第十三章 粉体学基
第一节概述 Question: Could you give me example of micromeritics which you have learned of,containing preparation and operation ·Liquid preparation Solid preparation. Semi-solid preparation
Question: Could you give me example of micromeritics which you have learned of , containing preparation and operation ? • Liquid preparation . • Solid preparation. • Semi-solid preparation. 第一节 概 述
硫酸钡混悬剂,是优良的胃肠道 造影剂。硫酸钡的比重大,虽然其质 点不是球形,但在介质中的沉降基本 上服从Stokes定律。常采用减小硫酸钡 质点粒径的方法来提高混悬剂的物理 稳定性
硫酸钡混悬剂,是优良的胃肠道 造影剂。硫酸钡的比重大,虽然其质 点不是球形,但在介质中的沉降基本 上服从Stokes定律。常采用减小硫酸钡 质点粒径的方法来提高混悬剂的物理 稳定性
Compare powders with granules Powders:一种或数种药物均匀混合而成的 粉末状制剂。 Granules:将药物与适宜的辅料混合而成的 颗粒状制剂。 Some Characteristics of powders:粒径小、比 表面积大等 Some characteristic of granules:飞散性、附着性 团聚性、吸湿性等均较powders.小
Compare powders with granules Powders: 一种或数种药物均匀混合而成的 粉末状制剂。 Granules: 将药物与适宜的辅料混合而成的 颗粒状制剂。 Some Characteristics of powders : 粒径小、比 表面积大等 Some characteristic of granules: 飞散性、附着性、 团聚性、吸湿性等均较powders小
对于供压片的颗粒,若粒度大, 粒度分布不均匀,则引起颗粒填模不 均匀、片重差异大,并使冲头压力分 布不均匀、片剂硬度差、容易裂片。 若粒度小、粒度分布均匀的质点具有 较大的比表面,则片剂的可压性好、 硬度大、片重差异小
对于供压片的颗粒,若粒度大, 粒度分布不均匀,则引起颗粒填模不 均匀、片重差异大,并使冲头压力分 布不均匀、片剂硬度差、容易裂片。 若粒度小、粒度分布均匀的质点具有 较大的比表面,则片剂的可压性好、 硬度大、片重差异小
对混悬于基质中的药物,其粒度 能影响药物的释放、溶解和吸收。 般粒度小,易溶解、 吸收也快。如阿 司匹林在栓剂中,粒度大者吸收差 小者吸收好
对混悬于基质中的药物,其粒度 能影响药物的释放、溶解和吸收。一 般粒度小,易溶解、吸收也快。如阿 司匹林在栓剂中,粒度大者吸收差, 小者吸收好
How much do you know about micromeritics, such as how to learn its size,how to describe its shape ,as well as how to associate character of micromeritics with preparation technology,and so on Are you interested in these questions After studying this chapter,you will get understood
How much do you know about micromeritics, such as how to learn its size, how to describe its shape ,as well as how to associate character of micromeritics with preparation technology, and so on ? Are you interested in these questions ? After studying this chapter,you will get understood
The more you think the more you will learn and the more progress you will make in future Try your best to think to learn and to improve yourself during your study
The more you think , the more you will learn , and the more progress you will make in future . Try your best to think , to learn and to improve yourself during your study
1.Micromeritics(粉体学) 是研究粉体的基本性质及其应用的科学 无数个固体粒子集合体总称 粉体运动的最小单元 粒径大于100m粒径小于100μm 粒 级粒子 二级粒子(引力絮凝物、黏合剂聚结物)
1.Micromeritics (粉体学) 是研究粉体的基本性质及其应用的科学 无数个固体粒子集合体总称 粉体运动的最小单元 粒径大于100µm 粒径小于100µm 粒 粉 一级粒子 二级粒子(引力絮凝物、黏合剂聚结物)
2.固体粒子的特点 固气分散系,大小和形状各异的固体质 点分散在空气中 ·具有流动性:流化床干燥 •具有压缩性:颗粒压片 ·固体抗变形能力:裂片
2. 固体粒子的特点 • 固气分散系,大小和形状各异的固体质 点分散在空气中 •具有流动性:流化床干燥 •具有压缩性 : 颗粒压片 •固体抗变形能力:裂片