ○Most common arrhythmia(最常见的心律失常); ○May occur in healthy persons and patients with every kind of heart disease (正常人和各种心脏病均可出现室性早搏); ○Digitalis intoxication、 hypokalemia(洋地黄中毒、低血钾)。 ● Management(治疗): ○For patients with no organic heart disease, no need to receive dug therapy (无器质性心脏病者,予解释,无需药物治疗); ○For patients with acute myocardial infarction,not advisable to use drugs for preventing ventricular fibrillation,but β blocker is advisable(急性心肌梗 死患者,不主张预防用药,可β受体阻滞剂); ○Chronic heart diseases:amiodarone, β blocker (慢性心脏病变:胺碘酮,β受体阻滞剂)。 Junctional premature beats(结性过早搏动) ● Electrocardiography(心电图): ○Premature QRS complex which is supraventricular (提前出现 QRS 波,形态为室 上性) ○NegativeP` wave :Preceding QRS complex—P`-R< 0.11s, amid QRS complex or following QRS complex— R-P` < 0.20 s(逆行P`波:可出现在 QRS 前,则逆P`-R< 0.11s,可在 QRS 中,也可在 QRS 后,则R-P` < 0.20 s); ○Fully compensatory pause(代偿完全)。 ●Management(治疗): See atrial premature beats(见房性早搏)。 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(阵发性室上性心动过速) ● Etiology(病因): ○Usually no structural heart disease(通常无器质性心脏病); ○Mainly caused by preexcitation syndrome and AV nodal reentry tachycardia(最常见由预激综合征和房室结双径路引起)。 ● Clinical features(临床表现): ○Sudden onset and termination(突发、突止); ○Palpitation,chest distress,occasional syncope or shock (心悸、胸闷,偶有晕厥、休克); ○Absolutely regular rhythm and regular intensity of the first heart sound (心音绝对整齐,心音强弱一致)。 ● Electrocardiography(心电图): ○No noticeable P wave (P 波不易辨认); ○Supraventricular QRS complex with a regular rhythm and at rates between 160-250 beats/min(QRS 为室上性、节律整齐,频率 160-250 次/分)。 ● Management(治疗): ○Terminating the attack(终止发作): ◆ Vagal maneuvers(兴奋迷走神经): ◇ Stimulating throat(刺激咽喉部);◇ Valsalva maneuvers (Valsalva 氏动 作); ◇ Carotid sinus massage(颈动脉窦按摩);◇ Pressing eyeball(压迫眼球)
重庆医科大学临床半院表案讲滴 ◆Drug therapy(药物治疗):◇Verapamil(维拉帕米),◇Propafenone(心律平): ◇Adei (ATP);◇Cedilanid(西地兰):◇Amidarone(胺碘酮) 令现酒红流电复特 O Prevention of recurrences(预防发作): ◆Amidarone(胺狼酮): Radiofrequeny ablatio 一-radical operation(射频消融-根治性手术)。 Paraxysma vontricular tachycardia(室心动过速) ●Etiology(病因): OOccurs in patients with every kind of structural heart disease (见于各种器质性心脏病患者): OOccasionally occurs in persons without structural heart disease (偶见于无器质性心脏病者)。 ○Drug intoxication-digitalis(药物中毒:如洋地黄)。 ●Electro小vte imbalance:hypokalemia(电解质斋乱:如低血钾). OStimulant:heart on anesthesia, heart 道心脏手术麻醉心导管检查等 catheterization ●features 临床表现): May cause o,such as hypotension syncope,dyspnea,angina pectoris,shock or Adams-Stroke syndrome 速可引起严重血流动力学反应:低血压、晕厥、呼吸困难、心绞痛、休克、阿 综合征) Features on auscultation(听诊特点: ◆May have irregular rhythm(心律可不规则): ◆At rates between100-250 beats/min(频率100-250次/分): ●Mav vary in the intensity of the first sound 音强弱有变化) (心电图): OOccurrence of a series of three or more consecutive premature ventricular complexes(3个或以上室性早搏连续出现): OBizarrely shaped QRS complex whose duration exceeds 0.12s,with T wave pointing opposite to the major QRS(QRS波群形态畸形,时限超过O.12s,T 波与主波反向): O At rates between100-250 beats/min(心室率100-250次/分,可略不规则) OAtrioventricular dissociation which means P wave is not related to QRS complex(P波与QRS无关系,称室房分离) ure beats and fusion beats(心室夺获与室性融合波 ●Management(治) OTerminating onset(终止发作): ◆Lidocaine(利多卡因):◆Amiodarone(胺碘酮) ◆DC cardioversion(直流电复律). Atrial flutter(心房扑动) ●Etiology(病因)y (可发 Usually occurs in patients with rheumatic heart diseasecoronary heart disease or cardiomyopathy(可见于心脏病如风湿性心脏病、冠心病、扩张性心 肌病等): 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 8 ◆ Drug therapy(药物治疗):◇Verapamil(维拉帕米);◇Propafenone(心律 平); ◇Adenosine( A.T.P );◇Cedilanid(西地兰);◇Amidarone(胺碘酮)。 ◆食道调搏超速抑制. ◆ DC cardioversion(直流电复律)。 ○ Prevention of recurrences(预防发作): ◆Amidarone(胺碘酮); ◆Radiofrequency ablation—radical operation(射频消融—根治性手术)。 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia(室性心动过速) ● Etiology(病因): ○Occurs in patients with every kind of structural heart disease (见于各种器质性心脏病患者); ○Occasionally occurs in persons without structural heart disease (偶见于无器质性心脏病者)。 ○Drug intoxication-digitalis(药物中毒:如洋地黄)。 ○Electrolyte imbalance:hypokalemia (电解质紊乱:如低血钾)。 ○Stimulant:heart operation,anesthesia, heart catheterization (刺激:心脏手术,麻醉,心导管检查等)。 ● Clinical features(临床表现): ○May cause serious hemodynamics responses,such as hypotension , syncope,dyspnea,angina pectoris,shock or Adams-Stroke syndrome(室 速可引起严重血 流动力学反应:低血压、晕厥、呼吸困难、心绞痛、休克、阿- 斯综合征)。 ○ Features on auscultation(听诊特点): ◆ May have irregular rhythm(心律可不规则); ◆ At rates between 100-250 beats/min(频率 100-250 次/分); ◆ May vary in the intensity of the first sound(第一音强弱有变化)。 ● Electrocardiography (心电图): ○Occurrence of a series of three or more consecutive premature ventricular complexes ( 3 个或以上室性早搏连续出现); ○Bizarrely shaped QRS complex whose duration exceeds 0.12s,with T wave pointing opposite to the major QRS(QRS 波群形态畸形,时限超过 0.12s, T 波与主波反向 ); ○ At rates between 100-250beats/min(心室率 100-250 次/分,可略不规则); ○Atrioventricular dissociation which means P wave is not related to QRS complex (P 波与 QRS 无关系,称室房分离); ○ Capture beats and fusion beats( 心室夺获与室性融合波). ● Management(治疗): ○Terminating onset(终止发作): ◆ Lidocaine(利多卡因);◆ Amiodarone(胺碘酮) ◆ DC cardioversion(直流电复律)。 Atrial flutter(心房扑动) ● Etiology(病因): ○ May occur in patients without structural heart disease (可发生在无器质性心脏病患者); ○ Usually occurs in patients with rheumatic heart disease、coronary heart disease or cardiomyopathy(可见于心脏病如风湿性心脏病、冠心病、扩张性心 肌病等);
重庆医科大半床半院载未讲满 O Occurs as a result of atrial dilation such as mitral stenosis and mitral insufficiency(也见于引起左房扩大的情况如二尖排狭窄与关闭不全): O Inother n or pericarditis(其他:甲状 ●manife tation(临床表现 O Less common than atrial fibrillation(不如心房颤动多见): O Tends to be unstable:reverting to sinus rhythm or degenerating into atrial fibrillation(有不稳定倾向,可恢复为密性或讲展为心房额动) O No symptom if ventricular response is not fast(心室率不快时可无症状): O May induce angina or heart failure(心室率快时可诱发心绞痛或心力衰竭) O May have sity if the ratio ofA-V conduction varies 心音强度亦变化) ●Electrocardiography(心电图 Regular flutter wave called F:same contour,size and amplitude 大小、振幅均规则的锯齿形扑动波,称F波): Frequency ofF wave:250-300 beats/min(F波频率250-300次W分): O Rate of A-V conduction is the determinant for regular or irregular R-R intervals(心室率规则与否取决于房室传导比例)。 ●Management(治疗): OPrimarily be directed to the underlying disease(针对原发病): OSlow y (减慢心室率, ist such mil、diltiazem ythm amiodaroe,转复美维货确电z建 O Radical cure:Radiofrequency ablation(根治:射频消融)。 名四心》 o may occur in healthy persons when excited,post-operation or acute alcoho intoxication(可见于正常人激动、手求后、 急性酒结中时): O Occur in a variety of cardiova cular diseases such disease coro ary heart pulmonary disease hypertensive disease.cardiomyopath 冠心病、甲亢性心脏病、肺源性心脏病、高血压性心脏病 Isolated atrial fibrillation-no structural heart disease(无心脏病时称孤立性房 ●Clinical manifestation(临床表现: OCan be divided into paroxysmal,continuous or permanent atrial fibrillation (可分为阵发性、持续性、永久性): OThe degree of symptom is determined by the ventricular response(心室率快慢 决定症状程度): OCause about 30%less stroke volume because of chaotic atrial contraction (因失去心房有效收缩,故心排血量减少约30%);OSystemic emboli(易发生体循 环拴寒) ●Clinical manifestation(临床表现)Three obvious features on auscultation variation in the intensity of the first heart sound,irregular ventricular hythm,pulse deficit(心脏听诊三不等:第一心音强弱不等、心律绝对不齐 脉搏短绌)。 ●Electrocardiography(心电图: 制表时间:2006年1月
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 9 ○ Occurs as a result of atrial dilation such as mitral stenosis and mitral insufficiency(也见于引起左房扩大的情况如二尖瓣狭窄与关闭不全); ○ In other causes:hyperthyroidism, alcoholism or pericarditis(其他:甲状 腺机能亢进、酒精中毒、心包炎等)。 ● Clinical manifestation(临床表现): ○ Less common than atrial fibrillation(不如心房颤动多见); ○ Tends to be unstable:reverting to sinus rhythm or degenerating into atrial fibrillation(有不稳定倾向,可恢复为窦性或进展为心房颤动) ○ No symptom if ventricular response is not fast(心室率不快时可无症状); ○ May induce angina or heart failure(心室率快时可诱发心绞痛或心力衰竭); ○ May have varied intensity of S1 if the ratio of A-V conduction varies (当房室传导比例发生变动时,第一心音强度亦变化) ● Electrocardiography (心电图): ○ Regular flutter wave called F :same contour,size and amplitude (形态、 大小、振幅均规则的锯齿形扑动波,称 F 波 ); ○ Frequency of F wave:250- 300 beats/min ( F 波频率 250-300 次/分); ○ Rate of A-V conduction is the determinant for regular or irregular R-R intervals(心室率规则与否取决于房室传导比例)。 ● Management (治疗): ○Primarily be directed to the underlying disease (针对原发病); ○Slow ventricular response:calcium antagonist such as verapamil、diltiazem、 digitalis(减慢心室率:钙阻滞剂如维拉帕米、硫氮卓酮,洋地黄); ○Revert rhythm:amiodarone,electrical defibrillation(转复窦律:胺碘酮、电复律); ○ Radical cure: Radiofrequency ablation (根治:射频消融 )。 Atrial fibrillation (心房颤动) ● Etiology (病因): ○ May occur in healthy persons when excited、post- operation or acute alcohol intoxication(可见于正常人激动、手术后、急性酒精中毒时); ○ Occur in a variety of cardiovascular diseases such as rheumatic heart disease、coronary heart disease、hyperthyroidism、chronic pulmonary disease、 hypertensive disease、cardiomyopathies and constrictive pericarditis(心血管 疾病如风湿性心脏病、 冠心病、甲亢性心脏病、肺源性心脏病、高血压性心脏病、 心肌病、缩窄性心包炎等); ○ Isolated atrial fibrillation— no structural heart disease(无心脏病时称孤立性房 颤)。 ● Clinical manifestation (临床表现): ○Can be divided into paroxysmal、continuous or permanent atrial fibrillation (可分为阵发性、持续性、永久性); ○The degree of symptom is determined by the ventricular response (心室率快慢 决定症状程度); ○Cause about 30% less stroke volume because of chaotic atrial contraction (因失去心房有效收缩,故心排血量减少约 30%);○Systemic emboli (易发生体循 环栓塞)。 ● Clinical manifestation (临床表现): Three obvious features on auscultation: variation in the intensity of the first heart sound,irregular ventricular rhythm, pulse deficit(心脏听诊“三不等”:第一心音强弱不等、心律绝对不齐、 脉搏短绌)。 ● Electrocardiography (心电图):
重庆医科大学脑床半院教来讲滴 ONo P wave. fibrillatory waves which are different in contours,size and P波消失代以形 态、大小、时距不等的f波动波),频率350-600次/分); OIrregular ventricular rhythm(心室率不规则):○Supraventricular ORS complex(ORs为室上性) ●Management(治疗): O See atrial flutter(参见心房扑动):O Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy(抗凝、抗血小板治疗) O Radiofre ncy ablation(射频消融术) arb1o0k,A阳(房室传导滞 ●Concepts(概念): O Impulse is abnormally delayed or blocked during the conduction between the atria and ventricles(指冲动在房室传导过程中被异常的延迟或阻滞): O The block can occur in theAV node,His bundle or bundle branches (阻滞可发现在房室结、希氏束或束支等不同部位)。 O The conduction disturbance is classified by severity in three categories:first degree av block- conduction is delayed but all atrial impulses are conducted. s of atrial i Third e es are n t co eted at all 动能全部传不同, 为 起。I度AVB. 全部不能下传,称完全性AB) 廊分下传分阳 Etiology (病因 OIncrease in al t First o or type I second degree AVB in healthy person 迷走张力过高:正常 ,运动员可-HⅡ度 型AVB) diseases(各种器质性心脏病): OIntoxication:digitalis, B-blocker and other antiarrhythmias(药物中毒:洋 地黄,B-阻滞剂及其他抗心律失常药物): OElectrolyte disturbance:hypokalemia(电解质紊乱:高血钾): OPrimary conduction bundle degeneration(原发性传导束退化症)。 First degree AV boc(1度房室传导阻滞) Ele graphy(心电图) OP-R interval exceeds0.20s(p-R间期>0.20s): O Every atrial impulse conducts to the ventricles(每个P波均能下传到心室), Second degree AV b1ock(W度房室传导阻滞) ●Electrocard iography O Tyne I se nd degree AvB Progressive p-R prolongati culminating in a nconducted p wave the site of block OTpeⅡsecond degree AVB(Ⅱ度型AVB: Anatrial im ulse can not conduct to the ventricles abruptly Constant P.R erva OAtria and ventricles are controlled by independent pacemakers(心房与心室话 动各自独立,互不相关): OThe rate of atria is faster than that of ventricles(心房率>心室率): OThe ventricular focus is usually located just below the region of block (心室起搏点通常在阻滞部位稍下方)。 ●Management(治疗): 制表时间:2006年1月 10
重庆医科大学临床学院教案讲稿 制表时间:2006 年 1 月 10 ○No P wave, fibrillatory waves which are different in contours,size and amplitude,their frequencies are between 350-600 beats/min( P 波消失代以形 态、大小、时距不等的 f 波(颤动波),频率 350-600 次/分); ○Irregular ventricular rhythm (心室率不规则); ○Supraventricular QRS complex ( QRS 为室上性)。 ● Management (治疗): ○ See atrial flutter (参见心房扑动 );○ Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy(抗凝、抗血小板治疗) ; ○ Radiofrequency ablation (射频消融术)。 Atrioventricular block,AVB (房室传导阻滞) ● Concepts (概念): ○ Impulse is abnormally delayed or blocked during the conduction between the atria and ventricles(指冲动在房室传导过程中被异常的延迟或阻滞); ○ The block can occur in the AV node,His bundle or bundle branches (阻滞可发现在房室结、希氏束或束支等不同部位)。 ○ The conduction disturbance is classified by severity in three categories:first degree AV block — conduction is delayed but all atrial impulses are conducted; Second degree AV block — parts of atrial impulses are conducted;Third degree AV block — atrial impulses are not counducted at all to the ventricles (根据阻滞程度不同,可分为 I, II, III 度:I 度 AVB: 指传 导时间延迟,心房激动能全部传导下来。II 度 AVB: 部分下传,部分阻滞形成脱 漏。III 度 AVB: 全部不能下传,称完全性 AVB)。 ● Etiology (病因): ○Increase in vagal tone: First or type I second degree AVB in healthy persons or athletes(迷走张力过高:正常人、运动员可 I-II 度Ⅰ型 AVB); ○Every kind of structural heart diseases(各种器质性心脏病); ○Intoxication:digitalis, β-blocker and other antiarrhythmias(药物中毒:洋 地黄,β-阻滞剂及其他抗心律失常药物) ; ○Electrolyte disturbance:hypokalemia(电解质紊乱:高血钾 ); ○Primary conduction bundle degeneration(原发性传导束退化症) 。 First degree AV block (I 度房室传导阻滞) ● Electrocardiography (心电图): ○ P-R interval exceeds 0.20s ( P-R 间期 > 0.20s ); ○ Every atrial impulse conducts to the ventricles(每个 P 波均能下传到心室)。 Second degree AV block(Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞) ● Electrocardiography ○ Type Ⅰ second degree AVB :Progressive P-R prolongation culminating in a nonconducted P wave; atrioventricular node — the site of block ○ Type Ⅱ second degree AVB ( Ⅱ度Ⅱ 型 AVB): An atrial impulse can not conduct to the ventricles abruptly; Constant P-R interval。 Third degree AV block(Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞) ● Electrocardiography ○Atria and ventricles are controlled by independent pacemakers(心房与心室活 动各自独立,互不相关); ○The rate of atria is faster than that of ventricles(心房率 > 心室率); ○The ventricular focus is usually located just below the region of block (心室起搏点通常在阻滞部位稍下方)。 ● Management(治疗):