The Workbook of EC Translation Theory and Practice
0 The Workbook of EC Translation Theory and Practice
Lecture One Questions for discussion: 1.How many climaxes are there in China's translation history?What are they? 2.Name some major contributions translation has made in different periods. 3.How many stages can Western translation history be generally divided into?What are they? 4.Name some major schools of translation theory in modern Western Europe and America and their viewpoints. Books you need to get as reference books 1.包惠南。文化语境与语言翻译。北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001 2。陈福康。中国译学理论史稿。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996 3.刘宓庆.当代翻译理论。北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999 4.马祖毅。中国翻译简史.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,200 5。谭载喜.西方翻译简史.北京:商务印书馆,1991 6。王克非。翻译文化史论。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000 7.陆谷孙.英汉大词典(第2版)·上海:上海译文出版社,2007 8。汉英词典(修订版缩印本).北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997第1版,2004年4月第 16次印刷 1
1 Lecture One Questions for discussion: 1. How many climaxes are there in China’s translation history? What are they? 2. Name some major contributions translation has made in different periods. 3. How many stages can Western translation history be generally divided into? What are they? 4. Name some major schools of translation theory in modern Western Europe and America and their viewpoints. Books you need to get as reference books: 1. 包惠南. 文化语境与语言翻译. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001 2. 陈福康. 中国译学理论史稿. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1996 3. 刘宓庆. 当代翻译理论. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 1999 4. 马祖毅. 中国翻译简史. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001 5. 谭载喜. 西方翻译简史. 北京: 商务印书馆, 1991 6. 王克非. 翻译文化史论. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2000 7. 陆谷孙. 英汉大词典(第2版). 上海: 上海译文出版社, 2007 8. 汉英词典(修订版缩印本). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1997第1版,2004年4月第 16次印刷
Lecture Two Examples used in the lecture 1.She pricked up her overcoat collar and then put her hands into her pockets. 2.People in this village all like to send their children to that school. 3.He died of illness ina British hospital inJan.1.1988. 4.匪军所至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极 5.He went over on a troop ship in the fall of 1944-sick as a dog all the way-and in May of'45,the Nazis quit.Later that summer,he was in California,about to be reassigned to the Pacific war,but when the Japanese heard that Sgt Ben Abel as on his way westward,they surrendered,too 原译:他1944年秋天乘一艘军舰走了一一一路上病得很厉害一一到1945年5月, 纳粹投降了。同年夏天,他在加利福尼亚,正要被派去参加太平洋战争。但日本 人听说本·埃贝尔中士正在西进的路上,他们也投降了。 6.Ray Hammond,in his excellent guide THE WRITER AND THE WORD PROCESSOR. predicts that over half the professional writers in Britain and the USA will be using word processors by the end of 1985.The best-known recruit is Len Deighton,from as longa as1968.though most users have only started since the microcomputer boom began in 1980. a thick book:a thick rod,a thick man,a thick head of hair,thick weather,be thick with somebody,alittle too thick:through thick and thin a well-behaved girl;a well-written poem; good eggs,good chess player:good wife 7.The well-paved road passes rows of clean,modern houses,set among trees. 8.There I was at once surrounded by all the other patients With curiosity in their eyes,they asked me all kinds of questions. 9.Why did you set the wolfto keep the sheep? 10.She has many hot potatoes to handle every day. 2
2 Lecture Two Examples used in the lecture 1. She pricked up her overcoat collar and then put her hands into her pockets. 2. People in this village all like to send their children to that school. 3. He died of illness in a British hospital in Jan. 12, 1988. 4. 匪军所至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极。 5. He went over on a troop ship in the fall of 1944 — sick as a dog all the way — and in May of ’45, the Nazis quit. Later that summer, he was in California, about to be reassigned to the Pacific war, but when the Japanese heard that Sgt.Ben Abel was on his way westward, they surrendered, too. 原译:他 1944 年秋天乘一艘军舰走了——一路上病得很厉害——到 1945 年 5 月, 纳粹投降了。同年夏天,他在加利福尼亚,正要被派去参加太平洋战争。但日本 人听说本·埃贝尔中士正在西进的路上,他们也投降了。 6. Ray Hammond, in his excellent guide THE WRITER AND THE WORD PROCESSOR, predicts that over half the professional writers in Britain and the USA will be using word processors by the end of 1985. The best-known recruit is Len Deighton, from as long ago as 1968, though most users have only started since the microcomputer boom began in 1980. a thick book; a thick rod; a thick man; a thick head of hair; thick weather; be thick with somebody; a little too thick; through thick and thin a well-behaved girl; a well-written poem; good eggs; good chess player; good wife 7. The well-paved road passes rows of clean, modern houses, set among trees. 8. There I was at once surrounded by all the other patients. With curiosity in their eyes, they asked me all kinds of questions. 9. Why did you set the wolf to keep the sheep? 10. She has many hot potatoes to handle every day
11.He has enough money to burn. 12.We all missed him,but we wish him a long and happy retirement. 13.Instead of saying is their custom to returnevery favor with a favor of their own and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness They do their thanks. 原译:他们并非不懂得致谢。投之以桃,报之以李,滴水之恩当酒泉相报。他们用 自己的方式回报他们所受到的恩惠,他们的习俗就是十倍,甚至百倍地回报他们所 得到的一切。 14.But there in front of him was Marley's face,white and ghostly,with terrible staring eyes 原译:但呈现在他面前的是马利的脸,惨白似鬼一般,还有一双怒目圆睁的恐怖的 眼睛。 15.Then when Elizabeth looked again at Darey's comments on her family's behavior,her sense of shame was very great,and she could not deny the justice of his words. 原译:(伊丽莎白在读达西的信)接着伊丽莎白再看达西对自己家人行为的评述,更 加羞辱不堪。她不能否认他说得公正。 16.It was reported that food supplies would soon run out and most of the victims of the earthquake would starve to death.At huge risk,a group of volunteers from the Red Cross took on the mission to transport food clothes and medicine to the most seriously hit areas. 原译:报道称食物储备将要耗尽,大多数地震的受害者会饿死。一组来自红十字会 的自愿者骨者极大的危险承担将食物、衣物和医药运送到隐藏最深地区的任务。 17.The rich and the powerful separated themselves from the of industria growth by moving away the factory areas to the more tranquil and less polluted countryside. 原译:有权有钱的人为避开工业发展的影响,从工业区搬到安静又污染较少的郊区 居住。 18.The controversy surrounding the effects of modern farming methods on the rural landscape has created bitter conflict between farming and environmental interests in recent years. 原译:最近几年来,围绕着农村中现代农业影响的争论引起了农业和环境之间的矛 盾
3 11. He has enough money to burn. 12. We all missed him, but we wish him a long and happy retirement. 13. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness. They do their thanks. 原译:他们并非不懂得致谢。投之以桃,报之以李,滴水之恩当涌泉相报。他们用 自己的方式回报他们所受到的恩惠,他们的习俗就是十倍,甚至百倍地回报他们所 得到的一切。 14. But there in front of him was Marley's face, white and ghostly, with terrible staring eyes. 原译:但呈现在他面前的是马利的脸,惨白似鬼一般,还有一双怒目圆睁的恐怖的 眼睛。 15. Then when Elizabeth looked again at Darcy's comments on her family's behavior, her sense of shame was very great, and she could not deny the justice of his words. 原译:(伊丽莎白在读达西的信)接着伊丽莎白再看达西对自己家人行为的评述,更 加羞辱不堪。她不能否认他说得公正。 16. It was reported that food supplies would soon run out and most of the victims of the earthquake would starve to death. At huge risk, a group of volunteers from the Red Cross took on the mission to transport food, clothes and medicine to the most seriously hit areas. 原译:报道称食物储备将要耗尽,大多数地震的受害者会饿死。一组来自红十字会 的自愿者冒着极大的危险承担将食物、衣物和医药运送到隐藏最深地区的任务。 17. The rich and the powerful separated themselves from the consequences of industrial growth by moving away the factory areas to the more tranquil and less polluted countryside. 原译:有权有钱的人为避开工业发展的影响,从工业区搬到安静又污染较少的郊区 居住。 18. The controversy surrounding the effects of modern farming methods on the rural landscape has created bitter conflict between farming and environmental interests in recent years. 原译:最近几年来,围绕着农村中现代农业影响的争论引起了农业和环境之间的矛 盾
19.My mother lived to make life better not only for her family.but for everyone she knew. particularly those less fortunate than she.She took care of many homeless children in a motherly manner. 原译:我母亲不仅改善自己家庭的生活状况,还帮助她所认识的每一个人。她以 个母亲的方式照顾许多无家可归的孩子。 20.She picked up the receiver and,without so much as asking the caller to hold on,went off totell Jack that he was wanted on the phone. 原译:她拿起听筒,没有说声别挂,就离开说有人找杰克。 21.The demonstrators barricaded the streets with burning tyres and threw stones at the police who were trying to scatter them with water cannon 原译:游行者用燃烧的轮胎在街上设置路障,并向用高压水枪驱散他们的警察投掷 石块。 Questions for discussion 1.What are the key points made by School of Science and by School of Art on translation? 2.What are the characteristics of translation? 3.Why should there be criteria of translation? 4.What requisites a translator should at least possess? Exercise 1 Correct the Versions given below according to your understanding of the original: 1.New Delhi,built by the British early last century,calls up memories of a different era with its wide avenues,beautiful gardens and grand buildings. 原译:上个世纪由英国人建造的新德里城总是让人回忆起那个时代的宽阔的林荫道、 美丽的花园和宏伟的大楼。 2.The shock of an accidentor a physical injury may sometimes cause immediate inability to think clearly-even when the injury is not to the head. 原译:事故的影响或者是身体受伤有时可能造成当时不能仔细思考,即使有时伤口 不在头部。 3.To relax himself for a little while,he rose from a computer desk,walked across the room
4 19. My mother lived to make life better not only for her family, but for everyone she knew, particularly those less fortunate than she. She took care of many homeless children in a motherly manner. 原译:我母亲不仅改善自己家庭的生活状况,还帮助她所认识的每一个人。她以一 个母亲的方式照顾许多无家可归的孩子。 20. She picked up the receiver and, without so much as asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone. 原译:她拿起听筒,没有说声别挂,就离开说有人找杰克。 21. The demonstrators barricaded the streets with burning tyres and threw stones at the police who were trying to scatter them with water cannon. 原译:游行者用燃烧的轮胎在街上设置路障,并向用高压水枪驱散他们的警察投掷 石块。 Questions for discussion: 1. What are the key points made by School of Science and by School of Art on translation? 2. What are the characteristics of translation? 3. Why should there be criteria of translation? 4. What requisites a translator should at least possess? Exercise 1 Correct the Versions given below according to your understanding of the original: 1. New Delhi, built by the British early last century, calls up memories of a different era with its wide avenues, beautiful gardens and grand buildings. 原译:上个世纪由英国人建造的新德里城总是让人回忆起那个时代的宽阔的林荫道、 美丽的花园和宏伟的大楼。 2. The shock of an accident or a physical injury may sometimes cause immediate inability to think clearly — even when the injury is not to the head. 原译:事故的影响或者是身体受伤有时可能造成当时不能仔细思考,即使有时伤口 不在头部。 3. To relax himself for a little while, he rose from a computer desk, walked across the room
towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and sideways. 原译:为休总一下,他从电脑桌前站起来,穿过房间走到窗前举起双手侧了侧腰。 4.Approximately half a million people die in traffic accidents every year and it is amos always possible to trace the causes of a traffic accident back tosome form of human erro 原译:每年大约有50万人死于交通事故,而这些交通事故几乎都可以追溯到某种人 为因素。 5.Security can only be achieved through constant change,through discardingold ideas tha have outived their usefuness and adapting others tocurrent facts. 原译:只有通过经常地变化,抛弃那些陈旧的老观念,并且采纳适应新问题的新观 念才能实现安全。 6.Protectionand areonly valuable if they do not cramp life excessively 原译:保卫与安全只有对那些生活无拘无束的人才有价值。 7.To make a birthday card,you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines,paste themontoa piece of card and then writeyour messae inside. 原译:你可以简单地从杂志上剪下有趣或漂亮的图片,把它们粘在卡片上,写上字 就做成了生日卡片。 Exercise2 Translate the following passages 1.Four years later,Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany.He and his Nazis disliked intellectuals.They also hated Jews and began to attack them.There was no respect even for Albert Einstein,who only wanted to think of the problems beyond time and apace and politics He was expelled from the Academy of Sciences,his house was searched for weapons,he lost his job as a professor,all his property was seized;and finally his German citizenship was taken away.He became a man without a country. 2.Fleeing Germany,Einstein went first to France,then to Belgium,and then to England, there he received an invitation from the United States.The Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton,New Jersey,offered him a lifetime professorship.He accepted but asked so small a salary that to maintain its own standards the Institute had to raise it. 3.In 1955 Einstein's life ended peacefully at the age of seventy-six.But all men now live in a changed world because this simple man of genius gave of his intelligence and heart to his fellowman.He lived not to conquer or destroy,but to understand. 5
5 towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and sideways. 原译:为休息一下,他从电脑桌前站起来,穿过房间走到窗前举起双手侧了侧腰。 4. Approximately half a million people die in traffic accidents every year and it is almost always possible to trace the causes of a traffic accident back to some form of human error. 原译:每年大约有 50 万人死于交通事故,而这些交通事故几乎都可以追溯到某种人 为因素。 5. Security can only be achieved through constant change, through discarding old ideas that have outlived their usefulness and adapting others to current facts. 原译:只有通过经常地变化,抛弃那些陈旧的老观念,并且采纳适应新问题的新观 念才能实现安全。 6. Protection and security are only valuable if they do not cramp life excessively. 原译:保卫与安全只有对那些生活无拘无束的人才有价值。 7. To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, paste them onto a piece of card and then write your message inside. 原译:你可以简单地从杂志上剪下有趣或漂亮的图片,把它们粘在卡片上,写上字 就做成了生日卡片。 Exercise2 Translate the following passages: 1. Four years later, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. He and his Nazis disliked intellectuals. They also hated Jews and began to attack them. There was no respect even for Albert Einstein, who only wanted to think of the problems beyond time and apace and politics. He was expelled from the Academy of Sciences; his house was searched for weapons; he lost his job as a professor; all his property was seized; and finally his German citizenship was taken away. He became a man without a country. 2. Fleeing Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium, and then to England, there he received an invitation from the United States. The Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey, offered him a lifetime professorship. He accepted but asked so small a salary that to maintain its own standards the Institute had to raise it. 3. In 1955 Einstein's life ended peacefully at the age of seventy-six. But all men now live in a changed world because this simple man of genius gave of his intelligence and heart to his fellowman. He lived not to conquer or destroy, but to understand
Lecture Three Examples Used in Class 1. They told me that Professor Li would have been teaching here for thirty years by this winter 2.Blue's such a pretty color.Jim had always liked her in blue. 3 This one is better than that one 4.He had a strong dislike for the sentimental. 5. He is the last person for such ajob 6.I am much abroad in my guess. 7.Jordan cannot politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference. 8.今日来访,不巧未调。把由话留下,回头再联系」 9.昨日收到汇款,今早寄出货物。 或:汇款昨日收到,货物今早寄出。 10.这本辞典很有用。 11.The book on the table is mine 12.The man you saw just now is my father 13.He died na hospital in Beijing in19 14.His sympahy forthe Chines revolutionandhis friendship for theChinesepeopleand Edgar Snowmyenemies. 15.Look at the red and white roses in the garden,how beautiful they are. 16.Read the fifth and last paragraph of the text. 17.Bring me a cup of tea 18.It is necessary for us to finish the task in time 19.There seems to be nothing important here 20.有什么可笑的? 太生 23.他很固执,毫无变通的余地 24.The gate was opened,and the audience came crowding in. 25.It looks up our things and go hom 26.虽然我费尽口舌 但仍然说服不了他 27.即使你去了那里,也不会有什么结果 28.给我我也不要。 29.巧妇难为无米之炊。 30.The earlier,the better 31.The more you give,the more you will get. 32.We ought not to speak evil of others behind their back w shot from hiding sid e enemy headquarters 35.Such subtle flattery got him almost everything. 6
6 Lecture Three Examples Used in Class 1. They told me that Professor Li would have been teaching here for thirty years by this winter. 2. Blue's such a pretty color. Jim had always liked her in blue. 3. This one is better than that one. 4. He had a strong dislike for the sentimental. 5. He is the last person for such a job. 6. I am much abroad in my guess. 7. Jordan cannot politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference. 8. 今日来访,不巧未遇。把电话留下,回头再联系。 9. 昨日收到汇款,今早寄出货物。或:汇款昨日收到,货物今早寄出。 10. 这本辞典很有用。 11. The book on the table is mine. 12. The man you saw just now is my father. 13. He died in a hospital in Beijing in 1989. 14. His sympathy for the Chinese revolution and his friendship for the Chinese people gained Edgar Snow many enemies. 15. Look at the red and white roses in the garden, how beautiful they are. 16. Read the fifth and last paragraph of the text. 17. Bring me a cup of tea. 18. It is necessary for us to finish the task in time. 19. There seems to be nothing important here. 20. 有什么可笑的? 21. 哪里有水和空气,哪里就有生命。 22. 你能这样说真是太好了。 23. 他很固执,毫无变通的余地。 24. The gate was opened, and the audience came crowding in. 25. It looks like a storm, so lets gather up our things and go home. 26. 虽然我费尽口舌,但仍然说服不了他。 27. 即使你去了那里,也不会有什么结果。 28. 给我我也不要。 29. 巧妇难为无米之炊。 30. The earlier, the better. 31. The more you give, the more you will get. 32. We ought not to speak evil of others behind their back. 33. It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding. 34. A man of less courage would not have dared to work inside enemy headquarters. 35. Such subtle flattery got him almost everything
Exereises in Clas Translate the following by comparing the differences between the two languages: 1他度惫不堪,天气也越来载热,于是下决心一碰到舒话的阴凉处,就华下休泉」 2.但我的事现在己经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 3.What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality,power and range 4.A conference of developing countries and richer industrialized states was held in Washington attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poor areas of the world. 5.The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him. ry has never the place 7.A little flattery would set him carried away. 8.Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him. 由于他未能回答他们所问问题的一半,使得警察对他产生了怀疑。 警察问的问题他连一半也没答上,这使警察对他起了疑心。 9.The inability to satisfy those expectations will mean increased social tensions.especially where the regimes are already a byword for corruption and instability. 如果不能满足这些期望,那就意味者社会局势会越来越加紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动 荡己经成为政治的代名词的国家里。 不能满足这些期望 ,就意味者社会形势会越来越紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经成 为政权绰号的国家里。 10.Louise Wis symbolic of a growing and intense problem in the American society.The nation venerates youth,yet the proportion over sixty -five years of age is increasing For many of these older people,their declining years are with dignity.They have no function,they are sick. they are without money.Millions of them wear out the last days of their existence in small apartments in rooming nursing homes. 译文1:路易斯·W的境况典型地表明了美国社会中的一个日趋严重的问题。这个国家 只重视年轻人 而年过六十五岁的人口比例却在增大。对许多老年人来说,他们的晚 生活可谓贫辱交加(尊严渐失)。他们无事可做,疾病缠身,囊空如洗。数以百万计的 老年人在小公寓、小单间里或老年人收容所里消磨者风烛残年。 译文2:路易斯·W的状况对美国社会中日益严重而紧张的问题而言是具有象征性的 国家看得起青年,而年过六十五岁的人口比例却 在增大 对许 这类老年人来说,他们 的晚年没有尊严,他们没有起到他们的作用,他们是有病的,他们没有钱。他们成百万 地在小公寓、小单间或看护所里消磨其生存中的最后时日。 7
7 Exercises in Class Translate the following by comparing the differences between the two languages: 1. 他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热,于是下决心一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下休息。 2. 但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 3. What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range. 4. A conference of developing countries and richer industrialized states was held in Washington attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poor areas of the world. 5. The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him. 6. History has never been kind to the place. 7. A little flattery would set him carried away. 8. Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him. 由于他未能回答他们所问问题的一半,使得警察对他产生了怀疑。 警察问的问题他连一半也没答上,这使警察对他起了疑心。 9. The inability to satisfy those expectations will mean increased social tensions, especially where the regimes are already a byword for corruption and instability. 如果不能满足这些期望,那就意味着社会局势会越来越加紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动 荡已经成为政治的代名词的国家里。 不能满足这些期望,就意味着社会形势会越来越紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经成 为政权绰号的国家里。 10. Louise W is symbolic of a growing and intense problem in the American society. The nation venerates youth, yet the proportion over sixty-five years of age is increasing. For many of these older people, their declining years are with dignity. They have no function; they are sick; they are without money. Millions of them wear out the last days of their existence in small apartments, in rooming houses, in nursing homes. 译文1:路易斯·W的境况典型地表明了美国社会中的一个日趋严重的问题。这个国家 只重视年轻人,而年过六十五岁的人口比例却在增大。对许多老年人来说,他们的晚年 生活可谓贫辱交加(尊严渐失)。他们无事可做,疾病缠身,囊空如洗。数以百万计的 老年人在小公寓、小单间里或老年人收容所里消磨着风烛残年。 译文2:路易斯·W的状况对美国社会中日益严重而紧张的问题而言是具有象征性的。 国家看得起青年,而年过六十五岁的人口比例却在增大。对许多这类老年人来说,他们 的晚年没有尊严,他们没有起到他们的作用,他们是有病的,他们没有钱。他们成百万 地在小公寓、小单间或看护所里消磨其生存中的最后时日
Lecture Four 2.1 Value Concept(价值观念) 1.(卢嘉川“但是,你这些想法和做法,恐怕还是为了你个人吧?” 道静蕃地站了起来:“你说我是个人主义者?” 2.张寡妇一路上还是啼哭,咒骂打杀了炮她丈夫的强盗兵,咒骂断子绝孙的林老板,又 咒骂那个恶狗似的警察。 2.2 Estheti c Standards(审美观念) 1此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆, 换几件淡雅衣服,遽公孙举目细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭 2.中华大地 江河纵横 :华夏文化 源远流长 .轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩 船如海市蜃楼。两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼,连成一片的水晶宫,是仙境?是梦境?仰 视彩鸽翻飞,低眸漂灯流霓,焰火怒放,火树银花,灯舞回旋,千姿百态。 The divine land of China has its rivers flowing across,the brilliant culture of China has its roots tracing back long.The light-some dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the milk way.The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage.The splendent awnings in gen and gold chain into a palace of crystal.Is thisa fair -land or mere dream?Loo yo an see ful doves flying Looking belo ng lamps gl ng are the firework which present you a picture of fier y trees and silver flowers.Circling are the h01 ent you a variation of exquisite manne 3.江岸上彩楼林立 彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇 一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。千姿百老 的各式彩龙在江面上游弋,舒展着优美的身姿,有的摇头摆尾,风采爽奕:有的喷 火吐水,威风八面。 High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns.and bright banners stand out along the riverbanks.On the river itself gaily-decorated dragon-shaped boats await their challenge,displaying their individual charms to their hearts'content.One boat wags its ead and tail othe spits fire and sprays ate 2.3 Ways of Thinking(思维方式 2.3.1 Conerete vs.Abstract(具象思维对抽象思维) Wisdom prepares for the worst,but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes. 2.Out of his (Jefferson's)tremendous energy came inventions, ideas and new starts in every field of human endeavor. 3.He had surfaced with less visibility in the policy decisions. 4.枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家 古道西风瘦马 Mr.Xu Yuanchong's version wreathed with rotten vine fly evening crows Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows. 8
8 Lecture Four 2.1 Value Concept(价值观念) 1. (卢嘉川)“但是,你这些想法和做法,恐怕还是为了你个人吧?” 道静蓦地站了起来:“你说我是个人主义者?” 2. 张寡妇一路上还是啼哭,咒骂打杀了她丈夫的强盗兵,咒骂断子绝孙的林老板,又 咒骂那个恶狗似的警察。 2.2 Esthetic Standards(审美观念) 1. 此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换几件淡雅衣服,遽公孙举目细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭 月羞花之貌。 2. 中华大地,江河纵横;华夏文化,源远流长.轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩 船如海市蜃楼。两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼,连成一片的水晶宫,是仙境?是梦境?仰 视彩鸽翻飞,低眸漂灯流霓,焰火怒放,火树银花,灯舞回旋,千姿百态。 The divine land of China has its rivers flowing across; the brilliant culture of China has its roots tracing back long.The light-some dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the milk way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendent awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairy-land or a mere dream? Looking above, you can see the beautiful doves flying. Looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Cracking are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. Circling are the lantern-dancers, who present you a variation of exquisite manner. 3. 江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,呈现一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。千姿百态 的各式彩龙在江面上游弋,舒展着优美的身姿,有的摇头摆尾,风采奕奕;有的喷 火吐水,威风八面。 High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns, and bright banners stand out along the riverbanks. On the river itself, gaily-decorated dragon-shaped boats await their challenge, displaying their individual charms to their hearts’ content. One boat wags its head and tail; another spits fire and sprays water. 2.3 Ways of Thinking(思维方式) 2.3.1 Concrete vs. Abstract(具象思维对抽象思维) 1. Wisdom prepares for the worst; but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes. 2. Out of his (Jefferson’s) tremendous energy came inventions, books, new ideas and new starts in every field of human endeavor. 3. He had surfaced with less visibility in the policy decisions. 4. 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马, . Mr. Xu Yuanchong’s version: O’er old trees wreathed with rotten vine fly evening crows; ‘Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows;
On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes ass from the heat and glare of a big caver 6. Iwo high points of color appeared on the paleness of her cheeks 2.3.2Man-centered vs.Objeet-.centered(主体思维对客体思维) 7.His name escaped me(or:my memory)for the moment. 8.What's the matter with you? 9.An idea suddenly struck me 10. A strange peace came over her when she was alone 11.Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 12.As I lie awake in bed,listening to the sound of those razor sharp drops pounding on the pavement,my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks,and a chill from within fills me with dread. 我躺在床上 睡不着,听若雨点儿落在 啪啪作响。我恍惚进入了一条条幽 的甬道,想起许多痛苦的往事,真是思绪万干。我心里一阵悲凉,不禁感到毛骨快 然. 2.3.3 Ordinalvs.Conversed(顺向思维和逆向思维) 2.4 Other Differences in Culture 1敞人,下官,践内,小女,犬子,寒舍 .三叔,二大爷,大姑,四嫂,老舅,大舅姥爷,四姑父,表姐,堂妹 3 onone'sarsto keepone's head above water,be in the same boat with nthe 4.拔苗助长:青黄不接:瓜熟蒂落:不辨菽麦 5.dark horse;crocodile tears,an olive branch;sour grapes;the cat's paw,to wash hands; black humor:kill two birds with one stone:to be packed like sardines Exercise Translate the following paying attention to the differences between English and Chinese 1.From the moment we stepped into the People's Republic of China,care and kindnes surrounded us on every side. 2.Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 3. The thick carpet kiled the sound of my footsteps Not asound reached out ears 3. Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 6.The little chap's good-natured honest face won his way for him 7.There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems,more than transient everydaynes 8.In line with latest trends in fashion,a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity. 9.花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的 金银财宝。 9
9 On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes; . 5. You pass from the heat and glare of a big open square into a cool, dark cavern. 6. Two high points of color appeared on the paleness of her cheeks. 2.3.2 Man-centered vs. Object-centered(主体思维对客体思维) 7. His name escaped me (or: my memory ) for the moment. 8. What’s the matter with you? 9. An idea suddenly struck me. 10. A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 11. Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 12. As I lie awake in bed, listening to the sound of those razor sharp drops pounding on the pavement, my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks, and a chill from within fills me with dread. 我躺在床上,睡不着,听着雨点儿落在路面上啪啪作响。我恍惚进入了一条条幽暗 的甬道,想起许多痛苦的往事,真是思绪万千。我心里一阵悲凉,不禁感到毛骨悚 然。 2.3.3 Ordinal vs. Conversed(顺向思维和逆向思维) 2.4 Other Differences in Culture 1. 敝人,下官,贱内,小女,犬子,寒舍 2. 三叔,二大爷,大姑,四嫂,老舅,大舅姥爷,四姑父,表姐,堂妹 3. to rest on one’s oars; to keep one’s head above water; be in the same boat with; clean the deck; all at sea 4. 拔苗助长;青黄不接;瓜熟蒂落;不辨菽麦 5. dark horse; crocodile tears; an olive branch; sour grapes; the cat’s paw; to wash hands; black humor; kill two birds with one stone; to be packed like sardines Exercise Translate the following, paying attention to the differences between English and Chinese: 1. From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 2. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 3. The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 4. Not a sound reached out ears. 5. Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 6. The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him. 7. There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient everydayness. 8. In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity. 9. 花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的 金银财宝